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Benefits of Blood Donation

“One Love, One Blood,

Partnership for Life” The most obvious health benefit of donating blood is
the wonderful feeling derived from giving something
vital to someone who needs it.

But besides this, is the maintenance

and monitoring of your personal
AWESOME! health:

 Physical examination  Dietary Control  Special Benefit for

 Rejuvenation of blood  Stress Management

Physical Examination
Blood donors get a “mini-physical” before donating. Our Nurses, doctors and
technicians conduct blood pressure checks, weight checks, haemoglobin testing (a
measure of your iron levels), and a testing of blood to determine your blood group.
Further tests are done for specific diseases (HIV, HTLV, Hepatitis B & C, etc).

Cell Rejuvenation
After donating blood, the count of blood cells decreases in our body, which stimulates
the bone marrow to produce new red blood cells in order to replenish the loss. This
process of replenishment helps your body to work more productively.
Dietary Control
Dietary Control
Blood donation burns the extra calories in your body and also reduces your cholesterol level.
This helps your body to function more efficiently allowing you to stay healthy.

Stress Management
Finally, donating blood is an opportunity to lay back and relax in a comfy chair knowing
that someone will benefit from the blood being given. It’s a chance to collect thoughts
and meditate, all for a good cause.

Special Benefit for Men

Men are at higher risk for "hemochromatosis or iron overload" where too
much iron builds up in the blood. It can lead to heart disease and other
major health problems, such as stroke and cancer. Research shows if
men give blood 3 times a year, they can reduce their iron overload and
therefore their risk of a heart attack by up to 50%!
The National Blood
Transfusion Service

21 Slipe Pen Road

Jamaica, WI
Phone: 876 922-5181-5

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