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Republic of the Philippines

Division of Rizal
Sub-Office of Taytay


SCHOOL YEAR 2022-2023

Name: _______________________________________________________ Score: __________________

Grade and Section: _____________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Identify what is being described in each statement. Choose the letter of your answer in the box and
write it on your paper.

A. Images B. Real Images C. Make-believe Images

_____1. These are pictures which illustrates something that is not real. These are also known as
non-fact image.
_____2. It came from the latin word “imago” which refers to any item that depicts visual perception,
such as a photograph or other two-dimensional picture, resembling an object.
_____3. These are pictures which depict visuals of objects or happenings that exist in real life.

Match column A with column B. Rearrange the letters in the column. Write your answer on the space
provided after the words.





Identify what is being described in each sentence. Choose the letter of your answer in the box and
write it on your paper.
A. Visual Elements B. Space C. Line

_____7. These are any characteristic that we can see including line, shape, direction, size, texture,
color and value.
_____8. It is a set of points extending in both directions. It is used to create shapes, forms and
_____9. It is the area of interest or the subject of the artwork.

Read each statement carefully. Classify them as to, A. text-text-connection, B. text-self-connection,
or C. text-world connection. Choose the letter of your answer and write the in the blank.
__________________10. The movie Independence Day is almost the same as what is happening in our
community today.
__________________11. This scenario reminds me of my high school days when we used to go to malls
after class hours with my friends.
__________________12. This text/passage is the same as the lesson we discussed in Science about the
prevention of the possible spread of coronavirus.

Choose the letter of the correct answer.
13. Describes or presents statements, events, or items in order, and/or enumerates procedures or steps in
doing something.
a. Sequence c. Cause and Effect
b. Description d. Comparison and Contrast
14. Describes a person, place, thing, idea, or concept by explaining its features and characteristics or by
giving examples.
a. Sequence c. Cause and Effect
b. Description d. Comparison and Contrast
15. Refers to what happened and why it happened.
a. Sequence c. Cause and Effect
b. Description d. Comparison and Contrast

Read each statement carefully. Analyze them well. Identify the given statements as to,
A. Testimonial, B. Name Calling, and C. Appeal to Fear. Choose the letter of the correct answer..
______________16. It scares or frightens consumers so that they will either patronize or avoid the product
or service.
____________ 17. This propaganda uses advertisement war with other products in the market.
____________18. This propaganda device utilizes famous or influential people to testify about the beauty
of a certain product to win the interest of customers.
Identify the following sources of information as A. print, B. online, and C. broadcast. Choose
the letter of the correct answer.

____19. textbooks
____20. TV Patrol
____21. newspaper
____22. Social Media
____23. Documentaries

Directions: Read the poem, then answer the questions that follow.

by Felice Holman
I can fly, of course
Very low, Not fast,
Rather slow
I spread my arms
Like wings,
Lean on the wind,
And my body zings
Nothing showy-
A few loops
And turns-
But for the most part
I just coast.
Since people are prone to talk about it
I generally prefer
Unless I am alone,
Just to walk about.

24. What does the speaker in the poem say she can do?
a. she can fly b. she can swim c. she can dance
25-28. What does the speaker in the poem do in order to fly? (choose the letter that are given in
the poem)

a. I spread my arms Like wings e. I spread may hands and wash

b. Lean on the wind, and my body zings f. Press my feet and stomp
c. Nothing showy, A few loops And turns g. But for the most part I just coast.

29. Does the speaker fly high and fast or low and slow?

a. very fast b. very slow c. none

Directions: Evaluate the theme in the short narratives by choosing the correct thematic statement.
Box the correct answer:
30. My Son’s Gift
It was December, I scolded my son for wasting expensive wrapping paper. We we’re short in money and I
became angry when I saw him tried to adorn a box to put under the Christmas tree. Even so, my son
brought the gift to me the next day and said, “Merry Christmas mother, this is for you.”
I was so ashamed by my reaction earlier. And when I opened the box there was a letter that say “I Love
You” mommy. My tears flowed and hugged him tight and asked for his forgiveness.
A. Forgiveness
B. Love of family
C. Fulfill the settlement made with a person.
D. Forgive a person who did something terrible to you.
31. The Fox and the crow
Once upon a time. There was a crow. He had a piece of meat. A hungry fox came there. His mouth watered
when he saw the piece of meat. He thought of a plan to get it. He praised the voice of a crow. The fox said
to him to sing a song. When the crow opened his mouth to sing, the piece of meat fell down. The fox ate it
and went away.
A. Don't trust anyone.
B. Take it easy.
C. Think twice before you act.
D. Recklessness leads to destruction.
32. A Lion and a mouse
Once upon a time. There lived a lion and a mouse. One day the lion was sleeping. The mouse started
playing on it. The Lion woke up. He caught up with the mouse and was going to kill him. The mouse
requested forgiveness. The Lion let him go. After some days the Lion was caught in a net. The mouse cut
the net with his teeth. The lion was free. He thanked the mouse.
A. It’s ok to invite for help.
B. Ask for assistance.
C. Assist a person who's in need.
D. mercy brings its reward.
33. The Ant and the Dove
One hot day, an ant was searching for some water. She came to a spring, but to reach it she had to climb
up a blade of grass. While making her way up, she slipped and fell into the water. A dove sitting on the
nearby tree saw her and quickly plucked a leaf and dropped it into the water to save the drowning ant.
A. A lasting friendship
B. A helping friend
C. A loving friend
D. A strong friend
35. A Greedy Dog
Once upon a Time. There was a dog. He was very hungry. He got a piece of meat. He reached at a stream.
He saw his reflection in the water. He thought there was another dog with a piece of meat. He wanted to get
it. He opened his mouth, and he lost his own piece of meat.
A. Greed is a curse
B. Greed can lead to happiness
C. Greed is okay
D. A good dog.

Directions: Underline the correct tense of the verb in the parenthesis to make the sentences clear and
36. According to World Health Organization (WHO) people with covid-19 vaccine (A. develop B. will
develop C. developed D. develops ) mild to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization.
37. Lola Auring, a senior citizen (A. get B. got C. will get D. gets) her 1st dose of Sinovac vaccine
38. Following IATF health and safety protocol (A. will stop B. stopped C. stops D. stop) the spread of
corona virus.
39. We always (A. pray B. prays C. prayed D. will pray) for good health and safety against Covid-19 to our
Lord God.
40. Older age groups, especially those with underlying health conditions, (A. is B. was
C. are D. were ) more at risk.
Directions: Choose the appropriate subordinating and coordinating conjunctions to make the
sentences clear and coherent. Write your answer on the blank.
41. I am done I failed to pass my learning tasks.
A. so B. for C. yet D. or
42. I watch the news on television, and a large number of people are out of the streets without a mask.
A. As B. When C. Since D. Until
43. Jocelyn becomes my best friend she listens to all the way.
A. while B. because C. after D. before
44. ____________she arrives early tonight, I will cook her dinner.
A. Although B. Since C. Once D. Even if
45. Luisa finished her online tasks earlier_____________she could play the guitar.
A. but B. so C. nor D. for
Choose the correct adverb to complete the sentences. Write the letter of the correct answer on the
space before each number.
46. The curfew offender is hiding __________the manhole.
A. on C. somewhere
B. underneath D. there
47. The trekkers looked at their compass and began to walk ________.
A. on C. off
B. in D. out
48. Angel does not only talk ____________she also has a good speaking voice which I admire.
A. sadly C. quietly
B. clearly D. happily
49. Junior always does his written work and performance task________.
A. today C. yesterday
B. daily D. every week
50. I had been looking for my eyeglasses for an hour but can’t find it ________________.
A. everywhere C. somewhere
B. anywhere D. the

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