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POWERLINE LIGHTNING SURGE ARRESTER (PLSA) DUVAL’ ALL-MODE LIGHTNING SURG ARRI Ce A a eth aL) AF ae WW L.V.control Sdn Bhd. (191275) 98, Jalan 5S 14/1,47500 Subang laya, Selangor, Malaya Jel do2-5621 7003 56264610 Faxr603-06964 780 Emalllve@pdjaringimy or ive 90strearnyx.comn DUVAL” POWERLINE LIGHTNING SURGE ARRESTER (PLSA) ——————— EEE GENERAL In general, Ightning snd Surge Overvoltages are unavoidable events which are frequent aceurring in Law Veltage Electrical setriution systems, 2s wel 25 in communication system through several mectanism= ‘These are some main causes of Transients Ovenwatages- NATURAL PHENOMENA OF ATMOSPHERIC DISCHARGE Through DIRECT LIGHTNING and INDIRECT LIGHTNING STRIKE DIRECT LIGHTNING STRIKE ‘When DIRECT UGHTNING strike an tre paver alstia.tian nes or tne Lightning Concustar ot @ tuloing, inguces @ current surge which can aropagate several kilometers to 2 pnint of contact. Despite the instalation of the ESE Lightning Cenductar, Somestic snd indusinial equipment continue to receive high enefay impulses having paak values of several theusard amperes, tus cam ages te eectricel ang electranie eguipmert atoll times INDIRECT LIGHTNING STRIKE ‘When INDIRECT Lighning strike the ground # increases its potential avera radius ef several ilemetersi nducing avervattages in fy undarground cables ard also raisingtie patentia or any earth tenminals. Therofare tear fave adestructive ur coupling effect ff magrete of electrastallc fla on any electrical equicmen: ietallaions slusted several klemeter away from the actual paint orsirke. PARASITIC INTERFERENCES / SWITCHING OVERVOLTAGES The switching of transtarmers, motors. or inductances, capacitas, vatiatons af leads, connection snd disconnection oF eicuit brecvers can have thai awn fect of ovarvoltages with» Is dsinbuben network These creste treck ampltuces In diferent Wequeneies whieh are reirjected arte be elactialy cupaly ay the User oF ts envdrarment ‘These intererences nave litle energy huttheir short duration, steep wave form ane peak value can attain several kllvclts whieh have harmful efect= on the proper functions of sensitive equipment in shert trl term Substation Li ‘Transformer Le TT-NETWORK EARTHING SYSTEM For TT Matric, he neutral point of pow substation is transformer suppiy's connected to Earth and the conductive pst ofthe equ pment atthe end users side are connected to N ear ae shown in he shang dlsgramn Equipment End User DUVAL® POWERLINE LIGHTNING SURGE ARRESTER (PLSA) Surge Protection Device (SPD) Waveforms DUAL Puwerine Lighting Surce Arrester (PLA) Is manufacture aecording to IEC 6164-1 Standard. The folowing wavetarrn {are aoplled in the manuractunng of OUVAL® Poweriine Lgrtning Surye arrester @LSA). Al ests are eis0 cerned out accereing 19 these respectve wavefom accercingta IE €1649-t atau Labarotary. class 1 waveform: 10°950.5 Use ia measure capability af Class | Surge Protection Device {Result recoraeciis imp atx kA of 10795045 waveromn + Ep: Duval? 01508 Class 1 Surge Anester is based on 7 mote ALL MOV Technalogies which hes a limp a 128K with 1OvSEOys wavesorm Glass 2 waveform: 8/20.:5 + Use lo measure eapaally of Class 2 Surge Protection Device ‘+ Resultrecoroeciis imax atx kA of /20us waverorm + Eg: Duval 01008 Glass 2 Surge Anester is based on 7 morte ‘ALL MO Technalogies which has Imax af 1OOKA wih ‘gus waveronn buval® De0e Class 2 Surge arrester can also bases on 1 mode Technelogies wrich has Imax of @BRA 3" ‘3/20,5 wavetenn Class 3 Combination waveform test base on + Open Circuit Voltage Uoe = 1.27505 (6k) += Short Circuit Curent eras (aa) Protection Mode for TT Network Dbunng lightning strkes common mode overvaltages can anects all types of earfing networ% and can pe camaging to al equipment in te electrical netwarie Diferental made of overvottage tht is continuously circUating between all ives conductors alsa pases 3 high damaging effe:tto the same netwaric Therefore DUVAL® Powerline Lightning Sure Amester (PLSA) Nave 2 specific design te provide protection in comman mode and ferential mage, aswellaz inALL made protection, For common ard dierential mode (341 made), OUYAL® Technology ts based on Metal OxeleVaristar (MO) for isphase preter tion and Gas Olsctaree Tube or Sparkegap tachnelogy for ts raul protection —- Se Single-Phase (1+4 Technology) 3-Phase GH Technology) For ALL mate (7 made) pretection, DUVAL® Tectnology is basedan ALL Meta Grice Vanstor (MOY) Technology any, prenicing a COMPLE TE PROTECTION vita lovter lat through valtage forthe system Single-Phase (All Mode MOV Technology) 3-Phase (7 mode fAll Mode MOV Technology) DUVAL” POWERLINE LIGHTNING SURGE ARRESTER (PLSA) SS Selection of Lightning Surge Arrester Based on Sharing of Surge Current distribution within a structure ‘The purpase for instslaton of an External Lightring Protetion System (ELPS)wrether convertion! or estly streamer emission systems isto pfotect aga nst the risk of a drectightning sbrke. However Itcan also Increase the r'sk af damages to electncal eqqument connected te the mains pawer sucply near orinsi¢e te culding. Ths is because te ELPS wil elver-the stike curent Wa the dawn conductors ta the earth, eansiderabyy raising the potertial ofthe graund close ta the bulcing an which is installed This causes overvoliges on tne electrical equi ment drecty or ncuea along the routng pam ot the down ceneuctar via te earth terminals ang induced via the underground sumpty cables ‘With reference fram the 1ECS1843-1 Annex 1 the sw a on example of ulversion of lightning eurrent ito oie eqemal services (TT System) Is based on oie assumptan that So's of he Total Ligtring Curent (@) enferng te earth termination oF 3 ighinns protection system ofthe stuetare ‘The others 60% of the Current (1s) is distiautes oa amang the services entering the bulling such as extemal concuetve parts, electncal awerlines ana feammunicstions lines ef ‘he value etthe eurere resting if eaen sera canbe estmaten ayusing 1) te wheres re _ rumberofserwces, Satur Soa see pire Ta uw = 3 __te ‘of a Typical instaiation or DUVAL Tightning Surge Arvester tor Commorciat Buitdang Model Selection and Installation Criteria DUVAL® surge arrester should be fited immectately below tre instalelon main iscleting device. The selected surge arrester must be or he correct pretecnon velkage, install as close as possible to tne equipment to he protected ana be wall co-cranaten Winn ther surge protective aekices in te system Equipment Tolerance Levels for impulse vatnstand Voltage according to IEC 60084-4-44, IEC G0E64-1 and IEC 60790-1. Typo of Eauprront CGaionoros | Teleraney |__DuYAL=SpD nt| Node! | Surge ating 2000000 imp | ime ‘Sormuneston Eauement, Ractrere, compaternewon, 1 isan | D260 2548 Computer, Horr stort, eect Systems HLT, meee || Be Vides Alar car eeetont bazo sau as ea Hore elect/cal applances ans rechanieal equ z Baa Flecifkal Sechgcars 68) MOBI Conbtos 3 "ono" | Bane Tim pail Wolo etal resco aos a woong | otscs |12sial 15046 (Suerte poteton eure ee DUVAL” POWERLINE LIGHTNING SURGE ARRESTER (PLSA) Co-oratnation with Other Component # || a | oir wee | 7 | a cismsesmresrico Zz b) bisee:seertre-NEI 00 ©) brane 90977 01500-20574 wen [vera | a) biome seHrsro-NeE}O0 oer wa | an | tome wocik | te 25min » bioue:serrtro-NeEI 00 om ser wa | za | tome 6) CIe0s. 35177 er DIVE SESE ooo | te asm eee [2 | a cmearsaeire bine 278 NPE 0x got wor | zon | tone face 2T8/7r01Caa8.278TTH 0604 | to 25m sen | 2 | a cwoz7steNee b biDe-2ateNEE am oo wea | an | tomer 1) BA0-2747T or 4NC- 278077 joa | to 25me pe |e | oascarsanre bastea7srtyNPE 3m aot saa | aoa | tome 16) 28D. 277707 260-275177™ wenn |_t0 25m Installation Rules ‘soem rule For sately ancertectiveness.ft is important Keep the cable to a maximum S0em lengh ound together, r itis to he as short a2 pessibie Tne main reason is that whan a 10% lighting cumrent is Pavelng along @ 1 meter cable, be Votlage across fs Tanovotts for} 1OXA wane 8/20, U:1200V [1m Tut 1200) ‘oem rule For ary surge arrester, the installation, protected cables ard palkited ccbles should has af least »Sfim distance apart af each ther {0 avoid macneté coupling ALIN= same ime, itis Irrtan i avoid cable crassing oF ey should be crossed at right angle rao" requires Equal Potential All Surge Protection Devices (SPD) that are earthed in the same circuit must equally connected artended to te main earth ts fSchieve equipotent The earth resistance must be in between 5 to 10 ahm or lower re 2 x f DUVAL” POWERLINE LIGHTNING SURGE ARRESTER (PLSA) Oe! Specific Features of DUVAL* Powerline Lightning Surge Arrester (PLSA) Class 1 PLSA PMCCE Mocular so: @LLiaV Termes) owt epark cep Teena) ALL MODE @ 7aODE ft etnacay Mov Teenie erste te Reso or Suge vest Line Class 2 PLSA ALL MODE or 7 MODE ALLMay Teernaoay Red-End of Sugosvroder fo ows Sparse Teshraing et teetmacoy) “The effect of direct andindrectlightning strikes to bullings end structures causes power surges thet are induced through the power cables on to the mains electrical distribution system whieh can be disastrous and the etfact could rasut to all forms of electrical and electronic equipment premature ageing, malfunction or damaged Because of its robust design, the Duval? Powerline Lightning Surge arrester (PLEA) is capeble of dveiting high surge energy from beth cirect (10260us) and incirect (8/205) lightning current end averveltages te ground ane limit a low let threuch vottage across its torminals. DUVAL? Powerline Lightning Surgs_Arrastor (PLSA) Is manufactured based an the latest state of at technology 10 cater for diferent Fequrement. Its configuration comes in 2 designs, based on = 341 Technology (WOW enc Spetk-gap Technology) = All Made or ¢ Mode Technelogy (All MOY Technology) Both configurations use only the highest quality ‘material of Metal Oxide Vanstor (MOV) cembining} with strong Spar-gap or Gas Discharge Tube Technology to cater for very high surge energy DUVAL® Powerline Ligthning Surge Arrester (PLEA) hes Z designs which consist ot +1) Pluggeble Type 2) Modular Type The pluggable type enables easy maintenence vethoutinterrupt naithe mains power supply in the ‘event the plug-in surge module is demanged For DUYAL FLSA its MOY in the plugin modules are completely embeded with epoxy resin to prevent fire hazard and flash over between MOVs and in tie event the SPO cennot accept the surges and faled in short crcuit mode. DUVAL* Powerline Lightning Surge Aresters with Remete Indication facility, helps fo provide faster respondto ractfy the system in case of surge and therefore to avoid loss in equipment life ‘The DUVAL® Powerline Lighting Surge Arrester design are user-inendly, t clearly indicate the status of the surge arrester. GREYAWHITE indicate the surge arrester is in active mode and RED indicates the end af surge arrester ite Model: D150020511T-NPE ae one | 928) model: 01908-38571 Model: 01500830577 ‘Construction 1ype Mogae 7 Protection Mode Configuration va [ae Moda or ANOS Typo.ot Network TiS 3 Pawo 1050 3 Phe 416V Votage Protdion Levee (KAZOKR) —_[Upatin| __L-W TOR 1K TORRY 13K tion Wate go (eat BAKVAKAD ve [tw BaeK uREKV agiogite surge wing piasoinade Giz0ug | fewaa [LMM PE Benn TeOKA a Lightning inp cures (0255) A ADK Mew rar lace Gurren 200=) ea 00 permode ohare A 20K Nonna Diachrge Gurants @2 O00) Carers area ‘parstvoTauN inieator-mochanica toa Woe GREY = Opainve RED = Faulty Remote Monitoring for Teletanal Comet ow odd vith TC Comat rating ACR, 14, HONE mee ‘Cable sine: muntSrn anid Mex Mer backup fe (6 ol) or dre brea ¢ Cane Fave GIA Creit Breaker 63A Mounting He Bin al mew lata sagem a 2asigr seg imensiore IED mn) Weweee | saaesunoe | Zwxv0ce | sve 0x 6 Produet WARRANTY aoains manufaluing detest 2veue(Teme & Condon appm) in Spar oun Proton Moda (N-PE) ee I Class 1 Powerline Lightning Surge Arrester (PLSA 1) tee lorie: Mode: D10002051T+NPE Modek 010083857 "echnical Spremeaton ode ‘eon 38arTae Conewucton Woe Woda Fon ‘Corliance w cantar NEC e166 IEEE Cozat CoLGES weEPiTI0O2 CoUCED: Protec om Mode Configuration Ta [at TMale o AR ac orinaoe Operating Vokoa Ue Sue ‘Voltage Protection Lewek HOKATZEKA) pate aay tav attire WoregS: (tb: res ‘Aaoroaete surge atin j2000) tea Laeina inpuise Cuore 0S BtaR) cr TORT per made phen OKA 2K Marri Uiachargs Comeneainasa(Gaa=) | hrm ORR er mode pve aA 200K WoriTana! DiseTavae Caron (ue WINE KR Spaaivatoal indicator mechanical fea ope “GREY = Operation RED= Foul RemteMontering tor Teaignal Contact Tow Ee mE ode wth TCi-Contne toting ACZZWY, 18, THOME ‘Cas stern iano ene ‘Storage d Oparoting Termporsture: 1 a C00 Mas backup fuse 6-9) or eieuf-brealee€ Curve Fuse: EA Creut Ureaker A ‘RosonvTandod Cable Groge Scion i La M6 Sen, Pe 16 36uNTF Remagnieel aia aE We aT “000m 21000 ata Dirpnione LXMRD ane Tanson se |_44n 00 66 | 285 00x 65 | 330 WoO 66 Froguct WARRANTY agonist ranufactunng detect 2 ven eTone & Candin oH) ;Phigin soni gep Protestion mono (NPE) wwe [are T DUVAL” Glass 2 Powerline htning Surge Arrester (PLSA 2) guleeles, 618. om i eee es ax S —sle Model: DOU-275/1-NPE Model: DOUB-275/3-NPE Modok D8uB 27577 Modol: DavB-275/7TM [conatiueion Tape Piugaebie MONOBASE—_|_ Modular Bon [comptanceto standard TEC Hem. EEE CEZANCAICEE wseasrrie02 cotceD. Hrypoot Newent THSIT_| 1pnaco20v | sPnacotisy Phage Hv [worage Proternon Lowa (20K) pam [tn aa Rioiage Protarton Lowe (eK) ipa em [en aa = [ret wrougn vorege: em peKWaKA) | umes [_L-w soar m7 [Rcareosie ewgarainape rede: weve] Waurge |L-N IM Pe HER AITORA ott urge: ma roa same Meriva Diecharae Curent (auc) | Imex [LW IN PE RA TORA -permeae ‘per phase ‘anode Parse “taLura sama [pean er ormanal biesharae Garant 206) Te [Lown EDT [opening Carne Wie | me | a rraoma [arvana ay aema [Shor eat theta epee tee) Kar za amet montonna ror Tomaignnl Contact oF «dW LE Ne] ‘Woda wah 1G Contac rating RCZ2OV, 1A, HOA use Aer (A Ade! Cable ste: nit Sev aa ble [storsnea opening tempentiee [wr arc +are Nes teckup fuer 6h) or creud breaker © Cures Furs HA-09h, Cea Beeson 924 094 Recommended Gable Cross seston | LANE AB 35m PEL B25mEF | bewee otPrutection in ace wth IC SOS2ONSIEDS P20 mounting 1yp0 Din all 35m Howring Hate ‘Sef Evanguis Non fan Tato PET Dineen: 200A Ge sexooees | vaevexss | auixsvnee | a93x one Prick WARRANTY aqsinat maninaenunng efor 2 Yoareerms # Conanuons opty Manienenee Pits: Vater Protection Module 005 275 Plugin Spark gep Protection Modul H.PE) aE i z DUVAL” Class 2 Powerline Lightning Surge Arrester (PLSA 2) Model: DANC-275/-NPE Model: DANC-2754-NPE Model: D40C-275/7T Model: 0406-2757 ‘Canstmucton Type wppabi6 MOHOBASE | wounrBo# Complonceto stenderd HEC HLED.A WEE CORAL CH CRD BSEEH1907 Ct COD [surge arrester see. To eC Hi6I5A cas 2 Protection Mode Configuration a aot 7 Vode or lL Meds Type otawor Tas.aT_| tase 20 Phage 460 Nomina! Yom tn yaa oa VWortage Foteston Love KA) up atm aay Wortage Protection Leek OKA) pat aK ‘i Teta wakage (eo BVBRA) | vem aK ‘agrowste aurgo vata por phos: @20ue | Yowae 0K 70K owltowus KR 0K 2a0A Maxie Dichrge Curent (126i | Timm eH 70K [toate 08) Nomminel Discharge Curent (zee) i [LN TWPe Teena, ieee ease oral aed ‘WHITE = Operative, RED = Faulty isroto Monitoring fx Toledano! Conaet TomLeWe ‘Model wt TC Contact ating AC220u, 18, ANOANE Or Audible Alarm (a0 We) (Cable tse: rx srr? sot ble Stoge ¢ opoistng Tenponaure us a 88°C Mex backup furs ahr chic besos © Cave Tope 28 Cae Oeste 28 Recontmended Cable cross secson TaN w.3emey PE te seme Mounting ope Tin Ra asa Prsousina mar Ser Exurgutan Won are [erode ARAN sani nik Fowa{tetine & Conditions BDH) Plug sparkgop Preston Mads OPE DUVAL” Glass 3 Powerline Lightning Surge Arrester (PLSA 3) Model: 0250.275/14NPE Model: 0250-275/2-PE Model: 8250-2757 Model: B250.27577M + Pla. Spaicjap Protection Module (PE) Tea Saco oa [RDI DOD IRATE poayamin | vow aM arias gga weononase seater Comps ad Cont FEECD.ACa CAS new 1 Cu can Se Areata NEC O18 ia Protection Mode Configuration axa Tat 7 Mote oF All toe Dit m= bai a —| nian la eae TSt| was | seme Sinan 107 ‘Number of Poles 2 Pole APole, ‘ePote | mauler non ‘om ae ia Zao TC Opava ons We [ance ed As ay ge Pea va an he La aa aaa {Let through Voltage), LN Pe se nt Taw usw [rau ate cat awa [une | anna Teepe Te @ [iewasre| tne~ cine Mounting Typo Din Rai Mountas Comecion Tye ‘Scigw termina for MEUT 2, OUTPUT Wire Coons clon = soll /standed minOS 25m? man 2 vite connection Storaxe Temerature anc jo 460°C) Operating Temgerature 25°C 19 4 70%, Casing Material ABS. Non flammable tke retandset Rotarance Standards IEC 1643-21, BS6391 1999 Avondix©, Cat C-Migh ITU (foomoriy CCITT) ought Dimension H=a0 = Note: For Rated Operating Line Current Qk) ~ 1A, upan request and at extra cost 7B Dataline Surge Protector (DSP) DSPDR-RJA5-6V4 DSPDR-RJ45.....Din Rail Series Network Dataline Surge Protector DISPOR-RLI4S nebwor signal lightning protector perfect shape dimenation IF standard made and 35mm DIN rail 35mm installstion Ports direction can be choose by one Sides or cifferent sides, easily tb instal. Product height is |U standard dimension, easily sscemble several modules into 12 inches standard caainet brace and also can adjust lightning connector andl valtsges to meet diferent requests, ceme to freely conveniently combination anc instalstion © Discharge current corne 10 8KA Lowy voltage protection level DIN rail 35mm instalation (© Two ports anc twa class surge protection Mulb-connectors standard module design @ High response speed @ uso crysial connectors © Super ransrmisstion pertermance, low insert ass © Information system surge aver vckage protector @Can integrate 1-24 ports combinaton mode (© Indicator for Operatien Status (option) (© Otter protection Pin Configuraton upon request Enel) ‘© Surge protection of termins| PC network card (© Surge protection af asier netnerk equinment cee ee Rated aperting valtege Max continuous operating voltage Uc Insulation resistance Voltage protection level (2760s, USRV]Up line - line line - earthing Norninal discharge cunent (8/20 ps) Bea, TOMES Maxdistharge curent —Wrex(B/20 vs) TKR, Pated operating cument aA ‘AC withstand copabiity of resistance 2313, 5omeS ‘hithatand capabiity oF mgs TERY TOOTS S75A 10300 us Teer ead fare made Mode 2 Insert ioss{ (OMFZ) S0sde) Tranarrisation rae ToOMpaS Serial resistance Tao Connector tyne RATES FESponss DIME Sins Timerian See gure, Shel maverav chal pretection Cass ULEAVONPSE Installation made Som CIN rail Usage candor ‘Aimosphene pressure ‘BokPa-1a0KPs Temperature: 40°O~*70"C Felative humid 59-96% Bendvaath 250M 1 times DUVAL” GCTV SURGE PROTECTOR ES The CCTV Surge Arrester or Protector has the following features and advantages:- + Light weight ane compact size that can be installed Inside the carrera encasure + Law voltage protection level + Law inline resistance for efficiency of signal ansrrissian + Law reflection coveficient VSWR that daes nat tisturb the systern operation SeROOTEETEE + High bandwisth mat aves degradation of high Frequency Signals, Application SP CCTY Pratedtor ie suitable for coasial CCTY cables with BHC Cornectorsfor protection ef video cables 2 autdear CCTY cameras, control ercut snd monitoring equigrrent which sre e

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