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Instructional Course 202

Arthroscopic Approach To Traumatic Anterior Shoulder


Richard K. N. Ryu, M.D.

F or decades, clinicians have been in search of the

technically simple, highly effective, reproducible
procedure for recurrent anterior shoulder instability,
configurations as well as poor glenohumeral ligament
Clearly a dilemma exists for those of us trying to
complemented by a facilitated rehabilitation, minimal decide if arthroscopic stabilization for traumatic ante-
motion loss, and an acceptable complication rate. rior shoulder instability is a reasonable alternative to
What ensued is a wide array of open procedures in the traditional open approach. This presentation pro-
which the recurrence rates are acceptable, but in vides a historical perspective of arthroscopic stabili-
which rotation is commonly sacrificed, late arthrosis zation, the pathoanatomy of instability, state-of-the-art
engendered, and the rehabilitation grueling. techniques, and the current recommendations for
With the advent of arthroscopy, and with rapid treating the patient with traumatic anterior shoulder
technical advances and improved implant choices, ar- instability.
throscopic stabilization quickly became the “panacea”
for traumatic shoulder instability. Early reports were PATHOANATOMY
encouraging,1-4 citing the many virtues of the arthro-
scopic approach, including minimal surgical trauma When discussing shoulder instability, several perti-
and a facilitated rehabilitation with much less periop- nent anatomic and biomechanical issues deserve dis-
erative morbidity. The arthroscopic approach also of- cussion. Instability is a pathologic condition of the
fered the additional advantages of recognizing and capsuloligamentous complex whereas laxity is a phys-
treating associated pathology, such as SLAP lesions, ical finding. Physiologic laxity can become symptom-
sparing the subscapularis, and providing a desirable atic over time and could, at that time, be considered
cosmetic outcome. “pathologic”. Furthermore, intrinsic shoulder stability
However, with longer-term follow-up, the initial depends on an intact inferior glenohumeral-labral
success rates plummeted, with recurrence rates ap- complex that deepens the glenoid and also provides a
proaching 50%5-7 in the hands of skilled and experi- “bumper” effect to the glenoid rim. Negative intra-
enced arthroscopic surgeons. Numerous factors6-9 articular pressure ( the so-called “suction effect”) also
were identified as potential high-risk factors for recur- contributes to joint stability. The concavity-compres-
rent instability including short postoperative immobi- sion effect is a criticial one and also relies on an intact
lization, bony Bankart lesions, associated generalized labrum and rotator cuff. Shoulder instability can arise
ligamentous laxity, Hill-Sachs lesions, contact or col- if any or a combination of these forces is disrupted.
lision sports, younger age, “inverted pear” glenoid Sectioning and stress testing have also shown that
although considered the “essential” lesion, a Bankart
lesion alone is not enough to permit recurrent insta-
bility.10,11 Associated plastic deformation of the gle-
Address correspondence to Richard K. N. Ryu, M.D., 533 E. nohumeral ligaments is a necessary factor in recurrent
Micheltorena St, Suite 204, Santa Barbara, CA 93103, U.S.A. instability and must be addressed if successful stabi-
E-mail: lization is to be achieved arthroscopically. In addition
© 2003 by the Arthroscopy Association of North America
0749-8063/03/1910-0113$30.00/0 to solving the Bankart lesion in a side–to–side fashion,
doi:10.1016/j.arthro.2003.09.032 preventing recurrent instability after an arthroscopic

94 Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, Vol 19, No 10 (December, Suppl 1), 2003: pp 94-101

Bankart repair hinges on appropriate treatment of the zation. Kim et al.16 were the first to describe a failure
vertical component of instability, namely the inferior rate lower for the arthroscopic approach, 3% as com-
to superior shift that must be an integral part of any pared with 6% in the open technique, in a well-
arthroscopic Bankart intervention. matched prospective study. Sperber et al.17 in 2001
also reported on short-term results comparing open
CLINICAL REVIEW and arthroscopic techniques, and although the arthro-
scopic technique was associated with a failure rate of
Although a number of articles focusing on the re- 23%, the open technique was associated with a failure
sults of arthroscopic stabilization have been pub- rate of 12%, again considerably higher than the tradi-
lished, a few merit closer attention. In 1993 Grana et tional 3% to 4% recurrence rate historically associated
al.6 were some of the first investigators to sound the with open techniques.
alarm regarding the high failure rate in transglenoid These recent data beg the question of whether or not
Bankart repairs. The failure rate of nearly 45% was the long-term success rate of open stabilization is
noteworthy for a short immobilization period identi- actually lower than that previously perceived. Al-
fied as a definite risk factor, while age, dislocation though the classic article of Rowe18 from 1978 formed
over subluxation, and contact sports trended toward the basis for the 3.5% failure rate cited with open
statistical significance. Walch et al.,7 in 1995, reported surgery, it is noteworthy that nearly 20% did not have
on a failure rate of 50% in tranglenoid Bankart repairs a Bankart lesion and that the activity level after sur-
and noted that associated ligamentous laxity and the gery was not well documented. In 2002, Pagnani and
presence of a bony Bankart were two statistically Dome19 authored a compelling report on open stabi-
significant risk factors for recurrent instability. lization in contact athletes. The success rate of 97%
Conversely, in 1997, Bacilla and Savoie,12 using and the fact that 52 of 58 athletes were able to return
suture anchors and nonabsorbable suture, reported a
to their sport serves as the current gold standard in
failure rate of only 9% despite treating a young, high-
comparing arthroscopic and open techniques.
demand patient population. No specific risk factors
However, there is very recent and compelling data
were isolated with regard to increasing the risk of
that suggest that the long-term follow-up of open
recurrent instability. O’Neill13 cited a recurrence rate
stabilization may be associated with recurrence rates
of only 5% after treating high-demand athletes with a
that approximate those of the arthroscopic series. De-
transglenoid stabilization for anterior instability. In
that study, 40 of 41 patients returned to the previous tailing a military academy experience in 2000, Uhor-
level of competition, and the follow-up averaged more chak et al.20 reported a recurrent dislocation rate of 3%
than 4 years. and a recurrent subluxation rate of 19% for a com-
Burkhart and DeBeer9 introduced the concepts of bined 22% recurrent instability rate. All patients were
the glenoid “inverted pear” configuration as well as collision or contact athletes, averaged 19.5 years in
the “engaging Hill-Sachs “lesion, both bony defects age, and had a follow-up averaging 4 years. Finally,
that contributed to a failure rate approaching 70% in Magnusson et al.21 evaluated 47 of 54 open Bankart
their series. It is noteworthy that in their patient pop- patients with a follow-up exceeding 5 years. Of these,
ulation without bony risk factors, the recurrence rate 66% were contact or overhead athletes. The combined
was 3% to 4%. recurrent dislocation or subluxation rate was 17%,
Although some prospective studies have been re- nearly a 500% increase over the results reported by
ported, none fully adhere to the randomized, blinded Rowe.
format that delivers the most compelling data. Weber14 In the past 2 or 3 years, numerous investigators
described a failure rate of 16% for arthroscopic repairs have reported encouraging results after arthroscopic
versus 4% for the open approach. However, the over- Bankart stabilization. Gartsman et al.,22 as well as
hand athletes in the study exhibited a much greater Abrams et al.23 and Romeo and Carriera,24 reported
likelihood of returning to the premorbid level of com- failures rates ranging from 0% to 7.5% after arthro-
petition. Cole et al.15 included apprehension as well as scopic Bankart repair with suture anchors. Mishra and
subluxation and frank dislocation to his study criteria, Fanton25 reported a failure rate of 7% with combined
comparing open and arthroscopic techniques, and re- Bankart repair and thermal treatment. These improved
ported recurrence rates of 24% in the arthroscopic statistics reflect the technical lessons that arthrosco-
group compared with 18% in the open, a somewhat pists have discovered over the past decade regarding
alarming number for the proponents of open stabili- shoulder stabilization:

1. The damaged glenohumeral ligament must be available for review. The average age was 25, ranging
sufficiently mobilized so that an inferior to su- from 15 to 46 years old. The average follow-up was
perior shift can be accomplished. 33 months and the majority (46 of 57) were men. The
2. Placement of suture anchors must be on the technique changed over the course of several years
glenoid face so that a labral “chock block” is and included metallic staple (1), Sure-Tac (2),
re-established versus anchor placement on the transglenoid (14), and eventually suture anchors (40).
glenoid neck . Of the 57 patients, 9 developed recurrent instability
3. At least 3 suture anchors must be used in the with 5 patients requiring revision stabilization sur-
repair. gery. The overall recurrence rate was discouraging,
4. Associated ligamentous laxity must be ad- approaching 17% with 4 of the 9 sustaining recurrent
dressed in the form of a capsular “tuck,” possi- dislocations and 5 describing subluxation symptoms.
ble adjunctive thermal treatment, and potential A second cohort of patients from 1998-2000 were
rotator interval closure. also treated for shoulder instability with a revised
5. Postoperative rehabilitation should be well-su- technique in which all of the principles listed above
pervised and individualized, especially if ther- were implemented in a meticulous fashion. In partic-
mal energy is used concomitantly. A minimum ular, a much greater emphasis was placed on treating
period of 3 to 4 weeks of restricted motion associated capsular redundancy. The technique in de-
should accompany the arthroscopic stabilization tail is as follows:
1. Lateral decubitus positioning with dual traction;
The data garnered from a review of the literature is axial traction of 8 to 10 lb; distraction force
noteworthy for differing patient populations, varying separating the glenohumeral joint also 8 to 10
surgical techniques, and results that at best would be lb. Examination under anesthesia should con-
considered “conflicting.” Are we witnessing the mat- firm the preoperative diagnosis. Comparison
uration of a “technique in evolution,” namely arthro- with the contralateral side is recommended if the
scopic Bankart repair, and are the recent reports citing diagnosis is in doubt.
single digit recurrence rates an indication of what we 2. Dual anterior portal technique is recommended.
can now expect from this intervention? Furthermore, Low anterior portal just above the intra-articular
are we also witnessing a burgeoning recurrence rate of slip of the subscapularis is created as well as a
open procedures as a result of longer-term follow-up? high anterior portal, directly behind the biceps
Could these procedures, both open and arthroscopic, tendon, for anterior visualization (Fig 1). The
have recurrence rates that are converging as a result of posterior portal is converted to a working portal
technical advances and pragmatic considerations, such to facilitate suture handling.
as the desire to improve external rotation in the throw- 3. After the joint is entered, all pathology is care-
ing athlete while performing an open procedure? As fully evaluated. Associated rotator cuff or SLAP
an increase in external rotation becomes one of the injuries may require concomitant treatment. The
primary surgical goals, the recurrence rate will surely Bankart lesion should be easily identified from
increase, both for the arthroscopic and the open tech- the anterior portal or as an alternative, from the
niques. posterior portal with a 70° arthroscope. The
The most important question to be answered by condition of the Bankart lesion (Fig 2) should be
individual clinicians is “ What is an acceptable recur- assessed, including tissue integrity, presence of
rence rate in my practice?”. The answer will be dif- a bony component, and suspected capsular re-
ferent for us all and will reflect the patient population dundancy.
we treat. The orthopaedist striving to maintain the 4. This step is the most critical one. The Bankart
highest level of skill and control in a professional lesion must be completely freed from the neck
pitcher may have very different goals when treating of the glenoid. For the ALPSA (anterior liga-
instability in a classroom teacher. mentous periosteal sleeve avulsion) lesion, this
dissection can be tedious. Every attempt should
PERSONAL CLINICAL EXPERIENCE be made to avoid thinning or harming the gle-
nohumeral ligament during the dissection. At
From 1991-1998, fifty-seven patients who had un- the completion of this step, the subscapularis
dergone an arthroscopic Bankart procedure were muscle should be clearly visible through the tear

FIGURE 1. The orientation is that of the lateral decubitus position.

The small arrow points to the anterosuperior viewing cannula, FIGURE 3. After the inferior glenohumeral ligament (IGHL) has
entering directly behind the biceps. The larger arrow indicates the been released, the subscapularis tendon is easily visualized.
low anterior working portal just superior to the intra-articular slip
of the subscapularis tendon.

anchor site first, approximately the 7-o’clock

site (Fig 3). Grasping tools can be used to eval- position in a left shoulder. The drill hole is made
uate how far the tissue can be shifted superiorly. with the guide on the glenoid face by 2 or 3 mm
5. The anterior glenoid rim and neck are prepared (Fig 4). This is essential for recreating the labral
with a ring curette and a shaver. Use of a mo- bumper but also ensures that the most inferior
torized burr is rarely necessary. anchor will achieve adequate bony purchase.
6. Through the low anterior portal, instrumentation 7. The suture anchor is inserted, and the sutures
for anchor placement is placed at the lowest separated. One strand is brought through the

FIGURE 2. In a left shoulder, viewing from the anterosuperior FIGURE 4. The initial anchor placement is the most inferior one
portal, the Bankart lesion remains scarred to the anterior glenoid and should remain 2 or 3 mm on the glenoid face (arrows). This
(arrows). A thorough dissection is needed in order to shift tissue permits adequate bony purchase and also allows recreation of a
superiorly. labral “bumper”.

FIGURE 5. As seen from the anterosuperior portal, the “pinch- FIGURE 6. Curved arrow points to anchor placed on the glenoid
tuck” technique allows additional capsular shifting, thereby reduc- face. Straight arrow depicts “poor man’s shuttle” in which O PDS
ing capsular volume. Arrows point to the “folding” of the “pinch- suture is used to retrograde a suture limb through the inferior
tuck” technique, and the larger arrow depicts the sulcus created by glenohumeral ligament (IGHL).
“folding” a portion of the capsule into the anchor stitch.

curity should match the quality of knots tied in

posterior cannula. A suture hook device is then an open setting.
loaded with 0 PDS, and with the arm internally 10. Steps 6 thought 9 are repeated for the remaining
rotated while in dual traction, the inferior gle- anchors, carefully shifting tissue in a superior
nohumeral ligament is penetrated approximately direction with each additional anchor. When
1 to 2 cm inferior and lateral to the suture completed, tension within the glenohumeral lig-
anchor. This allows for adequate tissue shifting
both lateral to medial and inferior to superior. A
pinch-tuck maneuver (Fig 5), can also be imple-
mented at this time for individuals with severe
capsular redundancy. This allows for an even
greater degree of tissue shifting.
8. The 0 PDS suture is grasped through the poste-
rior portal, and the suture strand from the anchor
is brought through a simple loop in the PDS and
then retrograded through the labrum and re-
trieved from the low anterior portal (Fig 6).
Separating sutures before this maneuver pre-
vents twisting of the sutures as they exit the
same cannula.
9. When tying knots, the suture limb retrograded
through the labrum must remain as the post.
Whether tying sliding knots or alternating half-
hitches, this sequence will push the labrum onto
the glenoid face (Fig 7) recreating the labral
“bumper.” If reversed, the knot pushes the la-
brum off the glenoid face. Knot-tying skills FIGURE 7. Arrow points to knot-tying instrument pushing knot
down suture limb retrograded through the inferior glenohumeral
should be mastered before attempting this tech- ligament (IGHL). Pushing knot down this limb “rolls” labrum onto
nique. Furthermore, knot security and loop se- the glenoid face, helping to restore the “bumper” effect.

penetrating device that has been introduced

through the low anterior cannula and has already
pierced a portion of the middle glenohumeral
ligament (Fig 9). The 2 superior sutures are
captured with a crochet hook and brought
through the low anterior portal, where the su-
tures are tied in an extracapsular fashion. My
concern for overconstraining the interval and
limiting rotation is reflected in the use of ab-
sorbable suture.
Thirty-one patients treated with this revised tech-
nique were available for follow-up. This group con-
sisted of 26 men and 5 women with an average age of
24, ranging from 17 to 44 years. Early in the series,
adjunctive thermal energy was used to “tighten” re-
dundant tissue and then discontinued in favor of cap-
sular tucks and plication techniques in combination
with rotator interval closures if a patulous interval was
suspected. Seven patients had a “pinch-tuck” tech-
nique performed, in which tissue was plicated at the
time of anchor insertion. Three underwent capsular
plication after the anchors were inserted and the Ban-
kart repaired. Eleven patients had concomitant rotator
interval closures. Postoperative care consisted of im-
mobilization for a minimum of 3 to 4 weeks, with the
abducted-externally rotated position avoided for at
least 2 months. The goal was to achieve 90% of
motion at 3 months, and a return to vigorous sports
was not permitted until 5 months postoperatively.
With a shorter follow-up, averaging 23 months, the

FIGURE 8. (A) Recreated labral “bumper” viewed from the an-

terosuperior portal. Tension has been restored to the glenohumeral
ligaments. (B) Labral “bumper” viewing from the posterior portal.

aments should be restored and a labral “bumper”

created (Fig 8).
11. After the Bankart lesion has been repaired, ad-
ditional capsular plication stitches can be placed
if deemed necessary for capsular redundancy.
12. If a patulous interval is noted at the time of the
diagnostic portion of the arthroscopic proce-
dure, on completion of the Bankart repair, a
rotator interval closure is completed. My tech-
nique is one of placing 2 No. 1 PDS sutures FIGURE 9. Spinal needle loaded with No. 1 PDS passed behind
the biceps (B). Grasper placed through low cannula, penetrating the
through the most superior portion of the rotator middle glenohumeral ligament (MGHL). The knot is tied in an
interval and then retrieving each with an angled extracapsular fashion.

recurrent instability rate, including apprehension (0), both surgeon and patient are committed to the final
subluxation (1), and dislocation ( 2), was approxi- surgical solution whether it be open or arthroscopic.
mately 9.5%, a significant improvement over the 17% At the time of surgery, the goals achieved in open
recurrence rate noted in my initial experience. Two of surgery must be duplicated during the arthroscopic
the 3 recurrent instability patients have subsequently approach, namely restoration of the appropriate rest-
undergone a revision stabilization procedure. ing length of the glenohumeral ligaments, closure of
The data listed above are preliminary and represent the Bankart lesion, and recreation of the labral
a somewhat different patient population from the first “bumper,” all of which can be accomplished by fol-
group. Included in this latter group were 5 first-time lowing meticulous arthroscopic technique.
dislocators who underwent stabilization within a 3 to As a final note, I strongly encourage the immediate
4 week period after initial injury. There were no stabilization of the first-time dislocator in the high-risk
recurrences within this subgroup, while all other pa- population.26-28 As espoused in a recent article,29 the
tients were categorized as recurrent, multiple disloca- considerations are much like the acute anterior cruci-
tion-subluxation patients. Additionally, contact ath- ate ligament injury. Rarely do we advise our patients
letes were largely avoided during this time period and to go out and experience a severe pivot shift episode,
would clearly represent the highest risk group for risking further damage to articular cartilage and me-
recurrence after an arthroscopic stabilization proce- nisci, before deciding to forge ahead with stabiliza-
dure. tion. In the high-risk shoulder instability group, the
risk for further damage is present,30-35 and the results
CONCLUSIONS after late reconstruction further jeopardized. The sur-
gical circumstances for healing are ideal after the
The prime question to ask at this point is whether or initial dislocation, and further capsular damage can be
not current arthroscopic techniques reliably overcome avoided, not to mention progressive bone loss either
the risk factors identified. These factors consist pri- from the glenoid or humeral head. Finally, quality of
marily of bone loss, contact or collision sports and life issues including emotional health and activity
associated ligamentous laxity. From 1998 through level28 are clearly enhanced by early intervention in
2000, the literature did not support the use of arthro- this high-risk population.
scopic stabilization for the general orthopedist. Since
2001, with the advent of improved techniques and
equipment, one must conclude that arthroscopic sta- REFERENCES
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