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I, DISTRICT GOVERNOR MARC ALAIN ONG, of legal age, Filipino, being the duly elected and qualified
Secretary of MD301 COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS FOR LY2022-2023, under oath, do hereby certify that during the
meeting of the Council of Governors last March 11, 2023 held at The Fort In the City Restaurant in Iloilo City the
following resolutions were duly moved, seconded and approved:

WHEREAS, The 74th Multiple District State Convention will be held in Cebu City on May 18-21, 2023;

WHEREAS, The Council of Governors, after a thorough review of the current and official Constitution and
Bylaws (CBL), desire to submit the foregoing proposal for the amendment of three (3) provisions therein.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of all the foregoing, upon motions made and duly seconded, we, the
members of the Council of Governors for MD 301, Philippines, unanimously approve the following:

“RESOLVED, as it is hereby Resolved, to submit the following proposed amendments to the MD Constitution
& Bylaws for ratification of the general membership to wit:

Amendment No. 1 - Article III (MEMBERSHIP)

Section 1. The membership of the Multiple District shall consist of all Lions Clubs in the Multiple District
duly chartered by Lions Clubs International and in good standing. Until such re-districting and/or
apportionment so warrants, the Multiple District shall consist of NINE (9) Districts and all other Lions Clubs
with no District, the territorial boundaries of which are as approved by the Multiple District convention and
by the International Board of Directors, as follows:

A. Lions Clubs in the City of Manila not belonging to any District and those belonging
to the former District 301-A1
B. A. District 301-A2: (Specified areas remain the same)
C. B. District 301-A3: (Specified areas remain the same)
D. C. District 301-A4: Entire City of Manila
E. D. District 301-B1: (Specified areas remain the same)
F. E. District 301-B2: (Specified areas remain the same)
G. F. District 301-C: (Specified areas remain the same)
H. G. District 301-D1: (Specified areas remain the same)
I. H. District 301-D2: (Specified areas remain the same)
J. I. District 301-E: (Specified areas remain the same)

Amendment No.2 - Article IV (COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS)

Section 3. Election of Council Chairperson: The candidate for the position of Council Chairperson shall be
nominated/endorsed in a manner provided for in the District Constitution & By-laws of the next hosting
district. at a meeting which the District Governor shall call. The First and Second Vice District Governors
and all Past International Presidents, Past International Directors and Past District Governors who are
members in good standing of a chartered Lions club in good standing in the hosting district shall be invited
to attend the meeting at which time they shall elect a nominee to be endorsed to the Council of Governors.
The duly elected Council Chairperson shall serve for a period of one (1) year only and his term shall be co-
terminus with the incumbent District Governors. He shall not serve in that capacity again. In the event of a
vacancy in the Office of the Multiple District Council Chairperson, as a result of death or being rendered
incapable of performing the duties of his office, the Council of Governors shall elect a new Multiple District
Council Chairperson from the same hosting district, subject to the provisions laid herein in these two (2)
preceding sections, within thirty (30) days from the day the vacancy has arisen. Upon being elected or
selected, the Council Chairperson shall serve the remaining term. If the remaining term is less than six (6)
months, he shall be eligible to serve again for another term.

Amendment No.3 - Article VI (AMENDMENTS)

Section 1. This By-Laws may be amended only at an Annual Multiple District Convention by amendments
reported by the Multiple District Committee on Constitution and By-Laws at such Annual Meeting and
adopted by the affirmative vote of majority of the accredited, certified and registered delegates voting at
such meeting. No amendment shall be reported to a Convention for vote unless and until every Chartered
Lions Club in the Multiple District has been officially notified in writing either by post, facsimile and
electronic means at least thirty (30) days prior to the Convention at which it is to be voted upon. For notices
sent via electronic means, electronic mail addresses found on the data base of Lions Clubs International
shall be considered as the official E-mail address of each member. Any and all notices sent via the afore-
mentioned E-mail addresses shall be considered received by the member that the notice was intended for.
It shall be the duty and obligation of the Council of Governors, thru its Multiple District Committee on
Constitution and By-Laws to provide such notice.

“RESOLVED, further that these proposed amendments be circulated to all Clubs within MD301 Pursuant to
Lions Clubs International Multiple District 301, Philippines Constitution and Bylaws, more specifically in
Article VI Section 1 of our Bylaws.

“RESOLVED, finally that a copy of these proposed amendments be furnished to the MD301 Committee on
Elections through its Chairperson, for the purpose of inclusion in the official ballots to be voted upon by the
general membership during the MD Convention stated above.

Unanimously Approved.

Certified Correct:


District Governor, D301-A4 Philippines District Governor, D301-C Philippines
COG Secretary Council of Governors Vice Chairperson


Council Chairperson
MD301 Council of Governors

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