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Syllabus in TLE 9

First Quarter

Grade Level Standard The learner demonstrates knowledge, skills and attitude to perform the tasks on
Content Standard The learner demonstrates an understanding core concepts and underlying
theories in cookery lessons.
Performance Standard The learner independently demonstrates core competencies in cookery as
prescribed in the TESDA Training Regulation.

Time Topics Learning Competencies Assessment

- Basic concepts in cookery
- Relevance of the course
Week 1 - Career opportunities
- Students Activity Program of HAU-JHS
- Kitchen and Classroom Rules and Regulations
- TLE Grading System

- Groupings and seat plan


 Video
Dimensions of Personal Formative:

 Evaluates Personal
Entrepreneurial Competencies

 Discussion
(PECs) Presentation

 Explains dimensions/ clusters  Self-rating

- Three clusters of PECs Entrepreneurial Competencies
(achievement, planning, and
Week 2 power clusters) of PECs and the different Questionnaire
- Characteristics characteristic traits per cluster (Assess your
- Assessment of PECs PECs by

 Business Environment and  Explains the different factors answering the test

  Group discussion
Market influence business environment items).
- Factors in the business Explains procedures for
environment generating business ideas or (Determine
- Identifying business identifying business different business

 
opportunities opportunities opportunities near
the community

Review of different kitchen tools Generates business ideas
and equipment and their uses Recognizes kitchen tools and and identify
equipment to be cleaned and problems
Valuing: Enhancing weak areas and sanitized encountered and
sustaining strong areas in their PECs. their solutions)

 Written Test
Giving importance in the following: Summative:
- Business opportunities
- Different kitchen tools and (Complete the
equipment given graphic
organizer of the
characteristics of

 Written Test
each clusters)

(Identify the
following kitchen
tools and
according to their


 Picture Analysis
Clean and maintain kitchen Identifies the chemicals to be Formative:

  Discussion
tools, equipment and premises utilized in cleaning and
Week 3
 Recitation
Different chemicals to be utilized sanitizing kitchen tools and

in cleaning and sanitizing kitchen equipment

tools and equipment
 Demonstration
Performs cleaning and Summative:
Cleaning and sanitizing kitchen sanitizing of kitchen tools and
tools and equipment equipment and premises (Tell and show me

- Proper dishwashing the proper
techniques of kitchen tools cleaning and
and equipment sanitizing of tools,
- Methods of sanitizing equipment and
kitchen tools and kitchen premises).

Cleaning and sanitizing kitchen

Valuing: Appreciate the importance of

cleaning and sanitizing kitchen tools,

equipment and premises.

 Tools, equipment and utensils  Brainstorming

Prepare Appetizers Identifies tool and equipment Formative:

 Discussion
needed in preparation of

 Classification of appetizers   Recitation

needed in preparing appetizers appetizers

 Variety of ingredients in preparing

Classifies appetizer according

  Short quiz about

to ingredients Summative:

 Nutritional value of appetizer

appetizers Identifies ingredient according

 Varieties of hot and cold   Actual

to the given recipe appetizer
Differentiates between hot and

 Methods of preparing appetizers 

appetizers cold appetizers Preparation of
Week 4
 Suggested projects:   Making project
Prepares variety of appetizers appetizer
Evaluates the finished product

- Canapés and rate using rubric plan on appetizer
- Hors d’oeuvres

Presents a range of appetizers
- Fruit appetizers Stores appetizers
- Vegetable appetizers

 Fundamentals of plating
- Etc.

 Principle and techniques in

storing appetizers

Valuing: Appreciate the skills and

values learned in preparing appetizer.

Written Test regarding
Applies the lesson learned the topics
Week 5 during week 1 to 4 tackled/discussed on the

First Mid-Quarter

  Brainstorming
Salad and Salad Dressing Classifies salads according to Formative:

   Discussion
Week 6 Classification of salads ingredients

 Recitation
Kinds of salad dressing and their Identifies the different kinds of

ingredients salad dressing and their

  Short quiz about

Factors to consider in plating and ingredients Summative:
presenting salads and dressings Identifies types/classifications

 
Sandwiches of sandwiches salad and

Classification of sandwiches Identifies sandwich dressing and

Components of sandwiches components sandwiches
Ways of storing sandwiches

Valuing: Giving importance on the

knowledge acquired in preparing salads
and dressings and sandwiches

Nutrition Month

Essay regarding
(Food Preparation) Prepares nutritious healthy
Week 7 the theme of
foods Nutrition month
Valuing: Giving importance to one’s

Food Bazaar (Preparing
health by preparing nutritious and Applies PEC discussions and
product to be sold)
healthy foods business environment
In line with Nutrition month Note:
celebration, the TLE Department will Post-test will be
have an activity tag as “Fiesta sa given to students
Gym: Halina at Makisaya, Sa TLE Day
Siguradong May Kita.”

This is to showcase the talents and
skills learned in different components,
so students will have a chance to
portray the role of an entrepreneur,
baker, programmer, web developer,
artist etc.

This is also a way for the students to

 Prepares/presents/stores salad
experience the real world of work.

  Review of salad

  Prepares/presents/stores
Prepare Salad and Dressing and dressing
Week 8 Prepare Sandwiches and sandwiches
sandwiches lesson

 Short quiz about


 Actual

Preparation of

 Making project

plan on sandwich

  Brainstorming
Week 9 Desserts Identifies the importance of Formative:

   Discussion
Definition of desserts dessert in a meal

  Recitation
Importance of desserts Classifies dessert according

Classifications of dessert and to types of ingredients used

   Short quiz about

their characteristics Stores dessert Summative:
Storing desserts Determines the
Complete Meal compositions of a complete desserts

 

Compositions of complete meal meal Demonstration
Applies the skills learned (The students will
Valuing: Appreciate the skills and from appetizer up to dessert apply the skills
values learned in preparing desserts and by preparing a complete learned from
complete meal. meal appetizer up to
dessert by
preparing a
complete meal).

Week 10 Applies the lesson learned Written Test regarding
FIRST QUARTER EXAM during the First Quarter the topics discussed on
the First Quarter


Second Quarter

The learner demonstrates knowledge, skills and attitude to perform the tasks on Bread
and Pastry Production.
The learner demonstrates an understanding of the core concepts and theories in bread
and pastry production
The learner independently demonstrates core competencies in bread and pastry
production as prescribed in the TESDA Training Regulation

Time Topics Learning Competencies Assessment

  The learner:

  Picture Analysis
Week 1 Orientation Formative:

 Discussion
Basic concepts in bread and - explains core concepts in

  Recitation
pastry production bread and pastry production
- discusses the relevance of the

Relevance of the course
  Written Test
Career opportunities Summative:
Review tools and equipment used - explores opportunities in bread

 Familiarizes tools and

in bread and pastry production and pastry production (Identify the
following tools and
Valuing: Show interest in bread and equipment used in bread and equipment needed
pastry production and giving importance pastry production in each situated
in proper used of tools and equipment problem).

 Terminologies in baking  Identifies the different

and accuracy in measuring ingredients.

 Accurate measurement of  Discussion

Week 2 Formative:

 Selects, measures and weighs  Demonstration

terminologies in baking

 Baking ingredients and its  Recitation

required ingredients according

 Written Test
substitution to recipe or production Summative:

 Substitutes ingredients if other

(Identify the

ingredients are not available. following baking

 Demonstration

mensuration of

 Define Bread 

 Types, kinds, and classification of  Picture parade

Identifies the characteristics Formative:

  Discussion
Week 3 and types of bread

 Mixing  Recitation
bakery products Prepares a variety of bakery
products according to standard

 Short Quiz
procedures/formulation/recipes, mixing procedures/ Summative:
and desired product formulation/ recipes and

characteristics of various bakery desired product characteristics regarding bakery

 Temperature ranges in bakery

products Bakes bakery products products.
according to techniques and

products appropriate conditions
Selects required oven
Valuing: Observe the characteristics temperature to bake goods in
and classifications of bakery products. accordance with the desired
characteristics, standards

   Performance task
recipe specifications

Discuss the different safety Prepares Mise en Place
precaution while on a food Presents finished product of (Prepare and bake

  Make a project
laboratory. bread bakery product).
Suggested projects:
Week 4 - Dinner roll plan on bread
- Pan de sal
- Cinnamon roll
- Ensaymada
- Pan de coco

Valuing: Enhancing the skills and

values learned in preparing bakery

 Correct proportion control, yields, 

 Picture parade
Selects, measures and weighs Formative:

 Define pastry  Discussion

weights and sizes for profitability required ingredients according

 Types, kinds, and classification of  Recitation

to recipe or production
requirements and established

standards and procedures
 Classifications of fillings,  Short Quiz
pastry products Summative:
Prepares variety of pastry
products according to standard
 Mixing
coatings/icing and glazes regarding the
mixing procedures/formulation/ pastry products.
procedures/formulation/recipes recipes and desired product

and desired product characteristics
characteristics of various pastry Bakes pastry products
Week 5 according to techniques and
 Baking techniques appropriate
appropriate conditions; and
conditions, and enterprise enterprise requirement and

 Temperature ranges in baking
requirements and standards
Selects required oven
pastry products temperature to bake goods in
accordance with the desired
Valuing: Appreciate the skills and characteristics, standards
values learned in preparing pastry recipe specifications and
enterprise practices


 Written Test /Oral

Applies the lesson learned Summative:
Week 6 SECOND MID-QUARTER EXAM during week 1 to 4
 Different kinds of packaging  Identifies the kind of

 Suggested projects:  Performance task

materials to be used packaging materials to be Summative:

Week 7

Pies Prepares Mise en Place (Prepare/bake

 Make a project
- Pineapple pie Presents finished product pastry product)
- Buko pie of pastry
- Egg pie plan about pastry

- Pizza
- Empanada
- Tart
- Etc.

Valuing: Enhancing the skills and

values learned in preparing pastry

 Cakes 

 Different types of Cakes  Discussion

Week 8 Defines cake and identify Formative:

 Icing   Recitation
its characteristics

 Different types of icing and  Video Presentation

Identifies the different types

of cakes

 Identification of fillings
frosting and their uses Defines icing and identify about the

its characteristics preparation of
cakes and cake
 Identification of the required
appropriate in a specific cakes Identifies the types of icing
and frosting and their uses decorations

 Written Test
consistency and appropriate Summative:

 Filling and assembling cakes

flavor of fillings
regarding different
according to the standard recipe types of cakes and
 Classification of coatings and

sidings based on the required

recipe specifications and product

Valuing: Determine ways to develop

well baked cakes, prepare appropriate

 Cake Decoration 
icing and creative decorations.

 Suggested projects:   Performance

Week 9 Prepares Mise en Place Summative:
Presents finished product

- Batter cake with butter of cake task (Making
Designs and decorates icing, baking

- Sponge cake with butter cream cake cake and
filling and icing decorating

- Chiffon cake with boiled icing or TRANSFER GOAL: cake)
fondant icing The students on their knowledge and Make a project
- Chocolate cake skills acquired in Bread and Pastry plan on cake.
Production subject will be able to
Valuing: Enhancing the skills and bake an occasional cake to be
values learned in preparing cakes. presented to their choice teacher of
HAU faculty.

The students will bake and decorate
cake presented to their choice of

 Applies the lesson learned

teacher for evaluation.

 Written Test
Week 10 during the Second Quarter
topics discussed
on the Second

Syllabus in TLE 9

Third Quarter

Grade Level Standard The learner demonstrates knowledge, skills and attitude to perform the tasks on
Content Standard The learner demonstrates an understanding core concepts and underlying
theories in cookery lessons.
Performance Standard The learner independently demonstrates core competencies in cookery as
prescribed in the TESDA Training Regulation.

Time Topics Learning Competencies Assessment


  Picture Analysis
Basic concepts in bread and Formative:

 Relevance of the course  Discussion

pastry production Evaluates Personal

 Career opportunities   Self-rating

Entrepreneurial Competencies
Week 1
 Dimensions of Personal
Explains dimensions/ clusters
of PECs and the different Questionnaire
Entrepreneurial Competencies characteristic traits per cluster (Assess your
(PECs) PECs by
- Three clusters of PECs answering the test
(achievement, planning, and items).

 Written Test
power clusters) Summative:
- Characteristics
- Assessment of PECs (Complete the
given graphic
organizer of the
characteristics of
each clusters)


  Video
Business Environment and Formative:
Market Explains the different factors

  Discussion
Week 2 - Factors in the business influence business environment Presentation

 Group discussion
environment Explains procedures for
- Identifying business generating business ideas or

opportunities identifying business (Determine

Review of different kitchen tools opportunities different business

and equipment and their uses Generates business ideas opportunities near
Recognizes kitchen tools and the community
Valuing: Enhancing weak areas and equipment to be cleaned and and identify
sustaining strong areas in their PECs. sanitized problems
Giving importance in the following: encountered and
- Business opportunities their solutions)

 Written Test
- Different kitchen tools and Summative:
(Identify the
following kitchen
tools and
according to their


 Picture Analysis
Clean and maintain kitchen Identifies the chemicals to be Formative:

  Discussion
tools, equipment and premises utilized in cleaning and
Week 3
 Recitation
Different chemicals to be utilized sanitizing kitchen tools and

in cleaning and sanitizing kitchen equipment

tools and equipment
 Demonstration
Performs cleaning and Summative:
Cleaning and sanitizing kitchen sanitizing of kitchen tools and
tools and equipment equipment and premises (Tell and show me
- Proper dishwashing the proper
techniques of kitchen tools cleaning and
and equipment sanitizing of tools,
- Methods of sanitizing equipment and
kitchen tools and kitchen premises).


Cleaning and sanitizing kitchen

Valuing: Appreciate the importance of

cleaning and sanitizing kitchen tools,

equipment and premises.

 Tools, equipment and utensils  Brainstorming

Appetizers Identifies tool and equipment Formative:

 Discussion
needed in preparation of

 Classification of appetizers   Recitation

needed in preparing appetizers appetizers

 Variety of ingredients in preparing

Classifies appetizer according

  Short quiz about

to ingredients Summative:

 Nutritional value of appetizer

appetizers Identifies ingredient according

 Varieties of hot and cold 

to the given recipe appetizer
Differentiates between hot and

 Methods of preparing appetizers

appetizers cold appetizers
Week 4
 Fundamentals of plating
 Principle and techniques in
storing appetizers

Valuing: Appreciate the skills and

values learned in preparing appetizer.

  Written Test
THIRD MID-QUARTER EXAM Applies the lesson learned
Week 5 during week 1 to 4 regarding the
on the First Mid-


   Actual
Week 6 Prepare Appetizers Prepares variety of appetizers Summative:
Suggested projects: Evaluates the finished product
- Canapés and rate using rubric Preparation of

- Hors d’oeuvres 

Presents a range of appetizers appetizer
- Fruit appetizers Stores appetizers Making project plan on
- Vegetable appetizers appetizer

- Etc.

  Brainstorming
Salad and Salad Dressing Classifies salads according to Formative:

   Discussion
Week 7 Classification of salads ingredients

 Recitation
Kinds of salad dressing and their Identifies the different kinds of

ingredients salad dressing and their

  Short quiz about

Factors to consider in plating and ingredients Summative:
presenting salads and dressings Identifies types/classifications

 
Sandwiches of sandwiches salad and

Classification of sandwiches Identifies sandwich dressing and

Components of sandwiches components sandwiches
Ways of storing sandwiches

Valuing: Giving importance on the

knowledge acquired in preparing salads

and dressings and sandwiches

  Review of salad
Prepares/presents/stores salad Formative:

 
Prepare Salad and Dressing and dressing
Week 8 Prepare Sandwiches Prepares/presents/stores and sandwiches
sandwiches lesson

 Short quiz about


 Actual

Preparation of

 Making project

plan on sandwich


  Brainstorming
Week 9 Desserts Identifies the importance of Formative:

   Discussion
Definition of desserts dessert in a meal

  Recitation
Importance of desserts Classifies dessert according

Classifications of dessert and to types of ingredients used

   Short quiz about

their characteristics Stores dessert Summative:
Storing desserts Determines the

  Demonstration
Complete Meal compositions of a complete desserts
Compositions of complete meal meal
(The students will
Valuing: Appreciate the skills and TRANSFER GOAL: apply the skills
values learned in preparing desserts and The students on their own creativity learned from
complete meal. and skills acquired in cookery will appetizer up to
apply the skills learned from appetizer dessert by
up to dessert by preparing a complete preparing a
meal to be presented to teachers of complete meal).
The students will prepare a complete Post-test will be given to
meal, set the table and serve the students.
guests with variety of meals.

Week 10 Applies the lesson learned Written Test regarding
THIRD QUARTER EXAM during the First Quarter the topics discussed on
the First Quarter


Fourth Quarter

The learner demonstrates knowledge, skills and attitude to perform the tasks on Bread
and Pastry Production.
The learner demonstrates an understanding of the core concepts and theories in bread
and pastry production
The learner independently demonstrates core competencies in bread and pastry
production as prescribed in the TESDA Training Regulation

Time Topics Learning Competencies Assessment

  The learner:

  Picture Analysis
Orientation Formative:

 Discussion
Week 1 Basic concepts in bread and - explains core concepts in

  Recitation
pastry production bread and pastry production
- discusses the relevance of the

Relevance of the course
  Written Test
Career opportunities Summative:
Review tools and equipment used - explores opportunities in bread

 Familiarizes tools and

in bread and pastry production and pastry production (Identify the
following tools and
Valuing: Show interest in bread and equipment used in bread and equipment needed
pastry production and giving importance pastry production in each situated
in proper used of tools and equipment problem).

 Terminologies in baking  Identifies the different

and accuracy in measuring ingredients.

 Accurate measurement of  Discussion

Week 2 Formative:

 Selects, measures and weighs  Demonstration

terminologies in baking

 Baking ingredients and its  Recitation

required ingredients according

 Written Test
substitution to recipe or production Summative:

 Substitutes ingredients if other

(Identify the

ingredients are not available. following baking

 Demonstration

mensuration of

 Define Bread 

 Types, kinds, and classification of  Picture parade

Identifies the characteristics Formative:

  Discussion
Week 3 and types of bread

 Mixing  Recitation
bakery products Prepares a variety of bakery
products according to standard

 Short Quiz
procedures/formulation/recipes, mixing procedures/ Summative:
and desired product formulation/ recipes and

characteristics of various bakery desired product characteristics regarding bakery

 Temperature ranges in bakery

products Bakes bakery products products.
according to techniques and

products appropriate conditions
Selects required oven
Valuing: Observe the characteristics temperature to bake goods in
and classifications of bakery products. accordance with the desired
characteristics, standards

   Performance task
recipe specifications

Discuss the different safety Prepares Mise en Place
precaution while on a food Presents finished product of (Prepare and bake

  Make a project
laboratory. bread bakery product).
Suggested projects:
Week 4 - Dinner roll plan on bread
- Pan de sal
- Cinnamon roll
- Ensaymada
- Pan de coco

Valuing: Enhancing the skills and

values learned in preparing bakery

 Correct proportion control, yields, 

 Picture parade
Selects, measures and weighs Formative:

 Define pastry  Discussion

weights and sizes for profitability required ingredients according

 Types, kinds, and classification of  Recitation

to recipe or production
requirements and established

standards and procedures
 Classifications of fillings,  Short Quiz
pastry products Summative:
Prepares variety of pastry
products according to standard
 Mixing
coatings/icing and glazes regarding the
mixing procedures/formulation/ pastry products.
procedures/formulation/recipes recipes and desired product

and desired product characteristics
characteristics of various pastry Bakes pastry products
Week 5 according to techniques and
 Baking techniques appropriate
appropriate conditions; and
conditions, and enterprise enterprise requirement and

 Temperature ranges in baking
requirements and standards
Selects required oven
pastry products temperature to bake goods in
accordance with the desired
Valuing: Appreciate the skills and characteristics, standards
values learned in preparing pastry recipe specifications and
enterprise practices


 Written Test /Oral

Applies the lesson learned Summative:
Week 6 FOURTH MID-QUARTER EXAM during week 1 to 4
 Different kinds of packaging  Identifies the kind of

 Suggested projects:  Performance task

materials to be used packaging materials to be Summative:

Week 7

Pies Prepares Mise en Place (Prepare/bake

 Make a project
- Pineapple pie Presents finished product pastry product)
- Buko pie of pastry
- Egg pie plan about pastry

- Pizza
- Empanada
- Tart
- Etc.

Valuing: Enhancing the skills and

values learned in preparing pastry

 Cakes 

 Different types of Cakes  Discussion

Week 8 Defines cake and identify Formative:

 Icing   Recitation
its characteristics

 Different types of icing and  Video Presentation

Identifies the different types

of cakes

 Identification of fillings
frosting and their uses Defines icing and identify about the

its characteristics preparation of
cakes and cake
 Identification of the required
appropriate in a specific cakes Identifies the types of icing
and frosting and their uses decorations

 Written Test
consistency and appropriate Summative:

 Filling and assembling cakes

flavor of fillings
regarding different
according to the standard recipe types of cakes and
 Classification of coatings and

sidings based on the required

recipe specifications and product

Valuing: Determine ways to develop

well baked cakes, prepare appropriate

 Cake Decoration 
icing and creative decorations.

 Suggested projects:   Performance

Week 9 Prepares Mise en Place Summative:
Presents finished product

- Batter cake with butter of cake task (Making
Designs and decorates icing, baking

- Sponge cake with butter cream cake cake and
filling and icing decorating

- Chiffon cake with boiled icing or TRANSFER GOAL: cake)
fondant icing The students on their knowledge and Make a project
- Chocolate cake skills acquired in Bread and Pastry plan on cake.
Production subject will be able to
Valuing: Enhancing the skills and bake an occasional cake to be
values learned in preparing cakes. presented to their choice teacher of
HAU faculty.

The students will bake and decorate
cake presented to their choice of

 Applies the lesson learned

teacher for evaluation.

 Written Test
Week 10 during the Second Quarter
topics discussed
on the Second


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