Free Your Conscious Mind For Subconscious To Work

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9/4/23, 22:42 (2,650 no leídos) - eliascalix2000@yahoo.

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Free your Conscious Mind for Subconscious to Work

You can be happy to know that to be successful, it is really essential to take more time for
enjoyable diversion, instead of working longer and harder. Working smarter means working with
your whole mind. Don’t do more work with your conscious mind than is necessary or you are
wasting energy. Hold your mind on what you intend to manifest and then go do something else.
The more you rest by freeing your conscious mind of a matter, the more your subconscious gets to
work on it.

Take time off to go do what you enjoy. Relax and have some fun. Play and chill out for awhile. Your
subconscious mind will direct you in your work, making it better, easier to perform and far more
pleasant. This is what it means by doing less and achieving more. There is less and less conscious
effort required as everything just goes into a flow. What you do becomes easy and effortless. This
is the optimal way you want to accomplish things.

The intelligence of your subconscious mind is infinitely far more than all the intelligence of your
conscious mind. You don’t have to worry when you do not think you have all the knowledge and
awareness you need to handle a particular situation. That is the time when you can receive
inspiration instead. You can never know everything consciously but you already know everything
subconsciously. Worry hinders you from doing the things that would otherwise solve what you are
worrying about.

Excepts taken from Article on Mind Reality (Free your Conscious Mind for Subconscious to Work)

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