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Australian Dental Journal

The official journal of the Australian Dental Association

Australian Dental Journal 2020; 65: 118–130

doi: 10.1111/adj.12751

A review of drugs that contribute to bleeding risk in

general dental practice
L Teoh,* G Moses,† MJ McCullough*
*Melbourne Dental School, The University of Melbourne, Carlton, Victoria, Australia.
†School of Pharmacy, University of Queensland, Woolloongabba, Queensland, Australia.

The risk of postoperative bleeding is a daily concern for many general dental practitioners. A thorough medical and
medication history must be taken to consider all risk factors, particularly drugs, that contribute to bleeding risk. While
the risk from drugs such as aspirin, warfarin and clopidogrel are well known, the extent to which new antiplatelet agents
and direct oral anticoagulants affect bleeding risk is less well understood. In addition, there are drugs other than
antithrombotics, such as antidepressants and complementary medicines that also impair haemostasis. The aim of this
paper is to provide dentists with an updated overview of the drugs commonly encountered in general dental practice that
can contribute to a patient’s postoperative bleeding risk.
Keywords: Anticoagulant, antiplatelet, anti‐thrombotic, bleeding risk, dentistry.
Abbreviations and acronyms: DOACs = direct‐acting oral anticoagulant drugs; NSAIDs = non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs;
TXA2 = thromboxane A2; aPTT = activated partial thromboplastin time; LMW = Low molecular weight; VKORC = vitamin K epox-
ide reductase.
(Accepted for publication 9 February 2020.)

The aim of this paper is to review all drugs that can

contribute to a patient’s potential for postoperative
Risk of postoperative bleeding is a daily concern for bleeding in the dental setting.
most general dental practitioners. Guidelines now rec-
ommend that bleeding risk is assessed from three
main sources: patient‐, procedure‐ and drug‐related
factors.1–3 Patient factors include age, medical condi- Haemostasis is defined as the mechanism by which
tions, oral health, liver impairment and inherited blood loss from a damaged blood vessel is
bleeding disorders. Procedure factors include the arrested.4,5 The process of haemostasis involves con-
degree of tissue trauma involved and number of teeth striction of the blood vessel and activation of the
extracted. Regarding drugs, dentists must consider all coagulation process, formation of a platelet plug, fol-
the drugs a patient is taking that may exaggerate lowed by formation of a fibrin clot with aggregated
bleeding risk, not just the well‐known antithrombotic platelets.5 The cell‐based model of coagulation
drugs such as aspirin, heparin, clopidogrel and war- describes these steps as initiation, amplification and
farin. There are now a wide range of drugs from var- propagation that lead to the conversion of fluid
ied classes that can contribute to postoperative blood to a solid gel or clot.
bleeding. These include the new antiplatelet drugs and Initial damage to the blood vessel releases chemical
the new direct‐acting oral anticoagulant drugs factors that trigger vascular spasm and vasoconstric-
(DOACs) that are increasingly popular for manage- tion to reduce blood loss.6 The initiation phase of the
ment of thrombotic risk throughout medical and sur- coagulation process is triggered by binding of tissue
gical specialities. Other drugs such as antidepressants, factor overexpressed on subendothelial cells to Factor
non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), her- VII. A series of enzymatic reactions subsequently leads
bal and complementary medicines also add to bleed- to the activation of Factor Xa, which combines with
ing risk both directly and indirectly through drug Factor Va to convert prothrombin to thrombin (Fac-
interactions. tor II to Factor IIa, respectively).7
118 © 2020 Australian Dental Association
Drugs that contribute to bleeding in dentistry

In the next phase of amplification, the small action is postulated to be due to inhibition of adeno-
amount of thrombin generated from initiation phase sine on platelets and erythrocytes, as well as inhibition
results in the development of a positive feedback loop of phosphodiesterase.10,17 It has a greater antithrom-
to induce a large amount of thrombin derived from botic effect when administered simultaneously with
both platelets and other proteins.6,7 Thrombin further aspirin, creating synergistic platelet inhibition17
acts on other coagulation proteins resulting in the Nonetheless, when compared with aspirin, the anti-
production of coagulation factors Va, VIIIa, IXa and platelet activity of dipyridamole alone is less pro-
Xa that adhere to the surface of platelets.6 Propaga- nounced, and its effect on phosphodiesterase
tion is the final phase, activated platelets and acti- inhibition is reversible, so resolves about 24 h after
vated factors convert large amounts of prothrombin the drug is ceased.
to thrombin on the platelet surface.6 Fibrinogen is
then converted to fibrin via thrombin. Fibrin strands
P2Y12 inhibitors
are incorporated to stabilized the platelet plug, form-
ing the blood clot.6 The coagulation process is shown Inhibition of the P2Y12 receptor on platelets prevents
in Figure 1. the binding of ADP that subsequently prevents activa-
tion of the GPIIb/IIIa complex impairing platelet
aggregation.8 Drugs that inhibit the P2Y12 receptor
Platelet plug formation
can do so either reversibly or irreversibly. Thienopy-
Platelets adhere to the exposed collagen of the throm- ridines, which include clopidogrel and prasugrel, are
bogenic endothelium and are activated to secrete both pro‐drugs and after undergoing liver metabolism
both alpha and dense granules, the contents of which to their active metabolites irreversibly inhibit the
include ADP and serotonin.4 The biosynthesis of P2Y12 receptor. Ticagrelor is a direct‐acting P2Y12
mediators such as thromboxane A2 (TXA2) and pla- receptor inhibitor but its action is to change receptor
telet activating factor also occurs in the process of morphology in a reversible manner.8
platelet aggregation to form the primary platelet Clopidogrel is indicated for prevention of myocar-
plug.4 However, it is the binding to the P2Y12 recep- dial infarction and stroke treatment of acute coronary
tor on the surface of platelets by ADP that is predom- syndrome in combination with aspirin.9 Platelet inhi-
inately responsible for prolonged platelet activation.8 bition by clopidogrel is dose‐dependent, but not pro-
portional to the increase in dose, with average
inhibition of ADP‐induced platelet aggregation (IPA)
between 40 and 60% with a standard dose of clopi-
dogrel 75 mg daily at steady state.8,16 A systematic
Aspirin and dipyridamole
review found that there is a delayed onset and vari-
Aspirin is most commonly used in combination with ability in platelet inhibition with clopidogrel, with
other antiplatelet agents for prevention of acute coro- 15–40% of individuals showing a poor response, pos-
nary syndromes, ischaemic stroke and transient tulated to be due to pharmacogenomic variability in
ischaemic attack.9 It is also used in a variety of other the enzymes (CYP2C19, CYP2C9 and CYP2B6) that
settings to prevent blood clot formation such as in the metabolize clopidogrel to its active metabolite.8 This
prevention of pre‐eclampsia in moderate‐ to high‐risk genetic variability in response does not affect prasug-
pregnant women.9 Aspirin functions by irreversibly rel or ticagrelor.
acetylating and inactivating the enzyme cyclooxyge- Prasugrel is used in combination with aspirin to
nase on the platelet surface that reduces the synthesis prevent acute coronary syndrome in patients who
of the TXA2 and permanently impairs platelet aggre- have a post‐coronary stent placement.9 Prasugrel has
gation for the lifetime of that platelet.10 Recently pub- a faster onset of action and greater antiplatelet effects
lished clinical trials (ASPREE and ARRIVE)11–14 have compared with clopidogrel.18 Maintenance doses of
shown that there is an insufficient benefit from aspirin prasugrel of 10 mg daily produce an average of 50%
in primary prevention of stroke and MI to outweigh platelet inhibition, with maximum levels of IPA of
the bleeding risk. Low daily doses of 75–150 mg are 65–75% being produced at daily doses greater than
mostly recommended for secondary prevention of 20–30 mg.8 Use of prasugrel in combination with
acute cardiovascular adverse events.15 As with all irre- aspirin increases the bleeding risk significantly beyond
versible inhibitors of platelet function, recovery of that expected from prasugrel alone.
normal platelet function occurs at a rate depending Ticagrelor is also indicated for prevention of acute
on platelet turnover and this is approximately 5– coronary syndrome in combination with aspirin.9 A
7 days after drug cessation.16 rapid onset of action is achieved approximately
Dipyridamole is indicated for the secondary preven- 30 min after a loading dose is given, with the high
tion of ischaemic stroke. This drug’s antithrombotic IPA effect of approximately 87–89% achieved after
© 2020 Australian Dental Association 119
L Teoh et al.

Figure 1 Coagulation cascade (reproduced from Fortier et al.28)

2–8 h and maintained at steady state with mainte- landmark Platelet Inhibition and Platelet Outcomes
nance therapy.19 A double‐blinded comparison study (PLATO) study, a multicentre double‐blinded random-
found that in doses of 100 mg twice daily or higher ized clinical trial carried out by Wallentin and col-
resulted in approximately 90% of platelet inhibition leagues, found that compared with clopidogrel,
in patients with stable atherosclerosis.20,21 The ticagrelor significantly reduced the death rate from
120 © 2020 Australian Dental Association
Drugs that contribute to bleeding in dentistry

Table 1. Pharmacological properties of antiplatelet drugs

Generic name Some Onset and maximum effect Degree of When to stop before surgery1,2,9†
commercial IPA

Aspirin (75– Spren Maximum effect: 30–60 min Unknown

150 mg/day) Cardiprin • Unlikely or low bleeding risk: do not stop
Cartia • High risk of bleeding: undertake protocol
Astrix from TGO&D31
Dipyridamole Persantin Unknown Single antiplatelet therapy:
Asasantin SR • Unlikely or low bleeding risk: do not stop
(Aspirin/ • High risk of bleeding: undertake protocol
dipyridamole) from TGO&D31
Dual antiplatelet therapy:
• Unlikely bleeding risk: do not stop
• Low bleeding risk without patient‐related
bleeding risk factors: do not stop
• Low bleeding risk with patient‐related
bleeding risk factors or high bleeding risk:
undertake protocol from TGO&D31
Clopidogrel Clovix Onset 1–2 h 50%7,14 Single antiplatelet therapy:
Iscover Time to maximum effect depends on dose: 2– • Unlikely or low bleeding risk: do not stop
Piax 3 h after 600 mg; 4–5 h after 300 mg; • High risk of bleeding: undertake protocol
Plavix 7 days after 75 mg from TGO&D31
CoPlavix Dual antiplatelet therapy:
(Aspirin/ • Unlikely bleeding risk: do not stop
Clopidogrel) • Low bleeding risk without patient‐related
bleeding risk factors: do not stop
• Low bleeding risk with patient‐related
bleeding risk factors or high bleeding risk:
undertake protocol from TGO&D31
Prasugrel Effient After loading dose: 70%7
Onset 15–30 min • Unlikely or low bleeding risk: do not stop
Maximum effect: 2–4 h • High risk of bleeding: undertake protocol
from TGO&D31
Ticagrelor Brilinta After loading dose: 90%17
Onset: 30 min • Unlikely or low bleeding risk: do not stop
Maximum effect: 2–4 h • High risk of bleeding: undertake protocol
from TGO&D31

IPA = inhibition of platelet aggregation.

Consider specialist referral for procedures with a higher risk of prolonged bleeding in patients taking antithrombotic drugs.

Antiplatelet medication should not be stopped without a risk assessment undertaken with the prescribing medical doctor. Unlikely, low and
high bleeding risks refer to procedural classifications. Procedural classifications and patient bleeding risk factors are both defined as outlined in
Therapeutic Guidelines Oral and Dental Version 3. Advice applies to single antiplatelet therapy unless otherwise stated and not including any
other antithrombotic medicines. Overall bleeding risk assessment depends on patient‐, procedure‐factors and all drugs that contribute to bleed-
ing risk.

vascular causes such as myocardial infarction and Xa, thrombin and other serine proteases.4 The antico-
stroke, without an increase in the rate of overall agulant effect of heparins can be monitored by mea-
major bleeding.21A summary of all the antiplatelets is suring activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT)
shown in Table 1. and the dose individualized. An advantage of using
heparin is its rapid onset of action and ability to
reverse its effects with the antidote protamine, which
is why heparins are used as ‘bridging’ for patients
who require anticoagulation throughout surgery.
Heparin and low molecular weight heparin
However, two disadvantages are its poor oral
Heparin is indicated for the prophylaxis and treat- bioavailability such that it must be administered par-
ment of thromboembolic disorders, to prevent throm- enterally, and the risk of heparin‐induced thrombocy-
botic complications of various surgeries, and as an topenia.6
anticoagulant in blood transfusions. Heparin itself is a Low molecular weight (LMW) heparins are frag-
naturally occurring family of sulphated glycosamino- ments of unfractionated heparin that bind to
glycans with a range of molecular weights.4 Heparin’s antithrombin III but predominately inhibit Factor Xa
antithrombotic mechanism of action occurs by only.4 LMW heparins are increasingly used instead of
enhancing the effect of antithrombin III, an endoge- unfractionated heparin due to their reduced risk of
nous anticoagulant4,22 that blocks the effects of Factor side effects and decreased need for monitoring.4 A

© 2020 Australian Dental Association 121

L Teoh et al.

standard dose of LMW heparin can be calculated by Normalized Ratio (INR). For prevention of serious
body weight; however, dose adjustment is required thromboembolism, INR is usually maintained between
for obese patients and those with declining renal func- 2.0 and 4.0 although this varies with the condition
tion. Patients can self‐administer the LMWH subcuta- being treated and is individualized to each patient.23
neously from pre‐filled syringes at home.
Heparins are usually the anticoagulant of choice
Direct‐acting oral anticoagulants
perioperatively due to their rapid onset and offset,
and reversibility with protamine. However, low pro- The many limitations of warfarin inspired the devel-
phylactic doses must be used to reduce risk of bleed- opment of the DOACs, of which three are currently
ing during surgery, which may persist for up to 12 h approved for use in Australia: Dabigatran, Rivaroxa-
after IV heparin administration and up to 36 h after ban and Apixaban. Use of these medicines has super-
LMWH administration is ceased.9 seded warfarin, with all three in the top 100 drugs
dispensed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme in
2018.24 DOACs have more predictable pharmacoki-
netics and dose response than warfarin so their degree
Warfarin is a well‐known anticoagulant but its use in of anticoagulation does not require regular monitor-
the community is declining due to the availability of ing,25 which, in turn, enhances patient adherence.
newer agents. Warfarin works by inhibiting the There are two classes of DOACs, direct thrombin
enzyme vitamin K epoxide reductase (VKORC) in the inhibitors (dabigatran) and Factor Xa inhibitors (apix-
liver that leads to reduced synthesis of vitamin K‐de- aban and rivaroxaban). The key advantage of DOACs
pendent clotting factors II, VII, IX and X. Warfarin over warfarin is their rapid onset and offset of action.
also inhibits proteins C and S that are involved in the Their direct impairment of thrombus formation in the
fibrinolytic system and also require vitamin K for their blood stream results in them being effective within
function.23 Warfarin is currently indicated for the pre- hours of the first dose and wear off within a day of
vention and treatment of venous thromboembolism in cessation.
atrial fibrillation and prevention of coronary syn-
dromes for people with increased risk factors such as
prosthetic heart valves.9
While peak plasma concentrations of warfarin are Dabigatran was the first DOAC to be marketed and
achieved after 1 h, reduced hepatic synthesis of clot- acts as a reversible inhibitor of both free and fibrin‐
ting factors takes 2–3 days to reach observable clini- bound thrombin, thus preventing the conversion of
cal effects.4 In addition, the clinical effect of a single fibrinogen to fibrin and clot formation.26 It is indi-
dose can last for 4–5 days as it is dependent on regen- cated for the prevention and treatment of venous
eration of unaffected clotting factors. thromboembolism (VTE) following hip or knee
It is well known that warfarin is vulnerable to replacement, as well as prevention of stroke in non‐
many drug interactions including that due to variabil- valvular atrial fibrillation.27 Dabigatran has poor oral
ity in the patient’s ingestion of dietary or supple- bioavailability as it is presented as a pro‐drug dabiga-
mented vitamin K. This is further complicated by the tran etexilate, which requires conversion to the active
fact that warfarin products contain a racemic mixture form by esterase‐catalysis hydrolysis in the plasma
of its two isomers, R‐ and S‐warfarin, which are and liver, and oral absorption is dependent on low
metabolized differently from each other and therefore gastric pH and transport by p‐glycoprotein in the gut
interact with other drugs differently. R‐warfarin is a wall. Peak plasma concentrations are obtained within
substrate for the cytochrome P450 enzymes CYP1A2, 0.5–2 h and the half‐life is 12–17 h.26,27 Dabigatran
CYP3A4, CYP2C19, whereas S‐warfarin, the more is predominately renally excreted unchanged (80%),
potent isomer, is a substrate for CYP2C9, and so the so doses must be reduced in mild–moderate renal
outcome of drug interactions can be very difficult to impairment and the drug is contraindicated in severe
predict.9 Genetic status also contributes to variability renal impairment (creatinine clearance of <30 mL/
in warfarin response due to polymorphism of the min).27 Risk of gastrointestinal bleeding with dabiga-
enzyme CYP2C9 and VKORC. tran has been found to be greater than for warfarin,
Due to the significant variability in absorption and so warfarin is the preferred drug in patients at risk of
metabolism between patients, serum levels and phar- gastrointestinal ulceration.27 No blood test has yet
macological effects of warfarin can vary greatly so its been validated for monitoring dabigatran’s anticoagu-
anticoagulant effect needs to be monitored and the lant effect; however, thrombin time and aPTT may be
dose of warfarin individualized. Warfarin’s anticoagu- used in emergency settings.27
lant effect is monitored by measuring prothrombin The antidote to dabigatran, idaricuzumab (Prax-
time, which is standardized to the International bind), is a humanized monoclonal antibody that binds
122 © 2020 Australian Dental Association
Drugs that contribute to bleeding in dentistry

to dabigatran and its metabolites to form a stable, approximately 12 h. Renal clearance is only approxi-
inactive complex. It is administered intravenously in mately 27% with the remainder undergoing liver
emergency settings for rapid reversal (within 5 min) metabolism and biliary excretion.30 Apixaban is pre-
of dabigatran anticoagulant effects for emergency sur- dominantly metabolized by CYP3A4/5 enzymes in the
gery, urgent procedures or for life‐threatening/uncon- liver,30 making it subject to many drug interactions.
trolled bleeding.9 While apixaban has been showed to prolong clot-
ting tests such as prothrombin time, INR and aPTT,
the changes observed show high variability and so are
not recommended to measure the anticoagulant
Rivaroxaban is indicated for the prevention of VTE effects.28,30 A summary of all the anticoagulants is
following elective hip or knee replacement, prevention shown in Table 2.
and treatment of VTE and for the prevention of
stroke in patients with non‐valvular atrial fibrillation.9
Bleeding risk of antiplatelets and anticoagulants in
Being a selective, direct Factor Xa inhibitor, rivaroxa-
ban prevents the conversion of prothrombin to throm-
bin, thus inhibiting thrombus formation. Factor Xa Dentists will encounter an increasing number of
inhibitors are rapidly acting anticoagulants since they patients taking new antiplatelet agents and DOACs
act at the amplification site of the coagulation pro- due to their key roles in managing prothrombotic con-
cess.7 While the manufacturers state that there is no ditions commonly encountered in our aging popula-
need for monitoring of coagulation parameters, anti‐ tion. Dentists should understand the clinical reasoning
Factor Xa assays can be used to measure the anticoag- behind the use of these medications, so the bleeding
ulant effect in emergency situations.28,29 risk they create can be weighed against the thrombotic
Rivaroxaban has high oral bioavailability (80– risk should these medications be stopped.31,32 In most
100%) with time to peak plasma concentration cases, the drugs should not be stopped, as such cessa-
achieved within 2–4 h.29 However, there is some tion would put the patient at too high a risk of ischae-
degree of variability in absorption and distribution as mic events and conventional haemostatic measures are
rivaroxaban is a substrate for p‐glycoprotein in the generally all that is required for simple dental proce-
gut wall, is highly protein bound (92–95%), and dures such as a single tooth extraction.31,32 However,
approximately two‐thirds undergoes metabolism by if more extensive procedures need to be undertaken,
CYP3A4 enzymes and others, leading to many drug assessment between the risk of not having surgery ver-
interactions and altered drug concentrations.29 The sus the risk of coronary events should be discussed in
remaining one‐third is excreted unchanged in the consultation with the prescribing physician. If the
urine. Elimination half‐lives of rivaroxaban therefore patient’s antithrombotic regimen needs to be altered,
vary, with approximately 5–9 h in young individuals it should only be done under supervision, consultation
and 11–13 h in older people.28,29 and prescription of the prescribing medical practi-
While not marketed for use in Australia as yet, the tioner.32
antidote for rivaroxaban, Andexanet alfa, has been Several studies have emerged about the use of the
approved for use in the United States by the FDA new antithrombotics in dental practice. An extensive
to reverse the anticoagulant effects of Factor Xa review of the literature showed that DOACs carry a
inhibitors in life‐threatening bleeding or emergency relatively low postoperative bleeding risk.25 They
surgery.28 found that when dental procedures were undertaken
without interruption of the medication regimen, the
bleeding could be managed with conventional haemo-
static measures. However, cases should be individual-
Apixaban was the third DOAC to be approved world- ized and patients who have other risk factors that
wide, and is also a direct Factor Xa inhibitor with the may potentiate bleeding such as a more complex or
same approved indications as rivaroxaban.9 In clinical invasive procedures or other clinical characteristics,
trials using DOACs for prevention of stroke in atrial consultation with the prescribing physician was rec-
fibrillation, apixaban was found to be the most effec- ommended.25 A 2018 systematic review and meta‐
tive. However, its twice daily dosing makes it less analyses by Bensi et al. regarding postoperative bleed-
popular than rivaroxaban, which is prescribed once ing risk with DOACs after oral surgery showed that
daily.30 Apixaban’s oral bioavailability is approxi- patients taking DOACs had a threefold increased risk
mately 50%, with p‐glycoprotein transport in the gut of bleeding compared with non‐users, with rivaroxa-
wall influencing absorption and peak plasma concen- ban appearing to have a higher risk than dabiga-
trations appearing between 3 and 4 h after oral tran.33 Furthermore, a prospective observational study
administration.28,30 The elimination half‐life is of 51 patients taking either DOACs or a vitamin K
© 2020 Australian Dental Association 123
L Teoh et al.

Table 2. Pharmacological properties of anticoagulants

Generic Commercial Mechanism of Monitoring of Onset of When to stop before surgery1,† Antidote
name name9 action anticoagulation action9

Warfarin Coumadin Vitamin K International 36–72 h Undertake protocol from TGO&D31 Phytonadione
Marevan antagonist normalized (Vitamin K)
Heparin Heparin Enhances Activated partial IV onset: Often used as bridging therapy during Protamine
Sodium antithrombin thromboplastin immediate surgery, consult physician
III time Subcutaneous
onset: 20–
60 min
Dalteparin Fragmin Low molecular Anti‐Factor Xa 3h Consult physician Protamine
weight heparin levels
– inhibits
Factor Xa
Enoxaparin Clexane Low molecular Anti‐Factor Xa 3h Consult physician Protamine
weight heparin levels
– inhibits
Factor Xa
Dabigatran Pradaxa Direct thrombin ‐ 30 min Idaricuzumab
inhibitor • Unlikely bleeding risk: do not stop
• Low bleeding risk without patient‐
related bleeding risk factors: do not
• Low bleeding risk with patient‐
related bleeding risk factors or high
bleeding risk: undertake protocol
from TGO&D31
Rivaroxaban Xarelto Factor Xa ‐ 30 min Andexanet alfa‡
inhibitor • Unlikely bleeding risk: do not stop
• Low bleeding risk without patient‐
related bleeding risk factors: do not
• Low bleeding risk with patient‐
related bleeding risk factors or high
bleeding risk: undertake protocol
from TGO&D31
Apixaban Eliquis Factor Xa ‐ 30 min Andexanet alfa‡
inhibitor • Unlikely bleeding risk: do not stop
• Low bleeding risk without patient‐
related bleeding risk factors: do not
• Low bleeding risk with patient‐
related bleeding risk factors or high
bleeding risk: undertake protocol
from TGO&D31

Consider specialist referral for procedures with a higher risk of prolonged bleeding in patients taking antithrombotic drugs.

Anticoagulant medication should not be stopped without a risk assessment undertaken with the prescribing medical doctor. Unlikely, low and
high bleeding risks refer to procedural classifications. Procedural classifications and patient bleeding risk factors are outlined in Therapeutic
Guidelines Oral and Dental Version 3. Advice applies to single oral anticoagulant therapy unless otherwise stated and not including any other
antithrombotic medicines. Overall bleeding risk assessment depends on patient‐, procedure‐factors and all drugs that contribute to bleeding

Not yet approved for use in Australia.

antagonist (INR between 2.0 and 3.0) found that local measures are adequate to control postoperative
rates of postoperative bleeding were not significantly bleeding.35 Underscoring the findings of these studies,
different between the two groups and no bleeding epi- an observational, multi‐centre prospective cohort
sodes required hospitalization. They concluded that study found that dental extractions could proceed
dental extractions could be undertaken without stop- safely using local measures for haemostasis without
ping the antithrombotic regimen.34 Several studies stopping therapy. Patients included were taking
have also investigated the effect of antiplatelets on aspirin and another antiplatelet agent, either clopido-
bleeding risk in dental practice. A retrospective study grel, ticlopidine, prasugrel or ticagrelor.36 Lastly, an
of the bleeding frequency in patients taking ticagrelor, evidence summary of the management of patients tak-
aspirin, clopidogrel and the combination of aspirin ing prasugrel and ticagrelor concluded that while
with clopidogrel found that drug therapy did not need cases of gingival bleeding had been documented, no
to be stopped for tooth extractions and again that evidence of troublesome bleeding had been reported

124 © 2020 Australian Dental Association

Drugs that contribute to bleeding in dentistry

after invasive dental procedures and local measures serotonin.38,39 However, SSRIs block the serotonin
were sufficient to manage postoperative bleeding.18 receptor, subsequently causing a decrease in platelet
intracellular concentration and therefore impairing
platelet aggregation.38,39
Several population‐based studies have associated the
Non‐selective NSAIDs, including diclofenac, ibupro- use of SSRIs with increased risk of gastrointestinal
fen, indomethacin, ketoprofen, ketorolac, mefenamic bleeding, with fluoxetine, paroxetine and sertraline
acid, naproxen, piroxicam and sulindac, are taken being the most frequently involved.40,41 A case control
either regularly or intermittently for management of study showed that antidepressants with a relevant
pain due to inflammatory arthropathies, such as blockade action on the serotonin re‐uptake mecha-
rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and gout.9 Like nism would increase gastro‐intestinal bleeding, with
aspirin, non‐selective NSAIDs can inhibit cyclo‐oxyge- venlafaxine being the only SNRI with enough evi-
nase (COX) on platelets and increase the risk of dence to show a significantly increased risk compared
bleeding. But unlike aspirin, this effect is reversible to matched controls.42,43 Various studies have aimed
and short‐lived with NSAIDs lasting only 4–6 h. to quantify the degree of increased bleeding risk, with
Therefore, the risk of perioperative and postoperative a number of systemic reviews and meta‐analyses,
bleeding with NSAIDS is less significant than it is with expert opinion and a population‐based cohort study
aspirin, as it does not last for the lifetime of the plate- estimating the increased risk of gastrointestinal bleed-
let. ing of a subject taking an SSRI to be between 1.55
In general, only regular, long‐term use of non‐selec- and 3.6 times compared to non‐SSRI users.40,44–46 It
tive NSAIDs is associated with an increased risk of is established that the risk of bleeding is increased
postoperative bleeding as their reversible inhibition of even more with concurrent SSRI and NSAID use, with
COX 1 suppresses the production of TXA2 which the risk estimated to be between 4.25 and 12.2 times
subsequently results in antiplatelet effects. However, greater.40,44–46
this does not apply to short term, low‐dose use of In addition to having an antithrombotic effect, sero-
NSAIDs as the effect has been shown not to be clini- tonin has a vasoconstrictive effect on arteries in the
cally significant. This is why short‐term use of short‐ central nervous system. A systematic review and
acting NSAIDs such as ibuprofen for acute postopera- meta‐analysis showed that SSRIs are associated with
tive pain is not associated with increased risk of an increased risk of both ischaemic and haemorrhagic
bleeding.37 (intracerebral) stroke.39 A population‐based study also
concluded that SNRIs were associated with a higher
risk of stroke compared to SSRIs, with the SNRIs
included in the study were venlafaxine, desvenlafaxine
and duloxetine.47 A meta‐analysis of high‐level obser-
Selective serotonin re‐uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and vational studies concluded that the increased risk of
venlafaxine (a serotonin and noradrenaline re‐uptake bleeding was 36% with SSRI use, with intra‐cranial
inhibitor, SNRI) are commonly prescribed drugs, with bleeding having a similar proportional risk to gas-
citalopram, escitalopram, fluoxetine, paroxetine, ser- trointestinal bleeding.48 A retrospective cohort study
traline and venlafaxine being in the top 100 dispensed showed that the frequency of oral bleeding complica-
drugs on the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits tions after invasive dental procedures is low to negligi-
Scheme in 2018.24 In addition to depression, these ble in patients taking SSRIs.38 Dentists should be
drugs are used for a range of anxiety disorders and aware that while SSRIs are unlikely to carry a clinical
are increasingly used for off‐label indications such as bleeding risk in isolation, they may elevate a patient’s
premenstrual dysphoric disorder, post‐traumatic stress bleeding risk in combination with other antithrom-
disorder and bulimia nervosa. botics.3 If an antidepressant needed to be stopped it
There is growing literature that associates seroton- should not be done so without medical supervision, as
ergic antidepressants with an increased risk of bleed- most require gradual dose tapering over 2–4 weeks.
ing.38,39 SSRIs have been associated with oral adverse Table 3 shows the antidepressants associated with
effects relating to bleeding, including prolonged bleed- increased bleeding risk.
ing time, petechiae, ecchymosis, bruising and gingival
bleeding.38 The proposed mechanism by which this
occurs is by the inhibition of serotonin re‐uptake into
platelets. Serotonin, in conjunction with other factors Complementary medicines (CM) are defined as vita-
including ADP and prothrombin, potentiates platelet mins, minerals, herbal and nutritional supplements,
aggregation. Mature platelets rely on the re‐uptake of homeopathic and some aromatherapy products (where
plasma serotonin as they cannot produce their own medicinal claims are made),49 which due to their
© 2020 Australian Dental Association 125
L Teoh et al.

Table 3. Common uses and brand names of antidepressants that contribute to bleeding risk9
Generic Some Drug class Registered uses When to stop before surgery
name commercial

Citalopram Cipramil Selective serotonin Major depression Antidepressants are rarely ceased prior to surgery
Citalo re‐uptake inhibitor due to high risk of withdrawal syndrome
Celapram If an antidepressant is no longer clinically
Escitalopram Lexapro Selective serotonin Major depression necessary and requires cessation, withdrawal
Esipram re‐uptake inhibitor Generalized anxiety disorder should only be conducted under close medical
Escicor Social phobia supervision with gradual dose tapering over
Obsessive‐compulsive disorder 2–4 weeks as outlined in Therapeutic Guidelines
Fluoxetine Lovan Selective serotonin Major depression Psychotropic76
Prozac re‐uptake inhibitor Obsessive‐compulsive disorder
Auscap Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
Fluvoxamine Faverin Selective serotonin Major depression
Luvox re‐uptake inhibitor Obsessive‐compulsive disorder
Paroxetine Aropax Selective serotonin Major depression
Extine re‐uptake inhibitor Obsessive‐compulsive disorder
Paxtine Panic disorder
Generalized anxiety disorder
Post‐traumatic stress disorder
Social phobia
Sertraline Sertra Selective serotonin Major depression
Eleva re‐uptake inhibitor Obsessive‐compulsive disorder
Xydep Panic disorder
Zoloft Social phobia
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
Venlafaxine Efexor Serotonin and Major depression
Efexor‐XR noradrenaline Generalized anxiety disorder
re‐uptake inhibitor Panic disorder
Social phobia

pharmacological effects or via drug interactions can properties and have been reported to increase patient
significantly contribute to perioperative bleeding risk. bleeding risk. Common herbal supplements that are
This is important as studies show CMs are utilized by associated with an increased bleeding risk in the den-
approximately two‐thirds of the Australian popula- tal setting was reviewed in detail by Abebe,52 but will
tion.50 A systematic review showed that most frequent be summarized here. The following is a brief discus-
users are middle‐aged females with higher educa- sion of some of the commonly used herbal products
tion;51 however, they are also commonly used by chil- which have reports of effects of either blood clotting,
dren, the elderly and people with complex medical increased bleeding during surgery or interactions with
conditions. CM use for chronic diseases such as can- conventional antithrombotic medicines.
cer, musculoskeletal diseases (rheumatoid arthritis,
osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and gout), inflammatory
Herbal products with antithrombotic properties
bowel disease, cardiovascular diseases, mental health
and diabetes is also common.51 While the safety of Dong quai is a traditional Chinese medicine used for
CMs in Australia is regulated to some extent by the treating migraines and gynaecological problems.52,54
Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), most CM Components of dong quai include coumarin deriva-
products do not carry warning about adverse effects tives, which have been shown to prolong prothrombin
such as increased bleeding risk. In addition, many time, increase bleeding and potentiate the effect of
CM products are obtained online or via channels that warfarin.52,55,56 In vivo and in vitro studies also show
bypass conventional health care practice.51 Patients that another component of dong quai, ferulic acid has
often do not report their CM use to health profession- antiplatelet activity.52,57
als and are frequently unaware of their potential Fish oil is used for hypertriglyceridemia,9 although
drug–drug or drug–procedure interactions.52,53 Yet, high doses (greater than 3 g/daily) have an antiplatelet
many CMs may add to bleeding risk by increasing effect, and are associated with reduction of TXA2,
serum concentrations of an antithrombotic, further decreased platelet aggregation and increased bleeding
increasing its bleeding risk. time.58
Several herbal products, such as ginkgo biloba and Evening primrose oil is a supplement used for indi-
fish oil, have been identified to have antithrombotic cations including arthritis, multiple sclerosis,
126 © 2020 Australian Dental Association
Drugs that contribute to bleeding in dentistry

Table 4. Selected herbal supplements with potential to increase bleeding risk (adapted from Abebe52)
Herbal Effects on blood clotting Potential interactions with Time to cease before surgery
supplements antithrombotic medications

Dong quai Coumarins and ferulic acid have Increased risk of bleeding with All complementary medicines that are not
anticoagulant and antiplatelet effects warfarin, and also possibly with clinically necessary and increase risk of
respectively; ferulic acid increases aspirin and other NSAIDs bleeding should be ceased wherever
bleeding by inhibiting release of possible prior to surgery. Duration
serotonin and ADP required is 10–14 days, to allow time for
Evening Constituents associated with reduction Increased risk of bleeding with platelet function to be restored58
primrose of TXA2, decreased platelet aspirin, warfarin and some NSAIDs
aggregation and increased bleeding time
Fish Oil Associated with reduction of TXA2, Doses 3 g or higher have antiplatelet
decreased platelet aggregation and effect.58
increased bleeding time58
Garlic Certain constituents inhibit platelet Augments the antithrombotic effects
aggregation and induce bleeding under of aspirin, NSAIDs and warfarin
different conditions by inhibiting
production/release of various mediators
including TXA2, ADP, PAF and
Ginger Certain constituents reduce platelet Increased bleeding reported with
aggregation by inhibiting synthesis of warfarin
TXA2, with the potential to increase
bleeding risk
Ginkgo Certain components, particularly Increased bleeding risk reported with
ginkgolides, inhibit platelet aggregation antiplatelet drugs and warfarin
and cause bleeding by inhibiting PAF
Ginseng Some components have antiplatelet No reports of interactions with
effects with the risk of causing antiplatelet medications, potential
increased bleeding via inhibition of interaction with warfarin
Glucosamine Glucosamine is associated with Several case reports associate
inhibition of platelet function by glucosamine alone with an increased
inhibition of the ADP receptor, P2Y1 INR with patients who are taking
Turmeric Curcuminoids inhibit platelet Curcuminoids can inhibit CYP3A4
aggregation by inhibiting arachidonic which metabolizes all oral
acid metabolism and TXA2 synthesis anticoagulants to some extent, and
may block p‐glycoprotein transport.
Outcome is increased serum levels
of anticoagulants

premenstrual symptoms.52 Constituents of evening Ginger is frequently used for various medical reasons,
primrose include fatty acids, such as omega‐6 fatty including nausea, vomiting, arthritis, arthritis and car-
acid, gamma‐linoleic acid, and has been reported to diovascular conditions.52,63 One case report has showed
reduce thromboxane production and therefore platelet an association of increased bleeding with warfarin.64
aggregation in hyperlipidaemic male patients.52 Ani- The constituents of ginger, zingiberene, bisabolene, sho-
mal studies have shown that the seed oil of the herb gaol and gingerols have been reported to inhibit TXA2
has antithrombotic effects.59 synthesis and therefore have antiplatelet effects.65
Garlic is another well‐known supplement used for Gingko biloba is used for a range of conditions such
cardiovascular benefits including hypertension, hyper- as circulatory disorders, dementia, vertigo, tinnitus and
lipidaemia, diabetes and other conditions.52,60 Various to improve memory and cognitive function.52,58,63 In
human studies have showed that garlic has an vitro studies have shown that active ingredients, ginkgo-
antithrombotic effect,61 and it has also been associ- lides confer antiplatelet properties by inhibiting platelet
ated with increasing the antithrombotic properties of aggregation by inhibiting PAF formation.58,66 This can
aspirin, NSAIDs and warfarin.52,54 An active com- occur after being used for a minimum of 2–3 weeks.
pound in garlic, allicin, has been shown to interfere Several case reports have been published of spontaneous
the production and/or release of chemical mediators bleeding, and excessive postoperative bleeding following
involved in the clotting process, such as platelet acti- dental surgery, total hip arthroplasty and retrobulbar
vating factor (PAF), adenosine, ADP and thrombox- haemorrhage during cataract surgery.58,66,67
anes, as well as inhibition of cyclooxygenase and Ginseng (American, or Panax quinquefolius) is
fibrinogen receptors which is responsible for its often used to enhance the immune function, increase
antithrombotic properties.52,62 energy and alertness, cognitive disorders and vascular
© 2020 Australian Dental Association 127
L Teoh et al.

diseases.52,63 Active constituents in ginseng, ginseno- bleeding risk. A range of drugs are now in clinical use
sides, have been shown to inhibit TXA2 formation for prevention of coronary and vascular syndromes,
and platelet aggregation.52,68 Several case studies have including the traditional and novel antiplatelets, war-
shown the association of ginseng use with increased farin, heparin and DOACs. Some commonly pre-
bleeding in patients.52,69 Ginseng, garlic, ginkgo and scribed antidepressants and regular use of NSAIDs
ginger are all not recommended to be taken as supple- also contribute to increased bleeding risk as well. The
ments concomitantly with warfarin due to the available scientific evidence is weak regarding comple-
increased risk of bleeding.70 mentary medicines and their association with
Glucosamine is commonly used for osteoarthritis, enhanced bleeding, but dentists need to be aware that
either alone or in combination with chondroitin. Many several can contribute to postoperative bleeding. This
case reports exist of an interaction between glu- review highlights the importance of taking a thorough
cosamine, chondroitin and warfarin, which has resulted medical and drug history to capture all medications
in a significantly increased INR, or increased bruising that may contribute to increased bleeding. After con-
and bleeding events.58 Several case reports also associ- sidering the drug, procedure and patient factors that
ate glucosamine alone with an increased INR with influence postoperative bleeding, risk stratification can
patients who are taking warfarin.58 A human study then be calculated according to recommendations
carried out to determine the effects of glucosamine on from Therapeutic Guidelines Oral and Dental Version
platelet function concluded that glucosamine and cela- 3.1 Dentists should also be encouraged to report any
drin are associated with inhibition of platelet aggrega- cases of adverse effects, including postoperative bleed-
tion by inhibition of the ADP receptor P2Y1.71 It is ing, to the Therapeutic Goods Administration in asso-
recommended that glucosamine should be stopped ciation with any drugs, including complementary
prior to invasive procedures if possible until more is medicines.
determined about the antithrombotic effects.58 The ces-
sation of glucosamine short‐term prior to invasive pro-
cedures is unlikely to significantly reduce its effect on
osteoarthritis pain due to its a slow onset of action.9,58 This research was supported by the Australian
Turmeric (curcumin) has recently gained popularity Government Research Training Program Scholarship
as an anti‐inflammatory to treat inflammatory, pain, (no. 241616). The authors report no conflict of inter-
arthritis and skin infections.52 Identified constituents est.
are the volatile oils, zingiberene and turmerone, and
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130 © 2020 Australian Dental Association

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