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Mr. Rey E. Enciso
✓Define biodiversity;
✓Determine the interrelatedness of biodiversity,
environment, and health;
✓Discuss the ethics, implications, and potential future
impacts of GMOs; and
✓Propose a plan or make a stand that would show
the relatedness of species in forming up a diverse
and healthy society without compromising each
“All living things exist in balance with other living
things and physical factor”
Biotic factors (living things) are related
to the abiotic factors (non-living things). A
change in the environment can cause a
change in the biodiversity. And a change
in the biodiversity could have erratic
effects in not only in wildlife and marine
but also in human beings.
“We should preserve every scrap of biodiversity
as priceless while we learn
to use it and come to understand what it means to

E.O. Wilson

➢Define nanotechnology;
➢Characterize nanoscale;
➢ Describe the various use of nanotechnology;
➢ Discuss concerns on the uses of nanotechnology;
➢ Explain the status on the use of nanotechnology in
the Philippines.

Because nanotechnology is still evolving, there

doesn’t seem to be any one definition that everybody
agrees on. We know that nano deals with matter on a
very small scale - larger than atoms and molecules,
but smaller than a breadcrumb. We know that matter
at the nano scale can behave differently than bulk

Beyond that, different individuals and groups focus on

different aspects of nanotechnology as a discipline.
Here are a few definitions of what nanotechnology is
for your consideration:

Nanotechnology is the study and use of structures

between 1 nanometer (nm) and 100 nanometers in
This is probably the most barebones and generally
agreed upon definition of nanotechnology. To put
these measurements in perspective, compare your
one meter (about three feet three inches) high hall
table to a nanometer. You would have to stack one
billion nanometer-sized particles on top of each other
to reach the height of your hall table. Another popular
comparison is that you can fit about 80,000
nanometers in the width of a single human hair.
This is probably the most barebones and generally
agreed upon definition of nanotechnology. To put
these measurements in perspective, compare your
one meter (about three feet three inches) high hall
table to a nanometer. You would have to stack one
billion nanometer-sized particles on top of each other
to reach the height of your hall table. Another popular
comparison is that you can fit about 80,000
nanometers in the width of a single human hair.
The word nano is a scientific prefix that stands for 10-9 or
one-billionth; the word itself comes from the Greek word
nanos, meaning dwarf.

“Structures, devices, and systems having novel properties

and functions due to the arrangement of their atoms on
the 1 to 100 nanometer scale. Many fields of endeavor
contribute to nanotechnology, including molecular
physics, materials science, chemistry, biology, computer
science, electrical engineering, and mechanical
This definition from The Foresight Institute adds a mention
of the various fields of science that come into play with

“Nanotechnology is the study of phenomena and fine-

tuning of materials at atomic, molecular and
macromolecular scales, where properties differ
significantly from those at a larger scale. Products based
on nanotechnology are already in use and analysts
expect markets to grow by hundreds of billions of euros
during this decade.”
The European Commission offers this definition of what
nanotechnology is, which both repeats the fact mentioned in
the previous definition that materials at the nanoscale have
novel properties, and positions nano vis-a-vis its potential in the
economic marketplace.

“Nanotechnology is the understanding and control of matter at

dimensions between approximately 1 and 100 nanometers,
where unique phenomena enable novel applications.
Encompassing nanoscale science, engineering, and
technology, nanotechnology involves imaging, measuring,
modeling, and manipulating matter at this length scale.”
This definition from the National Nanotechnology Initiative adds the fact that
nanotechnology involves certain activities, such as measuring and
manipulating nanoscale matter.

“[Nanotechnology is] an upcoming economic, business, and social

phenomenon. Nano-advocates argue it will revolutionize the way we live,
work and communicate.”
This last is taken from a definition of nanotechnology by Thomas Theis, director
of physical sciences at the IBM Watson Research Center. It offers a broader
and interesting perspective of the role and value of nanotechnology in our

Excerpted from Nanotechnology For Dummies (2nd edition), from Wiley

Scientists have been studying and working with
nanoparticles for centuries, but the effectiveness of
their work has been hampered by their inability to see
the structure of nanoparticles. In recent decades the
development of microscopes capable of displaying
particles as small as atoms has allowed scientists to
see what they are working with.
Scientists have been studying and working with
nanoparticles for centuries, but the effectiveness of
their work has been hampered by their inability to see
the structure of nanoparticles. In recent decades the
development of microscopes capable of displaying
particles as small as atoms has allowed scientists to
see what they are working with.
The study of nanomaterial becomes interesting with the
use of different equipment like electron microscope,
atomic force microscope, and scanning tunneling
microscope. Electron microscope was built by Ernst Ruska
and Max Knoll during 1930s. There are two general types
of electron microscopes namely scanning electron
microscope and transmission electron microscope.
The former directs a high voltage electron beam towards
the specimen to illuminate it and create a magnified
image of the sample while the latter directs a focused
electron beam across the rectangular area of the
specimen, which loses energy as it passes through. The
resolution of scanning electron microscopes tends to be
poorer than that achieved from the transmission electron
Atomic force microscope was developed BY Gerd Binig,
Calvin Quate and Chrisoph Gerber in 1986. It makes use of
mechanical probe that gathers information from the
surface of a material.Scanning Tunneling microscope
enables scientists to view and manipulate nanoscale
particles, atoms, and small molecules. This invention gave
a Nobel Prize Awards in Physics to their inventors, Gerd
Binigand Rohrer. (, 2018)
Numerous innovations in development as well as those
under investigations are now the focus of
nanotechnology. Nanotechnology impacts many
industries like transportation, environment, energy,
electronics, manufacturing, agriculture and
pharmaceuticals. In the field of health care,
nanotechnologists work on chemical and biological
sensors, drugs and delivery devices, prosthetics and
They have created the quantum dots that glow in UV light
to locate as few as 10 to 100 cancer cells. They are also
trying to grow laboratory tissues to repair heart tissue or
even replace them. In technology, they are looking for
solutions for a better data storage and computation (e.g.
a DVD that could hold a million movies) while in
environment, nanotechnology plays a big role in the quest
for clean energy and clean air (Nano Solar Cells).
(Bennewitz, 2000).
In the Philippines, PCAS TRD-DOST ha funded most of the
nanotech projects which includes ICT and
semiconductors, Health and biomedical, energy,
environment, agriculture and food, health and
environmental risk nanometrology and education and
public awareness. (Serafica, 2018).
Nanotechnologist faced a lot of issues since nanoscale-
sized objects are very delicate. Radiation particles can
cause fatal defects during manufacturing thus
development requires very clean environments making
only a few, out of many produced, are perfect. Aside from
manufacturing issues, there are also potential risks of
nanotechnology in health and environment.
Nanoparticles can be swallowed, inhaled, absorbed
through the skin, or deliberately injected. If this happens,
inflammation can be triggered and weaken the immune
system. Nanoparticles can also accumulate in soil, water
and plants (www.trnmage, 2004)

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