CV - Narsum Bappenas

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Wahyuningsih Darajati

Formal Education :
▪ I was graduated for my Bachelor in 1984 from Gadjah Mada University, Faculty of
Agriculture, Yogyakarta – Indonesia; and my Master Degree in 1995 from University of
Illinois at Urbana - Champaign, USA.

Experience/Posistion :
▪ Since 1986 I worked in the Ministry of National Development Planning/National
Development Planning Agency (Bappenas).
▪ In the last 18 years, my positions in Bappenas were :
1. Director for Natural Resources and Marine (2001-2002);
2. Director for Marine and Fisheries (2002-2008);
3. Director for Food and Agriculture (2008-2011);
4. Director for Environment (2011-2016); and
5. Director for Forestry and Water Resource Conservation (2016-April 2018).
▪ April 2018 – now - as Primary Planner to support the Deputy Minister for Natural
Resources and Maritime, especially for implementation of Sustainable Development Goals

Publications (in Bahasa):

1. Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir Terpadu (2003)
2. Pembangunan Perikanan Terpadu : “Upaya Merajut Keberlanjutan, Kedaulatan Pangan,
dan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat”, Orasi Ilmiah - dalam Rangka 8 Windu Dies Fakultas
Pertanian – Universitas Gadjah Mada (2010)
3. Strategi Pembangunan Nasional Bidang Perikanan dan Kelautan (2013) – dalam Buku
“Setengah Abad Perikanan Universitas Gadjah Mada” (2013)
4. Strategi Terintegrasi : Keterkaitan Hutan, Air, dan Pangan Dalam Pencapaian Tujuan
Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (2018)

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