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Viking survival guide

By tylar W
These next few slides will cover the similarities and
differences between present day and viking age food.
Also how vikings cooked and got their food.
Food comparison
Viking food Modern day food

● They only ate Meat from domestic animals ● Processed foods that come from factories and
that were farmed by them and they only did other places that mix other ingredients and
this in winter. tamper with foods ect.
● They ate only twice a day once one at dagmal ● Fast food are foods that come from places like
(lunch) and one at nattmal (night) mcdonalds and hungry jacks and tend to be on
● They got food by themselves whether they the unhealthy side
plundered it from a village or harvested it from ● You can get food from stores like coles and
fields or livestock. there is more variety and you can get more
● Large feasts usually with multiple families and than food like milk, sugar,
they always ate at a long table ● There are more ways to make food like we can
● They hunt for food in the plains and sometimes microwave food, freeze food and even toast
in forests food
● We can eat food anywhere like, outside or
even just on the couch we have a lot more
Food similarities
● We use honey as a sweetener as it has been used for a long time and still is
one of the most popular sweeteners in the world.
● We share a lot of the same food that we eat like meat, fish, cabbage and
berries and most of the same main food groups are also used.
● They also had bread which as many know is something we have all ate at
least once.
● Viking’s had large feasts kind of like how we have a big christmas dinner or
thanksgiving in america and there was always a lot of food
● Viking’s used cows, goats and sheeps and kept them alive so they could
produce milk and make cheese
More about what they ate
They ate a lot of their food with honey because it
was one of their only sweetener. They had dairy,
grains, fruits, nuts, vegetables, fish and meat, some
of those were milk, wheat, strawberries, hazelnuts,
peas, eels and cows

Today we still eat a lot of the same food but we have

a lot more sweeteners like sugar, syrup, coconut
sugar and even dates
Religion and gods

I will be now talking about the religion of

the viking’s and how it’s compared to our
modern day religion
Religion and gods comparison
Viking religion/gods Modern day religion/gods

● Vikings had old norse religion or ● We have christians and islams and a
pagan religion which was the lot of people don't even have a
worshipping of norse gods religion
● Viking’s had norse gods like odin, ● We don't have many gods that are
loki and thor still worshipped in modern society but
● Vikings had a religious even called the main ones are god and jesus
the blot and they would sacrifice which both stem from christianity
something of theirs for goodwill, or
weather or maybe even growing
Religion and gods similarities

● Viking’s had a place where they would pray or make an offering usually a
big rock similar to how we have a place where we pray like a church.
● Christianity was introduced to viking’s and was also introduced to the rest
of the world and christianity was used by the viking’s after the pagans.
● Viking’s have an afterlife as well as us because they have valhalla and we
have heaven and hell.
● Viking’s had one very important god amongst the other gods just like we
do, they have odin and we have god.
● Viking’s thought their gods were the only gods just like christians think that
god exists.
These next few slides will
cover how the vikings
travelled around.
Transportation comparison
Viking Transport Modern day transport

● Viking’s travelled in longships that ● We usually travel by a large cruise

were very long ship that had massive ship that has rooms and
oars. entertainment.
● Viking’s had a wide variety of ships ● The ships we have today have
used for a lot of different things. motors rather than sails or oars
● It took viking’s 40,000 hours to build a
single ship
Transportation similarities
● It takes about a week for a viking longship and a cruise ship to go from one
place to another.
● Viking’s had a lot of different boats similar to how we have a lot of different
● Viking’s had cargo ships called knarrs just like how we have large cargo ships
● Viking looked at the stars which is a way some people still use today
Could a modern teenager survive in viking times? Part B
If a tennager got transported to ancient viking times they would not survive. First of
all they would not be prepared and they would not be trained with a weapon. They
wouldn’t have any food or water and would have to farm it themselves or get
spared my the vikings. Another reason is that the viking’s could turn the teen into a
slave or take them as a hostage. They would do this because they would think he
might be a spy and invading or getting info of them. So that's why a teenager
would not be able to survive the harsh conditions of the viking society.

What did the Vikings eat? - BBC Travel - food

Norse-Viking Diet - World History Encyclopedia - food
Viking ships - Wikipedia - ships
What was the Vikings’ religion? | Britannica - religion
Viking ships | Royal Museums Greenwich ( ships

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