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J Periodont Res 2009; 44: 689–694  2009 The Author

All rights reserved Journal compilation  2009 Blackwell Munksgaard

Mini review

Periodontal bacteremia and

T. Iwai
Tsukuba Vascular Center and Buerger Disease
Research Institute, Tatsuzawa, Moriya city,

various vascular diseases

Iwai T. Periodontal bacteremia and various vascular diseases. J Periodont Res 2009;
44: 689–694.  2009 The Author. Journal compilation  2009 Blackwell

Background and Objective: Weak oral bacteria, such as periodontal bacteria, have
been found in various vascular lesions, including atheroma, the thrombus of the
occluded artery of BuergerÕs disease, the abdominal aortic aneurismal wall and
varicose veins. Serum titer levels of each bacterium are now available and have
shown a significant relationship between severity and individual differences.
Material and Methods: The Medline and Tokyo Medical and Dental University
databases were searched to identify the literature currently available on oral
bacteria and vascular diseases.
Results: It is estimated that lymph vessel openings trap bacteria en route from the
mouth to the bloodstream and then carry them to the vein of the venous angle near
the supraclavicular area. In the case of periodontal bacteria, a typical bacterium,
such as Porphyromonas gingivalis, strongly activates platelets and makes them
mass, including the bacteria without phagocytosis. Simultaneously, cytokines and Takehisa Iwai, MD, PhD, Tsukuba Vascular
serotonin are discharged. Platelet engulfment was clearly demonstrated by electron Center, 980-1, Tatsuzawa, Moriya city, Ibaraki
pref. 302-0118, Japan
microscopy analysis. An animal study using rats showed the formation of a small Tel: +81 297 47 9955
arterial thrombus after continuous intravenous infusion of P. gingivalis for Fax: +81 297 45 4541
2–4 wk. e-mail:
Key words: weak oral bacteria; Buerger disease;
Conclusion: Weak oral bacteria, such as periodontal bacteria, may play an atherosclerosis; Porphyromanas gingivalis;
important role in the development of various vascular diseases, such as BuergerÕs platelet aggregation
disease, atherosclerosis and varicose veins, through bacteremia. Accepted for publication June 30, 2008

Since 1999, various weak oral bacteria bacterium that resides in the stomach the body, the resulting infectious con-
have been identified in atherosclerotic and may also be present in the oral ditions are usually not serious and
lesions (1). Of these bacteria, Chla- cavity. Moreover, H. pylori has been recovery occurs without complications,
mydia pneumoniae, which resides in the identified in blood vessel walls. How- except in susceptible individuals, such
mouth, pharynx, or bronchus, has been ever, our studies have shown that its as those who are immunosuppressed.
investigated in detail and was con- frequency in vessel walls may not be By contrast, strong bacteria can de-
firmed to be transported to blood vessel significant. Since 2000, periodontal stroy arterial walls or heart valves after
walls by monocytes (2). This invasion bacteria (several species in particular) bacterial adhesion, as described by
mechanism appears to be a factor in have been shown to be present within Virchow in 1847 and confirmed by
the development of atherosclerosis. blood vessel walls (4) (Fig. 1). Oslor (5). In severe cases, this
Additionally, cytomegalovirus can be destruction of the blood vessels can
absorbed from the oral cavity, resulting even result in patient mortality. These
Weak bacteria and strong
in opportunistic infections; and, strong bacteria include those that cause
recently, cytomegalovirus was found to syphilis and tuberculosis, and certain
be present in the so-called inflamma- Weak bacteria usually present nor- strains of Staphylococcus, Salmonella,
tory abdominal aortic aneurismal walls mally and cause opportunistic infec- Klebsiella and Streptococcus. Strong
(3). Helicobacter pylori is a well-known tions. Even when such microbes invade bacteria, such as Streptococcus spp.,
690 Iwai

Periodontal bacterial invasion

of the arterial wall
Epidemiological evidence connecting
periodontitis and vascular diseases
with atherosclerotic changes were not
widely reported prior to 2000. Perio-
pneumoniae dontal bacteria are not detectable using
Periodontal standard culture techniques and they
bacteria are extremely difficult to identify.
Helicobacter Periodontal microbes consist of
pylori anaerobic bacilli or spirochetes and
Cytomegalovirus include more than 300 species overall.
Usually six or seven species are exam-
ined as representative bacteria. In
general, a fresh oral specimen is
Fig. 1. Weak oral bacteria. examined using dark-field microscopy
from which the shape or movement of
the bacteria can be confirmed, but not
are present in the oral cavity from type of organism is at work; and
the species. When the bacteria are not
where they can easily infect and de- although it has not yet been possible to
expected to live in the vessel thrombi or
stroy heart valves and blood vessels demonstrate either bacteriologically or
plaques, methods for identification are
after tooth extraction. In general, morphologically the presence of the
extremely limited. Therefore, the
doctors control these potentially lethal offending agent, the pathological find-
established polymerase chain reaction
conditions through the administration ings clearly indicate whether future
(PCR) method was used for detecting
of antibiotics. Methicillin-resistant studies should be directed in order
DNA of oral bacteria and became
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), which that the causative factor may be dis-
popular (9). After the presence of
exists in the upper pharynx, does not covered.Õ (7). In 1928, Professor Allen
bacteria is confirmed, immunofluores-
directly invade the bloodstream but of the Mayo Clinic also had suspicions
cence methods help to locate the bac-
can invade after the development of about oral bacteria as a cause and
teria in the vessel walls. PCR methods
MRSA pneumonia, resulting in fatal mentioned that 75% of 87 BuergerÕs
for oral bacteria are available.
complications. Our recent experiences disease sufferers had periodontal infec-
Dr Buerger and Professor Allen were
include a case of infection at a site of tion and 80% showed tonsil enlarge-
unable to locate these bacteria even
total parenteral nutrition, leading to ment or pus attachment (8). Allen
though they both strongly suspected
infectious aneurysm rupture and death believed that BuergerÕs disease was an
bacterial infection in BuergerÕs disease.
of the patient, as well as a case of infectious disease up until his death in
To date, periodontal bacterial DNA
infection at the site of percutaneus 1967. After his death, molecular bio-
has been detected in carotid arterial
transluminal angioplasty, followed by logical approaches and immunological
plaques, coronary arterial plaques,
the formation of a large iliac artery techniques became sufficiently popular
abdominal aortic aneurysmal walls
aneurysm and high fever after major to dismiss the infection theory and no
(86% of patients) and intraluminal
surgery. papers were written that discussed the
thrombi (88%), atherosclerotic vessel
infection theory. BuergerÕs disease was
plaques (52%), occluded arteries of
classified as an inflammatory auto-
Details of BuergerÕs disease BuergerÕs disease patients (93%),
immune disease.
infection theory
Many investigators, including Leo
Buerger, believed that BuergerÕs disease
is an infectious disease. They had
studied patients and conducted animal A B
experiments, but were unable to
identify the pathogen. Reports were
published by many doctors, such as
Edgar Allen, Lauderdale, Rabinowitz,
Goodman, Horton & Dorsey, Schmidt-
Weyland, Barotolo, Roncon, Winter-
nitz and Haga et al. (6). Buerger stated,
in his paper published in 1914, that,
ÔThrombo-angiitis obliterans is an Fig. 2. Oral conditions in patients with BuergerÕs disease (two recent cases; left (A), 34-year-old
infectious disease in which a specific man; right (B), 55-year-old man, with no fingers and below-knee amputation of the right leg).
Periodontal bacteremia and various vascular diseases 691

migrating phlebitis samples (two cases, sion in rats showed newly formed granulocytes were killed within 1 h.
100%) and primary varicose veins thrombi in the small arteries of the These observations confirm that
(48%) (10–12; Fig. 2). extremities with 50% of the specimens P. gingivalis aggregate strongly with
showing the presence of bacterial DNA platelets, enter the platelets and sur-
(14). Other findings demonstrated a vive (15) (Figs 3 and 4). Trepo-
Differences between oral
reduced inflammatory response sur- nema denticola, another periodontal
bacteria and intestinal bacteria
rounding the occluded lesions, which bacterium, showed relatively weak
The oral cavity and the intestinal cav- was explained by the fact that the weak reactions with platelets.
ity both contain significant numbers of bacteremia caused thrombus forma- P. gingivalis-induced platelet aggre-
bacteria. In particular in the oral tion, and the occlusions came from the gation became maximal in a few min-
cavity, periodontal plaques, gingival embolic episodes as a result of the utes and the mass became more than
pockets and pharyngeal-tonsil pus bacteria-included thrombus. Unex- 20 microns over the size of the small
permit bacteria to live and multiply pectedly, the bacteria appeared on the artery. This suggested that the healthy
without moving down the alimentary arterial side in the absence of killing small arteries of the rats could become
tract. In the intestine, the bacteria events carried out by white blood cells embolized by the platelet aggregation,
move as a result of bowel peristalsis. or organ phagocytic cells in the venous as shown in animal experiments (14).
Periodontal pockets resemble ulcers circulation. Moreover, clinically, in BuergerÕs dis-
and the total ulcer area could be as In 2004, we began using plateletrich ease, the healthy but spastic arterial
large as the size of a hand in severe plasma to stimulate effective wound lumen of the fingers or toes may be
cases. The gingival area of the perio- healing. When we accidentally added occluded with sudden onset.
dontal region is surrounded by a mul- periodontal bacteria (Porphyromonas In addition, the aggregative reac-
titude of lymph vessels with an open gingivalis) to the sample and studied tions of periodontal bacteria with
junction that can capture and trap the mixed fluid through a stereoscopic platelets are strong enough to stimulate
bacteria. Then, from the tooth root, microscope, we observed active the secretion of various cytokines and
lymph vessels directly connect to the movement. Upon examining the sam- of products such as serotonin,
venous angle of the neck, where the ple by electron microscopy, we saw E-selectin, intercellular adhesion mol-
lymph fluid mixes with venous blood that periodontal bacteria (P. gingiva- ecule-1 and vascular cell adhesion
(13). It is well known that for several lis) were engulfed by platelets and molecule-1. As periodontitis itself
minutes after dental care or brushing, morphologically no changes were ob- results in the expression of inflamma-
we can identify the oral bacteria because served in the bacteria for 1 h. Platelet tory molecules such as interleukin-6 and
of the above-mentioned system. With- aggregation was also observed. By tumor necrosis factor-alfa, it should be
out transportation via lymph vessels, contrast, the bacteria captured by considered a systemic disorder (16).
direct invasion of periodontal bacteria
into arteries or veins cannot occur in a
short period of time.
By contrast, owing to the preventive
mechanism of the mucosal barrier,
intestinal bacteria cannot invade the
portal system as easily as periodontal
bacteria appear to be able to invade the
vascular system. Even when bacteria
are able to invade the portal vein, the
liver can prevent bacteria from enter-
ing the systemic circulation as a result
of the presence of strongly phagocytic
cells such as Kupffer cells. At present,
weak intestinal bacteria do not appear
in the systemic circulation vessels. The
above-mentioned mechanism solves
the question about weak oral bacteria
being the only bacteria that are present
in the systemic circulation vessels.

How are bacteria transported to

the blood vessel wall?
The results obtained following contin- Fig. 3. Transportation of the oral bacteria to vessels? Platelets may play a vital role in the
uous intravenous oral bacterial infu- transportation of the oral bacteria. Porphyromonas gingivalis is a round-shaped mass (fi).
692 Iwai

disease was present in only one set of

identical twins.
However, recent studies on Buer-
gerÕs disease have shown a specific
HLA locus and infection susceptibility
for basilar bacteria, such as perio-
dontal bacteria (20). Varicose veins
seem to occur in mothers and daugh-
ters. Interestingly, approximately 50%
of varicose veins contain periodontal
bacterial DNA, suggesting that preg-
nancy may be linked to varicosity
development when the woman suffers
from periodontitis during pregnancy.
Varicose veins become evident after
Fig. 4. A schema of the reactions between oral bacteria and platelets. ICAM-1, intercellular delivery in many women and weak
adhesion molecule-1; Pg, Porphyromonas gingivalis (a red notched round body); VCAM-1, bacteria may be involved in the
vascular cell adhesion molecule-1. destruction of venous valves.

significant differences with antibiotic

Serum bacterial antibody titer Hypothesis and future views of
regimens (19). The fact that C. pneu-
changes in periodontal disease vascular lesion development
moniae is opportunistic, normally
The human body reacts to all bacteria present and weak, results in further We believe that C. pneumoniae can be
with the production of antibody. The problems in determining antibody- transported to vessels containing
antibodies thus produced resist infec- titer changes, immune products or monocytes, adhere to the damaged
tion and should act to prevent pending the advantages of intermittent vascular regions and then act as one of
infection. This immune function can treatment with antibiotics. Further the factors in atherosclerosis. On the
prevent the development and progres- experiments are needed to resolve other hand, it is also possible that
sion of periodontal disease. However, these issues. cytomegalovirus will appear in the
this theory remains controversial. It aneurismal wall along the same perio-
can be difficult for antibodies in the dontal bacterial routes. H. pylori is not
Do all individuals with serious
saliva and blood to protect from clini- commonly associated with vascular le-
periodontitis develop vascular
cal infection, and the treatment of sions, but serum titers of H. pylori
periodontal disease can also be chal- were high in our results of BuergerÕs
lenging owing to variations in the When we hypothesize the possibility disease research. However, at the
number and types of bacteria present that all vascular lesions may be affected present time the role of H. pylori is not
and to the pathogenesis of the disease. with oral bacterial infections, we can well understood. Nevertheless, using
Chen et al. reported that the antibody propose three factors that are strongly recently reported evidence, we have
titer for periodontal bacteria is signifi- related. First, endothelial cells undergo developed a hypothesis for BuergerÕs
cantly elevated in patients with Buer- age-dependent changes. The endothe- disease, atherosclerotic occlusion, sec-
gerÕs disease (17), reconfirming that lial cell activity in a 20–30-year-old ondary atherosclerotic changes in
individuals with BuergerÕs disease have person and a 50–60-year-old person is aneurismal disease and primary vari-
very poor periodontal conditions (8). quite different regarding adhesive fac- cose veins.
In BuergerÕs disease, the antibody tors, action against bacteria and
titers may actually vary relative to platelets or monocyte reactions. Sec-
BuergerÕs disease
the severity of periodontitis. As the ond, oral bacteria are affected by many
bacterium is weak and can be internal and external factors, such as Pathogens in BuergerÕs disease are
treated easily with antibiotics, the smoking, diabetes and pregnancy. The probably periodontal bacteria but
titer level decreases rapidly. However, presence of these effects is important pyloric bacteria may also be involved.
this evidence should be discussed in when considering the infection pro- Among periodontal bacteria, T. denti-
more detail from the dental point of gression. Third, lesions may be influ- cola and P. gingivalis are well known
view. enced by genetic conditions. The and may associate to form dental pla-
The direct link between C. pneu- influence seems to be reasonable, not ques. P. gingivalis may therefore be an
moniae and atherosclerosis has been dominant, as in cancer. Atherosclerosis initiator of platelet aggregation, and
previously studied and the effects of runs in families, but BuergerÕs disease from the venous angle of the neck, the
antibiotic treatment were confirmed does not. In over 200 BuergerÕs disease clump of bacteria can enter the
in animal experiments (18). However, patients studied, no parent–child con- bloodstream and stimulate platelet
large clinical trials failed to show any nections were observed, and BuergerÕs aggregation after uptake into platelets.
Periodontal bacteremia and various vascular diseases 693

Primary varicose veins

It is possible that the venous valve

incompetency may come from perio-
dontitis and periodontal bacteremia
during pregnancy. Pregnant women
usually have normal endothelial func-
tion (i.e. that does not allow bacterial
adhesion to the arterial luminal sur-
face), as most pregnant women are
20–30 years of age and nonsmokers.
However, periodontitis seems to be
common during pregnancy, and post-
delivery varicose veins have been
confirmed as evidence of this perio-
dontitis. In addition to the occurrence
Fig. 5. Hypothesis of BuergerÕs disease development. DVT, deep-vein thrombosis. of varicose veins, some effects on fetal
growth have been reported. The
hypothesis suggests that platelet
It is suggested that aggregation reaches oral bacteria may contribute to this
thrombi containing oral bacteria pass
a maximum level when the platelet adhesion mechanism, monocytes car-
through the arteries and capillaries,
thrombi pass through the lung, after rying C. pneumoniae, and platelets car-
and thus contact and destroy the
which the thrombi start to move in the rying periodontal bacteria, probably
superficial venous valves. The inflam-
arterial bloodstream. When the arterial make the most significant contribu-
matory changes of the valve areas have
wall is young but spastic from cigarette tions (21).
been observed and oral bacteria were
smoking, the platelet thrombi con- A recent study has shown that oral
confirmed to be present in varicose
taining oral bacteria do not adhere to bacteria easily adhere to aged endo-
veins in 50% of the patients.
the arterial wall but make a small thelial cells and that oral bacteria such
arterial embolism. It is suggested that as P. gingivalis can be easily cultured
the digital arterial obstruction from samples of the aged endothelial Summary
observed in angiography of BuergerÕs surface compared with normal endo-
Weak oral bacteria, such as perio-
disease patients may represent initial thelial cell layers (16). In diabetic
dontal bacteria or C. pneumoniae, have
findings. This change will grow to the patients, peripheral arterial occlusion
been observed in various arterial and
proximal arterial regions as a result of in arteries occurs below the knee, sim-
venous lesions from epidemiological
packing mechanism. Microorganisms ilarly to what is found in BuergerÕs
data reported prior to the discovery of
that pass through capillaries can be disease. In this case, peripheral arterial
bacterial invasion into vessels. Rich
caught at the venous valves, resulting occlusion appears to proceed by the
lymph vessels easily bring the bacteria
in phlebitis migrens or deep-vein same mechanism as BuergerÕs disease,
from the mouth to the neck and the
thrombosis formation in the extremi- namely via an embolic mechanism
venous angle, which is directly open to
ties. In BuergerÕs disease, spastic (Fig. 6).
changes of the small end arteries are
key findings. The literature shows that
small arterial changes are very com-
mon all over the body, but are symp-
tomatic only in the extremities (Fig. 5).

Atherosclerotic lesions

Atherosclerotic lesions develop mainly

in aged patients. Atherosclerotic
changes can also be seen within aneu-
rysms. A common problem is that the
endothelial layer itself differs between
young and aged or old luminal sur-
faces. Platelet thrombi containing oral
bacteria will adhere to the walls near
the outlet of the heart. The coronary
arteries, aorta and large arteries will be
adhered to first. While several weak Fig. 6. A hypothesis of bacteria residing in atherosclerotic or aneurysmal lesions.
694 Iwai

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