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considerable water-binding capacity. I n hu- ground substance. The aortic content of

man aortae the greater part of the mucopoly- hexosamine and water together with the up-
saccharide fraction is chondroitin sulfuric acid take of “5S sulfate was increased, whereas the
but other mucopolysaccharides including hy- amount of hydroxyproline was unaltered. The
aluronic acid seem to be present ( 1 2 ) . While increase in the mucopolysaccharide/collagen
the hydroxyproline content showed no definite ratio may indicate a reparative process.
change, there was an increase in the heso-
1. Josuk, M . 0.. C p t . Rend. Soc. Riol., 1903, v55,
samine/hydroxyproline ratio indicating an in- 1374.
crease in the amount of amorphous ground 2 . Hueper, W. C., Arch. Path., 1944, v38, 247.
substance in proportion to the collagen. 3. Iiaab, W., A m . J . Card., 1958, v l , 113.
The mechanism of the epinephrine effect is 4. Elson, L. A,, Morgan, W. T. J., Biochem. J.,
not clear. Theories have been advanced of 1933, v27, 1824.
vascular injury as a result of the variations 5 . Roas, S. F.. J . Biol. C h e w , 1953, v204, 553.
in blood pressure accompanying the epineph- 6. Kirk, J. E., Dyrbye, M., J . Geront., 1956, 17113,
2 7.3.
rine injections: of an anoxic injury via the
7 . Moltke, E., A d a Endocrin., 1957, v25, 180.
vasa vasorum; and of a direct effect on the
8. S e u m a n , R. E., Logan, M., J . Biol. Med., 1950,
cellular metabolism. The accumulations of \185, 229.
acid mucopolysaccharides noted in these es- 9. Martin, C. J., Axelrod, ,4.E., PROC.SOC.EXP.
periments is probably a reflection of repara- HIOL. .WD MED., 1933, v83, 461.
tive processes started by the epinephrine in- 10. Asboe-Hansen, G., Rosenkilde and Bagger,
duced injury. Healing wounds contain large Ccpenhagen, 1951, p p 45, 62.
amounts of acid mucopolysaccharides. and 11. Bostriim. H., Odeblad, E., Acta Chem. Scand.,
the increased uptake of ‘5sulfate accord 19.53, v7, 233.
with previous observations of wound healing 1 2 . Kirk, J . E., Dyrbye, M., J . Gevoizt., 19.57, ~ 1 2 ’ .
(13,14). .<I.
Summary. Alterations in rabbit aortae 1.3. Layton, L. L., Cancer, 1951, v4, 198.
14. Moltke, E., ilcta Endocvin., 1957, v25, 179,
were brought about by intravenous adminis-
tration of epinephrine. Microscopic exaniina-
tion revealed accumulation of inetachroma tic Received August 24, 1959. P.S.E.B.M., 1959, v102.

Local Morphological Response Following a Single Subcutaneous Injection

of Carrageenin in the Rat. (25278)


Urpts. of E x p e r . Yatlaologg rriitl PharriinroloKicnl Resiiarch, B‘xper. Therapeutics RPJearch, Ledede
Labs., Ilivisioiz .1in. Cyaiictiizid Co., Pearl River, N . Y .

Various polysaccharides, mostly of bacte- this plant material could be used as a stimu-
rial origin, can induce inflammatory condi- lus to induce an inflammatory lesion.
tions in experimental animals ( 1.2,3.4). Sub- Material and methods. Seven groups of 6
cutaneous injections of carrageenin, a poly- fernale Sherman rats (body-weight range 140
galactose-sulfate of plant origin, have been +- 10 g ) were housed individually and fed
used in different species for biochemical Purina Laboratory Chow and tap water ad lib.
analysis of collagen formation( 5,6,7,8). The All animals received a single subcutaneous in-
present study of morphological response to a jection of 0.5 ml of a 2 % aqueous solution of
single subcutaneous injection of carrageenin carrageenint (molecular weight 100,000 to
jn the rat was carried out to determine whether 500,000 g,’mol), on mid-line of back, halfway
-- __
* I’resvnl, atldrrss:‘IJnivcrsit y oi Virginia Srhool o l t Ohtaincd through cour-tcsy oC Mr. 1,ooiial-d Stol-
hl vrlicine, Charlottcsvillc. () ff , St v pln 11t C or 1). , Ne w H ctl f o rd , Ma 5s.

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between tail root and thorax. Groups of ani- tracellular metachromasia and positive, blue-
mals were sacrificed by chloroform after lst, green Alcian blue stain. Precipitation of fibrin
2nd, 4th, 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th day; and was a rather common finding.
grossly recognizable abnormal structures of Second Day-Gross findings. Appearance
subcutaneous tissues were dissected and of layer was almost identical with the findings
weighed on a Roller-Smith torsion balance. after the 1st day with the exception that the
Dissected specimens were fixed in formalin- lesion was less gelatinous. Microscopy. The
alcohol ( 1:9 V/V) , and paraffin sections were findings were very similar to1 those described
stained with Masson’s trichrome stain, the Al- after the 1st day with the exception that the
cian blue method for acid mucopolysaccha- number of carrageenin-containing macro-
rides, and with periodic-acid-Schiff reagent phages had increased and the uptake of poly-
(P,4S). Selected sections of each group were saccharide material was more marked.
stained with Toluidine blue for metachro- Fourth Day-Gross findings. A slightly
masia, and with Gomori’s technic for reticu- yellowish-white layer of compact but still soft
lin fibers. Tn an additional weight study 5 consistency was spread over a considerable
groups of 12 animals were injected and sacri- area of the flank, and was poorly defined.
ficed after lst, 2nd, 4th, 7th, and 14th day. There was a slight hyperemia of surrounding
Grossly recognizable structures were removed, tissues. Microscopy. The large amount of
weighed on a Roller-Smith torsion balance, stainable exudate had all but disappeared;
placed in t,ared vials, and dried to constant only remnants were found. Their staining
weight a t 105 +- 5°C. Dry weights of resi- properties were essentially the same as de-
dues were determined, and weights of volatile scribed after the 1st day, indicating that car-
matter were obtained by difference. rageenin was still present. The major portion
Results. Immediately after administration of carrageenin was found in numerous macro-
of carrageenin, localized swelling of approxi- phages of f oam-cell-like appearance after tri-
mately 15 mm in diameter a t site of injection chrome stain. Plasma of these cells showed a
could be noted which disappeared within an marked positive periodic-acid-Schiff reaction,
hour. All animals showed normal behavior, strong metachromasia and a blue color after
and gained weight. Gross and microscopic staining with Alcian blue. Numerous filbro-
findings are described after various time in- blasts were intimately mixed with these mac-
tervals, rophages. Multiple focal accumulations of
First Day--Gross findings. After removal leukocytes were found which often contained
of skin a slightly yellowish-white layer of very central necrotic areas consisting of cellular
soft gelatinous consistency, poorly defined, debris, fibrin, and ruptured collagen fibers.
Wa!j found in area from axillary to inguinal Seventh Day-Gross findings. A thin
region. There was a slight hyperemia of sur- whitish-pink layer of rather dense fibrous-like
rounding tissues. Microscopy. Large areas of tissue was spread over a considerable area of
exudate with metachromatic staining proper- the flank and was poorly delineated. No vas-
ties and a rather weak positive reaction after cular reactioln of surrounding tissues was visi-
Alcian blue stain indicated presence of carra- ble. Pre-existing connective tissue could not
geenin. Numerous ruptured collagen fibers easily be distinguished from the induced
which stained faintly blue with the trichrome structures. Microscopy. Numerous fibro-
method were found within this exudate, to- blasts, young capillaries and carrageenin-con-
gether with a large number of polynuclear and taining macrophages were found, forming
mononuclear leukocytes, most of them in dif- granulation tissue which had walled off one or
fuse distribution, but focal accumulation also multiple necrotic areas. These necroses con-
occurred rather frequently. Erythrocytes tained cellular debris, fibrin, and amorphous
were less commonly found, although in some protein. Most macrophages at this time main-
instances parts of exudate were hemorrhagic. tained their foam-cell-like appearance after
Oct:asionally, macrophages showed phagocy- trichrome stain and Alcian blue method, but
ttrsis of carrageenin as shown hy intensive in- after the periodic-acid-Schiff method and the

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Toluidine blue stain the phagocytized poly-

saccharide appeared as multiple small drop-
lets. Curly strands of collagen fibers and a
fine network of reticulin fibers were found
between the cellular elements. Some appar-
ently newly-formed f a t cells contained very
small amounts of polysaccharide material
which could be seen as little globules in a
barely stainable cytoplasm. These were at-
tached to certain parts of the cell border. The
rest of the cell was occupied by a large op-
tically empty area, which indicated former
presence of fat.
2 4
’ 14 21 28

Fourteenth Day-Gross fiiidings and mi-

croscopy were similar to observatims after
7th day.
Tweizty-first Day-Gross findings. There
was a thin whitish-gray layer of compact
fibrous tissue spread over a smaller area on
the flank. The structure was not easily dis-
tinguished from surrounding tissues. Jli- -
croscopy. Almost no necroses were found a t wwww COLLAGEN FIBERS
this stage. In several area5 of previously de-
scribed granulation tissue. a decrease of num-
ber of macrophayes, fibroblasts, and capillaries I I / / I 1 I
1 2 4 7 14 21 28
was found together with a marked fibrosis, i . ~ . , DAYS
new formation of collagenous and arqvrophilic
fibers. Other parts of the granuloma still
showed numerous macrophages containing
polysaccharide material (positive reaction - WET WEIGHT

~ ~ ~ ~ VOLATILE
~ w u M MATTER
with PAS, Toluidine blue, and Alcian blue) D R Y WEIGHT
and fibroblasts which were intimately mixed _II WEIGHT OF I N J E C T E D
and packed in a firm meshwork of reticulin
fibers. ’,,,
Twenty-eighth Day-Gross findings and
microscopy were similar to observations after
the 21st day. An attempt was made to obtain 4,---------_-___-_-_------.

a crude quantitative estimate of different 0 1 2 4 7 14

characteristic tissue components of the re- 0 DAYS

F’Lt;. 1. S e o i ~totals for leukocytes, edema, and
moved structures after different time inter- ti I ) 1.iI I of carr:ifi.eei~iii-iiiciuceillesions, 6 rats/point,
vals. ;it cliffcwut time intervals after inj.
All slides were examined and the following b’1G. 2. Score totals for macrophuges, fibro-
I)lasts, a i d collagen fibers of c,zrrzLgeeiiin-induced
changes were graded: edema, polynuclear leu- lesions, 6 rats/point, at different time intervals
kocytes, fibrin, macrophages, fibroblasts, and ;ifter inj.
FTG. 3 . Weight relations of carrageenin-inducecl
formation of collagen fibers. Grading was l(.sioiis a t different time intervals, 12 rats/point.
done b y assigning 0 for absent, 1 for rare, 2
for moderate, and 3 for marked occurrence. results are shown in Figs. 1 and 2.
Since 6 specimens of 6 different animals were These morphological studies show that a
used, the evaluation was based upon the fol- single subcutaneous injection of 0.5 ml of a
lowing score totals: 0 to 6 = rare; 6 to 12 -= 270 aqueous solution of carrageenin in rats
moderate; and 12 to 18 = marked. The caused a localized response which could be

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divided easily into 2 stages. The initial phase pig reacts in a more chronic way by forming
(1st to 4th day) was characterized by one or excessive granuloma t ous structures.
more central necrotic foci, surrounded by exu- R. Meier et d ( 3 ) used another polygalac-
date with leukocytic infiltration, precipitated toside, namely 5 mg of purified agar/l05 g
fibrin, slight hemorrhage and a moderate pro- body weight in rats, and observed only a very
liferation olf macrophages containing carra- weak reaction by the wet weight (30 mg) of
geenin. These findings were interpreted as lesions removed after 7 days. Although we
an acute localized inflammatory response in have used larger animals (140 g) and a
the form of an abscess. larger amount of polygalactoside (7.2 mg) ,
,4fter 4th day, the abscess was walled off; our mean wet weight after 7 days was still
debris and (exudate gradually disappeared and 920 mg, indicating a more violent and exten-
were replaced by proliferating macrophages sive response.
and fibroblasts and by formation of new fibers Whether this marked difference is due to
and capil1ai:ies. Thus, the abscess was trans- high degree of sulfation, approximately 23%
formed into a granuloma in the process of re- of carrageenin in comparison with 1.3 to 1.4%
pair with ultimate scar formatioa. of agar (10) remains to be elucidated.
These studies show that carrageenin, ad-
‘I’o quantitate the amount od initial in-
flammatory exudate, i.e., fluid, an additional ministered as a single subcutaneous injection
weight study was carried out as described in the rat, is an irritant which produces a
under Material and methods. Relationships lccal response. This reaction, a well-defined
accumulation of exudate containing fibrin,
between wet weight, dry weight, and weight of
volatile matter of the excised lesions at vari- polynuclear leukocytes, and erythrocytes is,
ou!j intervals up to1 2 weeks are shown in
by definition of Boyd ( 11) , inflammation.
Summary. 1. A single subcutaneous injec-
Fig, 3.
tion of carrageenin in rats caused a local tis-
Discussion. So far only Williams (9) has
sue response, which from the 1st through the
furnished information about the morpho-
4th day could be defined as an inflammatory
logicaI findings a t different time intervals after
lesion in the form of an acute abscess, which
a single subcutaneous injection od carrageenin
later (5th through the 28th day) was gradu-
in the guinea pig. His observations, however,
ally transformed into a polysaccharide-con-
difir‘er somewhat from our findings in the rat,
taining granuloma. 2. Weight data indicate
since he did nolt find fibrin or fibrinoid ma-
a maximum exudative response after 24 hours.
terial, and only a moderate polymorphonu-
1. Delaunay, A., La Diape‘dZse leucocytaire, ses
clear leukocytic response in early stages of
facteurs et son Me‘caniswze, The Mechanism of In-
the induced lesions. Our observations in the flammation, Acta, Inc., Montreal, 1953.
rat indicate a marked leukocytic response and 2. Wohler, F., Ghiassi, K., Arch. exp. Path. u.
a moderate precipitation of fibrin in the lesion Pharwzakol., 1957, v230, 161.
as a common finding during the 1st to 4th 3. Meier, R., Desaulles, P. A., Schar, B., ibid., 1955,
day. Species differences may also account for v224, 104.
the difference in maximum wet weight of re- 4. Landy, M., Shear, M . J., J . Ex$. Med., 1957,
movable srtuctures. I n the guinea pig, Rob- v106, 77.
ertson and Schwartz( 5) reported a maximum 5. Robertson, W. van B., Schwartz, B., J . Biol.
at 14th day after a single subcutaneous injec- Chem., 19.53, v201, 689.
6. Robertson, W. van B., Cross, V., J . Nutr., 1954,
tiom of 16.6 mg of carrageenin/1001 g body
v54, 81.
weiight, and Jackson( 7 ) found a maximum a t
7. Jackson, D. S., Biochem. J., 1957, v65, 277.
the 7th day after 7.7 mg/100 g body weight. 8. Slack, H. G. B., ibid., 1957, v65, 459.
In the rat we observed a maximum wet weight 9. Williams, G., J . Path. Bact., 1957, v73, 557.
after 24 hours using 7.2 mg of carrageenin/ 10. Whistler, R. L., Smart, C. L., Polysacchuridc
100 g body weight. Chemistry, Academic Press, N. Y., 1953.
A11 these differences indicate that carragee- 11. Boyd, W., Surgical Pathology, 5th ed., W. B.
nin stimulates a more violent acute inflamma- Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1942.
tory response in the rat, whereas the guinea Received August 24, 1959. P.S.E.B.M., 1959, v102.

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