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Future Search Conference
Capacity Development in Integrated Coastal
Zone Management Project

Yogyakarta, 21-23 February 2018

This Future Search Conference is an It is co-hosted by the IDN265 consortium It is made possible with It is facilitated by:
initiative of: partners: support of:

Background & context of the programme 4
Introduction 5
Opening 6
Focus on the Past 7
Focus on the Present 8
Focus on the Future 11
Common Ground 12
Action Plans 13
And now? 17
Participants 183

This conference is part of Nuffic’s NICHE project IDN265 on Capacity Development in Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and Integrated Water
Resource Management. In this project, Dutch and Indonesian peer institutes collaborate on capacity development for the curricula in the area of water. The
Indonesian partners are the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember in Surabaya (ITS) and the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). The project focuses mainly on
the curricula of the programmes on Coastal Engineering at ITS and Water Resources Engineering and Management at ITB. The Dutch partners are the
Technische Universiteit Delft (TU Delft), the International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering (IHE) and sub-contractors
Hogeschool Zeeland and Deltares.


Around 80 stakeholders come together on the LECT ALU
21st to the 23rd of February 2018 in Yogyakarta
to advance higher education in Indonesia and
address the future challenges for integrated
coastal and water resource management.

Management and lecturers from ITS and ITB are

present as well as students and alumni from
those universities. Also present are policy
makers, specialists and representatives from CO
government, industry and other universities
throughout Indonesia.

The purpose of this conference is to develop

common ambitions and initial actions towards
educating world-class professionals in
integrated coastal and water resource
management. The conference is an unique
opportunity for all stakeholders groups to GO
interact and work together.

In three days, we create a shared picture of the

problems and opportunities, foster mutual
understanding of difference in perspective and
interests, and find common ground and
propose action on what we intend to do for the
near future that is supported by all parties.
This report provides a summary of the
outcomes of the conference.

After praying and singing the national anthem, Programme Coordinator Ir. Bert Geers from the TU Delft
Day 1 - 21st February 2018
opens the conference. He welcomes all participants and clarifies the purpose of this conference: to bring
all important parties together to hear everyone’s views and take the next step towards educating world-
Focus on the Past
class professionals together. Dr. Wahyudi (ITS) and Prof. Ir. Iwan Kridasantausa (ITB) from the
Focus on the Present
conference committee provide more background information about what the project has already
Day 2 - 22nd February 2018
achieved in ITS and ITB, such as the provision of Python and Delft3D programming courses and the
Focus on the Future
master plan assignment to Jakarta. The vice-rector of ITB Dr. Miming Mirharja emphasizes the
Common Ground on the future
importance of collaboration between the different stakeholders and wishes everyone a fruitful
Action Initiatives
conference. The rector of ITS Prof. Ir. Joni Hermana stresses the importance and potential of coastal
Day 3 - 23rd of February 2018
zone and water resource management in Indonesia, a country of which 70% consists of water, and
Resilience and enhanced actions
underlines the need to think big but start small. Dr Han Rakels (Perspectivity) facilitates the conference.
Highlights and milestones
As a first focus of the conference, we create a
picture of our past to collect our history and learn
from the past. Participants are asked to note key
events and milestones on large timelines that run
between the period of 1990 and 2018. They do so
on three levels:
• Personal
• World
• Educating professionals

• On the world time line, we identify environment water resources and coastal zone management
LESSONS FROM THE PAST (eg. climate change and natural disasters), to adequately deal with the changes in the
Next, the participants share the main themes and policies in Indonesia and in the world, and economy, politics and environmental disasters.
storylines in these histories. They also pull out what technological development as the main themes. So that, for example, we are able to mitigate the
they see as the key implications of the past for the
• Regarding the educational timeline, we see an human aspect in natural disasters related to
future. increase in human, institutional and infrastruc- floods.
The findings are: tural resources. From 1998 onwards we see a • This means that we need comprehensive and
• The main personal themes we can distinguish are growing awareness of the importance of integrated approaches where the quality and
about family, education and career, with events research, which from 2005 developed into more relevance of the work our universities do,
such as getting married, studying abroad and research collaboration projects and regulations becomes more and more important. Our
changing or advancing in a career. These for universities. educational programmes should be relevant for
experiences are important to create networks
• With our Indonesian human resources and our students, for companies and for society.
and to become professional. education programmes we can ensure good

Now we have a shared image of what has lead us to where we currently are, we can start looking at the present. As a first step, participants create a mind map,
or a shared picture of the world they are dealing with. We do this because, before we can move into action, we have to understand the whole picture. If we
understand the environment that affects us, we can design appropriate responses.

Out of all the identified trends, the group selects
the following eight trends as the current most
important trends for educating professionals:
1. Increasing lack of technical & manual skills
2. Less depth in learning (the Google effect)
3. Decreasing social awareness and empathy
4. Students have improved soft skills (eg
English, team work & communication skills)
5. Young generation wants instant results and
6. Increasing environmental awareness in local
communities because of government
7. Wider gap between the curriculum and the
requirement of the field
8. Increasing demand for modern teaching
methods 8
The trends that are identified are of importance
to everybody. To get more insight into how this
works out for every stakeholder group,
participants ask themselves:
• What are important trends for us?
• What are we doing now?
• What are we not doing now?
To deepen the understanding of the present,
stakeholders own up to and share what they are
proud of and sorry for in relationship to
educating professionals in water resource and
coastal zone management. These are the
findings by stakeholder group: COMPANIES
• Introduction courses for graduates starting at
Prouds: • Possibility for fresh graduate to become
UNIVERSITIES • Qualified human resources for young engineer under senior supervision
Prouds: modern teaching methods • Provision of internships to connect student
• Attendance of students to lectures 80% • Wide network to support teaching and practice
• Manual calculation and software comparison • Adequate facilities with potential for better • Ability to change challenge into opportunity
assignment • Highly qualified students and improving Sorries:
• Feedback possibility for students to lecturer enrolment method • Inability of graduates to produce high level
after last class Sorries: written reports
Sorries: • Inability to master the software • Conflict created because of people competing
• Inability to buy licensed software • No proper maintenance and updates facilities for jobs
• Insufficient use of models by lecturers • Insufficient effort to explore the right • Unwillingness of seniors to upgrade technical
• Out-of-date laboratory instruments methods for students skills
• Inability of lecturers to cope with new • Limited opportunity to be involved in • Problematic and time-consuming access to
technology practical work for lecturers data

Prouds: Prouds: Prouds:
• Ability of students to graduate • Interest of students to work for and do • Timely and relatively faster graduation
faster with good grades internships with the government • Increase in average GPA
• Adaptability of graduate to work surrounding • Alumni recruitment system • Successful completion of final assignment
• Opportunities for students to develop • Availability of scholarships • More involvement in other fields (hobbies,
themselves • Assistance to students by providing data soft skills, etc.)
Sorries: • Possession of good facilities, software and • Ability to learn and adapt quickly
• Lower standard skill level for graduates hardware Sorries:
• Insufficient budget to improve technical skills Sorries: • Procrastination
• Inexistent link and match system between • Suboptimal partnership with universities • Failure to realize importance of basic theories
universities and industries • Lack of human capacity to teach at • Not making use of all facilities
• Failure to convince industry of importance of universities • Less initiative to find other references
universities • No synergy between central and local
• No education on operation and maintenance ITB LECTURERS
ALUMNI Prouds:
Prouds: • Increased use of software
• Sophistication and independence of students. SPECIALISTS • Increased transparency and openness
They can find information themselves. Prouds: • More opportunities for advanced study
• Wider access to information • Implementation of regulation on engineering • Stronger demand for modern teaching
• Provision of information to students about skill level methods
internships, vacancies and thesis topics • Increase in attention for environmental • More environmental awareness
• Active alumni organisation impact assessment Sorries:
• Use of Corporate Social Responsibility Budget • Knowledge transfers through internships • Slow speed and lack of reliable internet
Sorries: Sorries: connection
• Lack of knowledge sharing to students • View that degrees are more important than • Desire for instant process by young
• Lack of networking with others experience generation
• Lack of information filter • Culture of ranking students degrades the • Capacity gap between curriculum and society
• Suboptimal Process of giving feedback quality • Decrease in nationalism, need to act local
• Less logical skills • Increase of courses spectrum • Less social awareness and empathy


Certain common themes can be distinguished in • Universities are internationally accredited, have
FOCUS ON THE the future scenarios: modern facilities and use case studies to teach

FUTURE • Different stakeholders collaborate with each

other and share resources
their students
• There is an improvement of social and
Having analysed the present, participants imagine • Students can identify problems in society and environmental awareness for all stakeholders
the future they want to work towards and express solve them by applying their knowledge and an improved discussion with local
them in creative ways. For example, there are a • Students have integrity, are able to understand communities
few journalists from various broadcasting stations the basic concepts and benefit from further • Government ensures clear regulations, good
in Indonesia and abroad reporting on the current developing their soft skills spatial regional planning and synchronisation
state of affairs, there is a fairy-tale, a vlog, an open • Both students and lecturers are able to use between national and regional levels
online course, and theatre plays about a boy software properly and are proficient in ICT • Companies collaborate with government and
becoming older and a day in the life of world’s best • Lecturers facilitate learning and sometimes it is universities in research and project to ensure
engineer. the student who teaches applicability of education

From these visions for the future, the group distills shared elements that make up the common ground for
educating world class professionals. The common ground is what everyone believes to be the elements
that are shared and desired by the whole system (all stakeholders). These could be values, policies, projects
or other things. The common ground elements are clustered into six thematic categories:


1. Curriculum innovation
We have a smart curriculum that produces world-class professionals with high integrity, who
are visionary and respond to the needs and problems of society.

2. Open and easy access to content

We have easy and open access to environmental and technological data.

3. Physical laboratory infrastructure

Our laboratories and equipment, both indoor and outdoor, are complete and well-maintained.

4. Stakeholder collaboration
We ensure and promote well-established and sustainable collaboration between all

5. Quality control and certification

We guarantee that our students are world-class and that our lecturers are accredited and
certified according to national and international standards.

6. Social and environmental awareness

We ensure the consideration of social and environmental factors to raise awareness and to
safeguard the applicability of the curriculum in assisting with solving current issues related to
coastal zone and water resource management.

After having agreed on the common ground Output 1: Building ICT infrastructure
agenda, we move into action planning. Small Milestones:
groups convene around each of the common 1. Suitable high quality platform is available
ground themes and generate proposals for 2. Training in ICT
implementing this theme in practice. The groups 3. Launching the infrastructure
each receive critique and praise from their Output 2: Easy content access
colleagues and then improve their plans. This has Milestones:
lead to the following six action plans: 1. Material and guidance is available (module,
practicum, community service, final project,
publications and e-books)
CURRICULUM INNOVATION 2. All this material is uploaded online and is
easily accessible
Output 1. Certification 6. Participation in at least one subject relating Output 3: Easy access to environmental and
Milestones: to social and environmental factors technological data on coastal and water
1. All lecturers are certified Output 3. Implementation and follow-up resources
2. New lecturers receive certification within Milestones: Milestones:
one year 1. The curriculum has been implemented as 1. Establishing agreements between universities
3. Set programme design in one year (module) expected in three years and institutions
4. Compliance attendance reports by also 2. Tracer study system in place 2. Accessible data
notifying students
Output 2. Soft skills subjects Commitment: Lecturers Indicators: Platform is launched;
Milestones: Content is easy accessed
1. Number of details complete SAP is 100% Some other ideas: Guest lectures by
2. At least 8 guest lectures per year entrepreneurs or successful alumni; Involving Commitment: Related institutions - Rector is
3. Soft skills subjects at least 5% of total entrepreneur alumni or seniors to create the willing to provide grant for ICT infra. development
credits course material; Advisory board related to ICZM
4. Subjects focusing on character-building at to support stakeholders and universities; Social Some other ideas: Regular updates; Developing
least 5% of total credits psychology education to produce local wisdom; practicum and field study guidance; Filter wrong
5. Participation in at least one subject relating Concentrate on character building education; information; Website management; Collected on
to entrepreneurship Communication and presentation skills; Soft skill one platform; Online quiz, assignments & tests;
training for lecturer Collaboration with other universities


Output 1: Investments lab (laboratory equipment and building) Output 1: Getting national and international accreditation
Milestones: Milestones:
1. Practicum design 1. Needs analysis in terms of curriculum, HR facilities and research
2. Needs analysis (education & research) 2. Building a team
Output 2. Good maintenance (well-maintained and certified) 3. Standard-based implementation
Milestones: 4. Accreditation process
1. Standard O&P (national and international certificate) Output 2. Getting national and international certification
2. Budget allocation Milestones:
Output 3: Laboratory basic practicum 1. Fulfilling formal education
Milestones: 2. Professional education
1. Designing model Output 3. National contribution
2. Creating schedule Milestones:
Output 4: Filled laboratory 1. Collaboration between stakeholders
Milestones: 2. Improve national economy standards
1. Deciding the location 3. Improvement of appreciation and standards towards experts
2. MoU with stakeholders 4. New industry in ICZM initiated by professional HR

Indicators + Commitment: Availability of equipment and infrastructure; Indicators: standard-based infrastructure; certified HR; entrepreneurs in
SOP: ITS ITB (Arno & Agro) ; Staff ITB (Eka) ITS (Rudi); MoU PU (Adi) + ICZM who are competent and increasing in number; products
Alumni (Hima); Investor Nuffic (Olivier); Location ITB (Farid) + ITS (Rudi); (publications, patents, national and international standard innovation)
Practicum module (ITB Widya and Fajar)
Commitment: Institutional Accreditation: Dhemi & Asa; Certification
Some other ideas: Increase the coast-based laboratory; Benchmarking with student & lecturers & experts: Irwan; National contribution: Weny &
other university’s laboratories; Hold a survey with stakeholders involved; policymaker
Utilisation of existing infrastructure; MoU for shared facilities with other
university; Common shared field laboratory facilities; Micro controller Some other ideas: National exam based on universities’ scale; Student
workshop for students; Development of multi-media e-learning centre; exchange and evaluation standard; More case studies; Evaluating
Routine site visit by students to observation station and telemetry system; curriculum; Evaluating study program accreditation based on society
State of the art sensors & loggers (bachelor practice) demand; Creating term of reference for certification; Evaluating teaching

Indicators: MoU and platform agreement
realised in first and second year. At least 5
Output 1: Collaboration among stakeholders
to develop research coastal and water research and publications every year and from
second to fifth year at least 20 researches.
Information and database system has been
1. MoU and agreement established. In first year one website per
organisation, and one database and social
2. Research and publication
media profile per organisation.
3. Field trip, guest lecture, community service
& university exchange
Output 2: Building study centre networks Commitment: Suhariyanto (UNDIP), Ridwan
(ITB), Rengganis (ITB), Annisak (DPU SDA) ,
Rusli (ITS), Fauzy (PU Jatim) , Peter (University
1. Regulation and study centre networks
2. Data base and information system Pattimura), Suci (Bappeda), Joko (Pusat
Bendungan), Sumaji (PU SDA Jabar), Yudhi
3. Routine meetings & annual meeting agenda
(Pelindo) & Andre (Royal Haskoning DHV)
Output 3: Open forum amongst stakeholders
to synchronise the development of curriculum
1st meeting is 26 april 2018 @ Lombok, NTB
1. Guidance from stakeholders to students
Some other ideas: Open space meeting; Training
2. Innovation competition among stakeholders
3. Establishing forum platform for students associations about giving feedback;
Fun sharing with alumni, students and others;
Output 4: Creating alumni and student
Regular gathering & fund raising; Career and
Milestones: sharing day; Tracer study among alumni; The
creation of a basic framework and guidelines for
1. Regulation of alumni and students networks
establishing a coastal study centre; MoU with
2. Database and information system
3. Routine campus visit companies (internships, field visits, research);
Stakeholder involvement (government,
community, and company) in long-term research
activities (or projects) in (or at) universities


Output 1: New subjects on social economic Indicators: Policy and roles related to social and
environment and entrepreneurship environment have been applied at least 60%;
Milestones: Lecturers competencies in the relevant field have
1. Learning methodology increased at least 80%; Villages in coastal areas
2. Student skills reaching prosperity at least 80%; Results of
3. Study implementation research applied in every component 80%
4. Subject evaluation (government, university, company, local people,
Output 2. Social laboratory etc.)
1. Field need analyses Commitment: Mustain, Silvianita, Joko, Agung,
2. Deciding main issues Novalty, Ana, Amalia, Ilham & Han Blom
3. Alternative solution
4. Action concept Some other ideas: Students train citizens
Output 3. Research (knowledge transfer); Climate effect knowledge
Milestones: sharing with government; Every research that is
1. Social culture conducted in the coastal zone will be shared and
2. Social psychology distributed to the area, so they can share the
3. Social environment knowledge; Design of creativity program that
4. Environment involves the local community in downstream river
5. Policy analysis and coastal area; Social environmental risk
Output 4. Community service analysis; Organize a forum session for exchanging
Milestones: ideas and sharing opinions
1. Technology application
2. Guidance to villages
3. Women empowerment
4. Children education

The outputs of the Future Search conference will be published and distributed If you have any questions about the Report by Asrini Chrysanti (ITB), Rasty
amongst the various stakeholder groups to make the ambitions of the Future content of the report or if you were a Hikmahwaty Sutrisno (ITB) & Anne
Search participants known. In the remaining period of the project, some of the participant and anything in this report van Marwijk (
ideas that came forward during the conference will be used and implemented, is not how you remember phrasing or Photos by EVIO Multimedia
such as the inclusion of subjects on social inclusion and environmental writing it or if there is any other Icons made by Freepik, Retinaicons,
assessment in the curricula. The same goes for the development of soft skills mistake, please get in contact with the GoodWare, Becris, Anatoly,
and the introduction of ICT-supported learning approaches. The project may conference committee. You can do Smashicons & Iconnice from
also facilitate initiatives such as forum sessions directly related to the project this by contacting Wahyudi or Iwan,
and with approval from Nuffic. via or


Hana, ST., MT. (ITS) - Yudistia Asa Negara
NAMES OF PARTICIPANTS Wahyudi, ST. (ITS) - Yenung Secasari, ST.,
M.Sc. (ITS) - Rusli Dain (ITS) - Amalia Nafisah Rahmani Irawan, ST.
Prof. Ir. Iwan Kridasantausa, M.Sc., Ph.D. (ITB) - Rengganis Nurfajrin Ashari, ST. (ITB) - Novaldi Agnial Fikri, ST.
(ITB) - Ir. M. Cahyono, M.Sc., Ph.D. (ITB) - Ir. (ITB) - Eka Oktariyanto N., ST., MT., Ph.D. (ITB) - Widyaningtiyas, ST,
Hermawan Mahfudz, MS. (ITB) - Dhemi Harlan, ST., MT., Ph.D. (ITB) - MT., Ph.D. (ITB)
Joko Nugroho, ST., MT., Ph. (ITB) - Hadi Kardhana, ST., MT. Ph.D. (ITB) -
Baron Agung Wicaksono (KSO Sucofindo-
Dr. Ana Nurganah Chaidar, ST., MT. (ITB) - Ir. Edy Anto Soentoro G., COMPANIES
Surveyor Indonesia) - Arendra Haryo
MA. Sc., Ph.D. (ITB) - Dr. Ir. Agung Wiyono HS, MS., M. Eng. (ITB) - Dr. Prabowo (Pelindo 3) - Yudi Prasetyo, ST., M.Sc. (Pelindo 3) - Weny
Ir. Sri Legowo W.Darsono Dr. Eng. Rudi Walujo PrasYanto, ST., MT.
Hamilton Sihombing (Witteveen+Bos) - Dr. Ir. Arno Adi Kuntoro, ST,
(ITS) - Prof. Ir. Eko Budi Djatmiko, M.Sc., Ph.D (ITS) - Drs. Mahmud
MT. (PPSDA) - Moh. Farid, ST., MT., Ph.D. (PPKL), Ir. Djamhuri M.
Mustain, M.Sc., Ph.D. (ITS) - Dr.Ir.Wahyudi, M.Sc (ITS) - Suntoyo, ST.,
Jasin, M.Sc. (Perentjana Djaja) - Ir.Windarto (Konsultalindo) - Ir.
M. Eng., Ph.D (ITS) - R.Haryo Dwito Armono, ST.,M. Eng., Ph.D (ITS)- Supranowo (Jaya Konstruksi)
Silvianita, ST., M.Sc., Ph.D (ITS) - Agro Wisudawan, ST., MT. (ITS) - Dr.
Arie Wiriawan (KKP Kementerian) -
Muhammad Zikra, ST., M.SC, (ITS) POLICY MAKERS
Ridho Bayuaji, ST., MT. (PII) - Ir.Hasan
Ilham Cahya (ITS) - Zain Zachary (ITS) - Ikhwani, M.Sc. (HAPPI) - Prof. Dr. Chan Basaruddin (BAN PT) - Prof.
Salsabilla Gucchaka (ITS) - Dina San Aprisca Ir. Indratmo Soekarno, M.Sc., Ph.D. (ITB) - Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad
(ITS) - Sarah Helena Abighail (ITB) - Lintang Ayu Putri Adhinianti Syahril Badri K. (ITB) - Moh Irfan Saleh, ST., MPP, Ph.D (BAPPENAS
(ITB) - Fajar Nugraha Saefullah (ITB) - Ridwan (ITB) (SDA) - Prof.Ir. Ade Sjafruddin M.Sc., Ph.D. (ITB)

Dr. Taufiqur Rachman, ST., MT. (UNHAS) -

GOVERNMENT Ir.Suci Purnomo, MM. (Bappeda Jatim) - UNIVERSITIES
Fauzy Nasruddin, ST., M.Sc. (PU Jatim Dr. Pieter Thomas Berhtu , ST., MT.
Pengairan) - Dr. Eng. Adi Prasetyo (PUSAIR buleleng) - Annisak (UNPATI) - Dr. Heri Suprapto, ST., MT. (CK net (Gunadarma) -
Purwanti Sri Pudyastuti, Ph.D. (CK net (UMS Surakarta) - Dr. Ir.
(Dinas PU Sda Jatim) - Ir. Joko Mulyono, ME (PU Balai Bendungan) -
Dony Faturochman Saefulloh, ST., MT. (PU BBWS Cimanuk) - Hendra Suharyanto, M.Sc. (UNDIP) - Prof. Joko Legono (UGM) - Dr. Ir. Yadi
Ahyadi, ST, MT (Situbondo) - Sumaji, ST., Sp1. (PU Jabar Dinas SDA) Suryadi, MT. (ITB) - Prof.Ir.Daniel M. Rosyid, Ph.D (ITS)
Prof. Ir. Joni Hermana, M.Sc. ES. Ph.D (ITS),
SPECIALISTS Tri Mumpuni (IBK/gender) - Irwan Susilo, Dr. Miming Miharja ST., M.Sc. Eng (ITB), Ir.
ST., MT (PT.Geospasia Wahana Jaya) - Hans Bert Geers (TU Delft), Winda Herdianti (ITS), Dr. Han Rakels
Dermawan, S.Pd., MT (CKnet) - Yuni Ayu Maharani, MT. (CKnet) - Dr. (Perspectivity), Anne van Marwijk (Perspectivity), Asrini Chrysanti,ST
Oki Setyandito (CKnet (UBINUS) - Dadan Ramdan (Walhi Jabar) - (ITB), Rasty Hikmahwaty S (ITB), Winda Septiani (ITB), Dea Dedah
Han Blom - Erik de Ruyter van Steveninck (IHE-UNESCO) - Olivier Dahliawati (ITB), SE (ITB), Anggita Fazrin, A.Md. (ITB) - Julius Ali
Hoes ( TU Delft) - Andre Prakoso Djojokusumo,M.Sc (ITS) (CKnet), Dr. Eng. Moh. Bagus Adityawan. ST., MT. (ITB)

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