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Company name: Scape from Reality

Products and Services:

The Cinephile offers the following Services:

 We will provide an accessible mini cinema for our customers. Which will allow
them to experience an immersive film showing without having the hassle of going
to malls or cinemas.
 We will provide entertainment for all ages, through our mini cinema.
 We will provide all the necessary equipment in mini cinema like the: sound
system, projector, seats, and the screen.
 Screen room will be open for reservation in any occasion. (We can also set up in
your place)

For better movie showing experience, we will also offer the following products:
 Snacks like:
o Popcorns
o Crackers
 And Drinks

Mini Cinema, as the name suggest, is a smaller version of a theatre usually seen at
malls. Scape from Reality wants to make the movie experience special in a way that is more
intimate and personal. This idea came from our collective childhood experience of playing
DVDs, and watching movies with our families on tv. It has its own charm that makes it
memorable. More than the movie, it is the experience that lasts. Our company wanted to re
create that movie experience through our mini cinema, and give our customers a memorable
film showing experience.
The main goal of our mini cinema is to give our customers a unique and immersive way
to enjoy movies. Our mini cinema will have all the necessary equipment needed for film
showing. We will also provide our own space for film showing. We will offer a cozy, flexible, and
immersive choice for the customers. Our mini cinema is an alternative for movie goers who
wanted to experience cinema without having the hassle of going to malls. We wanted to bring
the magic of movies closer to our customers.

The Philippine film industry is one of the oldest and most prolific in Southeast Asia. It has
produced over 10,000 films since its inception in 1919. The industry is divided into two main
sectors: commercial cinema and independent cinema. Commercial cinema produces films that
are primarily aimed at the mass market, while independent cinema produces films that are more
experimental or artistic. The commercial cinema sector is the larger of the two sectors, and it
generates the most revenue. However, the independent cinema sector has been growing in
recent years, and it has produced some of the most critically acclaimed films in recent memory.
The Philippine film industry is facing a number of challenges, including the rise of piracy,
the decline of movie theaters, and the increasing popularity of streaming platforms. However,
the industry is also showing signs of resilience, and it is producing some of the most exciting
films in Southeast Asia.

Growth Rate
According to a report by Grand View Research, the global cinema market is expected to
grow at a CAGR of 4.8% from 2022 to 2028. This growth is being driven by the increasing
popularity of cinemagoing, particularly in developing countries.
Mini-cinemas are well-positioned to benefit from this growth. They offer a more intimate
and personal experience than large multiplexes, which could appeal to some movie-goers.
Additionally, the cost of opening and operating a mini-cinema is relatively low, which makes it a
more viable option for entrepreneurs than opening a large multiplex.
However, there are also some challenges that mini-cinemas face. The rise of streaming
services is a major threat to the cinema industry, and mini-cinemas are not immune to this.
Additionally, the competition from large multiplexes is also fierce.
Overall, the growth rate of mini-cinemas in the movie industry is uncertain. However,
there are some reasons to believe that they could experience some growth in the coming years.
The specific growth rate will depend on a variety of factors, but it is likely to be modest.

Industry Structure
Swot analysis of mini cinema:
Strength Weakness

 We offer affordable movie  Limited seating capacity

experience.  Space constraints
 Intimate experience for movie  Film availability
watchers  High rental costs
 Exclusive atmosphere  Technological investments
 Niche content, customers can  Dependence on location
request what type of movie they  Technological disruptions
want to watch.
 We offer flexible seating
Opportunities Threats
 Online streaming services
 High demand in the film industry
 Changing consumer behavior
helps us gain customers.
 Competing entertainment option
 Not many have access to online
streaming platforms.

Key Success Factors

To highlight the competitive advantages and unique offerings that our mini cinema will
bring compared to existing competitors. To stand out in the market, our mini cinema offers:

 Diverse Film Selection

 Flexible Seating Arrangements
o Offer various seating options, from cozy couples' seats to larger group
o Cater to diverse groups of moviegoers, ensuring comfort and flexibility.
 Online Booking and Reservations
o Enhance convenience and minimize waiting times for patrons.
o Implement an efficient online booking system, allowing customers to re-serve their
seats and concessions in advance.
 Community Engagement
o Partner with local schools, universities, and community organizations for educational
and cultural initiatives.
o Contribute to the community by hosting film-related workshops, screenings for
schools, and events that promote film appreciation.
 Health and Safety Measures
o Prioritize the safety of customers by implementing strict health and safety protocols.
o Assure patrons of a safe and comfortable movie-watching experience, especially in a
post-pandemic landscape.
By combining these competitive advantages and unique offerings, your mini cinema can
position itself as a standout destination for film enthusiasts in the Philippines, offering more than
just movies but memorable and immersive cinematic experiences.

Industry Trends
The number one trend for the film industry is the rise of online streaming services. The
rise of streaming services, such as Netflix and Hulu, made it easier than ever for people to
watch movies at home. These streaming platforms have disrupted the way how people usually
watch movies. This has led to a decline in the number of people going to the movies or physical
The use of technology. Technology is playing an increasingly important role in the
cinema industry. Augmented reality and virtual reality is also use in film showing nowadays and
it has increased the movie experience of movie watchers as it provides more realistic feel and
more sense of depth than the traditional cinemas.

Long Term Prospects

Scape from Reality aims to give our customers a unique and immersive way to enjoy
movies. In order to achieve company sustainability over the following three to five years we
would like to adapt the following:

 Partnering with schools, organizations, and events.

 Adapting the idea of mobile mini cinema to reach wider market and increase

While mini cinemas may face competition from streaming services and multiplexes, their
ability to provide unique, personalized, and culturally enriching cinematic experiences can give
them a strong position in the movie industry's long-term landscape. Adapting to changing
consumer preferences and embracing innovation will be key to our sustained success.
Company name: Let’s Create

Products and Services

Beads and Accessories Making Workshop offers the following services:

 The workshop will provide all the necessary materials for accessory making such
as: beads, strings, hooks, elastic cords, and many more.
 Staff will guide and teach students skills about accessory making.

Apart from our services, we would also like to provide our customers access to
materials needed in accessory making in case they wanted to create one at home.
Beads and Accessories Making Workshop offers the following products:

 Beads in different varieties.

 Hooks
 Beading Wire
 Elastic cord
 Eyeglass Chain rubber loops
 Accessory making kit

In fashion, an accessory is an item that may not be as essential as clothing and
footwears but it can make an outfit beautiful and attractive. On the other hand, workshop is a
class in which a small group of people engage and learn different skills in doing something, as
Britannica Dictionary defined it. Beads and accessory making workshop is a class that focuses
on teaching students the basics of accessory making. It focuses on discussion and activities
about creating accessories such as bracelets, necklace, eyeglass holder, and keychains.
Let’s Create is a company that mainly focuses on giving accessory making workshop to
its customers who wanted learn skills in creating accessories. It will be located in Barangay San
Juan, with the students from junior high school up to college students as our target market. We
aim to provide an accessible bead and accessory making workshop for students. Apart from
teaching, we would also provide all the necessary tools and equipment needed for accessory
making. The best part about this workshop is that the students will get to take home the
accessories that they have created.
Our business which is a beads and accessories making workshop falls in the fashion
accessory industry. This industry is highly competitive due to its fast-paced nature. Peoples
demand, and fashion trends constantly change as new styles continue to emerge. The impact of
social media, and connectedness of people through digitalization affects these constantly
changing trends when it comes to fashion.

Growth Rate
According to, the global fashion accessories market is projected
to register a compound annual growth rate of 12.3 percent and it will continue to grow up to year
2028. The driving force behind the growth in fashion accessory market are the changing
consumer trends, the impact of digitalization affects this growth as well. Fortune Business
Insights backed up this statement as well, accessory products are widely popular to fashion
seekers as well as the younger generation. They also added that due to the growing awareness
about personal grooming as well as changing fashion trends helps increase the growth of
fashion accessory market.
However, the expensive cost of fashion accessory items will limit the growth of the
market according to Fortune Business Insights. Large competition among well known and
established brands are also expected to limit the business growth of the small businesses.

Industry Structure
SWOT Analysis of beads and accessories making workshop:

 beads and accessories making workshop takes on the unique approach in entering
the fashion accessory industry as a service business.
 The only beads and accessories making workshop in Barangay San Juan, and
possible in Cainta.

 Not all members are experts when it comes to accessory making.


 We could make use of the online platform to expand social media presence and
reach wider target market.


 High competition
 There are indirect competitors which offers already made accessories.
Key Success Factors
In order for the business to grow and to remain competitive, here are the important key
success factors that would help our company:

 Building great relationship with customers.

 Establishing better communication with customers.
 Providing great customer experience to the students all through out the course of their

Industry Trends
In the fashion accessory industry, premiumization is in trend. Premiumization is the
attempt of fashion brands to appeal to customers pay higher prices for their product in exchange
for high quality. Surprisingly, according to, millennials and generation
z’s are increasingly open to premium fashionable clothing as they give more importance to the
products quality.
There also have been increasing demand for fashionable wearable product as well as
personalized fashion trends like do it your self-projects. It has become the individual’s way of
personalizing their clothing and accessories where they could infuse their creativity along with
their personality.

Long Term Prospects

Let’s Create aims to provide an enjoyable learning experience to its students through
beads and accessories making workshop, while also aiming to earn a profit as a business. In
order to achieve business sustainability for the next three to five years, we would like to adapt
the following:

 Sourcing cheap raw materials without affecting the quality of products used in our
 Incorporating green products in our materials.
 Incorporating recycling and upcycling in our workshop classes.
 Increasing the accessibility of our service through selling online kits and providing video
tutorials online.
 Increase market and customer engagement with the use of online platform.

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