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第101课 旅行

During the trip, the tour guide provided directions to the residents

and handed out a sheet with information about available activities in

each section. The guide corresponded with the participants in advance

to identify their interests and ensure a single conversation topic that

would contribute to the total enjoyment of the journey.
第101课 旅行

During the trip, the tour guide provided directions to the residents
and handed out a sheet with information about available activities in
each section. The guide corresponded with the participants in advance

to identify their interests and ensure a single conversation topic that
would contribute to the total enjoyment of the journey.

• 在旅行期间,导游为居民提供了方向指引,并发放了一张包含各个区域可用

第101课 旅行


• 1 available a. 可利用的,adj可获得的,可 • 8 advance n. 预先;进步;增长; v.提前;提升;
用的 预付
• 2 resident a. 定居的;n.居民 • 9 identify v. 鉴定;认出,发现

• 3 conversation n. 交谈,谈话 • 10 total a. 全部的; n/vt.共计
• 4 direction n. 方向,指导 • 11 contribute v. 贡献出:促进
• 5 sheet n. 床单,一张,薄片

• 6 section n. 部分;阶层;路段;截面; v.
• 12 single a. 一个的,单身的
• 13 information n. 消息

划分;切开 • 14 activity n. 活动;行动
• 7 correspond v. 符合,联系 • 15 participant n.参与者


「 研究」

第102课 研究

The research program offers individuals the opportunity to gain

valuable academic experience and explore the impact of digital

technology on social interactions. It corresponds to the average rate of

technological advancement, appealing to those seeking a position that

combines technology and social aspects.
第102课 研究

The research program offers individuals the opportunity to gain
valuable academic experience and explore the impact of digital

technology on social interactions. It corresponds to the average rate of
technological advancement, appealing to those seeking a position that

combines technology and social aspects.

• 这个研究项目为个人提供了获得宝贵学术经验和探索数字技术对社交互动的

第102课 研究


1. research v. 研究,调查 9. position n. 职位,位置
2. experience v. 经验,经历 10.appeal v. 请求;上诉;有吸引力; n 吸引力;
3. program n. 程序,节目 呼吁; 筹款

4. digital a. 数码的,数字的 n. 科技;技术,工艺

5. social a. 交际的;社会性的 12.individual a. 个别的;独特的; n个人

6. correspond v. 相一致;类似于
7. average a. 平均的,普通 伯 13.academic a. 学院的 n大学教师,学者
14.impact v. 影响;有影响; n影响;冲击力

8. rate n. 速度,速率; v评估,评价 15.opportunity n. 机会,良机


「 减肥」

第103课 减肥

• During the recession, the government has made regulations that
require companies to release statements regarding the long-term

benefits of their products. In the case of addressing the issue of obesity,

companies are likely to feature healthier items and emphasize access

to such products. This process aims to benefit the country by
promoting healthier choices and combating obesity.

第103课 减肥

• During the recession, the government has made regulations that
require companies to release statements regarding the long-term

benefits of their products. In the case of addressing the issue of obesity,
companies are likely to feature healthier items and emphasize access

to such products. This process aims to benefit the country by
promoting healthier choices and combating obesity.

• 在经济衰退期间,政府已实施规定,要求公司发布关于其产品的长期受益的

第103课 减肥


1. feature n. 面貌特征,特点 10.government n. 政府;治理
2. company n. 公司;陪伴 11.process v. 步骤,过程;进程; v加工;处理
3. obesity n. 肥大,肥胖 n. 国家

4. product n. 产品; (乘)积 13.regulation n. 规章,法规,条例;管理
14.likely a.有可能的;适合的;adv很可能
5. access n. 入口;接近……的方法; v进入,使用,

获取 15.benefit v. 得益于; n好处
6. statement n. 声明;结算单,报表 16.require v. 要求,规定
7. item n. 一项,一条;条款 17.release v. 释放;发布;n解除;释放:发布

8. state v. 说明,陈述; n州;国家;状态,情况 18.issue n. 问题;发行物; v发行;宣布,公布
19.promote v. 升职;促进;宣传;促销
9. recession n. 经济衰退


「 教育」

第104课 教育

• To engage students in their education, teachers should create an
environment that keeps them involved and tends to their individual

learning needs. This approach can effect positive changes in their

ability to communicate and affect their professional development. It

may also cause students to concern about the condition of their
country and pose questions that require critical thinking.

第104课 教育

• To engage students in their education, teachers should create an
environment that keeps them involved and tends to their individual

learning needs. This approach can effect positive changes in their
ability to communicate and affect their professional development. It

may also cause students to concern about the condition of their
country and pose questions that require critical thinking.

• 为了让学生参与到他们的教育中来,教师应该创造一个让他们参与进来并满

第104课 教育


1. engage v. 参与,从事,雇佣 10.communicate v. 交流;传播
2. keep v. 保持;保留;继续;贮藏,照管;经营; 11.condition n. 状况:形势:久们
遵守;供给 12.professional a. 专业的 n专业人员

3. tend v. 趋向,照顾 13.pose v. 引起(困难等);提出
4. create v. 创造;引起,产生 14.concern v. 涉及;使关心 n担心

5. education n. 教育,培养 15.ability n. 能力
6. effect n. 效果;结果; v使发生 16.approach v. 靠近;接近; n接近;途径;方法
7. affect v. 影响;感动;假装 17.positive a. 积极的,乐观的;正面的

8. involve v. 包含;参与 18.development n. 发展
19.environment n. 自然环境;周围情况;条件
9. cause v. 引起,使发生; n原因,理由


「 金融」

第105课 金融

• Financial risk is a major concern for consumers, yet the number of
people willing to grow their financial potential through investments

continues to compound. It is essential to understand the nature of

investments and the relationship between risk and potential gains.

Comprehension of financial concepts is crucial on occasion when
considering different investment options.

第105课 金融

• Financial risk is a major concern for consumers, yet the number of
people willing to grow their financial potential through investments

continues to compound. It is essential to understand the nature of
investments and the relationship between risk and potential gains.

Comprehension of financial concepts is crucial on occasion when
considering different investment options.

• 金融风险是消费者关注的一个主要问题,但愿意通过投资增加金融潜力的人

第105课 金融


1. compound n. 化合物v合成 8. nature n. 大自然;天性
2. yet conj. 但是; adv尚,还,仍然 9. occasion n. 场 合 ;时 机
3. essential a. 必要的,基本的 10.major a. 主要的nv主修

4. comprehension n. 理解力;测试 11.relationship n. 关系
5. number n. 数字; v达,总计 a. 财政的,金融的
6. consumer n. 用户;消费者
7. risk v. 冒……的危险; n风险 伯 13.potential n. 潜力,潜能; adj潜在的,可能的
14.grow v. 生长,成长;渐渐变得


「 离婚」

第106课 离婚

• The community is working together to contain the issue of divorce
by focusing on fostering association among its members. They offer

guidance and credit counseling to derive the full potential of each

individual, whether it be their function or the region they come from.

The intelligence and innovation within this community create a
remarkable activity, bringing positive changes to the current social

第106课 离婚

• The community is working together to contain the issue of divorce
by focusing on fostering association among its members. They offer

guidance and credit counseling to derive the full potential of each
individual, whether it be their function or the region they come from.

The intelligence and innovation within this community create a
remarkable activity, bringing positive changes to the current social

• 社区正在共同努力,通过重点培养成员之间的联系来遏制离婚问题。他们提供指导和信用咨
第106课 离婚


1. blank a. (纸等)空白的; n空白,空白处 9. focus n. 焦点; v 集中
2. contain v. 包含,容纳;控制 10.association n. 社团;交往
3. derive v. 源自;得自;获得;引申于 11.divorce v. 离婚

4. whether conj. 是否 12.innovation n. 创新,改革
5. function n. 功能v起作用 n. 群体,团体

6. region n. 地区,区域,地带;身体部位
7. intelligence n. 智力;理解力;情报 n. 信用,信誉v相信
15.current a. 当前的,现在的;流动的;n水流

8. offer v. 提供;提议;出价;贡献,奉献; n提 16.remarkable a. 引人注目的,非凡的
17.issue n. 问题;发行物; v发行;宣布,公布


「 经济」

第107课 经济

• To build a strong economic generation, it is essential to maintain
standard behavior and invest in scientific research. Each assignment

and essay presents an opportunity to generate new knowledge and

challenge ourselves. By attaching ourselves to peers and participating

in conferences, we can account for diverse perspectives and generate
fruitful discussions.

第107课 经济

• To build a strong economic generation, it is essential to maintain
standard behavior and invest in scientific research. Each assignment

and essay presents an opportunity to generate new knowledge and
challenge ourselves. By attaching ourselves to peers and participating

in conferences, we can account for diverse perspectives and generate
fruitful discussions.

• 为了建设强大的经济一代,必须保持规范的行为并投资于科学研究。每个任

第107课 经济


1. attach v. 贴上,使依附;把…附(在…上);认 9. invest v. 投资
为…有重要性 10.standard n. 标准 a标准的
2. account n. 账户,解释 v.出说明(或解释); 11.conference n. 大型会议

把 … 视作
12.peer n. 同龄人;同等地位的人; v仔细看
3. essay n. 散文,随笔
13.assignment n. 分配,任务

4. consumption n. 消费,消耗
14.scientific a. 科学的
5. maintain v. 坚持,保持,维修
15.economic a. 经济上的,经济学的

6. behavior n. 举止;行为
16.challenge n. 挑战; vt挑战
7. generation n. 一代(人)
17.opportunity n. 机会,良机
8. generate v. 产生,发(热,电)


「 环境」

第108课 环境

• In view of the previous negative instances, it is crucial to stick to the
accord and consider the motivation to boost private facilities. The

project requires careful consideration of the ingredients and the

potential emissions. Neighbouring commercial areas should cooperate

to claim a clean environment, aiming to reduce bacterial
contamination. The secretary will provide assistance in managing the

project and organizing the necessary documents.
第108课 环境

• In view of the previous negative instances, it is crucial to stick to the
accord and consider the motivation to boost private facilities. The

project requires careful consideration of the ingredients and the
potential emissions. Neighbouring commercial areas should cooperate

to claim a clean environment, aiming to reduce bacterial
contamination. The secretary will provide assistance in managing the

project and organizing the necessary documents.

• 鉴于以往的消极情况,坚持达成协议并考虑激励以提升私人设施至关重要。项目需要仔细考
第108课 环境

1. accord n. 协议;vt.授予 11.consider v. 考虑,细想;认为

2. facility n. 设施,场所 12.ingredient n. 成分,配料,要素
3. stick. v. 粘附,刺,卡住,忍受 13.previous a. 先前的;过早的

4. character n. 角色,性格,特点 14.negative a. 消极的,负面的;否定的; n 否定
5. instance. n. 例子,情况 15.project n. 项目,工程; v 投射
6. bacteria n. 细菌 16.claim n. 索赔;声明; v声称;断言;主张;认领,

8. private a. 私人的 伯
7. view n. 风景;视野;观点,看法; v观看,观察;看待 17.emission n. 排放,散发
18.document n. 文件

9. motivate v. 激励;成为……的动机;促进;促使;激发 19.neighbour n. 邻居
10.boost n. 提高,增长;助推发动机; vt使增长,使兴旺; 20.commercial a. 贸易的,商业的
21.secretary n. 秘书,大臣


「 烟草」

第109课 烟草

• The excellent colleague raised an alternative measure to compare
the budget of different subjects. Ultimately, they selected a screen to

display the data and conducted a decade-long research project. During

the process, they remained focused on their goal and measured the

impact of their findings. This revolution in the field of tobacco
research originated from their interaction with authorities and their

sense of responsibility. They reversed previous misconceptions and
gained recognition for their outstanding contributions.
第109课 烟草

• The excellent colleague raised an alternative measure to compare the budget of
different subjects. Ultimately, they selected a screen to display the data and
conducted a decade-long research project. During the process, they remained focused

on their goal and measured the impact of their findings. This revolution in the field
of tobacco research originated from their interaction with authorities and their

sense of responsibility. They reversed previous misconceptions and gained
recognition for their outstanding contributions.

• 这位优秀的同事提出了一项选择,用于比较不同科目的预算。最终,他们选择了一块屏幕来展

第109课 烟草

1. budget n. 预算 11.tobacco n. 烟 草

2. excellent a. 优秀的,杰出的 12.colleague n. 同 事
3. screen n. 屏幕; v遮蔽 13.revolution n. 革 命

4. select v. 选择,挑选; adj精选的,选择的 14.raise v. 举起,抬高;筹集,筹(钱);增加;提高
5. alternative a. 供 选 择 的 15.decade n. 十年, 一个年代

6. measure v. 测量;估量; n措施;尺寸;计量标准
7. remain v. 剩余;逗留; n 剩余物(复数);遗迹;残骸
16.sense n. 感官; v觉得,意识到
17.interaction n. 互相交流

8. compare v. 比较 18.reverse v. 使翻转 a.相反的
9. subject n. 科目;实验对象; 19.authority n. 权威,权威人
10.ultimately a. 最终 20.originate v. 引起,开始


「 成长」

第110课 成长

• In order to achieve success in life, it is important to consider various
factors including the local environment, one's diet and energy levels.

Continuous practice and gaining knowledge are essential components

of personal growth. Exploring the marine world and its wonders can

broaden our knowledge and satisfy our appetite for adventure.
Following a conventional curriculum can provide a solid foundation

for learning and development.
第110课 成长

• In order to achieve success in life, it is important to consider various factors
including the local environment, one's diet and energy levels. Continuous practice
and gaining knowledge are essential components of personal growth. Exploring the

marine world and its wonders can broaden our knowledge and satisfy our appetite
for adventure. Following a conventional curriculum can provide a solid foundation

for learning and development.

• 为了在生活中取得成功,考虑各种因素是很重要的,包括当地的环境、饮食和

• 。
第110课 成长

1. local a. 本地的 6. knowledge n. 知识,学识

2. factor n. 因 素 7. practice v. 练习;n练习
3. diet n. 规定饮食(为健康或减肥等目的);大量 8. conventional a. 依照惯例的,依照传统的;普

4. success n. 成功,成就 通的

5. marine a. 海洋的;航海的;海军的; n海军 9. launch v. 发射;创办,开始从事; n (游艇、汽

陆战队 艇)下水
10.curriculum n. 课程
11.appetite n. 食 欲 ,爱好


「 家庭」

第111课 家庭

• It is our responsibility to reserve our energy and avoid exhaustion in
order to fulfill our domestic and professional duties. Seeking guidance

from experts can be a valuable source of knowledge and inspiration.

Trust and mutual belief are vital in maintaining a strong bond with

our spouse. Transferring our skills and experiences can contribute to
personal and professional growth. Upholding ethical principles is

crucial in all aspects of life.
第111课 家庭

• It is our responsibility to reserve our energy and avoid exhaustion in order to fulfill
our domestic and professional duties. Seeking guidance from experts can be a
valuable source of knowledge and inspiration. Trust and mutual belief are vital in

maintaining a strong bond with our spouse. Transferring our skills and experiences
can contribute to personal and professional growth. Upholding ethical principles is

crucial in all aspects of life.

• 为了履行我们的家庭和职业职责,我们有责任储备精力,避免疲惫。向专家寻

• 。
第111课 家庭

1. exhaust v. 耗尽;n.排气 6. source n. 来源;出处

2. domestic a. 家庭的,国内 7. belief n. 信仰;信条;信任;信心
3. transfer n. 转移,调 任 8. reserve v. 预订;保留;储备; n储备;储备金;

4. expert n. 专家; adj专业的;熟练的 保护区

5. responsibility n. 责任,义务 9. spouse n. 配偶

伯 10.principle n. 原则,原理


「 营销」

第112课 营销

• Retailers should avoid any harm to their brand by publishing
accurate and engaging content. They need to pursue innovative

strategies to reach a wider audience and drive sales. Companies should

decline partnerships with suspected unethical entities. The prospect of

growth and success lies in building a corporate culture that values
integrity and customer satisfaction.

第112课 营销

• Retailers should avoid any harm to their brand by publishing accurate and
engaging content. They need to pursue innovative strategies to reach a wider
audience and drive sales. Companies should decline partnerships with suspected

unethical entities. The prospect of growth and success lies in building a corporate
culture that values integrity and customer satisfaction.

• 零售商应该通过发布准确和吸引人的内容来避免对他们的品牌造成任何伤害。他们需要采用创


第112课 营销

1. retail a. 零售的; n/v.零售 7. pursue v. 追求,追逐

2. reach v. 伸手够到;抵达;达到,发展到 8. corporate a. 团体的,公司的
3. brand n. 品牌; v加污名于 9. drive v. 驾车

4. avoid v. 避免,防止 10.publish v. 出版
5. prospect n. 前 景 v.寻 找 11.harm n. 伤害,损害; v伤害
6. suspect v. 怀疑 n嫌疑犯
伯 12.decline n. 衰退,衰落;下降; v.使变格;下降;


「 文学」

第113课 文学

• In the field of literature, various authors argue that a flexible
writing style is a valuable resource, enabling them to explore different

perceptions and highlight the organic connections between seemingly

disparate ideas. It's like a mental shift, preventing creative stagnation
and stimulating the development of innovative strategies.The outcome

is a rich and diverse literary landscape, where each piece becomes a

journal entry, capturing the essence of human experience.
第113课 文学

• In the field of literature, various authors argue that a flexible writing style is a
valuable resource, enabling them to explore different perceptions and highlight the
organic connections between seemingly disparate ideas. It's like a mental shift,

preventing creative stagnation and stimulating the development of innovative
strategies.The outcome is a rich and diverse literary landscape, where each piece

becomes a journal entry, capturing the essence of human experience.

• 在文学领域,许多作者认为灵活的写作风格是一种宝贵的资源,使他们能够探索不同的观点,

第113课 文学

1. resource n. 资源;物力;办法;谋略 8. prevent v. 阻止

2. organic a. 有机的 9. shift v. 换挡;替换;转移;n.轮班
3. journal n. 日志,日记;定期刊物,杂志 10.argue v. 争论

4. stimulate v. 刺激,激励 11.enable v. 使能够,使可能
5. highlight n. 突出的部分 12.perception n.看法;感知
6. mental a. 精神的
7. flexible a. 灵活的 伯 13.strategy n. 策略,计谋
14.literature n. 文学

15.outcome n. 结果,成果


「 企鹅」

第114课 企鹅

• Penguins, known for their unique appearance, occur naturally in
cold climates. The crop of penguins in Antarctica can be easily

observed during specific times of the year. Taking action to protect

their habitat is crucial in preserving their existence. The trend of
environmental conservation influences society to prioritize the well-

being of these beautiful creatures. Ultimately, the preservation of

penguins and their habitat is a matter that concerns us all.
第114课 企鹅

• Penguins, known for their unique appearance, occur naturally in cold climates. The
crop of penguins in Antarctica can be easily observed during specific times of the
year. Taking action to protect their habitat is crucial in preserving their existence.

The trend of environmental conservation influences society to prioritize the well-
being of these beautiful creatures. Ultimately, the preservation of penguins and their

habitat is a matter that concerns us all.

• 企鹅以其独特的外表而闻名,它们自然生活在寒冷的气候中。在南极洲,企鹅

第114课 企鹅

1. penguin n. 企鹅 9. unique a. 独一无二的,独特的

2. occur v. 发生 10.ultimately a. 最终
3. influence n. 影响; vt影响 11.Antarctica n.南极洲

4. crop n. 作物,庄稼; (一季的) 收成 12.observed v.观察;遵守;注意到
5. easily adv. 容易地 13.existence n.存在,实有;生存,生活

6. action n. 行为; v.务必对……进行处理
7. trend n. 时尚;趋势; v.转向;使趋向
14.preserve v.保护,维护;保持,维持
15.specific a.明确的;特定的;n.细节,详情

8. matter v. 要紧;有关系; n.问题 16.climates n.气候;气候区;氛围,局势


「 公平」

第115课 公平

• Advocates advocate for fair income distribution to address the
income inequality in society. It is important to consider this issue in the

long term, as it has long-lasting analytical consequences on the overall

well-being of individuals and communities. Income inequality not only
impacts individuals' financial stability and quality of life but also has

broader implications for social cohesion, economic growth, and

opportunity equality.
第115课 公平

• Advocates advocate for fair income distribution to address the income inequality in
society. It is important to consider this issue in the long term, as it has long-lasting
analytical consequences on the overall well-being of individuals and communities.

Income inequality not only impacts individuals' financial stability and quality of life
but also has broader implications for social cohesion, economic growth, and

opportunity equality.

• 倡导者倡导公平的收入分配,以解决社会收入不平等。从长远角度考虑这个问

第115课 公平

1. income n. 收入,收益;利润 8. overall a./adv.总的;所有的;n.<英>(工作时穿的)

2. term n. 学期;任期;术语; vt把……称为
9. distribution. n.分发;配送;(电影在各院线的)发
3. fair a.公平的;合理的 ;adv.公平地,

4. address v.演说;处理 ;n.地址;网址;演说
10.advocate v. 提倡;为……辩护;n.拥护者,提倡者
5. inequality n.(大小、程度、情况等的)不同,不
11.analysis n. 分析;分析报告
6. broad adj.宽广的;普遍的;大致的
7. opportunity n.时机,机会 伯 12.consequence n. 结果;重列
13.equality n.均等,平等;等式

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