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The world we live in is now a days challenged by a lot of problems. Those problems are getting worse
and worse as time moves and climate changes are no exception. Those problems are becoming the
most commonly happened challenges to the society. Climate change affects agricultural productivity,
health system, economic development and other sectors. In order to overcome natural problems
caused by climate change planting and protecting trees is the most effective solution. Plants take in
carbon di oxide, chemical which is exhausted from humans as well as animals, and give out fresh
oxygen. So, giving priority to plant protection has the most important benefit to the society.

The project focuses on automatic plant watering system which aims at overcoming plant wilting
caused by lack of water specially for new seedlings and hence reducing climate change effects. The
project consists of tasks which can be grouped into: sensing and reading soil moisture level, reading
the moisture level from the sensor and displaying on LCD screen and activating or deactivating the
pump depending on the reading of the sensor. If the moisture level is below the specified value,
then the desired amount of water is supplied till it reaches to the predefined threshold value. The
system then finally reports its current status and sends notification message about for how long it
waters and if there is enough water in the container message.

The system is first designed on CAD software and the programming codes on Arduino uno board are
done using “THINKERCAD” online simulation software. Doing thing firstly on software greatly
simplified our tasks in terms of time, finance and understanding because once we did it on software
it is easy to do it physically. The design we made in THINKERCAD software was successfully

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