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Topic 3 In a Shopping Center

1. 场景一 (scene 1) :
Two friends meet up in a shopping center after a few months not seeing each
other, the one arrived earlier bought drinks for the both, then they talked
about the traffic jam and their plan for today’s shopping.

wèi bái mǎ zhuó mǎ wǒ dào le

A: 喂,白玛 卓 玛,我到了!
hello Pema Dolma, I've got here.
wǒ zàizhēnzhūnǎichádiànqiánmian nǐ ne
我在 珍 珠奶茶 店 前 面 。你呢?
I am in front of the bubble milk tea shop. How about you?

wèi kāngdōu bù hǎo yì si wǒ háizài lù shang

B: 喂, 康 都,不好意思,我还在路 上 。
hello Khangdu, sorry, I am still on my way.

hǎo bù jí nǐ mànmànlái
A: 好,不急,你慢慢来!
Ok. No hurry, take your time!
wǒ xiānmǎizhēnzhūnǎichá ba
我 先 买 珍 珠奶茶吧!
Let me buy bubble milk tea first!

hǎo de wǒ xiǎngyào yī bēi dà bēi de zhēnzhūnǎichá bàntángshǎobīng xièxiè

B: 好的。我 想 要一杯大杯的 珍 珠奶茶,半 糖 少 冰 。谢谢!
OK. I’d like to have a large cup of bubble milk tea, half suger less ice. Thank you!

hǎo děngxià jiàn

A: 好, 等 下/会儿 见 。
OK. See you later/soon!

(Talking to the bubble milk tea stuff)

nǐ hǎo wǒ yào yī bēi dà bēizhēnzhūnǎichá bàntángshǎobīng yī bēizhōngbēizhēnzhūnǎi lǜ duōjiā
A: 你好! 我要一杯大杯 珍珠 奶茶, 半 糖 少 冰 ; 一杯 中 杯 珍珠 奶绿, 多加
táng hé bīng xièxiè
糖 和 冰 。谢谢!
Hello! I would like to have a large cup of bubble milk tea, half sugar and less ice; a
middium cup of bubble milk green tea, additional sugar and ice. Thank you!
hǎo de hái xū yàobié de ma
C: 好的。还需要别的吗?
OK. Would you like anything else?
bù xū yào le jiùyàozhèxiē xièxiè
A: 不需要了/就要这些。谢谢!
That's it/I only need these. Thank you!
wǒ kě yǐ yòngwēixìnhuòzhězhī fù bǎo fù kuǎn ma
我可以 用 微信或者支付宝付 款 吗?
Can I pay via WeChat or Alipay?
liǎngzhǒngdōu kě yǐ qǐngnínzàizhè lǐ sǎo mǎ
C: 两 种 都可以, 请 您在这里扫码。
Both are ok. You can scan the barcode here.

(Now the other friend just arrived)

nǐ hǎo hǎojiǔbújiàn duìbuqǐ wǒ láiwǎn le wǒ chídào le jīntiānlùshang tèbié dǔchē nǐ zài

B: 你好! 好久不见! 对不起, 我来晚了/ 我迟到了。 今天 路上 特别堵车。 你在
zhèlǐ děngduōjiǔ le
这里 等 多久了?
Hello! Long time no see! Sorry, I am late. There was a heavy traffic jam today.
How long have you been waiting?
shì ā wǒmen dōubànniánméijiàn le búyàojǐn méiguān xì wǒ yě zhǐshìgānggāngdào yìhuìer
A: 是啊, 我们都 半年 没 见 了! 不要紧/ 没 关 系, 我也只是 刚刚 到了 一会儿/
Yes, we haven't met since half a year ago. It's OK. I only arrived here a few
minutes ago.
zhèshì nǐ de dà bēizhēnzhūnǎichá
这是你的大杯 珍 珠奶茶。
This is your large cup of bubble mild tea.
xièxiè zhèbēiduōshǎoqián
B: 谢谢!这杯多 少 钱 ?
Thank you! How much is it?
bú yòng wǒ qǐng nǐ ba
A: 不 用 。我 请 你吧!
No need (to pay). It's my treat!
xièxiè xià cì wǒ qǐng kè
B: 谢谢!下次我 请 客!
Thank you! My treat next time!
nǐ zěnme guòlái de
How did you get here?
wǒ zuò dìtiě guòlái de jīntiānguòjié wǒ xiǎngkěndìnghěn dǔchē suǒ yǐ jiùméiyǒukāichē
A: 我坐地铁过来的。 今天 过节,我 想 肯定 很堵车,所以就没有开车。
I took metro to come. It's a holiday today, I thought there must be a big trafic jam,
so I didn't drive.
hā hā tàimíngzhì le
B: 哈哈,太 明智 了!
Haha, so wise!
nǐ jīntiānzhǔyàoxiǎngmǎishénme
A: 你 今天 主要 想 买什么?
What would you like to buy today?
huàn jì le wǒ xiǎngmǎi jǐ jiànxiàtiān chuān de yīfu nǐ ne
B: 换 季了,我 想 买几 件 夏天 ( 穿 )的衣服。你呢?
It's the change of season, I would like to buy some new clothes for summer. How
about you?
wǒ yě dǎsuanmǎixiē yīfu wǒ hái xūyào bāng wǒ lǎogōngmǎi yígè xīn de shǒujīchōngdiàn qì
A: 我也打算买些/ 几 件 衣服, 我还需要 帮 我 老公 买一个新的手机 充电 器。
wǒmen kěyǐ yìqǐ guàngguàngkàn
我们可以一起 逛 逛 看。
I'd also would like to buy some clohtes, and I need to help my husband to buy a
new phone charger too. We can look around and do shopping together.
hǎo ā lìngwài zhèlǐ sānlóuyǒu yìjiā hěnhǎo de shūdiànkāfēitīng wǒmen guànglèi le kěyǐ qù nàli
B: 好啊! 另外 , 这里三楼有一家很好的 书店 咖啡厅, 我们 逛 累了可以去那里
kànshū liáotiān
看书、 聊天 。
OK! Also, there is a good book coffee shop on the third floor, we can have rest and
read and chat there when we feel tired.
tàihǎo le nà wǒ menzǒu ba
A: 太好了!那我们走吧!
That's great! Then Let's go!

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