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Worksheet 1.

Student Name: Paramita Halder UID: 22MSM40017

Branch: M.Sc Data Science Section/Group: 212MSD-1/A
Semester: Ist Date of Performance:- 25-09-2022
Subject Name: Internet of Things Subject Code: 22SDP-608

1. Overview of the practical:

In this experiment, What is Arduino and how does it works.

2. Theory
Introduction to Arduino

Arduino is an open-source platform used for building electronics projects.

Arduino consists of both a physical programmable circuit board (often
referred to as a microcontroller) and a piece of software, or IDE (Integrated
Development Environment) that runs on your computer, used to write and
upload computer code to the physical board.

3. The Hardware

Now that you know the origin of Arduino, it is essential to get yourself
acquainted with the hardware that Arduino as a company offers. One of the
main reasons for Arduino being so accessible and affordable across the globe
is because all of the Arduino hardware is open-source. Being open-source has
a plethora of advantages- anyone can access the design and build of the
device and make improvements; anyone can use the same hardware design to
create their product lineup. Since Arduino is open-source, it has its own
devoted community that strives to help the core company develop and improve
its hardware products. Another significant advantage of being open-source,
especially in the case of hardware, is that local companies can create replicas
of the products, making it more accessible and affordable to the local
consumers as it avoids hefty customs and shipping charges. All of these
advantages contribute to Arduino being so widespread, affordable and ever-
4. The types of Arduino

Arduino Uno :The development of Arduino UNO board is

considered as new compared to other Arduino boards. This board
comes up with numerous features that helps the user to use this
in their project. The Arduino UNO uses the Atmega16U2
microcontroller that helps to increase the transfer rate and
contain large memory compared to other boards. No extra devices
are needed for the Arduino UNO board like joystick, mouse,
keyboard and many more. The Arduino UNO contain SCL and SDA
pins and also have two additional pins fit near to RESET pin.
2. LilyPad Arduino
The LilyPad Arduino is considered as other Arduino board type that is designed for
integrating with wearable projects and e-textile projects. This board comes in round shape
that helps to decrease the snagging and can be easily connected to other devices. . The
board requires 2 volt to 5 volt power supply and use large size pin
holes so that it can be easily connect to other devices. This board
is widely used for controlling different device that includes motor,
light and switch. The components of this board like sensor board,
input board and output board can be washable because this board
is used in clothing industries.
3. Arduino Mega
This boards is considered as the microcontroller that uses the Atmega2560 in
it.There are total 54 input pins and output pins in it in which 14 pins are of PWM output, 4
pins are of hardware port, 16 pins as analog inputs. The board also contain one USB
connection, ICSP header, power jack and one REST pin.

There are additional pins that act as crystal oscillator having frequency of 16 MHz. The
board also has flash memory of 256KB size that uses to store the data in it. The Arduino
Mega board can be attached to the componant.

4. Arduino Leonardo
This board is considered as the microcontroller that uses the Atmega32u4 in it. There are total
20 digital input pins and output pins in it, in that 7 pins are used As PWM and 12 pins used as analog
inputs. The board also contain one micro USB connection, power jack, and one RESET button fit in
it. There are additional pins which act as crystal oscillator of frequency 16 MHz.

The Arduino Leonardo board can be attached to computer system via USB connection and
power supply can be provided to board by using battery or AC to DC adapter. The microcontroller
used by the Arduino Leonardo has in-built USB connection that removes the dependency of extra
processor in it. As there is no additional USB connection in the board, it helps the board to act as
mouse or keyboard for the computer system. The Arduino Leonardo is considered as cheapest
Arduino boards compare to other Arduino products.

5. Arduino Red Board

The Arduino Red board is another type of Arduino board that uses the mini USB cable for
getting programmed and the Arduino IDE is used for this purpose. This board is compatible with
Windows 8 operating system and there is no need to change the security settings to make this board
working. The Red board uses the FTDI chip and USB chip for the connection to other device. As the
design of red board is very simple it can be easily integrate with other projects. The only requirement
if to plug the red board and select appropriate option and can upload program in no time. The barrel
jack can be used to control the USB cable of the Arduino Red board.

6. Arduino Shields
The Arduino shields are considered as pre-build circuit boards that are used to connect other
Arduino boards. The Arduino shield are placed on top of Arduino boards and enhance the capability
of board to get connected to internet network, controlling of motor, controlling of LCD and also help
to establish wireless communication. There are different type of shields available for the use. It
includes Wireless Shields, Ethernet Shield, Proto Shield and GSM shield. This helps to increase the
compatibility of the Arduino boards.

5. Understanding the Hardware

Using the above image as a reference, the labeled components of the board respectively are-
1. USB: can be used for both power and communication with the IDE
2. Barrel Jack: used for power supply
3. Voltage Regulator: regulates and stabilizes the input and output voltages
4. Crystal Oscillator: keeps track of time and regulates processor frequency
5. GND pin: can be used to ground the circuit
6. Vin pin: can be used to supply power to the board
7. analog pins(A0-A5): can be used to read analog signals to the board
8. Microcontroller(ATMega328): the processing and logical unit of the board
9. ICSP pin: a programming header on the board also called SPI
10. Power indicator LED: indicates the power status of the board
11. RX and TX LEDs: receive(RX) and transmit(TX) LEDs, blink when sending
or receiving serial data respectively
12. Digital I/O pins: 14 pins capable of reading and outputting digital signals;
6 of these pins are also capable of PWM
13. AREF pins: can be used to set an external reference voltage as the upper
limit for the analog pins
14. Reset button: can be used to reset the board

1- Ready to Use:
The biggest advantage of Arduino is its ready to use structure. As Arduino comes in a complete
package form which includes the 5V regulator, a burner, an oscillator, a micro-controller, serial
communication interface, LED and headers for the connections. You don’t have to think about
programmer connections for programming or any other interface. Just plug it into USB port of
your computer and that’s it. Your revolutionary idea is going to change the world after just few
words of coding.

2- Examples of codes:
Another big advantage of Arduino is its library of examples present inside the software of
Arduino. I’ll explain this advantage using an example ofvoltage measurement. For example if you
want to measure voltage using ATmega8 micro-controller and want to display the output on
computer screen then you have to go through the whole process. The process will start from
learning the ADC’s of micro-controller for measurement, went through the learning of serial
communication for display and will end at USB – Serial converters. If you want to check this
whole process click on the link below.

3- Effortless functions:
During coding of Arduino, you will notice some functions which make the life so easy. Another advantage of
Arduino is its automatic unit conversion capability. You can say that during debugging you don’t have to
worry about the units conversions. Just use your all force on the main parts of your projects. You don’t have
to worry about side problems.

4- Large community:
There are many forums present on the internet in which people are talking about the Arduino.

Engineers, hobbyists and professionals are making their projects through Arduino. You can easily find help
about everything. Moreover the Arduino website itself explains each and every functions of Arduino.

So, We should conclude the advantage of Arduino by saying that during working on different projects you
just have to worry about your innovative idea. The remaining will handle by Arduino itself.

1- Structure:
Yes, the structure of Arduino is its disadvantage as well. During building a project you have to
make its size as small as possible. But with the big structures ofArduino we have to stick with big
sized PCB’s. If you are working on a small micro-controller like ATmega8 you can easily make
your PCB as small as possible.

2- Cost:
The most important factor which you cannot deny is cost. This is the problem which every
hobbyist, Engineer or Professional has to face. Now, we must consider that the Arduino is cost
effective or not.

Some years’ ago I was working on a project in which I had to build three smart energy
meters. Now, for three smart energy meters present at some distance connected with different
loads must have their own processors. So, I estimated my expenditures with and without
the Arduino which you can see in the block diagram present below.

6. Learning outcomes (What I have learnt):

1. What is Arduino and how does it works.

7. Evaluation Grid (To be created as per the SOP and Assessment guidelines by the faculty):

Sr. No. Parameters Marks Obtained Maximum Marks


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