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Ochratoxin A in conventional and organic cereal

derivatives: a survey of the Italian market, 2001–02
a a b a a a
R. Biffi , M. Munari , L. Dioguardi , C. Ballabio , A. Cattaneo , C. L. Galli & P.
Toxicology Laboratory , Department of Pharmacological Sciences, University of Milan , via
Balzaretti 9, I-20133 Milan, Italy
Istituto di Ingegneria Agraria , University of Milan , via Celoria 2, I-20133, Milan, Italy
Published online: 20 Feb 2007.

To cite this article: R. Biffi , M. Munari , L. Dioguardi , C. Ballabio , A. Cattaneo , C. L. Galli & P. Restani (2004) Ochratoxin A
in conventional and organic cereal derivatives: a survey of the Italian market, 2001–02, Food Additives & Contaminants, 21:6,
586-591, DOI: 10.1080/02652030410001687708

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Food Additives and Contaminants, Vol. 21, No. 6 (June 2004), pp. 586–591

Ochratoxin A in conventional and organic cereal

derivatives: a survey of the Italian market, 2001–02

R. Biffi{, M. Munari{, L. Dioguardi{, C. Ballabio{, Introduction

A. Cattaneo{, C. L. Galli{ and P. Restani{*
{Toxicology Laboratory, Department of Pharmacological Sciences,
University of Milan, via Balzaretti 9, I-20133 Milan, Italy Ochratoxin A (CAS no. 303-47-9) is a secondary
{Istituto di Ingegneria Agraria, University of Milan, via Celoria 2,
I-20133, Milan, Italy
metabolite produced mainly by Penicillium verruco-
sum and Aspergillus ochraceus (Harwig et al. 1983,
Downloaded by [University of California, San Francisco] at 23:06 22 February 2015

Chelkowski et al. 1987, Frisvad and Lund 1993).

(Received 8 October 2003; revised 23 February 2004; Usually considered a cereal contaminant (Jørgensen
accepted 23 February 2004)
et al. 1996, Scudamore and MacDonald 1998,
Scudamore et al. 1999), its presence has been also
Ochratoxin A is a mycotoxin produced mainly by reported in coffee (Tsubouchi et al. 1988, Jørgensen
Penicillium verrucosum and Aspergillus ochraceus. 1998), beer (Payen et al. 1983, Jørgensen 1998), dried
Although typically considered a cereal contaminant, it fruits (Ozay and Alperden 1991), wine (Zimmerli and
has also been detected in dried fruit, nuts, meat and Dick 1996) and nuts (Cooper et al. 1982). Some
derivatives. To estimate the quantity of ochratoxin A studies showed that ochratoxin A contamination is
that might be ingested by Italian consumers from mainly associated with storage (Moss 1996,
these foods, 211 cereal derivatives (flours and bakery Scudamore et al. 1999); suitable post-harvest con-
products) were analysed by high-performance liquid ditions (temperature and moisture) are important to
chromatography. Products were from conventional prevent the growth of the fungi and the production of
and organic agriculture and from integrated pest the mycotoxin.
management agriculture. All commercial flours and
derivatives examined contained ochratoxin A at Human exposure to ochratoxin A has been shown
concentrations very much below the legal limit in several European countries by demonstrating its
(3 g kg1): the highest value, 0.816 g kg1, was presence in blood and milk (European Commission
detected in a sample of spelt whole flour from organic 1996).
agriculture. In many samples, the ochratoxin content Ochratoxin A causes renal toxicity, nephropathy,
was below the limit of detection; only rarely did values renal cancer and immunosuppression in several
exceed 0.5 g kg1. In baby foods, four samples were animal species, and independent clinical studies
above the particularly restrictive Italian legal limit of (Radovanovich 1991, Tanchev and Dorossiev 1991,
0.5 g kg1. Although some significant differences were IARC 1993) have linked exposure to ochratoxin A to
found between samples from conventional and organic human Balkan endemic nephropathy.
agriculture when some product categories were exam-
ined (namely, baby foods as semolina and rice creams), Although there is insufficient evidence of a carcino-
no important difference was found between the two genic effect in humans, the International Agency for
types of agricultural practice when all types of cereal Research on Cancer has classified ochratoxin A as a
derivatives were considered together. possible human carcinogen based on data in experi-
mental animals (IARC 1993).
Keywords: ochratoxin A, mycotoxins, cereals,
organic agriculture At its 56th meeting, the Joint FAO/WHO Expert
Committee on Food Additives concluded that the
mechanisms by which ochratoxin A causes nephro-
toxicity and renal carcinogenicity are unknown,
* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
although genotoxic and non-genotoxic modes of
e-mail: action have been proposed (JECFA 2001). The
Food Additives and Contaminants ISSN 0265–203X print/ISSN 1464–5122 online # 2004 Taylor & Francis Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/02652030410001687708
Ochratoxin A in conventional and organic cereal derivatives 587

JECFA retained the previous established provisional blended. Each batch and each sample was analysed
tolerable weekly intake of 0.1 mg kg1 body weight at least twice.
(bw), recommending a further review of the myco-
toxin in 2004, and it concluded that given the distri-
bution of ochratoxin contamination in cereals,
imposing a limit of 5 or 20 mg kg1 would make no
significant difference to the average consumer’s intake Chemicals
(JECFA 1996, 2001).
The Italian Ministry of Health (1999) adopted the Ochratoxin A from A. ochraceus (benzene free) was
European Union limit of 3 mg kg1 ochratoxin A for from Sigma Aldrich (Milan, Italy); a stock concen-
cereal derivatives and established a further Italian trated solution was prepared in toluene–acetic acid
limit of 0.5 mg kg1 for baby foods. (99:1 v/v) at a final concentration of 1 mg ml1 and
stored at 20 C.
In view of the JECFA’s advice that ochratoxin A
intake should be monitored in different countries, the The ochratoxin A working solution was prepared by
diluting the stock solution with the same solvent to
Downloaded by [University of California, San Francisco] at 23:06 22 February 2015

present paper determined the concentration of ochra-

toxin A in cereal-based foods (commercial flours and approximately 10 mg ml1. The actual concentration
of the mycotoxin was calculated using an ultraviolet
bakery products). Products resulting from different
light spectrophotometer set at 333 nm (" ¼ 5550)
agricultural practices were included to evaluate the
(AOAC 1995, Jørgensen and Vahl 1999).
toxicological risk for specific groups of consumers
from these foods. After suitable dilutions in water–methanol–acetic acid
(50:49:1 v/v/v), the working solution was used to
prepare the external calibration curve (0.50, 1, 2, 4,
8 and 12 ng ml).
To spike samples, the working solution was diluted
Materials and methods
10 times using toluene–acetic acid (99:1 v/v).

A total of 211 batches (422 samples) of commercial

cereal-based foods were analysed, of which 77 were
from conventional agriculture (use of pesticides and High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
fertilizers), 96 from organic agriculture (without
synthetic pesticides and fertilizers) and 38 from
integrated pest management agriculture (using a few The HPLC instrument was equipped with a 980-PU
selected conventional pesticides, bioregulators, phero- Jasco pump (Tokyo, Japan), a Rheodyne 7125
mones, insect attractants, etc.). Ochratoxin A was injection system (Cotati, CA, USA) with a 100 ml
also determined in 30 samples of wheat flour and in loop, and a 920-FP Jasco fluorescence detector
six samples of hard wheat flours immediately after (Tokyo, Japan). The system was connected to a
milling. SIC Chromatocorder 12 (Waters, Milford, MA,
Commercial cereal derivatives (flours and bakery
products) were randomly selected in different super- An Inertsil ODS-3 analytical column (5 mm,
markets, while baby foods were from different phar- 4.0  250 mm) preceded by an ODS-3 guard column
macies and supermarkets; all samples were from (5 mm, 4.0  10 mm; all GL Sciences, Inc., Tokyo,
Northern Italy. Flours and derivatives were from Japan) was used. A 100-ml volume of sample was
different brands and collected from March 2001 to injected. The mobile phase (water–acetonitrile–acetic
December 2002; for baby foods, all the different acid 50:49:1 v/v/v) was maintained at a flow rate
batches commercialized in the period and in the of 1 ml min1 and the Column Heater 7971 (Jones
geographical area considered were collected. Chromatography, Hengoed, UK) was set at 40 C.
The fluorescence detector was operated at
Samples were analysed immediately after the pur- ex ¼ 333 nm and em ¼ 443 nm (Scudamore and
chase (or collection at mill); samples were quartered MacDonald 1998). LC-grade solvents were from
and two-quarters of each sample were carefully Lab-Scan (Dublin, Ireland).
588 R. Biffi et al.

Sample preparation Results

The samples of cereal-based foods were extracted and

An example of HPLC analysis is shown in figure 1.
cleaned up according to Scudamore and MacDonald
The ochratoxin A retention time was close to 10 min.
(1998) with some modifications. A 10-g portion of
The detection and reliable quantitation limits of this
sample was extracted with 40-ml acetonitrile–water
technique were 0.025 and 0.050 ng, corresponding
(60:40 v/v) using high-speed blending for 2 min. The
to 0.06 and 0.13 mg kg1, respectively. The recovery
mixture was centrifuged (J2-21 Centrifuge, Beckman
ranged between 78 and 103%.
Instruments, Inc., Palo Alto, CA, USA) at 6000 rpm
for 25 min at 4 C and a 9-ml aliquot was diluted with Table 1 shows the mean, standard deviation, median
99 ml phosphate buffer solution (PBS). The whole and range of ochratoxin A contents in all cereal
extract (108 ml) was added to an immunoaffinity products analysed. The last column shows the num-
column, OchraTest (Vicam, Digen, Oxford, UK), at ber of samples exceeding the legal limits: 0.5 mg kg1
a flow rate of 3 ml min1. The column was washed for baby foods (Italian directive) and 3 mg kg1 for
by passing 20 ml LC-grade water at approximately other cereal derivatives (European directive).
Downloaded by [University of California, San Francisco] at 23:06 22 February 2015

6 ml min1 and all remaining liquid was removed All samples of commercial cereal derivatives were
from the column at the end of elution. Ochratoxin A below the legal limit, while four samples of baby food
was collected by eluting with 1.5 ml methanol–acetic (two semolinas from conventional agriculture and
acid (98:2 v/v). The eluates were dried under nitrogen two rice creams from organic agriculture) were above
and suspended in 300 ml water–methanol–acetic acid the Italian limit of 0.5 mg kg1. There was no signifi-
(50:49:1). A 100-ml portion was subjected to HPLC. cant difference between similar samples from conven-
To estimate the percentage recovery, flours samples tional and organic agriculture in commercial flours
(10 g) were spiked with 3 ng ochratoxin A (30 ml of a and derivatives, while some differences were observed
standard solution containing 0.1 mg ml1) and stored in baby foods. Semolina from conventional agricul-
overnight at 4 C. A spiked sample was prepared for ture had a higher content of mycotoxin than the
every group of six analyses. corresponding products from organic agriculture
and integrated pest management agriculture
( p < 0.01 and <0.005, respectively). By contrast, rice
formulas from organic agriculture were the more
Statistical analysis contaminated ( p < 0.01 versus conventional agricul-
ture, and p ¼ 0.02 versus integrated pest management
The significance of the difference between the means agriculture). All baby foods from integrated pest
was calculated by analysis of variance and then by a management agriculture contained ochratoxin A
Student’s t-test. below the limit of detection (0.025 mg kg1).

Figure 1. HPLC chromatogram of a sample of hard whole wheat flour after extraction of ochratoxin A and purification
through an immunoaffinity chromatography column. The sample illustrated contains 0.309 g kg1 ochratoxin A.
Ochratoxin A in conventional and organic cereal derivatives 589

Table 1. Ochratoxin A content (g kg1) in cereal flours and derivatives found in the Italian market, 200102.
Samples above
Agricultural Number of Mean* Median Range legal limits
Cereal Product practices batches (mg kg1) SD (mg kg1) (mg kg1) (n)

Wheat Flour CV 14 0.134 0.146 0.069 ND–0.157 0

OR 11 0.053 0.069 ND ND–0.219 0
Whole flour OR 8 0.210 0.232 0.136 ND–0.700 0
Crackers OR 1 ND – – – 0
Hard wheat Flour CV 8 0.223 0.146 0.235 0.041–0.536 0
OR 4 0.246 0.239 0.170 ND–0.636 0
Whole flour OR 2 0.189 – 0.189 0.068–0.309 0
Baby food CV 10 0.234 0.231 0.173 ND–0.650 2
IPM 10 ND – ND ND 0
OR 10 0.027 0.050 ND ND–0.177 0
Corn Flour CV 9 0.170 0.056 0.160 0.100–0.267 0
Downloaded by [University of California, San Francisco] at 23:06 22 February 2015

OR 4 0.037 0.036 0.021 ND–0.097 0

Whole flour CV 2 0.115 – 0.115 0.015–0.215 0
OR 1 0.198 – – – 0
Baby food CV 10 ND – ND ND 0
(þ tapioca) IPM 10 ND – ND ND 0
OR 10 ND – ND ND 0
Spelt Whole flour OR 3 0.399 0.298 0.246 0.136–0.816 0
Crackers OR 2 0.023 – 0.023 ND–0.045 0
Extruded OR 1 0.03 – – – 0
Oats Whole flour OR 2 0.221 – 0.221 ND–0.441 0
Barley Whole flour OR 2 ND – ND – 0
Pearl CV 1 ND – – – 0
Rye Whole flour OR 4 0.347 0.459 0.117 0.045–1.15 0
Rice Whole flour OR 3 0.071 0.056 0.056 0.012–0.147 0
Crackers OR 3 ND – ND ND 0
Baby food CV 13 ND – ND ND 0
IPM 9 ND – ND ND 0
OR 11 0.228 0.725 ND ND–0.736 2
Multicereal Crackers OR 3 1.439 0.591 1.277 0.81–2.23 0
Baby food CV 10 0.159 0.098 0.180 ND–0.315 0
IPM 9 ND – ND ND 0
OR 11 ND – ND ND 0
CV, conventional agriculture; OR, organic agriculture.
IPM, integrated pest management agriculture; ND, not detectable.
*To calculate averages and standard deviations, values below the limit of detection were considered as 0.06 mg kg1 and those between the limit of
detection and limit of quantification as such.

To evaluate the role of storage in the development 0.057  0.021 mg kg1 (mean  SE) in newly milled
of fungi producing ochratoxin A, several samples flour to 0.223  0.052 and 0.246  0.12 for conven-
of wheat and hard wheat flours were analysed tional and organic commercial flours, respectively.
immediately after milling. The content of mycotoxin
immediately after milling was compared with that
in commercial products (figure 2). The values in Discussion and conclusions
wheat flours measured at the mill and at retailers
were similar: 0.074  0.025 mg kg1 (mean  SE) in
flour from the mill versus 0.134  0.039 and The presence of ochratoxin A is usually associated
0.053  0.21 for conventional and organic commercial with cereals and derivatives, although recent data
flours, respectively. A different ochratoxin A content have shown that other sources can contribute signifi-
was found for flour from hard wheat: from cantly to the total intake of the mycotoxin. In recent
590 R. Biffi et al.

0,4 A few significant differences were found between

samples from conventional and organic agriculture
Ochratoxin A concentration (µg/kg)

when specific categories of products were evaluated

(namely, baby-food semolinas and rice creams), no
important difference was found between the two types
of agricultural practice when all kinds of cereal
derivatives were considered.
0,2 An important finding is that all baby foods from
integrated pest management agriculture presented
an undetectable quantity of ochratoxin A, probably
because of the strict quality control performed by the
producing industry (one trade mark) on raw materials
and on the final products.
Downloaded by [University of California, San Francisco] at 23:06 22 February 2015

mill CV OR mill CV OR
Estimated daily intake of ochratoxin A from
consumption of commercial cereal derivatives
wheat flour hard wheat flour

In Mediterranean countries, cereals and their deriva-

Figure 2. Ochratoxin A concentrations (mean þ SE) in tives are traditionally important components of the
flour samples directly from the mill and from commercial diet both during weaning and adult life. In Europe,
retailers. Mill samples were from conventional agricul- the average cereal consumption for an adult has
ture; commercial products were from conventional (CV) been estimated as 226.3 g day1 (GEMS/Food 1998).
and organic agriculture (OR). Accepting this and assuming a bw of 60 kg and a
worst contamination of 0.816 mg kg1, the average
daily intake of ochratoxin A would be 3.08 ng kg1
years, the market for organic products has greatly bw or 21.6 ng kg1 bw week1.
increased, and some concern has been raised that On the basis of the report of the Joint FAO/WHO
this agricultural practice could be more likely to Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA 1996,
encourage development of mycotoxin-producing 2001), which declared a provisional tolerable weekly
fungi. Several papers have been published on this intake of 100 ng kg1 bw for ochratoxin A, it can be
topic (e.g., for ochratoxin A: Beretta et al. 2002, concluded that there is no significant toxicological
Czerwiecki et al. 2002a, b). risk for the Italian consumer.
The present study analysed a large number of Similarly, there is no significant risk for a child
commercial products found in the Italian market in who occasionally consumes a baby food containing
200102, paying particular attention to products ochratoxin A at a level slightly above the Italian limit
from organic agriculture. All organic foods analysed (0.74 mg kg1), since the intake would be approxi-
were chosen from those that had received European mately 2.28 ng kg1 bw day1.
Union certification according to the European
Union Legislation No. 2092/91 and subsequent Thus, the average consumption for Italian consumers
modifications. seems to be on the safe side, but as an increasing
number of food sources are contaminated by ochra-
All commercial flours and derivatives contained toxin A, strict quality control, with rejection of rogue
ochratoxin A in quantities very much below the legal batches, will need to be performed.
limit (3 mg kg1): the highest value, 0.816 mg kg1, was
detected in a sample of spelt whole flour from organic
agriculture. In many samples, the ochratoxin A con-
tent was below the limit of detection and only rarely Acknowledgements
did values exceed 0.5 mg kg1.
In baby foods, four samples were found above the Research was supported by MiPAF (Ministero
Italian permitted level of 0.5 mg kg1. delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali). The authors
Ochratoxin A in conventional and organic cereal derivatives 591

thank Professor Peter Woodford for editorial Italian Ministry of Health, 1999, Direttive in materia di controllo
ufficiale sui prodotti alimentari: valori massimi ammissibili di
assistance. micotossine nelle derrate alimentari di origine nazionale, comu-
nitaria e Paesi terzi [Maximal acceptable mycotoxin concentra-
tions in foods from national and international market]. Circular
No. 10, 9 June 1999. Gazzetta Ufficiale, no. 135 June 11th, 1999.
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