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# of Practice/Day

Number of Days Until Target

Your current Weight (in lb) Your target weight (in lb) Calories burned Date (excluding the target
Your Name (Do not include units) (Do not include units) per practice day date)

Your Height in cm (Do Total Calories to lose/gain

Target Weight Loss/Gain
not include units) BMI at Target Weight per day

Calorie intake per day on workout day Calorie intake per day on rest day

Calories Calories
Total Grams of food Grams of food

50% Calorie from complex carbohydrates

Breakdown of calorie intake

(1 gram of carbohydrate = 4 calories)

30% Calorie from proteins

(1 gram of protein = 4 calories)

20% Calorie from monounsaturated fats

(1 gram of fat = 9 calories)

Of course always take Vitamins and Minerals!!

Weight Classes Weight Class After Certification
Minimum Weight Pounds Kg Pounds Kg
85 101 45.81 103 46.72
94 108 48.99 110 49.90
101+ 115 52.16 117 53.07
108+ 122 55.34 124 56.25
115+ 129 58.51 131 59.42
122+ 135 61.23 137 62.14
129+ 141 63.96 143 64.86
135+ 148 67.13 150 68.04
141+ 158 71.67 160 72.57
148+ 168 76.20 170 77.11
158+ 180 81.65 182 82.55
180+ 215 97.52 217 98.43
215+ 275 124.74 277 125.64

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