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The compact transmission configurations such as the double-circuit and multi-phase

systems have emerged as a result of the search for compact and efficient systems with

minimal environmental hazards. Protective relaying techniques are therefore, required

to also evolve to provide adequate protection to such systems.

The latest well established numerical techniques have made protective relays very

Flexible, adaptable and cost effective. They also offer increased functionality in

Various applications. This thesis project proceeds to investigate the possible

enhancements to a numerical distance relaying algorithm for application on double-

circuit and six-phase transmission systems. Successful modifications and additions to

the single ended relaying technique are recommended. The recommendations are also

supported by the off-line simulation test results carried out on the EMTDC

Electromagnetic Transient Simulation Program.

Finally, a neural network trained to identify the faulted phases is integrated to the

distance algorithm in order to further improve the protection scheme on the double-

circuit transmission line configuration.



Figure 2.1: Single line diagram of a typical transmission line with its protective

Figure 2.2: Typical zones of protection for a multi sectioned line ....................................... 12

Figure 2.4: Typical ground impedance trajectories of the faulted phase for single
Line to ground faults at 70% and 100% distances............................................... 13

Figure 2.5: A typical fault voltage and current waveforms ................................................... 15

Figure 2.6: Sequence of data processing elements for a simple 3f distance relay ............... 16

Figure 2.7: Original band limited signal spectrum and its periodically repeated versions
as a result of sampling at Nyquist frequency ................................................. …….17

Figure 2.8. Typical reach for zones 1 and 2 on a multi-section transmission line .................... 23

Figure 2.9: Incremental impedance plane ................................................................................ 25

Figure 2.10: A typical directional trip zone ............................................................................... 26

Figure 2.1 1: Organization of the Alpha Power Technology relay ................................................33

Figure 3.1: The PSCAD/DRAFT icons of the APT relay library .................................................... 36

Figure 3.2: The icon of the Sampling Clock on the DRAFT canvas ............................................ 38

Figure 3.3: The icon of the frequency tracking unit. on the DRAFT canvas .............................. 39

Figure 3.4: Low pass filter characteristics for sampling frequencies of 16. 32 and 64
Samples per cycle of fundamental frequency ...................................................... …40

Figure 3.5: PSCAD/DRAFT icon of the low-pass filter with its inputs .......................................... 41

Figure 3.6: Analog high pass filter characteristics ....................................................................... 42

Figure 3.7: PSCAD/DRAFT icon of the analog high-pass filter with its accuracy .......................... 44

Figure 3.8. Digital high pass filter characteristics ............................................................................ 45

Figure 3.9. PSCAD/DRAFT icon of the digital high-pass filter with its inputs .................................. 46

Figure 3.10. PSCADIDRAFT icon of the Sampler ............................................................................... 47

Figure 3.1 1: PSCADDRAFT icon of the Fast Fourier Transformation Mode1 .................................. 48

Figure 3.12. PSCAD/DRAFT icon of the Sequence Filter Mode1 ...................................................... 50

Figure 3.13: PSCAD/DRAFT icon of the Ground Impedance Element Mode1 ............................... 51

Figure 3.14. PSCADDRAFT icon of the Zone Trip Mode1 ............................................................... 53

Figure 3.15. PSCADIDRAFT icon of the Data File Wnter ................................................................. 55

Figure 3.16. PSCADDRAFT icon of the Artificial Neural Network Mode1 ....................................... 56

Figure 3.17. Set-up for testing the off-lhe relay mode1 for its accuracy ....................................... 58

Figure 4.1: Simplified single line diagram of the 3-phase double circuit line ................................ 60

Figure 4.2: Conductor configuration for the three-phase double circuit line. ............................. 6 1

Figure 4.3: Circuit connection for self-impedance measurement on circuit # 1 ........................ ... 62

Figure 4.4: Circuit connection for mutual impedance measurement. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64

Figure 4.5: Single line diagram of six phase transmission line model. .... . .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .67

Figure 4.6: Conductor configuration for the 6-phase line. ............................................................. 68

Figure 5.1: Processing units of the impedance relay used in the study. .......................................... 7 1

Figure 5.2: Trip zones of the impedance relays on McCalmont-Springdale double

circuit line. .............. ........... ... .... .............. .... ............. .............................................. 72

Figure 5.3: Trip zone of the directional impedance element on McCalmont- Springdale
double circuit line. ............ .... ........................ .. .. . . .. . ....... .. . ... ... ……... ………………….73

Figure 5.4: Ground impedance relay trajectories of the faulted phase, for single line
(a1-g) to ground faults at 10%, 80% and 90% distances. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74

Figure 5.5: Line impedance trajectories of circuits # 1 & #2, for single line to ground
(a1-g) faults at 10%, 80% and 90% distances. .......................................... . . . . . . . . . . .... 75

Figure 5.6: Directional impedance trajectories of circuits # 1 & #2., for single line to
(a 1 -g) ground faults at 10%, 80% and 90% distances. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .77

Figure 5.7: The directions and distances to the close-up and remote faults as seen
by the directional element of the unfaulted line. ............................... . . . . . . . . ............ 77
Figure 5.8: Ground impedance relay trajectories for the faulted phases, for double
line to ground faults (a1-bl-g) at 10%, 80% and 90% distances. .... ............ . . . . . . .. . ..79

Figure 5.9: Line impedance trajectories of a-b and c-a of the faulted circuit, for double
line to ground faults (al-b 1-g) at 10%, 80% and 90% distances. ............ ……………....... .79

Figure 5.10: Directional impedance trajectories of the faulted and unfaulted circuits,
for double line to ground faults (a ]-b ]-g) at 10%, 80% and 90% distances ………………...80

Figure 5.1 1 : Ground impedance trajectories of circuits #l& #2, for al-background
faults at 1 O%, 80% and 90% distances. .............................................. ........... 8 1

Figure 5.12: Line impedance trajectories of circuits #I & #2, for al-BT ground faults at
1 O%, 80% and 90% distances. ............. .................................... ..... ...... ........... 83

Figure 5.1 3 : Directional impedance trajectories of circuits #1& #2, for al-BT ground
faults at 1 O%, 80% and 90% distances. ......... ........................................... -.... 84

Figure 5.14: Ground impedance trajectories of circuits # 1 & #2, for al-b r-~rg~~nd
faults at lm, 80% and 90% distances. ......................................................... 85

Figure 5.1 5: Directional impedance trajectones of circuits # 1 & #2, for al-bl-cground
faults at IO%, 80% and 9% distances. .......................................... ... ............ 86

Figure 5.16: Line impedance trajectories of circuits #l & #2, for al-bl-cyground
faults at IO%, 80% and 90% distances. ........ . .... . ..... ... ......... . .... ....... .. .. ......... -87

Figure 5.1 7: Ground impedance trajectories of circuits # 1 & #2, for four phase to
ground faults at IO%, 80% and 90% distances. Faulted phases are
al-b 1-cl-a2-g. ...................................................................................... - ......... 88

Figure 5.1 8: Line impedance trajectories of circuits #l& #2, for four phase to ground
faults at 1 O%, 80% and 90% distances. Faulted phases are al-bl-cl-arg. ... 89

Figure 5.19: Directional impedance trajectories of circuits #l & #2, for four phase to
ground faults (al-bl-cl-ayg) at IO%, 80% and 90% distances. .................... 90

Figure 5 -20: The directional impedance trajectories for a ,-b rcrg fault at 10%
distance ......... ....................... .................................................................. ...... ..9 1

Figure 5.2 1 : Single line diagram of a double circuit system with a fault on one circuit:
fraction of the Iine length to fault is '1'. ......................................................... 93

Figure 5.22: Modified ground impedance trajectories of faulted phases, for a 1- b 1-g
faults at 10%, 80% and 90% distances. ......................................................... 96
Figure 5.23 : Modi fied ground impedance trajectories of faulted phases, for a
faults at 1096, 80% and 90% distances. ..................................................--..... 97

Figure 5.24: Modified ground impedance trajectories of circuits # 1 & #2, for a 1-
bl-erg faults at IO%, 80% and 90?% distances. ............................................ 98

... Acknowledgments
.. viii
Abstract ................................................................................
.................................... ix

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