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SMO0010.1177/20503121231157207SAGE Open MedicineLi Chen and Zheng

SAGE Open Medicine

Original Article

SAGE Open Medicine

The satisfaction of the undergraduate Volume 11: 1­–9

© The Author(s) 2023
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nursing classroom teaching quality based
DOI: 10.1177/20503121231157207

on the Kano model in China

Jiu-Li Chen1 and Li-Na Zheng2

Objectives: To investigate the satisfaction of the undergraduate nursing classroom teaching quality based on the Kano
model and provide a reference for improving the overall quality of educational services.
Methods: A total of 621 sophomores and juniors of nursing at Hubei University of Medicine were selected to conduct
questionnaires based on the Kano model using convenient sampling.
Results: The 16 items are all a one-dimensional factor. The satisfaction and importance are 0.77 to 0.86 and −0.58 to −0.80,
respectively. In the quadrant analysis chart, there are four items in the dominant area, three items for improvement, three
in the observation area, and six in the retention area.
Conclusion: Analyzing the satisfaction of nursing undergraduates’ classroom teaching quality can help us effectively
understand the intrinsic needs of students and improve the overall quality of nursing undergraduates’ curriculum teaching

Nursing, classroom teaching, quality evaluation, student satisfaction, the Kano model

Date received: 13 September 2022; accepted: 27 January 2023

Introduction knowledge in the university. Therefore, students are the cus-

tomers of educational services, and schools are the main
Since the late 1990s, due to the rapid development of higher bodies that directly provide educational services.8 Quality
education, the teaching quality of higher education has factors trigger emotional responses (i.e., satisfaction and dis-
become an essential concern of society.1 Teaching quality is satisfaction), which in turn generate behavioral intentions
the cornerstone of higher education based on society, the and responses.9 Education serves educators and students,
lifeline of sustainable development, and the primary factor and it ultimately serves the development of society. Teaching
affecting the continuous improvement of the quality of edu- quality is the extent of the high level and effectiveness of
cation and teaching in colleges and universities.2,3 With the teaching, which is ultimately reflected in the quality of the
rapid development of society and the economy, people’s pur- students trained. Students are the customers of educational
suit of quality higher education has become a higher level, services and are the subjects who perceive the quality of uni-
and teaching quality has unconsciously become an inherent versity teaching services.10 Student satisfaction is an indirect
requirement for the development of colleges and measure of the quality of the educational process, and the
The World Trade Organization has incorporated educa-
tion into the service industry, and higher education service School of Nursing, Hubei University of Medicine, Shi Yan, Maojian
District, China
has received more and more attention.4–6 Many educational 2
Taihe Hospital, Hubei University of Medicine, Shi Yan, Maojian District,
quality principles are founded on a comprehensive identifi- China
cation and comprehension of “customer” requirements.7
Corresponding author:
Currently, the general opinion on “who are the customers of Li-Na Zheng, Taihe Hospital of Hubei University of Medicine, She is
higher education institutions” is that the “customers” of located on 32 Renmin South Rd., Shi Yan, 442000, China.
higher education institutions are the individuals who acquire Email:

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2 SAGE Open Medicine

level of student satisfaction directly determines the excellent needs, and use the satisfaction degree of functional require-
quality of the teaching and learning services of the univer- ments to influence user satisfaction. The Kano model identi-
sity.11 Student satisfaction is a subjective assessment corre- fies three categories (i.e., delighters, satisfied, and
sponding to a match/mismatch between a student’s academic dissatisfied).9 The features of the satisfaction category indi-
expectations and the educational experience received.12 cate that satisfaction and dissatisfaction lie on opposite ends
Higher education is gradually becoming popular and interna- of a single continuum, consistent with the bipolar view. In
tionalized, and the proportion of enrollment expansion in contrast, the characteristics of satisfaction or dissatisfaction
colleges and universities is increasing yearly. Only by focus- indicate that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are distinct con-
ing on students and paying attention to students’ satisfaction structs consistent with the unipolar view. Since the Kano
can universities promote the development of universities model captures the nonlinear relationship between product
from passive to active. The United States was the first coun- performance and user satisfaction, it has been used to assess
try to take the lead in studying student satisfaction. In 1994, the quality of classroom teaching and investigate the satisfac-
Anderson et al. pioneered the introduction of the American tion of nursing students. This article aims to identify students’
Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) model into higher edu- expectations of various indicators and objectively reflect the
cation satisfaction measurement,13 which provided a break- quality of classroom teaching, thus exploring ways to improve
through and basis for measuring student satisfaction from a the quality of classroom teaching in undergraduate nursing
customer satisfaction perspective. ACSI is the most widely programs.
designed national customer satisfaction index in the world.
Subsequently, scholars from various countries use the ACSI
model for reference to build their own higher education sat-
isfaction index model. Compared with foreign countries, To investigate the satisfaction of the undergraduate nursing
domestic scholars’ research on classroom teaching satisfac- classroom teaching quality based on the Kano model and
tion is relatively scarce. In the 1990s, domestic scholars provide a reference for improving the overall quality of edu-
redefined the concept of higher education satisfaction based cational services.
on customer satisfaction. According to Chinese higher edu-
cation, scholars used the ACSI model for reference and
explored establishing the Chinese higher education customer
satisfaction model.14,15 Although there are many studies in This study is a cross-sectional study.
China, most of them are limited to the scope of schools, and
the scale of research is not large enough to form a unified
model for measuring student satisfaction. At the same time,
classroom satisfaction questionnaires are usually formed in Using convenient sampling, 621 sophomores and juniors of
Likert-type scales, which can only analyze the linear rela- nursing at Hubei University of Medicine were selected to
tionship between question indicators and satisfaction; in conduct questionnaires based on the Kano model. This study
reality, the linear relationship between measurement indica- has been approved by the ethics committee (the name of the
tors and student satisfaction is not presented. Independent Ethics Committee is Ethics Committee of
Since 2011, the nursing discipline has been independent Shiyan Taihe Hospital, the number of the ethical approval is
of the second discipline of clinical medicine and has become 2022KS42), and all students voluntarily participate and sign
a first-level discipline. Nursing education in medical schools a written informed consent, and the results also do not
and hospitals is receiving increasing attention.16 However, include any identifying information.
some medical colleges still use an evaluation form to evalu-
ate all medical courses and cannot objectively assess the Sample size calculation. The main estimation process is 5–10
teaching of nursing courses. At the same time, much of the times the number of selected variables, the number of varia-
previous research on evaluating satisfaction or dissatisfac- bles involved in this article is 32, and then the sample size is
tion with quality has relied on a bipolar view. Satisfaction estimated to be in the interval of 160–320 cases, considering
and dissatisfaction lie at opposite ends of the same contin- the 10% invalid proportion of the questionnaire, and then the
uum,17 requiring individuals to evaluate multidimensional sample size is determined to be 176–352 cases.
attributes of the service on an asymmetrical one-dimensional To fully understand undergraduate nursing students’ satis-
scale. However, this bipolar conceptualization allows for faction with the quality of classroom teaching, a total of 625
contradictory or simultaneous satisfaction, and dissatisfac- students in the second and third grades of nursing were
tion is not suitable for assessing customer responses, sug- selected to conduct a questionnaire survey.
gesting that feeling satisfied does not preclude the presence
of dissatisfaction and vice versa. Inclusion criteria
The primary function of the Kano model is to make the (1) Undergraduate nursing students enrolled in their
invisible attributes of service quality explicit, classify user sophomore and junior years.
Li Chen and Zheng 3

(2) Those who have attended nursing courses at this leading Japanese expert in quality management, was inspired
stage. by Herzberg’s two-factor theory and proposed the concept of
(3) Able to correctly understand and answer the ques- the Kano model.18 According to the attributes of the product
tions related to the questionnaire. and users’ satisfaction, the Kano model divides service qual-
(4) Voluntary participation in this study. ity characteristics into five types (see Figure 1).19
Basic tools of the Kano model:
Exclusion criteria
(1) Participants were not undergraduate students. Since customers’ judgments of quality attributes are highly
(2) Not having taken a nursing course. individualized, research using hypothesis testing is required. The
(3) Students who did not want to participate in the study. three main tools of the Kano model are the Kano questionnaire,
the Kano assessment form, and the Kano survey results form.

Survey method Survey tools. The designed questionnaire was divided into
The Kano model. Fundamentals of the Kano model: the following two parts: (1) a self-designed general informa-
The traditional quality model examines perceptions from tion questionnaire: including gender, age, and grade; (2) a
a one-dimensional perspective and assumes a linear relation- questionnaire on undergraduate nursing students’ satisfac-
ship between quality element performance and customer sat- tion with classroom teaching quality based on the Kano
isfaction. However, not all quality elements have such a model: Refer to the classroom teaching quality evaluation
linear relationship. In 1984, Professor Noriaki Kano, a scale for undergraduate nursing majors compiled by Zhao
et al.20 (The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for the total scale
was 0.892, and the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for each
dimension was 0.886–0.974, so the scale had good reliabil-
ity. The total scale’s content validity index (S-CVI) was
0.954, and the content validity index (I-CVI) of each item
was 0.818–1, so the scale had good content validity.) It
includes four aspects: teacher literacy (4 pairs of items), pre-
class design (3 pairs of items), classroom vitality (6 pairs of
items), and after-school reflection (3 pairs of items), with a
total of 16 pairs of items. For each of the 16 pairs of entries,
two types of questions were asked: forward and backward.
According to the Kano model attribute classification method
(see Table 1), each item has five answers to choose from. The
frequency and percentage of different classifications of each
dimension item are counted based on the respondents’
responses to the positive and negative items, combined with
the Kano classification table, and the quality attribute is
finally determined as the attribute classification with the
highest statistical frequency (Kano classification). Accord-
ing to the attributes of 16 pairs of items, satisfaction and
importance were determined, and a matrix of satisfaction
with classroom teaching quality of undergraduate nursing
Figure 1. The Kano model. students based on the Kano model was drawn.

Table 1. Kano classification table.

Negative questions

Positive questions Item Likes It should be Does not matter Can be accepted Dislikes
Likes Q A A A O
It should be R I I I M
Does not matter R I I I M
Can be accepted R I I I M
Dislikes R R R R Q

M: must-be factor; A: attractive factor; O: one-dimensional factor; I: irrelevant factor; R: reversal factor; Q: questionable result.
4 SAGE Open Medicine

Questionnaire Survey methods. The survey was conducted in Table 2. General information of nursing students (n = 621).
June 2022.The questionnaires of this study were mainly dis-
Item Item Proportion (%)
tributed and collected online through the questionnaire star
platform. Gender Male 68 (10.95)
To ensure the quality of Kano’s questionnaire: Female 553 (89.05)
Age Under 18 years old 3 (0.48)
(1) The questionnaire was mainly pushed through the 18–20 551 (88.73)
counselors, which could effectively avoid some hap- 21–23 67 (10.79)
hazard answers; Grade Class of 2019 197 (31.72)
(2) Before distributing the questionnaire, survey training Class of 2020 424 (68.28)
was conducted for counselors in each class, with
detailed explanations of the broad purpose of the
questionnaire study, survey notes, rules for complet- Attributes of satisfaction with the quality of
ing the questionnaire, characteristics of the questions classroom teaching for undergraduate nursing
(such as positive and negative questions) and the students
meaning of the question items;
(3) The investigators used the students’ course breaks to Calculate the proportion of M, O, A, I, and R in each indica-
distribute the questionnaires. They used uniform tor using the Kano classification table criteria. Taking the
instructional language to guide students in filling out maximum value as the index attribute of the item, the clas-
the questionnaires, emphasizing the completeness of sification table of the quality characteristics of teaching qual-
the questionnaires. If students have questions about ity satisfaction is obtained, and the SI and DSI (SI refers to
the questions and options of the questionnaire, satisfaction and DSI refers to importance) are calculated
explain them in time; according to the attribute of the item index (see Table 3).
(4) Removed questionnaires with a completion time of The results showed 16 attributes of satisfaction with
60 s or less; classroom teaching quality of undergraduate nursing stu-
(5) A part of the questionnaires that were incomplete or dents, 16 of which are expected needs. That is, respondents’
inconsistent were deleted. satisfaction is proportional to the degree of fulfillment of this
demand.21 It can be seen from Table 3 that the item with the
Statistical analysis highest SI value is “create a good classroom atmosphere”
(1) Descriptive statistic: The survey objects’ general (0.86), indicating that student satisfaction will be increased
information is described by the frequency, percent- by 86% after creating a good classroom atmosphere, while
age, mean, and standard deviation. the item with the highest DSI value is “good teacher ethics
(2) Two-dimensional attribute classification: classify and style” (0.80), indicating that if this service is ignored,
and summarize the data according to the Kano model patient satisfaction will decrease by 80%.
analysis method combined with Excel form, and get The matrix diagram is plotted based on each entry’s satisfac-
the quality characteristic classification of each tion and importance results. The results of the Better–Worse
element. indices in Table 3 were plotted against the satisfaction matrix
(3) Better–Worse coefficient analysis: The Better– using the Excel tool. The vertical coordinate is the SI value,
Worse coefficient analysis method proposed by the horizontal coordinate is the DSI, and the origin is the SI
Berger evaluates the satisfaction of each function and DSI mean. In plotting the quadrant diagram, take the
point by calculating the coefficient. In addition, it is absolute value of the DSI value. The mean SI value is
necessary to draw the importance quadrant of 0.819375, and the mean DSI value is −0.819375. The mean
satisfaction. of SI and DSI values was used as the coordinate origin, and
the origin was (0.819375, 0.66875). The advantage area,
improvement area, observation area, and reserved area are
Results located in the first, second, third, and fourth quadrants,
respectively. Among them, 4, 5, 13, 16 in the advantage area;
Demographics 1, 2, 3 in the improvement area; 5, 7, 14 in the observation
The survey recovered 625 questionnaires, of which 621 were area; 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15 in the reserved area (see Figure 2).
valid, so the effective recovery rate was 99.36%. Among
them, 424 (68.28%) were in the second grade, 197 (31.72%)
were in the third grade, 68 were male (10.95%), and 553
(89.05%) were female. The general information of nursing Students are one of the subjects that determine the quality of
students is shown in Table 2. education. Colleges and universities must “listen to the voice
Li Chen and Zheng 5

Table 3. Classification table of quality characteristics of undergraduate nursing classroom teaching.

Quality serial number M A O I R Q Kano classify SI DSI

Function number
1. Good teacher ethics and style 78 60 385 57 2 39 O 0.77 −0.80
2. Elegant manners and etiquette 42 105 366 71 2 35 O 0.81 −0.70
3. Excellent professional knowledge 71 77 386 53 0 34 O 0.79 −0.78
4. Strong teaching ability 44 101 383 60 2 31 O 0.82 −0.73
5. Correct use of teaching methods 40 130 328 92 4 27 O 0.78 −0.62
6. Correct use of teaching means 39 106 385 66 1 24 O 0.82 −0.71
7. Preparation and preview before class 50 137 337 72 2 23 O 0.80 −0.65
8. Create a good classroom atmosphere 25 169 340 61 1 25 O 0.86 −0.61
9. Cultivate students’ interest in learning 23 163 341 67 3 24 O 0.85 −0.61
10. Students’ ability development 29 140 365 60 4 23 O 0.85 −0.66
11. Knowledge extension 28 174 326 71 0 22 O 0.83 −0.59
12. Actively organizing counseling and answering questions 32 158 343 66 1 21 O 0.84 −0.63
13. Curriculum setting 42 132 374 53 0 20 O 0.84 −0.69
14. Course ideological and political 36 129 340 92 3 21 O 0.79 −0.63
15. Open lab courses 27 176 315 74 6 23 O 0.83 −0.58
16. Internships and clinical practice 38 109 384 61 8 21 O 0.83 −0.71

SI = (A + O)/(A + O + M + I), the closer the value is to 1, the higher the satisfaction of students with this demand;
DSI = −1 × (O + M)/(A + O + M + I), the closer the value is to −1, the more important the student considers the need to be. M: must-be factor; A: attrac-
tive factor; O: one-dimensional factor; I: irrelevant factor; R: reversal factor; Q: questionable result. A matrix of satisfaction with the quality of classroom
teaching for undergraduate nursing students based on the Kano model.

Figure 2. Satisfaction and importance matrix.

of the clients” and pay attention to students’ expectations and students and provide a basis for improving students’ satisfac-
feelings. The Kano model is now widely used in higher edu- tion with the classroom. The results of this study show that
cation,22–24 which can effectively identify the needs of college because the Kano model has the advantage of integrating
6 SAGE Open Medicine

many factors such as user expectations, sociocultural and thinking skills, and practical application of knowledge,31 in
psychological, and its revelation of the transformation of order to continuously improve the quality of undergraduate
types of needs over time; it is natural to conclude that stu- nursing talent training. Some studies have also shown that
dents’ requirements also change over time, reflecting their student-centered teaching strategies can enhance patient
internal expectations.8 As a result, the Kano model was used safety skill competence in the clinical setting.32
to investigate nursing undergraduates’ satisfaction with class-
room teaching quality, precisely and effectively determine the One-dimensional quality service indicators. One-dimensional
quality attributes of students’ demand for nursing profes- attribute refers to the service users expect to provide, which
sional classroom teaching services, and identify the key fac- has a linear relationship with satisfaction. If this attribute
tors influencing students’ satisfaction. performs well, students’ satisfaction will be high, while those
with poor performance will be dissatisfied. Among the 16
indexes, 16 belong to one-dimensional quality. To improve
Analysis of functional attributes of the quality of students’ satisfaction, we must constantly optimize these
classroom teaching functions. Studied students’ satisfaction from five dimen-
Must-be quality service indicators. Must-be quality service sions—teaching ethics, teaching ability, teaching contents,
means that students think the classroom must have these teaching methods, and teaching outcomes.33 Liu et al.
functions and will evaluate a classroom that does not have improve the teaching quality and students’ satisfaction by
these functions as substandard. At the same time, however, stimulating the classroom teaching vitality, optimizing the
teachers’ continuous optimization of such functions does not curriculum, enhancing the practicality of teaching content,
significantly affect teaching satisfaction, that is, the “health and strengthening the practice and practice links.34
factor” in teaching. According to the results of the survey,
students do not have the must-be quality attributes for func- Better–Worse quadrant chart analysis of the
tional evaluation of classroom teaching quality, which may
be due to the fact that, on the one hand, research on class-
quality of classroom teaching demand
room teaching quality evaluation in nursing in China started Grasp the requirements of expected attributes, increase satisfac-
late, and students do not have a deep enough understanding tion, and eliminate dissatisfaction. The improvement of teach-
of the location and importance of nursing courses. Jiang ing quality depends on the construction of teaching staff.
et al. argued that the late start of teaching quality evaluation Good teaching ability can promote the cultivation of nursing
research in medical schools in China and the continuous students’ knowledge and, meanwhile, improve the overall
research time of classroom teaching quality evaluation in quality of the teaching team.35 The college needs to take a
medical colleges is short.25 Lin et al. argued that students are variety of methods to improve the development of teachers’
the main learning body and need to clarify the position and teaching ability, focus on enhancing the knowledge and
importance of this professional course in the profession.26 teaching practice ability of the teaching staff,36 and encour-
On the other hand, it lies in the many years of educational age teachers to carry out teaching academic research and
philosophy in China, which focuses on “teaching” but not exchanges in a targeted manner. With the development of
“learning” and does not highlight the centrality of students. information technology, teachers should be able to handle
Sun et al. and Katawazai et al. agree that to truly improve the modern information technology, adapt to the changes of
satisfaction of undergraduate nursing students with the qual- information technology, artificial intelligence, and other new
ity of classroom teaching; it should highlight students’ lead- technologies, and carry out education and teaching actively
ing position. Change the teaching concept from and effectively.37 The aim is to promote the reform and
“teacher-centered” to “student-centered,” put students at the development of teacher education in the new era and improve
center of classroom teaching, and always grasp the “student- the quality of teacher education.38 Nursing practice can max-
centered” educational idea in teaching activities.27,28 Treat imize the cultivation of students’ analytical and problem-
the students as unique individuals, with their values, ideas, solving skills, practical operation ability, and innovation
beliefs, and worldviews.29 A student-centered learning ability. Schools should combine the nature of the nursing
approach encourages students to take more responsibility for profession, classify, and set the standards of practice teach-
their learning. In the process of education and teaching, ing, appropriately increase the proportion of practice teach-
teachers need to pay attention to the fundamental needs of ing, reform and innovate the content of practice teaching,
students and meet the changing requirements of students to a and improve the conditions of practice teaching.
greater extent. Effectively put the quality of talent training in
the first place, continuously improve the quality of teaching, Enhancing the demand for charming attributes and focusing on
and improve student satisfaction.30 At the same time, nursing improving student satisfaction. The second quadrant is the
educators must constantly adjust and evaluate their teaching charisma factor. Indicators in this quadrant have a strong
methods to ensure that every teaching method used in the influence on satisfaction but a low ability to eliminate the
nursing curriculum promotes higher level learning, critical effect of dissatisfaction. An exemplary implementation of
Li Chen and Zheng 7

the corresponding educational service indicators will sur- flipped classrooms, and virtual simulation, are emerging.
prise students and failure to implement these academic ser- Compared with traditional education, multimedia teaching
vice indicators will not make students feel dissatisfied. The has the characteristics of diversity, intuition, and interaction,
three significant indicators of “good teacher ethics and which enriches the teaching form, attracts students to a cer-
style,” “elegant manners and etiquette,” and “excellent pro- tain extent, and improves participation.44,45 “Course Ideo-
fessional knowledge” are the charm elements. Focusing on logical and Political” is also located in this quadrant. Zhang
these three indicators is conducive to improving students’ et al. found that students resented the over-injection of ideo-
satisfaction with the school’s educational services and creat- logical and political elements and hard sensationalism after
ing the characteristics and highlights of the school’s educa- integrating course ideology and politics into professional
tional services. A teacher’s role model has a significant courses.46 Firstly, the integration of ideology and politics
impact on the students; uncivil behavior endangers the phys- with nursing courses started late and was only explicitly pro-
ical and mental health of faculty and students.39 Teachers posed by the Ministry of Education in May 2020.47 Secondly,
should consider the factors that influence education at all most of the teachers of professional courses lack the element
times. Students will be infected and educated with decent of “moral education” in the implementation of “ideological
manners and good etiquette in the classroom, which will sig- politics in curriculum,” and are only “thinking and politics
nificantly improve the teaching effect, and then achieve the for thinking and politics,” and they are unable to motivate
set teaching goals. The construction of teachers’ morality students to think and assimilate it on their own.
and style occupies an essential position in the structure of
college teachers and is the first criterion for evaluating the Solidify must-be attribute requirements and strongly reduce dis-
quality of teachers.40 Good teachers’ morality and style are satisfaction. The fourth quadrant is the must-be factor. The
college teachers’ essential qualities and necessary condi- indicators of educational services in this quadrant have low
tions. Strengthen the construction of teachers’ morality and pulling power but a high ability to eliminate dissatisfaction
style, and firmly guide most teachers to stand up with virtue, for students’ satisfaction. There are related educational ser-
learn with integrity, and teach with virtue.41 Teachers are the vices that will not satisfy students, but if such services are
mirrors of students’ moral cultivation. Preparing nurses at all not provided, students’ dissatisfaction will be significantly
levels to be moral agents is a critical job of the profession, increased. Schools should secure these educational service
specifically nursing education.42 Thus, college teachers base items. Through an empirical study of undergraduate
should strengthen their moral obligations, abide by the basic teaching quality satisfaction in general universities, Li found
norms of teacher morality, strengthen the construction of that students’ professional interest has the most significant
their ethics and style, and improve teacher morality and style impact on teaching effectiveness and is an important reflec-
construction. Teachers also should continuously replenish tion of teaching effectiveness.48 Jiang et al. concluded that
self-knowledge reserves, master excellent professional interactive participation of teachers and students in the learn-
knowledge, improve their professional quality, and improve ing process, teaching feedback from nursing students, and
the quality of nursing education and teaching to meet teach- troubleshooting from teachers could improve teaching qual-
ing needs. ity.49 Liu et al. found that creating a good classroom atmos-
phere and providing extracurricular learning materials for
Guarantee the demand for undifferentiated attributes and knowledge expansion can be an excellent way to improve
weaken the fluctuation degree of dissatisfaction. The third student satisfaction.50
quadrant is no difference factor. The educational service At the same time, because the user’s demand attributes
indicators in this quadrant have little influence on improving are periodic rather than constant, these characteristics may
students’ satisfaction and eliminating dissatisfaction. There- be transformed into attractive quality characteristics with the
fore, the school can appropriately reduce the investment in passage of time and the continuous improvement of func-
these educational services with the limited supply of various tions. Therefore, in improving the education of nursing
resources. “Correct use of teaching methods” is located in undergraduates, we should continuously tap the potential
this quadrant. However, Liu et al. think that “teaching meth- needs of students, adopt active strategies, and attach impor-
ods” is an item that has a high impact on teaching quality, but tance to tracking and improving these quality
the actual satisfaction evaluation is not high.34 The reason for characteristics.
the inconsistency with the results of this study is that, on the However, there are still shortcomings: First, there is no
one hand, he studied “double first-class” universities, while different analysis of students' satisfaction by grade. Secondly,
in this study, it is a general university; on the other hand, it is this survey only focuses on nursing students in this institu-
because with the continuous development of computers and tion but does not extend the survey to the whole country, so
the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, multi- it is not universal enough. Thirdly, the research results are of
media has gradually entered the campus classroom, and the the times because the attributes of the Kano model will
nursing education model is also changing.43 Various teaching change and develop with time, and the categories and impor-
methods, such as MOOCs, micro-course, blended teaching, tance of educational service factors will also change with
8 SAGE Open Medicine

time. Therefore, school education administrators should Supplemental material

establish a dynamic and phased demand survey mechanism Supplemental material for this article is available online.
from the students’ perspective and adjust the types and meth-
ods of educational services on time to effectively promote References
better employment and overall development of students.
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