Practive Test Questions For Psychological Assessement 2015 Psychomettrician Board Exam Review

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Ethical dimension of psychological assessment,benefits and limitation of psychological assessment

1.Dr. Mike , a developmental pediatrician ,show you the results of a battery of a test administered to a
young boy named alex. The pediatrician then asks your opinions about alex’s case. Not having
administered and interpreted the test results yourself,what should response be?

A.refuse to give an opinion;you don’t have the right to comment about someone else’s clients

B.provide your opinion based on the existing test results and reports, but discuss the limitations of your
opinions and the basis of your conclusions.

C.provide an opinion;tests are standardized which means all psychologists can interpret them toward
accurate results. the pediatrician to the board of Psychology for violating the child’s right to privacy

RATIONALE:According to the PAP code of Ethics, a psychologist or psychometrician may provide

opinions on existing test results provided that he or she discusses (a) the limitations of said opinions
and (b) the basis of their conclusions

2.Which of the following violates the PAP Code of Ethics

A.seeking informed consent from parents of minor

B. reporting cultural factors to be considered in the test interpretation

C.releasing raw and scaled scores to clients

D.admitting reservations about standardized tests

RATIONALE:According to PAP CODE of Ethics ,psychometricians should not release test data in the
forms of raw and scaled scores, client’s responses to test questions or stimuli and notes regarding the
client’s statements and behaviours during the examination unless regulated by the court .

3.The school principal recommended that Marcus, age 6 undergo psychological assessment in light of
repeated bullying behavior. Marcus’ parents complied with the request and booked an appointment
with you for screening .With whom can you release the results of his psychological assessment?
A.with the school principal who made referral only

B.with the school principal and marcus’ parents only

C.with marcus’ parents only

D.marcus will decide who gets to see the results of his tests.

RATIONALE:Ethical standards require that results of test may only be released to the reffering party,
and if the client is minor ,to his or her parents or legal guardians. This set-up assumes that mother has
given her implicit permission to the process, as she was the one approached you for assessment .Best
practice ,however,still requires that you have Marcus’ parents sign a “release of information consent
form before forwarding test results to the principal

4.You were asked to administer a one-on-one projective to a client depression .Before the session you
noticed that the client is fidging in his seat, and was sweating profusely. He confessed that he is
nervous about undergoing psy chological testing .What is the best response to his behavior?

A.note in your report his nervous behavior;It may be sign of anxiety disorder

B.engage in small talk in order to relax the peson and establish rapport before testing

C.go a head and start administering the test;nervousness is normal among persons to his depression the testing for another day

RATIONALE :Nervousness and tension are normal in people taking psychological test.It’s important for a
tesrt administrator to ensure that their test takers are relaxed and comfortable , as well as trusting in
the process

5.A grade school principal and tension asked you to observe a particularlu hyperactive grade 1 student
is class.But this grade 1 student reminds you of the kids who bullied you back in elementary.What is the
best thing you to do?

A.continue on with the assessment –you are a professional

B.reflect if being reminded of your bully will bia you against the child, decide accordingly

C.find a partner to validate your findings out a counselling psychologists for your issues

RATIONALE:A good traits os psychometricians is self-awareness enough to be able to recognize one’s

own biases in order to keep said biases from interfering in the psychological asessement process .At
times ,proactive action to biases is to refer a client to another professional. While choice C,finding a
partner to validate findings, is a good move, everything must start with self awareness aned self-

6.Which among the following in NOT a good practice when it comes to administering psychological
tests to children?

A.ensure that is tests are just about one hours in lengh,kids have low attention span

B.obtain informed consent from parents

C. schedule the test just before merienda break

D.choose tests that use age –appropriate language

RATIONALE:Scheduling tests before meal time or break time is strongly discourage. Children would just
be distracted by hunger or excited by the coming break to focus completely on the test at hand .This
can effect the accuracy of any test results obtained .

7. You are a college administrator officer evaluating wheather or not you should accept Juan dela Cruz
to your university. The school administration requires applicants to score at least 100 in an IQ test
before they’re considered for admission .Juan’s high school forwarded to you yhis grade 3 intellignece
test results, which revealed his IQ score to be 95. You can now

A.decline juan’s applicqation for admission

B.refer juan to another course/major

C.accept juan but on probationary basis

D.administer an IQ test

RATIONALE:It’s unethical for psychometricians to make decision based on obsolete test results. Juan’s
IQ test during his third grade is no longer revelant to his abilities as an incoming college freshman .

8.Unauthorized use and modification of published and unpublished psychological test is_________ and ethical if used for research purposes and ethical if for use in public schools and government agencies cause you don’t make money from the tests, but unethical because It’s unprofessional conduct.

D.illegal and unethical

RATIONALE:Psychological tests are the intellectual property of their creator ;it’s illegal to use /modify
them without permission .It is also against ethical conducts of psychologists and psychometricians to
violate the intellectual property of others.

9.You can skip gathering informed consent prior to asessessment in the following circumstance:

A.routine vocational aptitude test for graduating students in school

B. screening for obsessive-compulsive traits to assist in psychotherapy

C.both should never skip gathering informed consent

RATIONALE:According requested to PAP Code of Ethics for Philippines Psychologists, we must gather
informed consent prior to the assessment of our clients but we can make an exception when it is
implied, such as in routine educational , institutional organizational activity.

10.A company requested for a battery of psychological test to assess whether an employee is suffering
from drug addiction .What is the best reason why test results should not be delivered to the company
via snail mail?

A.snail mail is not secure ;anyone might open it and read it

B. email is more convenient ;timely delivery of test date is important’s always best to explain test results in person , to better explain basis for diagnosis

D.even if the company made the referral ,it’s only the employee who can decide to whom his results
should be released.

RATIONALE:The bulk of ethical guidelines for psychometricians relate to confidentially of data

professionnals must ensure that only the right person can see test assessment results

11.How can you ensure test fairness if you habe more than one batch of examinees for the same
battery of tests?

A. schedule testing of the different batches at the same place, at the same time of the day.

B.give uniform instruction per batch

C.make sure that room lighting and room temperature are similar across test batches

D.all of the above

RATIONALE:One ensure of standardization is control of testing procedures.This control ensures
scientific findings in psychology

12.What is the best reason why a psychometrician should keep himself/herself updated about the
latest scientific findings in psychology?

A.there may be more valid and reliable assessment tools in the market;you want to use tools that
work best

B, you want make interpretations based on the most recent findings;new research can contradict
and /or futher define old constructs

C.diagnostic criteria for mental health condition change over the years ;you want to adjust accordingly

D.the renewal of your professional license depends on gaining CPD points

RATIONALE:Choices A,B,C and D, are all correct.But the most pressing reason to stay up to date of the
latest trend is to make sure that your understanding of the construct that you are measuring the
accurate and complete one .

13. Which of the following is the best way to be updated on the latest scientific findings in psychology?

A.subcribe to lifestyle magazines and newsletters

B.attend continuous professional development (CPD) seminars

C.finsh your MA and PhD as soon as possible

D.become a member of professional organizatipons

RATIONALE:As with the previous item, all of these options are correct .But the best response is to
attend events designed to enrich your knowledge and skills in practicing psychometrics.Option A is not
a gurantee of getting updated;it depends whether or not the magazines and newsletters you
subcribe to are evidence –based.A graduate degree – a rushed one at that I wouldn’t automatically
make you an updated professional.Option D is correct but still indirect--- what you do with your
membership in professional organization, not the membership itself, is what will help you become
concictently relevant.

14.Your expertise is in administering and interpreting the EPPS.Which of the following best illustrates
the action of a competemnt psychometrician based on this fact?

A.always recommend the EPPS to your clients to ensure that they get a competent assessment

B.conduct continuous education workshop about EPPS to undergraduates so that more people will get
to know how to interpret it
C. regardless of your expertise. You only administer tests relevant to the nature of the referral

D.none of the above

RARTIONALE:The choice of what exam to administer depends on the referral questions of the reson for
the assessment ,not on what the psychometrician feels is his area of expertise.

15.Can you release to the referee an examiner’s exact answer on the Sack’s sentence completion test?

A. yes, because to the SSCT is a projective test,it’s best for the referees to see original answer to
counter subjective interpretation

B.yes.All referees have to right to both actual responses and psychometrician’s interpretation’s unethical to release client’s original responses to any test stimuli depends SSCT original answer may be released in the clinical and educational setting, but not in the
industrial setting

RATIONALE:The PAP code of ethics expressly prohibits releasing the client’s original responses to test
stimuli .This is because non- psychometricians and non psychologists can misinterpret said answers
without its proper context.

16 A client wants his test result sent to therapist he is seeing .You should

A.advise against it based on current research

B.refuse to do so based on ethics guidelines

C.first have the client sign a dated release on information psychiatrist to discuss the case but to refuse to send the report

RATIONALE: The client has the right to release information to people the want the information
released to.Signing a document accordingly is onw way psychometricias and client can formalize said
release and define its conditions and parameters

17.Getting informed consent is not legally required when you conduct routine tests, such as regular
interest testing.What would characterize best practice for a psychometricians based on this fact?

A. assune that informed consent is given ,so proceed directly to test administration least inform the test takers about the nature of the test, why trsting is being conducted and how
test results will be used the results on the school bulletin board so that students can get a better idea of how their peers
are doing

D.get signed informed consent forms anyways just to be sure

RATIONALE:True, routine tests are exempted from getting informed consent.However it is still good
practice to inform the examinees about the nature of the test they are taking and answer their
questions about the procedure

18.When judy’s parents asked the psychometrician about the result of her psychological test, the
psychometrician informed them that” Judy has oral fixation and is coping with lonliness though
reaction formation”Did the psychometrician employ good practice ?

A.Yes.The psychometrician exhibited an excellent grasp of his theories of personality

B.Yes.Because he made a diagnosis based on just one school of thought, which upholds the principle of

C.No.He used technical languge that the examinee’s parents aren’t likely to understand

D. No.Because only pstchologists, not psychometricians, should communicater psychodynamics of ta


RATIONALE:Psychometrician are encouraged to tailor their report,or any form of feedback, to their
target audience. Thus is in order to facilicate better communication .As much possible,
psychometricians should translate technical concept into words lay personas can understand

19.What is the most compelling reason why psychometricians should control light, temperature and
noise levels in a testing situation?

A. to ensure the comfort of all examinees minimize situation errors in the results comply with PAP Code of Ethics and International Testing standards ensure that test taking proceeds smoothly, with no distractiuons

RATIONALE:The main puropose of standardizing testing procedures is to minimize error variance.

20.According to the PAP, what is the rationale behind =obtaining informed consent from clients before
any form of psychological assessment?

A.respect of the client’s right self –determination

B. standardization of all instruction and testing procedures

C. ensuring the defensibility of all test results in court , if needed

D.maintenance of trusting relationship between client ans psychometrician

RATIONALE:According to the APA code of ethics ,informed consent upholds client’s right to self
determination the right to decide whether or not they want a psychological assessment procedure, who
do they want to conduct said assessment ,and to whom should the results be released

21.When clients sre organizations and not individuals, how can psychometrician work within the
prescribed ethical standards of the profesion?

A. psychology professionals musrt gets a signed contract form the management of the company
signifying their informed consent

B.psychology professinals must tstrive to inform all who would be affected by the psychology service
of the nature objectives of the service, as well as recipients of results need for extra actions . organization clients are exempted from informed consent during
assessment depents. If the organization is literate is psychometrics, you can do way with informed consent

RATIONALE:There are times when it is organization who seek the services of a psychometrician or a
psychologist. For instance , a large multinational company can hire an external consultant to conduct
the aptitude and intelligence testing of all their new hires. In these cases, the psychometrician need
not solicit an informed consent form from each of the examinee, especially for routine exams or
assessment contracted upon pre-employment.Still psychometricians must exert the effort to inform all
who will be affected by the assessment the nature and purpose of the examination

22. What is the primary reason behind restricting the release of psychological assessment to popular

A.if the public can practice on psychological assessment, the assessment would loser its validity

B.psychometricians need to protect the public from diagnosing and labeling themselves

C.psychometricians needs to protect the intellectual property of test developers who invested money
to produce valid and reliable assessment
D.psychometricians need to ensure that only those with the right education and training can
administer and interpret psychological tests

RATIONALE:Option A,B,C, and D are all valid reasons for restricting the release of psychological
assessment to the general public .But the most compelling reason is to ensure that the test remains
valid for future use

23.If an examinee has repeatedly refused to answer a test question, whats is the best course of action
from a psychometrician?

A. explain that test results would not be valid unless all questions are answered, therefore answering
every item is a must

B. assign a new psychometrician to the examinee ;one has better rapport with

C.not press for an answer; make an assessment based on the information that you have

D.consider the assessment as nula and void

RATIONALE:Psychological assessment must always be coinducted with respect for the client’s choices in
mind . If a client has repeatedly refused to answer a question , a psychometrician should simply respect
the refusal for an answer may just in an uncooperative client, which will invalidate the test results

24.Which word/phrase is most closely associated well- contructed psychological report?

A.face validity


C.Inter-scorer realibility

D.cenrtral tendency

RATIONALE:A well- constructed psychological report is idiographic; that is describes the client’s unique
constellation of traits and abilities . A psychological report that can apply to anyone (also known as the
barnum effect)is a useless pstychological report

25.From whom should psychometricians keep test materials secure from?


B.untrained individuals personnel

D.examinee’s family members

RATIONALE:While lawyers, media personnel, and examinee’s family member can all apply ,the more
comprehensive reponse is untrained individuals. Psychological assessment must be protected from
people who do not have the education and expirence to property administer and interpret
psychological tests.

26.What is the exception when it comes to the security of test materials ? third world countries where psychological tests are less accessible

B.when examiners have signed informed consent

C.when there is a memorandum of agreement between an organization and a psychometrician

D.for training of test administrator and scorers

RATIONALE:Training of test administrators and scorers, as those facilitated by clinical supervisors and
their interns ,are exempted from security of materials from untrained personnel

27.You’re asked to administer an IQ test to a client who did not have formal schooling .What is the
ethical thing for you to do ?

A.use the spearman brown formula to adjust for any reabilirty issues a culture fair test that is not biased by language or norms

C.administer the tests you have but inflate the score a few point to account for error

D.refuse to administer any psychological exam

RATIONALE:It is good for psychometricians to ensure that tests are not biased against the persons
taking exam.While it’s tempting to administer one type of IQ tests for all, it is important to note that
who did not attend formal education may not have the language skills to properly comprehend most
objective intelligence tests

28.If you write in your psychological report “overall the current test results appears to represent a valid
estimate of jacob’s cognitive and academic functioning “what are you saying? are not certain about the validity of the tests you administered
B.psychological tests are only estimates of real cognitive and academic functioning

C.testing conditions were optimal, and assumptions about the score’s validity can be made

D.none of the above

RATIONALE:In the field of psychological report writing , a statement like this is taken to mean that
client resistance , untoward incident, nor unfavorable condition had been observed during the testing
process and that test results can be assumed as accurate within its confidence interval.
Psychometricians are ethically bound to report if there are variables(e.g hot and noisy testing
room)that may confound test results

29.Which of the following is against the principle of providing accomodations:

A.administering test protocols in bra ille for persons with visual difficulties

Busing language for those with hearing difficulties

C.lowering the cut –off score for passing to encourage those with learing disorders

D.allowing an extension of time for those with ADHD

RATIONALE:Testing accomdations are commonly defined as a chance in the way that a test is
administered or responded by the person tested and are intended to offset or “for distortions in
scores caused by a disability (MCDonell et all .,1997). Choices A,B, and C are all examples of
accommodation. However even though situations are adjusted to accommodate special nedds, it
doesn’t mean that standards are lowered for persons with disability

30. The penalty for anyone violating any provision of RA 10029 could be

A. imprisonment for anyone of least 6 months at most 3 years

B.fine of at least 10,000 at most 100,000

C. court injuctions

D.all of the above

RATINALE:RA 10029 has provided that any violations of the act is subject to imprisonment of at not
less than 6 months and not more than 3 years or fine of at not less than Ph 10,000 and not more
than 100,000 court in juctuions may also be intiated against individuals and corporations found in
violation of the Republic Act . Licenses to practice and to operate may also be revoked by the board
as they deem fit.

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