19°8 Magnetoencephalography - Evidence of Magnetic Fields - Produced by Alpha-Rhylhm Currents

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Van Andel and 0. G. Shor, Jr., Eds.

(Ameri- following characteristics: intensity, 44,000

electrocardiography of any particular
can Association of Petroleum Geologists gammas (1 gamma = 10-5 oersted); inclina-
Memoir 3, 1964), p. 144; F. F. Wilson, J. heart may soon approach the maximum
tion, 47? down; declination, 100 east. The
Amer. Ass. Petrol. Geol. 32, 1762 (1949). geomagnetic time scale is taken from Cox allowed by this limitation. Because of
11.W. Hamilton, Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 72, et al. (8) and Doell and Dalrymple (19).
1307 (1961). 18. W. C. Pitman III and J. R. Heirtzler, Science this, measurements of the heart's mag-
12.E. C. Allison and R. 0. Gastil, personal 154, 1164 (1966).
commun-cation. 19. R. R. Doetl and G. B. Dalrymple, Ibid. 152, netic field can eventually serve the
13.W. R. Normark and J. R. Curray, Bull. 1060 (1966). auxiliary purpose of reducing this lim-
Geol. Soc. Amer., in press. 20. Shiptime supported by NSF blockfunding.
14. Research supported by ONR, Marine Physical itation.
N. L. Taliaferro, Calif. Div. Mines Bull. 118, In electroencephalography,
119 (1943). Lab (SlO), and the U. S. Navy Oceano- measurements of the brain's magnetic
15.M. L. Hill and T. W. Dibblee, Jr., Bull. graphic Office. During the past year, detailed
Geol. Soc. Amer. 64, 443 (1953). magnometer and especialy seismic profiling field may have a greater and more di-
16.T. E. Chase and H. W. Menard, Topographic surveys have been conducted up and down the rect use. The information extracted by
charts 3, 4A, 5, and 6 prepared for the length of the Gulf of California at the same
U.S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries (La time that we have been carrying out magneto- scalp potential measurements (the
Jolla, Calif., 1964). meter surveys at the mouth of the Gulf. These EEG) is far less than the allowed max-
17.The horizontal dimensions of the magnetic geophysical surveys by Moore and Buffington
block model are taken from Pitman and and our work are simultaneous, independent imum because of the anatomical, func-
Heirtzler (19). The top of the model is studies that reach similar conclusions based
placed 2.93 km (1640 fathoms) below sea on different bodies of data. All the authors tional, and electrical complexity of the
level. It is 1.7 km thick. The blocks are have thus requested publication of both source, for which no simple and ef-
assigned alternating effective susceptibilities
articles at the same time as we believe them
of + 0.01 emu cm-' oersted-1 except for the to be complementary.
fective model yet exists; the complexity
central block which is +0.02. The blocks were is increased by the presence of the skull,
S April 1968
then exposed to the ambient field with the
a relatively poor conductor. Hence mag-
netic measurements around the head
may supply fundamental information
needed simply to evolve an effective
Magnetoencephalography: Evidence of Mapetic Fields electrical model of the phenomena
Produced by Alpha-Rhylhm Currents i which give rise to the EEG.
In an attempt to detect fluctuating or
Abstract. Weak alternating magnetic fields outside~he human scalp, produced a-c magnetic fields from the brain, it
by alpha-rhythm currents, are demonstrated. Subject ard magnetic detector were makes sense to first use the alpha-
housed in a multilayer magnetically shielded chamber. Background magnetic rhythm currents. On instruction, the
noise was reduced by signal-averaging. The fields near the scalp are about 1 x subject can produce or remove them
10-' gauss (peak to peak). A course distribution shows left-right symmetry for by closing or opening his eyes; they
the particular averaging technique used here. yield some of the larger scalp poten-
tials, and they are contained in the rel-
Fluctuating magnetic fields around and nerve tissue. In electrocardiogra- atively narrow frequency band of 8 to
the human torso, produced by ion cur- phy, measurements of surface potential 13 hz, with small harmonics; this is
rents from the heart, have been de- yield informa4tkiu about the state of important because a narrower detector
tected (1, 2) and studied (3). I now heart muscles; the anatomical and elec- bandwidth means less detector noise,
present evidence for the existence of a trical situations are relatively simple in which the weak magnetic signal is
much smaller fluctuating magnetic field and well-understood, and the accepted buried. By using a simplified geometry
around the human head; the field is electrical model of the heart is adequate and formulas developed by Baule (5),
produced by the alpha-rhythm currents for many purposes. As techniques im- one can theoretically predict the alpha-
commonly seen on the electroencephal- prove, the information extracted with rhythm field several centimeters outside
ogram (EEG). The experiment, with
some improvements, was similar to that
for detecting the heart's magnetic field
(2,3); a subject with a sensitive mag-
netic detector near the field source,
in this case the head, was situated in-
side an enclosure which was heavily
shielded from external magnetic fluctua-
tions. The high sensitivity of this ex-
periment is due to the use of a low-
noise parametric amplifier as part of
the detector, and to the effectiveness
of the shielding.
In theory, magnetic measurements at
or near the surface of a living volume
can yield some information about the
internal charge distribution not possible
to obtain with surface voltage or poten-
tial measurements. The potential meas-
urements are limited because in general
they cannot uniquely determine an in- Fig. 1. Arrangement for magnetic alpha-rhythm detection. Subject and detector are
inside the shielded enclosure, seen from the top; electronics are at an external station.
ternal charge distribution (4) which, The ferrite rod on the axis of the electrostatically shielded coil is in line with the
in a living volume, contains the polar- subject's inion; this particular orientation detects the magnetic component normal to
ized charge layers of excitable muscle the scalp at the back of the head.
784 SCIENCE, VOL. 161
Fig. 2. (A and B) MEG noise only -o-0.25sec. -
separately but simultaneously with the
after 1000, 4000, and 9000 sweeps; (C)
4 X 10' gauss (pp) calibration, with gen- magnetoencephalogram (MEG). The
erating current; (D) same but calibration .-.. system was therefore designed to search

loop flipped; (E-N) upper traces are for an MEG produced only in coinci-
MEG's, lowers are EEG's; (E) left side dence with the EEG sampled from two
of G.B.'s head, normal component, eyes
closed; (F) G.B., left side, normal com- particular scalp points.
ponent, eyes open; (G) G.C., left side, Four subjects with alphas above
normal component, eyes closed; (H) G.C., average were chosen. Measurements on
left side, normal component, eyes open; all four consistently showed the pres-
(I) G.C., right side, normal component, ence of an MEG signal, with a- maxi-
eyes closed; (J) G.C., ferrite removed,
left side, normal component, eyes closed; mum of -
1 x 10-9 gauss (pp). To
(K) G.C., back of head, horizontal com- within the courseness of the experimen-
ponent, eyes closed; (L) F.S., back, normal tal sampling, the MEG's varied similar-
component, eyes closed; (M) F.S., left ly around the four scalps.
side, normal component, eyes closed; (N)
F.S., right front, normal component, eyes Figure 2 contains calibrations and
closed. results. The scale refers to all MEG's.
o0 (A) and (B) are MEG's from two dif-
0 ferent runs, a trigger from a 10-hz
the scalp (6) to be -7 x 10-10 gauss 0 oscillator being used instead of the
peak to peak (pp), to within an order EEG; therefore the MEG's are only
of magnitude. This is about 1O-9 of the
earth's steady field, 10-5 of the earth's
fluctuations, and 10-S of the heart's

random thermal noise which decreases
as the square root of the number of
sweeps. Since the expected fields are
maximum field. > 3 x 10-l gauss (pp), I decided to
Figure 1 shows the arrangements for

use 2500 sweeps in most runs, includ-
detecting this weak field. The enclosure, ing (E) to (N); these took about 8
described in detail elsewhere (7), con- minutes. (C) and (D) are MEG cali-
sists of three nested cubical shells 2 m brations with a 10-hz alternating field
on the inside; the outer two layers are from a nearby current loop, also show-
of moly-permalloy, the inner of welded ing the current wave current; the sig-
aluminum. The subject assumed differ- nal is well-extracted out of the noise
ent positions near the fixed detector for after 9000 sweeps. The loop was flipped
different measuring points around the over for (D) as a standard check; ex-
head. The detector was a 1-million-turn cept for some noise, the phase re-
(No. 44) coil in a thin-walled, brass verses by 1800. (E) and (F) are
electrostatic shield about 9 cm by 9 cm, typical MEG's obtained when the eyes
with a removable ferrite rod core; this are opened or closed, as are (G) and
distorted the field but increased the flux (H). When the eyes were closed, an
fourfold. The detector operates because MEG signal was coincident with the
a weak alternating magnetic field in- EEG, at about four times the noise
duced a small voltage across the coil; level for 2500 sweeps; when the eyes
this voltage was amplified in several were open both the MEG and EEG
stages, integrated to yield a voltage signals dropped appropriately. (I)
proportional to magnetic flux, and fil- shows the phase reversal at the other
tered to a 5-hz bandwidth at 10 hz. The side of the head; this was seen on all
sensitivity was limited by the thermal subjects. Removal of the ferrite (J)
Johnson noise of the coil, which was drops the trace into the noise level, veri-
greater than both the induced voltage fying the signal's magnetic origin; (K)
from the magnetic background noise and (L) show the B-vector orientation
and the parametric amplifier (Texas at the back of the head to be parallel
Instruments RA3) input noise; in the to the scalp, since there is no signifi-
stated bandpass this noise was equiva- cant normal component. (M) is similar
lent to ~ 6 x 10-9 gauss (root-mean- to (E) on another subject; (N) shows
square). The expected signal was then the signal at the right temple.
0.03 of the noise, and a computer of Lengthy auxiliary experiments were
average transients (CAT) was used to performed to verify that the signal in,
extract the signal from the noise. for example, Fig. 2E was due to alpha-
Each sweep of the CAT was triggered rhythm currents and no other source.
at a chosen phase of the EEG obtained Each phenomenon which seemed capa-
from the precentral region and inion, ble of falsely producing the same re-
and filtered to almost match the mag-
netic bandpass; perfect matching was Fig. 3. General features of the measured sults was repeatedly and systematically
difficult because of coil resonance at B-vector distribution around the head ruled out. Some of these are: the heart's
due to alpha-rhythm currents, inion-trigger magnetic field at the head, feedback
35 hz. The EEG signal was stored averaging being used. from the external EEG amplifier to the
23 AUGUST 1968
magnetic detector, and magnetic noise Refere and Notes group could not be assigned because
which induces both a detector and an 1. 0. M. Baule and R McFee, Amer. Heart J. of twinning noted in the patterns. Hence,
EEG voltage. Curious phenomena were 66, 95 (1963). the true a and c axes may differ from
2. D. Cohen, Scdence 156, 653 (1967).
indeed occasionally seen, but these were 3. A paper with results of extensive magneto- those given. The cell chosen is, how-
eventually understood and avoided. For cardiographic mapping of ten human heart ever, allowable and is the one consistent
subjects has been submitted for publication.
example, poor contacts between EEG 4. For example, potential measurements on a with morphological examination. The
spherical surface which contains a concentric,
leads and the scalp resulted in 60-hz radially pulsating shell of charge cannot yield powder diffraction pattern (Table 2) was
pickup in the EEG line which influenced the instantaneous charge radius. In this case, not indexed because of the large size of
magnetic measurements on the surface are al-
the triggers with eyes open, thereby se- ways zero and of no help. A case illustrating the cell which leads to too many ambi-
lecting 60 hz magnetic subharmonics magnetic use is an irregular, closed volume
containing three irregular, successively en-
guities and multiple index assignments.
near 10 hz to stand out on the MEG. closed regions. The inner region is conducting Krinovite is deep emerald green. In
Figure 3 shows the course B-vector and contains currents and their sources; the
middle region is insulating and nonreactive;
sodium light a = 1.712 ± 0.002; f,
distribution at an arbitrary phase of the and the outer region is conducting. The outer 1.725 ± 0.002; y, 1.760 ± 0.005; bi-
alpha cycle, averaged over 2500 cycles. surface potential will be instantaneously con-
stant and hence reveal nothing about the
axial +; and 2V, 610 ± 20, measured,
The distribution remains the same if the inner source distribution, but the surface mag- and 640, calculated. The optic axial
netic measurements will show internal cur- plane is parallel to b. Pleochroism is
upper EEG lead is moved to another rents, hence some information about the
point, at about the same alpha-rhythm source distribution. intense, X( = b) is yellow-green; Y,
5. G. Baule and R. McFee, J. Appi. Phys. 36, blue-green; and Z, greenish black
potential, say the right ear. No meas- 2066 (1965).
urements have yet been made with the 6. I assume the head to be approximated by an
alternating electric dipole inside and parallel
(sometimes an anomalous dark reddish
inion lead moved, but one would expect to the surface of a semi-infinite volume con- brown). Dispersion of the refractive
a different distribution. Such measure- ductor of 1000 ohm-cm resistivity. The dipole
makes an a-c distribution within the medium
indices is strong, but no op'ic axis dis-
ments with resulting magnetic distribu- which produces an external alternating mag- persion could be detected. No cleavage
tions would probably reveal information netic field, thei maximum of which depends was observed. Most grains showed
only on the maximum surface potential. I
about the internal alpha-rhythm sources, chose 30,uv flpp) "as that part of the voltage multiple twinning.
not due to a erpendicular dipole, which con- The hardness is between 5.5 and 7.
and would be a first step in evaluating tributes zero external magnetic field.
the possible uses of the MEG. 7. D. Cohen, J. Appi. Phys. Suppl. 38, 1296 Density was determined by the sink-or-
(1967). float method as 3.38 g/cm3; the cal-
DAVID COHEN 8. I thank Prof. H. Fernandez-Moran, Prof. F.
Department of Physics, Gibbs, and Prof. J. Hughes for their help and culated x-ray density is 3.44 g/cm3
encouragement. Supported by the Research
University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Corporation. based on Z = 32.
Chicago 60680 11 June 1968 Approximately 50 unsuccessful at-
tempts were made to synthesize krino-
vite. Mixtures of Cr,O3, Na2SiO3, SiO2,
and MgO heated in air in platinum for
Krinovite, NaMgCrSiO0l0: A New Meteorite Mineral several days to several weeks at 7000
to 1400°C invariably resulted in con-
Abstract. A n unusual new silicate, krinovite, has been discovered within siderable oxidation of chromium with
graphite nodules in three iron meteorites. Its ratio of silicon to oxygen of 3 :10 the formation of some sodium chro-
suggests a rare kind of silicate polymerization. The meteorite nodules in which mate. In some cases magnesiochromite
it occurs exhibit a chemical fractionation that differs from that of both stone was formed. Ureyite, NaCr(SiO3)2 (5),
meteorites and terrestrial basalt. was readily formed. Similar attempts in
an argon atmosphere or in vacuum, in
Krinovite (kreen'-off-ite), a mineral Moore and Bennett (3) established the both platinum and graphite crucibles,
unknown in any terrestrial rock, occurs presence of these same polymerized resulted in the formation of gray-green
as minute subhedral grains (largest ap- units, partially aluminous, (AlSi)2Si010, enamels within which spinel and uni-
proximately 200 A) disseminated within in the structure of the rare mineral dentifiable phases were dispersed.
graphite nodules in the octahedrite iron kornerupine. In this mineral the units Attempts at 25 kb and 650° to 1400°C
meteorites Canyon Diablo (United occur with the double-linked tetrahe- were unsuccessful.
States), Wichita County (United States), dral pairs Si207. Krinovite may be the Natural krinovite heated in air at
and Youndegin (Australia). first example of a mineral with purely 1000°C for 10 days lost its green color.
The composition (Table 1) was de- Si301O units. On the other hand, it must Olivine was the only phase that could
termined by electron microprobe meth- be noted that the empirical formula be identified among the decomposition
ods (1), and the observed variations are could be written in other ways which products. Ureyite, similarly treated, was
given in the table. The simplified em- suggest mixed polymerizations in well- virtually unaffected. Natural krinovite
pirical formula is NaMg2CrSi30,0. The known ratios: NaMg2Cr(SiO,)(SiO3)2 or was also heated in vacuum for 6 days
3: 10 ratio of silicon to oxygen suggests NaMg2Cr(Si207)(SiO3). By multiplying at 1000°C and again lost its color. De-
a very unusual silicate polymerization the "molecule" by integers 2, 3, and so composition products were magnesio-
into short chains, each consisting of forth, other combinations are possible. chromite, cristobalite, and unidentifiable
three tetrahedral units in which two Single-crystal measurements (Weis- phases. We must conclude that tempera-
senberg camera) indicate monoclinic tures in the whole range examined
oxygens are shared. This type of polym- (6500 to 14000C) are probably too high
erization has recently been encoun- symmetry with a = 19.48 ± 0.04 A;
b, 29.18 ± 0.06 A; c, 10.25 + 0.02 A, for the stable, or metastable, formation
tered by Donnay and Allmann (2) in of krinovite.
the rare terrestrial mineral ardennite, in and ,B, 1030 + 20 (4). The cell dimen-
sions given here are observed in the The dominant associated minerals in
which both Si301O and single tetrahe- both Canyon Diablo and Wichita
dral SiO4 units occur. More recently single-crystal pattern; however, a space

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