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Learning path week 1

AIM: to provide further practice of used to/get used to/would as well as the can do
statement; describe appearances.
Choose the correct answer (a, b or c).
1 Mark’s little baby has an adorable ______ face.
a chubby b clean-shaven c wrinkle

2 Naoko has lost a lot of weight and now she’s looking far too ______ in my opinion.
a slim b overweight c skinny

3 Bella’s hair is ______ I’m sure. She never used to be blonde.

a wavy b dyed c spiky

idioms to describe people

Underline the correct words in italics.

1 Diana’s a tall-/high-flyer and will go far that’s for sure.

2 Susan’s a real pain/ache in the neck. She just never stops talking.

3 I know Mike can be irritating but his heart’s in the right spot/place.

4 George doesn’t seem to have any friends. I’d say he’s a bit of a loner/lonely.

5 Jason’s a cold/cool fish, isn’t he? Do you think he has any emotions?

5 Polly’s as tough/hard as nails – I certainly wouldn’t want to argue with her.


1 Correct two mistakes in each of the following sentences.
1 I’m so use to the colour of my hair. I don’t really want to die it.
2 Didn’t she used to be a bit overweight when she worked here?
3 I didn’t used to like clean-shaved men.
4 When we were little we would live in the country, and I remember our lovely next-door
neighbour who always looked tanned.
5 I think he’s getting used the fact that he’s going a bit bold.
6 I’m use to my straight hair now. I had it straightened at the hairdressers last week.
the sentences so that they are true for you. Use used to, be used to, get used to or would.

Describing appearances! Describe the following four people from your past and present.
Include at least one word for each category; hair, face,
In pairs take turns to describe your four people. Ask each other questions
about the descriptions.
4 Guess who! Who is your favourite film star of all time? In pairs take turns to describe
this person using the categories in Ex. 2 without saying
their name. Try to guess who the person is

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