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iHi Fifteen Theses on What Facebook Might Be t6s


B Facebook and the individual
I lf,l
r ñ!l How Facebook helps to make relationships
t EL
Fifteen Theses on'§7hat As noted in the portrait of the businessman Burton, the anthropo-
FÍi logical starting point in understanding Facebook is to appreciate
Facebook Might Be thát each and éviry individual was quite literally a social network-
f'll ing site long before Facebook existed. Anthropologists tend to
foóus upon kinship in which we see not individuals but always
iH personJrehtive to other persons. Even in urban situations such
I !:.:
tb. ás London, perhaps the most common lvay to forge new'relation-
ships has always been via the relationships we already have, -the
f$, friends of friends or relatives. Sometimes this is explicit, as when
you ask your best friend to help you find a date, or whe¡ Burton's
business friends ask him to help them find a new profitable con-
nection. At other times, this is less explicit, just hanging around
So far, Facebook has been discussed as Fasbook, its local mani- with friends of friends. Facebook doesn't invent social networking
festation in Trinidadian culture. §lithout this injection of cultural but it certainly facilitates and expands it.
relativism, we could easily be drawn into making vast gener- Most people feel awkward in the company of people they barely
alizations about what Facebook is and its social consequences, know, sáffi-conscious about the possible effect of their words and
based on assumptions about the functions of technology or some actions. Facebook provides an attractive buffer in this regard. It
general model of human psychology. \Mith the protective caveat helps us to find out a considerable amount about potential friends,
of cultural relativism, we have reached the point where it should without requiring any awkward face-to-face interaction. As they
be safe to engage tentatively with some of the more general con- develop, móre serious relationships are even more fraught-with
sequences of Facebook. These remain tentative since the sources issues óf potential embarrassment and misunderstanding. This is
foi generalization are not yet robust. The main evidence will still partly beCause relationships often assume equivalence, that at any
be the research in Trinidad, together with my wider experience of given time both partners are approximately. equal in their com-
Facebook as a user with friends in the UK and other countries. In mitment. Fiction is full of the problems of one person wanting
addition, this is the point of engagement with the burgeoning lit- to commit.before the other is ready, or one per§on misinterpret-
erature that is currently emerging about Facebook through various ing signals as to how much someone else really wants them to
acadernic books and papers, though I tend to make only very spend time together. Facebook enables people to research others
slight use of iournalism and anecdote since, with a base of four before they decide whether to invest themselves in a new relation-
hunclred million users, almost anything that can happen today will ship. This is most often done anonymously rvithout that person
also happen on Facebook, but an instance is not of itself a sign of knówing they are being researched. In Aaron's and Alana's por-
auything consequential. These fifteen theses will commence with traits, Facebook is a place for banter and chat, especially between
issues of personal relationships, proceed to the idea of Facebook young men and women. They can thereby get to know about
as comrnunity and conclude by considering other transformations, each other without the dread embarrassment of actually asking
such as those of time and space. for a date and possibly being refused. Many people also research
long-term frienás, whom they are about to meqt again, in order to
savá themselves from the embarrassment of having fotgotten srimp
766 The Anthropology of Facebook Fifteen Theses on'What Facebook Might Be 167

important life event or more uivial details about what they have which was not the case when they were students, yet I still never
been doing for the last few days so that, when they do meer, they expect to see them again. I don't think any of us care whether or
can seem up-to-speed on the friendship itself. not we are properly called a friend.
Prior to Facebook, the internet had already developed as a The re¿son for the prevalence of such debates may be more
vast dating agency. Some of the most significant social network- than just pedantic semantics. In conversations about Facebook,
ing sites, such as Friendster, were initially developed largely with there is a common theme that pertains to a Íear of the modern.
this function in mind.1 In Trinidad, the knowledge that men and This is the fear that we are all becoming more superficial, that
women certainly check each other out is one of the key reasons for Facebook friends represent a kind of inflation that diminishes the
looking fit and sexy online. In the first portrait, Marvin puts rhis at value of prior or true friendship. I see no evidence that this is the
its crudest when he claims that, whatever relationships people are case: close friends are even more intensely in touch. can also
in, they also always fantasize about 'trading up'. theorize about how Facebook can proliferate friendship without
Much of the most tedious literature on Facebook concerns the diminishing it by observing that Facebook clearly provides greater
question of whether a friend. on Facebook is a real friend. This efficiencies in friendship. Thanks to Facebook, one can maintain
blithely ignores the vast spectrum of people we may choose to call a friendship with less expenditure of time or dependency upon
friends in offline worlds.2 There is no one so stupid as to presume transport. It is possible to argue that driving two hours to see
that all their 700 friends on Facebook are suddenly equivalent someáne is a sign of deep friendship. But it is equally possible to
to close offline friends. One rather neat academic paper showed argue that using those two hours in direct IM communication,
college students being impressed by peers whose Facebook friends diJcussing, for áxample, the breakup of someone else's relation-
numbered up to 302, but over this number the esteem in which ship or ieciprocally viewing our activities, makes for a deeper
they are held falls again.3 We recognize that there is a huge spec- friendship tñan sitting in traffic just so we can meet face to
trum of actual interest or concern among Facebook friends. Best face.
friends, who are barely out of each other's company, may also Ethnographic fieldwork over several proiects provides evidence
post incessantly on each other's walls. They will commonly be that comhunicative technologies can have a significant effect on
best Facebook friends. Equally, there are people who are friended sexual relationships.'Working on the impact of mobile phones in
for the sole purpose of adding to rhe total number of friends, so Jamaica,a it seeméd very likely that the increase in the ease
that the act of Facebook friending can be inconsequential. More * people can have private personal conversations had, in and
importandy, people have quickly come to recognize the new genre of itself, n or multiple sexual liaisons more common and
of purely Facebook friends, people you come to know much "de
easier to get away with. This may be one of the most significant
better because you see their postings every day. You may occa- cooseqo"ñ.es of ihe spread of mobile phones. By contrast, while
sionally comment on them but you are never likely to meer them Facebáok can also bJ used for secret assignations, the evidence
in any other capacity than on Facebook. §íhen I first went onto from Trinidad suggests that in the main it has the opposite effect.
Facebook, I agreed to be friended by ex-studenrs, though after No one ever knows who might be taking a picture of them and
a short while I stopped this. But some of those early Facebook posring it on Facebook. Almost evefyone had stories about friends
friends are people I feel I have now come to know quite well, who hád had photos posted with people they were not supposed
to have been with. My goess would be that Trinis are having
I boyd, d. and Ellison, N, (2007), 'social Networking Sites: De6nition, History and less illicit or multiple sexual relationships simply because it has
Scholarship', Journal of Computer-Mediated C,ommunication l3(1), article 11, http'Jl
I 3/issue 1/boyd.ellison.htual. become that much harder to keep these from the public gaze, in
Pahl, R. (20001, On Friendship, Cambridger Poliry.
3 Ton6 S., Van Der Heide, B. and Langwell, L. (2008), 'Too Much of a Good Thing? The
Relationship Berween Number of Friends and Interpersonal Impressions on Face6ook', 4 Horsr, H. and Miller, D. (2006), The CeIl Phone: Anthropology of Cotnmunication.
Joumal of Compat*-Mediated C,ommanication 13: 531-49, Oxford: Berg.

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