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2010 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence

A Scenario-Based Method for Safety Certification of Artificial Intelligent Software

Guoqi Li, Minyan Lu, and Bin Liu

Department of Reliability and System Engineering,
Beihang University,
Beijing, China
{gqli, lmy, liubin}

Abstract—Artificial intelligence (AI) is attractive for safety- II. D ESIGN M ETHOD

critical fields. However, there have been few success cases,
for the AI technique is usually lack of determinism and AI research is well invested and it is divided into subfields
predictability, which is usually regarded as a disqualifier in a that often fail to communicate with each other. For exam-
safety context. Increased researches and supererogatory efforts ple, a program for playing chess and an intelligent agent
are providing to incorporate AI into the safety-critical systems for internet search engine may based absolutely different
in recent years. In this paper, we present a scenario-based
technique, the corresponding developers may come from
method for safety certification, with the method AI modules
of system could be evaluated before invoked, if its trustability deferent research fields, however they are all typical AI
is satisfied, then the program will be performed for safety- applications. What is the features of AI and how could it
critical systems, otherwise it will be terminated to ask human be incorporated with safety critical fields? In the following
assistance or postpone the missions. we’ll give our opinions.
Keywords-software trustability; intelligent systems; software
engineering; A. AI and Scenarios
Thanking about two common kinds of AI technique. One
is program for playing chess. The design of these kinds of
I. I NTRODUCTION programs typically have 3 steps:
1) Define a objective function as the evaluation criteria.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is attractive for safety-critical 2) Search all the possible solutions in the limited condi-
fields. For example, a typical potential application is un- tions as possible as the machine can.
manned aerial vehicle, widely used for military purposes and 3) Select one of the most optimal solution according to
also widely interested by academic researchers [1]. However, the criteria.
there have been few success cases, for the AI technique Although there are many additional modules for better
is usually lack of determinism and predictability, which is performance, such as general patterns library, the primary
usually regarded as a disqualifier in a safety context[2]. In- idea is thus.
creased researches and supererogatory efforts are providing The other famous AI technique is machine learning.
to incorporate AI into the safety-critical systems in recent For the set of all possible behaviors given all possible
years [3], [4]. Putting constraints on the adaptability of the inputs is too complex to describe generally in programming
AI [3] and using suitable fault-tolerant design [4] have been languages, these problems have to solved by algorithms
reported as replacements of practicably impossible safety simulating human beings thinking. Cluster, classification and
assurances on AI modules of systems. regression are typical purpose of machine learning. Cluster
In this paper, we present a scenario-based method for is unsupervised learning, by compare the structure of input
safety certification of AI software. The method derived data, extract new knowledge. Classification and regression
from the scenario-based reliability analysis method for are supervised learning and usually produce a model for
component-based software [5] and specially extended for prediction, such as neural network, support vector machine
AI. With the method, the quantitative safety of the software and etc.
with AI modules could be evaluated before invoked, if the Cross-validation, sometimes called rotation estimation, is
trustability is satisfied, then the program will be performed a technique for assessing how the results of a machine
for safety-critical systems, otherwise it will be terminated to learning algorithm will generalize to an independent data
ask human assistance or postpone the missions. set. It is mainly used in settings where the goal is prediction,
In the next section, the philosophy and the detail of the and one wants to estimate how accurately a predictive model
method are described and a case study on a video navigation will perform in practice. One round of cross-validation
system for a tiny robot is conducted in the section 3. Finally, involves partitioning a sample of data into complementary
draw conclusions and address our future works. subsets, performing the analysis on one subset (called the

978-0-7695-4225-6/10 $26.00 © 2010 IEEE 481

DOI 10.1109/AICI.2010.339
training set), and validating the analysis on the other subset 3&
(called the validation set or testing set). To reduce variability, &RPPXQLFDWHWKURXJK
multiple rounds of cross-validation are performed using :LUHOHVV QHWZRUN E\
different partitions, and the validation results are averaged
over the rounds [6]. $50
Could the result of cross-validation be treated as the
reliability of the machine learning module? The answer is &RPPXQLFDWHWKURXJK
yes, if we have ensured that the input data have the same
semantics with the trailing set or testing set. For the program DWPOV

of playing chess. Deep Blue, a chess-playing computer

developed by IBM, on May 11, 1997, won a six-game match Figure 1. The picture of the tiny mobile robot and its three layer
by two wins to one with three draws against world champion architecture.
Garry Kasparov. However, as far as I known, chess-playing
computer could not win any professional Go player. Go,
known in Chinese as weiqi, is a kind of popular chess in east transition probabilities. In CDGs, component interfaces and
Asia. It is inevitable that a chess-playing computer would link reliabilities are treated as first class elements of the
lost Lee Chang-ho, who is one of the most famous Go player model. Based on CDGs, an algorithm is also given in the
in the world. If we ensure that It is Garry Kasparov, but paper to analyze the reliability of the application as the
not Lee Chang-ho, who is sit opposite to AI, then the AI function of reliabilities of its components and interfaces.
technique is reliable and trustable. What’s the paper’s contribution is providing a environ-
Consequently, if we could guarantee that the precondition ment scenario based method to evaluate reliability of AI
is suitable for the AI technique, then its result is predictable. modules and seamless integrated with the reliability analysis
The formal language Z, can used to formally validation the method for component-based software.
precondition of a function of a program. The AI precondition
should also be validated for reliability.
We define the precondition of AI as scenarios. Scenarios III. C ASE S TUDY
are a powerful antidote to the complexity of systems and
analysis [7]. Scenarios vary from brief stories to richly A. Introduction of a Video Navigation Tiny Robot
structured analysis. In the the scenario-based reliability anal- Figure 1 is the Picture of the tiny mobile robot and
ysis method for component-based software [5], the sequence its three layer architecture. The object of the system is
diagram of software components are treated as structural automatic navigation by pattern recognition through video
scenarios. On the contrary, scenarios for AI should emphasis capture. It can recognize the obstacle in the flow of video.
on environmental or situation scenarios. For example, in the We selected a ARM11 processor (Samsung S3C6410) as
case study (in the next section), we’ll define the scenarios main control processor, and select Windows CE as op-
for a video navigation component, the light intensity and eration system. Main control processor will be connected
visibility are concerned aspects of scenarios for evaluate the to atml89s52(a kind of 8051 single chip microcomputer)
reliability of the AI components. through RS232 Serial Port, and then atml89s52 control the
motors through a motor drive module. The motion control
B. Detail of the Design
program is written in the RAM of atml89s52. Ranging
The scenario-based reliability analysis method for sensor provide additional assurance to avoid crash. The
component-based software [5] is selected as the high level ranging sensor connect to atml89s52 directly by I/O port.
reliability evaluation method. Incorporate the AI modules re- Operationally, Main control processor capture and send
liability evaluation to completely evaluate reliably of intelli- digital image signal to PC upper computer through Wireless
gent software systems. The scenario-based reliability analy- network communications by TCP/IP protocol. To implement
sis method for component-based software introduces a prob- automatic navigation, PC upper computer need to do digital
abilistic model and a reliability analysis technique applicable image processing and pattern recognition through digital im-
to high-level designs. The technique is named Scenario- age signal and send control command to atml89s52 module
Based Reliability Analysis (SBRA). SBRA is specific for through ARM11 module. There is also an interface in the
component-based software whose analysis is strictly based PC to control the motion of the robot manfully.
on execution scenarios, which is a kind of structural scenar- Figure 2 is the architecture of the distributed software sys-
ios. Using these scenarios, construct a probabilistic model tem. Based the above information, the system is component-
named ”Component-Dependency Graph” (CDG). CDGs are based and suit to use the scenario-based reliability analysis
directed graphs that represent components, component re- method for component-based software. For the reliability of
liabilities, link and interface reliabilities, transitions, and AI components, the next subsection will described.

In this paper, we present a scenario-based method for
safety certification of intelligent systems. With the method,
&RPPXQLFDWLRQ VRIWZDUHLQ the quantitative trustability of the software with AI modules
$50 could be evaluated before invoked. For the method, we
should clarify two points:
3DWWHUQ 1) Enumerate all the elements influence the accuracy of
56LQ$50 AI.
2) quantify the influences.
Figure 2. The architecture of the distributed software system. We should establish a scenario architecture to complete the
two task. However, in many applications, to finish the two
task many need AI algorithms. Then, it become a recursive
problem. We should avoid the conditions.
This paper is only an exploration on the topic, we’ll give
deep research and timely report in the future.
The tiny robot used in the case study is open
source and the source code is available by email now
( A website for the robot will be set up in
the recent future for downloading source code and providing
Figure 3. One of the characters the intelligent system should be recognized. related documents.
[1] Stanford Univesity autonomous helicopter. The goal of this
project is to push the state-of-the-art in autonomous helicopter
B. Determine the AI Component reliability with Scenario
flight: extreme aerobatics under computer control. Available at
Let’s consider a specific mission of the tiny robot. Figure
3 is a Chinese character means ”Stop”. The tiny robot [2] R. Varadaraju, ”A Survey of Introducing Ar-
tificial Intelligence Into the Safety Critical
capture 5 pieces of pictures every second. Then, do image System Software Design Process. Available” at:
process on the pictures. If a rectangle is recognized, then
it will do character recognition. There are many Chinese
characters have been learned by the program. If the picture [3] A. Mili, G. Jiang, B. Cukic, Y. Liu and R. Ben Ayed, ”Towards
is recognized, corresponding command will be send to the the Verification and Validation of Online Learning Systems:
General Framework and Applications”. In Proceedings of
mechanical components ultimately. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 2004.
It is obviously that the recognition accuracy is influenced
by the environment. For example, the light intensity, at [4] Z Kurd and T P Kelly, ”Using Safety Critical Artificial Neural
Networks in Gas Turbine Aero-Engine Control”. In Proceed-
daytime the recognition is about 96.7% and at twilight, ings of the 24 th International Conference on Computer Safety,
the accuracy is lower. Visibility is another scenario features Reliability and Security (SAFECOMP’05), September 2005
influence the recognition accuracy. (Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS).
We add a light intensity sensor and a software component [5] S. M. Yacoub, B. Cukic and H. H. Ammar, ”Scenario-Based
to calculate the visibility of the environment to the tiny robot. Reliability Analysis of Component-Based Software”. In pro-
Then the recognition accuracy of the AI component could ceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Software Re-
be predictable. Adding the information to the scenario-based liability Engineering table of contents. EEE Computer Society
reliability analysis method for component-based software. Washington, DC, USA. 1999.
The quantitative reliability of the distributed software with [6] Cross-validation (statistics). From Wikipedia, the free encyclo-
AI modules could be evaluated before invoked, if the reli- pedia.
ability is satisfied, then the program will be performed for
safety-critical systems, otherwise it will be terminated to ask [7] Weidenhaupt, K., K. Pohl, M. Jarke, and P. Haumer, ”Scenarios
human assistance or postpone the missions. Additional, we in System Development: Current Practice”, IEEE Software,
March/April 1998, pp34-45.
should validate that the scenarios are completeness and cor-
rectness for the AI algorithm. That is feasible. Completeness,
correctness and etc. are jargons of safety engineers.


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