Oil Fat and Waxes

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Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and

Technology University, Gopalganj-8100


Oil, Fats and Waxes

Course Code : ACCE-251

Course Title : Chemical Technology II

Shariful Islam
Student ID: 19ACE021
Session: 2019-2020
2nd Year 2nd Semester

Dept. of Applied Chemistry and

Chemical Engineering
Dr. MD Kamruzzaman
(Associate Professor)

Dept. of Applied Chemistry and

Chemical Engineering, BSMRSTU
Date of submission: 14/08/2023


Presented by
Shariful Islam
Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, BSMRSTU


Serial Content Page no

1 Oil fat and waxes 1

2 Oils 1-4
3 Properties of oils 1
4 Classification of oils 2
5 Classification of fatty oils 3
6 Fats 4-7
7 Properties of fats 4
8 Classification of fats 5
9 Uses of oils and fats 6
10 Extraction of vegetable oils 8-9
11 Vegetable oils extraction process 8
12 Hydrogenation of vegetable oils 9-11
13 Hydrogenation process 10
14 Rancidity of oils and fats 11-13
15 Types of rancidity 11
16 Factor that contributes to rancidity of oils 12
17 Protection from rancidity 13
18 Waxes 13-17
19 Properties of waxes 14
20 Classification of waxes 14
21 Difference between oils fats and waxes 16
22 Application of waxes 17

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Oils, fats and waxes are natural products, widely distributed in nature, in both the animal
and plant kingdom. Fats and oils are esters of higher fatty acids and other acids with
glycerol. Thus, oils and fats are esters of glycerol and fatty acids. The esters of glycerol are
commonly known as glycerides. Fatty acids are both saturated and unsaturated. Waxes are
mixed esters of higher polyhydric alcohols, other than glycerol with fatty acids. In other
words, according to their physical conditions at room temperature, oils and fats are the
esters of glycerine and waxes are the esters of the higher monohydric alcohols.


1.1 OILS
Oils are fats that are liquid at room temperature, like vegetable oils used in cooking. They
come from many different plants and from fish. Oils are not a food group, but they provide
you with important nutrients such as unsaturated fats and vitamin E.
In general, oil is a liquid that is made up of organic molecules. Any of numerous unctuous
combustible substances that are liquid or can be liquefied easily on warming, are soluble in
ether but not in water.
Fats that are liquid at room temperature are called oils. This category includes unsaturated
fatty acids.
In other words, “the glycerides of monobasic organic carboxylic acid having lower melting
point (around 20℃) are called oils.”
Example: soybean oil, sunflower oil, linseed oil, castor oil, tung oil etc.


Oils are non-volatile liquids, lighter than water and insoluble in it. They are readily soluble
in benzene, petroleum ether, carbon disulphide, carbon tetrachloride, ether etc. Some
notable properties of oils are given below:
1. Oils have no taste, odour or any colour in pure state.
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2. Oils are liquid at ordinary temperatures and have low volatility.

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3. Because of long hydrocarbon chains such compounds are generally insoluble in

4. When agitated with water in presence of an emulsifying agent, they, however, form
an emulsion. Oils can be emulsified with water in the presence of a suitable
emulsifying agent
5. Oils undergo hydrolysis with acids, alkalis and high-pressure steam to produce
glycerine and a carboxylic acid or its salts depending upon the experimental
6. On continued exposure to moist air, oils undergo hydrolysis or oxidation this
process is known as rancidification.
7. Oils with a high degree of unsaturation slowly develop a hard surface film in contact
with air.
8. Oils are more unsaturated than fats.
9. Oils spread easily or on the skin and leave a water repellent or hydrophobic film on
the surface.


There are two broad classifications of oils Edible and inedible. The various edible oils
cotton seed olive soybean corn etc. these are used as salad dressing, for cooking purpose.
Inedible oils including tallow oil coconut oil palm oil etc. these are used for making soap,
paint varnish or many other purposes such as lubricant and greases etc.
Depending on source and use the oil can be classified into 3 types:
i. Fatty oil
ii. Petroleum oil
iii. Essential oil

i. Fatty oil:
The fatty oils are non-volatile and consist of glycerine in combination with a fatty acid.
Oils which are obtained from vegetable and animal sources are called fatty oils because
these oils belong to the same class of compound.
These are glycerides of monobasic organic carboxylic acid of higher molecular weight.
These acids contain both saturated and unsaturated alkyl group
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ii. Petroleum Oil:

These oils are generally isolated from petroleum and hence they are mineral in origin. These
are mixtures of various hydrocarbons of different molecular weight and varying degrees of
volatilities. These are saturated hydrocarbons or paraffins, the number of carbon atoms is
in the range of 5 to 30. The petroleum oils are obtained by distillation from crude oil.
These oils are used as fuels in automobiles and the power industry. Example: kerosene oil.

iii. Essential oils:

Essential oils are pleasant smelling highly volatile liquids, widely distributed in various
types of plant are also known as volatile liquids. The common natural sources of these oils
are buds, flower petals, barks, leaves, roots etc these oils are obtained by fractional
distillation. Essential oils are colourless in pure state but light yellow in crude state. They
are soluble in organic solvent.
Example: turpentine oils, oil of cloves, oil of eucalyptus etc.


Depending on the number of carbon chains in fatty oils the oils are classified into three
i. Drying oils
ii. Semi-drying oils
iii. Non-drying oils

i. Drying oils:
These oils are able to absorb oxygen and on exposure dry into thin elastic films. These are
used in paints and varnishes. These thicken and harden once they’re exposed to air, creating
a tough coating that protects surfaces but doesn’t leave much room for flexibility. Drying
oils contain more than 50% of polyunsaturated acids.
Those oils which dry up to form a hard thin and transparent film when exposed to air are
called drying oils. These oils dry because polyunsaturated acids are converted quickly when
exposed in air.
Some important drying oils are linseed oils, tung oils, hemp seed oils etc
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ii. Semi-drying oils:

A semi-drying oil is an oil which partially hardens when it is exposed to air. Semi-drying

oils which contain an intermediate proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Semi-drying

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oils contain 20% to 50% of polyunsaturated acids. These oils absorb the oxygen slowly and
only in a limited amount. They form soft film only after long exposure. Some of these oils
are edible, while the others are illuminating or used in making soaps and candles.
A few of these oils are corn oils, cotton seed oils, mustard oils. Pumpkin oils etc

iii. Non-drying oils:

These do not form any layer when coming in contact with air. Non-drying oils contain a
very small amount of polyunsaturated fatty acid. Non-drying oils contain less than 20% of
polyunsaturated fatty acids. The oil remains liquid at ordinary temperature and does not
form a film. These oils are edible and can also be used in the manufacture of soap and
The important ones of these oils are Castor oil, peanut oil, olive oil etc


2.1 FATS
Fats are compounds that are mostly insoluble in water and soluble in organic solvents.
Room temperature makes them solid. Solid fats are composed of two types. The first type
is saturated fat, while the second is trans fats.
Oil and fat are not different things, but in reality, they share a common chemical structure
and similar properties. The difference is that those that stay solid at room temperatures are
called fats while those that stay liquid at room temperatures are called oils. Chemically,
each fat or oil molecule consists of three long strings of fatty acid molecules combined with
a glycerol molecule.
The definition of fat can be given as “The glycerides of monobasic organic carboxylic acid
which have higher melting point (above 20℃) are called Fats.”
Example: lard, tallow, butter etc


Oil and fat are the same thing; they only have different names and distinct chemical
structures. Those that remain solid at room temperature are referred to as fats, whilst those
that remain liquid at room temperature are referred to as oils. Each molecule of fat or oil is
made up chemically of a glycerol molecule and three long strings of fatty acid molecules.
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The properties of oils are given below:


1. Fats are glycerides of monobasic organic carboxylic acid.

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2. Fats have no taste, odour or any colour in pure state.

3. Fats have a higher melting point than oils. And found as solid in ordinary
4. Because of long hydrocarbon chains such compounds are generally insoluble in
water. But soluble in organic solvent.
5. Fats are less dense than water.
6. Fats also undergo hydrolysis with acids, alkalis and high-pressure steam to produce
glycerine and a carboxylic acid or its salts depending upon the experimental
7. Fats are more saturated than oils.
8. Fats are solid in room temperature (around 20℃)


Fats, also known as triglycerides, can be classified based on their physical properties and
their chemical composition. Fatty acids are classified according to the presence and number
of double bonds in their carbon chain. The main classifications of fats are:
i. Saturated fatty acids (SFA)
ii. Monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA)
iii. Polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)
iv. Trans fatty acids (TFA)

i. Saturated fatty acid (SFA)

Saturated fats have no double bonds between the carbon atoms in their fatty acid chains.
They are "saturated" with hydrogen atoms, meaning each carbon atom is bonded to as many
hydrogen atoms as possible. Saturated fats are typically solid at room temperature. They
do not easily become rancid. They are commonly found in animal products like butter, lard,
and fatty cuts of meat, as well as in some plant oils like coconut oil and palm oil. Consuming
excessive amounts of saturated fats is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and
other health issues.

ii. Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA)

Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) are a type of dietary fat characterised by having one
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double bond in their fatty acid chain. The presence of this single double bond creates bend
in the chain. Monounsaturated fats typically remain in a liquid state at room temperature

but can solidify slightly when chilled.

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One of the most well-known monounsaturated fatty acids is oleic acid, which is commonly
found in various foods. Olive oil is a prominent source of oleic acid. The common source
of monounsaturated fatty acid is olive oil, rapeseed oils etc

iii. Polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA):

Polyunsaturated fats are a type of dietary fat characterised by having multiple double bonds
in their fatty acid chains. Polyunsaturated fatty acids contain more than one double bond in
their chemical makeup. They are the least stable fatty acid to oxidation.
The common source of polyunsaturated fatty acid is sunflower oils, soybean oil, safflower
oils, corn oil, and flaxseed oil are rich sources of polyunsaturated fats.

iv. Trans fatty acids (TFA)

Trans fats are a specific type of unsaturated fat that has been artificially processed to change
their chemical structure. Trans fats are created through a process called hydrogenation,
which converts liquid vegetable oils into more solid fats. Trans fats are often found in
processed foods, baked goods, and fried foods.
They have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease and are considered harmful to
health. Many health organisations recommend limiting the consumption of trans fats as
much as possible.


There are many applications for oils and fats in several facets of our lives, including food
preparation, industry, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. Here are a few typical applications
for oils and fats:

i. Cooking and Food Preparation:

Oils and fats are essential ingredients in cooking and baking. They are used for sautéing,
frying, roasting, and as a base for salad dressings and marinades.
Butter and margarine are commonly used for baking, while oils like olive oil, canola oil,
and vegetable oil are popular for cooking.

ii. Food Manufacturing:

Oils and fats are used in the production of processed foods such as snacks, baked goods,
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and confectionery items.

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They act as emulsifiers, thickeners, or stabilisers in various food products, providing texture
and enhancing flavour. Some non-drying and animal vegetable oil and fat are used as
materials of food and cooking oil.

iii. Food Preservation:

Fats and oils play a role in food preservation by inhibiting the growth of bacteria and other
They are used in pickling, canning, and as a coating for certain food items to extend their
shelf life.

iv. Cosmetics and Personal Care:

Oils and fats are common ingredients in skincare products, such as moisturisers, lotions,
and balms.
They help to hydrate and nourish the skin, and some oils have specific properties like anti-
aging or acne-fighting effects. Rapeseed oil, mustard oil is used for rubbing on the body
and skin. Also, coconut oil, almond oil is used as hair oil.

v. Pharmaceuticals:
Fats and oils are used in pharmaceutical formulations to improve the absorption and
bioavailability of certain drugs.
They are also used as carriers for fat-soluble vitamins and supplements.

vi. Industrial Applications:

Oils and fats find applications in various industrial processes. For example, they are used
as lubricants in machinery to reduce friction and wear.
In the chemical industry, some fats and oils are used as feedstock for producing biodiesel.

vii. Soap making:

Non-drying oils and fat as well as some semi-drying oils are extensively used for soap and
detergent making. For example, coconut oil is used for soap and detergent making.

viii. Paint and varnish:

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Drying oils are used for paint and varnish making. Linseed oil, tung oil, tall oil are used for
manufacturing paint and varnish.
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Oilseed processing and oil extraction processes are designed to obtain high quality oil with
minimal undesirable components, achieve high extraction yields and produce high value
meal. There are several techniques for extracting oil from oilseeds. Two common oilseed
extraction processes are solvent extraction and mechanical extraction using a screw press.
Solvent extraction refers to preferential dissolution of oil by contacting oilseeds with a
liquid solvent. This is the most efficient technique to recover oil from oilseeds. The
efficiency depends on the oilseed preparation prior to extraction, temperature, mode of
operation (batch vs. continuous and co-current vs. counter current operations) and
equipment design. It is expected that residual oil in the meal to be less than 1 percent after
commercial solvent extraction
The overwhelming majority of all vegetable oil is extracted using solvent extraction. The
advantage of solvent extraction is the high yield that can be obtained economically with
this method (>99 wt.%).

3.1.1 Vegetable oil extraction process.

Following flow sheets show the process of vegetable oil extraction. At the starting of the
process with a mechanical process.
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Figure 1: vegetable oil extraction process flow diagram

First seeds are introduced and they are cleaned and dehulled by physical method. After

cleaning and removal of the hull is sent for size reduction that is crushing rolls of solids
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and here, they are converted into flakes. Flakes from the size cracking rules are sent into a
mechanical expeller that is digester. Here steam is cooked and flex gets more susceptible
that is affected to release oil at 104 to 121°C.Then it is sent to screw expeller in this expelled
solid and liquid get separated from the cooked flakes and separate oil simultaneously.
Flakes are also introduced in the solvent extraction process.
In the solvent extraction process, flakes are introduced in the extractor and solvent is
sprayed on the flakes at the required amount. Then wet meal is passed to a dissolvent sizer
in wet meal separated from the solvent from extractor impure oil with water solvent is
passed to film evaporator.
In the evaporator, it separates oil from water and solvent then it goes to a vacuum stripper
where it again separates the oil from solvent, which comes in a minute quantity by adding
steam in the purification process. Oil comes from expeller and solvent extractor is
introduced in mixer settler alky here, alkali is used as sodium hydroxide to remove the fatty
acids and then it is centrifuge to remove the fatty acids. Then it is passing to fuller earth
carbon and sober. Here it is used to remove the colour and some solid particles. At last, it
is sent to a rotary drum. It separates oil from waste solids.


Hydrogenation is a chemical process used to modify vegetable oils by adding hydrogen
atoms to their unsaturated fatty acids. In this process the hydrogen atoms are added to the
available double bonds in the vegetable oils. This process converts liquid vegetable oils
into more solid fats, creating what is known as partially hydrogenated vegetable oils
Unsaturated fatty acids may be converted to saturated fatty acids by the relatively simple
hydrogenation reaction. Addition of hydrogen to an alkene (unsaturated) result in an alkane
(saturated). A simple hydrogenation reaction is:

H2C=CH2 + H2 → CH3CH3

3.2.1 Purpose of hydrogenation of vegetable oil:

The main purpose of hydrogenation is to improve the texture, stability, and shelf life of oils
and to make them suitable for use in various food products.
Vegetable oils contain a mix of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty
acids. The mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids have double bonds, all in the normal “cis”
formation. These bonds can easily be broken down by oxygen. This produces compounds
that make the oil rancid. These produce off flavours in foods. To control this hydrogenation
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process of oil is used to decrease the unsaturation of oil.

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3.2.2 Reaction:
Vegetable oils are commonly referred to as "polyunsaturated". This simply means that there
are several double bonds present. Vegetable oils may be converted from high degree of
polyunsaturation to low degree of unsaturation by the hydrogenation reaction. After
complete this reaction the liquid oil converted to solid fats. Margarines and shortenings are
"hardened" in this way to make them solid or semi-solids.
A simple hydrogenation reaction shown below.

Hydrogenation of oleic acid can be understood by following picture.

Figure 2: Hydrogenation of oleic fatty acid

3.2.3 Hydrogenation process:

Hydrogenation is a unit process which is used in the fat and oil industry to remove double
bonds, raise the melting point of the fat, and improve its resistance to rancid oxidation. The
major end-product is a solidified household oil for cooking. Other products are vegetable
ghee, hardened industrial oils, and partially hydrogenated liquid oil.
A typical hydrogenation batch process operates as follows: Oil is charged to the reactor,
heated and evacuated to drive off air and water. A catalyst-oil slurry is pumped in.
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The catalyst concentration is 5 to 15 kg per ton of oil. Hydrogen is introduced and the steam
is turned off since the reaction is mildly exothermic. After the desired hydrogenation has
ensued as checked by an iodine number iteration, the batch is cooled and filtered to recover

the catalyst for reuse.

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The hydrogenated oil is next deodorised in a Dowtherm heated, steam sparging vacuum
tower which operates on a continuous basis. The oil is next decolorized with Fuller's earth,
carbon or similar absorbent, then filtered, mixed with vitamins, and sent to the packaging-
storage operations.

Figure 3: Hydrogenation of vegetable oil process flow diagram


rancidity is the condition in which incomplete oxidation or hydrolysis of fats and oils takes
place that spoils the food. Rancidity occurs when food is exposed to light, air, moisture or
to any bacterial action. Rancidity refers to the oxidation of unsaturated fats or oils in food
that results in a bad smell and taste. When oxygen molecules interact with food and oil, the
normal composition of the food is damaged which causes a change in taste and smell, and
thus the food is not recommended to be consumed.
Rancidity is a process that occurs in fats and oils when they undergo oxidative deterioration
due to exposure to air, light, and heat. It causes the oil to develop unpleasant flavours and
odours, making it unfit for consumption and reducing its overall quality. Rancidity is a
common problem in vegetable oils and other lipid-containing foods.


There are mainly two types of rancidity.
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i. Hydrolytic rancidity
ii. Oxidative rancidity
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i. Hydrolytic Rancidity:
This type of rancidity occurs when water molecules break down the ester bonds in
triglycerides, which are the main components of fats and oils. Hydrolysis results in the
release of free fatty acids and glycerol. The free fatty acids contribute to off-flavours and
odours, giving the oil a sour or soapy taste.

Figure 4: Hydrolytic rancidity of oils

ii. Oxidative Rancidity:

Oxidative rancidity is the most common type and is caused by the reaction of unsaturated
fatty acids with oxygen in the air. The presence of double bonds in unsaturated fatty acids
makes them susceptible to oxidation. The process of oxidation leads to the formation of
volatile compounds, such as aldehydes and ketones, which produce unpleasant, "stale"
flavours and odours.

Figure 5: Oxidative rancidity of oils


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Factors that contribute to the development of rancidity in vegetable oils include:

1. Exposure to air: Oxygen in the air promotes oxidation and the formation of rancid

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2. Exposure to light: Light can accelerate the oxidative process, especially in oils
stored in transparent containers.
3. High temperatures: Heat increases the rate of oxidation, so storing oils in warm
environments can hasten rancidity.
4. Presence of pro-oxidants: Some substances present in the oil or introduced during
processing can act as catalysts, accelerating oxidation.
5. Contact with metals: Certain metals, such as copper and iron, can catalyse the
oxidation process.


To prevent rancidity and maintain the quality of vegetable oils, it is essential to store them
properly in airtight containers, away from light and heat. Refrigeration can also help to
slow down the oxidation process and extend the shelf life of oils. Hydrolytic rancidity can
be protected by placing the fats or oils in a refrigerator. So, it does not come into contact
with open air at elevated temperatures. Additionally, using antioxidants or choosing oils
with higher levels of natural antioxidants, such as vitamin E, can help mitigate the effects
of oxidation and delay the onset of rancidity.


5.1 WAXES:
Waxes are esters of fatty acids and certain monohydric alcohol of higher molecular weight.
Waxes are a class of organic compounds that are hydrophobic (repel water) and have a
wide range of physical properties. Waxes are solid because of their saturated fatty acid.
They are solid at room temperature but become liquid when heated slightly. Waxes are
found in nature and can also be synthesised artificially.
They have a more complex chemical structure compared to oils and fats, often containing
long-chain hydrocarbons and fatty acids. Waxes can be derived from plant, animal, and
mineral sources.
Common uses of waxes include candles, polishes, cosmetics, food coatings, and
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Waxes differ from the oils and fats in the alcohol which form the ester. In all oil and fats,
the alcohol is the same but in waxes the alcohol is different. Some important properties of
waxes are given below.
1. Waxes are generally solid at room temperature, but they can have varying degrees
of hardness and brittleness depending on their specific chemical composition and
2. Despite being solid at room temperature, waxes have relatively low melting points.
They become liquid and flow at moderate temperatures, making them easy to work
with in various applications.
3. Waxes are hydrophobic, meaning they repel water. This property makes them useful
as water-resistant coatings and protective barriers.
4. Waxes are chemically stable compounds, which means they are resistant to
oxidation and do not readily react with other substances. This stability contributes
to their longevity and usefulness in various products.
5. Some waxes exhibit adhesive properties, allowing them to be used as binding agents
in various formulations or for sticking materials together.
6. Waxes can serve as lubricants, reducing friction between surfaces and protecting
them from wear.
7. Give gloss and good moulding properties in products such as lipstick.
8. Act as an emulsifying agent or as auxiliary emulsifiers in some cases.


Waxes can be classified based on their origin and chemical composition. Waxes can be
classified into two types based on the source.\
1. Natural waxes
2. Synthetic waxes
Natural waxes are further classified into three types
i. Animal waxes
ii. Vegetable waxes
iii. Mineral waxes
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i. Animal Waxes:

Animal waxes are obtained from various parts of animals or insects.

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1. Beeswax: One of the most well-known animal waxes, produced by honeybees to

build honeycombs. It is widely used in candles, cosmetics, balms, and other
products due to its natural scent and emollient properties.
2. Lanolin: Also known as wool wax or wool grease, lanolin is derived from the
sebaceous glands of sheep. It is used in cosmetics, moisturisers, and skincare
products due to its excellent moisturising and emollient properties.

ii. Vegetable Waxes:

Vegetable waxes are obtained from plant sources and are commonly found in leaves, fruits,
and other plant parts.
1. Carnauba Wax: Obtained from the leaves of the carnauba palm tree (Copernicia
prunifera), native to northeaster Brazil. Carnauba wax is one of the hardest natural
waxes and is often used in car waxes, shoe polishes, and as a glazing agent for
2. Candelilla Wax: Derived from the candelilla shrub (Euphorbia cerifera), native to
northern Mexico and the southwestern United States. Candelilla wax is used in
cosmetics, candles, and as a binder for chewing gum.
3. Rice Bran Wax: Extracted from the bran layer of rice grains. It has applications in
food coatings, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals.

iii. Mineral Waxes:

Mineral waxes, also known as petroleum waxes, are derived from fossil fuels, particularly
crude oil.
1. Paraffin Wax: The most common and widely used mineral wax, obtained from the
refining of crude oil. Paraffin wax is widely used in candles, as a sealant, and in
various cosmetic and industrial applications due to its low cost and versatility.
2. Microcrystalline Wax: Another mineral wax derived from crude oil refining.
Microcrystalline wax has smaller crystal structures compared to paraffin wax and
is often used in coatings, adhesives, and electrical insulation.
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Property Oils Fats Waxes

Waxes are also
solids at room
Oils are liquids at room Fats are solids at room temperature, but they
Physical state
temperature. temperature. have a higher
melting point than
Waxes have an even
higher melting point
Fats have a higher
than fats, making
Oils have a low melting melting point compared
them solid at room
point and remain liquid to oils, causing them to
temperature and
at room temperature. be solid at room
Melting point requiring slightly
higher temperatures
to melt.
Solid at all state with
Liquid at 20 ℃ Solid at 20 ℃
soft, pliable
Lower melting point Higher melting point Higher melting point
Waxes are esters of
Fats are also composed
long-chain fatty
of triglycerides, similar
Oils are composed of acids and long-chain
to oils, but their fatty
triglycerides, which alcohols. They
acid chains are often
consist of glycerol and typically have a
more saturated, leading
three fatty acid chains. more complex
to a solid state at room
chemical structure
Chemical than oils and fats.
Structure: Glycerides of Esters of fatty acids
Glycerides of monobasic organic and certain
monobasic organic carboxylic acid having monohydric alcohol
carboxylic acid higher molecular of high molecular
weight weight
Glycerides of Esters of fatty acids
Glycerides of saturated
unsaturated and and monohydric
fatty acid
saturated fatty acid alcohol
Saponification Saponification value is Saponification value is Saponification value
value high high low
Waxes are
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Oils are hydrophobic, hydrophobic as well;

Fats are also
hydrophobicity meaning they repel they have water-
hydrophobic, like oils.
water. resistant properties.
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Oils are commonly used

Fats are used in Waxes have various
in cooking, baking, and
cooking, baking, and as uses, including in
as ingredients in various
ingredients in many candles, polishes,
food products. They
Use food products. They are cosmetics, food
also have applications
also used in cosmetics coatings,
in cosmetics,
and industrial pharmaceuticals, and
pharmaceuticals, and
applications. industrial processes.
industrial processes.
Example coconut oil, Example: bees
Example: lard, tallow,
Examples castor oil, mustard oil waxes, Chinese
butter fat etc
etc waxes


Waxes have a wide range of uses and applications in various industries due to their unique
properties. Some common uses of waxes include:
1. Candles: Waxes, especially paraffin wax and beeswax, are widely used in candle-
making. They provide a solid and slow-burning fuel source, allowing candles to
emit light and heat when lit.
2. Cosmetics and Skincare: Waxes are used in cosmetics and skincare products, such
as lipsticks, balms, creams, and lotions. They provide texture, consistency, and act
as emollients to soften and protect the skin.
3. Polishes and Coatings: Waxes are used in furniture polishes, floor polishes, and car
waxes to provide a protective and glossy finish. Carnauba wax is particularly
popular for its high shine and water-resistant properties.
4. Food Coatings: Waxes, such as carnauba wax and shellac wax, are used as food
coatings to add a shiny appearance and preserve freshness in products like fruits,
candies, and chocolates.
5. Pharmaceuticals: In the pharmaceutical industry, waxes are used as binders and
coatings for tablets and capsules to improve their appearance, stability, and ease of
6. Industrial Applications: Waxes serve various purposes in industrial processes. They
are used as lubricants, release agents, and mold-release agents in manufacturing and
casting processed
7. Printing and Paper Coating: Waxes are used in the printing industry as additives in
inks and coatings to enhance printability and produce water-resistant and glossy
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finishes on paper.
8. Art and Craft Supplies: Waxes, such as encaustic wax, are used in artistic techniques

like encaustic painting.

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