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Dr Ng

- I was brought up in a family where my parents gave full freedom to their children in making
the decision in their own lives, and they guided and walked with them all the way.


- I graduated from the University of Malaya in 1988, and joined the late Dr Chin Kee Seong
since then.
我于 1988 年从马来亚大学毕业,此后加入已故的千基成医生。

- Our mission: To provide the highest quality of dental care in a caring, friendly and
comfortable environment


- to make a positive difference, one smile at a time.


Dr Matthew Cho
:- Hi, I’m Dr Matthew. I'm the youngest dentist here, but even so, i've been with chin dental
for 5 years. For me, it’s really important to treat people, and not just teeth. And that’s why, I
try my best to make each patient as comfortable as they can be

您好,我是马修医生。虽然我是这里最年轻的牙医, 但是我已经在 Chin 牙科诊所工作了 5

年. 对我来说,我们不只是治疗牙齿, 反而病人是最重要的. 所以我尽我可能使每一位病

Dr Teh Yik Pin

- I've been with Chin Dental for 11 years.
我已经在 Chin 牙科诊所工作了 11 年。

- Growing up in Ipoh has inspired me to give back and serve the community here.

- I aim to give my patients the personal touch that reflects the warmth and friendliness of
which Ipoh is famous for.
我的目标是让我的病人感受到我个人的风格, 这也是怡保闻名的温暖和友善。

Dr Alex:
I’ve been working here for more than 10 years. My patients often say I love to talk. To me,
speaking is an important art. Through talking, we can understand their problem clearly and
provide them with the most appropriate treatment.


Dr Khor Mei Chuen

:- My goal is to help eliminate my patients’ dental problems, and it gives me a sense of
accomplishment to see my patients go home happy and smiling broadly.
我的目标是帮助消除我的病人的牙齿问题. 看到我的病人满面笑容和开心的回家也给了

Kelvin Ong (patient)

- Hi my name is Kelvin Ong. I'm 52 years old and I've been a patient here for more than 15
您好, 我是 Kelvin Ong. 我今年 52 岁,在这里接受牙科治疗已经超过 15 年了。

- I come here because the dentists are very friendly, provide a lot of information and is patient
in explaining the procedures to me; making me feel very safe, secure and confident.
我来这里是因为牙医非常友好. 他们提供了很多知料也很有耐心对我解释程序方,

- I will definitely recommend Chin Dental to all my friends.

我一定会对我所有朋友 推荐 Chin Dental。

Hi, my name Choco. Chin Dental is my family doctor. My family comes here for dental
treatments such as cleaning, route canal. I come here to do my braces. I will recommend my
friends to Chin Dental because the doctors here are all very nice and professional.

大家好,我是 Choco。Chin Dental 是我的家庭医生。我的家人会来这里做牙科治疗例如洗

牙,剔牙根。我在这里(braces?)我会建议我的朋友们来 Chin Dental 因为这里的医生都

Nur Akilah (patient)

- Hello, nama saya Nur Akilah. Sejak dari tahun 1994, saya dah menjadi patient di Klinik
Pergigian Chin.
您好, 我是 Nur Akilah. 从 1994 年起, 我就在 Chin Dental 接受治疗.

- Saya suka datang ke Klinik Pergigigian Chin kerana perkhidmatan yang diberikan amat

我喜欢来 ChinDental 因为我非常的满意这里所给我的服务.

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