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Datebook Sporting Green

Ethan Russell and his Killion: A’s trade of

camera had best seat Chapman a wake-up
in the house for rock call for Oakland
shows for years. D1 fans? Not really. B1

Bay Area & Business Ostler: 3 Bay Area

Breed introduces law teams don their
that would ban motor dancing shoes for
vehicles on JFK. C1 NCAA tourneys. B1 | Thursday, March 17, 2022 | Contains recycled paper | $2.00 xxxxx

Bombings decimate Ukraine

‘Why? Why? Why?’: ‘We need you’: Zelenskyy
Shellings, mass graves urges Congress to supply
sink Mariupol into depair more weapons, sanctions
By Mystyslav Chernov By Andrea Rosa
and Evgeniy Maloletka
KYIV, Ukraine — Russian forces destroyed a
MARIUPOL, Ukraine — The bodies of the theater in Mariupol where hundreds of people
children all lie here, dumped into this narrow were sheltering Wednesday and rained fire on
trench hastily dug into the frozen earth of Mari- other cities, Ukrainian authorities said, even as
upol to the constant drumbeat of shelling. the two sides projected optimism over efforts to
There’s 18-month-old Kirill, whose shrapnel negotiate an end to the fighting.
wound to the head proved too much for his little The air strike ripped apart the center of the
toddler’s body. There’s 16-year-old Iliya, whose once-elegant building, where hundreds of civil-
legs were blown up in an explosion during a soc- ians had been living since their homes had been
cer game at a school field. There’s the girl no older destroyed in the fighting, Ukraine’s foreign
than 6 who wore the pajamas with cartoon uni- Evgeniy Maloletka / Associated Press
ministry said in a statement.
corns, among the first of Mariupol’s children to Mariana Vishegirskaya, who survived an airstrike on a Mari- Many people were buried in the rubble, the
Mariupol continues on A5 upol maternity hospital, lies in a hospital bed after giving birth. Ukraine continues on A5


Oakland A’s
hits setback
By Sarah Ravani

The Oakland A’s plans to build a waterfront

ballpark and development hit a setback Wednes-
day after a state committee recommended
against eliminating maritime use at the Howard
Terminal site to make way for the team’s $12
billion plan.
The Seaport Planning Advisory Committee’s
decision came after 4½ hours of discussion and
public comment. Some committee members said
they were concerned that the port would give up
valuable space used for freight and truck park-
ing — particularly if cargo usage at the port in-
creases. Six members voted against recommend-
ing eliminating maritime uses, and three voted in
favor of it. One member abstained.
Some of the committee members said they
Photos by Santiago Mejia / The Chronicle
needed more information from the A’s and the
Michael Garcia has in his San Jose home a jar of at least 200 masks he has used during the pandemic. port to understand how the proposed devel-
“It represents a lot of days, and a lot of days that were largely unpleasant in a lot of ways,” he says. opment would not impact maritime operations.
Dave Kaval, president of the A’s, said the deci-

Totems of a time
sion is a “major setback” in getting the necessary
approvals for the waterfront ballpark.
At stake is one of the largest developments in
Ballpark continues on A6

that blurred days St. Mary’s coach

By Annie Vainshtein
Amid the murk on to during the 24 months of
pandemic life. These are the me- Bennett found
For many of us, the past two
years of the pandemic have been of COVID-19, mentos that have resisted moves
and decluttering projects, and
home in Moraga
something we don’t want to be
reminded about. It’s been a period some grasp for sometimes are so private and
personal they haven’t been seen
of time filled with death and
dread, isolation and adaptation. mementos by anyone outside of their keeper.
They remind us of all we’ve
By Ron Kroichick

Since the Bay Area’s first shel- been through during one of the Twenty-one years later, after all the 20-win
ter-in-place orders on March 16, spairing to even fully experience most trying periods of our lives. seasons, NCAA Tournament appearances and
2020, the experience of living in at all. Time can feel impossible to Toward the beginning of the sneaky-good standout players, a relevant ques-
this region has shifted. Work has distill — too opaque, too varied — pandemic, Michael Garcia was tion hangs in the air as Randy Bennett prepares
become remote. For much of the but often we find ourselves hold- primarily wearing cloth masks to lead his St. Mary’s bas-
past two years, the restaurants ing on to things that become talis- out of concern about the waste ketball team into March 1 USF: Plays Mur-
and art performances people lived mans, totems to mark a certain generated by disposable masks. Madness yet again. ray State at 6:40
for became hazardous due to period of our lives. But a little over six months into Why on earth is he still p.m. Learn more. B1
virus spread. Housing costs re- There are many things repre- shelter-in-place, his company in Moraga? 1 St. Mary’s: Plays
mained elusive for many. And so senting this pandemic period supplied its employees with N95 This doesn’t happen in Indiana at 4:20 p.m.
has the concept of time — which we’d like to forget. But there are masks, and Garcia started wear- college hoops, at least not Learn more. B5
has been skewed and disorient- also some we can’t let go of. The ing those. outside of places such as
ing: sometimes painfully slow, Chronicle talked to people in the Instead of throwing them away, Durham, N.C., East Lan-
sometimes overwhelming in its Bay Area about the objects something compelled him to start sing, Mich., and Syracuse, N.Y. Coaches at high-
acceleration, sometimes too de- they’ve found themselves holding Pandemic continues on A7 profile, blueblood programs — Duke (Mike
Krzyzewski), Michigan State (Tom Izzo) and
Syracuse (Jim Boeheim), respectively — might
1 Fines delayed: S.F. restaurants and bars that built parklets to stay afloat get more time to resolve violations. C1 set up camp, but schools like St. Mary’s typical-
St. Mary’s continues on A6

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Every day, we feature unique Where to find the best Japanese Cloudy, then
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A2 | San Francisco Chronicle and XXXXX


Seoul: Missile
exploded in air
in failed launch
By Hyung-Jin Kim itary official said, requesting
and Kim Tong-Hyung anonymity because he wasn’t
publicly authorized to speak to
SEOUL — A North Korean media on the issue. He said the
missile fired from its capital cause of the explosion wasn’t
region exploded soon after known.
liftoff in an apparent failed South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of
launch on Wednesday, South Staff earlier said the launch
Korea’s military said, amid came from the Sunan area near
speculation that the North is Pyongyang, the North’s capital, Lee Jin-man / Associated Press

preparing to launch its longest- but gave no other details. People watch a TV screen showing a news program reporting North Korea’s missile launch with
range weapon in the most sig- Lee Choon Geun, an hon- file footage at a train station in Seoul. The launch is the North’s 10th this year.
nificant provocation in years. orary research fellow at South
Details of the missile explo- Korea’s Science and Technology media reported that Wednes- flew about 6.2 miles before it ty while trying to place its first
sion and the possibility of civil- Policy Institute, said the missile day’s launch occurred at the exploded, he said. functioning spy satellite into
ian damage weren’t immedi- likely exploded less than a airport, but Seoul’s Defense The U.S. Indo-Pacific Com- orbit. North Korean leader Kim
ately known. But the launch, minute after its launch. He said Ministry did not specify the mand said that North Korea Jong Un has vowed to acquire
the 10th of its kind this year, if the missile’s toxic fuels fell on exact site. had fired a ballistic missile but an improved ICBM and a spy
shows North Korea is deter- civilian residential areas in Chang Young-keun, a missile didn’t say whether it was a satellite among an array of
mined to press ahead on its North Korea, they would likely expert at Korea Aerospace failed launch. A command sophisticated weapons systems
push to modernize its arsenal cause a major health impact. University in South Korea, said statement said the launch didn’t he says his country needs to
and pressure rivals into making There was no immediate out- the missile explosion likely sent pose an immediate threat to cope with what he calls Amer-
concessions while denuclear- side report of such damage in debris as far as 62-124 miles U.S. territory and its allies but ican hostility.
ization talks are frozen. North Korea. away, rather than causing it to called on North Korea to refrain
The missile blew up as it was The Sunan area is where fall straight down from the from further destabilizing acts. Hyung-Jin Kim and Kim
flying at an altitude of less than North Korea’s international midair blast site, due to its fly- Observers say North Korea Tong-Hyung are Associated Press
12.4 miles, a South Korean mil- airport is located. South Korean ing speed. The missile likely aims to boost its ICBM capabili- writers.


U.N. peacekeepers will

extend stay until 2023
By Edith M. Lederer the U.S.-sponsored reso- dan in 2011. Impatience
lution. She said the mea- has risen over the govern-
UNITED NATIONS — sure reinforces its man- ment’s slow implementa-
The U.N. Security Council date “to protect civilians, tion of a 2018 peace deal
extended the mandate for support delivery of hu- ending a five-year civil
the 19,000-strong U.N. manitarian assistance, war, including the crucial
peacekeeping force in monitor and investigate work of merging once-
South Sudan for a year human rights and sup- rival armed forces. An
Tuesday, while demand- port the peace process.” estimated 400,000 people
ing an immediate end to The United States also were killed in the civil
fighting in the country supports the resolution, war, and hundreds still
and political dialogue to she said, “because it calls die in inter-communal
advance a plan to prevent for UNMISS to strength- violence around the coun-
the world’s newest nation en its sexual and gender- try.
from returning to civil based violence preven- The mission’s first
war. tion activities, responding priority remains the pro- Matt Dunham / Associated Press 2021

The resolution was to the horrific sexual tection of civilians under Richard Ratcliffe, the husband of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, and their
adopted by a vote of 13-0, violence in South Sudan.” threat of physical vio- daughter, Gabriella, marked 2,000 days of her imprisonment in September.
with Russia and China China’s deputy U.N. lence. That requirement

After years in jail, Brits

abstaining, both calling ambassador, Dai Bing, includes deterring, pre-
the measure unbalanced criticized the United venting and responding
for focusing too much on States for pushing “for to sexual and gender-

are freed after debt paid

human rights in the east inclusion of many human based violence “within its
African nation. rights-related texts, re- capacity and areas of
U.S. Ambassador Lin- sulting in a very unbal- deployment.”
da Thomas Greenfield anced draft resolution.” The mandate also in-
welcomed approval for South Sudan has exist- cludes creating condi- By Danica Kirka Ratcliffe, 43, and Anoosh- bargaining chips to
the strengthened man- ed as a nation for just over tions to deliver humani- and Jon Gambrell eh Ashoori, 67, landed in squeeze concessions out
date for the mission, a decade after winning tarian aid, supporting Oman following a two- of Western nations.
known as UNMISS, in independence from Su- implementation of the LONDON — Two Brit- hour flight from Tehran, Wednesday’s an-
peace agreement and ish citizens who had been and were expected to nouncement came after
peace process, and mon- jailed in Iran for more arrive in Britain late Wed- extensive diplomacy that
itoring, investigating and than five years — a charity nesday. secured the release of the
reporting on human worker and a retired civil The British government dual nationals and led to
rights abuses and vio- engineer — were on their said a third detainee, agreement to repay the
lations of international way home Wednesday Morad Tahbaz, who holds debt in a way that com-
humanitarian law. after the U.K. government U.S., British and Iranian plies with U.K. and in-
settled a decades-old debt citizenship, was released ternational sanctions.
Edith M. Lederer is an to Iran. from prison on furlough Britain agreed to pay Iran
Associated Press writer. Nazanin Zaghari- as part of the same deal. $515.5 million, which will
The breakthrough was be ring-fenced so the
reached as world leaders money can only be used
try to negotiate the return for humanitarian purpos-
of both Iran and the U.S. to es. The British govern-
an international agree- ment declined to offer
No rth e r n Ca l if o r n ia’s L a rg e st News pa p e r
ment designed to limit details of the arrange-
(U.S.P.S. 479-760) Tehran’s nuclear enrich- ment.
Address all mail to appropriate department at: ment program — talks Zaghari-Ratcliffe was
The San Francisco Chronicle that have been complicat- taken into custody at
901 Mission Street ed by the prisoner issue. Tehran’s airport in April
San Francisco, CA 94103-2988
Negotiators have edged 2016 as she was returning
Main switchboard closer to a road map for home to Britain after
(415) 777-1111 restoring the accord, visiting family in Iran. She
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greet his wife at a British prison after she was con-
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Datebook each premium issue, your subscription
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Sports subject to change and include applicable
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dozens of dual nationals He had been sentenced to
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paid at San Francisco, California. Published
daily by the San Francisco Chronicle, 901
doesn’t recognize their leged ties to Israel’s Mos-
Mission St., San Francisco, CA 94103-2988. right to hold citizenship in sad intelligence agency,
Postmaster: Send address changes to The
San Francisco Chronicle, 901 Mission St., another country. Family something long denied by
San Francisco CA 94103. members and human his supporters and family.
rights activists accuse Iran
of arresting the dual na- Danica Kirka and Jon
Year 158 • Volume 60 tionals on trumped-up Gambrell are Associated
© 2022 San Francisco Chronicle charges to use them as Press writers.
XXXXX San Francisco Chronicle and | A3


WHO chief says

worst health
crisis in Ethiopia
As much of the world’s EUROPE
attention is focused on the
bloodshed in Ukraine, the Dust storm swirls
head of the World Health over Continent
Organization said Wednes-
day there’s “nowhere on A huge dust storm swirling
Earth where the health of over Europe from the Sahara
millions of people is more desert has made it hard to
under threat” than Ethiopia’s breathe in large parts of Spain
Tigray region. for a second straight day. The
WHO director-general Te- dust was also flung across
dros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Europe, reaching as far as
said the situation in Tigray Paris, London and Belgrade.
from where he hails is “cata- The area of Spain rated by its
strophic,” saying the region national air quality index as
had been “sealed off from the “extremely unfavorable” ex-
outside world” for about 500 panded from the start of the Laurent Gillieron / Associated Press

days. dust event on Tuesday to in- A jet fighter plane is on display at the entrance of the Swiss Army’s Payerne Air Base while a
“No food aid has been deliv- clude most of the nation’s Saharan dust storm blankets the area. Wind can send the sands as far away as South America.
ered since the middle of De- southern and central regions.
cember,” Tedros told a press Authorities recommended for The conference comes as people crossing state lines to 2.8%.
briefing, adding that about people to wear face masks and world attention is gripped by avoid restrictions. Under Chair Jerome Powell,
three-quarters of health facil- avoid outdoor exercise. Ex- the war in Ukraine, which has the Fed is hoping that the rate
ities assessed by WHO in the perts say the event is extreme- overshadowed other humani-
hikes will achieve a difficult
ly intense but similar to those
region had been destroyed. He
that occur annually.
tarian crises across the world Feds raise rates, and narrow objective: Raising
said there was no treatment since the Russian invasion on borrowing costs enough to
for about 40,000 people with Feb. 24 — raising concerns
project 6 more slow growth and tame high
HIV in the region. that Yemen’s plight may be The Federal Reserve lifted inflation, yet not so much as to
“Yes, I’m from Tigray and U.N. seeks aid for forgotten. its key interest rate by a quar- topple the economy into reces-
this crisis affects me, my fami- war-ravaged nation ter of a percentage point on sion.
ly and my friends very person- Wednesday as policymakers
ally,” Tedros said. “But I, the The United Nations is ap- Abortion bill to took their first decisive step

director general of WHO, I pealing for $4.27 billion for

reach over borders toward trying to tame rapid 9 dead in crash,
have a duty to protect and Yemen, the Arab world’s poor- inflation by cooling the econo-
promote health wherever it’s est country, with 161,000 peo- First-of-its-kind Missouri my. The Fed had kept rates
6 college golfers
under threat,” he said. “And ple likely to experience famine legislation shows that anti- near zero since March 2020, Nine people died in a fiery,
there is nowhere on Earth there in 2022. The virtual abortion lawmakers in Repub- and the decision marked its head-on collision in West Tex-
where the health of millions of pledging conference is co- lican-led states aren’t likely to first increase since 2018. Poli- as, including six students and
people is more under threat hosted by Sweden and Swit- stop at banning most abortions cymakers also projected six a coach from the University of
than Tigray.” zerland to alleviate what the within their borders but also more similarly sized increases the Southwest, who were re-
Tedros said the U.N. health U.N. says is the world’s worst could try to make it harder to over the course of 2022 as turning home to Hobbs, N.M.,
agency had now documented humanitarian crisis. “Two in go out of state to end preg- inflation comes in at a 40-year from a golf tournament, au-
43 attacks on health care work- three Yemenis — 20 million nancies. A proposal that could high, signaling that they are thorities said. A pickup truck
ers and facilities in Ukraine men, women and children — be debated in the Legislature going to pull back support for crossed the center line of a
since the Russian invasion live in extreme poverty,” Secre- as soon as next week seeks to the economy markedly. two-lane road in Andrews
began last month. tary-General Antonio Guterres make it illegal to “aid or abet” The central bank expects County, about 30 miles east of
But Tedros said the crisis in told donors in New York. “To- abortions outlawed in Mis- inflation to remain elevated, the New Mexico state line on
Ukraine is “far from the only day, we must do everything we souri, even if they are per- ending 2022 at 4.3%, according Tuesday evening and crashed
crisis to which WHO is re- can to bridge immediate fund- formed in other states. to quarterly projections re- into the van carrying members
sponding,” citing ongoing ing gaps and strengthen aid State Rep. Mary Elizabeth leased Wednesday. The offi- of the men’s and women’s golf
problems in Yemen, Syria and delivery. We cannot cut people Coleman’s bill is aimed at a key cials also forecast much slower teams, said police.
Ethiopia. adrift from humanitarian aid.” frustration for abortion foes: economic growth this year, of Chronicle News Services


Mass graves could hold

evidence of war crimes
By Ben Hubbard
and Marlise Simons

BERLIN — By day, the

workers used heavy ma-
chinery to dig pits and
trenches. After dark, the
corpses arrived, some-
times hundreds at a time,
in the beds of military
pickups or in refrigerator
trucks meant for trans-
porting food.
As government in-
telligence officers looked Anonymous / Shaam News Network 2012

on, the dead were This photo shows a mass grave after government
dumped into the ground forces went on a killing spree in Darya, Syria.
and buried near the cap-
ital, Damascus, according They could also contain disappeared into govern-
to men who worked at powerful evidence of war ment detention centers,
two mass grave sites in crimes committed by and many of them are
Syria. Sometimes, the Assad’s forces, according presumed dead.
workers packed the dirt to human rights groups, The Syrian govern-
down tightly to keep dogs including the systematic ment has repeatedly
from digging up the bod- torture and the killing of denied that it killed peo-
ies. detainees. ple in detention. But
Throughout Syria’s “If the issue of the human rights groups
11-year civil war, human missing and the dis- have extensively docu-
rights groups and gov- appeared is not resolved, mented the practice. One
ernment defectors have there can never be peace important body of evi-
documented the wide- in Syria,” said Diab Ser- dence came from a Syrian
spread killing of civilians rih, the co-founder of an police photographer,
by security forces as they association of former code named “Caesar,”
sought to stamp out any detainees in Syria’s noto- who fled the country in
opposition to the dicta- rious Saydnaya prison 2013 with images of more
torship of Bashar Assad. that has worked to locate than 6,000 dead bodies,
Now, the New York mass graves. “Every day, some bearing signs of
Times has gathered evi- we get calls from people torture.
dence that sheds new who want to know where Counting and identify-
light on one enduring their sons are,” he added. ing the bodies in the mass
mystery of the war: What Many of them say, ‘I just graves would only be
happened to the bodies of want to see a grave so that possible by digging them
the many thousands who I can put a flower on it.’ ” up. But that is unlikely to
died or were killed in After the uprising that happen as long as Assad
government detention led to the war began in remains in power. Russia,
centers? 2011, Assad activated his his strongest backer,
Interviews over the network of security agen- continues to support him,
past several months with cies to stamp out dissent and he and his senior
four Syrian men who by locking up protesters, officials have never been
worked at or near secret activists and others. held accountable for
mass graves led to an At least 14,000 of those atrocities such as the use
examination of satellite detainees were tortured of chemical weapons
images. Together, those to death, the U.S. Trea- against their own citi-
clues revealed the loca- sury Department said zens.
tions of two sites. Each last year, but the actual
one holds thousands of number is almost certain- Ben Hubbard and Marlise
bodies, according to the ly much higher. More Simons are New York Times
men who worked there. than 130,000 others have writers.
A4 | San Francisco Chronicle and XXXXX


WHO: Global
cases rise, while
deaths fall 17%
The number of new corona- has been the suspension of
virus deaths reported world- nearly all COVID-19 protocols
wide fell by 17% in the past as more people abandon
week while COVID-19 in- masks and gather in larger
fections rose, reversing a de- numbers.
cline in cases that first began
in January, according to the
World Health Organization. All restrictions
In the U.N. health agency’s
weekly report on the pandemic
to be lifted soon
issued this week, WHO said Japan’s Prime Minister Fu-
there were more than 11 mil- mio Kishida on Wednesday
lion new COVID-19 infections announced plans to fully lift
last week — about an 8% rise coronavirus restrictions on Hau Dinh / Associated Press

— and 43,000 new deaths. The March 21 as new infections A rickshaw driver waits for tourists in Hanoi. Vietnam lifted travel restrictions for foreign
number of COVID-19 deaths driven by the highly conta- visitors in an effort to fully reopen its border after two years of pandemic-related closure.
globally has been dropping for gious omicron variant slow.
the past three weeks. The COVID-19 restrictions Coronavirus update As of 7 p.m. Wednesday Poland and Romania.
The biggest increases in currently in place in 18 prefec-
cases were seen in the Western tures, including the Tokyo
Pacific and Africa, where in- area, will end on Monday as 82.2% 192 10 Preparedness bill
fections rose by 29% and 12% planned, Kishida said as his
respectively. Elsewhere, cases government seeks to cautious- have received at least one shot Bay Area Bay Area moves ahead
dropped by more than 20% in ly expand consumer activity to 70.9% 3,796 137 A Senate committee ap-
the Middle East, Southeast help the badly hurt economy have received all shots
California California proved a bipartisan blueprint
Asia and the Americas. In get back on track. to overhaul the nation’s public
Europe, cases inched up by Daily caseloads have steadi- Source: California Covid Data Coalition, New cases, deaths reported health system, applying the
Johns Hopkins University and CDC since Tuesday
about 2%. ly declined in Japan in recent lessons of COVID-19 to future
WHO said those numbers weeks after surging to new outbreaks through a new
“should be interpreted with highs exceeding 100,000 in chain of command, a stronger
caution.” It noted that many early February. New cases reopening comes as Vietnam House. “My symptoms are medical supply chain, and
countries are changing their have fallen by about half. reports record numbers of new mild and I’m grateful to be clearer crisis communications.
COVID-19 testing strategies as COVID-19 infections, with a both vaccinated and boosted,” The Health, Education, Labor
they exit the acute phase of the daily average of nearly 200,000 Emhoff wrote on Twitter, and Pensions Committee ap-
pandemic, and are testing far Curbs scrapped cases over the past two weeks. encouraging others to get vac- proved the PREVENT Pan-
less than previously, meaning Vietnam has administered cinated and boosted as well. demics Act this week by a vote
that many new cases are going
on foreign visitors over 200 million doses of CO- Harris tested negative, but is of 20-2.
undetected. Vietnam on Wednesday VID-19 vaccines, covering 80% curtailing her schedule as a But it’s only a first step. If
In recent weeks, countries scrapped quarantine and other of the country’s 98 million result of her husband’s positive the ambitious vision does
including Sweden and the travel restrictions for foreign people, according to the Health test. eventually pass Congress,
United Kingdom have an- visitors in an effort to fully Ministry. The prospect of the corona- lawmakers must still deliver
nounced plans to drop wide- reopen its border after two virus spreading among the the tens of billions of dollars it
spread testing for COVID-19, years of pandemic-related inner circle of the White will take to translate it into
saying the massive investment closure, the government said. Emhoff tests House comes as President reality and maintain focus
is no longer worth the effort. Visitors entering the Southeast Biden prepares to travel to after the coronavirus recedes.
Still, infections, hospitaliza- Asian country only need to
positive for virus Europe next week for a pivotal Right now, Congress is even
tions and deaths have in- show a negative COVID-19 test Doug Emhoff, husband of NATO summit to discuss the having trouble meeting a
creased slightly in Britain, prior to arrival, according to Vice President Kamala Harris, Russian invasion of Ukraine. White House request for addi-
driven by the more infectious the Health Ministry, which tested positive for the corona- Harris returned this weekend tional funds to keep COVID-19
omicron subvariant BA.2. said the new measures were virus Tuesday, according to a from a trip in Europe, where at bay the rest of this year.
Another contributing factor effective immediately. The statement from the White she met with the presidents of Chronicle News Services


Trump’s pick for

governor failing
to attract donors
By Jeff Amy watched for signals about the
and Will Weissert direction of the national Repub-
lican Party. Despite the backing
ATLANTA — During his two of former President Donald
Senate campaigns, Republican Trump, Perdue is well behind
David Perdue had little trouble Kemp in what is certain to be an
raking in millions in campaign expensive race, an Associated
cash. But as he tries to unseat Press review of federal and
Georgia’s incumbent governor, state campaign finance records
fellow Republican Brian Kemp, shows.
Perdue is struggling to attract Perdue raised just $1.1 mil-
donors. lion from the launch of his
Perdue’s top 30 individual campaign in December through John Bazemore / Associated Press

contributors pumped in nearly the end of January, an opening Former Sen. David Perdue speaks at a Feb. 2 campaign stop in Covington, Ga. The Republican
$450,000 to his Senate cam- stretch when candidates typ- is trying to unseat incumbent GOP Gov. Brian Kemp.
paigns in 2014 and 2020, ac- ically try to post their most
cording to campaign finance impressive numbers, and he alone. football player Herschel Walk- overturn Biden’s win — some-
disclosures. But that same had less than $1 million in cash Perdue is turning to Trump er, the lead Republican vying thing Kemp had no power to do.
group and their immediate on hand. for help, scheduling a Wednes- for one of the state’s U.S. Senate As revenge, Trump recruited
family members have steered Kemp took in $7.4 million by day appearance with the former seats. Perdue to challenge Kemp in a
just $26,200 to his current run Jan. 31 and had $12.7 million on president at his Mar-a-Lago Perdue’s campaign acknowl- primary, a move that some in
for governor. Kemp, mean- hand. The governor, defending resort, where contributors will edges it is behind in the money the party worry will leave the
while, has raised $81,450 from himself against fierce criticism have to give $3,000 to attend. A race and is relying instead on eventual nominee weakened
these previous Perdue backers. from Trump for being disloyal picture with Trump means energy from the GOP’s most heading into a general election
Perdue’s difficulty winning about the former president’s spending $24,200. loyal voters. race against Democrat Stacey
back previous donors suggests false claims of election fraud in That’s ahead of a campaign- After campaigning for Kemp Abrams.
a broader challenge for him Georgia, has pledged to unleash style Trump rally in northeast in the 2018 governor’s race,
ahead of Georgia’s May 24 pri- that cash advantage, spending Georgia this month that will Trump turned against him Jeff Amy and Will Weissert are
mary, which is being closely $4.2 million on television ads feature Perdue and former when the governor refused to Associated Press writers.


Primary ballot rejections soar under new rules

By Paul J. Weber across 187 counties in Texas. being administered.” ties big and small, red and blue. At least 17 other states in the
and Acacia Coronado While historical primary com- Republicans promised new But the rejection rate was higher coming months will cast ballots
parisons are lacking, the layers of voting rules would in counties that lean Democratic under tougher election laws, in
AUSTIN, Texas — Texas double-digit rejection rate make it “easier to vote and hard- (15.1%) than Republican (9.1%). part driven by Trump’s baseless
threw out mail votes at an ab- would be far beyond what is er to cheat.” But the final num- The unusually high rejection and persistent claims of ram-
normally high rate during the typical in a general election, bers recorded by AP lay bare the rate to start America’s midterm pant fraud in the 2020 election.
nation’s first primary of 2022, when experts say anything glaring gulf between that ob- election season is expected to The number of rejected ballots
rejecting nearly 23,000 ballots above 2% is usually cause for jective and the obstacles, frus- put more attention on changes in Texas alone far exceeds the
outright under tougher voting attention. tration and tens of thousands of to the ballot box elsewhere in the hundreds of even possible voter
rules that are part of a broad “My first reaction is ‘yikes,’ ” uncounted votes resulting from country. Texas’ election was the fraud cases the AP has previ-
campaign by Republicans to said Charles Stewart III, direc- tighter restrictions and rushed debut of more restrictive voting ously identified in six battle-
reshape American elections, tor of the Election Data and implementation. rules the GOP raced to put on ground states that Trump dis-
according to an analysis by the Science Lab at the Massachu- In Texas, a state former Presi- the books across the U.S. in time puted.
Associated Press. setts Institute of Technology. “It dent Donald Trump easily won for the midterm elections, a
Roughly 13% of mail ballots says to me that there’s some- although by a smaller margin push that took particular aim at Paul J. Weber and Acacia
returned in the March 1 primary thing seriously wrong with the than 2016, the trouble of navigat- mail voting that soared in pop- Coronado are Associated Press
were discarded and uncounted way that the mail ballot policy is ing new rules was felt in coun- ularity during the pandemic. writers.
XXXXX San Francisco Chronicle and | A5


Officials tally
more than
2,500 deaths
Mariupol from page A1 by Russian soldiers, who
are slowly squeezing the
die from a Russian shell. life out of it, one blast at a
They are stacked to- time.
gether with dozens of Several appeals for
others in this mass grave humanitarian corridors
on the outskirts of the city. to evacuate civilians went
A man covered in a bright unheeded, until Ukraini-
blue tarp, weighed down an officials said Wednes-
by stones at the crum- day that about 30,000
bling curb. A woman people had fled in convoys
wrapped in a red-and- of cars. Air strikes and
gold bed sheet, her legs shells have hit the ma-
neatly bound at the ankles ternity hospital, the fire Evgeniy Maloletka / Associated Press

with a scrap of white department, homes, a People settle in a bomb shelter in Mariupol. At times, the shelling occurs about one per minute.
fabric. Workers toss the church, a field outside a
bodies in as fast as they school and, most recently, were of children and His father, Serhii, This agony fits in with doctors had no time to
can, because the less time a theater where about mothers, despite Russia’s dropped down, hugged Putin’s goals. The siege is learn either of their
they spend in the open, 1,000 people had taken claims that civilians his dead boy’s head and a military tactic popular- names.
the better their own shelter. For the estimated haven’t been attacked. wailed out his grief. ized in medieval times Another pregnant
chances of survival. hundreds of thousands Doctors say they are treat- On March 4, it was yet and designed to crush a woman, Mariana Vishe-
“The only thing (I who remain, there is quite ing 10 civilians for every another child in the emer- population through star- girskaya, was waiting to
want) is for this to be simply nowhere to go. injured Ukrainian soldier. gency room — Kirill, the vation and violence, al- give birth at the maternity
finished,” raged worker The surrounding roads The same geography toddler struck in the head lowing an attacking force hospital when the strike
Volodymyr Bykovskyi, are mined and the port that for so long worked in by shrapnel. His mother to spare its own soldiers hit. Her brow and cheek
pulling crinkling black blocked. Food is running Mariupol’s favor had and stepfather bundled the cost of entering a bloodied, she clutched her
body bags from a truck. out, and the Russians turned against it. The city him in a blanket. They hostile city. belongings in a plastic bag
“Damn them all, those have stopped humanitari- stands squarely between hoped for the best, and Instead, civilians are and navigated the debris-
people who started this!” an attempts to bring it in. regions controlled by the then endured the worst. the ones left to die, slowly strewn stairs in polka-dot
More bodies will come, Electricity is mostly gone Russia-backed separatists “Why? Why? Why?” and painfully. pajamas. Outside the
from streets where they and water is sparse, with — about 6 miles to the east his sobbing mother, Mari- Putin has refined the ruined hospital, she
are everywhere and from residents melting snow to at the closest point — and na Yatsko, asked in the tactic during his years in stared motionless with
the hospital basement drink. Some parents have the Crimean Peninsula hospital hallway, as medi- power, first in the Che- wide blue eyes at the
where adults and chil- even left their newborns annexed by Russia in cal workers looked on chen city of Grozny in crackling flames.
dren are laid out awaiting at the hospital, perhaps 2014. The capture of Mari- helplessly. She tenderly 2000 and then in the Vishegirskaya deliv-
someone to pick them up. hoping to give them a upol would give the Rus- unwrapped the blanket Syrian city of Aleppo in ered her child the next
The youngest still has an chance at life in the one sians a clear land corridor around her lifeless child 2016. He reduced both to day to the sound of shell-
umbilical stump attached. place with decent electric- all the way through, con- to kiss him and inhale his ruins. fire. Baby Veronika drew
Each air strike and ity and water. trolling the Sea of Azov. scent one last time. By March 9, the sound her first breath on March
shell that relentlessly People burn scraps of As February ended, the That was the day the of Russian fighter jets in 10.
pounds Mariupol — furniture in makeshift siege began. Ignoring the darkness settled in for Mariupol was enough to The two women — one
about one per minute at grills to warm their hands danger, or restless, or good — a blackout in both send people screaming dead and one a mother —
times — drives home the in the freezing cold and perhaps just feeling in- power and knowledge. for cover. have since become the
curse of a geography that cook what little food there vincible as teenagers do, a Ukrainian television and The jets rumbled symbol of their black-
has put the city squarely still is. The grills them- group of boys met up a radio were cut, and car across the sky, this time ened, burning hometown.
in the path of Russia’s selves are built with the few days later, on March stereos became the only decimating the maternity Facing worldwide con-
domination of Ukraine. one thing in plentiful 2, to play soccer on a pitch link to the outside world. hospital. demnation, Russian offi-
This southern seaport of supply: bricks and shards outside a school. They played Russian Rescuers rushed a cials claimed that the
430,000 has become a of metal scattered in the A bomb exploded. The news, describing a world pregnant woman through maternity hospital had
symbol of Russian Presi- streets from destroyed blast tore through Iliya’s that couldn’t be further the rubble and light snow been taken over by far-
dent Vladimir Putin’s buildings. legs. from the reality in Mari- as she stroked her blood- right Ukrainian forces to
drive to crush democratic Death is everywhere. The odds were against upol. ied belly, face blanched use as a base and emptied
Ukraine — but also of a Local officials have tallied him, and increasingly As it sunk in that there and head lolling listlessly of patients and nurses.
fierce resistance on the more than 2,500 deaths in against the city. The elec- was truly no escape, the to the side. Her baby was In two tweets, the Rus-
ground. the siege, but many bodies tricity went out yet again, mood of the city changed. dying inside her, and she sian Embassy in London
In the nearly three can’t be counted because as did most mobile net- It didn’t take long for knew it, medics said. claimed that the materni-
weeks since Russia’s war of the endless shelling. works. Without commu- grocery store shelves to “Kill me now!” she ty hospital had long been
began, two Associated They have told families to nications, medics had to empty. Mariupol’s resi- screamed, as they strug- out of operation, and that
Press journalists have leave their dead outside in guess which hospitals dents cowered by night in gled to save her life at Vishegirskaya was an
been the only internation- the streets because it’s too could still handle the underground shelters another hospital even actress playing a role.
al media present in Mari- dangerous to hold funer- wounded and which and emerged by day to closer to the front line.
upol, chronicling its fall als. roads could still be navi- grab what they could The baby was born dead. Mystyslav Chernov and
into chaos and despair. Many of the deaths gated to reach them. before scurrying un- A half-hour later, the Evgeniy Maloletka are
The city is now encircled documented by the AP Iliya couldn’t be saved. derground again. mother died, too. The Associated Press writers.

‘We need you right now,’ Zelenskyy tells Congress

Ukraine from page A1 Lavrov welcomed In going before Con-
Zelenskyy’s comment gress, Zelenskyy said that
statement said, though and said “the businesslike Russia “has turned the
there was no immediate spirit” starting to surface Ukrainian sky into a
word on how many had in the talks “gives hope source of death for thou-
been killed or injured. that we can agree on this sands of people.” But
Satellite imagery from issue.” Biden has rejected Zelen-
Monday showed the word “A neutral status is skyy’s requests to send
“children” written in large being seriously discussed warplanes to Ukraine or
white letters in Russian in in connection with securi- establish a no-fly zone
front of and behind the ty guarantees,” Lavrov over the country because
building, the Maxar space said on Russian TV. of the risk of triggering
technology company “There are concrete for- war between the U.S. and
said. mulations that in my view Russia.
The Russian defense are close to being agreed.” In other developments,
ministry denied bombing Prospects for a diplo- the mayor of the city of
the theater or anywhere matic breakthrough were Melitopol, who was
else in Mariupol on Wed- highly uncertain, howev- seized by Russian forces
nesday. er, given the gulf between five days ago, has been
In Kyiv, residents hud- Ukraine’s demand that freed, said Zelenskyy
dled in homes and shel- J. Scott Applewhite / Tribune News Service
the invading forces with- chief of staff Andriy Yer-
ters amid a citywide cur- Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addresses Congress, invoking Pearl draw completely and mak. No details were
few that runs until Thurs- Harbor and 9/11, while pleading for more weapons and sanctions. Russia’s suspected aim of given about how he be-
day morning, as Russian replacing Kyiv’s West- came free.
troops shelled areas in nounced the U.S. is send- Ukrainian capital ap- cials have long worried ward-looking govern-
and around the city, in- ing an additional $800 peared largely stalled, about a ground assault on ment with a pro-Moscow Andrea Rosa is an
cluding a residential million in military aid to Putin said the operation the coastal city. regime. Associated Press writer.
neighborhood 1.5 miles Ukraine, including more was unfolding “success- Another round of talks
from the presidential anti-aircraft and anti- fully, in strict accordance between the two sides
palace. A 12-story apart- tank weapons and with pre-approved was scheduled for Wed-
ment building in central drones. He also called plans.” He also decried nesday. After Tuesday’s
Kyiv erupted in flames Vladimir Putin a “war Western sanctions negotiations, Russian
after being hit by shrap- criminal” in his sharpest against Moscow, accusing Foreign Minister Sergey
nel. condemnation of the the West of trying to Lavrov said a neutral
And 10 people were Russian leader since the “squeeze us, to put pres- military status for
killed while standing in invasion began. sure on us, to turn us into Ukraine was being “seri-
line for bread in the International pressure a weak, dependent coun- ously discussed” by the
northern city of Cherni- against the Kremlin try.” two sides, while Zelen-
hiv, the Ukrainian Gener- mounted and its isolation A senior U.S. defense skyy said Russia’s de-
al Prosecutor’s Office deepened as the Interna- official said the Russians mands for ending the war
said. tional Court of Justice, were still making little were becoming “more
Ukrainian President also known as the World tangible progress in much realistic.”
Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Court, ordered Russia to of the country, but have Hopes for diplomatic
meanwhile, went before stop attacking Ukraine, begun shelling the sub- progress to end the war
the U.S. Congress via though there was little urbs of Odessa, Ukraine’s rose after Zelenskyy
video and, invoking Pearl hope it would comply. third-largest city and a acknowledged Tuesday
Harbor and 9/11, pleaded Also, the 47-nation Coun- major naval and shipping in the most explicit terms
with America for more cil of Europe, the conti- hub. The official, who yet that Ukraine is un-
weapons and tougher nent’s foremost human spoke on condition of likely to realize its goal of
sanctions against Russia, rights body, expelled anonymity to discuss U.S. joining NATO. Putin has
saying: “ We need you Russia. military assessments, long depicted Ukraine’s
right now.” While Moscow’s said Russia’s aims weren’t NATO aspirations as a
President Biden an- ground advance on the clear, but Western offi- threat to Russia.
A6 | San Francisco Chronicle and XXXXX


In 21st season,
Bennett happy
at St. Mary’s
St. Mary’s from page A1 name surfaced for head-coach-
ing openings at Hawaii, Ore-
ly serve as springboards for gon State and Utah. He in-
ambitious coaches on the rise. terviewed for the job at Cal, a
Lynn Nance, for example, tantalizing possibility because
parlayed three strong seasons his family wouldn’t have had
with the Gaels (1986-89) into to move.
the top job at Washington, But Bennett wasn’t especial-
which didn’t work out so well. ly thrilled with the prospect of
Ernie Kent spent six years at tackling another rebuilding
St. Mary’s (1991-97), then project at one of those schools
jumped to Oregon, where he as jobs typically open only
presided over the Ducks for 13 when programs are down and Photos by D. Ross Cameron / Special to The Chronicle

seasons. he grew to realize he had the Randy Bennett took his first Division I head coach job at St. Mary’s in 2001. Since then, he has
Bennett arrived in Moraga resources to win at St. Mary’s. come to feel at home at the Moraga school where he has posted a 479-199 record.
in April 2001. He was 38 years So he stayed.
old at the time, married but And then he won some Santa Clara (twice) and USF
childless. Now he’s bearing more, including beating the (twice). The Gaels went 16-0 at
down on 60 in June, with one No. 1 team in the country home this season, including
son out of the house and an- (Gonzaga) on Feb. 26, sparking the signature victory over their
other on the brink of leaving. a seismic celebration in his top-ranked WCC rivals.
One other contrast worth team’s cramped, antiquated All in all, this year’s team
highlighting: St. Mary’s went gymnasium. might represent Bennett’s best
2-27 the season before Bennett “I’m a guy who likes to be at coaching job yet.
showed up. The Gaels have the same place for a long time,” “We don’t have an elite scor-
posted a losing record only Bennett said. “I’m not a mover er, an alpha so to speak, but we
once since then, in Bennett’s and shaker, I know that about do have guys who understand
long-ago first season. They myself. But I didn’t ever think, how to bring it every day,”
later rattled off 13 consecutive ‘Hey, what am I going to do in assistant coach Justin Joyner
20-win seasons during one 10 years?’ said. “Because of that, I feel
stretch, including a 30-win “I just kind of approached it like we have one of the tougher
season and six others with 27 year-to-year, try to keep getting teams in the West and prob-
victories or more. They’re 25-7 better. I never thought I was ably the country. And it always
this season entering their first- going to be here 21 years, but I Bennett, shown running drills earlier this month, has led St. comes down from the top.
round NCAA matchup Thurs- never thought I wasn’t, either.” Mary’s to the NCAA Tournament eight times. Randy is really hard-working
day against Indiana. Do not underestimate the and extremely consistent, and
So we repeat: Why on earth impact of Bennett’s two boys Randy Bennett file Tom actually went the other it feeds into our program.”
is Bennett still in Moraga? on this uncommon run. Chase way, returning to high school Joyner suspects Bennett still
The answer is layered. Ben- and Cade, like their dad, are Age: 59 coaching after leaving Mesa in thinks he can take St. Mary’s
nett doesn’t like change, ac- addicted to basketball. They Prior to St. Mary’s: Assistant at the 1990s — and led Gilbert to another level. The school
cording to his wife, Darlene. played on Campolindo-Mora- San Diego (1985-96), Pepper- High to an Arizona state title recently launched construction
She knows only too well; she ga’s high school state champi- dine (1996-99) and Saint Louis in 2003. to expand and renovate its
makes him a turkey-and-ched- onship team in 2019, then (1999-01) “I think that did influence venerable home — long known
dar cheese sandwich, plus half helped the Cougars return to Record at St. Mary’s: 479-199 Randy,” Darlene Bennett said as McKeon Pavilion, now
of a peanut butter-and-jelly the state title game in 2020 (it (21 seasons) of his dad’s long run at Mesa. dubbed University Credit
sandwich, on every game day. was canceled by the pandemic) Ranking: 85th in wins in Divi- “He saw what his father could Union Pavilion — which
His dad, Tom, carved out a and roll to an abbreviated, 15-0 sion I history do — build a program and should help with recruiting.
long and rewarding coaching season in ’21. 20-win seasons: 15 have players come back and Bennett called the project
career at an Arizona communi- This past season, while support him. Randy appreci- “very important,” and maybe
Most wins in season: 30 (2017-
ty college, so Bennett saw Chase played at a prep school ates the beauty of that.” it’s necessary to keep the Gaels
first-hand the virtues of stay- near Seattle, Cade teamed with All along, partly through an competitive. But it also seems
ing put. He didn’t want to Aidan Mahaney — bound for NCAA Tournament appear- international recruiting pipe- likely they would win no mat-
uproot his kids, Chase and St. Mary’s next season — to ances: 8 line (which once brought ter what their home court
Cade. lead Campolindo to the No. 1 NIT appearances: 7 NCAA sanctions), Randy Ben- looks like. Bennett’s career
And, not incidentally, he ranking in Northern California nett turned St. Mary’s into a record stands at 479-199,
came to savor the improbable nearly the entire season. regular West Coast Conference meaning he could reach the
machine he built at little St. Beyond that, the Bennett contender and postseason 500-win milestone next sea-
Mary’s College of California. family enjoys living in Moraga. done. … And then there’s the participant. The program sud- son.
“I never thought we’d stay 21 Cade and Chase attended ele- fact we built St. Mary’s into a denly spit out a stream of ac- Twenty-one years ago, the
years, especially when he had mentary school, middle school program where you have a complished players — from odds were long that Bennett —
success early on and he started and high school without mov- chance to participate in the Patty Mills and Matthew Della- or any coach, ever — would
getting job offers that were ing, not exactly the customary NCAA Tournament every vedova to Omar Samhan and even approach 500 victories at
bigger programs and a lot path for kids of a Division I year.” Jock Landale to Mickey St. Mary’s. But he’s still there,
better money,” Darlene Ben- college basketball coach. Another underplayed ele- McConnell and Jordan Ford. chugging along with no re-
nett said. “I thought we would “I think it comes from hav- ment in all this is the road Tom This year’s team, notably, grets.
leave. ing a family, having kids,” Bennett traveled, or chose not doesn’t feature a candidate “I’ve never looked back and
“But after the first time he Randy Bennett said of his to travel. He spent 19 years as worthy of joining that list. The said, ‘Man, I wish I wouldn’t
turned down a job, I realized motivation to stay at St. the head coach at Mesa Com- Gaels have four players — have passed on that one,’ ” he
the importance of his loyalty to Mary’s. “I was happy and I munity College, outside Phoe- Matthias Tass, Tommy Kuhse, said. “Now it’s to a point where
St. Mary’s for giving him his didn’t really want to move my nix, where he won 73% of his Logan Johnson and Alex Du- you have a place that’s kind of
first (head-coaching) job, and kids. They were in a good games and nine conference cas — averaging between 10 yours. We have a lot of players
his loyalty to the players. After situation, especially as they got championships. Randy Ben- and 13 points per game. St. who come back and appreciate
that, I figured we’d never to high school. I didn’t want to nett played for his dad at Mesa Mary’s plays rugged defense, the program, view it as family,
leave.” do that to them. before moving on to UC San limits its mistakes and typical- and I like that.”
Bennett had many chances “It’s just been a great place Diego. ly controls the pace.
to bolt for bigger stages and for me to raise a family and Tom Bennett once turned That has been enough to Ron Kroichick is a San Francisco
brighter lights. Over the years, coach basketball, and feel like I down a Division I job, his produce wins over postseason Chronicle staff writer. Email:
as St. Mary’s kept winning and can do all of those at a high daughter-in-law said, to stay at tournament teams Gonzaga,
winning and winning, his level, the way it should be the community-college level. Notre Dame, Oregon, BYU, Twitter: @ronkroichick

Oakland A’s waterfront ballpark plan hits setback

Ballpark from page A1 their key advisory groups vote formational, world-class devel- justice issues could affect the But committee members said
no, it’s very disappointing,” opment.” project. they needed more information
California, one that would Kaval said. “I think from our The committee’s decision Port officials have said that on what properties the port
bring needed housing, jobs, tax perspective ... an unelected comes less than a month after it’s not critical to maintain the plans to offer instead of How-
revenue and economic devel- body would choose a parking the City Council voted to certi- site for port use despite ob- ard Terminal for truck and
opment to Oakland. If the A’s lot instead of approve a pri- fy the environmental review of jections from port workers. freight cargo.
leave Oakland because they vately financed ballpark with the A’s proposed development. Even if the number of cargo David Lewis, executive di-
can’t build a new ballpark, it 3,000 housing units is really That certification triggered a ships that use the port increas- rector of Save the Bay, a non-
would be the third professional disappointing.” 140-day process, set by state es, port officials said other sites profit that works to preserve
sports team to depart in five The BCDC meeting is sched- law, for the A’s to get approvals can accommodate the growth. the bay, said he didn’t see any
years. uled for June 2. The A’s will from state regulatory agencies. Danny Wan, executive direc- specific information about
Committee Chair Jim need to get a two-thirds vote of The team wants to build a tor of the Port of Oakland, said what would replace the nearly
McGrath also said he didn’t support to move forward with 35,000-seat waterfront ball- at Wednesday’s meeting that 40 acres of port property that
support changing Howard the project. BCDC could vote park, 3,000 units of housing, 1.5 cargo growth projections have would be lost if the port re-
Terminal’s uses because of against its committee’s recom- million square feet of offices, been too ambitious and have moved the maritime-use desig-
projected cargo growth and mendation. BCDC staff will 270,000 square feet of retail failed to materialize over the nation from Howard Terminal.
because he hasn’t seen evi- release their own recommenda- space, a 3,500-capacity perfor- past 10 years. But some com- Kristine Zortman, executive
dence that Howard Terminal tion in early April. mance venue, up to 400 hotel mittee members disagreed with director of the Port of Redwood
“has no utility.” Kaval said the team plans to rooms and 8,900 parking spac- Wan’s projections and said the City, said the maritime in-
The committee’s decision meet with BCDC members es. If the project gets final ap- reality is that there is some dustry needs to be protected
comes despite port officials before the meeting to answer provals — which the A’s are growth. because it provides well-paid
insisting that the maritime their questions and concerns. pushing for this year — it Wan said “it’s clear” that the jobs.
operations would not be im- Justin Berton, a spokesper- would be one of the largest port doesn’t need Howard In January, the port an-
pacted if the port’s priority-use son for Mayor Libby Schaaf, developments in state history. Terminal for port use, but some nounced plans to use 25 acres
designation is removed from said the “public process is a The Seaport Planning Ad- committee members disagreed. of Howard Terminal to open a
Howard Terminal. lengthy, thorough, and trans- visory Committee is made up of In addition, port officials container yard for storage and
The committee’s decision is parent process, and today’s officials from ports throughout said it’s not up to Oakland’s pickup — an effort to improve
not final. Its vote is a recom- advisory committee delivered the Bay Area, environmental port to carry the burden for the flow of agricultural ex-
mendation to the San Francisco important feedback as this groups and transportation regional cargo ship needs and ports, the report stated. The A’s
Bay Conservation and Devel- project moves forward.” agencies. that the project shouldn’t be and port officials have said
opment Commission, a state But he said, “The Port of Its decision is based on an rejected because of concerns these plans would not impact
agency that protects the bay. Oakland and its leadership analysis of whether Howard around cargo ship growth. the A’s intended development
BCDC’s approval is needed for knows its capacity best, and we Terminal is needed for port Since 2014, Howard Termi- at Howard Terminal.
the A’s to build at Howard agree with their detailed analy- operations and what the im- nal has been used for worker
Terminal. sis that shows they can contin- pact of opening the area to training, truck parking and Sarah Ravani (she/her) is a San
“The project cannot move ue to thrive and grow port public access would be. The staging, storage, cargo loading Francisco Chronicle staff writer.
forward without (BCDC’s) activities well into the future, committee examined how sea and tugboat docking, according Email:
approvals, and to have one of as well as support a trans- level rise and environmental to the committee’s staff report. Twitter: @SarRavani
XXXXX San Francisco Chronicle and | A7


Totems of a time that blurred days

Pandemic from page A1 was experiencing was, every-
day was the same.”
stuffing the masks in a jar. “Now Nye hasn’t read all of his
we’re at the full, gallon sized, entries from cover to cover, but
hermetically sealed jar,” said he says he frequently picks it up
Garcia, adding that the jar he and will read a random entry.
uses has gotten larger and heav- And most often he says he feels
ier as the masks pile up. a sense of astonishment, and
This jar, which might have always a sense of surprise. Like
otherwise been used for home- the entry logging the first time
made pickling or kombucha, Asher said, “I love you Daddy,”
contains at least 200 N95 masks, a major milestone helped by
nearly every single one he’s speech therapy. The times when
worn during the past 18 months. the day cares were closed and
When he looks at the jar now, no one knew what to do. The
stuffed to the brim with identi- week they didn’t leave the house
cal masks, little differences start because of wildlife smoke. Only
to stick out to him, like the stra- a few of his entries have a gold
ta of his summertime masks, star on them — a sticker he used
tainted with extra moisture to mark the “truly good days.”
from sweat and smoke from the “I feel the loss, how much
wildfires. time was lost,” he said. “I’m a
Garcia, 35, who made street silver linings finder but there
art when he lived in San Fran- were times during the pandem-
cisco, didn’t set out to create an ic where it felt like more than I
art project out of this, but in could take, and I was logging
collecting this strange stockpile Caitlin O’Hara / Special to The Chronicle
through that as well. And I
of used material, it became an Dyane Silva Janney, whose husband and mother died in a 15-month period during the pandemic, didn’t know when I was going
art project in and of itself. commissioned a glass globe made with their ashes that is never far from her side. to stop, until I did.”
“There’s a lot of art that Nye’s log didn’t make it two
comes out of either process or years. His last entry was on May
repetition or having a lot of one 19, 2021. In it, he wrote:
thing,” said Garcia. Day 432:
In his compulsion to preserve Second vaccine plus two weeks
his masks, Garcia started re- Asher’s first day at Franklin
membering the work of David school.
Ireland, a conceptual artist A work Zoom with Greg and
whose former San Francisco Carl from consulting.
home is now a museum at 500 We did the transfer from one
Capp Street. Among many school to another.
things, Ireland was famous for It was the last D&D game for
the way he made art out of ordi- Fenton and his friends.
nary materials, like jars of dust I went for a walk with a friend
and dirt collected from his win- that I’ve had since kindergarten;
dow frames and front door- we walked in the Mountain View
steps. Cemetery and got tea.
And even though Garcia has Laurel invented a new Vodka
been thinking about it as a sort drink called the “Vatermelon
of conceptual art piece of his Vodka Vaccine”
own, he still feels conflicted I finished the bottom row of
about his project, even though Magic Maze Puzzle.
he still continues to add to it — And I watched the episode of
even if it means using extreme “Upstairs, Downstairs” where
force to get a mask inside. Ob- Emily dies of love.
jectively, he says, it’s biologically Things could be a lot worse.
repulsive. Santiago Mejia / The Chronicle
My word of the year, which is
“The outside of the barrier is Myles Nye of Berkeley, a married father of two, kept a log every single day from the first day of “grit.”
all contaminated with virus and shelter-in-place to two weeks after his second COVID-19 vaccine, May 19, 2021.
wildfire smoke and the inside of A drink to remember
the barrier is all contaminated In February of 2020, Joni
with me, and with the humidity Binder was on a flight from
and biology that come from a Boston to San Francisco, where
human being,” he said. “It re- she lives, when a flight atten-
presents a lot of days, and a lot dant who she’d been talking to
of days that were largely un- pulled her into the galley and
pleasant in a lot of ways.” leaned in to tell her a secret.
There is a way that by looking The flight attendant told
at all the masks, squished to- Binder, a nonprofit advocate,
gether in one jar, the pandemic that her brother was part of the
seems both impossibly large security detail for someone very
and heavy, a tragic pile of grief high up in the state department.
that seems never-ending, ever- That brother had told her that
growing, like a virus continuing even though it was unbe-
to mutate. And yet there is also a knownst to the general public,
hopeful way of seeing the jar — international travel was about
as a container that is finite, to be canceled because of a new
whose lid can stay sealed. Hope- virus. “You may have heard
fully, one day, never to be added about it,” the flight attendant
to again. told Binder.
The flight attendant contin-
A colorful reminder ued, warning Binder that Purell
No matter where she is, wasn’t going to be able to kill the
Dyane Silva Janney always has mysterious virus. And then she
her glass orb beside her. She handed Binder an airplane-
keeps it lit 24/7, its colorful rays Santiago Mejia / The Chronicle
sized bottle of vodka, telling her
of light keeping her connected, Joni Binder keeps a half full airplane-size bottle of vodka that a flight attendant gave her to wipe down everything
even if not physically, to two during a February 2020 flight after alerting Binder of the impending effects of COVID-19. around her, including her seat,
people she loved so much. In it and not to talk to anyone else
are the ashes of her husband during the fires in Sonoma. She and grandchildren to love. But every single day of the pandem- during the flight just to be safe.
and her mother, both of whom often remarked that their move she is certain she will see Bill ic — from the first day of shel- “It’s going to hit us really
died within 15 months of each had turned her into a full-time and her mother again. She has ter-in-place (“FLAM family hard,” the flight attendant told
other, right before and during caregiver, a role she took with already made arrangements for school, garden time”) to the day Binder. “They’re not really
the pandemic. pride even as they both eventu- her remains to be in the orb he was “fully-vaccinated.” telling us anything yet.”
Janney, 71, had been married ally passed away. with them. After filling up that book, he Binder, 55, went back to her
to Bill for 32 years before he Dyane lost Bill, 89, in Septem- “I’ve picked out my colors, started another one. And now, seat and did everything the
passed away unexpectedly in ber of 2019, and after weather- too,” said Dyane. “I asked them with those two logs, he can flip flight attendant said. A couple
2019. And in fact, everything ing the beginning of the pan- to make a special one with a to any page and see a collection of weeks later, a friend of hers
about their courtship had been demic and the isolation it touch of all of the colors. So it’ll of words that illustrate the who was an ER doctor got sick.
unexpected. The two had brought on, her mother, Do- be a rainbow.” experiences that made up his “It really began to sink in,”
crossed paths when Janney was lores, 92, passed away in De- life over the past two years. said Binder, who now keeps the
16 years old, working as a linge- cember of 2020. And after los- Daily reflections “Something I can do now, half-full bottle on her vanity,
rie model for Levy Brothers in ing both of them within 15 Since the early days of shel- today, and I have been doing for where she sees it every day.
Redwood City. Bill was a bra months, Dyane became de- ter-in-place, the word “blur” a while is I can read, what was I “I guess it’s sort of my COVID
salesman. Years later, the two spondent, feeling she had no has prevailed as ever-relevant doing a year ago? And there’s a talisman now,” said Binder. “I’ll
met again, and worked together purpose. But her faith and her and thematic. Days felt like a detailed list,” Nye said. “It’ll say always keep it, likely on my
for more than a decade. Eventu- art kept her afloat. “We can blur during the earliest portions stuff like: ‘We fought. We were vanity, for the rest of my life.”
ally they married. never stop grief, it never goes of lockdown, where life felt like in a bad mood. I couldn’t handle Now, when she looks at the
Shortly before the pandemic, away,” said Dyane. “It’s like being in a fish tank of pajamas, it.’ So some of the entries are not bottle, she can’t help but think
Dyane and Bill moved from trying to stop the ocean, the homemade bread, Purell and just fun and games.” about the flight attendant. She
Novato to Phoenix to retire waves. The point is, you have to “Tiger King.” But for so many of But the majority of those never got her name or saw her
together. They were enjoying find out how to swim.” us navigating hybrid schedules entries revolve around family — again, but the exchange will stay
their new chapter: Dyane was Dyane has temporarily re- and confined space, the sensa- his wife and their two children with her forever.
beginning to make art again and turned to Phoenix, where she is tion of blurriness is still present. — and watching his sons, now “I think about how kind she
had gotten involved with a very taking care of a friend going But perhaps, a little less so for ages 4 and 10, grow older. was, and what an act of human-
active artistic community. Bill through chemotherapy. The orb Myles Nye. From the first day of Asher, his youngest, learned ity it was,” said Binder.
loved being in Phoenix, too. But is there with her, too, a talisman shelter-in-place, the Berkeley to jump on (and becomes ob- And sitting on the vanity
that chapter didn’t last long. of their love always. father of two took to coping in sessed with) a trampoline in the now, the bottle embodies so
When the couple found out “When we pass on to the next the only way he knew how: backyard, built by Nye’s wife so much: a time before COVID-19
Dolores, Dyane’s mother, was life, people are concerned about keeping a detailed log. the kids could get their wiggles and a time forever tainted by
deteriorating from Parkinson’s, our bodies and what happens to An avid journaler since he out. Fenton, his oldest, solved COVID-19, the random inter-
they sold their Phoenix home them,” said Dyane. “And when was 11, Nye, now 41, says he is “The Eleventh Hour: A Curious connectedness of strangers, and
and moved in with her, in Sono- you see a globe full of color and the kind of person who process- Mystery,” a paperback whodun- the connections we may never
ma. But while taking care of brightness, it makes you feel a es the world through lists and it that Nye had attempted to have. But also, the ones we just
Dolores together, Bill had a happiness to know that you language. solve — but ended up peeking at can’t forget.
stroke. have contributed to this. You’ve His first pandemic log is the answer, and always regret-
“It went from him in a hospi- been a part of it.” leather-bound and smooth to ting it — when he was 11. Annie Vainshtein (she/her) is a
tal bed to her in a hospital bed,” At 71, Dyane says, she is not the touch, and inside, it’s filled “What I was writing down San Francisco Chronicle staff
said Dyane, adding that the trio ready to go yet. There is still entirely with entries of things was what made the days differ- writer. Email:
had to be evacuated three times more to do in this life: children Nye did or that happened on ent,” said Nye. “(Because) what I
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OPEN FORUM On Southern California Gas Co.

Utility undermines climate action

By Sara Gersen

few years ago, California, long
the home of technological in-
novation and climate action,
became the birthplace of a major climate
initiative: all-electric homes. Cities like
Berkeley and Richmond passed protec-
tive policies committing to all-electric
new homes, as waves of new research
revealed the health and climate risks
methane-burning appliances pose to
people. All told, over 50 cities passed
all-electric ordinances from 2018 to 2022,
and California passed a new statewide
building code establishing electric heat
pumps as the baseline technology for
But while city leaders, pediatricians,
health researchers and climate advocates
worked to get methane out of homes, one
actor in California worked behind the
scenes to sabotage the state’s progress.
The Southern California Gas Co. sells
fossil fuel to more than 21 million cus-
tomers, and unlike other utilities in the
state, it’s a gas-only utility. Seeing a risk
to its business model, the company has
worked for years to thwart the transition
to clean, electric appliances.
Consider SoCalGas’ successful cam-
paign to delay the California Energy
Commission’s adoption of strong effi-
ciency standards for water heaters in Javier Mendoza / Associated Press 2015
new homes. Under a 2016 proposal, new
homes would use either gas or electric A Southern California Gas Co. crew works on a storage well leak. The company is being fined for improper lobbying.
water heaters that were at least as effi-
cient as tankless gas models — a cost- powerful tools for curbing fossil fuels. never adopted a code stronger than the and plugging in air purifiers to make it
effective alternative to old-fashioned As agency Commissioner Clifford Recht- statewide baseline. through choking wildfire seasons.
water heaters with storage tanks. This schaffen noted, “SoCalGas’s conduct was That’s why a proposal from the com- The stakes to go big on climate action
single rule threatened to reduce SoCal- not an inadvertent slip or a one-off in- mission to fine SoCalGas a mere $150,000 couldn’t be any higher.
Gas’ revenue by $17 million a year, ac- cident, but instead reflected a deliberate for years of its unlawful conduct is con- State leaders and agencies need to be
cording to a presentation the utility’s and years-long pattern of conduct.” cerning. A small fine gives companies far more aggressive with penalties
staff delivered to the company’s senior Emails revealed in proceedings before like SoCalGas the business certainty that against utilities that undermine climate
management team. Emails obtained in a the state showed that a hostility to cli- its efforts to unravel climate progress action. These larger penalties should be
state investigation further revealed that mate action was pervasive at the compa- will reap more profit than pain. leveraged to help low-income house-
the company’s chief executive officer and ny. When a contact at a trade association For instance, $30,000 of the proposed holds install the heat pumps, induction
chief operating officer approved an “ac- requested SoCalGas’ opinion on whether fine would penalize SoCalGas for ad- stoves and other electric appliances
tion plan” that included recruiting gas it should deny climate change, the man- vocating against the efficiency standards SoCalGas fought so hard to keep out of
industry trade groups and the building ager in charge of its energy efficiency for water heaters. Compare that to the $17 homes. The Public Utilities Commission
industry to join in fighting the proposal. programs answered: “Unfortunately, we million the company estimated it stood should also redirect those heavy penal-
This action plan was so successful do not oppose the concept of climate to lose in revenue from the updated stan- ties to funding programs like the recent-
that it delayed by three years the transi- change. We used to but somehow that dards every year. Another $15,000 of the ly launched Technology and Equipment
tion to tankless water heaters as the changed over the past few years and now fine is for fighting a stronger building for Clean Heating Initiative, which pro-
standard equipment in new homes in we are proponents of acting as a re- code in Culver City, which would have vides incentives for electric heat pumps
California. sponse to climate change. ” transitioned an entire city to all-electric for space and water heating, as well as
Just think about what those three When the U.S. Department of Energy construction from here on out. programs to train Californians for in-
years lost us in terms of the climate crisis released a proposal for stronger effi- These token fines will allow SoCalGas stallation jobs.
in California, where a 10th of our climate ciency standards for residential furnac- to justify malfeasance as part of its cost of The Public Utilities Commission
pollution comes from burning methane es, another SoCalGas staffer said in an doing business and preserve the oppor- needs to get serious about punishing
in buildings. email: “Surrounded by Assassins!” tunity to sell fossil fuels in places like SoCalGas for the “appreciable harm” it
Thankfully, a state watchdog caught SoCalGas’ harms are littered across Culver City. committed. It’s time for a true deterrent,
onto SoCalGas in 2017. Investigators for the state. The commission found that Meanwhile, the climate and health before we see SoCalGas emboldened yet
the California Public Utilities Commis- SoCalGas improperly used customer costs to Californians to delay building again to hold California back from a
sion found evidence that SoCalGas vio- funds to fight all-electric codes in San electrification are staggering. Extreme clean energy future.
lated state law by spending its custom- Luis Obispo, Santa Monica and Culver wildfires and drought are making life
ers’ money on efforts to stop strong effi- City. The pressure on Culver City less hospitable in California. We’re al- Sara Gersen is an attorney on Earthjustice’s
ciency standards and building codes — worked, and the Los Angeles County city ready anxiously monitoring the news Right to Zero campaign.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Submit your letter at

Stop building so much, and water use will drop

Regarding “California residents in- order to perform their work safely. It is
creasing water use” (Bay Area & Busi- also standard that workers start their
ness, March 16): It is no wonder that workday at 7 a.m. Under the present
California residents are increasing wa- system when we lose our morning day-
ter usage because many city and state light, the time is switched back to stan-
agencies continue to act as if there is no dard time so work can still start at 7 a.m.
problem, no drought. Huge develop- If year-round daylight-saving time is
ments of 8,000 residences and hotels are approved, some employers will pay the
planned for Treasure Island and the San cost of lighting but many will change the
Francisco waterfront. starting time to 8 a.m. This will change
City and state agencies hopefully will our area commuting patterns by putting
start rationing water use, but they must many people on the roads an hour later
also start viewing development from the both morning and evening.
point of view of limited resources. Per- Hopefully commuters would adjust to
haps then, there will be more coopera- this change, but are there other unin-
tion and less resentment when toting tended consequences?
gray water to the garden after a short- Stephen Campi, Walnut Creek
ened shower.
Limitations is not a dirty word; it and
generally dirtier surroundings are a fact
Wildfires are too costly
of life. Regarding “Wildfire bill would ham-
Karen Cliffe, San Francisco string firefighters” (Letters to the Editor,
March 9): Some argue that quickly sup-
pressing all fires will leave too much fuel
Be proactive in Ukraine Jack Ohman / Sacramento Bee
for future fires; fires are nature’s way of
I’ve been thinking a lot about leader- managing forests. That sounds good to
ship lately. The U.S. loudly preaches is much better to have the Ukrainians form a moral stain on their reputations me. But if the total cost of unsuppressed
values such as freedom, democracy and defeat the Russians on their own. unless our leaders decide to actually lead fires can be more than $100 billion annu-
human rights. U.S. policies in Ukraine Never mind that the Ukrainians are and to take real action to end the geno- ally, causes a few thousand deaths and
are shamefully reactive. losing the war and cannot defeat the cide on Ukrainian soil. destroys thousands of homes in the
Some of America’s thought leaders Russians on their own. He also states Nataliya Anon, Tiburon state, 24-hours-or-less suppression
are only delaying this reckoning with that fighter jets would not add much to sounds like a bargain.
their inaccurate praise of disastrous U.S. Ukrainian capabilities, in direct contra- Let the experts and government agen-
policy in Ukraine. Recent comments by diction of statements from Ukraine’s
Time change has reason cies figure out how to set controlled
comments by Francis Fukuyama and leaders. Regarding “Ditch the time change” burns to suppress fire fuel. Don’t do it
Michael McFaul are prime examples. In the future, the political leaders who (Letters to the Editor, March 15): There is with lightning strikes, power line fail-
Fukuyama approves of the Biden did not act to stop Vladimir Putin and a consequence of getting rid of the time ures and foolish human actions. Deal
administration’s decisions to not declare the thinkers who encouraged them will change that has not been discussed. with the fuel problem with intent, not
a no-fly zone or transfer Polish MiG look back with shame on their words Some industries, especially outdoor luck.
fighter jets to Ukraine. His rationale? It and actions. Their positions today will construction, depend on sunlight in BJ Miller, Oakland
San Francisco Chronicle and | Thursday, March 17, 2022 | Section B xxxxx

Like clockwork, A’s provide letdown

That was a heck of a wake-
up call for A’s fans Wednesday
ANN 1 Howard Terminal: Ballpark faces “major set-
back” after state-panel decision Wednesday. A1
A’s fans,
often a
— the first reports that Matt KILLION 1 Giants add outfielder: Joc Pederson is heading
Chapman was traded started lot, will have
to S.F. after signing a 1-year, $6 million deal. B3 their
around 5:30 a.m.
But, in truth, A’s fans don’t patience
1 Chapman trade reaction: Players grapple with
need a wake-up call. They just tested by the
another loss. Read at
hit the snooze button, roll over team’s latest
and wait for the next jarring roster
piece of bad news. Anticipated. Expected. Yet, demoralizing and
Sure, the Chapman depar- infuriating.
ture was alarming, but also The A’s have unloaded their infield corner-
predictable, like that next blare sounding from stones — Chapman and Matt Olson — as well as
your clock. Killion continues on B4 Scott Strazzante / The Chronicle 2021

on now
for USF
Head coach says
Sean Rayford / Associated Press 2021 Scott Strazzante / The Chronicle
NCAA Tourney
is priority, not
personal future
By Connor Letourneau

head coach Todd Golden wait-
ed to hear his team’s name
called on Selection Sunday, he
thought for a moment about
his days selling ads for Com-
cast SportsNet Bay Area.
In 2011, after a brief pro
career in Israel, Golden fig-
ured that sales would be a
good way to make money and
channel his competitive in-
Ethan Miller / Getty Images Jeff Chiu / Associated Press
stincts. But as he cold-called
The Bay Area’s cast of characters in the NCAA Tournament includes (clockwise from top left): Stanford’s Haley Jones; USF potential sponsors, he missed
head coach Todd Golden; St. Mary’s point guard Tommy Kuhse; and USF guards Khalil Shabazz and Jamaree Bouyea (1). the grind of high-level basket-

Bay Area puts stamp

ball: the extra shots after
practice, the locker-room ca-
maraderie, the hours of video
study, the bus rides to oppo-
nents’ arenas.
Little more than a decade

on March Madness
later, Golden’s official USF bio
doesn’t even mention his time
in sales. A burgeoning resume
leaves little room for non-
basketball matters. At age 36,
Golden is one of his industry’s
most prized commodities: — a
With apologies to Jim Har- arrival of head coach Tara Van- 1 St. Mary’s vs. Indiana: The young, successful head coach
baugh: Looking at Bay Area Derveer. VanDerveer didn’t Gaels prepare for their first- on a relatively cheap salary.
college basketball heading into
March Madness, who’s got it
SCOTT build her reputation as a big-
time coach by overdressing and
round matchup with the Hoo-
siers, who made the field of 64
Perhaps it should come as
no surprise, then, that Golden
better than we do? OSTLER overacting, working the side- with a First Four win Tuesday. B5 has emerged as a candidate
This is unofficial, but: No-o- line like a tent preacher. She for openings at Missouri and
o-body! just coaches. Kansas State. In just his third
The women of Stanford and Dance partners season leading a program, he
the men of USF and St. Mary’s Whom to watch: Haley Jones, has taken the Dons to their
will be dancing this week, and underdog, which is the way the the 6-foot-1 junior and first- Here are the first-round first NCAA Tournament ap-
matchups for each of the three
the combined package is in- Cardinal like it. They’re only team All-American. What pearance since 1998.
Bay Area teams in the NCAA
triguing, historical and poten- No. 2 in the country (South position does Jones play? Yes. This is no small feat, espe-
tially thrilling. Carolina), and ESPN couldn’t She is the team’s playmaker, cially given the challenges of
Here’s your user’s guide to be bothered to send a camera and a close second in scoring 1 No. 5 St. Mary’s men vs. No. 12 coaching on the Hilltop: some-
the Bay Area’s most exciting crew to Stanford for Selection and rebounding, and anchors Indiana, 4:20 p.m. Thursday in what antiquated facilities,
first round of the NCAA Tour- Sun day. No respect! Well, we’ll the smothering defense. And Portland, Ore., TBS limited support in a pro-
nament since ... since when? show you. she’s cool. In the photo of the 1 No. 10 USF men vs. No. 7 Mur- sports market, nearly four
Stanford women getting the ray State, 6:40 p.m. Thursday in decades of mediocrity, a top-
Stanford women The coach: This is Stanford’s announcement of their first- Indianapolis, 5 # z heavy conference.
34th consecutive Big Dance round seeding, Jones is the one 1 No. 1 Stanford women vs. No. There is a reason why, until
The story: Defending national invitation, a run that started, by leaning way back on the bench 16 Montana State, 7 p.m. Friday Sunday, no WCC team other
champions! But with a whiff of wild coincidence, with the Ostler continues on B5 at Maples Pavilion, ESPN2 Dons continues on B6

Mostert departs, Curry is just two cool for the room

but QB Garoppolo Warriors
guard Stephen

remains with 49ers

Curry dribbles
a couple of
basketballs as
he goes
By Eric Branch trade of Garoppolo, they re-
structured the contracts of
through his
The NFL moved into its new defensive tackle Arik Arm- pregame ritual
league year Wednesday, but stead and tight end George before playing
Jimmy Garoppolo stayed put. Kittle, to become cap compli- the Celtics on
The 49ers’ quarterback ant, ESPN reported.
maintained his familiar spot on Those moves created $18.75
the roster as the team’s in- million in cap space and night at Chase
ability to trade him before the placed the 49ers about $9 mil- Center. For
start of free agency forced it to lion under the cap before their coverage, go to
perform financial gymnastics. free-agent signings of Chiefs sfchronicle.
The 49ers needed to get cornerback Charvarius Ward,
under the $208.2 million sala- Packers linebacker Oren com/sports.
ry cap by 1 p.m. Wednesday. Burks and Eagles defensive
And, because they couldn’t tackle Hassan
make a cap-space-creating 49ers continues on B8 Scott Strazzante / The Chronicle
B2 | San Francisco Chronicle and XXXXX

SPORTS How to reach us

Contact Christina Kahrl, Sports Editor, at


Wiseman returns, hones conditioning

By C.J. Holmes tioning,” Kerr said. “He gets amount.”
tired during his runs and if he Green was slated to come off
The Warriors recalled sec- can sustain the energy during the bench again against the
ond-year center James Wise- his runs and focus, that would Celtics, with Otto Porter Jr. in
man from their G League affili- probably be a result of better the starting lineup alongside
ate, the Santa Cruz Warriors, conditioning. But this is all to Stephen Curry, Klay Thomp-
the team announced Wednes- be expected though, especially son, Jordan Poole and Kevon
day. as a big guy not playing for a Looney.
Wiseman did not play in year. He will keep playing and
Golden State’s game against the see how it goes.” Must be something in the
Celtics, with the earliest he In the 39 games he played air: Forwards Nemanja Bjelica
could return to the lineup be- before the knee injury ended and Andrew Wiggins did not
ing Sunday against the Spurs. his rookie season, Wiseman play against the Celtics because
Wiseman recently appeared averaged 11.5 points and 5.8 of general illness. Thompson
in three games for Santa Cruz rebounds in 21.4 minutes per and Porter recently missed
on a rehab assignment and game. games for the same reason.
averaged 17.3 points, 9.7 re- It marked the second
bounds and 1.6 blocks in 20.7 Green to receive more play- straight game Wiggins has
minutes per game. He had been Carlos Avila Gonzalez / The Chronicle
ing time: Draymond Green missed, and the first for Bjelica
assigned to Santa Cruz three James Wiseman signs autographs after Sunday’s rehab start was cleared to play up to 24 since Feb. 9. Kerr said the sick-
times earlier this season, but for the G League’s Santa Cruz Warriors at Chase Center. minutesWednesday. He played ness going around the team is
did not appear in any games. 20 minutes in Monday’s win unrelated to the coronavirus.
“The main thing is he’s conditioning, timing and so far, week. From there, “We’ll de- over Washington and finished
healthy and he’s moving well so good. Happy to see him out cide whether he needs another with six points, seven re-
and that’s the biggest thing,” there.” G League game or if he’s ready bounds and six assists. C.J. Holmes covers the Warriors
Kerr said. “That was our big- On Tuesday, Warriors gener- to go, and Steve will put him in “Slowly but surely, it will for The San Francisco Chronicle.
gest concern going in. Can he al manager Bob Myers said on the rotation,” Myers said. continue to climb,” Kerr said. Email: cj.holmes@
build the momentum, sustain it 95.7 FM that Wiseman will “He just has to keep working “Hopefully within a couple of Twitter:
and continue to work on his practice with the team this and keep building his condi- weeks, he’ll be at his full @CjHolmes22

Dinwiddie’s 3 at buzzer beats Nets Nadal is 18-0 after

Spencer Dinwiddie made a

Kyrie Irving was unable to play
because of New York City’s
coronavirus vaccine mandate.
who never trailed on their way to their
ninth victory in 10 games.
76ers 118, Cavaliers, 114: Joel Embiid
win at Indian Wells
had 35 points and 17 rebounds on his
3-pointer at the buzzer against Suns 129, Rockets 112: Devin Booker 28th birthday and James Harden
A SSO C I AT E D P R E S S Bedminster, N.J.; Pumpkin
his former team, giving the scored 36 points, including 15 in the added 21 points and 11 assists for Ridge Golf Club in Portland,
Dallas Mavericks a 113-111 victo- third, Mikal Bridges added 26 and visiting Philadelphia. Nursing a nagging foot injury, Ore.; Rich Harvest Farms out-
NBA-leading Phoenix won at Houston
ry over the host Brooklyn Nets Nuggets 127, Wizards 109: Nikola Australian Open champion side Chicago; and The Interna-
for its third straight victory.
on Wednesday. Jokic had 29 points and 13 rebounds in Rafael Nadal became the second tional, a private club 30 miles
Luka Doncic finished with 37 Timberwolves 124, Lakers 104: an efficient 26-minute performance player in ATP Tour history to west of Boston.
Karl-Anthony Towns followed up his to help visiting Denver. Jokic reached
points, nine rebounds and nine 60-point game Monday by scoring 16 10,001 career NBA points.
start a season 18-0, edging Reilly The series is to start June 9-11
assists in the Mavericks’ eighth of his 30 points in the fourth quarter as Opelka 7-6 (3), 7-6 (5) on Wed- at Centurion Golf Club in Lon-
Hornets 116, Hawks 106: LaMelo Ball
win in nine games. Dinwiddie host Minnesota sent Los Angeles to a
had 22 points, 11 assists and eight
nesday in the fourth round of don and conclude with a team
scored 22 points, 15 in the season-worst 11 games under the .500 the BNP Paribas Open at Indian championship at the end of
mark at 29-40. LeBron James, who rebounds, P.J. Washington scored 13 of
fourth quarter. played through knee soreness to lead his 16 points in the fourth quarter, and Wells (Riverside County). October.
Kevin Durant had 23 points, the Lakers with 19 points, has not host Charlotte won its third straight. Only Novak Djokovic has
10 assists and six rebounds, but played on a team that far below even Knicks 128, Trail Blazers 98: RJ gotten off to better starts since Soccer: The owners of the Chi-
Brooklyn saw its four-game since his rookie year, when Cleveland Barrett scored 31 points, Julius Randle 1990. The Serb went 26-0 to cago Cubs said that they will
finished the 2003-04 season at 35-47. added 20 points and nine rebounds
winning streak snapped. A Anthony Edwards had 20 of his 27 and New York won its first at home in
begin 2020 and 41-0 to open 2011. make a bid to buy English Pre-
night after scoring a career- points in the second quarter to lead more than a month after losing five 1 Djokovic will be allowed to mier League club Chelsea. The
high 60 points against Orlando, the early surge by the Timberwolves, straight.
play at the French Open even if Ricketts family went public with
he is not vaccinated against its interest in the buyout with
Chelsea owner Roman Abra-

Sharks’ Hertl
COVID-19 as long as the corona-
Sharks on Thursday virus situation in France re- movich forced to sell up after he
mains stable, organizers said. was sanctioned by the British
Who: Sharks (26-25-8) at Los government and banned by the
Angeles (33-21-8) Also, Russian tennis players,

gives his OK
including top-ranked Daniil Premier League over his links to
When: 7 p.m. Russian President Vladimir
Medvedev, will be admitted to
TV: ESPN+, Hulu (streaming) play in the tournament but as Putin amid the war on Ukraine.
neutral athletes because of the

to 8-year pact war started by their country in 1 Liverpool reignited the Pre-
he signed in 2018. neighboring Ukraine. mier League title race with a 2-0
“I can really help the team win over Arsenal to extend their
and we know what we need to 1 All four Grand Slam tennis winning streak to nine games.
By Ross McKeon Hertl, who shares the team do to go back to the playoffs,” tournaments will use a 10-point Liverpool has 69 points, one
lead with 25 goals and is second Hertl said. “We know we need a tiebreaker when matches reach behind Manchester City.
The Sharks are gambling on with 48 points, joins fellow couple of pieces to get there, 6-6 in the final set.
another long-term contract, center Logan Couture, along but I think we've improved this ELSEWHERE
Skiing: Mikaela Shiffrin in-
and Tomas Hertl is gambling with defensemen Erik Karls- year.” creased her lead over Petra
San Jose will be a winner again son, Brent Burns and Marc- The new deal includes a Saudi golf league Vlhova in a close race for the
soon. Edouard Vlasic, with max-term no-trade clause the first three overall title by winning the
The 28-year-old Czech Re- deals allowed under the collec- years, a three-team trade list in
releases schedule downhill on at the World Cup
public-born All-Star agreed to tive bargaining system. Years 4-6, and a 15-team trade Greg Norman and his Saudi- Finals in Courcheval, France.
an eight-year, $65.1 million “This is a commitment to list over the final two years, backed LIV Golf Investments Shiffrin’s boyfriend, Alek-
contract extension Wednesday winning now (and) pushing according to announced an eight-tourna- sander Aamodt Kilde, edged
to remain with the team that’s forward,” Sharks assistant The contract has an annual ment schedule that will offer Olympic champion Beat Feuz in
confident a reset instead of a general manager Joe Will said. salary-cap hit of $8,137,500. $255 million for the total prize their tight duel to win the World
rebuild will return San Jose to “Quite frankly, Tomas is a Drafted by San Jose 17th fund and a format that includes Cup season-long downhill title,
the postseason. known quantity in that No. 1 overall in 2012, Hertl has 176 both individual and team play. finishing fourth behind race
Both sides are clearly taking center position along with goals and 371 points in 562 Missing from the announce- winner Vincent Kriechmayr.
a risk. Logan, and they’re extremely regular-season games over ment was the names of who
“My heart was always here at hard to get.” nine seasons. He has 24 goals would be playing, which would Figure skating: Olympic
home with the Sharks,” Hertl The deal makes Hertl the and 42 points in 62 postseason affect their PGA Tour member- champion Nathan Chen with-
said. “I didn’t want to leave, but team’s highest-paid forward, games. ship. drew from the world champi-
you never know because at the and removes the potential of The schedule for the Saudi- onships because of what he
end of the day, it’s business. I’m him signing elsewhere in the Ross McKeon covers the Sharks backed rival league includes called a “nagging injury” with
really excited to be here and be offseason with the expiration of for The San Francisco Chronicle. four tournaments in the United which he has been dealing after
signed for many years.” the four-year, $22.5 million deal Twitter: @rossmckeon States: at Trump National in winning at the Beijing Games.

Golf 1:15p Notre Dame or Rutgers vs. Alabama Golf 7:30p Colorado at Sharks NBCSCA
3:30a DP World: Steyn City Championship
1:30p Virginia Tech vs. Texas TBS
3:30a DP World: Steyn City Championship Soccer
College basketball Golf Ch. Golf Ch.
3:50p Chatanooga vs. Illinois TNT 1p EPL: Leeds United at
Men, NCAA Tournament 11a PGA: Valspar Championship Golf Ch. 11a PGA: Valspar Championship Golf Ch. Wolverhampton USA Net
4:10p Cal State Fullerton vs. Duke
9:15a Michigan vs. Colorado State
5#z Tennis
4:30p Detroit at Orlando NBA TV 4:20p Iowa State vs. LSU TBS 4:30p Memphis at Atlanta NBA TV
9:40a South Dakota State vs. Providence Noon BNP Paribas Open Tennis Ch.
4:25p Wright State vs. Arizona Tru TV 7p Chicago at Phoenix NBA TV
Tru TV
NHL 6:20p UAB vs. Houston TNT
10:45a Memphis vs. Boise State TNT
7p Sharks at Los Angeles ESPN+ 6:40p Davidson vs. Michigan State NHL
11a Norfolk State vs. Baylor TBS
(streaming) 5#z 4p Washington at Carolina NHL Net
11:45a Longwood vs. Tennessee 5 # z
6:50p Colgate vs. Wisconsin TBS
12:10p Richmond vs. Iowa Tru TV Soccer 6:55p TCU vs. Seton Hall Tru TV
1:15p Georgia State vs. Gonzaga TNT
Europa League Women, NCAA Tournament
1:30p Marquette vs. North Carolina TBS
10:30a Barcelona at Galatasaray T 8:30a South Florida vs. Miami ESPN2
3:50p New Mexico State vs. Connecticut
11a Whiparound coverage CBSSN 10:30a South Dakota vs. Mississippi ESPN2
12:45p Porto at Lyon TUDN 10:30a Creighton vs. Colorado ESPNews Warriors Radio: 95.7 Sharks Radio: Sharks’ app
4:10p St. Peter’s vs. Kentucky 5 # z TV: NBCSBA, unless noted TV: NBCSCA, unless noted
11a Howard at South Carolna ESPN
4:20p Indiana vs. St. Mary’s TBS Tennis 11:30a Florida Gulf Coast vs. Virginia Tech SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT
4:25p Creighton vs. San Diego State Tru TV
11a BNP Paribas Open Tennis Ch. ESPNU 13 14 13 16 17 18 19 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
6:20p Vermont vs. Arkansas TNT
12:30p Gonzaga vs. Nebraska ESPNews Was Bos Fla LA Col
6:40p USF vs. Murray State 5 # z FRIDAY 1p Illinois State at Iowa ESPN ESPN* ESPN+ ESPN+
1p Hawaii at Baylor ESPN2 7p 7p 7:30p 7p 7:30p
6:50p Akron vs. UCLA TBS Baseball
2p Delaware at Maryland ESPNU
6:55p Texas Southern vs. Kansas Tru TV 7p Spring training: Chicago Cubs vs. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
2:30p Arkansas vs. Utah ESPNews
Women Giants NBCSBA (104.5, 680) SA Orl Mia Atl Ari Cal Edm Ana
3p Albany at Louisville ESPN2
4p NCAA Tournament: Mount St.
College basketball 4:30p Georgia Tech vs. Kansas, at 5:30p 4p 4:30p 4:30p 7:30p 6p 6p 7:30p
Mary’s vs. Longwood ESPN2
Stanford ESPNU
5p WNIT: Air Force at USF Men, NCAA Tournament 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 27 28 29 30 31 1 2
4:30p Dayton or DePaul vs. Georgia
6p NCAA Tournament: Florida State vs. 9:15a Loyola (Chicago) vs. Ohio State Was Mem Pho Utah Ari Col Dal
Missouri State ESPN2 5#z ESPN*
5p Fairfield at Texas ESPN2
Note: Beginning at 9:15 a.m., 1050 will 9:40a Jacksonville State vs. Auburn Tru TV 3p 5p 7p 5:30p 7p 6p 7:30p
7p Montana State at Stanford ESPN2
carry whiparound coverage of the men’s 10:45a Montana State vs. Texas Tech TNT 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
NCAA Tournament until the broadcast of 7p Texas-Arlington at Iowa State
11a Yale vs. Purdue TBS ESPNU Sac LAL SA Edm Cal Van
the USF-Murray State game. 11:45a Delaware vs. Villanova 5 # z TNT
Note: Beginning at 9:15 a.m., 1050 will
12:10p Miami vs. USC Tru TV carry whiparond coverage of the men’s 6p 7p TBD 7:30p 7:30p 7p
NCAA Tournament. N = Home games
Y * Game also on NBCSBA N = Home games
XXXXX San Francisco Chronicle and | B3


Rockies, Bryant agree on

7-year, $182 million deal
A SSO C I AT ED P R E SS won a playoff game since Briefly: The Reds signed
2009. infielder Donovan Solano
Kris Bryant, who to a one-year, $4.5 million
helped the Giants win the Phillies add Schwar- deal. Solano spent the
NL West last year after a ber: Outfielder Kyle past three seasons with
midseason trade from the Schwarber agreed to a the Giants, batting .280
Cubs, on Wednesday four-year $79 million with seven home runs
agreed to a seven-year, contract with Philadel- and 31 RBIs in 101 games
$182 million deal with the phia. last year. ... The Braves
Rockies. Schwarber split last and outfielder Eddie
Bryant is headed to his season with the Nationals Rosario agreed on a two-
third team in eight and Red Sox. He agreed year, $18 million contract.
months after spending to a $10 million, one-year Atlanta also signed for-
his first six seasons with contract with Washing- mer Giants outfielder
Chicago, which traded ton in January 2021 that Alex Dickerson to a one-
him to San Francisco in included a $7 million year deal. ... Former A’s
July. salary and an $11.5 mil- reliever Andrew Chafin
The 2016 NL MVP and lion mutual option with a agreed to a two-year, $13
World Series champion $3 million buyout. He was million deal with the
batted a combined .265 traded to the Red Sox in Tigers. Chafin had a 1.83
with 25 homers and 73 July. ERA in 73 appearances
RBIs last season, and he He hit .266 with 32 for the Cubs and A’s last
pounded out eight hits in home runs and belted a season. ... The Cubs
the Giants’ five-game grand slam for the Red signed reliever David
Michael Zarrilli / Getty Images 2021
playoff loss to the Dodg- Sox in the AL Champi- Robertson to a one-year,
Joc Pederson, who is from Palo Alto, won a title with Atlanta last season. He is ers. onship Series. $3.5 million deal. Rob-
likely to fill the left-handed-hitting outfielder role vacated by Alex Dickerson. Bryant figures to be a Moving on: The Royals ertson appeared in 12
middle-of-the-order bat games with the Rays last

Giants, dreaming
traded left-hander Mike
who can play third base, Minor to the Reds for season as he returned
first base or in the out- left-handed reliever Amir from elbow surgery. ...
field — his most likely Garrett, then signed The Angels announced
position with the Rock- that right-hander Griffin

of ‘Joctober,’ sign
free-agent right-hander
ies, who have Ryan Mc- Zack Greinke to a one- Canning won’t be ready
Mahon at third and C.J. year, $13 million contract. for Opening Day after a
Cron at first. Bryant also Greinke, a six-time setback in his recovery
is an obvious candidate to from a back injury. The

ex-L.A. outfielder
All-Star, was 11-6 with a
join Charlie Blackmon 4.16 ERA in 30 games team also signed former
among the Rockies’ des- with the Astros last sea- Giants infielder Matt
ignated hitters. son. Duffy to a one-year deal.
Bryant is a career .278 Minor was 8-12 with a ... The Braves signed
hitter with 167 homers, 5.05 ERA in 28 stars for reliever Tyler Thornburg
By Susan Slusser man, but president of baseball opera- 487 RBIs and an .880 Kansas City last season. to a one-year deal. ...
tions Farhan Zaidi was clear in re- OPS, but he is about to Garrett was 0-4 with a Three-time All-Star re-
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — One of the marks last week that San Francisco get the full benefits of 6.04 ERA and seven liever Greg Holland and
final pieces of the Giants’ post-lockout would be happy to consider left-hand- playing at hitter-friendly saves in 63 appearances right-hander Dan Win-
roster compilation will be a Bay Area ed hitters, too. He also mentioned on Coors Field, where he has for Cincinnati in 2021. kler signed minor-league
native who spent the bulk of his career KNBR on Tuesday that a second base- batted .263 (15-for-57) contracts with the Rang-
with San Francisco’s most heated rival. man might be a potential target. with two homers, nine Suzuki deal: Japanese ers. ... In a deal an-
Joc Pederson, the pride of Palo Alto, Pederson fits several emerging RBIs and a .757 OPS in outfielder Seiya Suzuki nounced late Tuesday,
agreed to terms on a one-year, $6 mil- trends in the Zaidi/Gabe Kapler era: his career. agreed to a five-year, $85 the Yankees and first
lion deal with the Giants on Wednes- He’s a former Dodger, and both Zaidi The 2015 NL Rookie of million deal with the baseman Anthony Rizzo
day, according to Pederson and Kapler worked for the Dodgers the Year’s right-handed Cubs. agreed on a two-year, $32
is likely to fill the left-handed-hitting while he was there; the team has swing will offset the Suzuki hit .317 with 38 million contract. Rizzo
outfielder role vacated by Alex Dick- signed several ex-Dodgers in the past left-handed slant to the home runs for Hiroshima hit .248 with 22 homers
erson. Pederson, 29, spent his first two years; and he’s from the Bay Area, outfield lineup for the in Japan’s Central League for the Cubs and Yankees
seven seasons with the Dodgers, and which has been increasingly common Rockies, who haven’t last year. last year.
played in three World Series with when it comes to Giants acquisitions
them. He was on the winning side in over the past year.
each of the past two World Series. Pederson, who turns 30 next month,
“They call it Joctober for a reason!” grew up a Giants fan and the team has
Giants starter and former Dodgers had interest in him before, talking to
left-hander Alex Wood said via text him in 2021 before he signed with the
Wednesday. “Clutch player who’s a Cubs. At that time, a scout told The
proven winner. Will bring some edge Chronicle, “Joc Pederson is a perfect fit
to our lineup and is a great clubhouse for Zaidi. He bludgeons right-handed
guy. Will fit in great with us!” pitching, plays good defense on the
Pederson hit .238 with 18 homers outfield corners, and he carries posi-
and 61 RBIs combined between the tive leadership qualities. Farhan likes
Cubs and Braves last year; he went to match up and platoon. He knows
3-for-7 with two homers in the NLDS Joc well from his Dodgers days. It’s
as Atlanta charged toward the World easy to envision him pumping moon
Series title. He has extensive post- shots, splashing down into McCovey
season experience, playing in 79 Cove.”
games. Pederson’s brother, Champ, who
He can play first base along with all was born with Down syndrome, is a
three outfield spots — most of his popular figure among fans and play-
starts have come in center — and his ers, and the Dodgers gave him a World
ability to draw walks means that he Series ring when they awarded Pe-
often hit leadoff for the Dodgers. He derson his last year.
has an .898 career OPS at Oracle Park.
With Kris Bryant’s reported signing Susan Slusser covers the Giants for The
with the Rockies on Wednesday, the San Francisco Chronicle.
Giants still might be in the market for Email:
another right-handed-hitting utility- Twitter: @susanslusser


NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF BULK CELLCO Partnership and its controlled Amount due: $2775.30
SALE (Notice pursuant to UCC Sec. affiliates doing business as Verizon
6105) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Wireless (Verizon Wireless) is propos- The lots contain furniture, cartons and
that a bulk sale is about to be made. ing to collocate antennas at 392’ 4” other personal effects. Said liens are
The name and business address of the on a 393’ structure at 425 California for storage and transportation charges
seller are: Yellow Onion Enterprise, St., San Francisco, San Francisco Co., originating at Shamrock Moving &
LLC dba Fumi Curry 3303 Mission CA 94104. Public comments regard- Storage, Inc. warehouse at 3830 3rd
Street, San Francisco, CA 94110 Do- ing potential effects from this site on Street, San Francisco, CA 94124/ 950
ing business as: Fumi Curry or Fumi historic properties may be submitted O’Brien Dr, Menlo Park, California,
Curry and Ramen All other busi- within 30 days from the date of this 94025 / 255 South Maple Ave, South
ness name(s) and address(es) used publication to: Project 6122001742 San Francisco, CA 94080/ or 1976
by the seller(s) within the past three - TC c/o EBI Consulting, 6876 Susque- Innes Ave, San Francisco, CA 94124.
years, as stated by the seller(s) are: hanna Trail South, York, PA 17403, Shamrock Moving & Storage, Inc.
Fumi Curry or Fumi Curry and Ramen, or via tele- By: Robert S. Fallon, President
The location in California of the chief phone at (339) 234-2597. 3830 3rd Street,
executive office of the seller is: 3303 PUBLIC AUCTION San Francisco, CA 94124
Mission Street, San Francisco, CA To whom it may concern: (415)731-2777/(650) 638-1777
94110 The name and business address To be sold at public auction, Friday the
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1644 Russ Avenue, San Leandro, of 9:15 a.m. of said day at 255 South
CA 94578 The assets being sold are Maple Avenue, South San Francisco,
generally described as: All furniture, CA 94080 for cash in lawful money of
fixtures, equipment and goodwill the United States of America, all pay- FICTITIOUS BUSINESS
of the business, including seller’s ments at the time of sales to discharge NAME STATEMENT
business names of “Fumi Curry or liens for storage and transportation FILE NO. 2022-0396166
Fumi Curry and Ramen” and ex- charges due SHAMROCK MOVING & The following person is doing business
cludes seller’s inventory. and are STORAGE INC. as: L’mida, 2359 Chestnut Street, San
located at: 3303 Mission Street, San List of lots to be sold at 255 South Ma- Francisco, CA 94123. Full name of
Francisco, CA 94110 The bulk sale is ple Avenue, South San Francisco, CA registrant #1: L’mida LLC (CA), 2359
intended to be consummated at the 94080 at Friday the 1st of April 2022 Chestnut Street, San Francisco, CA
office of: Yellow Onion Enterprise, at 9:15am. 94123. This business is conducted by
LLC, 3303 Mission Street, San Fran- a limited liability company.
cisco, CA 94110 The anticipated sale 1. Mary Burns, The registrant commenced to transact
date is: April 14, 2022 The bulk sale is 5875 Doyle St, #14 business under the above-listed ficti-
subject to California Uniform Commer- Emeryville, CA. 94608 tious business name on 02/01/2022
cial Code Section 6106.2. The name Amount due: $1894.20 This statement was filed with the
and address of the person with whom County Clerk of San Francisco on:
claims may be filed is: Jeffrey Chen, 2. Timothy Foley, February 1, 2022
2010 Crow Canyon Place, Suite 100, 206 West Seven Flags Circle March 3, 10, 17, 24, 2022
San Ramon, CA 94583 The last day Temelec, CA 95476 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS
for filing claims by any creditor shall Amount due: $1670.90 NAME STATEMENT
be April 13, 2022 which is the busi- FILE NO. 2022-0396571
ness day before the anticipated sale 3. Maureen Geaghan, The following person is doing business
date specified above. Dated: March 15, 144 Seminary Drive, as: Forager California, 327 Clipper
2022 Law Offices of Jeffrey A. Chen s/s Menlo Park, CA 94025 Street, San Francisco, San Francisco
Jeffrey A. Chen, Esq. Attorney for Buyer Amount due: $319.44 County, CA 94114. Full name of
Golden Curry LLC registrant #1: Victor Goods, LLC CA,
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165 Pierce St, # 359 94114.
Daly City, CA 94015 This business is conducted by a limited
Amount due: $2506.08 liability company.
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there San Francisco, CA 94105 applicable
Available on iOS Amount due: $1035.10 This statement was filed with the County
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B4 | San Francisco Chronicle and XXXXX


A’s trade Chapman to Blue Jays

Third baseman latest player to go;
Oakland acquires four prospects
By Matt Kawahara feel like what we had was
special and we did have a good
MESA, Ariz. — Matt Chap- team. But all good things come
man is the latest big-name to an end sometimes. And this
player to depart in the A’s next chapter of what’s next for
roster teardown. me, just couldn’t be more excit-
Oakland traded its standout ed.”
third baseman to Toronto — Smith, 25, and Snead, 27,
sound familiar? — for another both debuted for the Blue Jays
haul of prospects Wednesday. last season and could compete
The A’s return leads with for roles on an A’s roster in
right-handed pitcher Gunnar flux. Smith hit 21 home runs in
Hoglund, the 19th overall pick Triple-A while posting a .931
in last year’s draft, and in- OPS, starting at shortstop,
cludes infielder Kevin Smith first and third base. Snead, a
and left-handed pitchers Zach reliever, struck out 64 of 188
Logue and Kirby Snead. The batters faced (34%) between
A’s confirmed the terms, which the majors and minors. Logue,
were first reported by Sports- 25, made 24 minor-league
net. starts in the Blue Jays’ farm Carlos Avila Gonzalez / The Chronicle 2021

“It’s a team that’s ready to system last year, posting a 3.67 Matt Chapman hit 111 home runs and won the Gold Glove three times in his five seasons with
compete now and they’re ERA. the A’s. His next appearance at the Coliseum could be July 4 when the Blue Jays come to town.
ready to win and go for it, so “Everybody’s not naive,
couldn’t be happier to go join everybody sees what’s going that they can get a new stadi- ing. He won the Platinum ified” to play the position.
that,” Chapman said Wednes- on,” A’s utilityman Chad Pin- um and they can fill it with Glove award, given to the top “We’ll miss his energy, what
day morning. “Also it’s emo- der said. “The front office is guys that can stay here for the overall defender in each he brings to the field every
tional because I’m going to doing an incredible job of get- long term, and I hope that they league, in 2018 and 2019. day,” Kotsay said of Chapman.
leave an organization that gave ting return for these guys, the can get that because I think A hip injury cut Chapman’s “There’s a lot of long-lasting
me an opportunity, where I superstars that we have. this is a great organization that 2020 season short and he had relationships in there with
met a lot of my best friends “We also have to acknowl- deserves to have that same surgery that September to him. ... From our standpoint as
and I’ve had so many great edge there’s still a job to do. opportunity as other teams,” repair a torn right hip labrum. a club, there’s opportunity in
memories. So a lot of emo- We have to get ready to play Chapman said. “But unfortu- His power numbers dipped that room now that exists for
tions.” baseball games. If we don’t … nately, my clock just kind of that season and his strikeout those guys.”
Chapman, a three-time Gold we’re going to start dragging. started ticking and ... it just rate spiked. He returned to The Blue Jays just missed
Glove winner, is the third core And I know Bassitt, Chappy didn’t line up.” play in 151 games in 2021, win- the playoffs last year but won
A’s player traded in five days. and Olson certainly wouldn’t For A’s fans, Chapman’s exit ning his third Gold Glove, but 91 games and return a young
Oakland sent starting pitcher want that. That’s not the cul- might evoke memories of No- Chapman hit .210 with a ca- core led by Vladimir Guerrero
Chris Bassitt, a 2021 All-Star, ture they helped build here.” vember 2014, when the team reer-low .716 OPS, adding 27 Jr. and Bo Bichette. They lost
to the Mets on Saturday for Both Chapman and Olson, traded All-Star third baseman homers and striking out at a Semien and Cy Young Award
pitching prospects J.T. Ginn cornerstones of Oakland’s Josh Donaldson to Toronto, 32.5% clip. He had a 100 OPS+ winner Robbie Ray to free
and Adam Oller. First base- infield and lineup in recent shortly after an AL wild-card last year — league average — agency but bolstered their
man Matt Olson, a top-10 MVP seasons, were in their second loss. Donaldson placed top-10 but has a 120 OPS+ since 2017. rotation with big free-agent
finisher last year, was dealt to year of salary-arbitration eligi- in AL MVP voting in 2013 and “This is going to be an unbe- deals for Kevin Gausman and
the Braves on Monday for four bility. Chapman is projected to 2014. The A’s received Brett lievable opportunity for him,” Yusei Kikuchi. Adding Chap-
prospects rated in the top-15 in earn $9.5 million this year by Lawrie, Kendall Graveman, said pitcher James Kaprielian, man fortifies their infield.
Atlanta’s minor-league system MLB Trade Rumors. Olson, Franklin Barreto and Sean who’s close with Chapman. “I “A lot of guys love where
by Baseball America. projected to receive $12 mil- Nolin in a deal that A’s exec- feel like oftentimes while he’s they’re playing and I was hap-
“I understand it’s part of the lion, signed an eight-year, $168 utive Billy Beane later said was been here, a lot of people py here. I was comfortable
business,” Chapman said. million contract extension “certainly questionable” in haven’t been able to see what here,” Chapman said of Oak-
“Sometimes it’s hard when you with Atlanta. hindsight. that guy is truly capable of, land. “But I want to be a part
get attached to playing with A’s officials previously have Chapman, the 25th overall how good he really is at third of winning and I want to be a
guys and teams and the fans stated the team is unlikely to pick in 2014 by the A’s from base.” part of a long-term goal and
get disappointed when Olson give long-term extensions to Cal State Fullerton, debuted Said Pinder: “The young World Series, and where I’m
and Bassitt and me get traded players without a new stadium with Oakland in 2017 and talent they have (in Toronto), heading has that, so that’s
and guys like Marcus (Semien) in place. Chapman voiced finished seventh in MVP vot- Chappy’s going to fit in per- where I’m excited to be.”
and Liam (Hendriks) don’t interest early in his career in ing a year later in his first full fectly.”
come back. But it’s something staying in Oakland long-term, MLB season. He posted an Pinder is an option to suc- Matt Kawahara covers the A’s for
they’ve gotten used to and it’s but said Wednesday: “I just .864 OPS in 2018 and an .848 ceed Chapman at third base The San Francisco Chronicle.
just kind of the filter of guys don’t think it was realistic.” OPS in 2019, when he hit a for the A’s. Manager Mark Email: mkawahara@
around here sometimes. “I think it’s still something career-high 36 home runs and Kotsay said several players in Twitter:
“It’s always sad because I that’s a possibility in Oakland, placed sixth in AL MVP vot- A’s camp are “completely qual- @matthewkawahara

Latest trade damages

plex financial terms that in- No, just the opposite.
clude almost a billion dollars in By the time the Matts were
local, state and federal funds. out the door, they were resigned
Most of us wonder how any- to their fate. Their one-time

A’s veneer yet again

one could entrust Fisher and eagerness to remain in green
his group to pull off such a and gold had clearly faded as
massive construction project they learned the realities of life
when he has been completely under Fisher and the workings
incompetent when it comes to of baseball.
Killion from page B1 Think back to spring train- No, to the long-term deal. running the A’s. As a farewell, Chapman said
ing of 2018 — it’s not that long Yes, to the being moved, though Fisher has been unwilling to staying in Oakland just wasn’t
starting pitcher Chris Bassitt. ago, Chapman and Olson were it took four years rather than run the team like a professional “realistic.”
More departures could be com- going to make the Opening Day three, during which time the A’s ballclub. He will, once again, “I think it’s still a possibility
ing. That’s in addition to last roster for the first time. There made the playoffs three times. start receiving revenue-sharing in Oakland, that they can get a
year’s unwillingness to retain was excitement about building And the A’s new stadium? checks. He also hiked season- new stadium and they can fill it
All-Star infielder Marcus around them. That was a heck of a pause. It ticket prices. Yet, bye-bye to the with guys that can stay here for
Semien and closer Liam Hen- The Raiders’ move to Las took the A’s another three years Matts. the long term,” he said.
driks. And saying goodbye to Vegas already had been ap- to present their Howard Termi- The A’s have spent a quarter If it is a possibility, it’s only
manager Bob Melvin, who proved. Ground had been bro- nal proposal. Since Fisher century running down their theoretical. And there’s no
provided the organization with ken for Allegiant Stadium. The joined the ownership group in ballclub, so it’s hard for some to reason to believe that, even if
at least a veneer of competence. finishing touches were on 2005, the A’s have spent 17 years remember that it wasn’t always ground is broken for a stadium,
Welcome to your 2022 Oak- Chase Center. The A’s would dithering with trying to get to like this. Fisher would invest in his team.
land Athletics. Where “Mon- have Oakland to themselves. Fremont, to San Jose, to Laney Back when the Giants want- But that’s no longer a concern
eyball” is no longer a cute best- Sure, they’d already acted College and now, to Howard ed to build a privately financed for Chapman and Olson, who
selling concept but a worn-out, like buffoons by announcing a Terminal. (Never to the site that ballpark, they worked hard to are in their primes and will be
boring excuse. move to Laney College before it makes the most sense, the one get public goodwill on their rewarded elsewhere. As Chap-
The A’s pretend this is “busi- was approved. But aside from they’re on, but that’s a different side. The face of ownership — man said, any theoretical possi-
ness as usual.” That they have that embarrassing glitch, the discussion). Peter Magowan — was highly bilities about his future with the
no choice. That they’re “small future looked bright. Yet after the ballpark propos- visible and accessible. The team A’s just didn’t line up.
market.” That John Fisher is Never mind. al was submitted in April, the made a splash by signing Barry “My clock started ticking,” he
strapped. Back in March 2018, Beane A’s had the temerity to insist Bonds. The Giants invested in said.
None of that is true. We’re in said the organization’s vision that approval come quickly, Candlestick Park to make it a His ticking clock gave the A’s
an endless cycle of watching “has been temporarily paused” despite the project being one more fun and comfortable place fans another nasty wake-up call
executive Billy Beane entertain over the Laney College debacle. the largest development deals to attend. They took care of Wednesday. It won’t be their
himself by making trades, of He mused about the bright in Bay Area history, even their season-ticket holders. last.
team President Dave Kaval young players’ futures: “Do though the A’s still haven’t When it came time to get their
carnival-barking about parallel they sign a long-term deal and agreed to mandatory afford- ballpark approved, there was Ann Killion is a columnist for The
paths, of Fisher remaining in three years, they’re being able-housing components, public trust. San Francisco Chronicle.
invisible throughout, while he moved because we have no despite legitimate objections to Have the A’s done any of Email:
counts his money. more clarity on our venue?” the location, despite the com- those things? Twitter: @annkillion

Giants, A’s will play added doubleheaders

By John Shea the six-month season. an 11-game trip through Cleve- teams already had been sched- on the road.
The Giants were supposed to land, New York, Washington uled to play that day) and Oct. With two doubleheaders
Schedules for the Giants and open with four games in San and Milwaukee. And the dou- 3-5, and the makeup games with added in mid-May, the A’s will
A’s became a little more con- Diego and three in Milwaukee bleheader Sept. 8 is wedged the Tigers will turn into May 10 have a stretch of 15 games in 13
densed and intense because a and instead will begin at home between a series in Los Angeles and July 21 doubleheaders. days. And instead of a four-day
week’s worth of canceled games April 8 against the Marlins. and a series in Chicago — so The May 10 date is tricky. The All-Star break, the A’s will get
were added to the baseball Those seven games will be much for an off-day on Rush teams already had been slated three days because of the July 21
calendar. made up like this: The Giants Street. to play in Detroit, and a game doubleheader against the Ti-
In order for Major League will play in San Diego on July 7 Seven A’s home games had to was added. But because the gers.
Baseball to squeeze in a full and Oct. 3-5 — initially, the be rescheduled, four against the makeup game was supposed to
162-game season after the own- season was to end Oct. 2 — and Angels and three versus the be played in Oakland, the A’s John Shea is The San Francisco
ers’ lockout pushed back the in Milwaukee on April 25 with a Tigers. will be the “home team” in the Chronicle’s national baseball
season openers, games were doubleheader there Sept. 8. Here’s how it’ll work: The A’s opener and get last licks. So in writer.
added Wednesday to the end of The April 25 game will be a will host the Angels May 14 (it’ll reality, the A’s will play 80 Email:
the schedule and throughout doozy because it’s the capper to be a doubleheader because both games at the Coliseum and 82 Twitter: @JohnSheaHey
XXXXX San Francisco Chronicle and | B5

St. Mary’s on Thursday
Who: No. 12 seed Indiana (21-13)
vs. No. 5 seed St. Mary’s (25-7)
What: NCAA Tournament first-
round game, East Region
Where: Portland, Ore.
When: 4:20 p.m. TV: TBS
Story line: Historically, the
meeting between Indiana and
St. Mary’s rates as a heavy mis-
match. Indiana has won five
national titles; the Gaels only
once have won more than one
game in any NCAA Tournament
(two in 2010).
This season, though, the num-
bers tilt toward Moraga. The
Gaels have a better record, a
better NCAA seed and a better
NET (NCAA Evaluation Tool)
ranking, 19 to the Hoosiers’ 38.
St. Mary’s, which hasn’t
played since losing to Gonzaga
in the WCC tournament title
game March 8, also has an edge
in preparation. The Gaels flew
from Oakland to Portland, on
Tuesday afternoon. The Hoosiers
had to fly from Dayton, Ohio, to
Portland, after beating Wyoming
66-58 in a First Four game Tues-
day night.
The Hoosiers-Gaels winner
advances to a Saturday match-
up against the winner of Thurs-
Andy Lyons / Getty Images
day’s late game between No.
Indiana’s Trayce Jackson-Davis, who had 29 points in Tuesday’s win over Wyoming, figures to be a handful for St. Mary’s. 13-seed Akron and No. 4 UCLA.

Gaels prepare for Hoosiers

It’s all about the pace: This
figures to be a low-possession,
low-scoring affair. Through Mon-
day, the Gaels ranked 12th in the
By Steve Kroner goes to his move quick. That’s nation in fewest points allowed
where he reminds me of per game at 60.5. The Hoosiers
PORTLAND, Ore. — Post- Timme.” allow 65.7 per game.
season play in any sport brings Jackson-Davis had 29 points Late-clock success: Once the
with it the possibilities of great and nine rebounds Tuesday shot clock dwindles to a single
memories and sorrowful end- night when the Hoosiers (21-13) digit, many offenses get antsy
ings. With its one-and-done knocked off Wyoming 66-58 in and players take rushed, ill-
format, the NCAA Tournament a First Four game in Dayton, advised shots. The Gaels,
heightens both possibilities. Ohio. though, thrive. Point guard Tom-
St. Mary’s Randy Bennett The Hoosiers had difficulties my Kuhse often uses a high
had his first NCAA Tourna- leaving Dayton and didn’t get to screen-and-roll with forward/
ment experience as a head Portland until around 9 a.m. center Matthias Tass. Kuhse
coach in 2005. On Thursday, Wednesday. typically penetrates, then finds
he’ll lead the Gaels, the fifth “There’s no room to be tired,” Tass, finds a shooter beyond the
seed in the East Region, into the Indiana head coach Mike arc or manages to convert a
drive. How well Indiana can play
NCAAs for the eighth time Woodson said. “We had a long
defense for close to 30 seconds
when they take on No. 12-seed flight. I get it. Took us a while to
per possession will be key.
Indiana. get here, but we got here safely.
Bennett’s message to his Tod Fierner / St. Mary’s Athletics
And, this is what we signed up Containing Jackson-Davis:
players is to somehow remain St. Mary’s players good-naturedly surround Tommy Kuhse for.” Trayce Jackson-Davis, a 6-
focused on the task at hand during their workout at the Moda Center on Wednesday. Woodson is in his first year foot-9, 245-pound forward,
while soaking in the moments. leading the Hoosiers. He spent leads the Hoosiers in points
“We had to win a lot of games Dan Fotu and forward/center and we know when to make four seasons (1977-80) as a (18.4) and rebounds (8.2) per
to get here,” Bennett said in his Matthias Tass — are part of this switches.” guard for Indiana during the game. He went for 29 and nine
news conference at the Moda St. Mary’s team. Tass, Bowen and Co. did a time the Hoosiers were among against Wyoming. Tass and Kyle
Bowen (6-8, 222) likely will get
Center on Wednesday after- Tass and forward Kyle Bow- fine job against Gonzaga’s re- the preeminent programs in the
the call to guard Jackson-Davis.
noon, adding that he told his en likely will share the assign- nowned frontcourt players, country. Indiana still ranks tied
With help from his teammates,
players, “Don’t forget you’ve got ment of trying to contain Indi- Drew Timme and Chet Holm- with Duke for fourth in NCAA
Bowen held Chet Holmgren,
to play well. There are no bums ana’s best player, 6-foot-9, 245- gren, in the Gaels’ two most men’s basketball titles with five; Gonzaga’s 7-foot freshman, to a
in this tournament. You’re pound forward Trayce Jackson- recent meetings with the top- UCLA leads with 11. combined 14 points on 6-for-16
going to have to hoop. … Davis. He averaged 18.4 points ranked Zags. “We all understand what shooting in the two recent
“You’ve got to play well and and 8.2 rebounds per game. St. Mary’s (25-7) held Timme Indiana basketball is and what Gaels-Zags matchups.
you’ve got to be focused, but “When we go against good and Holmgren to a combined 12 it means and the type of blue-
enjoy it. You don’t know if you bigs in our league,” Tass said, points in the Gaels’ 67-57 win in blood program they have been Johnson and Johnson: St.
will ever get here again. It’s “it’s not about just me guarding Moraga on Feb. 26 and to a for a long, long time,” Bennett Mary’s head coach Randy Ben-
hard to get in, and I know that them or Kyle guarding them, combined 18 points in the Zags’ said. nett has called guard Logan
Johnson, a transfer from Cincin-
for myself. Sometimes I won- it’s the five guys who are on the 82-69 victory in the WCC tour- “That’s what you want,
nati, one of the best defensive
der, ‘Hey, will I ever get in this court helping each other, help- nament title game in Las Vegas though. You want to get into the
players on the West Coast. John-
thing again?’ ” ing me and Kyle out, whoever on March 8. NCAA Tournament and play son might be tasked to slow
Bennett and the Gaels last we’re guarding.” Bennett said the Hoosiers against good teams. Our guys Indiana point guard Xavier John-
appeared in the NCAA Tourna- Said guard Logan Johnson: remind him of the Zags, and understand that.” son, a transfer from Pitt. Xavier
ment in 2019, when they fell “We have been with each other there are similarities between Johnson has scored in double
61-57 to Villanova in a first- for so long that we get the best Timme and Jackson-Davis. Steve Kroner is a San Francisco figures in each of the past nine
round game. Three players out of each other. We expect the “I think what makes (Jack- Chronicle staff writer. Email: games and is averaging 8.2
from that St. Mary’s team — best out of each other. We know son-Davis) a good scorer is he’s Twitter: assists in the past five.
guard Tommy Kuhse, forward when to cover for each other, really quick,” Bennett said. “He @SteveKronerSF — Steve Kroner

Bay Area’s Big Three The coach: Golden played for

Bennett at St. Mary’s, then
played two seasons of pro ball
in Israel, then began a career in
Ostler from page B1 face moisturizer, but a great ad sales, then dumped that and
slogan for a basketball team. got back to basketball. The
all casual-like, a knowing smile The Gaels are fighting the Dons gave him his first head-
on her face, taking in the mo- rep for being a one-and-done coaching job three seasons ago.
ment. NCAA Tourney team. The only So far, so good: 57-35.
time they won two games was
Noted alum: Nneka Ogwu- in 2010, when big man Omar Whom to watch: All-WCC
mike, WNBA forward for 10 Samhan took ’em to the Sweet guards (first-team) Jamaree
seasons. 16. Surely they can’t win three Bouyea and (second-team)
games this time, right? Gritty Khalil Shabazz , surely the most
Fun fact: Forward Fran Belibi, melodic-sounding backcourt in
a 6-1 junior, is the only dunker sez: If we can beat Gonzaga,
whom can’t we beat? college hoops. They are rescue
currently playing women’s pups: Bouyea had one Division
college basketball, having The coach: The bald hipster, I scholarship offer, from USF.
dunked twice last season. She is Bennett, took over the program Shabazz transferred from a
Ellen Schmidt / Associated Press
one of only eight women college in 2001, following an epic 2-27 D-II program.
dunkers in history. Stanford head coach Tara VanDerveer’s team has been in 34
season. In a rickety old gym, in consecutive NCAA Tournaments and is the defending champ.
a cow pasture far from any Bay Noted alum, and nobody at
St. Mary’s men any school tops this one:
Area glamour, Bennett built a
Noted alum: We could go with of this program. High: Back-to- Russell. Like Bouyea, Russell
rock-solid program.
The story: Whattaya mean, Patty Mills, the greatest of St. back NCAA championships (McClymonds High-Oakland)
He has resisted calls to move
the story? They’re the gutty Mary’s many Aussie imports. (1955 and ’56) with Bill Russell had a scholarship offer from
up to a better basketball school
Gaels. Always second-fiddle to But let’s go with Tom Meschery and K.C. Jones. Low: The bas- exactly one college: USF.
because he persists in the belief
big brother Gonzaga, always (1958-61), who not only became ketball program was disbanded
that this is as good as it gets. Fun fact: Alum-wise, the Dons
fun to watch, but always scrap- a fine NBA player (retired num- in 1982 after guard Quintin
ping to get an invite to the Whom to watch: Tommy ber with Warriors), but also Dailey attacked a female nurse boast the best and the worst, in
Dance. Kuhse, senior point guard. Six possibly the greatest all-time on campus and booster cheat- Russell and Dailey. Both have
The Gaels have gone to the years ago, Bennett told Kuhse, athlete-poet. ing was uncovered. food-related fame. Dailey’s
NCAAs eight times in Randy “You’re not good enough to play The program came back to 10-year NBA career is best
Fun fact: Samhan, who lit up remembered for the time he ate
Bennett’s 21 seasons, which is here.” Kuhse walked on, any- life three years later, but has
the 2010 tourney media ses- a snack on the bench in the
phenomenal, all things consid- way, eventually earned a schol- struggled to regain relevance.
sions by proclaiming his un- middle of a game. Russell
ered. This time, the Gaels have ly and a starting job. He is still Now it’s showing signs of life
dying love to Taylor Swift, has forced thousands of shooters to
bonus street cred, after a late- kind of a mystery. The website under head coach Todd Golden.
been giving pep talks to the eat Spalding sandwiches.
season win over Gonzaga (off- lists Kuhse’s The 24 wins this season are the
set by a conference-tourney age as “unknown” (he’s 24). His most in the post-shutdown era.
loss to the Zags). playmaking and shooting are USF men This is the Dons’ first NCAA Scott Ostler is a columnist for The
The Gaels embrace their known. This season he jacked Tournament invitation since San Francisco Chronicle.
team theme, “Gritty, not pret- up his 3-point shooting per- The story: No team in America 1998. The last USF win in the Email:
ty.” That’s a terrible name for a centage from 27.5 to 46.9. has seen the highs and the lows Dance was in ’79. Twitter: @scottostler
B6 | San Francisco Chronicle and XXXXX

USF earns popular
upset pick status
By Connor Letourneau Dons likely will start Austra-
lian forward Josh Kunen on
INDIANAPOLIS — Just by Williams. Duke transfer Pat-
taking the floor Thursday night rick Tapé, Washington State
at Gainbridge Fieldhouse, the transfer Volodymyr Markovet-
University of San Francisco skyy and Nevada transfer Zane
will make history. Meeks also could get time on
The Dons’ first-round Williams.
matchup against seventh-seed-
3. Can USF dictate the tem-
ed Murray State marks their
first NCAA Tournament ap-
The Racers’ style of play
pearance since 1998, a stretch
hardly mimics their mascot.
spanning nearly 9,000 days. No
McMahon likes his team to
one on 10th-seeded USF’s ros-
employ a strong half-court
ter was alive when the Hakeem
game, calling a play almost
Ward-led Dons fell 85-68 in the
every time Murray State
first round to a Utah team fea-
doesn’t have a fast-break op-
turing NBA players Michael
Doleac and Andre Miller.
The Racers rank 240th na-
To have a longer March Mad-
tionally in possessions per
Ellen Schmidt / Associated Press
ness stay this time, USF must
game and the Dons are 81st. To
The moment is coming when USF head coach Todd Golden must decide: Does he want to stay do something no one has done
and try to build the Dons into a powerhouse program or leave and get paid much more? beat Murray State, USF must
in almost three months: beat
speed up the game and force
the Racers. Winners of 20

Opportunities abundant
the Racers out of their half-
straight, Murray State boasts a
court sets.
No. 20 national ranking, the
That’s what Auburn did in its
best record in college basket-
71-58 win over Murray State on

for Golden beyond USF

ball at 30-2, Ohio Valley Con-
Dec. 22. Thrown out of rhythm,
ference Player of the Year K.J.
the Racers missed a bunch of
Williams, and one of the na-
easy shots and finished 33.9%
tion’s top young coaches in
from the field.
Matt McMahon.
Dons from page B1 “Being able to coach, it makes me go. But Las Vegas oddsmakers Key matchup: Jamaree Bouyea
give the Racers only a slight vs. Justice Hill
than BYU, Gonzaga and St. It makes me tick.” edge over the Dons. With a For much of the season,
Mary’s had earned an NCAA Todd Golden, USF head coach top-20 defense, a dynamic back- Bouyea looked like a potential
at-large bid since Pepperdine court of Jamaree Bouyea and first-round NBA draft pick. But
in 2002. There is also a reason Khalil Shabazz, and a KenPom over the past seven games, his
why, until Kyle Smith left USF ranking of 21 (six spots above stock dipped as he averaged 11.4
for Washington State three his career. And as Golden with their respective coaches Murray State), USF has points on 33.7% shooting (20.6%
years ago, no WCC head revealed during that same for at least another season, he emerged as a popular upset from 3-point range).
coach had landed another news conference, his Dons might have to move if the pick. To beat a team at the level of
head-coaching gig since Jan must navigate the loss of All- right opportunity materializes. Here is a breakdown of a Murray State, the Dons might
Van Breda Kolff departed WCC forward Yauhen USF’s top four players are game (6:40 p.m. PDT, 5 # z) need Bouyea to be the skilled
Pepperdine for St. Bonaven- Massalski, who re-injured his seniors. Even if Golden lands some experts are calling the marksman he was earlier in the
ture in 2001. right knee during practice some difference-making trans- most compelling matchup in season. It will be Hill’s job to
In a league in which Gon- Monday. fers, he could have a tough the NCAA Tournament’s first make sure that doesn’t happen.
zaga’s Mark Few and St. However, a moment will time repeating this season’s round: Hill — the Racers’ top facil-
Mary’s Randy Bennett remain come sometime soon — per- success. itator at 5 assists per game —
in a class of their own, almost haps in a couple of days, per- But as he sat at a podium Three story lines also will need to get his team
every other coaching job feels haps in a couple of weeks — overlooking reporters Wed- into its sets and take some of
1. How much will the Dons
destined to end in a firing. when Golden must decide: nesday at Gainbridge Field- the scoring load off Williams.
benefit from their strength
But by returning USF to Does he want to follow the house, Golden was in the
of schedule? X-factor for Dons: Perimeter
heights his past six predeces- blueprint of Bennett, his for- mood to ponder the past —
The big knock on Murray shooting
sors failed to reach, Golden mer college coach, and try to not the future.
State is its level of competition. Three-pointers account for
has well-positioned himself to build USF into a powerhouse “My experience working in
The Racers steamrolled 44% of the Dons’ shot attempts.
take a big pay raise elsewhere. program? Or would Golden the business world for a cou-
through conference play with That’s not necessarily a bad
That is, if that’s what Golden prefer a bigger stage and con- ple of years really opened my
an 18-0 record, but they have thing, given that USF has shot
wants. tract? eyes to the fact that it wasn’t
played just one team, Auburn, 35.5% from 3-point range this
Asked Wednesday about Golden is finishing the for me,” said Golden, whose
with a KenPom ranking as season while holding oppo-
being mentioned as a candi- third year of a five-year deal. 24 wins this season are USF’s
good as the Dons’. In that 13- nents to 29.5% there.
date for Power-5 vacancies, he Though USF doesn’t have to most since the program shut
point loss to the Tigers, Murray Shabazz has averaged almost
said, “I’m really focused on reveal terms of coaches’ con- down in 1982 because of rules
State was outrebounded 48-33. four 3-pointers over his past
trying to get a win tomorrow tracts because it’s a private violations. “Being able to
Its biggest wins this season eight games on 45.6% shooting.
night. Those conversations institution, he is believed to be coach, it makes me go. It
came against Chattanooga and What might matter even more
and worrying about those making a few hundred thou- makes me tick.
Memphis, which was mired in than shot-making, however, is
things are just not something sand dollars a year. “Sitting there Sunday, see-
a four-game skid at the time. the Dons’ perimeter defense.
that’s on my radar right now. I That is a fraction of what ing our name across the
Though USF might not have Murray State’s ugliest loss
want to do the best I can to Golden could make at a place screen, it was a really surreal
nearly as pretty of a record as came Nov. 22 against East Ten-
make sure I give my student- like Missouri or Kansas State. moment. It was really the
the Racers, it had the 68th- nessee State, which finished the
athletes the best chance to be Former Cal head coach Cuon- cherry on top in terms of the
toughest schedule in the coun- season with a sub-.500 record.
successful tomorrow night.” zo Martin earned $3 million start of my coaching career.”
try, according TeamRanking- In that defeat, the Racers shot
It was a PR-friendly re- with the Tigers this past sea- That’s a far cry from 1-for-16 from 3-point range.
sponse, but what else was son, and Bruce Weber made Connor Letourneau is a San
Murray State’s 145th-ranked
Golden supposed to say? $2.8 million with the Wildcats. Francisco Chronicle staff writer. X-factor for Racers: Williams
Thursday’s first-round match- Golden has voiced a desire Email: cletourneau@ The Dons can match Murray
Three of the Dons’ nine loss-
up against No. 7 seed Murray to stay in the Bay Area. But Twitter: State’s backcourt, but they
es came to the NCAA Tourna-
State is the biggest game of with Cal and Stanford sticking @Con_Chron might not have an answer for
ment’s No. 1 overall seed, Gon-
Williams with Massalski out.
zaga. None of USF’s other six
Even in a system that likes to
defeats was by more than five
ROUNDUP points.
spread the ball, Williams was
dominant, recording three

Wright State wins NCAA tourney game 2. Who will deliver in Yau-
hen Massalski’s absence?
Toward the end of his Wed-
30-point games and ranking
fourth nationally with 235 field
A S S OC IAT E D PRE SS ing scorer, led Bryant (22-10) play overall No. 1-seed South nesday news conference, Gold- What makes the Racers so
with 28 points. Carolina (29-2) in the Greens- en announced that Massalski daunting is that, by sending
Tanner Holden had 37 “Our guys played hard boro Region. would miss USF’s first-round double-teams toward Williams,
points and 11 rebounds and enough to win, we just didn’t Destiny Howell, the MEAC game after re-injuring his right teams risk giving up easy shots
Wright State beat Bryant 93-82 play well enough to win,” Bry- tournament Most Outstanding knee at Monday night’s prac- to Hill or Brown (16.9 points per
in Dayton, Ohio, on Wednes- ant head coach Jared Grasso Player, picked up two fouls in tice. This is a huge blow for a game).
day for its first NCAA Tourna- said. the first quarter and played just team trying to reach the second
Stat to know: 39.6. That’s the
ment victory. nine minutes in the first half round for the first time in 42
1 East Carolina hired Ten- percentage of times a 10th-
Playing just 12 miles from its before finishing the game with years.
nessee assistant Michael seeded team has beaten a No. 7
home court, Wright State (22- 11 points for Howard. Massalski, a grad transfer
Schwartz as its head coach. seed in NCAA Tournament
13) advanced to play top-seeded Tiana Gardner scored 16 from the University of San
Arizona in San Diego on Friday Women points for Incarnate Word Diego, is the Dons’ best front-
in the West Region. (13-17) in the program’s first court player. His 13 double- Prediction: This is a near-
“It was a frantic-paced Brooklynn Fort-Davis had 15 NCAA Tournament appear- doubles led the WCC and impossible game to predict. But
game,” Wright State head points and 10 rebounds, Kris- ance. Jaaucklyn Moore, who ranked 18th nationally. In addi- assuming things are close late,
coach Scott Nagy said. “We lyn Marsh added 14 points and led the Southland Conference tion to pacing the conference in USF’s experience against
haven’t had many teams this 17 rebounds and Howard beat at 17.6 points per game, added offensive rebounds (105) and strong competition should give
year come at us like that just fellow No. 16-seed Incarnate 14 points. total rebounds (292), Massalski it the edge. 73 Dons, 69 Racers.
after every make and miss and Word 55-51 in Columbia, S.C., ranked second in rebounds per
turnover.” in the first women’s First Four 1 West Virginia’s Mike Carey, game (9.4), total blocks (70) and Connor Letourneau is a San
Holden was 11-for-15 from game. 63, announced his retirement field-goal percentage (60) on his Francisco Chronicle staff writer.
the field. Tyler Calvin added 21 Howard (21-9), in its first after 21 seasons as the Moun- way to first-team All-WCC Email: cletourneau@
points, and Grant Basile had 14. NCAA Tournament appear- taineers’ head coach. Carey honors. Twitter:
Peter Kiss, the NCAA’s lead- ance since 2001, advanced to was 447-239 at the school. With Massalski now out, the @Con_Chron

Stanford’s Jones is All-American AP All-Americans

Aliyah Boston, South Carolina Rhyne Howard, Kentucky
By Steve Kroner enth in program history. triple-double (17 points, 12
Caitlin Clark, Iowa Naz Hillmon, Michigan
Over the past year, she has boards, 10 assists) in a win
Stanford’s Haley Jones been named the Most Out- over Portland on Nov. 16. NaLyssa Smith, Baylor Haley Jones, Stanford
received yet another presti- standing Player in the Final Stanford forward Cameron For the other All-America teams, see the scoreboard page on B8.
gious honor Wednesday: She Four, the Pac-12 Player of the Brink earned third-team All-
was named a first-team All- Year and the Most Outstand- America recognition from
American by the Associated ing Player in the Pac-12 tour- AP. The 6-foot-4 sophomore school record of 88 as a night at Maples Pavilion.
Press. nament. leads the Cardinal in points freshman.
Jones becomes the Cardi- The versatile junior guard (13.6) and rebounds (8) per Jones, Brink and their Steve Kroner is a San
nal’s first first-team AP All- from Santa Cruz averages 13.1 game. The Pac-12 Defensive teammates will begin defense Francisco Chronicle staff writer.
American since Chiney Og- points, 7.9 rebounds and 3.7 Player of the Year has racked of their NCAA title against Email:
wumike in 2014 and the sev- assists per game. She had a up 72 blocks. She set the Montana State on Friday Twitter: @SteveKronerSF
XXXXX San Francisco Chronicle and | B7

Dayton, Ohio Late Wednesday*

16 Texas Southern 76 12 Wyoming 58 March 15-16 16 Wright St. 93 11 Rutgers (18-13)
16 Texas A&M-CC 67 12 Indiana 66 First Four 16 Bryant 82 11 Notre Dame (22-10)


First Round First Round
March 17-18 Second Round Second Round March 17-18
March 19-20 Sweet 16 Sweet 16 March 19-20
1 Gonzaga (26-3) 1 Arizona (31-3)
Thurs., 4:15 p.m. March 24-25 March 24-25 Fri., 7:27 p.m.
16 Georgia St. (18-10) 16 Wright St. (22-13)

San Diego

8 Boise St. (27-7) Elite 8 Elite 8 8 Seton Hall (21-10)

Thurs., 1:45 p.m. March 26-27 March 26-27 Fri., 9:57 p.m.
9 Memphis (21-10) 9 TCU (20-12)

5 UConn (23-9) 5 Houston (29-5)

Thurs., 6:50 p.m. Fri., 9:20 p.m.
12 New Mexico St. (26-6) 12 UAB (27-7)


4 Arkansas (25-8) 4 Illinois (22-9)

Thurs., 9:20 p.m.
New Orleans Fri., 6:50 p.m.
13 Vermont (28-5) April 2 13 Chattanooga (27-7)

6 Alabama (19-13) WEST SOUTH 6 Colorado St. (25-5)

Fri., 4:15 p.m. Thurs., 12:15 p.m.

11 Notre Dame/Rutgers 11 Michigan (17-14)
San Diego

3 Texas Tech (25-9) 3 Tennessee (26-7)

Fri., 1:45 p.m. Thurs., 2:45 p.m.
14 Montana St. (27-7) 14 Longwood (26-6)

7 Michigan St. (22-12) 7 Ohio St. (19-11)

Fri., 9:40 p.m. Fri., 12:15 p.m.
10 Davidson (27-6) NATIONAL 10 Loyola Chicago (25-7)


2 Duke (28-6) CHAMPIONSHIP

All times EDT
2 Villanova (26-7)
Fri., 7:10 p.m. April 4 Fri., 2:45 p.m.
15 Cal St. Fullerton (21-10) 15 Delaware (22-12)

1 Baylor (26-6) 1 Kansas (28-6)

Thurs., 2 p.m. Thurs., 9:57 p.m.
Fort Worth

Fort Worth
16 Norfolk St. (24-6) 16 Texas Southern (19-12)
8 North Carolina (24-9) 8 San Diego St. (23-8)
Thurs., 4:30 p.m. Thurs., 7:27 p.m.
9 Marquette (19-12) 9 Creighton (22-11)

5 Saint Mary’s (25-7) 5 Iowa (26-9)

Thurs., 7:20 p.m. Thurs., 3:10 p.m.
12 Indiana (21-13) 12 Richmond (23-12)

4 UCLA (25-7) 4 Providence (25-5)
Thurs., 9:50 p.m. Thurs., 12:40 p.m.
13 Akron (24-9) 13 South Dakota St. (30-4)

6 Texas (21-11)
Fri., 4:30 p.m. Fri., 7:20 p.m.
11 Virginia Tech (23-12) 11 Iowa St. (20-12)

3 Purdue (27-7) 3 Wisconsin (24-7)
Fri., 2 p.m. Fri., 9:50 p.m.
14 Yale (19-11) 14 Colgate (23-11)

7 Murray St. (30-2) 7 USC (26-7)

Thurs., 9:40 p.m. Fri., 3:10 p.m.

10 San Francisco (24-9) 10 Miami (23-10)

2 Kentucky (26-7) All times EDT 2 Auburn (27-5)
Thurs., 7:10 p.m. Fri., 12:40 p.m.
15 Saint Peter’s (19-11) * Please visit for result of this game 15 Jacksonville St. (21-10)

Late Wednesday, Ames* Thurs., 9 p.m., Baton Rouge Columbia Thurs., 7 p.m., Raleigh
11 Dayton (25-5) 11 Missouri St. (24-7) March 16-17 16 Howard 55 16 Longwood (21-11)
11 DePaul (20-10) 11 Florida St. (17-13) First Four 16 UIW 51 16 Mount St. Mary’s (16-12)
Greensboro Spokane Greensboro Bridgeport


First Round First Round

March 18-19 Second Round Second Round March 18-19
March 20-21 Sweet 16 Sweet 16 March 20-21
1 South Carolina (29-2) 1 Stanford (28-3)
Fri., 2 p.m. March 25-26 March 25-26 Fri., 10 p.m.
16 Howard (21-9) 16 Montana St. (22-12)


8 Miami (20-12) Elite 8 Elite 8 8 Kansas (20-9)

Fri., 11:30 a.m. March 27-28 March 27-28 Fri., 7:30 p.m.
9 South Florida (24-8) 9 Georgia Tech (21-10)

5 North Carolina (23-6) 5 Virginia Tech (23-9)

Sat., 7:30 p.m. Fri., 2:30 p.m.
College Park

12 SFA (28-4) 12 FGCU (29-2)


4 Arizona (20-7) 4 Maryland (21-8)

Sat., 10 p.m.
FINAL FOUR Fri., 5 p.m.
13 UNLV (26-6) Minneapolis 13 Delaware (24-7)
April 1
6 Georgia (20-9) GREENSBORO SPOKANE 6 Ohio St. (23-6)
Fri., 7:30 p.m. Sat., 2:30 p.m.
Baton Rouge

11 Dayton/DePaul 11 Missouri St./Florida St.


3 Iowa St. (26-6) 3 LSU (25-5)

Fri., 10 p.m. Sat., 5 p.m.
14 UT Arlington (20-7) 14 Jackson St. (23-6)

7 Colorado (22-8) 7 Utah (20-11)

Fri., 1:30 p.m. Fri., 5:30 p.m.
10 Creighton (20-9) NATIONAL 10 Arkansas (18-13)
Iowa City


All times EDT

2 Iowa (23-7) 2 Texas (26-6)
Fri., 4 p.m. April 3 Fri., 8 p.m.
15 Illinois St. (19-13) 15 Fairfield (25-6)

1 Louisville (25-4) 1 NC State (29-3)

Fri., 6 p.m. Sat., 2 p.m.

16 Albany (23-9) 16 Longwood/MSM


8 Nebraska (24-8) 8 Washington St. (19-10)

Fri., 2:30 p.m. Sat., 11:30 a.m.
9 Gonzaga (26-6) 9 Kansas St. (19-12)

5 Oregon (20-11) 5 Notre Dame (22-8)

Sat., 5:30 p.m. Sat., 7:30 p.m.
12 Belmont (22-7) 12 Massachusetts (26-6)


4 Tennessee (23-8) 4 Oklahoma (24-8)

Sat., 3 p.m. Sat., 10 p.m.
13 Buffalo (25-8) 13 IUPUI (24-4)

6 BYU (26-3)
WICHITA BRIDGEPORT 6 Kentucky (19-11)
Sat., 1 p.m. Sat., 4 p.m.

11 Villanova (23-8) 11 Princeton (24-4)

Ann Arbor

3 Michigan (22-6) 3 Indiana (22-8)

Fri., 3:30 p.m. Sat., 1:30 p.m.
14 American (23-8) 14 Charlotte (22-9)

7 Ole Miss (23-8) 7 UCF (25-3)

Fri., 1:30 p.m. Sat., 3:30 p.m.
10 South Dakota (27-5) 10 Florida (21-10)

2 Baylor (27-6) All times EDT 2 UConn (25-5)

Fri., 4 p.m. Sat., 1 p.m.
15 Hawaii (20-9) * Please visit for result of this game 15 Mercer (23-6)
Associated Press
B8 | San Francisco Chronicle and XXXXX

Home team capitalized
(Barrett 5-11, Fournier 4-9, Quickley 3-3, Arcidia-
cono1-1, McBride1-1, Burks1-4, Toppin1-4, Ran-
dle 0-5). Rebounds: Portland 41 (Eubanks 9),
AP Women’s
All-America teams
New York 47 (Randle 9). Assists:Portland 26 FIRST TEAM
College basketball (Dunn 7), New York 31 (Randle 7). Total fouls:
Thursday Portland 31, New York 14. A: 18,213 (19,812) Aliyah Boston, South Carolina, 6-5, junior, St.
FAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG Thomas, U.S.V.I., 16.8 ppg, 12 rpg, 2.6 blocks,
54.4 fg%, 313-point% (30 of 30 first place votes,
South Dakota
Hockey 150 points).
PROVIDENCE 2 NHL Caitlin Clark, Iowa, 6-0, sophomore, West Des
Moines, Iowa, 27.4 ppg, 8.1 rpg, 7.9 apg, 45.6
BAYLOR 20½ Norfolk State
EASTERN CONFERENCE fg%, 33.3 3-point% (30, 150).
NaLyssa Smith, Baylor, 6-4, senior, Converse,
TENNESSEE 18½ Longwood Atlantic GP W L OT Pts GF GA Texas, 22.5 ppg, 11.5 rpg, 55 fg% (30, 150).
IOWA 10½ Richmond Florida 60 41 13 6 88 248 175 Rhyne Howard, Kentucky, 6-2, senior, Cleveland,
GONZAGA 23½ Georgia State Tampa Bay 59 38 15 6 82 200 171 Tenn., 20.6 ppg, 7.3 rpg, 44.5 fg%, 38.4 3-
NORTH CAROLINA 3½ Marquette Toronto 60 38 17 5 81 223 181 point% (15, 118).
UCONN 6½ New Mexico State Boston 60 37 18 5 79 182 161 Naz Hillmon, Michigan, 6-2, senior, Cleveland, 21
KENTUCKY 18 Saint Peter’s Detroit 60 24 29 7 55 175 228 ppg, 9.4 rpg, 56.5 fg% (14, 113).
SAINT MARY’S Buffalo 60 20 32 8 48 162 212 Haley Jones, Stanford, 6-1, junior, Santa Cruz,
2½ Indiana Calif., 13.1 ppg, 7.9 rpg, apg 3.7, 42.5 fg% (19,
(CA) Ottawa 60 21 34 5 47 158 198
SAN DIEGO STATE 2 Creighton Montreal 60 16 36 8 40 150 230 113).
ARKANSAS 5 Vermont Metropolitian GP W L OT Pts GF GA SECOND TEAM
MURRAY STATE 1 San Francisco Carolina 59 41 13 5 87 198 139
UCLA 13½ Akron Ayoka Lee, Kansas State, 6-6, junior, Byron,
N.Y. Rangers 60 38 17 5 81 184 157 Minn., 22.4 ppg, 10.2 rpg, 3 blocks, 56.6 fg% (4,
KANSAS 22½ Texas Southern Pittsburgh 61 36 16 9 81 198 164 67).
NBA Washington 61 33 18 10 76 201 172 Ashley Joens, Iowa State, 6-1, senior, Iowa City,
Columbus 61 31 27 3 65 203 223 Iowa, 20.2 ppg, 9.5 rpg, 41 fg%, 37.5 3-point%
Thursday N.Y. Islanders 57 24 24 9 57 155 161 (0, 64).
FAVORITE LINE O/U UNDERDOG New Jersey 60 22 33 5 49 182 214 Aneesah Morrow, DePaul, 6-1, freshman, Chica-
ORLANDO OFF OFF Detroit Philadelphia 59 18 30 11 47 148 206 go, 21.7 ppg, 13.8 rpg, 52.7 fg% (0, 49).
Khayla Pointer, LSU, 5-7, senior, Marietta, Ga.,
NHL WESTERN CONFERENCE 19 ppg, 6.5 rpg, 5.2 apg, 42.1 fg%, 36.4 3-
Thursday point% (1, 48).
Central GP W L OT Pts GF GA Elissa Cunane, NC State, 6-5, senior, Summer-
FAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG Line Colorado 61 43 13 5 91 236 170
Nashville -170 PHILADELPHIA +140 field, N.C., 13.8 ppg, 7.7 rpg, 52.6 fg%, 44.8 3-
St. Louis 59 34 17 8 76 211 165 point% (1, 46).
N.Y RANGERS -140 N.Y Islanders +116 Nashville 60 35 21 4 74 194 167
TORONTO -122 Carolina +102 Minnesota 58 34 20 4 72 218 193 THIRD TEAM
Dallas -182 MONTREAL +150 Dallas 58 32 23 3 67 170 173 Elizabeth Kitley, Virginia Tech, 6-6, junior, Sum-
Washington -196 COLUMBUS +162 Winnipeg 61 28 23 10 66 189 190 merfield, N.C.,17.4 ppg, 9.9 rpg, 2.5 blocks, 54.8
ST. LOUIS -125 Pittsburgh +104 Chicago 61 22 30 9 53 162 210 fg% (1, 45).
EDMONTON -225 Buffalo +184 Arizona 60 20 36 4 44 159 216 Maddy Siegrist, Villanova, 6-1junior, Poughkeep-
LOS ANGELES -170 San Jose +144 sie, N.Y., 25.9 ppg, 9.5 rpg, 49.8 fg%, 35.9 3- Steve Luciano / Associated Press
VANCOUVER -201 Detroit +165 Pacific GP W L OT Pts GF GA point % (1, 30).
Calgary 59 36 16 7 79 204 143
Florida -115 LAS VEGAS +104
Los Angeles 62 33 21 8 74 178 176
Veronica Burton, Northwestern, 5-9, senior, Linebacker Von Miller holds up the Vince Lombardi trophy after helping the Rams beat
Newton, Mass., 17.8 ppg, 5.5 rpg, 6.4 apg, 41.5
Basketball Edmonton 60 33 23 4 70 200 192 fg%, 32.6 3-point% (1, 29). the Bengals in the Super Bowl in February. Now, the three-time All-Pro is off to Buffalo.
Vegas 62 32 26 4 68 195 190 Cameron Brink, Stanford, 6-4, sophomore, Bea-

Chandler Jones to Vegas;

Vancouver 61 30 24 7 67 179 177 verton, Ore., 13.6 ppg, 8 rpg, 2.4 blocks, 56.2
EASTERN CONFERENCE Anaheim 63 27 25 11 65 183 201 fg%, 34.8 3-point% (1, 26).
San Jose 59 26 25 8 60 156 185 Angel Reese, Maryland, 6-3, sophomore, Balti-
Atlantic W L Pct GB more, 17.5 ppg, 10.8 rpg, 50 fg% (1, 24).
Seattle 61 18 37 6 42 159 220
Philadelphia 42 26 .618 —
Boston 41 28 .594 1½ NOTE: Two points for a win, one point for HONORABLE MENTION

Buffalo gets Von Miller

overtime loss. Top three teams in each divi- (alphabetical order)
Toronto 38 30 .559 4
sion and two wild cards per conference ad-
Brooklyn 36 34 .514 7 Shakira Austin, Mississippi; Kierstan Bell, Florida
vance to playoffs.
New York 29 40 .420 13½ Gulf Coast; Katie Benzan, Maryland; Grace Berg-
Tuesday’s games
East W L Pct GB Toronto 4, Dallas 0 er, Indiana; Paige Bueckers, UConn; Nia Clouden,
Miami 46 24 .657 — Arizona 6, Montreal 3 Michigan State; Jennifer Coleman, Navy; Zia
Charlotte 35 35 .500 11 N.Y. Rangers 4, Anaheim 3, OT Cooke, South Carolina; Monika Czinano, Iowa;
Washington 4, N.Y. Islanders 3, SO Jasmine Dickey, Delaware; Emily Engstler, Lou-
Atlanta 34 35 .493 11½
Nashville 4, Pittsburgh 1 isville; Dyaisha Fair, Buffalo; Shaylee Gonzales,
Washington 29 39 .426 16
BYU; Destanni Henderson, South Carolina; Rori
Orlando 18 52 .257 28 Winnipeg 7, Vegas 3
Boston 2, Chicago 1, OT Harmon, Texas; Jordan Horston, Tennessee; Abby C H RO N I C LE N EWS SERVI C E S 1 Free-agent cornerback Carlton Davis agreed
Pct GB
.623 —
Edmonton 7, Detroit 5 Meyers, Princeton; Olivia Miles, Notre Dame; Ash-
ley Owusu, Maryland; Cate Reese, Arizona; Taylor
to a three-year, $45 million contract to remain
Vancouver 6, New Jersey 3
Chicago 41 27 .603 1½ Colorado 3, Los Angeles 0 Robertson, Oklahoma; Jacy Sheldon, Ohio State; The Las Vegas Raiders overhauled their with Tampa Bay.
Cleveland 39 30 .565 4 Christyn Williams, UConn; Macee Williams, IUPUI;
Indiana 23 47 .329 20½
Florida 3, San Jose 2, OT
Wednesday’s games
Katelyn Young, Murray State. defensive line at the start of the free-agency 1 Chicago added former Cincinnati defensive
Detroit 18 51 .261 25 Columbus 4, Ottawa 1 period Wednesday by agreeing to a three-year tackle Larry Ogunjobi, agreeing to him on a
Boston at Minnesota, late Transactions deal with former Arizona edge rusher Chand-
WESTERN CONFERENCE New Jersey at Calgary, late
BASEBALL three-year. $40.5 million contract.
South W L Pct GB Tampa Bay at Seattle, late ler Jones and trading Yannick Ngakoue to
Memphis 48 22 .686 — Thursday’s games Major League Baseball 1 Seattle agreed to a two-year, $20 million pact
Carolina at Toronto, 4 p.m. Indianapolis for cornerback Rock Ya-Sin.
Dallas 43 26 .623 4½
Dallas at Montreal, 4 p.m. American League with defensive end Uchenna Nwosu, who
New Orleans 28 41 .406 19½ The Raiders also cut defensive end Carl
San Antonio 26 43 .377 21½ N.Y. Islanders at N.Y. Rangers, 4 p.m. BALTIMORE ORIOLES: Agreed to terms with started 15 games and had five sacks for the-
Houston 17 52 .246 30½
Nashville at Philadelphia, 4 p.m. RHPs Chris Ellis and Conner Green on minor Nassib in a salary-cap move and agreed to a
Washington at Columbus, 4 p.m. league contracts. Chargers last season.
North W L Pct GB Pittsburgh at St. Louis, 5 p.m. BOSTON RED SOX: Placed LHP Chris Sale and two-year deal with former Chicago defensive

Buffalo at Edmonton, 6 p.m.
Detroit at Vancouver, 7 p.m.
LHP James Paxton on the 60-day IL. Agreed to tackle Bilal Nichols. 1 Running back James Conner agreed to a
terms with LHP Jake Diekman on a two-year con-
Minnesota 40 30 .571 3 San Jose at Los Angeles, 7 p.m. tract. Jones, 32, leads the NFL with 1071⁄2 sacks three-year, $21 million deal to remain with
Florida at Vegas, 7:30 p.m.
Oklahoma City
22 Friday’s games
rett from Cincinnati in exchange for LHP Mike Mi- since entering the league in 2012 and has seven Arizona, NFL Network reported.
Philadelphia at Ottawa, 4 p.m.
Pacific W L Pct GB
Washington at Carolina, 4 p.m.
nor and a conditional cash consideration.
NEW YORK YANKEES: Agreed to terms with
double-digit sack seasons. He bounced back 1 After agreeing to a two-year, $7 million deal
x-Phoenix 56 14 .800 —
Golden State 47 22 .681 8½
Boston at Winnipeg, 5 p.m.
Buffalo at Calgary, 6 p.m.
INF/OF Phillip Evans, INF Ronald Guzman and OF from an injury-plagued 2020 season to get 101⁄2 with Buffalo, free-agent running back J.D.
Ryan LaMarre on minor league contracts.
L.A. Clippers
L.A. Lakers
.507 20½
.426 26
Florida at Anaheim, 7 p.m. OAKLAND ATHLETICS: Acquired RHP Gunnar sacks last season in Arizona. McKissic reversed course and decided to stay
Colorado at San Jose, 7:30 p.m.
Sacramento 25 45 .357 31 Saturday’s games
Hoglund, LHPs Zach Lohue, Kirby Snead and INF
Kevin Smith from Toronto in exchange for 3B
NFL Network reported his contract will be with Washington under the same terms.
x-clinched playoff spot
Tuesday’s games
Chicago at Minnesota, 11 a.m.
Dallas at N.Y. Islanders, 11 a.m.
Matt Chapman. Claimed INF Sheldon Neuse off worth about $51 million. 1 Punt returner Jakeem Grant, a Pro Bowler
waivers from Los Angeles Dodgers.
Memphis 135, Indiana 102
Brooklyn 150, Orlando 108
New Jersey at Edmonton, noon
Los Angeles at Vegas, 1 p.m.
SEATTLE MARINERS: Agreed to terms with OF
Steven Souza Jr. and C Chance Sisco on minor Miller’s mega pact: Linebacker Von Miller, a for Chicago last season, agreed with Cleveland
Miami 105, Detroit 98 Pittsburgh at Arizona, 2 p.m. league contracts.
three-time All-Pro who helped the Rams win on a three-year deal worth up to $13.8 million,
Phoenix 131, New Orleans 115 St. Louis at Columbus, 2 p.m.
Wednesday’s games Ottawa at Montreal, 4 p.m. National League
the Super Bowl in February, agreed to a six- reported.
Charlotte 116, Atlanta 106 Toronto at Nashville, 4 p.m. ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS: Agreed to terms
Denver 127, Washington 109 N.Y. Rangers at Tampa Bay, 5 p.m. with RHP Ian Kennedy on a one-year contract. year, $120 million contract with Buffalo, 1 Quarterback Joe Flacco agreed on a one-
Calgary at Vancouver, 7 p.m.
Philadelphia 118, Cleveland 114
New York 128, Portland 98 Detroit at Seattle, 7 p.m.
ATLANTA BRAVES: Agreed to terms with OF Ed-
die Rosario on a two-year contract. Agreed to’s Ian Rapoport reported. year contract to remain with the Jets.
Dallas 113, Brooklyn 111
Phoenix 129, Houston 112 Columbus 4, Ottawa 1
terms with OF Alex Dickerson on a one-year con-
tract. Placed RHP Mike Soroka on the 60-day IL.
Miller, 32, finished the 2021 season with 91⁄2 Budget cuts: Former Stanford tight end Aus-
L.A. Lakers at Minnesota, late Columbus 1 2 1 — 4 CHICAGO CUBS: Agreed to terms with RHP David sacks and 50 tackles in 15 regular-season tin Hooper, a De La Salle-Concord alum, was
Oklahoma City at San Antonio, late Ottawa 1 0 0 — 1 Robertson on a one-year contract. Placed RHP
Chicago at Utah, late First Period: 1, Ottawa, Ennis 7 (Chabot, Tier- Codi Heuer on the 60-day IL. games with Denver and Los Angeles. released by Cleveland. The move will save the
Boston at Golden State, late ney), 9:48. 2, Columbus, Roslovic 11 (Laine, We- COLORADO ROCKIES: Agreed to terms with INF
Milwaukee at Sacramento, late renski), 15:13. Jose Iglesias and RHP Chad Kuhl on one-year con-
It’s a deal: Former Rams cornerback Darious Browns $9.5 million against the salary cap,
Toronto at L.A. Clippers, late Second Period: 3, Columbus, Robinson 8 (We- tracts.
Thursday’s games renski, Merzlikins), 2:40. 4, Columbus, Roslovic12 MILWAUKEE BREWERS: Agreed to terms with Williams agreed to a three-year, $30 million reported.
Detroit at Orlando, 4 p.m. (Carlsson, Laine), 14:21. OF Andrew McCutchen on a one-year contract.
Friday’s games Third Period: 5, Columbus, Kuraly10,18:23 (en). PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES: Agreed to terms with contract with Jacksonville, one of seven deals 1 Washington released guard Ereck Flowers,
OF Odubel Herrera on a one-year contract.
Dallas at Philadelphia, 4 p.m. Shots on Goal: Columbus 15-14-8—37. Ottawa the Jaguars made at a potential cost of $260 defensive tackle Matt Ioannidis and safety
Denver at Cleveland, 4:30 p.m. 8-15-8—31. BASKETBALL
L.A. Lakers at Toronto, 4:30 p.m. Power-play opportunities: Columbus 0 of 2; Ot- million. Deshazor Everett, which saves $19 million
Memphis at Atlanta, 4:30 p.m. tawa 0 of 2. NBA
Portland at Brooklyn, 4:30 p.m. Goalies: Columbus, Merzlikins 22-15-3 (31 TORONTO RAPTORS: Signed G Armoni Brooks
Jacksonville also added wide receivers against the salary cap in 2022.
Washington at New York, 4:30 p.m.
Indiana at Houston, 5 p.m.
shots-30 saves). Ottawa, Forsberg 13-12-2 (36-
to a 10-day contract. Christian Kirk (four years, $72 million) and 1 Pittsburgh cut tackle Zach Banner, a move
A: 10,087 (18,572). T: 2:24. FOOTBALL Zay Jones (three years, $24 million), guard
Oklahoma City at Miami, 5 p.m.
New Orleans at San Antonio, 5:30 p.m. Referees: Marc Joannette, Furman South. National Football League
that saves the team $5 million against the cap.
L.A. Clippers at Utah, 6 p.m. Linesmen: David Brisebois, Julien Fournier. Brandon Scherff (three years, $49.5 million),
Boston at Sacramento, 7 p.m. ARIZONA CARDINALS: Re-signed TE Maxx Wil-
tight end Evan Engram (one year, $9 million), Briefly: Several deals that had been agreed to
Chicago at Phoenix, 7 p.m. Colleges liams to a one-year contract. Signed CB Jeff Glad-
Saturday’s games Men’s basketball
ney to a two-year contract. Released DT Jordan
linebacker Foyesade Oluokun (three years, $45 in recent weeks became official, including
Milwaukee at Minnesota, 2 p.m.
Dallas at Charlotte, 4 p.m. NCAA BALTIMORE RAVENS: Agreed to terms with S million) and defensive tackle Folorunso “Fo- trades that sent quarterback Russell Wilson
Marcus Williams on five-year contract. Agreed to
Detroit at Cleveland, 5 p.m. FIRST FOUR terms with T Morgan Moses on a three-year con- ley” Fatukasi (three years, $30 million). from Seattle to Denver, QB Carson Wentz
L.A. Lakers at Washington, 5 p.m.
Tuesday’s results tract. from Indianapolis to Washington and wide
Suns 129, Rockets 112 At Dayton, Ohio CHICAGO BEARS: Signed LS Patrick Scales and
OL Lachovious Simmons to one-year contracts.
1 Former New Orleans safety Marcus Wil- receiver Amari Cooper from Dallas to Cleve-
Texas Southern 76, Texas A&M-CC Islanders 67
Phoenix: Bridges 10-17 3-4 26, Craig 8-8 2-2 21,
Ayton 10-19 3-4 23, Booker 15-24 1-1 36, Payne Indiana 66, Wyoming 58 Released LB Danny Trevathan. liams, who has 15 career interceptions, signed land. ... ESPN made official its hiring of Joe
CINCINNATI BENGALS: Signed LS Clark Harris to
3-10 0-0 6, Wainright 0-3 0-0 0, McGee 4-6 0-0 8,
Biyombo 1-3 0-0 2, Holiday 0-1 0-0 0, Payton 0-0
Wednesday’s results
a one-year contract. a five-year, $70 million contract with Balti- Buck and Troy Aikman as its announcers for
At Dayton, Ohio
0-0 0, Shamet 2-4 1-2 7. Totals 53-95 10-13 129. Wright St. 93, Bryant 82
CLEVELAND BROWNS: Acquired WR Amari Coo-
per and 2022 6th round pick from Dallas for a
more. “Monday Night Football.” Buck and Aikman,
Houston: Mathews 1-4 0-0 3, Tate 4-6 2-3 10, Rutgers vs. Notre Dame, late
2022 5th and 6th round picks. Traded LB Mack
Wood 5-12 6-9 18, Green 9-15 0-0 22, Porter Jr.
7-15 2-2 21, Martin Jr. 5-6 0-111, Sengun 2-5 1-2
NIT Wilson to New England for DE Chase Winovich. 1 Atlanta left tackle Jake Matthews signed a who have been doing games together for Fox
5, Christopher 2-6 0-0 4, Nix 0-3 1-2 1, Schroder First round
Agreed to terms with DT Taven Bryan, WR Ja-
keem Grant, T Chris Hubbard and LB Anthony
three-year, $55 million extension through the since 2002, succeed Steve Levy, Brian Griese
7-13 0-0 17. Totals 42-85 12-19 112.
Phoenix 35 24 36 34 — 129
Tuesday’s results Walker Jr. 2026 season. and Louis Riddick as the MNF team.
Texas A&M 74, Alcorn St. 62 DENVER BRONCOS: Signed OLB Malik Reed to a
Houston 31 27 24 30 — 112 Oklahoma 89, Missouri St. 72 tendered contract.
3-point goals: Phoenix13-33 (Booker 5-12, Craig Oregon 83, Utah St. 72 INDIANAPOLIS COLTS: Signed LB Zaire Franklin,

Mostert exits; Garoppolo stays

3-3, Bridges 3-6, Shamet 2-4, Wainright 0-3, Vanderbilt 82, Belmont 71 T Matt Pryor and DE Tyquan Lewis to contract
Payne 0-5), Houston16-39 (Porter Jr. 5-10, Green St. Bonaventure 76, Colorado 68 extensions.
4-6, Schroder 3-7, Wood 2-7, Martin Jr. 1-1, Washington St. 63, Santa Clara 50 JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS: Signed CB Darious
Mathews 1-4, Nix 0-1, Christopher 0-3). Re- VCU 90, Princeton 79 Williams to a three-year contract.
bounds:Phoenix 49 (Craig 14), Houston 33 Xavier 72, Cleveland St. 68 KANSAS CITY CHIEFS: Re-signed QB Chad
(Wood 9). Assists: Phoenix 32 (Payne11), Hous- North Texas 67, Texas St. 63 (OT) Henne to a one-year contract.
ton 26 (Porter Jr. 8). Total fouls: Phoenix 18, Wednesday’s results LAS VEGAS RAIDERS: Signed DL Bilal Nichols to
Houston 13. A: 18,055 (18,500) Dayton 74, Toledo 55 a two-year contract.
Virginia 60, Mississippi St. 57 LOS ANGELES RAMS: Signed LB Travin Howard 49ers from page B1 history to have 200 rushing yards and four
Mavericks 113, Nets 111 to a tendered contract.
Dallas: Dinwiddie 6-14 8-8 22, Finney-Smith 3-6
Wake Forest 74, Towson 64
N. Iowa 80, Saint Louis 68 MIAMI DOLPHINS: Re-signed LB Sam Egua- touchdowns in a postseason game in a 37-20
2-2 9, Powell 5-7 2-2 12, Brunson 8-15 1-1 18,
Doncic 14-26 4-4 37, Bertans1-10-0 3, Kleber 1-5
SMU 68, Nicholls 58 voen. Re-signed S Sheldrick Redwine to a one-
year contract.
Ridgeway hit the books. win over the Packers in the NFC Champi-
Iona at Florida, late
2-2 4, S.Brown 1-3 0-0 2, Green 2-6 0-0 6, Ntiliki-
na 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 41-83 19-19 113.
Long Beach St. at BYU, late MINNESOTA VIKINGS:Signed P Jordan Berry. That’s not much wriggle room. But the onship Game in January 2020.
Agreed to terms with DT Harrison Phillips and TE
Brooklyn: B.Brown 7-16 2-3 17, Durant 8-20 5-5 CBI Johnny Mundt. 49ers can exhale once they deal Garoppolo, a Without Mostert, the 49ers’ running backs
23, Drummond 7-8 0-1 14, Dragic 9-16 2-2 21,
Mills 3-11 0-0 9, Edwards 4-7 2-2 12, Johnson 1-4 First round NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS: Signed CB Terrance
Mitchell to a one-year contract.
transaction that will supply them with $25.55 under contract are Elijah Mitchell, Trey Ser-
0-12, Claxton 6-81-113, Thomas 0-10-0 0. Totals
45-91 12-15 111.
Saturday’s games
At Daytona Beach, Fla.
NEW ORLEANS SAINTS: Signed DT Shy Tuttle to million in cap room. mon and JaMycal Hasty.
a tendered contract.
Dallas 23 35 21 34 — 113 Fort Wayne vs. Drake, 11 a.m. NEW YORK GIANTS: Re-signed CB Jarren Wil- So when is that finally happening? They The 49ers did conduct some business
UNC-Asheville vs. Stephen F. Austin, 1:30 p.m.
Brooklyn 30 31 30 20 — 111
3-point goals: Dallas 12-34 (Doncic 5-12, Green
Cal Baptist vs. Middle Tennessee,4 p.m.
liams to a one-year contract.
NEW YORK JETS: Signed K Eddy Pineiro to a ten- will hope a suitor shakes free after the Tex- Wednesday beyond restructuring deals by
2-4, Dinwiddie 2-6, Bertans1-1, Brunson1-3, Fin-
Rice vs. Ohio, 6:30 p.m. dered contract. Re-signed OL Dan Feeney to a
one-year contract. Signed DE Tim Ward, WR Jeff
ans trade QB Deshaun Watson to one of the placing tenders on restricted free agents who
ney-Smith 1-3, S.Brown 0-1, Kleber 0-4), Brook-
lyn 9-26 (Mills 3-9, Edwards 2-4, Durant 2-5,
Tuesday’s game
Smith and CB Javelin Guidry to tendered con- four teams that have met with him this week: were 2021 starters.
Washington St. 63 tracts.
B.Brown 1-2, Dragic 1-4, Johnson 0-1, Thomas
0-1). Rebounds: Dallas 37 (Doncic 9), Brooklyn Santa Clara 50 PITTSBURGH STEELERS: Signed QB Dwayne New Orleans, Carolina, Atlanta and Cleve- They placed a second-rounder tender,
45 (Drummond 17). Assists: Dallas 21 (Doncic
Haskins to a one-year, restricted free agent ten-
dered contract.
land. If the Browns don’t land Watson, they worth $3.99 million in 2022, on linebacker
9), Brooklyn 28 (Durant 10). Total fouls: Dallas
17, Brooklyn 21. A: 17,981 (17,732) Justice 0-6 0-0 0, Vrankic 7-13 5-819, Bediako 0-3 SEATTLE SEAHAWKS: Signed CB Artie Burns to will have a screaming need for a QB because Azeez Al-Shaair. And they placed the right-
a one-year contract. Signed OLB Uchenna Nwosu
76ers 118, Cavaliers 114
0-0 0, Pipes 1-11 0-0 3, J.Williams 6-16 6-7 19,
Braun 2-5 0-0 4, Stewart1-2 0-0 2, Holt1-10-0 3, to a two-year contract. Traded QB Russel Wilson they reportedly plan to trade their current of-first-refusal tender on right guard Daniel
Philadelphia: Harris 8-13 0-0 19, Thybulle 2-7
0-0 5, Embiid13-19 8-10 35, Harden 5-1210-12 21,
G.Williams 0-3 0-0 0. Totals 18-60 11-15 50. and a 2022 4th round pick to Denver for a 2022
1st, 2nd and 5th round pick and a 2023 1st and
starter, Baker Mayfield. Brunskill, which is worth $2.43 million.
Maxey 9-15 4-4 25, Niang1-5 0-0 3, Milton 0-0 0-0 WASHINGTON ST. (20-14) 2nd round pick along with TE Noah Fant, DE Though Garoppolo stayed for at least an- The tender on Al-Shaair almost assures
0, Jordan1-2 2-2 4, Green 2-5 0-0 6, Joe 0-10-0 0. Jakimovski 0-2 0-0 0, Abogidi 4-7 4-4 13, Bamba Shelby Harris and QB Drew Lock.
Totals 41-79 24-28 118. 1-6 1-2 3, Flowers 2-9 3-4 9, Roberts 8-21 0-0 23, TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS: Re-signed CB Carl- other day, the 49ers bid farewell Wednesday he’ll remain with the team after a breakout
Cleveland: Markkanen 4-9 3-4 13, Stevens 4-6
0-0 8, Mobley 5-7 3-3 13, Garland 5-15 11-12 22,
Rodman 1-3 1-2 3, Jackson 4-7 0-0 8, N.Williams
2-7 0-1 4, Gueye 0-2 0-0 0. Totals 22-64 9-13 63.
ton Davis III and WR Breshad Perriman to one-
year contracts.
to running back Raheem Mostert, who season that included 102 tackles. Al-Shaair
Okoro 5-9 4-4 17, Love 4-10 0-0 10, Windler 0-1 Halftime: Washington St. 27-23. 3-Point Goals: WASHINGTON COMMANDERS: Released Ss signed a one-year, $3.125 million deal with can negotiate with other teams, but the 49ers
0-0 0, Brown 4-6 0-0 8, Goodwin 2-2 3-5 8, LeVert Santa Clara 3-23 (Holt 1-1, J.Williams 1-5, Pipes Landon Collins and Deshazor Everett, OL Ereck
6-15 3-4 15. Totals 39-80 27-32 114. 1-7, G.Williams 0-1, Braun 0-2, Vrankic 0-2, Jus- Flowers and DL Matthew Ioannidis. the Dolphins, his agent said. can match any offer he receives and would
30 42 13 33 — 118
23 36 31 24 — 114
tice 0-5), Washington St. 10-29 (Roberts 7-16,
Flowers 2-7, Abogidi 1-1, Gueye 0-1, Jakimovski
HOCKEY Mostert, a native of New Smyrna Beach, get a second-round pick if he signs else-
3-point goals: Philadelphia 12-32 (Harris 3-6, 0-1, N.Williams 0-1, Rodman 0-2). Fouled Out: National Hockey League Fla., will reconnect with former 49ers offen- where.
Abogidi. Rebounds: Santa Clara 40 (J.Williams
Maxey 3-6, Green 2-5, Thybulle 1-2, Embiid 1-3,
Niang 1-4, Harden 1-6), Cleveland 9-28 (Okoro 15), Washington St. 41(Jackson 8). Assists: San-
BOSTON BRUINS: Reassigned C Marc McLaugh-
lin to Providence (AHL) on loan. Recalled C Jack
sive coordinator Mike McDaniel, who was The 49ers can match any offer Brunskill
3-5, Markkanen 2-6, Love 2-7, Goodwin 1-1, Gar- ta Clara 13 (J.Williams 4), Washington St. 12
(Flowers 5). Total Fouls: Santa Clara 17, Wash-
Studnicka from Providence. hired as Miami’s head coach in February. receives, but they wouldn’t receive compen-
land 1-4, Mobley 0-1, Windler 0-1, LeVert 0-3). DETROIT RED WINGS: Reassigned D Seth Bar-
Fouled out: Philadelphia 1 (Harris), Cleveland ington St. 15. A: 1,389 (11,671). ton from Grand Rapids (AHL) to Toledo (ECHL). Mostert joined the Dolphins after an injury- sation if he signs elsewhere.
None. Rebounds: Philadelphia 39 (Embiid 17),
Cleveland 39 (Mobley 9). Assists:Philadelphia
Women’s basketball Signed LW Cross Hanas to a three-year, entry-lev-
el contract. riddled six-season 49ers’ tenure in which he The 49ers did not tender an offer to defen-
24 (Harden11), Cleveland 25 (Garland, LeVert 7). WNIT EDMONTON OILERS: Reassigned D Philip Brob-
erg to Bakersfield (AHL) on loan.
enlivened the offense when he was healthy. sive tackle Kentavius Street, who becomes an
Total fouls: Philadelphia 25, Cleveland 17. A:
19,432 (19,432) First round FLORIDA PANTHERS: Signed D Zachary Uens to Mostert has averaged 5.7 yards on 287 unrestricted free agent. Street’s potential exit
a three-year, entry-level contract. Acquired a
Knicks 128, Trail Blazers 98
Wednesday’s results
Kent St. 68, Youngstown St. 59 fourth-round selection from the New York Rang- carries since 2018, the highest average among comes after the 49ers lost nose guard D.J.
Portland: Watford 4-11 3-4 11, Winslow 3-10 0-0
7, Eubanks 5-8 0-0 10, Hart 6-15 3-4 17, Williams
Purdue 82, S. Illinois 60 ers in exchange for F Frank Vatrano.
LOS ANGELES KINGS: Reassigned D Christian
running backs with at least 250 attempts Jones, who signed his three-year, $30 million
Liberty 50, Campbell 44
6-15 0-2 14, Brown III 1-3 0-2 2, Elleby 3-5 1-2 8, Columbia 80, Holy Cross 69 Wolanin to Ontario (AHL) on loan. over that span. However, he will turn 30 in contract with the Broncos on Wednesday.
Blevins 0-2 0-0 0, Dunn 6-9 0-013, Hughes1-3 0-0 MONTREAL CANADIENS: Reinstated G Jake Al-
3, Johnson 3-5 0-0 7, McLemore 2-5 0-0 6. Totals
Marquette 93, Ball St. 70
Grand Canyon at New Mexico, late len from injured reserve. April, is coming off a serious knee injury Ridgeway, 27, figures to provide interior
40-91 7-14 98.
New York: Barrett 10-20 6-7 31, Randle 5-18 10-
Ball St. at Marquette, late PHILADELPHIA FLYERS: Recalled LW Max Will-
man from Lehigh Valley (AHL) from loan.
that limited him to one game and two carries depth. The six-year veteran has 80 tackles
12 20, Robinson 3-31-2 7, Burks 3-9 3-310, Four- WBI TAMPA BAY LIGHTNING: Signed D Declan Carlile last season and has missed 31 games because and 9.5 sacks in a 65-game career that in-
nier 5-10 0-114, Toppin 6-10 0-0 13, Sims 2-3 1-2 First round to a two-year, entry-level contract.
5, Arcidiacono1-10-0 3, McBride1-14-4 7, Quick- VANCOUVER CANUCKS: Reassigned D Noah Ju- of injuries over the past four seasons. cludes 12 starts.
Friday’s games
ley 4-5 7-8 18. Totals 40-80 32-39 128.
Portland 29 26 19 24 — 98 At Lexington, Ky.
ulsen, RW Sheldon Rempal to Abbotsford (AHL)
on loan.
Mostert leaves behind a legacy that in-
New York 37 29 28 34 — 128 Bowling Green vs. Furman, 11 a.m.
Saint Mary’s (Calif.) vs. Austin Peay, 1:30 p.m.
WASHINGTON CAPITALS: Re-signed F Joe Sniv- cludes one of the most dominating playoff Eric Branch covers the 49ers for
ely to a two-year contract.
3-point goals: Portland 11-34 (McLemore 2-3,
Hart 2-6, Williams 2-6, Dunn 1-1, Elleby 1-2,
Davidson vs. Nevada, 4 p.m. WINNIPEG JETS: Reassigned D Ville Heinola to performances in franchise history. He The San Francisco Chronicle.
Cleveland St. vs. Northeastern, 6:30 p.m. Manitoba (AHL).
Johnson 1-2, Hughes 1-3, Winslow 1-6, Blevins rushed for 220 yards, a playoff franchise Email:
0-1, Brown III 0-1, Watford 0-3), New York 16-38
record, and became the only player in NFL Twitter: @Eric_Branch
Inside this section: Weather C6 | Datebook D1 | Comics & Puzzles D2

San Francisco Chronicle and | Thursday, March 17, 2022 | Section C xxxxx

Is S.F. getting good value from cops?

By Joshua Sharpe police report solving crimes at leading and a hit job omitting that — or should know it — of the department’s nearly
twice the rate as in San Fran- key factors, including that San but misleadingly chose to ig- $700 million budget funds the
A new report contends that cisco, according to the analy- Francisco sees huge numbers nore it to heighten the impact police airport bureau.
San Franciscans pay more and sis. of tourists — 15 million in 2021. of its PR stunt,” police spokes- Mayor London Breed’s office
get less — a good bit less — City police also dispropor- The report doesn’t appear to person Matt Dorsey said in an didn’t respond to a request for
from their Police Department. tionately arrest Black residents factor in tourism for any juris- emailed statement. “Sadly, the comment Tuesday.
The findings by the Center at a higher rate than the other diction it studied, including timing, tenor, questionable and The report’s author was
on Juvenile and Criminal Jus- cities and “flagrantly” fail to Los Angeles, which also sees purposive methodology, and confident in his findings after
tice put the annual cost of keep comprehensive arrest millions of visitors per year. utter lack of collaboration by years of researching police.
police service at around $700 data, says the nonprofit, whose “The San Francisco Police CJCJ renders its brief politi- Mike Males is a former UC
per resident. That’s more than mission is decreasing incarcer- Department is responsible to cally suspect and factually Santa Cruz professor who’s
any other California city with a ation and finding long-term protect and serve our city’s misleading.” published extensively on juve-
population over 500,000 pays solutions to crime. residents and its millions of Dorsey also said the report nile justice. He said other de-
except Los Angeles, whose Police called the report mis- visitors, of course. CJCJ knows failed to note that $80 million Police continues on C3

in city get
reprieve on
parklet rules
By J.D. Morris

San Francisco restaurants and bars that built

parklets to stay afloat during the pandemic will
not be fined for running afoul of new city reg-
ulations until next spring, with some excep-
Under an ordinance passed unanimously
Tuesday by the Board of Supervisors, the city
will not issue fines to enforce its permanent
Shared Spaces parklet program until April 1,
Supervisors voted in July to make the par-
klets a permanent fixture of San Francisco,
enabling businesses to keep using public side-
walks and parking spots for outdoor dining and
drinking under a new set of city rules.
The city’s battered restaurant industry hailed
the decision to make parklets permanent but
Jessica Christian / The Chronicle
later balked once city staff had fleshed out the
Atherton Police Sgt. Jon Fong meets with Sandy Crittenden (left), dog Bella and Joan Sanders while on patrol. new rules and begun to enforce them.
A chorus of businesses complained about

Is spate of burglaries
onerous rules and hefty fines that threatened as
much as 90% of the city’s parklets with removal
or renovation, according to an estimate from the
Golden Gate Restaurant Association trade

‘criminal tourism’?
The association said after Tuesday’s board
Parklets continues on C5

Police say crime California

ring from Chile is
targeting mansions firms to grow
By Rachel Swan strawberries
Max Schenk was playing video
games in the den above his parents’
garage in Hillsborough when he
in Northeast
heard an iron gate jangling outside,
followed by a frantic rustle of bush- By Tara Duggan
es. Somebody was breaking into
the house. South San Francisco vertical farming compa-
It was a crisp Saturday night in ny Plenty and Watsonville’s Driscoll’s are team-
late October, and Schenk was un- ing up to transport the work of growing straw-
aware of the rash of burglaries in berries from California fields to a huge indoor
wealthy Peninsula towns flourish- vertical farm in the Northeast.
ing at the time. Nor had the 22- The facility, due to begin selling plump red
year-old college student heard the Santiago Mejia / The Chronicle
berries to East Coast supermarkets in 2024, will
elaborate, controversial theory Kellie Meyers’ Hillsborough home was among those in a string of be the first foray into vertical farming for Dris-
police would circulate to explain burglaries in wealthy neighborhoods; $375,000 worth of goods was taken. coll’s and Plenty’s first farm devoted only to
this trend: that an international berries, as well as its first outside California. The
crime operation rooted in South diamond earrings, a wedding ring, speaking Spanish, he said in an companies did not announce a specific location
America had infiltrated tony neigh- a limited-edition Franck Muller interview with The Chronicle. He for the vertical farm in their announcement
borhoods in the Bay Area. watch, and a diamond and enamel ran to a neighbor’s house, clutching Tuesday, but Plenty CEO Arama Kukutai said it
The thieves left a trail of clues necklace — scattering his mother’s the knife, his sneakers and his would be within a day’s drive of a major metro
that night, after they smashed cheaper costume jewelry on the phone. area.
through a window in Schenk’s floor. “When the police got there, they “This one-day reach is a really great opportu-
bedroom, crept down the hall and As Schenk descended the stairs literally saw one of the burglars in nity,” said Scott Komar, senior vice president of
ripped a safe from the master bed- and walked to the kitchen, dialing my mom’s room,” Schenk said, global R&D at Driscoll’s. “Because that plays into
room, pried it open and pilfered 911 and grabbing the largest knife recalling how the man sprinted out the freshness. Having an indoor environment
about $300,000 worth of jewelry — he could find, he heard two men Burglaries continues on C5 allows us to deliver that ideal climate day in and
Farm continues on C5

Breed eyes permanent car ban

for Golden Gate Park street
By J.D. Morris delman, Matt Haney and including park museum lead-
Dean Preston are co-sponsor- ers and certain advocates for
Mayor London Breed in- ing the legislation, which people with disabilities.
troduced legislation Tuesday builds off a proposal en- Breed’s office acknowledged
that would permanently ban dorsed by the board of the some of the oft-repeated con-
cars along 1.5 miles of John San Francisco Municipal cerns about keeping cars
F. Kennedy Drive in San Transportation Agency and blocked from most of JFK
Francisco’s Golden Gate Park. the Recreation and Park Drive forever, saying that the
Breed’s legislation moves Commission. city will try to make sure
the city one step closer to a The closure of JFK Drive that institutions such as the
Board of Supervisors vote as to vehicle traffic has been de Young Museum and Cali-
soon as next month on the widely popular among San fornia Academy of Sciences
future of the road, which has Franciscans who have walked remain publicly accessible.
been closed to cars since the or biked there over the past The mayor’s office also said Nick Otto / Special to The Chronicle

beginning of the pandemic. two years but fiercely op- the city wants to work on People hold signs while attending a Walk SF-organized Feb. 12
Supervisors Rafael Man- posed by some vocal critics, Cars continues on C6 “Save JFK” rally on John F. Kennedy Drive in Golden Gate Park.
C2 | San Francisco Chronicle and XXXXX


Oakland appeals to revive NFL suit BUSINESS IN BRIEF
RETAIL SALES Networks, succeeded
Schultz as CEO in 2017.
By Bob Egelko property value of the a March 10 filing by at- ble harm because of the Inflation starts In an open letter to
Oakland-Alameda Coun- torney Thomas Goldstein NFL’s policies. to take its toll Starbucks’ employees,
Oakland has asked the ty Coliseum. and City Attorney Barba- “The city has not al- Johnson, 61, said he told
U.S. Supreme Court to A federal appeals court ra Parker’s office. leged — and there is no Retail sales rose 0.3% the company’s board last
revive its antitrust suit ruled last December that The city noted that the way of knowing — what in February from the year that he was consid-
against the National Foot- the city had failed to show Raiders, under the would have occurred in a prior month, the Com- ering retirement. His
ball League over the Raid- it was harmed by the league’s rules, paid $378 more competitive market- merce Department re- most obvious successor
ers’ move to Las Vegas, league’s refusal to add million to owners of the place,” Judge A. Wallace ported on Wednesday, a had been Roz Brewer, the
describing the league as a more teams or other alleg- other NFL teams before Tashima said in the 3-0 slowdown in the pace of company’s chief operat-
“cartel” whose rules prof- edly anti-competitive the vote on relocation, ruling. “Would new spending that suggested ing officer, but Brewer
ited its teams while drain- practices, upholding a which required three- teams have joined the inflation was taking its left the company in Feb-
ing the city’s coffers. federal magistrate’s dis- fourths approval. NFL? Would they have toll on American con- ruary to become the top
The suit was filed in missal of the suit. But The rules create “exor- found Oakland attrac- sumers. executive at Walgreens.
2018, a year after NFL lawyers for Oakland told bitant amounts of public tive? Would the Raiders The slower pace of Starbucks expects to
teams voted 31-1 to ap- the Supreme Court the financing for luxurious have left Oakland in any growth in February — name a permanent CEO
prove the team’s reloca- NFL and its teams were stadiums” while leaving event? ... There are too January’s retail sales had by this fall. While
tion to Las Vegas. Oak- violating antitrust laws Oakland with “an empty many speculative links in increased 4.9%, revised Schultz leads the compa-
land did not challenge the by limiting competition stadium and millions of the chain of causation” data showed — follows ny, he will get $1 in com-
move, which took place for their own benefit. dollars in financial loss- between the league’s other indications that pensation.
before the 2020-21 season, The NFL is “an un- es,” the city said. It said actions and the city’s consumers were growing Schultz, 68, bought
but claimed damages of ambiguous cartel” whose the NFL has not expand- claimed financial losses, more pessimistic as they Starbucks — then 11
more than $240 million, rules “restrict the supply ed in 20 years, “even as Tashima said. faced persistently rising stores and 100 employees
plus loss of tax revenue of new teams to prospec- research suggests that fan But Oakland’s lawyers prices with no end in — in 1987. Four years
and reductions in the tive cities,” the city said in demand would support said that the city had sight. Last week, the later, when Starbucks
up to 10 more teams.” suffered financial losses government said the went public, the chain
In court filings, the and that a 2014 Supreme Consumer Price Index, a had grown to more than
NFL and its teams denied Court ruling allowed widely watched inflation 100 stores. Starbucks
any lawbreaking and said anyone harmed by mo- gauge, rose 7.9% in the now has more than
the league had no legal nopolistic practices to file year through February, 34,000 stores worldwide.
obligation to expand. suit. The Supreme Court the fastest pace of annual
“Antitrust law does not asked the league and its inflation in 40 years. ALABAMA
Wednesday’s report
govern or second-guess a teams to respond by April
did not reflect the full
Mercedes opens
sports league’s decisions 13.
about the number of its The case is Oakland vs. effects of the Russian battery plant
member clubs,” they told Oakland Raiders, 21-1243. invasion of Ukraine, The auto industry’s
the appeals court. which began on Feb. 24 shift to battery power is
In the December rul- Bob Egelko is a San and triggered a surge in expected to lead to job
ing, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Francisco Chronicle staff global energy costs. In losses because it takes
Court of Appeals said writer. Email: begelko@ the United States, gaso- fewer workers to build
Oakland had not shown it Twitter: line prices have soared an electric vehicle than it
was suffering any tangi- @BobEgelko past highs last seen in does to build a car with a
2008, an increase that gasoline engine. But that
will eat into consumers’ probably won’t be the
ability to spend on other
Body of missing girl found goods.
case in Alabama.
The state this week
The University of became the beneficiary
By Lauren Hernández murder, and police have Michigan’s Index of Con- of a factory that will
issued an arrest warrant sumer Sentiment re- build battery packs for a
A missing 8-year-old for her boyfriend, 34- leased this month Mercedes-Benz electric
Hayward girl who was year-old Dhante Jackson, showed that consumers SUV. The German car-
last seen by relatives in on suspicion of murder. were pessimistic about maker has a large factory
December has been iden- Jackson lives at the home the year ahead because complex near Tuscaloo-
tified as the deceased where the child’s body of inflation and the po- sa, Ala., where it has
child found in a Merced was discovered, police tential impact of the built conventional SUVs
home on Friday, author- said on Saturday. Russian invasion of since the 1990s.
ities said on Tuesday. Police said that Jackson Ukraine. Mercedes has supplied
Merced police discov- “went on the run” shortly STARBUCKS those factories with in-
ered a child’s body — after he heard that his ternal combustion en-
identified by Merced residence in Merced was Schultz returns gines made primarily in
County sheriff’s officials being searched as part of to lead firm Europe. Now those im-
on Tuesday as 8-year-old the investigation, Merced ported components will
Sophia Mason — last police said on Saturday. Longtime Starbucks be replaced by batteries
week while serving a A family member of the CEO Howard Schultz is made in the U.S.
search warrant on a home girl reported Sophia returning to lead the Chronicle News Services
in the 500 block of Bar- missing on March 8, company on an interim
clay Way in Merced, more telling Hayward police basis after the coffee
than 100 miles away from officers that she had “re- giant’s chief executive Ship traffic
Hayward. Police received ceived information that announced his retire- Due to arrive today
information that Sophia caused her to believe the ment. Starbucks made SHIP FROM PORT

was last seen at the Cen- juvenile could be missing the announcement Wed- Kodiak Island
One Commit-
Long Beach
Los Angeles
tral Valley residence and and wanted to ascertain nesday ahead of its an- ment
Seamelody Manzanillo, Mexico SFO
searched the home in the child’s welfare.” nual meeting.
connection with the Kevin Johnson said he Due to depart today
search for the missing Lauren Hernández will retire next month SHIP TO PORT
Ansac Columbia Port Unknown SFO
girl, police said. (she/her) is a San Francisco after five years as presi- Bal Peace Port Unknown OAK
Sophia’s mother, 30- Chronicle staff writer. dent and CEO and 13 Cool Expreso Port Unknown SCK
Maersk Altair Qingdao, China SFO
year-old Samantha John- Email: lauren.hernandez@ years at Starbucks. John- Mahimahi Los Angeles OAK
son of Hayward, has been Twitter: son, a former executive NYK Romulus Los Angeles OAK

arrested on suspicion of @ByLHernandez at Microsoft and Juniper Source: S.F. Marine Exchange

DILBERT By Scott Adams

XXXXX San Francisco Chronicle and | C3


Police blame tourism The spokesperson
disputed those allega-
tions and said Males may
be cherrypicking to call
Police from page C1 protect people and prop- for conducting the re- out the agency’s record-
erty. National media, search was the narrative keeping.
partments have airport especially conservative that’s emerged of San Dorsey didn’t specifi-
divisions, too. “Every city outlets, have descended Francisco as a hellscape cally respond to the find-
could claim contingen- to cover the fight and of liberal policies gone ing that San Francisco
cies that boost its costs,” showcase the city’s sideways. Males, who’s police arrest Black peo-
he said. grinding inequality and studied police for de- Gabrielle Lurie / The Chronicle
ple at a rate almost 10
“San Franciscans are challenges. cades, wanted to know A report says S.F. pays more than other big cities times higher than for
just not getting their Boudin, who faces a what the data said. for police who solve comparatively fewer crimes. non-Black people. But he
money’s worth out of the June 7 recall, is a favorite Males said the data pointed out steps the
Police Department,” said target for his more pro- suggest the Police De- rate of clearing serious clearance rate, which is agency has taken to com-
Males, senior research gressive policies, such as partment, whose leaders cases by arrest in 2020, better than the typical bat profiling and encour-
fellow at the San Francis- greater use of pretrial complain of understaff- one point better than the national average of age equity in policing.
co-based Center on Juve- diversion. Boudin has ing, has failed to improve national average. In San around 65%. L.A.’s rate He said San Francisco
nile and Criminal Justice. blamed the police, saying as it’s added more per- Francisco, the rate was was 55%. police maintain relation-
The report comes at a he’d prosecute people if sonnel. 9%, lower than any other The report faults local ships with experts in
time when crime is on officers would arrest The report compared major California city. police for record-keeping academia and advocacy
the minds of San Fran- them. Breed recently San Francisco stats from Dorsey sent clearance issues that make analyz- organizations as part of
ciscans and residents of pledged to add new offi- the past decade with rate data showing San ing crime and arrests its “commitment to 21st
other large cities that cers while still pursuing ones from Fresno, Los Francisco has, in certain more difficult. The Police century police reforms.”
have seen rises amid the alternatives to traditional Angeles, Sacramento, categories, maintained Department does not
COVID pandemic. The policing. She promised San Diego and San Jose. better clearance rates specify an offense in Joshua Sharpe is a San
Police Department and as well to invest in pro- In Los Angeles, which than some other major most youth arrests and Francisco Chronicle staff
District Attorney Chesa grams that address the spends more than San departments. In 2020, for doesn’t list whether ar- writer. Email: joshua.
Boudin find themselves root causes of crime. Francisco on police, instance, the agency restees of any age are of
at odds over how best to Males said the impetus police reported a 16% reported a 75% homicide Hispanic origin. Twitter: @joshuawsharpe

S.F. faculty ruling rejected that we will win because

it’s (we think) pretty open
and shut,” James Martel,
pro-Israel advocates.
Another faculty panel
found that San Francisco
studies programs but
none for AMED.
“The lack of hires has
the union’s campus presi- State had violated the resulted in intellectual
By Bob Egelko Francisco State President she was experiencing dent, said by email Tues- teachers’ academic free- isolation for Dr. Abdul-
Lynn Mahoney said the “hostility in the work- day. dom by failing to defend hadi,” the three panel
A faculty panel at San reported promise was place” as a result of her The dispute reflects them, but Mahoney ve- members said. Although
Francisco State has found inconsistent with the long-running battle with ongoing tensions about toed that decision as well. Monteiro is no longer
that the school broke its university’s agreement university officials. Ma- Middle Eastern studies at The College of Ethnic dean, they said, “change
promise to the head of a with its faculty union and honey did not address San Francisco State. In Studies, home to the pro- in leadership does not
fledgling program in therefore “unenforce- that finding directly, but 2017, a group of Jewish gram, was the first such revoke the promise.” The
Arab-American studies in able.” said in her decision that students accused the institution in the nation, panel called on the uni-
2006 to hire two full-time “Former Dean Mon- the fact that “SFSU has school of encouraging established in 1969 after a versity to hire the addi-
teachers for the program. teiro did not have the disputed and continues to anti-Semitism, citing months-long strike led by tional teachers and to
But the university’s presi- authority to bind the dispute the enforceability protests that had halted a Black students protesting apologize to Abdulhadi.
dent says any such prom- University” or sidestep and validity of (the dean’s campus speech by the the absence of minorities Abdulhadi told The
ise was not binding and the collective-bargaining promise) does not amount mayor of Jerusalem, and in San Francisco State’s Chronicle after the panel
has vetoed the panel’s agreement, Mahoney to a hostile work environ- alleged that Abdulhadi curriculum. decision that she felt
decision that new teach- said, without spelling out ment.” had instigated prejudice The recent faculty “vindicated” and hoped
ers should be hired. any inconsistencies be- There was no immedi- with anti-Zionist state- panel ruling cited Abdul- Mahoney would uphold
Professor Rabab Ab- tween Monteiro’s commit- ate comment from Abdul- ments. But a federal judge hadi’s testimony that she it. But Mahoney said
dulhadi has struggled to ment and the union con- hadi. The teachers’ union, found no evidence of had left a previous teach- Friday that the university
maintain the AMED tract. She said university the California Faculty discrimination by the ing position only after had not made any binding
program, or Arab and officials have “determined Association, supports her university and dismissed Monteiro, the dean, promises to Abdulhadi or
Muslim Ethnicity and that AMED’s current and says she has filed an the suit in 2018. promised to hire two her program and was
Diasporas studies, with- enrollments do not justify appeal of Mahoney’s veto Last year, Abdulhadi additional full-time teach- entitled to determine its
out the two additional additional faculty hiring to an arbitration panel and a faculty colleague ers — a promise that Mon- own hiring policy, based
faculty members she was at this time.” that would be jointly scheduled a remote class- teiro said had been ap- on enrollment.
promised by Kenneth In its Feb. 18 decision, selected by the union and room talk by Leila Khalid, proved by Robert Corri-
Monteiro, then the dean the three-member faculty the university for a final a Palestinian activist who gan, then the university’s Bob Egelko is a San
of ethnic studies. But in a panel also agreed with decision in the case. had taken part in an air- president. Over the next Francisco Chronicle staff
veto messageFriday, San Abdulhadi’s claim that “We are fairly confident plane hijacking in 1969, decade, the panel said, writer. Email: begelko@
but Zoom canceled the S.F. State hired 10 new Twitter:
broadcast at the urging of teachers for other ethnic @BobEgelko

Selby backs Campos the Assembly,” Selby said.

Campos said Tuesday
that he appreciated “this
in Assembly race very important endorse-
ment” — noting that it
came from the only parent
By Joe Garofoli to accept contributions and only woman in the
from some companies. four-person field. The
Thea Selby, who fin- “To me, this is critical,” other candidate in the
ished fourth in the 17th said Selby, a longtime February race, tech en-
Assembly District race in transportation advocate trepreneur and philan-
February, endorsed her who also endorsed Cam- thropist Bilal Mahmood,
former rival David Cam- pos in his 2014 run for the endorsed Haney.
pos Tuesday in the April Assembly, when he lost to Campos said every
19 runoff. David Chiu. The open piece of support will be
Selby, a City College of Assembly seat was creat- critical in what he expects
San Francisco trustee ed after Chiu stepped to be a tight runoff. Haney
who garnered nearly 6% down when San Francisco edged Campos by less
of the vote in the Feb. 15 Mayor London Breed than 1% of the vote in
election, said she chose appointed him to be San February.
Campos over San Francis- Francisco’s city attorney. “A lot of parents have a
co Supervisor Matt Haney Selby recalled working connection with the work
after speaking with both with Campos in one of his that (Selby) has done
candidates. signature achievements around education and
Selby was impressed while he served on the transportation,” Campos
with how Campos, a vice San Francisco Board of said. “I do think that
chair of the California Supervisors: a program to women are going to be the
Democratic Party, pushed fund free Muni rides for deciding vote in this race.”
for the party to reject youth.
campaign contributions “He supports women, Joe Garofoli is The San
from fossil fuel compa- working families and the Francisco Chronicle’s senior
nies. He was a lone voice most vulnerable, and I political writer. Email:
among the party’s leaders just really believe that that
in criticizing its decision is the leader that I want in Twitter: @joegarofoli
C4 | San Francisco Chronicle and XXXXX

CARROLL, Thomas FRANZA, Marie GOUDY, Patrick REES, Frank WASHBURN, Rodney

Thomas Carroll Marie Anne Franza Patrick Louis Goudy

September 19, 1949 - February 28, 2022
Marie Anne (Gollbach) Patrick passed away at
Thomas Edwin Carroll, 72, Franza passed away home Sunday evening,
of Sacramento passed away peacefully at her home at February 27th surrounded
on Feb 28, 2022. He was My Father’s Retirement by his wife and sons. He
born Sep 19, 1949, in San Ranch in Wickenburg, AZ, had privately and tena-
Francisco. Tom graduated on March 8, 2022. Born ciously been in a battle with
in 1967 from Sunset HS in on March 3, 1925 in East pancreatic cancer, praying
Hayward. Nicolaus, CA, to Joseph to be the 1% that would
Tom was an Usher and Anna Gollbach, Marie survive the disease. He was
Supervisor for the SF lived to celebrate her 97th 64 years old.
Giants and SF 49ers for birthday. She attended He was born in Wichita,
over 30 years. He was a McClatchey High School in Kansas to Dolores and Bill
supportive boss whose Sacramento and completed Goudy. The family moved to
knowledge and experience her schooling to become Denver, CO which became
were appreciated by a registered nurse at St. home base for the fam-
management and admired Mary’s Hospital in San her children Tom (Bev) ily. He was number 6 of 8 spotted a pink or orange
by the many staff whom he Stockton, and Elaine Foley Francisco. Marie was proud Franza, Chris (Frank) children and had a terrific sunset, he magically pulled
mentored. (Casey) of Green Valley, AZ; to say she worked until she Salmen, and Cathy Pallari childhood playing golf in ‘lollipops from the sky’.
In the 1970’s and 80’s, and grandchildren, Owen was 90 years old! (David), grandson Chris summers and skiing in the Times spent with his family
Tom was a professional and Alice Pecota. He was She was an incredible oil Pallari (Ashlee) and great- winter, always trying to were his true passion.
dart player, travelling preceded in death by his painter, top notch gardener, granddaughter Ravyn Marie. keep up with 4 older broth- Though his family came
around the country to dart sister Mary Klett. great cook (learned from Preceded in death by Gene, ers. At age 16 he lost his 1st, he built a Financial
tournaments. He was a past Interment services will her Italian mother-in-law), her loving husband of 57 father, an event that greatly Advisory Practice from the
president of the SF Dart be held on Mar 31, 2022 at proficient jigsaw puzzle years, parents Joseph and impacted him. He went on ground up. Not being a
Assn, SF Dart League, and 11am at Cypress Lawn 1370 aficionado, and loved to Anna Gollbach, and her to graduate from Cherry native San Franciscan, it was
North Bay Dart Assn, where El Camino Real, Colma, read. In her later years at brother Larry. Creek HS and was lucky no small task. Never one to
he was a founding member. CA 94014, followed by a My Father’s she watched Many thanks to My enough to be a recipient of shy away from hard work,
He is survived by his wife reception at the South SF the Hallmark channel daily, Father’s Retirement Ranch the Evans Scholar Golf Cad- his dedication created a suc-
of 40 years, Nancy Hall Elks Lodge 920 Stonegate and loved any and all British and Hospice of the Valley dy Scholarship, a gift he be- cessful business where he
Carroll, and daughter, Sarah Drive, South SF, CA 94080. series or movies – can you for their excellent care and lieved changed the course treated his clients as friends.
Pecota (Andrew); siblings, The family requests RSVP say Downton Abbey? loving support. of his life. This allowed He worked diligently until
Dolores Bronn (Steve) of to the reception by Mar She loved her Friday A Rosary will be held him to attend college and his death to be assured his
Montrose, CO, Warren 23rd at lunches with family and at Holy Cross Catholic become a proud alumnus of clients would be taken care
Weichmann (Elizabeth) of TomCMemorial. friends in California. In her Cemetery, 1500 Old Mission the University of Colorado of the way he expected. He
years at “the ranch” she Rd., Colma, CA on Friday, at Boulder. After complet- honestly enjoyed his work
enjoyed playing Bingo and March 18, at 10:00 am. ing college, he left Colorado and the benefits it provided
cards, and she never missed Viewing begins at 9:30 am. and started his career in his family.
her weekly hair and monthly business, eventually landing He was a man of great
nail appointments. in San Diego where he could conviction and integrity; his
Marie is survived by play golf year-round. While word was his promise. He
on a cruise in 1988 he met was a solid guy who was the
the love of his life, Cheri ultimate husband, father,
Balistreri a nurse from San grandfather, son, brother,
Francisco. Love was instant uncle, coach and friend. He
and profound, and they dedicated his life to his fam-
married in 1989. Pat and ily, work, and his Catholic
Frank Jameson Rees Cheri were blessed with two
sons, Paul, and Peter. Pat
faith. He was rarely without
a smile. Understanding
August 28, 1941 - March 2, 2022 loved being a husband and he had a short window to
father and San Francisco travel, he fulfilled a dream
Frank Jameson Rees In 1975, Frank co-founded became his home. He spent trip to France where he
passed away unexpectedly Energy Management As- as much time as he could and Cheri toasted to a life
on March 2, 2022 at the age sociates, with partner James with his boys, never missing and a love like no other.
of 80. After a great day of M. Goodrich. Under his a game or an opportunity He played his last round of
tennis, he died in the arms leadership as President and to encourage them. He was golf in December at Pebble
of his loving wife Marlo CEO, EMA dominated its their CYO soccer coach, Beach while undergoing
Rees at home in Montecito, software niche as a software volunteer chaperone for chemotherapy. He shot an
California. Frank was an en- and management consulting numerous field trips, and 85 and was disappointed,
ergetic, vivacious friend and firm serving the electric and active in all events of St. but happy he parred the
mentor with a laser-sharp gas utility industry. He sold Stephen School. He could 18th hole. The lessons he
mind and contagious laugh the company to Electronic be seen flipping burgers taught us were to respect
who loved business and Data Systems in 1992. for hot lunch, pancakes for yourself and others, never
enjoyed helping others. In the 1980’s he joined the Christmas breakfast, give up, pray, and live every
Born August 28,1941 Young Presidents Organiza- or chairing the annual golf day as if it were your last.
in Lexington, Kentucky tion and continued in the tournament. He served as We miss his presence
to Frank Jameson Rees, Santa Monica, and married Dalia and Zoey), daughter already and will never forget
more recent YPO GOLD President of the Men’s Club.
Sr., and Margaret Evelyn the love of his life, Marlo Danielle (husband Zach him. Perhaps he was not the
organization (formerly The many hours dedicated
Combs, Frank was the big Coleman Rees. They moved Tolby). He is also survived 1% who survived the cancer,
known as WPO). He deeply to the school and church
brother to four siblings. He to Portland, Oregon in 2003 by sisters Michelle Berne but Heaven has a new
valued and was enriched by allowed him to foster the
graduated from Beverly Hills and to Montecito, California and Caroline Berlin, nephew angel, 100%.
the friendships in his YPO friendships he has today. Al-
High School and received in 2021. John Berlin, niece Jennifer He is survived by Cheri,
GOLD NorCal Forum. ways willing to host a party;
his BS in Engineering from An avid tennis player Berlin, nephew Clayton Ka- his sons – Paul (wife
In 2000, with nephew he was known for great cos-
CalTech in 1963. throughout his life - Frank rush, and grandniece Sierra Kassidy), and Peter, his
John Berlin, Frank co- tumes, endless laughs, and
In 1964 he received his was ranked number 3 in Sutherland. He is preceded granddaughter – Gianna,
founded Devastudios, a Film decorative themes. Holidays
MS in Aeronautics and As- Northern California in in death by sister Serena siblings, Margaret (Jim),
Graphic Design firm, whose with family or events with
tronautics and completed a senior men’s doubles in Sutherland and brother Richard (Joanne), Dan, Steve
clients include major motion friends especially those in
PhD in Applied Mechanics at 1998 and 1999. He and his “Gopher” Curtis. (Carol), Tom (Deedee), Linda
picture studios and video his ‘lodge’ were legendary.
Stanford University in 1968. Portland tennis teams won A private celebration of (Neal), and Carol. Mother-
streaming companies. Frank He next went on to take his
He married Diane Jones in 2nd and 3rd places in the life will be held this spring. in-law – Rosemary Balistreri,
was actively involved in the time and talent to volunteer
1964, and they welcomed USTA National Senior Tennis Donations may be made his brothers in law, Mario
company until his death. He at St. Ignatius Prep where
daughter Nicole in 1968. In Championships of 2010 and in his name to the UN (Theresa), Albert, and a host
volunteered at the Stanford the boys went to HS. He
1972 he married Ruth Andre 2016. Refugee Agency at https:// of nieces and nephews and
Business School and men- became a member of the
and they moved to Atlanta, Frank is survived by his or extended family, and friends
tored numerous entrepre- Fathers Club Board in
Georgia where son Brandon wife Marlo, daughter Nicole World Central Kitchen, both who became family. He was
neurs over his lifetime. various positions eventu-
was born in 1974 and (wife Lisa Bell and daughter of which are assisting with predeceased by his parents
In 2003 Frank moved ally becoming President. In
daughter Danielle in 1976. Ava), son Brandon (wife the Ukrainian refugees. and Father-in-law - Albert
from Atherton, California to 2010 he was asked to chair
Sara Mayman and daughters Balistreri.
the auction that provides
scholarships for students. We thank the host of peo-
He felt it was his duty to ple who helped shepherd
give back. He hosted a us during this difficult time.
successful and fun event, Our gratitude is endless.
League, attended Atherton storytelling abilities were raising funds for kids and A Memorial Mass will be

Rodney Washburn City Council meetings, and

was head of the Friends of
legendary. No glassware on
the table was safe from his
building more friendships.
He considered this one of
held to honor Pat’s life at St.
Ignatius Church at 650 Park-
er Ave. San Francisco, CA
the Atherton Library. They energetic hand gestures. his greatest honors and
Rodney Harper Washburn for the Berlin Airlift. After his also travelled extensively Rod is survived by six achievements. 94118 on March 19th, 2022,
died peacefully on February service, Rod completed his – Rod particularly liked to nieces and nephews, Aside from giving back at 11am. In lieu of flowers
13 at his home in Atherton, undergraduate degree from trace his family origins in numerous great- and to his children’s schools, he (none allowed in church
California, after a 2-year the University of California England and Scotland. Jane great-great-nieces and loved to ski and golf. He during Lent), a donation
battle with cancer. Rod at Berkeley, then went on passed away in 2013. nephews, and goddaughter was an avid golfer known would be appreciated to
was born on November 10, to take a law degree from Later in life, Rod was Anne-Marie “Punky” Witt. for his smooth swing and help other children attend
1929, in Washington, DC to Harvard Law School. Rod blessed to have a family Rod will be interred in a ability to find the fairway. college and can be made to
Daniel W. and Edna Harper practiced law for a time in of live-in caregivers, private ceremony next to He insisted both boys learn the Evans Scholar Founda-
Washburn. His three older San Francisco, then spent Ana Hala’api’api, Miloni his beloved Jane at the to ski, and to play the game tion. (By Check Payable to:
siblings Paul Washburn, most of his career with the Tuitupou, and their son Mountain View Cemetery of golf as it was a life skill. Evans Scholars Foundation -
Nancy Binkley and Emory US Postal Service. William Hala’api’api. In in Oakland. There will be His best family vacations 2501 Patriot Blvd. Glenview,
Washburn have predeceased Rod met his beloved wife addition to helping with a public memorial at 11:00 were road trips, especially IL 60026-8022 In memoriam
him. of 50 years, Jane Elizabeth day-to-day tasks, they kept AM Saturday, March 19, at visiting National Parks, of- of Patrick Goudy)
In the early 1940s, the Caldwell, while working in Rod active and enriched his the Main House in Holbrook- ten including both his mom
family moved to New San Francisco. They lived life tremendously. Palmer Park, Atherton. and mother-in-law in the
Mexico and then later to there until 1980, when they Rod had a voracious Contributions in Rod’s name adventure. When the boys
California. After graduating settled in Atherton. Rod and appetite for knowledge in all may be made to the Division
from Sequoia High School in Jane were very active in the subjects, and especially liked of Rheumatology at UCSF,
Redwood City, Rod joined community, taking a special to keep up with current or to the American Society
the Air Force. Stationed in interest in the development events and the mercurial for the Prevention of Cruelty
US-occupied Germany, Rod of Atherton’s Holbrook- fortunes of Bay Area sports to Animals.
was part of the team that Palmer Park. Rod was also teams. His memory and
provided logistical support active in the Civic Interest


Donald Hofvendahl
Donald Hofvendahl High School for 37 years
died on February 18, and adored his students.
2022. Donald was a loving The funeral will be held at
Son, Brother and caring Mountain View Cemetery in
friend to many as well as a Oakland CA on March 25,
dedicated teacher at Balboa 2022 @ 12:45 pm.

Life Tributes For more information, call (415) 615-3554

or email
Online: By mail: To assure prompt publication please provide: 3. Deadlines: Must be approved and paid by 2pm Life Tributes Desk All notices must be typed. We regret 1. Your name, address and phone number Sunday,and
except for Sunday mustMonday,
be approved and paid
must be
and receive a special discount San Francisco Chronicle we cannot process hand-written 2. The name of the funeral home or cremation by noon on
approved Saturday
and paid by Friday 3pm.
for using self-serve 901 Mission St. notice or phoned-in information. service that handled the arrangements for you
Omission of any of this information will delay publication
San Francisco, CA 94103
XXXXX San Francisco Chronicle and | C5


Is spate of burglaries ‘criminal tourism’?
Burglaries from page C1 which would have been visible
in the master bedroom closet,
of the house and scrabbled Meyers said, flashing a red
across a creek that borders the light and the word “armed” on
family’s property, evading the digital display of its key-
officers, who have not made an pad.
arrest in connection with the After breaking “every single
case. infinitesimal piece of glass” of
Police would later describe the bathroom window, they
the features of this burglary as snatched a safe that was bolted
typical of a pattern, one where into the wall with a stud, Mey-
“tourists” enter the U.S. ers said, stealing four Rolex
through a visa waiver pro- watches, diamond studded
gram, stake out homes in af- earrings, cannabis, a diamond
fluent communities, shatter a platinum bangle bracelet, the
window to get inside and flee key to Meyers’ gun safe and
with a safe, designer handbags several designer purses — a
or high-end jewelry, ignoring haul worth at least $375,000.
electronics and other items Meyers arrived home Feb. 19
easier to trace. Given the skill to find her bedroom door inex-
and alacrity required to get plicably locked. She called the
away with these crimes, police police, who arrived with rifles
think the perpetrators may drawn and broke through the
have extensive training. bedroom door but found no
“The way they’re doing it is one. The scene inside the bed-
textbook — the same every room was “mayhem,” Meyers
time,” Atherton Police Cmdr. said, with the floor opened,
Jessica Christian / The Chronicle
Dan Larsen said of the burgla- the drywall damaged, the bits
ry spree in his nearby town, Atherton Police Chief Steven McCulley (center) with dispatcher Sharon K. The department is of splintered glass and wood
the most expensive in the Bay investigating several home burglaries it believes is tied to organized groups in South America. and the closet “ripped apart.”
Area, known for its sprawling “I was traumatized,” Meyers
mansions with long driveways incident in May 2019. A sport raising concerns about the vigorously denies that officers said. For the next three days,
and tall gates, some even pro- utility vehicle captured on haste to blame South Amer- are singling out suspects be- she placed a piece of plywood
tected by private security surveillance video in Hills- icans. cause of their ethnicity or over her bedroom window,
guards. Residents reported a burough was later caught on There is no real public safe- immigration status. fearing the thieves would
string of eight burglaries in camera in Los Angeles, where ty rationale for identifying a Corteway, the captain from come back. She kept a loaded
January, and police attributed a person in the vehicle perpetrator group by their Hillsborough, said his depart- weapon beside her and avoid-
six of them to thieves they dumped a safe. Investigators immigration status, Santa ment is sensitive about being ed showering, terrified of be-
believe arrived from Chile. found that the person who Clara University School of Law perceived as anti-immigrant ing ambushed.
“People are definitely on rented the vehicle was alleged- Professor Pratheepan Gula- and has softened its language “It was the most horrifying
edge,” Atherton Mayor Rick ly in the U.S. on a Chilean sekaram said, “unless your over time, replacing terms time period,” she said. “I’ve
DeGolia said, noting that a tourist visa waiver and had goal is to either reduce im- such as “Chilean burglary never been so deliriously ex-
town public safety meeting in allegedly used a stolen credit migration to the United States, crews” with the more general hausted and traumatized. It
February drew more than 100 card for the transaction, Corte- or for some reason you’re “criminal tourism.” wasn’t the jewelry — it was the
participants on Zoom. In near- way said. The suspect was interested in stoking xenopho- “For us it’s not about im- thought that this could have
by Hillsborough, burglaries never caught. bia or anti-foreigner bias.” migration and where people happened when I was home.”
grew from 27 reported in 2018 Around the country, police Historically, police have are coming from, it’s about Last week, Meyers sent a
to 36 last year, police records and federal authorities are often relied on conjecture to having people protect and distraught letter to the mayor
show. investigating heists that re- fill in an information vacuum, harden their homes and look and the Hillsborough City
In Atherton, the rise of semble those in the Bay Area. UC Berkeley Law Professor for suspicious behavior,” Cor- Council, speculating that crim-
break-ins is “the biggest issue Detectives in Fairfax County, Jonathan Simon said. Narra- teway said. inal tourists share information
in town,” DeGolia said. “The Va., uncovered a cell with ties tives like that of the South All the while, burglary vic- about “vulnerable, lucrative
police are very focused on it.” to South America and linked it American theft groups are tims are growing frustrated. towns, and Hillsborough,
So far, however, law en- to hundreds of burglaries in “like catnip” for law enforce- Among them is Hillsborough California is currently” on top
forcement in San Mateo Coun- 2020, while deputies from the ment, Simon said, often resident Kellie Meyers, who of their list.
ty has made no arrests, and Ventura County Sheriff’s spawning when a set of facts said thieves busted through Although burglaries have
San Mateo County District Office in Southern California aligns with long-held beliefs the double-paned glass of her abated in Atherton, police
Attorney Stephen Wagstaffe’s have apprehended several about immigrants in an envi- master bathroom last month have still ramped up patrols in
office is not prosecuting any burglars they said were associ- ronment where police depart- while she was on vacation. marked and unmarked cars,
burglary cases with fact pat- ated with “South American ments easily exchange in- Meyers has a high-tech McCulley said, wary that the
terns like the ones described theft groups.” formation on social media. alarm system to gird her town could be a target.
by police. Law enforcement Jaime Alliende, consul gen- When local police discuss home, plus motion sensors in “It’s affluent neighbor-
officials say they have some eral at the Chilean consulate in the Peninsula burglary sprees, the stairway, halls and living hoods,” he told The Chronicle.
evidence to support their hy- San Francisco, said Chilean they frequently cite a visa area, as well as a house clean- Thieves “run the odds and
pothesis. But without any and U.S. officials were “active- waiver program in Chile that er who brought in the mail know there’s a bigger cake,” he
arrests or prosecutions, pub- ly and permanently collaborat- Atherton Police Chief Steven every other day and parked said.
licly available information ing in sharing information to McCulley believes thieves are her SUV in the parking strip
about the thieves remains tackle the problem.” exploiting in order to target to make the house look occu- Rachel Swan is a San Francisco
scarce. But some residents and upscale communities in the pied. Chronicle staff writer. Email:
Hillsborough Police Capt. experts are skeptical, pointing U.S. He refers to the perpetra- The burglars came anyway, Twitter:
Nelson Corteway cited one to gaps in the evidence and tors as “Chilean gangs” but circumventing the alarm, @rachelswan

S.F. pushes back parklet fines

stantial new guidelines,” the lations related to when a park-
Parklets from page C1 association said in its state- let has been abandoned.
ment. “This is the next step in
vote that it was grateful for To help small business own- ensuring the success of the
supervisors’ decision to let ers, supervisors have addition- Shared Spaces program, which
pandemic-era parklet permits ally asked city departments to is designed to provide some
stay in place for another year. review parklet permit applica- stability and certainty to small
“With our industry still tions within 30 days and allow businesses who are still choos-
recovering from two years of permits issued during the ing to avail themselves of this
extreme hardship, including pandemic to stay valid until use of public space,” said Su-
the most recent three months March 31, 2023. pervisor Aaron Peskin, who
of additional financial burdens While many fines were sponsored the ordinance.
caused by Omicron, this addi- pushed back, the new ordi-
tional time is critical for busi- nance has exceptions for vio-
nesses to find the money and lations that pertain to access J.D. Morris is a San Francisco
Carlos Avila Gonzalez / The Chronicle 2021 contractors to make necessary requirements for emergency Chronicle staff writer. Email:
San Francisco will not issue fines to enforce its permanent modifications to adapt to the responders or people with
Shared Spaces parklet program until April 1, 2023. permanent program’s sub- disabilities, as well as vio- Twitter: @thejdmorris

Companies team up poses to global agriculture.

“We’re only one really bad
fire season away from having

to grow indoor fruit major disruption of our fruit

and produce,” said Kukutai. “I
don’t think field growing is
going to go away. But I do think
Farm from page C1 raced format, each plant in a we are going to increasingly
pot-like nook. In the Laramie have more options for indoor
day out for the fruit.” test facility, they look like bou- (growing).”
While Driscoll’s has roots in quets in a florist’s sidewalk Still, people may wonder if
the Watsonville area going back display that seems to stretch something essential is lost in
to the 1860s (and a more recent endlessly. the move from fog-swept Cen-
history of labor disputes), Plen- The companies haven’t de- tral Coast fields to a climate-
ty first began selling leafy termined a retail price for the controlled warehouse, and
greens from its South San Fran- berries, but they will be a “pre- whether such massive indoor
cisco farm in 2018. With $941 mium product,” said Komar. farms will take away from
million in funding, Plenty The companies also would not California’s role growing so
grows food hydroponically, disclose specifics about the size Provided by Plenty
much of the country’s fresh
using LED lighting to precisely of the new farm, but Kukutai Strawberries grown by Plenty in a vertical test farm in produce.
control light and automation in said its output would be similar Laramie, Wyo. Plenty is joining forces with Driscoll’s. “We know that our roots will
harvesting and packing. to the farm it’s opening later always be here,” said Komar.
The two companies have this year in Compton (Los An- makes growing them difficult, izer use and lack of weeds or “But we do see that these new
been developing the new grow- geles County), which will boast if not impossible. pests. Bringing the farm close technologies and growing sys-
ing system by experimenting 200 to 300 acres of production Energy usage is the biggest to shoppers cuts down on some tems help us. They complement
with strawberries in Plenty’s for every acre of square footage downside, though Kukutai said environmental and financial this large production format
test facility in Laramie, Wyo. in the facility, Kukutai said. the LED lighting they use and costs of transporting it across that we have in the field.”
Plenty grows its leafy greens Plenty is one of several dozen design continues to be more the country.
on a vertical plane, their tender vertical farming companies efficient, and they plan to rely Advocates also say vertical Tara Duggan (she/her/hers) is a
leaves appearing on the walls worldwide that promise to on renewable energy for the farming plays an important San Francisco Chronicle staff
like duckweed covering a pond. bring the type of delicate fresh new facility. The benefits of role in light of California’s writer. Email: tduggan@
The strawberry plants also produce California is known vertical farming include its mega-droughts and the other Twitter:
grow vertically but in a ter- for to places where the climate much smaller water and fertil- threats that global warming @taraduggan
C6 | San Francisco Chronicle and XXXXX

BAY AREA Thursday

Clouds giving way
to sun
Times of clouds
and sun
Showers around in
the a.m.
Milder; breezy in
the p.m.
Sunny to partly
Clouds yielding to sun today. Clear to Highs: 55-72 Highs: 57-76 Highs: 55-65 Highs: 55-72 Highs: 61-84
partly cloudy tonight. Clouds and sun Lows: 36-48 Lows: 44-51 Lows: 34-46 Lows: 37-49 Lows: 44-54
tomorrow. Saturday: a couple of morn-
ing showers. Sunday: sunny to partly
cloudy. NAPA
Santa Rosa 29 COUNTY Vacaville
Bodega Bay 68/36 71/41
57/44 Napa 76/47 0.00 Sacramento
Sebastopol 70/37 0.00
Outlook: Saturday will be rather 57/43 0.00 69/38 SOLANO 69/41
67/37 COUNTY
cloudy and cooler as a cold front 72/40 0.00 72/44 0.00
70/39 0.00 12
moves through the Bay Area. There Fairfield
will also be several periods of rain. 70/41
Sonoma 76/44 0.00
52° NW Petaluma 80
Updates: 68/38
65/40 70/41 0.00
72/41 0.00 Rio Vista
San Francisco report Wind 15-25 mph
Waves 4-7 ft 72/41
Normal high/low for today 64/48 Swell 6-10 ft Point Reyes Novato 680 73/47 0.00
Station 66/41 Vallejo
Record high 82 in 2004 37
Record low 36 in 1966 63/42 73/44 0.00 67/42
Record rainfall for today’s date 0.68” in 1991 *58/42 0.00 71/44 0.00
Rainfall month to date 0.23” 55° Pittsburg
Normal month to date 1.60” San Rafael Martinez 70/44
Pressure/humidity Wednesday 5 p.m. 30.17”/65% MARIN 66/42 68/43 Concord 75/50 0.00
COUNTY Antioch
1 70/44 0.00 Richmond 4 70/45 0.00 68/43
14-day temperature trend 72/47 0.00 71/43
73/51 0.00
History Forecast Average high/low 65/46 0.00
Stinson Beach Kentfield 67/43 Walnut Creek Brentwood
70 60/47 65/43 68/45 0.00 67/42
Berkeley 24
*59/48 0.00 69/45 0.00 71/44 0.00
60 64/46 COUNTY *74/49 0.00
How to read the map
50 64/45 0.00 Danville
Today’s high/low
40 54° NW 80 Oakland 66/41
T F S S M T W T F S S M T W 74/59 San Francisco 62/45 72/44 0.00 Tracy
Past seven days Forecast 73/56 0.00 Wind 12-25 mph 62/48 64/45 0.00 San Ramon 72/40
Waves 2-4 ft 60/48 0.00 65/40 73/51 0.00
High/low temperatures and precipitation
ending Wednesday 5 p.m. PT. Swell 4-8 ft 57° Hayward 70/44 0.00
Tides at Golden Gate * - Estimated 63/45
8 ft S.F. Airport 65/50 0.00 66/39
Today’s air quality forecast
6 ft 61/47 Pleasanton 72/43 0.00
4 ft Good (0–50) Pacifica 63/49 0.00 65/39
2 ft 58/47 Fremont
Moderate (51–100) 92 71/44 0.00 ALAMEDA
0 ft 57/49 0.00 101
Unhealthy for sensitive groups (101–150) COUNTY
69/49 0.00 680
Unhealthy (151+) Redwood City
12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12 3 6 9 San Mateo 64/43
Today Friday Half Moon Bay Newark
63/45 68/46 0.00 64/44 Milpitas
High Low
Today 12:14 a.m./5.0’ 5:32 a.m./1.6’
Marine 55/43 68/47 0.00
71/47 0.00
55/48 0.00 280 *67/47 0.00
11:39 a.m./5.6’ 5:54 p.m./-0.1’ Coastal waters: Clouds giving way to Palo Alto Sunnyvale
Friday 12:39 a.m./5.2’ 6:09 a.m./1.1’ sun today. Wind from the west-south- 62/41
12:24 p.m./5.4’ 6:24 p.m./0.2’ west at 8-16 knots. Seas 1-3 feet. NW COUNTY 66/44 0.00
55° 1 70/46 0.00
Mountain View SANTA CLARA
63/46 COUNTY
Reservoirs Percent of capacity Bay Area and delta: Clouds giving
Wind 8-16 mph
Waves 1-2 ft 66/45 0.00 Santa Clara San Jose
This Last way to sun today. Wind from the Swell 2-4 ft 67/42 67/44
Water district week year Normal
south-southwest at 7-14 knots. Seas 70/46 0.00 70/47 0.00
Hetch Hetchy1 82.3 50.6 64.6
less than a foot.
EBMUD2 69 72 —— Los Gatos
Marin Municipal 92.6 55.5 89.9 Recorded water 68/41
Santa Clara Valley 25.4 16.6 —— Monterey Bay: Clouds giving way to temperature, Santa Cruz 101
71/44 0.00
Bureau of Reclamation3 39.9 52.4 —— sun today. Wind from the west at 6-12 wind and ocean 65/41
knots. Seas 1-3 feet. conditions 66/44 0.00
San Francisco, San Mateo, parts of Alameda
forecast for today
and Santa Clara counties. 2 Alameda and Contra 17
Costa counties. 3 Central Valley Project.


A high-pressure system will remain Rain is forecast to spread northward
jet stream will briefly
shift south toward 92
Cotulla, Texas
Wednesday’s high/low temperatures and sky

in control across the state today and along the Eastern Seaboard as sun- Northern Califor- conditions ending 5 p.m. PT.

Jet S t r
Friday. Dry weather and sunshine shine and warmth surround the system nia today, then lift CANADA LATIN AMERICA
back to the Pacific WEDNESDAY* Calgary 48/34 pc Asuncion 90/63 pc
will be the rule across the south with to the north, west and south today.
temperatures several degrees above
normal. The north will have clouds and
As an area of rain extends from New
Mexico to Michigan, snow will ramp up
Northwest Friday.
The jet stream will -8
Crested Butte,
Buenos Aires
66/51 c
81/69 s
87/74 sh
plunge south toward Colo. Ottawa 41/28 pc La Paz 50/34 r
sun and temperatures closer to normal. bringing a heavy accumulation to parts
California Saturday. *High and low in the U.S. for Regina 37/27 pc Lima 78/67 pc
of Colorado. Toronto 36/30 c Montevideo 84/61 s
Eureka the 48 contiguous states.
Vancouver 52/36 c Panama City 88/73 sh
52/36 WEDNESDAY Wednesday Today Friday
Winnipeg 34/23 pc Rio de Janeiro 86/76 pc
City Hi/Lo/Prcp. Hi/Lo/Sky Hi/Lo/Sky

Ocotillo Wells
Albany, N.Y.
San Jose 86/65 pc
San Salvador 88/68 pc
Santiago 77/55 pc
Amarillo 80/42 0.00 49/29 sh 60/32 s
La Paz 96/56 s Sao Paulo 82/68 t
Sacramento Anchorage 37/23 tr 29/20 sn 35/24 c
Lake Tahoe Mazatlan 81/52 pc Tegucigalpa 86/63 pc
69/41 Atlanta 65/53 1.21 72/54 pc 66/52 r
45/25 Ottawa Merida 90/72 sh AFRICA/MIDEAST
Today’s Atlantic City 63/45 0.00 54/49 r 63/50 pc
Yosemite Mexico City 75/51 sh Algiers 75/57 c
Baltimore 72/40 0.00 59/46 r 74/56 pc
58/37 highs/lows Birmingham 69/54 2.38 73/55 pc 71/48 t Minneapolis CARIBBEAN Baghdad 57/42 s
Havana 90/66 pc Beirut 55/45 s
Monterey Bismarck 56/37 tr 52/27 s 58/30 pc New York
Fresno Kingston 86/75 pc Cairo 63/48 pc
60/44 Boise 51/38 0.00 56/35 pc 61/42 c
73/47 San Francisco Chicago Nassau 84/72 pc Dakar 72/62 s
Boston 49/39 0.02 55/46 r 66/45 pc Washington
Santa Barbara Needles Denver San Juan 84/73 pc Damascus 55/25 s
Buffalo 62/33 0.00 65/41 pc 57/48 c
69/47 Los Angeles 80/52 St. Thomas 84/73 pc Jerusalem 48/30 pc
Burlington, Vt. 52/33 0.02 62/44 c 53/39 c
WEDNESDAY 81/53 Las Vegas EUROPE Johannesburg 69/56 t
Charleston, S.C. 71/62 0.07 75/53 pc 76/62 pc

Amsterdam 55/41 pc Lagos 93/79 pc
Charleston, W.Va.69/33 0.00 68/47 c 70/55 t Los Angeles
Athens 59/37 pc Nairobi 87/57 pc
Charlotte, N.C. 62/50 0.80 73/51 r 74/58 pc
Mammoth San Diego Berlin 53/38 pc Riyadh 73/55 pc
Cheyenne 50/39 0.00 36/20 sn 48/30 pc Atlanta
Lakes 73/54 Brussels 55/39 pc ASIA
Chicago 70/36 0.00 65/39 c 42/36 r Phoenix
Dallas Budapest 50/32 r Bangkok 95/81 pc
Wednesday Today Friday Cincinnati 70/40 0.00 71/50 pc 66/49 t
Copenhagen 43/36 pc Beijing 57/40 c
City Hi/Lo/Prcp. Hi/Lo/Sky Hi/Lo/Sky Cleveland 70/33 0.00 67/45 pc 61/52 t
Dublin 48/37 pc Ho Chi Minh 92/78 pc
Alturas 54/30 0.03 54/26 pc 62/35 pc Colorado Spgs 58/43 0.00 39/22 sn 52/28 pc Houston
Frankfurt 55/32 pc Hong Kong 79/68 pc
Anaheim 73/54 0.00 83/51 s 81/51 s Columbia, S.C. 63/56 0.61 74/50 pc 76/61 pc New Orleans
Geneva 57/39 pc Manila 95/79 t
Auburn 66/45 0.00 64/43 c 67/48 s Columbus, Ohio 70/36 0.00 71/48 c 69/52 t
Helsinki 46/18 s Mumbai 100/75 s
Bakersfield 73/49 0.00 75/48 pc 77/50 pc Concord, N.H. 57/34 0.16 58/41 r 65/40 pc Miami Istanbul 46/37 pc New Delhi 93/69 pc
Barstow 77/55 0.00 75/48 s 78/51 s Corpus Christi 81/44 0.00 80/59 c 77/51 s T-storms
Lisbon 63/55 pc Phnom Penh 94/79 pc
Bishop 68/39 0.00 66/31 pc 73/37 pc Dallas 81/46 0.00 77/45 t 66/40 s La Paz Monterrey
Havana London 51/43 r Seoul 61/34 pc
Chico 72/45 0.00 69/44 pc 73/53 pc Denver 55/33 0.05 39/22 sn 50/28 pc Rain
Madrid 61/49 pc Shanghai 82/57 pc
Cloverdale 74/44 0.00 70/41 pc 71/47 pc Des Moines 72/37 0.00 48/33 r 41/30 sn
Milan 62/47 pc Singapore 88/77 pc
Crescent City 53/37 0.00 52/42 c 53/45 c Detroit 67/30 0.00 68/41 pc 50/42 r Showers
Guadalajara Moscow 30/15 s Surabaya 89/77 r
Death Valley 87/69 0.00 80/57 pc 86/56 s Duluth 49/38 0.03 42/27 c 39/23 c
Cold front Nice 64/48 c Taipei City 84/63 pc
Eureka 54/41 0.02 52/36 c 56/41 c El Paso 82/40 0.00 72/40 pc 68/41 pc Mexico City
Oslo 38/25 c Tehran 63/39 s
Fort Bragg 55/40 0.00 55/44 pc 60/49 pc Fairbanks 28/-2 0.00 24/-2 c 22/5 c
Flurries Warm front
Today’s Paris 57/46 pc Tokyo 68/52 pc
Fresno 75/50 0.00 73/47 pc 75/52 s Fargo 69/34 0.00 39/23 s 42/28 pc
Prague 52/41 pc PACIFIC
Gilroy 73/42 0.00 70/37 pc 74/44 s Flagstaff 55/26 tr 50/22 s 57/23 pc highs and
Ice Stationary Jet stream Rome 61/41 pc Auckland 73/61 pc
Hearst Castle 68/38 0.02 64/39 pc 69/45 pc Great Falls 51/26 0.01 53/37 s 52/35 c
Lake Tahoe 48/25 0.00 45/25 c 54/35 pc Hartford 62/39 0.04 54/44 r 71/48 pc
forecast St. Petersburg 45/25 pc Fiji 81/71 c
Stockholm 48/23 pc Melbourne 75/63 c
Lakeport 65/40 0.00 66/42 sh 69/45 pc Helena 48/35 tr 53/34 s 53/31 pc -10s -0s- 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s
Vienna 52/43 pc Sydney 76/66 r
Los Angeles 80/55 0.00 81/53 pc 77/53 s Honolulu 83/72 0.03 84/71 c 84/71 pc
Warsaw 55/36 pc Tahiti 88/75 pc
Mammoth Lakes
r City
Hi/Lo/Sky Rainfall
Modesto 72/47 0.00 71/42 pc 72/50 s Jackson 64/53 tr 77/58 pc 74/42 t Orlando 85/65 1.92 82/60 s 88/66 t Precipitation for selected cities through 5 p.m.
Monterey 61/49 0.00 60/44 pc 63/50 pc Juneau 41/37 0.34 40/34 sn 42/31 r Philadelphia 72/41 0.00 58/49 r 75/56 pc Wednesday (Season: October 1-September 30) Almanac March 17, 2022
Mt. Shasta 61/32 0.00 60/33 pc 62/39 pc Kansas City 74/39 0.00 66/35 r 45/33 r Phoenix 85/58 0.00 81/55 s 83/56 s
*Season Last year Normal Season Today Friday
Needles 84/61 0.00 80/52 s 85/54 s Las Vegas 76/57 0.00 70/51 s 77/54 s Pittsburgh 68/37 0.00 66/46 c 69/54 pc 24 hours to date to date to date normal Rises Sets Rises Sets
Palm Springs 86/63 0.00 86/60 s 88/59 s Lincoln 73/34 0.00 48/34 r 54/28 s Portland, Maine 45/34 0.24 50/40 pc 59/39 pc
Bakersfield 0.00 4.35 2.32 4.90 6.47 Sun 7:18 a.m. 7:19 p.m. 7:17 a.m. 7:20 p.m.
Paso Robles 75/44 0.00 73/36 pc 78/41 s Little Rock 75/47 0.00 77/55 pc 60/40 t Portland, Ore. 58/44 tr 54/46 c 59/46 c
Eureka 0.00 19.87 25.56 34.75 49.15 Moon 6:57 p.m. 7:21 a.m. 8:04 p.m. 7:48 a.m.
Quincy 61/35 0.00 61/30 c 66/39 pc Louisville 74/44 0.00 72/53 pc 66/49 t Providence 56/35 0.00 53/48 r 70/47 pc
Fresno 0.00 5.43 6.02 8.37 11.50
Red Bluff 75/42 0.00 69/42 pc 71/53 pc Medford, Ore. 63/33 0.00 62/37 pc 65/43 c Raleigh 72/48 0.37 69/51 r 76/62 pc
Los Angeles 0.00 10.50 5.80 12.17 14.93
Redding 75/44 0.00 68/42 pc 71/51 pc Memphis 70/54 0.03 75/56 pc 66/43 t Rapid City 57/41 tr 50/25 c 55/29 pc
Oakland 0.00 15.92 7.18 15.18 20.81
Sacramento 72/44 0.00 69/41 c 73/47 s Miami 85/72 0.00 83/73 t 84/73 pc Reno 60/34 0.00 60/32 pc 67/40 pc
Redding 0.00 14.97 12.61 25.93 34.67
Salinas 68/48 0.00 65/41 pc 68/47 s Milwaukee 70/28 0.00 55/36 c 40/36 r Richmond 72/41 0.00 61/48 r 75/59 pc
Sacramento 0.00 14.69 6.14 14.65 18.52
San Bernardino 77/50 0.00 80/50 s 81/52 s Minneapolis 55/37 0.00 47/32 c 45/31 c St. Louis 75/46 0.00 77/55 pc 59/39 r
San Diego 0.00 5.08 4.31 8.06 10.34 Mar 17 Mar 24 Mar 31 Apr 8
San Diego 67/57 0.00 73/54 s 69/54 s Mobile 72/52 0.00 75/59 pc 77/48 t Salt Lake City 53/40 0.01 52/35 pc 58/42 pc
San Francisco 0.00 17.19 8.28 18.88 23.65
San Luis Obispo 72/50 0.00 69/43 pc 73/48 s Montgomery 70/59 0.10 75/54 pc 75/52 t San Antonio 83/44 0.00 83/49 pc 74/45 s
S.F. Airport 0.00 16.94 7.05 16.42 20.65 Tonight’s full moon rises at sunset on the
Santa Barbara 84/51 0.00 69/47 pc 68/46 s Nashville 63/53 0.11 70/54 pc 66/47 t Santa Fe 64/26 0.00 47/23 sh 55/28 pc
San Jose 0.00 6.69 5.14 12.98 15.82 border between Virgo the Maiden and Leo
Santa Monica 82/51 0.00 74/53 pc 72/52 s New Orleans 69/56 0.00 75/64 pc 79/51 t Seattle 53/41 0.00 49/44 r 54/45 sh
Santa Rosa 0.00 22.54 11.70 26.12 36.28 the Lion. One of many Native American
Stockton 74/45 0.00 71/40 c 73/47 s New York City 67/49 tr 53/48 r 73/54 pc Shreveport 78/46 0.00 79/54 pc 63/41 c
Truckee 48/27 0.00 47/21 c 55/31 pc Newark, N.J. 66/47 tr 53/47 r 73/52 pc Sioux Falls 65/40 tr 53/26 c 51/27 s * Season-to-date data are subject to National names given to the full moon of March was
Ukiah 72/36 0.00 67/36 sh 71/45 pc Oklahoma City 79/37 0.00 71/38 t 57/35 s Spokane 51/34 0.00 52/38 pc 51/38 c Weather Service corrections. the Worm Moon because thawing winter ice
Yosemite Valley 71/38 0.00 58/37 pc 64/38 s Omaha 75/35 0.00 49/33 r 51/29 s Tampa 80/67 1.24 79/62 s 84/72 pc allows worms trapped in the ground beneath
Tucson 85/51 0.00 77/48 s 80/49 s ©2022; forecasts and graphics provided by to emerge. Venus rises at 5:04 a.m. Mars
California and national locations show s = sunny pc = partly cloudy c = cloudy Tulsa 77/43 0.00 77/42 pc 54/36 pc rises at 5:13 a.m. Jupiter rises at 7:00 a.m.
Wednesday’s high and low temperatures and sh = showers t = thunderstorms r = rain Washington, D.C. 73/45 0.00 60/50 r 76/59 pc Saturn rises at 5:49 a.m.
precipitation for 24 hours ending 5 p.m. PT. sf = snow flurries sn = snow i = ice tr=trace Wichita 77/35 0.00 66/35 r 54/32 s Source: Morrison Planetarium

Breed eyes permanent car ban on JFK Drive

Cars from page C1 beautiful city that celebrates vocacy group Walk San Fran- working group that might the coming weeks that she
open space and has the best cisco. potentially result in voters believed would provide “more
maximizing access to the un- park system in the country.” “In a city where it can be weighing in on a ballot mea- information that will guide us
derground Music Concourse Feedback San Francisco life-or-death simply crossing sure this fall. Chan said the on how to ensure equitable
Garage while making some received from thousands of the street, I want to thank measure may be required if access in Golden Gate Park.”
improvements to delivery ac- residents during a public out- Mayor Breed for supporting a officials wanted to use public Mandelman, Haney and
cess at the de Young. reach process demonstrated truly safe space for walking in money to fund improvements Preston, meanwhile, all said
But ultimately, the mayor that the idea of keeping cars our city,” said Jodie Medeiros, at the Music Concourse Gar- that the closure of JFK Drive
said she wants supervisors to off the relevant section of JFK executive director of Walk San age. to cars had made the road
move forward with keeping Drive permanently has wide- Francisco, in a statement. Chan told The Chronicle on safer and that they were con-
JFK Drive a pedestrian and spread support, Breed said. “This 1.5 miles of car-free Tuesday that she was plan- vinced it should remain.
bicyclist promenade in perpe- “I’m excited to embrace this space in our biggest park has ning to “continue my work “It’s a wonderful thing for
tuity. new chapter of Golden Gate proven incredibly important with stakeholders, and work our city that this will continue
“I’ve heard from people all Park and look forward to our for all ages and abilities.” on a compromise solution.” permanently,” Haney said in a
over San Francisco that JFK continued work to improve Supervisor Connie Chan, “This is still work in prog- statement.
Drive is a better place the way access for seniors, people with whose district includes the ress,” she said in a statement.
it is today,” Breed said in a disabilities, and those who park and the Richmond Dis- Chan added that she looked
statement. “It is a place people don’t live nearby,” she said in trict north of it, previously forward to the results of an J.D. Morris is a San Francisco
are drawn to and where they the statement. said she was working on a equity study, being conducted Chronicle staff writer. Email:
can experience the magic of Breed’s legislation was compromise for car-free JFK by the San Francisco County
what it means to live in a promptly praised by the ad- Drive, hoping to set up a new Transportation Authority, in Twitter: @thejdmorris
San Francisco Chronicle and | Thursday, March 17, 2022 | D1 xxxxx

Opera singer
blurs gender
in bold recital
By Joshua Kosman

Does music have gender? Maybe it

does, I don’t know — but if so, then just
like people, it operates within a range
beyond simple binaries.
That was the moral of the extraordi-
nary vocal recital given on Tuesday,
March 15, by the gifted and inventive
Bay Area mezzo-soprano Nikola Printz.
Printz, who uses they/them pronouns,
evidently doesn’t care to be constrained
by traditional category boundaries —
whether personal or musical — and the
program they gave in the Taube Atrium
Theater in San Francisco reflected that.
The evening’s program was divided
into three parts, one each for masculine
and feminine material, and a third, after
intermission, for music that blurred the
two. But in truth, the entire evening
boasted a capacious welcoming em-
brace, ranging from Baroque laments to
the pop music of Prince, with stops
along the way for classical offerings by
Ethan Russell
Alma Mahler, Franz Schubert, Ned
Rorem and more.
Keith Richards walks off the Rolling Stones’ tour plane, an image from photographer Ethan Russell’s “The Best By the end of the
Seat in the House” show. Russell toured with the Stones and served as their go-to photographer for several years.
evening, all the Schwabacher
lines of demarca- Recital Series:

A camera aimed
tion that typically 7:30 p.m. April 6
lend structure to and 27. $30. Taube
these events Atrium Theater,
seemed to have 401 Van Ness Ave.,
been swept away. S.F.; 7:30 p.m. July
28. $30. San Fran-

at legends of rock
And Printz and
their accompanists, cisco Conservatory
of Music, 50 Oak
pianist Erica
St., S.F. 415-864-
Xiaoyan Guo and 3330. www.sf
guitarist Jon Men-
dle, celebrated the
occasion with mu-
Photographer shot Ethan Russell “The Best Seat in the
House”: 7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 19.
sic-making that
was consistently vibrant, thoughtful
Beatles, Stones and $48-$52. Carriage House Theater, Mon-
talvo Arts Center, 15400 Montalvo
and tonally resplendent.
The evening marked the welcome
pantheon of icons in Road, Saratoga. return, after the long COVID shut-
down, of the Schwabacher Recital Se-
a ‘fairy tale’ career ries, a collaboration between the San
vited to Twickenham Studios to Francisco Opera Center and the Merola
By Aidin Vaziri document the Beatles’ making of Opera Program. Future events in the
“Let It Be,” his photographs ending series are slated to feature local artists
In his brief but prolific career as up on the cover of the group’s last Ashley Dixon, Elisa Sunshine, Timothy
rock ’n’ roll’s preeminent photog- release. Russell was also among the Murray, Stefan Egerstrom and Sidney
rapher, Ethan Russell toured with handful of photographers at the Outlaw. (Printz is currently a member
the Rolling Stones, shot album cov- Beatles’ final photo session on Aug. of the resident company at Opera San
ers for the Who and captured iconic 22, 1969. But he continued to work José.)
images of everyone from Linda Ron- with John Lennon for years. But as Opera Center Artistic Director
stadt to Jim Morrison of the Doors. Provided by Ethan Russell
He also did the cover photograph Carrie-Ann Matheson pointed out in
And, yes, that was him clicking Photographer Ethan Russell says he for the Who’s 1971 LP, “Who’s Next,” her introductory remarks, this iteration
away in the background of Peter fell into the career by accident. and the book accompanying the of the veneration came with a crucial
Jackson’s Beatles documentary “Get band’s 1973 film, “Quadrophenia.” difference in planning. In addition to a
Back” on Disney+. shoot the piece. The band’s guitarist, Pete Town- vocal audition, singers were now asked
Russell, who grew up in San Fran- “I mean, it’s a fairy tale,” said shend, once reckoned that Russell’s to submit a written proposal for their
cisco and lives in Marin County, will Russell. “There’s no other way to put photographs “look ready to put up program, one that extended beyond
revisit these incredible experiences it.” in the National Gallery. Ethan is the “I’m going to sing a lot of stuff.” In that
as part of his upcoming appearance Two months later, he got a call to civilized eye of an uncivilized art light, it was clear why Printz’s project —
at Montalvo Arts Center in Saratoga join the Rolling Stones as the official form: rock ’n’ roll.” which reflected deliberate thought in
on Saturday, March 19. The show is photographer for their 1969 tour of Before that, Russell’s only experi- Recital continues on D6
called — what else? — “The Best the United States — the one that ence with rock photography was a
Seat in the House.” The 76-year-old ended with the disastrous free con- handful of shots he did for his
photographer says it will be one of cert at Altamont Speedway. brother’s Haight-Ashbury band, Blue
his last public outings of its kind, a For the next few years, Russell Cheer. The bands, he said, were
contractual obligation from before was the band’s go-to photographer. attracted to him for his candid, un-
the coronavirus pandemic. He took some of the last photos ever obtrusive style.
“The evening is 400 photographs, of Rolling Stones co-founder Brian “My parents had a big ranch in
and the story’s not so much behind Jones and the band’s free concert in Carmel Valley when I was like 10
the photographs, but behind my Hyde Park that served as his memo- years old. I had a .22 rifle, and my
travels,” Russell told The Chronicle rial. He photographed the band grandmother wanted me to hunt
by phone. “I think it’s a great story.” through their 1972 tour, capturing blue jays for some reason. To do
To hear him tell it, Russell fell into some of the greatest rock ’n’ roll that, you got to be careful. You got to
his photography career by accident. photos of all time, including the shot be quiet. You got to figure out what
Back in the late ’60s, he was a of Keith Richards reposing in cus- you want to aim at and shoot. You Richard DuCree / HBO Max

recent college graduate who moved toms in front of a sign reading “Pa- get one shot,” Russell said. “And Rosario Dawson and Benjamin Bratt
to London to become a writer. He tience Please ... A Drug Free Amer- that’s exactly how I photograph. I star in “DMZ” on HBO Max.
was working as a volunteer at a ica Comes First!” stood on the edge. I didn’t change
school for children with autism and “We trusted Ethan as an artist, anything. I didn’t tell anybody what Online extra
taking pictures on the side. A friend which made him invisible to us,” to do. If you look at my contact
who was visiting from Berkeley Jagger says in a testimonial on Rus- sheets, you’re not going to see 36 The new limited series “DMZ,” star-
introduced him to Jonathan Cott, a sell’s website, “and which allowed shots of the same thing. They are all ring Rosario Dawson and San Fran-
writer for Rolling Stone magazine, his photographs to capture our most different.” cisco native Benjamin Bratt, premieres on
with an assignment to interview intimate moments.” By the time he returned to Amer- HBO Max on Thursday, March 17. For The
Chronicle’s review of the show, go to
Mick Jagger. Russell was recruited to During the same era, he was in- Russell continues on D6

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! S.F. Ballet dazzles

For The Chronicle’s guide to cele-
brating the holiday in the Bay Area,
crowd with ‘Seasons’
go to
San Francisco Ballet is presenting “The Seasons,” a
co-commission with American Ballet Theatre
choreographed by Russian American
choreographer Alexei Ratmansky, who began his
PUBLIC EAVESDROPPING dance career at the Ukrainian National Ballet. An
By Leah Garchik overflowing spectacle of color and challenging
dancing, it proved an improbable audience hit — and
“This is the most boring job that was just one part of Program Four’s opening
night performances on Tuesday, March 15.
I’ve ever had.” For The Chronicle’s review of “The Seasons” and

H Man to man, picking through trash on California Street

in San Francisco, overheard by Monika Zschaebitz
“Las Sylphide,” plus more information about
Artistic Director Helgi Tommason’s final season
with the Ballet, go to
> Overheard something? Program Four continues through Sunday, March 20.
Send it to Erik Tomasson / S.F. Ballet
D2 | San Francisco Chronicle and XXXXX


The Fusco Brothers J.C. Duffy Doonesbury Garry Trudeau

Bizarro Wayno and Piraro Dennis the Menace Hank Ketcham

Rhymes With Orange Hilary B. Price

Sally Forth Francesco Marciuliano and Jim Keefe

HOROSCOPE By Christopher Renstrom

ARIES (March 20-April 18): Inspired LIBRA (Sept. 22-Oct. 22): You knew
thinking is always a good thing – espe- that if you looked hard enough you
cially when it comes to revisiting a situ- would eventually find a fit and today’s
ation that’s dull and tedious. Mercury/Uranus sextile shows you will!
TAURUS (April 19-May 19): It’s funny SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Today you
how it’s a variation on the little things hear news about someone you used to
you do – rather than a complete over- love when. It won’t bring the resolution
Luann Greg Evans
haul – that brings the innovation you’re you seek but it will sure fill in a lot of
looking for. blanks.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 20):
GEMINI (May 20-June 20): Did you
Changes you were dreading at work
fiddle with something one too many
suddenly seem a lot doable now that
times? It looks like it. Thank heavens
they’re here. Next time trust people who
there’s still time to put it back together
have a clearer idea of what you’re ca-
pable of than you do.
CANCER (June 21-July 21): Today CAPRICORN (Dec. 21-Jan. 18): It’s
you discover that two people you feel funny how certain people from the past
should meet already have. It will be fun are cycling back into your life. Thank
to see them both realize it for them- heavens they’re the good eggs and not
selves. the bad apples.
LEO (July 22-Aug. 21): Moving on means AQUARIUS (Jan. 19-Feb. 17): You’re all
closing the door behind you unless you turned around. Instead of trying to find Zits Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman
deliberately want to leave things open- your way back to something you lost, try
ended. It’s not a bad idea considering moving ahead towards something you
what lies ahead. haven’t experienced before.
VIRGO (Aug. 22-Sept. 21): Try sharing PISCES (Feb. 18-March 19): The Uni-
that baffling concept with someone verse chooses curious mouthpieces
whose field of expertise lies in this area. today. You’ll see just how curious when
You’ll like the way they explain it back. you see who’s talking.

The Cryptoquip is a
substitution cipher in which
one letter stands for another.
If you think X equals O it
will equal O throughout the
Garfield Jim Davis
puzzle. Single letters, short
words and words using an
apostrophe give you clues to
locating vowels. Solution is by
trial and error.
© 2022 by
Syndicate, Inc. clue:


1 Reduction in Sherman’s Lagoon J.P. Toomey
5 Kind of palm
9 Like some fall
14 Act cautiously
15 Sandwich order
16 Asteroids
17 (End)
19 Ruhr Valley city
20 Kia model
21 “Good __!”
22 Pry
23 Fine restaurants
cater to them
25 Require formality
(beginning) Blondie Dean Young
26 Live mixers
27 (End)
30 Web company
with a bang
33 Lisbon greeting
34 Color of Death’s
dart, in “Venus
and Adonis”
35 Thurman on 61 Classic Callas role 10 “I’ll get this” 38 Incites to attack
screen 62 One left in a 11 Traditional 39 Put down
36 Fragrant Asian cashier’s dish Spanish dance 42 “If you ask
rice 63 Sidewalk lunch derived from a me ... ”
40 Name of 13 popes spots military march 45 “Cats” poet’s
41 First name in raga 64 Meredith in a 12 __ school monogram
43 Vacillate longtime medical 13 Feminine side 47 Skips the
(beginning) drama 18 Mob ceremony
44 Explosive trial 65 Archaeological assignment 48 When some Classic Peanuts Charles Schulz
46 (End) finds 22 Fender guitar diners serve
48 Jenny’s offspring model, familiarly breakfast
49 Ski equipment DOWN 24 Big fuss 50 Musketeer’s
50 Hot-melt 1 Pipsqueak 25 Ward of “The word
adhesive applier 2 __ Sophia: Turkish Fugitive” 51 League of
54 Result of mosque 27 Title in a Dumas Legends fanatic,
rounding, perhaps 3 Computer title e.g.
55 Have financial language family 28 Rejections 52 Sch. founded by
difficulties 4 Cal. units 29 2010 Ringo Starr Franklin
(beginning) 5 Uppsala natives album 53 Loons’ lodgings
56 Zoo draw 6 Van Gogh setting 30 Home on the 54 Purnell of
57 The John B, e.g. 7 Charity event Asian steppes “Churchill”
58 (End) 8 Photo __ 31 Eastern nanny 55 __ trade
60 “Day after day, 9 Dance done to the 32 Stand ready to 57 Pouch
__ on a hill ... ”: 2015 hit “Watch accuse 58 Witch
Beatles Me” 37 Moore co-star 59 Post-op stop
XXXXX San Francisco Chronicle and | D3


Candorville Darrin Bell Non Sequitur Wiley Miller

By Jeanne Phillips
Dear Abby: I have a girl-
friend, “Dawn,” who is one
of my oldest friends. She’s
my only friend who stuck
with me through the growing
pains and different stages in
my life. I married a man who
I think is the love of my life.
He’s very macho and proud.
We have built a life together,
and through stepchildren,
exes and family — through
thick and thin — our love has
Tundra Chad Carpenter Well, my husband is also
possessive. Dawn recently
asked me to be the god-
mother of her second child,
her son. My husband is of-
fended that I was asked
and he wasn’t. He has never
made an effort to have a
friendship with Dawn and
CHALLENGER her husband, or even met
8 Try to beat today’s challenge time. Enter a number in each her son since his birth many
square, one through nine. months ago. He wants no
8 Rows must add to totals on right. part in the process, which I
8 Columns must add to am very upset about.
totals on bottom. What do I do? Should I ig-
8 Diagonal squares nore my husband’s feelings,
through center should add
be a good friend and god-
Lio Mark Tatulli to totals in upper and lower
right. mother to Dawn’s baby and
CHALLENGE TIME deal with the aftermath with
8 Minutes my husband? — Potential
40 Seconds Godmother In Arizona
Dear Potential Godmother:
YOUR TIME Your husband appears to be
Minutes not only possessive, but also
Seconds somewhat self-centered
and controlling. Because
one spouse is asked to be
Complete the grid so that
every row, column and 3-by-3
box has every digit, 1 to 9. a godparent does NOT au-
tomatically mean the other
must be. If you wish to be
godmother to Dawn’s baby
boy, go ahead and do it.

Dear Abby: I’m worried my

Carpe Diem Niklas Eriksson
23-year-old son may be in
serious financial trouble.
He has always made clear
that he wants to run a busi-
ness instead of working at
a 9-to-5 job. He has been
working hard trying to start
a consultation business for
the last four or five years,
which sometimes works and
sometimes does not.
He’s dependent on my
credit card, which he was
only supposed to use for
emergencies, but he some-
By David Hoyt & Jeff Knurek times uses it for more than
Get Fuzzy Darby Conley that.He promises to pay it
back, and comes up with the
weirdest excuses when he
can’t. On a number of occa-
sions I have tried to sit him
down and get out of him if
he’s in trouble, but he keeps
insisting that he’s “working
on things and everything will
be OK soon.” I am worried
sick. Please help. — Anxious
Mom In Pennsylvania
Dear Mom: Turn off the
spigot. You have been your
son’s “angel” long enough.
A business that cannot sup-
port itself is a failure. That
Mutts Patrick McDonnell your son would abuse your
generosity and compound
it by lying to you is very sad.
The way to stop this cycle
is to remove him from your
credit card and let the chips
fall where they may.

1 Lumber along
5 Name in fashion
9 Crawling with
13 Angelina Jolie
14 Data
15 Cutlass kin
Pearls Before Swine Stephan Pastis 16 Rancor
18 Light bender
19 Mil. rank
20 Top of the head
21 Nap
22 Heston Oscar-
winner (hyph.)
24 Quick letters
26 Dogma
27 Jubilant
31 Huge-antlered
34 Extra dry
35 Garden-pond
36 Suitable
37 Deli order
39 Decorate Easter
41 “— been
42 Ex-soldier
Wumo Wulff & Morganthaler 43 Scent finder
45 The L in LEM 70 Fictional 11 Celebration 40 “Forgets” a letter
47 Haughty governess 12 Humorist — 44 Thinner
50 Hr. part Bombeck 46 German
51 Port-au-Prince DOWN 15 Sales pitch conjunction
site 1 Backup strategy 17 Musical works 48 Zoo
52 Most unusual (2 wds.) 21 Hit the books heavyweights
56 Orchestra 2 Jousting weapon 23 Casual greetings 49 Mean
member 3 Sky hunter 25 Water or rust 50 Quagmire
59 Stable parent 4 Equine mother 28 Comparable 53 Uplift
61 Morse code 5 Deprive of 29 Smoked salmon 54 Really enjoy
word weapons 30 Amphitheater 55 Objects nearby
62 Aim 6 Rolling — — section 56 Libra’s stone
63 Unemotional (rich) 31 Dallas cagers 57 Tree trunk
65 Metal mixture 7 More frequently 32 Fuel cartel 58 Van Gogh’s
66 Ten-percenters 8 Dale’s favorite 33 Herr von medium
67 Pilots’ sightings cowboy Bismarck 60 Dr.’s visit
68 Fewer 9 Hardest to find 34 Roughly 63 Retiree’s kitty
69 Muses’ domain 10 Nile wader 38 Out of shape 64 Take legal action
D4 | San Francisco Chronicle and XXXXX


1 Buccaneer 1 Japanese sport
7 Singer Tori 5 Louver parts
11 Maine national park 10 Monk’s music
12 Mall come-on 12 Insertion sign
13 Lease signer 13 Cost as much as
14 Hearty entree 14 Texas player
15 Magical 15 Verb for you
17 Track count 16 Sewing aid
20 Theater worker 18 Dialect
23 In the style of 20 Homer’s
24 Somber bartending pal
26 Hoop attachment 21 Bud holder
27 Chiding sound 23 1040 org.
28 Football’s Marino 24 Tale teller
29 Hour announcers, 26 Mysterious loch
perhaps 28 Dapper fellow
31 Employ 29 Thanksgiving dish
32 Hawke of Hollywood 3 Sprinted 22 Make fresh 31 Hosp. sections DOWN 19 Future embryos
33 Gush 4 Second president 24 Make amends 32 Gizmo protector 1 Throw away 22 As a group
34 Come into view 5 Minute 25 GI-entertaining 36 Some software 2 Colleague of Spock 24 Wyoming city
37 Alan of “M*A*S*H” 6 Puts away org. downloads and Sulu 25 Establish
39 Showy flowers 7 Help out 30 Joe’s veep 39 Bar topic 3 “Olympia” painter 27 Id —
43 Inner being 8 Partnered 33 Paris sight 40 Cornhusker city 4 Toronto’s prov. 28 Train stops
44 “Raging Bull” star 9 Flamenco cheer 35 Frees (of) 41 Barbershop 5 “Get lost!” 30 Gibbon or gorilla
45 Cocoon, for example 10 Attach a patch 36 Got larger offering 6 Ultimate 33 Brighten
46 Norway neighbor 16 Elephant pair 37 Nile serpent 43 Moon of Saturn 7 Goddess of the hunt 34 Belly feature
17 Joust need 38 Singer Rawls 44 Restaurant 8 Real brats 35 Annoying fellow
DOWN 18 Alaskan native 40 Comic Caesar patron 9 Gems 37 Fellow
1 Touch lightly 19 Fixed, in a way 41 Before, in poems 45 Oozes 11 Shaped shrub 38 Painter Holbein
2 Road hazard 21 Make blank 42 Heir, often 46 Squeal 17 Cart puller 42 Cow chow


Each puzzle consists of a grid containing X’s and O’s in various places. The object is to place X or O in remaining squares so that there are no more
than two consecutive X’s or O’s in a row or column, the number of X’s is the same as the number of O’s in each row and column., and•all rows and
all columns are unique.

Directions: Each Wuzzles is a word riddle which creates a AXYDLBAAXR
disguised word, phrase, name, place, saying, etc. For example: is L O N g f e L L O W
Directions: One letter stands for another. In this sample, A is used for the three L’s, X for the two O’s, etc. Single letters, apostrophe’s,
the length and formation of the words are all hints. The code is different with each puzzle.


1 Latin love
5 Monk’s title
SUPER QUIZ 8 Fortas and
12 Brazilian
13 iPad platform
14 Stir up
15 Noisy wood
17 Greek pita
18 Sailing vessels
19 Parisian
21 Docu-
22 Body powder
23 Bar bill
26 Auction signal
28 Showy flower
31 Detail 58 Muppet eagle 23 Spasm
33 Cry 59 Country singer 24 Sports fig.
35 “Absolutely!” Evans 25 Borscht
36 Tightfisted 27 Speck
38 Light touch DOWN 29 New Deal agcy.
40 Body art, for short 1 SFPD alerts 30 Even so
41 Rip 2 Manhandle 32 Conductor
43 Zodiac animal 3 Rice-shaped pasta 34 Law grad’s test
45 Skirmish 4 Beard remover 37 Bud
47 Plaza Hotel girl 5 Debacles 39 Ashen
51 Gershwin’s “— 6 Squabble 42 Picture puzzle
Rhythm” 7 Plus 44 — operandi
52 DVD collection, 8 Diamond-patterned 45 Mrs. Addams, to
e.g. socks Gomez
54 Insult 9 Troop member 46 Unsightly
55 Sch. founded by 10 Green land 48 Actress Fisher
Jefferson 11 — gin fizz 49 Char
56 — Bator 16 Whirl 50 Sicilian volcano
57 Syringe, for short 20 Napkin’s place 53 Eggs
XXXXX San Francisco Chronicle and | D5


1 Jet speed
5 Ump’s call
9 Saigon soup
12 Body lotion
13 Kentucky fort
14 Sound of
15 Harvard’s city
17 Computer
18 — de corps
19 Wagons
21 Harris or Asner
22 Joe of
24 “Close one!”
27 Curator’s
28 Tosses in
31 100 cts.
32 Red or Black DOWN 25 — polloi
33 Stickum 1 Nutmeg spice 26 “Soul On Ice”
34 Rover’s pal 2 Regrettably author Cleaver
36 Hanoi holiday 3 Freebie 27 Regarding
37 Darned 4 Semitic language 29 Part of DJIA
38 Synthetic fabric 5 “SNL” segment 30 Sean, to Yoko
40 “Sideways” actress 6 Moreover 35 Klutz
Sandra 7 Skyline concealer 37 Seafood order
41 Israeli port 8 Biz bigwigs 39 Marina boat
43 Legal expert 9 Three Bears’ meal 40 Sharing word
47 Central 10 Owl call 41 Med. plan options
48 “Kubla Khan” poet 11 Resistance units 42 Goals
51 Texter’s “Wow!” 16 Abolish 43 “Star Wars”
52 Tackled weeds 20 Obamacare knight
53 Transcending acronym 44 Concept
(Pref.) 22 Gussy up 45 Boot camp VIPs
54 Away from NNW 23 Coup d’— 46 Brewed drinks
55 Singer Braxton 24 Adobe file 49 Tic-tac-toe win
56 Go by format 50 Novelist Deighton


Directions: Place each word into the diagra, then read the Directions: One letter was insterted into each listed word and Each puzzle is based on a rectangular arrangement of islands
circled letters from left to right and top to bottom to find the placed in the grid. Circle the new words in all directions; then where the number in each island tells how many bridges are
hidden answer of the day. read the added letters, in order, for the solution. connected to it. The object is to connect all islands according
to the number of bridges so there are no more than two bridges
in the same direction. Bridges can only be vertical or horizon-
tal and are not allowed to cross islands or other bridges. When
completed, all bridges are interconnected, enabling passage
from any island to another.



I am not the archetypal leading man. This
is mainly for one reason: as you may have
noticed, I have no hair. — Patrick Stewart

For the whole world is Irish on the

seventeenth o’ March! — Thomas Augustine
D6 | San Francisco Chronicle and XXXXX


7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30
The Big Bang The Big Bang MasterChef (TVPG) (HD)
Theory Theory
9 PM 9:30 10 PM
Call Me Kat Flatch (HD) The Ten O' Clock News on
"Punch and Munch" (SP) (N) (N) "Pilot" (N) KTVU FOX 2 (TVG) (N)
10:30 11 PM
News at 11
(TVG) (N)
(3) News (N) Explore LawOrder "Fault Lines" (N) Law & Order: S.V.U. (N) Crime "Guns & Roses" (N) News (N) (:35) Fallon
Inside Ent. Tonight KRON 4 News at 8 (TVG) KRON 4 News at 9 (TVG) KRON 4 Big Game Inside Ent. Tonight
(4) Edition (TVPG) (N) (N) News (N) Tail (TVG) Edition (HD) (TV14) (HD)
(6:30) NCAA Basketball (TVG) (HD) Division I Tournament Game Day KPIX 5 News Family Feud Family Feud KPIX 5 News (:35) Colbert
(5) (Live) (TVG) (TVG) (TVPG) (HD) (TVPG) (HD) (HD) (N) (HD)
(6) O.House (N) House (N) Fly Dr. (HD) (:45) IndianDr "The Miracle" Masterpiece Classic (TVPG) "Unforgotten" Amanpour/Com (HD) (N)
Jeopardy! Wheel of Station 19 (TV14) (HD) "In Grey's Anatomy (HD) "The Big Sky (TV14) (HD) "A Good News (HD) (:35) Jimmy
(7) (HD) (N) Fortune (N) My Tree" (N) Makings of You" (N) Boy" (N) (N) Kimmel (HD)
Essential Check, Wallander (TV14) (HD) "An Event in Prime Suspect (TV14) (HD) "Price to Pay" Tenninson takes Fannie Lou
(9) Pepin Please! Autumn" leadership on an investigation. Hamer (HD)
(10) Jeop (N) Wheel (N) Station 19 "In My Tree" (N) Grey's Anatomy (N) Big Sky "A Good Boy" (N) News (N) (:35) Kimmel
NBC News Access H. Law & Order (TV14) (HD) Law&O: SVU (HD) "Sorry If Crime (TV14) (HD) "Guns & Bay Area (:35) Tonight
(11) (N) (HD) (N) "Fault Lines" (N) It Got Weird for You" (N) Roses" (N) News (N) Show (HD)
(13) (6:30) NCAA Basketball (HD) Division I Tournament (Live) Xtra (HD) CBS13 News 13 News 10 p.m. (TVG) (N) News (N) (:35) Colbert
(14) Rosa Guadalupe (TVPG) Soltero con Hijas Mi fortuna es am (TV14) Madre Noticias (N) NoticieroUni
Law & Order: S.V.U. (TV14) ABC7 News on KOFY 8:00 Black "Man Black-ish Chicago Fire (TV14) (HD) Law & Crime ABC7 News
(20) "Manhunt" p.m. (HD) (N) at Work" (HD) "Pilot" "The Chance to Forgive" (HD) (N) (TVG) (N)
Jamie Oliver (TVG) (HD) Seaside Hotel (TVPG) (HD) Frontline (TVPG) (HD) PBS NewsHour (TVG) (HD) Amanpour and Company
(22) "Celebration Meal" "Mrs. Madsen's Jewellery" "Outbreak" (TVPG) (HD) (N)
(26) Chinese News at 7:00 p.m. (TVPG) (N) News (N) Sword Snow Stride (TVPG) Chinese News (TVG) (N) Heaven Sword (TVPG)
(32) K-Pop (TVG) DW News (N) The Day (N) News Focus Europe NASA TV (TVG) K-Pop (TVG)
Ethan Russell News (TVG) News (TVG) Modern Modern The Big Bang The Big Bang Seinf'ld (HD) Seinf'ld "The Schitt's News (TVG)
(36) (N) (N) Family Family Theory Theory "The Deal" Cartoon" Creek
The last photograph of the Beatles, an image from
(38) MacKenzie Home (TVG) MacKenzie Home (TVG) Today's Top Value Consult Beaute & (TVG) Consult Beaute & (TVG)
Ethan Russell’s “The Best Seat in the House.”
FOX40 News at 7:00 p.m. MasterChef (TVPG) (HD) Call Me Kat Flatch (HD) FOX40 News at 10:00 p.m. Two and a Two and a
(40) (TVG) (HD) (N) "Punch and Munch" (SP) (N) (N) "Pilot" (N) (TVG) (HD) (N) Half Men Half Men

A camera aimed (42)

Rod Parsley R.Jeffress
Return (HD) Kea'sArk
Judge Judy Judge Judy
Gospel Truth Ask the Pastor (TVG)

Walker (TVPG) (HD)

Rabbi Lapin TCT Today
Legacy "Our Adobe Home" Coroner (HD) "First Love"
Legacies (TV14) (HD) "The Young
Julie/Friends Joe
DW News (TVG) (HD)
Studio 5
NHK World TV (HD)
Two and a Family Guy

at rock’s legends
(44) (TVPG) (HD) (TVPG) (HD) "Sucker Punch" Story of My Life" Sheldon Goldbergs Half Men
(46) (6:30) NCAA Basketball (HD) Division I Tournament (Live) Ghosts (HD) B Pos (HD) Bull (TV14) (HD) News (N) (:35) Colbert
(48) Exatlón: Estados Unidos (HD) (N) Hercai (HD) (N) Pasion de Gavil. (HD) (N) Noticier (N) Noticias (N)
(50) 100 Latinos Dijeron MasterChef Latinos (TVG) (N) Alarma (N) Noticiero (N) Prog. pagado Prog. pagado
Russell from page D1 Mitchell and Paul Simon. I Am Ireland (TVG) (HD) Dictator's Playbook (TV14) Lucy Worsley's Royal Photo Queen Elizabeth's Secret American Experience (TVG)
(54) (HD) "Francisco Franco" Album (TVG) (HD) Agents (TVPG) (HD) "Annie Oakley"
His nephew recently (65) Chicago P.D. "The Docks" Chicago P.D. Chicago "Call It Macaroni" Chicago "Get My Cigarettes" Chicago P.D.
ica, Russell was an in- went to photography (66) Las Mil y Una No (HD) (N) Enamorándonos (HD) (N) Desafío the Box (HD) (N) Faisy Nights (HD) (N)
demand rock photog- school against Russell’s CABLE 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
rapher, recruited to shoot advice. “I kept saying, A&E The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 (N) Nightwatch (N) (:05) The First 48
a diverse list of acts, ‘Don’t do it.’ It’s gone. It’s AMC (5:00) Live Free or Die Hard +++ Man on Fire (‘04, Act) Dakota Fanning, Denzel Washington. (TVMA) (HD) +++ The Fugitive (HD)
including Ronstadt, the not a career anymore. BBC Movie +++ Ghost (‘90, Rom) Demi Moore, Whoopi Goldberg, Patrick Swayze. (TVPG) (HD) ++ Road House (‘89, Act) (HD)
BET (6:30) ++ Sleepless (‘17, Act) Jamie Foxx. (TV14) (HD) ++ All Eyez on Me (‘17, Bio) Danai Gurira, Kat. Graham, Demetrius Shipp Jr.. (TVMA) (HD)
Doors, Rickie Lee Jones, First of all, there’s a tech- BRAV Top Chef Top Chef (TVPG) (N) Top Chef: Family Style (N) Watch (N) ++ 17 Again (‘09, Com/Dra) Zac Efron.
Rosanne Cash, Jerry Lee nology component to it CNBC Shark Tank (TVPG) (HD) Shark Tank (TVPG) (HD) The News (TVG) No Retreat: Business Dateline (HD) "The Match"
Lewis, Traffic and oth- because cameras do 80% CNN Don Lemon Tonight (N) Don Lemon Tonight (N) Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight Don Lemon Tonight (TVG)
ers. of the work now.” He COM Noah (HD) (:45) Office (:20) The Office (TV14) (HD) (:55) Office Office (HD) Office (HD) Office (HD) Noah (N) (:45) Office
His works are collect- also thinks social media DISC BattleBots BattleBots (TVPG) (HD) "Let the Tournament Begin!" (N) BattleBots
DISN BigCityGreen BigCityGreen BigCityGreen BigCityGreen Jessie (HD) Jessie (HD) BigCityGreen BigCityGreen Miraculous Miraculous
ed in the 248-page fine apps like Instagram and
E! Modern (HD) Modern (HD) Modern (HD) Modern (HD) Modern (HD) Modern (HD) Modern (HD) Modern (HD) Modern (HD) Nightly (N)
art book “Ethan Russell Facebook have devalued ESPN 4: Wrestling SportsC. (HD) "Tournament Challenge" (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N)
Photographs,” which is the art form. ESPN2 (6:00) NCAA Basketball UFC "Stunning Submissions" NFL Live (TVG) (HD) (N) E:60 "Project 11: Alex Smith's Final Drive" BadBeats
available on his website “Photography is a FNC The Ingraham Angle (N) Gutfeld! (N) Fox News @ Night (N) Tucker Carlson (TVG) Hannity
for $130. commodity now,” he FOOD Beat Flay Beat Flay Restaurant: Impossible (N) Beat Flay (N) Beat Flay Beat Flay Beat Flay Beat Flay Beat Flay
He said he put his said. “It’s as if somebody FREE Office (HD) Office (HD) Office (HD) Office (HD) Office (HD) Office (HD) Grown (N) Single (N) The 700 Club (TVPG)
FX +++ The Martian (2015, Adventure) Jessica Chastain, Kate Mara, Matt Damon. (TV14) +++ The Martian (‘15, Adv) Matt Damon. (TV14)
camera down sometime threw a s—load of confet- (4:00) PGA Golf Golf Central (TVG) (HD) PGA Golf (TVG) (HD) Valspar Championship Round 1 Site: Innisbrook Resort and Golf Club
in the early ’80s when ti in the air and it’s all HALL (6:00) Falling for You (HD) It Was Always You (‘21, Rom) Erin Krakow. (TVG) (HD) G. Girls (HD) G. Girls (HD) G. Girls (HD) G. Girls (HD)
record companies edged just floating down over HIST Swamp (HD) "Secret Sauce" Swamp People Swamp People (HD) "Sinkhole Giants" (N) (:35) Swamp People (HD) "Secret Sauce"
their way in, restricting you.” LIFE Castle Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli (HD) "Living Proof" (:05) Rizzoli "Sailor Man" (:05) Rizzoli & Isles
access to the artists and MNBC The Last Word (TVG) (N) The 11th Hour (N) Rachel Maddow (TVPG) The Last Word (TVG) The 11th Hour
demanding to own the MTV Jersey Shore: Family J. Shore: Family (HD) (N) Siesta Key (N) Teen Mom 2 "ChrisCross" Ridicu. (HD) Ridicu. (HD)
NBCS EPL Soccer (TVG) Manchester City at Crystal Palace WPT Poker (TVPG) EPL Soccer (TVG) Leicester City at Arsenal
rights to the images. Aidin Vaziri is The San NICK Warped! (N) Side Hus (N) Lay Lay (HD) SpongeBob +++ Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa (‘08, Ani) (HD) Friends (HD) Friends (HD)
Russell shifted to pro- Francisco Chronicle’s pop OXYG Buried "Deadly Teen Drama" Buried in the Backyard (N) Dateline: Secrets Uncovered (TV14) (HD) "The Trap" Secrets (HD) "Dark Valley"
ducing and directing music critic. Email: PRMT +++ Top Gun (‘86, Act) Kelly McGillis, Tom Cruise. (TVPG) (HD) +++ Point Break (‘91, Dra) Keanu Reeves, Patrick Swayze. (TVMA) (HD)
films for musicians like SYFY (6:00) Leprechaun 2 (HD) ++ Leprechaun (‘93, Hor) Warwick Davis. (TV14) (HD) ++ Leprechaun 2 (‘94, Hor) Warwick Davis. (TV14) (HD)
Emmylou Harris, Joni Twitter: @MusicSF TBS (6:45) NCAA Basketball (TVG) Go-Big Show Sheldon Sheldon Wipeout
TCM Movie (:45) ++++ Oliver! (1968, Musical) Shani Wallis, Oliver Reed, Ron Moody. (TVPG) (HD) ++ Camelot (‘67, Mus) (HD)
TLC Doubling Down Dr. Pimple "Raw Meat Mass" Dr. Pimple Popper (N) 1000-lb Best Friends (N) Hoarding: Buried Alive
TNT (6:20) NCAA Basket. Division I Tournament FastFood FastFood +++ Shazam! (‘19, Act) Mark Strong, Zachary Levi. (TV14) (HD)
TRU (:55) NCAA Basketball (TVG) Division I Tournament (Live) Post-game Show (Live) Inside Jokes Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers
USA 9-1-1 (HD) "Ocean's 9-1-1" 9-1-1 "Bobby Begins Again" 9-1-1 9-1-1 "This Life We Choose" SVU "Producer's Backend"
VH1 5: Boo 2! A Madea Hallo... ++ Boo! A Madea Halloween (‘16, Com) Bella Thorne, Tyler Perry. (TV14) ++ Big Momma's House 2 (‘06, Com)
PREMIUM 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
HBO (:55) Winning Time (HD) Winning Time (TVMA) (HD) ++ The Day the Earth Stood Still (HD) (:45) The Gilded Age (:40) Theory
MAX (5:45) ++ Vanilla Sky (HD) Blood Brother (‘18, Dra) Trey Songz. (HD) ++ The Snowman (‘17, Cri) Michael Fassbender. (HD) Fun Size
SHO Movie (:25) +++ Pulp Fiction (‘94, Cri) Uma Thurman, John Travolta. (TVMA) Super Pumped: Uber "War" DesMero (N) Billions
STZEN (:25) ++ Accepted (‘06, Com) Justin Long. (TVPG) (HD) ++ Vegas Vacation (‘97, Com) (HD) (:40) ++ Van Wilder: Freshman Year
TMC (6:00) The Last Right ++ Pixie (‘20, Com) Olivia Cooke. (TVMA) (:35) The Guard (‘11, Com) Brendan Gleeson. (:15) ++ Blown Away

Kristen Loken Crossword Puzzle
Mezzo-soprano Nikola Printz performs with Erica
Xiaoyan Guo in the Schwabacher Recital Series.

Opera singer blurs

gender in bold recital
Recital from page D1 than usual, which in
turn allowed for a more
every aspect — would probing and emotionally Sudoku Puzzle
have stood out from the resonant performance.
crowd. (Mendle was a last-min-
Each segment of the ute substitute for guitar-
program, for which ist Tatiana Senderowicz,
Printz adopted a differ- who withdrew because
ent outfit, served a dou- of illness.) Rossini’s trip-
ble purpose. It let listen- tych “The Venetian Re-
ers revel in the beauty of gatta” got an exuberantly
Printz’s singing — their theatrical account, and
lustrously dark chest Guo took a solo moment
tones, their elegant in the spotlight to deliver
phrasing, even the occa- Louise Farrenc’s gor- Today’s Crossword
sional burst of tech- geous Étude in F-Sharp
nically dazzling coloratu- Minor, Op. 26, No. 10.
ra passagework — while Perhaps most arrest-
also chewing over the ing was a pair of songs
implications of the reper- associated with the Mex-
toire itself. ican chanteuse Chavela
“What does this song Vargas, which prompted
say to that one?” was a Printz to a performance
frequent prompt; so was, of enormous poignancy
“What presumptions are and grace. Something
embedded in this materi- about these songs hit
al that might have passed close to their heart, and Challenger
unremarked?” The fact they let us all feel it.
that none of these ques- In truth, the entire
tions led to easy answers program glowed with a
only heightened the ex- sense of personal convic-
perience. tion, and that gave the
In one characteris- music an extra charge.
tically canny double Printz has been a reliably
feature, Printz segued important presence in
from Mahler’s weighty, the Bay Area’s musical
shadow-ridden “Licht in life for a decade, but I’ve
der Nacht” (“Nocturnal never before heard them
Light”) to “I Was a Wom- sing with such commit-
an,” a sparse but equally ment or tonal splendor.
poignant excerpt from Most debut recitals are
“Prisoner of the State,” there to show the audi-
composer David Lang’s ence what an artist can
2019 gloss on Beethoven’s do. On this occasion,
“Fidelio.” They offered Printz showed us who
up a trio of tiny songs by they are, and that made
Rorem, with words by all the difference.
gay icons Walt Whitman
and Gertrude Stein. Joshua Kosman is The San
In a pair of Schubert Francisco Chronicle’s
songs, Mendle’s exquisite music critic. Email:
guitar accompaniment
led to a slower tempo Twitter: @JoshuaKosman

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