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Lesson 1.

4 Speaking and Writing

 Ask about their day/weekend.

 Answer Homework
 Lead in: Ask the student what a personal profile is? where to find one? What information are
included in a personal profile?
 Exercise 1: Show the advert and answer questions 1-3 in exercise 1
 Exercise 2: Play Audio 1.13 and complete the form
 Exercise3: Play Audio 1.14 and complete the questions
Check answers in Language Box
Guide the students into proper intonation and stress when asking questions.
 Exercise 4a: Play audio 1.16 and make the student fill the missing words in the blank
Check answers in Language box
 Exercise 5a: Ask the student to match the two columns
Practice pronunciation of all letters if time allows
 Exercise 6: Make the student answer personal information questions in page 126 and 132
 Exercise 7: Look at the advert. What details do they want from you?
 Exercise 8: Show a picture of Christina’s profile and make the students complete the profile
8b: Ask the questions.
 Exercise 9: Before answering the exercise 9, ask the student “When do we use capital letters?”
Open a whiteboard and gather their answers
To show answers for the question, use the Language for writing Box
Answer Exercise 9
Answer Exercise 10
 Exercise 11a: Show Antonio’s form and ask the student to make a personal profile like Cristina’s.
 Exercise 12: Let the student create their personal profile information.

Homework: Workbook 1.4 page 9

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