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Trial Lesson Cheat Sheet

Leading with Listening

• Confirm student can see and hear you
• Begin with a standard introduction the student can model: Hello, I’m ___ from
____, and my hobbies are ____ and ____. Could you please introduce
yourself to me?
• If the student has similar hobbies, ask about them to make them more
comfortable and build connection.
• Ask an open-ended question: Why do you need to improve your
• Look for the pain. Ask:
• What’s the most difficult part about [LANGUAGE]?
• What’s that feel like?
• What skill do you need to improve the most?
• Can you give me an example?
• Why?
• Look for the goal. Ask:
• What’s your goal in [LANGUAGE]?
• Why is that important to you?
• Imagine that you’re completely fluent. What would you be able to do in
your life that’s not possible now?
• How would that feel?
• Why?

Model Before and After

• Write down the feeling words of their pains and goals
• Restate their before and after using their words
• Let me make sure I understand you. Right now you in [CONTEXT], You’re not
able to [SKILL], and it makes you feel [PAIN], [PAIN]. (repeat with as many
contexts and pains as you have). And your goal is when you're in [CONTEXT]
you are able to [SKILL], easily and confidently. That will allow you to [HOPE],
• I can help with that!
Demonstrate the Mechanism
• In our lessons, we’re going to _____
• Match your solution to the pain
• Talk about how together you can fix the pain they told you about.
• Always have a plan and be organized
• Share your screen
• Ask if what you are talking about and showing them seems helpful

Close the Sale

• The better your first 3 steps the easier this one is
• Ask: Do you have any questions about the lessons?
• Say: I’d like to talk about price
• Unapologetically share each of your packages starting with the most expensive
• Write the prices in the chat so the student can pay attention to you
• There should be at least 2 big bumps between the first price you say and the
final price you say
• Ask: Is this possible for you?
• If no, take away the pressure, change the subject, be pleasant, offer a free
• Ask: Are you ready to put your first session on the calendar?
• If no, ask the reason.
• Get their contact information and agree on a date that you will follow up with
• If yes, walk them through the entire sales process
• If they tell you they need to add ITC reassure them that it’s a one step process
and scheduling the lesson comes first.

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