CIVL458-958 Presentations Marking Rubric

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CIVL458/958 – Construction management presentation (Task 3) Marking Rubric

Criteria Fail (0-49) Pass (50-64) Credit (65-74) Distinction (75-84) High Distinction (85-100) Marks
Very poor delivery in Poor pace and Adequate pace and Good pronunciation, Excellent pronunciation,
terms of pace, limited vocabulary. vocabulary. Adequate pace and vocabulary. pace and vocabulary.
pronunciation and Awkward transitions transitions between Smooth transitions Smooth transitions between
vocabulary. Poor between presenters. presenters. Some eye between presenters. presenters. Engaging team
transitions between Reads from notes, contact with camera. Engaging team presentation.
presenters. No audience limited eye contact. presentation.
0-9 10-12 13-14 15-16 17-20 /20
Lack of clarity and Adequate sequence Logical sequence and Good sequence and Presentation tells a clear
Structure flow. Poorly structured and flow to flow of presentation. flow of presentation. story - Excellent sequence
(20%) presentation. presentation. Poor Good timekeeping. Good timekeeping. and flow of presentation.
timekeeping. Excellent timekeeping.
0-14 15-19 20-22 23-25 26-30 /20
Poor Mostly clear and Clear and concise Very good, clear and Excellent, clear and concise
communication/summar concise summary of summary of project concise summary of summary of project
Content y of project project management management plan, project management management plan, covering
communication management plan, with plan, covering most covering most major plan, covering all all areas of content,
(verbal & major areas of content major areas of areas of content, major areas of content, underpinned by evidence-
graphic) missing. No content, with limited underpinned by underpinned by some based justification for
(30%) justification of justification for justification for evidence-based strategies employed.
strategies employed. strategies employed. strategies employed. justification for
strategies employed.
0-14 15-19 20-22 23-25 26-30 /30
Cannot answer Superficial responses Developing Confidently responds Demonstrates full
questions about subject. to questioning, understanding of to all questions, with understanding of project
Question indicating limited project management limited elaboration, management principles by
response understanding of principles. Team is indicating good answering all questions with
(30%) project management able to answer simple understanding of explanations and elaboration.
principles. questions. project management
0-9 10-12 13-14 15-16 17-20 /30

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