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Assignment/Research #2
1. Traditional Construction Methods
2. Modern Construction Methods
3. Sustainable Construction Methods
4. Conclusion


Traditional Construction Methods.

Modern Construction Methods &
Sustainable Construction Methods.
1ST SEM S.Y 2023-2024
Traditional Construction Methods

A.)Traditional Construction Methods?

Traditional construction employs building parts that are assembled and

constructed just once on-site. Traditional building methods relate to the
techniques and procedures that have been utilized for generations to build
structures before the arrival of modern construction technology. Builders
build from the ground up, and foundations, walls, roofs, and so on are
produced on the construction site. These approaches differ based on the
place, culture, and resources available. They frequently entail human work
and materials purchased locally.
a. Scope, Details, and Applications of Traditional Construction

 Masonry Construction: This approach entails constructing walls,

arches, and other structural features out of stones, bricks, or other
comparable materials. It has been utilized extensively in numerous
civilizations to construct homes, temples, forts, and other

 Timber Framing: Timber framing is a structural framework made of

timber beams and posts. This technology has been used to create
houses, barns, and other structures. It offers design freedom and is
quite straightforward to construct.

 Adobe Construction: Adobe is a sun-dried combination of clay,

sand, and straw that is fashioned into bricks. Adobe building is
popular in arid climatic zones and has been used to create houses,
churches, and other structures.

 Thatch Roofing: Thatch roofing is a waterproof and insulating roof

made from dried vegetation such as straw, reeds, or palm fronds.
This approach has been utilized in building houses and shelters all
around the world.

 Rammed Earth Construction: Rammed earth is the process of

compacting layers of earth or dirt into shapes to make walls. It is
long-lasting and energy-efficient and has been used to build homes,
walls, and other buildings.
 Stonehenge Construction: The exact methods employed to build
Stonehenge are still controversial, although the stones are thought
to have been mined and moved using sleds and rollers. The huge
stone arrangement served astronomical and ceremonial reasons.
b. Advantages and Disadvantages of Traditional Construction
 Sustainability: Traditional techniques frequently make use of
locally accessible resources, decreasing the need for shipping and
the carbon imprint.
 Cultural Heritage: Traditional methods have cultural value and can
help to preserve architectural history and cultural identity.
 Low Environmental Impact: Many conventional methods have a
low environmental effect and are environmentally benign.
 Cost-Effective: In areas where contemporary building materials
are expensive or difficult to get, traditional methods may be more
 Aesthetic Appeal: Traditional technologies frequently produce
visually beautiful and one-of-a-kind buildings.

 Labor-Intensive: Traditional methods might need a substantial
amount of human effort, making them time-consuming and perhaps
more costly in terms of labor expenses.
 Limited Structural Options: When compared to current building
processes, traditional methods may have limits in terms of design
flexibility and structural soundness.
 Vulnerability to Weather: Some traditional materials, such as
adobe, are susceptible to weather damage, requiring regular
 Lack of Modern Amenities: Traditional structures might not meet
modern standards for amenities, insulation, and comfort.
 Longevity and Durability: While some old methods are more
durable than others, they may have shorter lifespans when
compared to current building materials and procedures.
B. Modern Construction Methods
Modern methods of construction (MMC) are creative and efficient building
approaches that use sophisticated technology, materials, and processes to
increase construction speed, quality, and sustainability.
 Precast Flat Panel System: This building approach entails the
process of fabricating floor and wall units off-site. Separate
manufacturing outlets and facilities are required for this. The panel
modules are carried to the site and put in once they have been
manufactured in accordance with the design specifications and
requirements. This strategy is best suited for building project
operations that are repeated.
 Flat Slab Construction: Flat slabs are structural components that
are extremely adaptable. Because of its adaptability, it is often
utilized in buildings. The flat slab allows for less depth and speedier
construction. The system also includes adjustable column grids. Flat
slabs are a good choice if it is important to seal the partitions to the
slab soffit due to acoustic and fire concerns. When compared to
other types of buildings, flat slabs are both speedier and more cost-
effective. The building of flat slabs may be finished with good
surface treatment for the soffit, allowing the exposed soffits to be
used. The flat slab construction also helps to increase energy
efficiency since it allows for the use of solar panels.
 Precast Concrete Foundations:Precast concrete technology may
be used for quick foundation construction. This strategy is better
suited for custom designs. The elements necessary for foundation
construction are built separately at the factory (off-site), then
transported to the site and assembled. The finished product must
meet the quality standards stipulated by the designer. The
completed foundation is primarily supported by concrete piles. Both
systems are linked together during assembly. These foundation
technologies aid in boosting production, improving quality, and
reducing the amount of soil excavated. This works best in harsh and
bad weather conditions. This building approach is the greatest
alternative for dealing with extremely polluted land.
 Insulating Concrete Formwork: The insulating concrete formwork
(ICF) technology employs double-walled panels that are either
polystyrene panels or blocks. These are swiftly constructed to make
the formwork that will serve as the building's wall. The formwork is
then filled with concrete. This concrete is manufactured at a facility
with quality assurance, resulting in ready-mixed concrete. The
majority of the mix is ready-mix concrete. Expanded polystyrene
blocks give a higher level of thermal insulation. The concrete core
will offer strength and sound isolation.
 Precast Cladding Panels: The cladding system is the application of
one material over another to form a skin or coating. This layer
system is not only meant for aesthetics, but it may also aid in
regulating the intrusion of weather elements. The cladding does not
give any type of waterproof condition. Instead, the cladding serves
as a barrier against water entry. This safely assists in diverting the
water or wind so that the runoff may be controlled. This aids in the
prevention of intrusion into the building structure.
B.) Details and Applications of modern methods of construction?
Precast Flat Panel System:
 Details: Precast concrete foundations involve manufacturing concrete
foundation elements off-site, including footings, piers, and walls.
These precast components are then transported and assembled on-
 Applications: Residential homes, commercial buildings, and other
structures where speed, durability, and precision are required. Precast
foundations can reduce on-site construction time and offer consistent
Flat Slab Construction:
 Details: Flat slab construction is a type of reinforced concrete slab
without beams, resulting in a flat and smooth ceiling surface. It
involves directly pouring the concrete slab onto the columns, using
column heads for additional support.
 Applications: Multi-story residential and commercial buildings, parking
structures, hospitals, hotels, and industrial facilities. Flat slab
construction is known for its simple formwork and faster construction
Precast Concrete Foundations:
 Details: Precast concrete foundations involve manufacturing structural
foundation elements off-site in a controlled factory environment. These
elements are cast using concrete and reinforced with steel, ensuring
strength and durability. Once fabricated, they are transported to the
construction site and assembled according to the project's
 Applications: Precast concrete foundations offer several advantages,
making them suitable for various applications:
Insulating Concrete Formwork (ICF):
 Details: Insulating concrete formwork uses interlocking panels made of
insulating material (usually foam) to create a mold for pouring
concrete. Once the concrete sets, the panels remain in place,
providing both insulation and structure.
 Applications: Residential homes, schools, office buildings, and
structures in cold climates. ICF construction offers excellent insulation,
energy efficiency, and soundproofing.
Precast Cladding Panels:
 Details: Precast cladding panels are pre-manufactured concrete
panels that are attached to the exterior of a building as protective and
decorative skin. They can have various textures, finishes, and
 Applications: Commercial buildings, high-rise apartments, hotels, and
architectural landmarks. Precast cladding offers design versatility, and
weather protection, and enhances the building's aesthetic appeal.
 Speed: Modern methods often lead to faster construction timelines
due to the use of pre-fabricated components and streamlined
 Quality Control: Off-site manufacturing and controlled environments
contribute to higher quality standards and fewer defects.
 Reduced Waste: Precise measurements and controlled production
reduce construction waste.
 Sustainability: Some methods, such as modular construction and
SIPs, offer energy-efficient and environmentally friendly options.
 Labor Efficiency: Modern methods can require less on-site labor and
skilled workers.

 Initial Costs: Investments in technology, equipment, and specialized
training can lead to higher initial costs.
 Design Limitations: Some methods may have design constraints that
limit architectural creativity.
 Transportation Challenges: Moving prefabricated components to the
construction site can be logistically complex.
 Dependency on Technology: Modern methods can rely heavily on
technology, making projects susceptible to disruptions if there are
technical failures.
 Limited Adoption: Adoption of modern methods can be slower due to
traditional construction practices and regulatory challenges.
C) Sustainable Construction Methods?
To decrease energy consumption and hazardous waste, sustainable
construction projects use renewable and recyclable materials. The major
purpose of this effort is to reduce the industry's environmental effects through
the use of sustainable building methods, energy efficiency, and green

While many businesses in many industries are working to become more

environmentally responsible, many are focusing on the construction industry
because it is the greatest user of world resources. This industry alone
accounts for nearly 50% of global raw material consumption and is a
substantial trash generator. It distinguishes building because it may greatly
lessen the consequences of global warming by replacing obsolete methods.
a.Benefits of Sustainable Construction

 Promotes Healthier Living

It is well-acknowledged that our surroundings have a significant
impact on our physical, mental, and emotional health. Throughout the
last decade, designers and builders in green buildings have created a
sustainable architecture that has had a substantial influence on the
occupants' overall health. We have been able to increase and
enhance daily goods such as lighting and power sources, temperature
conditions, ergonomic features, and even air quality thanks to
advances in technology. Those who live or work in sustainable
buildings report improved health, stress levels, and overall quality of
 Reduces Waste
Because of its increasingly evident effects on our planet, global
warming has been a persistent source of alarm for decades. Pollution
and depletion of natural resources are at an all-time high. Even if we
are approaching the point of no return, we can still leverage
sustainable technological breakthroughs to minimize or decrease the
effects of climate change. Construction firms have begun to rely on
renewable resources and methods, which benefit us and help to clean
up the environment.
 Boosts the Economy
 The construction industry is a well-known economic generator in the
United States. The green construction business creates more than
$134.3 billion in labor income for working Americans, according to the
US Green construction Council (USGBC). It is possible to argue that
green building boosts the economy by creating job possibilities due to
increased demand for construction workers.
 Promotes Cost Efficiency
One of the most significant benefits of sustainable buildings is lower
maintenance costs, which are accomplished via carefully planned
architectural components that save water and energy expenditures.
Reduced maintenance and running costs result into large savings that
may be invested elsewhere, such as higher employee pay or product

Although the initial cost of such constructions may be more than that
of traditional non-renewable forms of design, these efficient layouts
can save corporate and building owners money in the long term.
Decreases Material Cost
Environmentally friendly materials are used in sustainable
construction solutions without losing quality or structural integrity.
Many of these materials are recyclable or usable. Biocomposites, for
example, have shown to be equally trustworthy and durable as non-
renewable equivalents when employed as sustainable building

Green architects' primary emphasis and objective in building design

is energy efficiency. Buildings that use natural resources like wind,
sun, and water to generate energy are particularly ecologically
 Enables Carbon Footprint Reduction
Large corporations are increasingly financing and executing green
initiatives. Buildings account for 30% of all greenhouse gas emissions
in the United States, according to the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA). Property owners and large organizations have taken
note, understanding that ensuring sustainability is a chance to benefit
the firm and society.


Construction Speed: Modern methods, including precast concrete

foundations, are generally faster than traditional methods due to pre-
fabrication and streamlined processes.

Quality Control: Modern methods offer better quality control due to

controlled factory environments, whereas traditional methods may vary
in quality based on workmanship.

Design Flexibility: Traditional methods may offer more design

flexibility in terms of architectural aesthetics, while modern methods
might have design constraints.

Labor Requirements: Traditional methods rely heavily on manual

labor, whereas modern methods require fewer on-site laborers.

Cost Considerations: While modern methods may have higher initial

costs due to technology and pre-fabrication, they can lead to cost
savings over the project's life cycle through reduced construction time
and better energy efficiency.

Sustainability: Both modern methods and some traditional methods

can be sustainable, with modern methods offering additional potential
for energy efficiency and reduced waste.

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