Fender Segmentation in Unmanned Aerial Vehi 2022 International Journal of Na

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International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 14 (2022) 100472

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Fender segmentation in unmanned aerial vehicle images based on

densely connected receptive field block
Byeongjun Yu a, 1, Haemin Jeon b, 1, Hyuntae Bang b, Sang Soo Yi c, Jiyoung Min d, *
Stradvision, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hanbat National University, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
SISTECH, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Department of Structural Engineering Research, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Periodic evaluation of port structures including outer walls and berthing structures with fenders is
Received 25 January 2022 paramount to ensure their safety. However, most fenders are inaccessible on land and inspectors utilize
Received in revised form floating boats for inspections. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a fender segmentation system
20 June 2022
incorporating a vision sensor with deep learning segmentation approach. The semantic segmentation
Accepted 2 July 2022
Available online 9 July 2022
model in an encoderedecoder framework was densely connected through a receptive field block
convolution module each with two different dilation rates and classified various types and sizes of
fenders efficiently. The images of various types of fenders were assembled and augmented to train the
Unmanned aerial vehicle
proposed network, and its performance was compared to conventional segmentation models. The
Vision sensor trained network was finally applied to unmanned aerial vehicle images and the results showed that
Deep learning fenders were successfully segmented even in the case of the images that include changes in shapes or
Fender segmentation colors.
Port structure © 2022 Society of Naval Architects of Korea. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

1. Introduction 2030. That is, port facilities are deteriorating increasingly.

Furthermore, the frequency of waves exceeding the design wave
Port facilities are generally divided into five main categories: height is increasing due to climate change. Therefore, regular in-
basic facilities, functional facilities, support facilities, harbor spections and maintenance are vital to maintaining safety and
waterfront facilities, and hinterland complexes. In the Republic of functionality, increasing port efficiency and providing a longer life
Korea, there are 1144 port facilities managed by public bodies. Of cycle.
these, 311 are outer wall facilities and 685 are mooring facilities, Fenders installed on the side of the quay wall play an important
accounting for 87.1% of the total, and they are an important part of role for port usability, which prevents damage on both vessels and
port operation and worker safety. Approximately 49.4% of the fa- port structures induced by impacts and friction during berthing. In
cilities were built before 2000, so the number with a service life in accordance with the 2018 revision of the ‘Special Act on Safety and
excess of 30 years is expected to increase by approximately 50% in Maintenance of Facilities' in Korea, fender damage and absence
should be inspected and evaluated in the section of serviceability
performance evaluation (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and
Transport, 2018). Fender generally consists of the body part and
Abbreviations: CNN, convolutional neural network; DRFP, densely connected the attached equipment. There are various types of damage
RFP; DRFPt, tiny version of DRFP; DWT, deadweight tonnage; GNSS, global navi-
gation satellite system; HFF, hierarchical feature fusion; IoU, intersection over
depending on the types of fenders, such as crack, delamination,
union; LTE, long-term evolution; RC, radio control; RCNN, region-based CNN; RFB, permanent strain, chipping, ozone cracking, and bolt hole damage.
receptive field block; RFP, receptive field pyramid; RoI, region of interest; RPN, In the serviceability evaluation, each damage on the fender is
regional proposal network; SSD, single shot multibox detector; UAV, unmanned categorized, and the length and area are measured, respectively.
aerial vehicle; YOLO, you only look once.
Then, the degree of functional deterioration is determined ac-
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: amote83@kict.re.kr (J. Min). cording to the fender inspection manual (Ministry of Oceans and
Peer review under responsibility of The Society of Naval Architects of Korea. Fisheries, 2015 & 2018). Periodic inspections for fenders provide
These authors contributed equally to this work.

2092-6782/© 2022 Society of Naval Architects of Korea. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
B. Yu, H. Jeon, H. Bang et al. International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 14 (2022) 100472

safe, low-maintenance, and long-lasting fender systems, leading to 2. Development of deep learning model for fender
high port efficiency, longer operational lifespan, and low overall segmentation
maintenance cost. At present, a human-based visual inspection is
classically performed. Inspectors on the floating boat approach the 2.1. Deep learning for object detection or instance segmentation
target fender, check the fender condition, classify and measure
fender damage, and record damage length and area, bolt loosening Recently, in the field of computer vision, object detection
condition, etc. according to the fender inspection manual. Exam- methods for identification and localization have been developed
ples of fender damage are shown in Fig. 1. rapidly with the development of deep learning. Convolutional
As inspection techniques have been refined, the demand for use Neural Networks (CNNs) which extract features using convolution
of unmanned vehicles such as USV (unmanned surface vehicle) and operations and down sampling play a major role in deep learning
UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) is increasing due to the complexity for object recognition and detection problems. The various features
of the fender replacement process and cost, the high frequency of are extracted using different types of filters in each layer, and
damage occurrence during berthing, and difficulties in land access. learning errors can be reduced by combining the results. But it
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries in Korea checks all parts of an image at regular intervals to find a Region of
announced the ' Smart Maintenance Roadmap 2020 for Port Facil- Interest (RoI) so the object detection using CNN requires a large
ities' for introducing an innovative technology in the era of the amount of computation. To solve this, region-based CNNs (RCNNs),
Fourth Industrial Revolution into the port infrastructures field which include an algorithm that proposes a RoI in an image based
(Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, 2020). Here, drone-utilized in- on detected regions, were proposed (Girshick et al., 2014). This
spection was included as one of top ten in technology of the future. method also requires extensive computation because CNN opera-
Drones have potential to automate and upgrade the inspection tions are performed for all the extracted candidate regions. Next, a
technique level for port facilities, especially the side of the main fast RCNN was developed (Girshick, 2015). This extracts a feature
body where inspectors cannot approach on land. So far, there has map by passing the entire image through a CNN architecture. The
been no research on image-based automation for the inspection RoI pooling is performed for each RoI that is found through the
and maintenance of fender facilities. There have only been a few selective search algorithm with the previously extracted feature
studies related to the development of sensing and piercing aids for map. A fast RCNN reduced the initial computation cost, but still had
fender facilities. Sakakibara and Kubo (2007) developed a system high computational complexity. Therefore, a faster RCNN was
that can assist berthing ships by attaching a pneumatic sensor to proposed. This method extracts candidate regions by adding
the fender facility, which transmits data wirelessly to the ship. Regional Proposal Networks (RPNs) that extract candidate regions
Yamada et al. (2012) also developed a technology capable of from feature-extracted images through CNN, and performs object
measuring changes in air pressure, which transmits the data detection and classification (Ren et al., 2015).
wirelessly to assist ship berthing. However, these did not directly For real-time detection, you only look once (YOLO) and single
consider the structural health monitoring and diagnosis of the shot multibox detector (SSD) were proposed where both RoI
fender system even the image-based deep learning technology. detection and object classification are performed in one layer. The
This study aims to first develop a segmentation algorithm with YOLO divides the input image into grids of a certain size, detects
deep learning techniques that can automatically detect fenders RoIs for each grid, and detects objects of interest in the feature map
among numerous images obtained from vision sensors equipped in of the last layer (Redmon et al., 2016). In order to achieve better
UAV or USV. After this fender segmentation study, it can move performance, SSD combines multi-scale feature maps with
forward for damage extraction and quantization through the different resolutions to detect large objects in the low-resolution
follow-up research. In this study, the fender segmentation algo- feature maps of the deep layers, and small objects in the high-
rithm is developed as follows: (1) Images of various types of fenders resolution feature maps of the shallow layers (Liu et al., 2016).
are collected. (2) Data augmentation is performed to improve the In addition to object detection, many studies have investigated
performance of the deep learning model through elastic distortion, instance segmentation, where objects in an image are detected at
horizontal transformation, color correction, and geometric (affine) pixel level. The mask RCNN technique was proposed to predict an
transformation. (3) Pixel unit labeling for fenders is carried out on object mask subdivided into pixels based on information obtained
each image. (4) A deep learning model is developed to improve the using the RPN of Faster RCNN (He et al., 2017). Long et al. (2015)
encoderedecoder format and the receptive field block convolution developed an approach to image segmentation called a Fully Con-
module which is inspired by the eccentric function of the human volutional Network (FCN) that extracts image features from a single
visual system for efficient object segmentation. (5) The accuracy of network using an encoder, simplifies the image, then uses a
the developed model is evaluated with the drone images obtained decoder to restore the image to its original size. U-net adds an
in an A-port, Incheon, Korea. It is noted that most port facilities in operation to transmit encoder image information to the decoder at
Korea are included in the security area so there are limitations in the same stage as the FCN encoder to deliver context information
providing specific information related to the port. related to the entire image during segmentation (Ronneberger

Fig. 1. Examples of fender damage.

B. Yu, H. Jeon, H. Bang et al. International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 14 (2022) 100472

et al., 2015). For pixel-level detection of the fenders, in this paper, a X

segmentation network in the encoder-decoder format with densely tsk ðxÞ ¼ xiþs$k $wk (2)
connected receptive field blocks have been developed. k

dsk ðxÞ ¼ tsk ðxÞx (3)
2.2. Development of deep learning network for fender segmentation
s ¼ 2ðjp  2j = = 2Þ þ 1 (4)
For deep learning-based fender segmentation, the
encoderedecoder format network with the Receptive Field Block where the input feature map and branch in the RFP are x and p,
(RFB) convolution module, inspired by the eccentric function of the respectively; k is the kernel size; s is the dilation rate; and w is the
human visual system, has been developed (Liu and Huang, 2018). In weight of the convolution filter. The//and || operators are quotient
order to efficiently search a wide area, the standard convolution and concatenation operators, respectively.
with various kernel sizes and dilated convolution with two The overall structure of the deep learning network for seg-
different dilation rates proportional to the kernel sizes are densely mentation of fender images is shown in Fig. 2. As shown in the
connected in a pyramid form. The proposed method is named figure, the encoderedecoder structure reduces and increases the
Densely connected Receptive Field Pyramid (DRFP) or tiny version size of the feature map using the stride convolution modules and
of DRFP (DRFPt), in this paper. To reduce the computational pixel shuffle, respectively. The upper part of the figure shows the
complexity, the channel modulation layer which reduces the pa- encoder, and the lower part shows the decoder. The network pro-
rameters of the entire network by reducing the channels of the posed in this study provides high accuracy through (1) an upsam-
input feature map has been applied. The network is summing pling method that does not lose information at boundaries, (2) HFF
features extracted from various size convolutions and adding Hi- that eliminates the gridding artifact, (3) densely connected feature
erarchical Feature Fusion (HFF) to the last output layer for degrid- maps, and (4) a convolution module with various sizes of kernels.
ding (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2015; Wang et al., 2019). DRFP The convolution modules at each stage are represented in Fig. 3. In
provides abundant spatial information by combining all features of the figure, gray boxes and arrows in solid lines are newly added
various sizes extracted by two dilated convolutions, and it allows convolution modules and dense connections, respectively, in the
the network to properly classify pixel classes in various external proposed model in comparison with the conventional RFB. As
backgrounds through multiple path configurations. The proposed shown in the figure, features of various sizes are extracted using
DRFP can be expressed through the following equations: two dilated convolutions with different dilation rates densely
X h sn  oi connected with a standard convolution. DRFPt, which searches a
DRFP ¼ tsk dk d12$ðp==2Þþ1 d11 ðxÞ ; if p ¼ 1; k ¼ 1 ; else k relatively narrow area, is used for small-size feature maps (Q1, E1,
p or Q2, E2) for reducing the computational complexity. Since the
¼ 3a original image consists of a limited number of channels, a front
layer (W1) that warms up the network has been added in the front.
After extending the number of channels to more than eight or six,
DRFP or DRFPt can be applied, respectively.

Fig. 2. Deep learning network for fender detection.

B. Yu, H. Jeon, H. Bang et al. International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 14 (2022) 100472

Fig. 3. Convolution modules (DRFP and DRFPt) for fender detection.

3. Performance evaluation of fender segmentation network interpolation was applied to reduce step phenomena at the image
boundary, which may occur in the nearest neighbor interpolation.
3.1. Construction of fender image dataset In total, 1047 images of BP$V-, tire-, cylinder-, and panel-type
fenders were collected and labeled. Of the images, there are 510
The proposed fender segmentation algorithm uses supervised images of BP- and V-type fenders, 362 images of tire-type fenders,
learning, in which learning data are composed of input and output 120 images of cell-type fenders, 33 images of cylinder-type fenders,
images, and based on this, network parameters are trained. An and 22 images of other type fenders such as roller-type and rubber-
output image is constructed by labeling the original image as ladder fenders. Of the original and labeled images, 209 (20% of the
shown in Fig. 4. The original images were labeled at the pixel level total) were used as test data for performance evaluation. The
using Adobe photoshop. In addition, the data set was augmented by augmented images were generated by applying elastic distortion,
applying elastic distortion, horizontal flip, color correction, and horizontal flip, color correction, and affine transformation methods
affine transformations to improve segmentation performance (see to the remaining 838 images. This provided a total of 4190 training
Fig. 5). During the geometric transformation of an image, bilinear images.

Fig. 4. Labeling of different types of fender images (BP, tire, and cylindrical): (a) original images, and (b) labeled images (ground truth).

B. Yu, H. Jeon, H. Bang et al. International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 14 (2022) 100472

Fig. 5. Image augmentation with (a) elastic distortion, (b) horizontal flip, (c) color jitter, and (d) affine transform.

3.2. Performance of the segmentation network: encoderedecoder convolutions (Chen et al., 2017, 2018; Takahashi and Mitsufuji,
with DRFP and DRFPt 2021). These networks have been widely used in the real-time
image segmentation by increasing the receptive field without
The segmentation results are expressed in terms of the inter- increasing computational cost. The performance of conventional
section over union (IoU), F1 score, precision, recall, GMAC, and RFB, U-net, and DeepLab v3 was also shown in Table 1 and
runtime. The IoU is an index frequently used for instance seg- Fig. 6(d) ~ Fig. 6(f). The results confirmed that the proposed method
mentation and is defined as the ratio between the area of overlap segmented various types of fenders with higher IoU, F1 score, and
between the ground truth and predicted mask, and the total area precision; also with less computational complexity. The recall value
occupied by them; the F1 score is the harmonic mean of precision of the proposed method was the same as that of DeepLab v3.
and recall; the precision is the ratio of actual fenders among pixels
classified as fenders; and the recall is the ratio of pixels that the
model predicts to be fenders among actual masks of fenders. For 4. Field validation of the proposed model for fender
the verification, Pytorch was used as a deep learning framework for segmentation
model building, and training and testing were conducted using a
workstation equipped with Intel's Core i7-11800H 4.60 GHz CPU, 4.1. Image data acquisition using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
32 GB RAM, and Nvidia's GeForce RTX 3080 GPU. The batch size for (UAV)
training the model was set to 3, and the epoch for learning the
entire data was set to 500. To monitor the structural condition or the environment, various
With a dataset of 1047 images, the IoU, F1 score, precision, and types of UAVs incorporating the deep learning segmentation
recall were 85.0%, 90.6%, 90.9%, and 91.4%, respectively (see methods have been proposed (Kerkech et al., 2020; Yang et al.,
Table 1). Samples of segmentation results were shown in Fig. 6. The 2020; Boonpook et al., 2021). In the case of fender systems
computational complexity of each network was calculated by installed on the side walls of quays, docks, wharfs, etc., they are
computing the number of giga multiply and accumulate (GMAC) located in areas inaccessible on land so their inspections and
operations. As shown in the table, the GMAC of the proposed maintenance are generally conducted by inspectors on a boat. Thus,
method dropped to 2.95 showing the best performance in fender UAVs have clear advantages when inspecting the condition and
segmentation. The proposed DRFP- and DRFPt-based serviceability of fenders.
encoderedecoder type deep learning network precisely detected This study utilized a specially modified UAV system, developed
various types of fenders such as BP-, tire-, and cell-type fenders. The by SISTECH Inc. in Korea, to obtain stable and consistent high-
performance for BP$V- and tire-type fenders, which accounted for resolution structural surface images including fenders. This UAV
48% and 37% of the total images, respectively, showed the best is equipped with a flight controller, gimbal with motor, Radio
results. Control (RC) receiver, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
To verify the performance of the proposed deep learning module, Long-Term Evolution (LTE) module, battery, and mirrorless
network, conventional RFB and state-of-the art image segmenta- camera (see Fig. 7(a)). In particular, it was designed to withstand
tion models such as U-net and DeepLab v3 networks were applied harsh marine environments including the high wind speed and the
to the same dataset. U-net is a network that preserves the border tide level. It could maintain a set distance from a target structure
region by directly connecting the encoder and decoder symmetri- using the laser displacement sensor and a set height above sea level
cally through transposed-convolution (Ronneberger et al., 2015). (negative flight altitude) based on tide level information so it could
DeepLab v3 is a network that learns multi-scale context as a pyr- not crash into the water. It weighed 4.55 kg, had a 1 kg payload
amid in which dilation rates are applied differently to several capacity, and operated automatically over 30 min for aerial
photography. Fig. 7(b) shows the drone flying near a berthing

Table 1
Performance of the proposed method compared to conventional methods. Best scores are highlighted in bold.

IoU (%) F1 Score (%) Precision (%) Recall (%) GMAC Runtime (s/frame)

Proposed Method 85.0 90.6 90.9 91.4 2.95 0.024

Conventional RFB 84.0 89.9 90.8 90.1 3.29 0.012
U-net (VGG16) 81.5 88.1 88.1 89.4 20.88 0.024
DeepLab v3 (Res50) 83.6 89.8 89.6 91.4 16.40 0.019

B. Yu, H. Jeon, H. Bang et al. International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 14 (2022) 100472

Fig. 6. Performance of the proposed segmentation method compared to conventional methods: (a) original images; (b) labeled images (ground truth); and segmentation results
using (c) proposed method, (d) conventional RFB, (e) U-net, and (f) Deeplab v3.

structure. It is noted that, in the field validation, the FOV and the panel type fenders with a resin pad are preferred for those over
resolution of the camera were 77 and 5280  3956 pixels, 50,000 DWT (Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, 2022).
respectively, and it recognized the object size of 1.4 mm at a set
distance of 7 m from the target. 4.2. Fender segmentation using the proposed deep learning model
The target structure in this study has two types of fenders: (1)
conventional BP-type and (2) panel-type fenders with a resin pad. A total of 384 images of BP-type fenders and 482 images of
In Korean ports, BP-type fenders are usually installed at berthing panel-type fenders with a resin pad were acquired in four different
structures for 10,000e50,000 deadweight tonnage (DWT), and ports in Korea (Incheon, Pohang, Gunsan, and Jeju) and through

B. Yu, H. Jeon, H. Bang et al. International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 14 (2022) 100472

Fig. 7. Details of the UAV: (a) composition, and (b) in-flight near a target structure.

Fig. 8. Experimental results for BP-type fenders: (a) original images, (b) labeled images (ground truth), and (c) fender segmentation images.

web crawling to train the proposed deep-learning segmentation The proposed DRFP- and DRFPt-based encoderedecoder type
model. And then augmented images were generated by applying deep learning network was applied to the field validation. Samples
elastic distortion, horizontal flip, color correction, and affine of original images, labeled images, and segmented results through
transformation methods to the training dataset. In total, 1920 im- the proposed method are shown in Fig. 8 and Fig. 9, respectively.
ages of BP-type fenders, and 2410 images of panel-type fenders The segmentation performance was also evaluated by calculating
were used to train the model. As in Section 3.2, Pytorch was used as the IoU, F1 score, precision, recall, and runtime, as shown in Table 2.
a deep learning framework for model building, and training and The proposed model successfully detected fenders with high ac-
testing were conducted using a workstation with the same speci- curacy despite changes in the shape and color caused by barnacles
fications as described in Session 3.2. The batch size for training the (see Fig. 8). Even the fenders were stably segmented in all the
model was set to 3, and the epoch for learning the entire data was images taken from various angles, as shown in the results for panel-
set to 500. type fenders (see Fig. 9).

B. Yu, H. Jeon, H. Bang et al. International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 14 (2022) 100472

Fig. 9. Experimental results for panel-type fenders: (a) original images, (b) labeled images (ground truth), and (c) fender segmentation images.

Table 2
Performance evaluations with two different types of fenders.

Fender Type IoU (%) F1 Score (%) Precision (%) Recall (%) Runtime (s/frame)

BP-type 91.0 95.0 94.2 96.1 0.026

Panel-type 88.9 94.0 90.6 97.9 0.024

5. Conclusions health evaluation system that can detect damage such as missing
sections or cracks from the segmented images and calculate a
In this study, a semantic segmentation model in an encoder- damage index. The images of fenders are captured by using a UAV
decoder framework with densely connected receptive field block or USV, and the deep learning network detects fenders robust to
convolution modules was proposed for fender detection at pixel environmental changes. Afterwards, the damage is estimated
level. The channel modulation layer, convolution modules with quantitatively from the detected fender. Through this process, the
various sizes of the kernels, two different dilation rates, and a fender serviceability can be automatically evaluated, securing the
densely connected network enable the extraction of fenders with safety of inspectors on the boat and reducing the time cost in the
fewer computing complexity. Moreover, an up-sampling method field.
helps not to lose information at the boundaries.
To verify the performance of the proposed model, 838 fender Declaration of competing interest
images (80% of the original 1047 images) were augmented to
generate a training set containing 4190 images. The remaining 209 The authors declare the following financial interests/personal
images (20% of the original images) were used to test the model. relationships which may be considered as potential competing
The proposed model segmented the fenders with the IoU and F1 interests: Jiyoung Min reports financial support was provided by
score of 85% and 90%, respectively, and showed an excellent per- Korea Ministry of Trade, Industry, & Energy. Jiyoung Min reports
formance compared to the conventional RFB, U-net, and DeepLab financial support was provided by Korea Ministry of Oceans and
v3. Fisheries.
To examine the field applicability of the proposed model, images
of two types of fenders (BP-type and panel-type with a resin pad) Acknowledgments
were captured by utilizing a UAV. The UAV was specially designed
to withstand the harsh marine environment including high winds This work was co-supported by (1) the Technology Innovation
and tides. The final segmentation results indicated that the pro- Program (Drone Application Service Market Creation Support, No.
posed deep learning network reliably detected the fenders, despite 20011780) funded by the Ministry of Trade, Industry, & Energy,
changes in the color or shape caused by the tide. Furthermore, the Korea; and (2) the project titled “Development of smart mainte-
proposed model could detect fenders in images taken from various nance monitoring techniques to prepare for disaster and deterio-
angles, with IoU and F1 scores exceeding 88%. ration of port infra structures” (No. 20210659) funded by the
In the future, we plan to upgrade to an image-based fender Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Korea.
B. Yu, H. Jeon, H. Bang et al. International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 14 (2022) 100472

The authors give special thanks to Incheon Port Authority (IPA) Safety and Maintenance (Performance Evaluation [in Korean].
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, 2015. Detailed Guidelines for Safety Inspection of
for their cooperation, and J. Kim, N. Baek, and N. Kim from the
Port Facilities [in Korean].
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hanbat Na- Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, 2018. Port and Fishing Port Fender Maintenance
tional University, for their support with image dataset construction Manual [in Korean].
and labeling. Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, 2020. Port Facility Maintenance and Mid- to Long-
Term Roadmap Establishment Service [in Korean].
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, 2022. Research and Service Report on Mainte-
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