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Commission on Higher Education

San Jose Community College

San Jose, Malilipot, Albay
Education Department


( Prof Ed 9 )


Instructor: ED BASMAYOR
Introduction to Arithmetic Sequences


At the end of the lesson the students are expected to learned the following:

A. Students will understand the concept of arithmetic sequences and be able to identify the first
term, common difference, and nth term.
B. Students will be able to apply the arithmetic sequence formula to solve problems and find missing


A. Topic: Arithmetic Sequences

B. References: Here are a few math teaching resources you can explore:
 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM):
 Khan Academy:
 MathisFun:
 Math Worksheets Land:
C. Materials: strips of paper for the game, cartolina, chalk

 Whiteboard or blackboard: To write and illustrate examples, formulas, and key

concepts during the lesson.
 Markers or chalk: To write on the whiteboard or blackboard.
 Handouts with practice problems: Prepared worksheets or printed materials containing
arithmetic sequence problems for students to solve individually or in pairs.
 Calculators (optional): Depending on the level of the students and the complexity of the
problems, calculators may be provided to assist with calculations. This can be helpful if
the focus is more on understanding the concept rather than the arithmetic calculations
D. Concepts: Arithmetic sequences, common difference, Nth term, and solving arithmetic sequence
E. Values Integration: Critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, accuracy, attention to
detail, perseverance, resilience and appreciation for patterns.
Teacher’s Hint Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Good morning class! How has you been today? Good afternoon, Sir. We are fine.
I'm glad to hear that! So, can I count on you to Yes Sir.
Greeting give it your all and participate actively?

Prayer Before we start the lesson this afternoon, let's (Student will lead the prayer)
pray for God's direction and enlighten our minds
so that we may fully comprehend the lesson
from this morning. Please take the lead in the

Classroom I would like to request everyone to arrange your (Students will arrange their chairs and
Management chairs properly and make sure there are no will pick up the trashes.)
trashes around you.

Checking of I think everyone is present. I’m so glad that

attendance everyone understands the reasons of coming to
school regularly.

Recall Now, as a short recap from our previous lesson,

who can give a short overview of the concepts
we’ve discussed? Last meeting, we talked about
sequences. Sequences is a function
Very Good! whose domain is either a finite or
infinite set.
Let us see how much have you learned from our
previous discussion by this activity.

Are you ready?

Were ready Sir!
Activity: Sequence or Not
Direction: Determine whether the following
given is a sequence or not. Expected Answers:
Activity: Sequence or Not
Direction: Determine whether the following Sequence
given is a sequence or not. Sequence
Let us see how much have you learned from our Not
previous discussion by this activity. Sequence
Let us see how much have you learned from our Not
previous discussion by this activity. Sequence
1. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 Not
2. AA, CC, EE, GG Sequence
3. 20, 50, 55, 30, 105 Sequence
5. 123, 566, 365, 957, 487
7. a, e, i, o, u
8. 101, 201, 304, 501
9. cba, fed, ihg
10. 78, 80, 82, 84, 86

Good job class! It seems that you have really

mastered our previous lesson.
B. Motivation I will divide this class into four groups. (The whole class will participate to
find out the words.)
Since you've been doing great in all the activities
in our previous lesson, I think it would be better
to introduce our new lesson with a new activity
that I'm sure you would enjoy.
Group 1, Group 2, Group 3 and Group 4.
Each group will be given challenging arithmetic
sequence problem to the class. As I say go,
everyone should participate to find and figure
out the missing numbers. The solution should be
posted on the board. The group, who will win,
will get the prize.

Is everyone excited?
Yes Sir.
Very good. Thank you!

ACITVITY: Complete the Incomplete

DIRECTION: Look, investigate and find the
missing terms of each sequence.






Well done class!

C. Presentation of Previously we define sequence as a function

Topic and Objectives whose domain is either a finite or an infinite set. A sequence refers to a set of objects
Based from our activity, what would be a that are arranged together to form a
simpler definition of a sequence? pattern.

Very well said.

Actually, our activity does not simply depict

pattern or a sequence. One of the items is a
particular example of an arithmetic sequence.

Has anyone heard about this type of sequence?

Some say Yes, and some did not
Among the five (5) items in the activity the best
example that represents an arithmetic sequence
is item no. 4.

D. Discussion Proper In item no. 4, notice that each block or square

increases after the other, right?
Yes, Sir!
To illustrate:

1 2 3 4 5

This type of sequence where every term after

the first is obtained by adding a constant called
the common difference is known as an
Arithmetic Sequence.

In the above example, the common difference is

How? Because the succeeding term is
determined by adding one from the
Absolutely! previous term.

In general, the first n terms of an arithmetic

sequence with 𝑎1 as the first term and d as the
common difference are
𝑎1, 𝑎1 + 𝑑, 𝑎1 + 2𝑑, … , 𝑎1 + (𝑛 − 1)𝑑

If 𝑎1 and d are known, it is easy to find any

term in an arithmetic sequence by using the rule
𝑎𝑛 = 𝑎1 + (𝑛 − 1)𝑑

Is everything going smooth and clear?

Do you have any clarifications? Yes Sir!

Since there’s none, let us proceed with the None Sir!


E. Enrichment Activity
Great! It seems like you’re all into learning
the topic ever more.

Activity: Arithmetic Sequence in Real Life

Now, class, I want you to pay attention to the

following images.

It looks familiar right? Yes Sir!

Identify which among the images clearly

depicts an arithmetic sequence and which do
not. Expected Answers:


A sequence but does not clearly

depicts an arithmetic sequence.

An Arithmetic Sequence with 0 as the
common difference.

Arithmetic Sequence (1,2,3,4,5,6)


Arithmetic Sequence (1,2,3,4)

Generalization Any clarification so far?

Expected answers:
If there’s none, let’s sum up what you’ve learned
from this lesson. An arithmetic sequence is a type of
sequence where a common difference
between two consecutive terms exists.

To find the nth term of a sequence, use

the general rule: 𝑎𝑛 = 𝑎1 + (𝑛 − 1)𝑑

Directions: Answer the following questions comprehensively and show your solutions.
1. Given the arithmetic sequence 2,4,6,8,10,… find 𝑎50.

2 – 4. Find the 𝑎11, 𝑎23, and 𝑎30 of the arithmetic sequence 1,5,9,13,17,…

5. 295 is what term of the arithmetic sequence 10,25,40,…?

6. Given 2,125,248, 371. Find the d.

7. Find 𝑎250 in the sequence 37,50,63,76,…

8. What should be the value of x so that x + 2, 3x – 2, 7x – 12 will form an arithmetic

9. There are 115 passengers in the first carriage of a train, 130 passengers in the second
carriage and 145 in the third carriage and so on. How many passengers will there be in
the 8th carriage?

10. A racing car travels 750 meters in a minute. If the car begins racing at exactly 8:00 AM,
what time will he reach the finish line if the distance covered by one lap is 10 kilometers
and the car needs to complete 3 lapses?
5 3 1
Understands Identifies special Understand Doesn’t understand
the factors that enough to solve enough to get
problem influence the part of the started or make
approach before problem or to progress.
starting the get part of the
problem. solution.
Uses Information Explains why Uses some Uses
Appropriately certain information appropriate
is essential to the information inappropriate
solution. correctly. information.
Applies Explains why Uses some Applies
Appropriate procedures are appropriate unnecessary and
Procedures appropriate and procedures. inappropriate
necessary for the procedures.
Uses Uses a Uses a Uses a
Representations representation that
representation representation that
is appropriate andthat gives some gives little or no
fits to its important significant
information information about
mathematical about the the problem.
precision. problem.
Answers the Correct solution of Partially correct Incorrect solution
problem the problem and solution and or no answer at all
made a general rule with copying based on
about the solution and
or extended the computational inappropriate
solution to a more error, and method.
detailed and brief answer are
generalization. labelled


1. 𝑎50 = 100

2 – 4. 𝑎11 = 49, 𝑎23 = 89, and 𝑎30 = 117

5. 20th term or 𝑎20

6. 𝑑 = 123

7. 𝑎250 = 3274

8. 𝑥 = 3

9. 𝑎8 = 220 passengers

10. 8:40 AM


Direction: Research on other examples of applications of arithmetic sequence in real-life setting. Paste the
examples in a piece of clean paper. Elaborately explain why such examples belongs specifically to an
arithmetic sequence

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