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(Field Manuals, Reserve Officers' Training Corps Manuals, Training Circu-

lars, Army Training Programs and Mobilization Training Programs, Army
Subject Schedules, Army Training Tests, War Department and Depart-
ment of the Army Posters, and Firing Tables and Trajectory Charts.)


MARCH 1959
Pam 310-3
He-t~-r~ *LC~

(Field Manuals, Reserve Officers' Training Corps Manuals, Training Circulars
Army Training Programs and Mobilization Training Programs, Army Subject
Schedules, Army Training Tests, War Department and Department of the
Army Posters, and Firing Tables and Trajectory Charts)

Current as of 24 July 1959

No. 4 WASHINGTON 25, D.C., 30 July 1959

DA Pam 310-3, 16 March 1959, is changed as follows:

1. Field Manuals (FM)


1-6* ] " Army Aviation: organizations and employment 29 May 59
1-100 Army aviation. 3 Apr 59
3-8 Chemical Corps reference handbook. 14 Feb 55
Changes 1 through 8
6-20 Camouflage, basic principles and field camouflage. 21 Jan 59
5-25 Explosives and demolitions. 14 May59
5-30 Engineer intelligence. 12 May 59
5-34 Engineer field data. 27 Jun 56
Changes 1, 2
5-136 Airborne division Engineer battalion. 13 Apr 59
5-190 Engineer pipeline units. 15 Apr 59
(C) 6-30 Field Artillery missile battalion, CORPORAL (U). 19 Mar 59
6-31 CORPORAL missile firing platoon. 13 Mar 59
6-32 Guidance system; Field Artillery missile (CORPORAL). 6 Mar 59
6-40 Field Artillery gunnery. 16 Apr 57
Changes 1
7-10 Rifle company, Infantry and Airborne division battle groups. 29 Jan 59
9-1* a Ordnance service in the field. 15 Jun 59
10-33 Airborne division Quartermaster parachute supply and mainte- 30 Mar 59
nance company.
10-40~* ': . Quartermaster aerial supply company. 6 Jul 59
17-100 The Armored division and combat command. 12 May 58
Changes 1 -
19-30 Physical security. 19 Feb 59
20-32 Land mine warfare. 8 May 59

*These changes supersede C 3, 25 June 1959.

516298°--59 . nF,, ' · -,,



21-15 Care and use of individual clothing and equipment. 23 May 56
Changes 2* '-
21-30 Military symbols. 28 Jun 51
Changes 2*
21-48 COBR training exercises. 15 Nov 54
Changes 2, 3
21-75 Combat training of the individual soldier and patrolling. 14 Jun 57
Changes 1 -
23-5 U.S. rifle, caliber .30, Ml. 26 Sep 58
23-65 Browning machine gun, caliber .50 HB, M2. 5 Dec 55
Changes 1, 2
30 19* \": en Order of battle intelligence. 17 Jun 59
30-101* c'
A - Aggressor, the maneuver enemy. 4 May 59
30-102' Handbook onIAggressor military forces. 10 Feb 59
(S) 31-21A Guerilla warfare and special forces operations (U). 20 Feb 59
31-70 Basic cold weather manual. 24 Feb 59
38-1 Logistics supply misanagement. 11 Aug 58
44-1 Air defense artillery employment. 1 May 59
44-IA Air defense artillery employment (U). 20 Apr 59
44-1* Air defense artillery employment. 1 May 59
(S) 44-1A Air defense artillery employment (U). 20 Apr 59
(0) 44-21 Antiaircraft artillery service practice. "22-May 56
Changes 1
(C) 44-82 Procedures and drills for the NIKE-HERCULES system (U). 20 Mar 59
55-32* 5 ~ Transportation truck battalion, truck and car companies. 4 Jun 59
55-54*r we -- Highway capability estimating guide. , 19 Jun 59
60-10 Amphibious operations; regiment in assault landings. 18 Jan 52
(S) 100-1 Field service regulations; doctrinal guidance (U). 22 Mar 56
Changes I(C), C2(S), C3(S), C4(C), C5(U), C6(S), C7(U),
C9(U), CI@(C), Cll(S), C12(U); C13(C), C14(C), C15(C).
' ,
101-i0, Part I ~f~ Staff officers' field manual: Organization, technical and logistical 12 Feb 59
data. Part I. Unclassified data.
101-10, Staff officers' field manual: Organization, technical, and logistical 21 My 59
Part III-* data. Part III. Classified data (U).

2. Reserve Officers' Training Corps Manual (ROTCM)


145-10-1* Quartermaster Corps: Military science III. 28 Apr 59

145-55-2 - Transportation Corps; Military science IV. 10 Jul 57
Changes 1
145-70*r Branches of the Army. 23 Oct 58
3 ATP and MTP
3. Training Circulars (TC)

1-10* Transition training in the HU-1 helicopter. 10 Jun 59
1-11* Transition training in the H1-21 helicopter. 10 Jun 59
1-12* Transition training in the H-34 helicopter. 10 Jun 59
1-13* Transition training in the H-19 helicopter. 10 Jun 59
1-14* Transition training in the H-37 helicopter. 29 Jun 59
3-5 Training kit for chemical agent detection. 23 Jan 59
Changes 1*
5-9 Infrared night vision and detection equipment and its application. 17 Feb 59
20-1 Airmobile operations. 1 May 59

4. Army Training Programs (ATP) and Mobilization Training Pro-

grams (MTP)

3-32* Headquarters and headquarters detachment, Chemical group (COMZ) 11 May 59

3-266* Headquarters and headquarters detachment, Chemical battalion (smoke 25 May 59
5-300 Engineer combat battalions. 30 Jan 57
Changes 1
6-545* Field Artillery missile battalion, CORPORAL. 1 Jun 59
6-585 Field Artillery missile battalion, LACROSSE, self-propelled. 13 Mar 59
6-630* Field Artillery missile group (REDSTONE). 9 Jun 59
7-12 Headquarters and headquarters company, Infantry division battle 5 May 59
7-27 Army training program for rife company, armored infantry battalion. 11 May 59
7-62 Headquarters and headquarters detachments, Infantry division trains 23 Apr 59
and Infantry division band.
8-200* Medical service units and teams. 25 May 59
9-217 Army training program for Ordnance guided missile maintenance units. 24 Mar 59
10-61 Quartermaster supply and service company, service and supply group, 3 Mar 59
U.S. Army missile command (medium) TOE 10-61. 59
10-67 Quartermaster service company, TOE 10-67. 20 Mar
10-110 Advanced individual training of Quartermaster personnel. 16 Feb 59
10-167 Quartermaster laundry company (TOE 10-167). 16 Feb 59
10-187 Army training program for Quartermaster salvage company (TOE 11 May59
10-297 Quartermaster recovery and disposition company (TOE 10-297). 28 Jan 59
10-367* Quartermaster supply depot company. 29 Jun 59
11-25 Army training program for Signal battalion (construction) and Sig- 28 Apr 59
nal company (construction) separate.
11-54 Signal company, air photo reproduction and delivery. 3 Mar 59
14-500 Army training program for Finance service organizations. 2 Apr 59
14-501 Army regional accounts offices. 13 Mar 59
20-52 Army training program for headquarters and headquarters detachment 16 Apr 59
replacement group, headquarters and headquarters detachment re-
placement battalion and replacement company.
21-114 Basic combat training program for male military personnel without prior 14 Nov 58
Changes 2*
21-121 Basic training program for female military personnel without prior 18 Mar 59
21-160* Cadre training. 17 Jun 59
29-52 Headquarters and headquarters detachment, Airborne division support 2 Apr 59
ASubjScd- 4

NO. | TITLE ' '': DATE

55-56 Army training program for headquarters and headquarters detach- 414May 59
met, 'transpdrtation transport'aircraft'battali6on. . .. -
55-126 Transportation water transport and maintenance units. 14 May 59
145-1-5 Curriculum branch tactics and techniques, Corips of Engineers. 23 Mar 59
145-3 Program of instruction for branch material-summer training camps, 6 Mar 58-
__ - Chasges 1, 2
·- .

5. Army Subject Schedules (A$ubjScd)

NO. - --.- TITLE- - DATE

1-1* Aerial navigation. '29 Jun 59

3-18 Radiological survey and-monitoring. ' - 18 Feb 59
5-1*- - ----. ~ Use,.care, and maintenance of Engineer.hand tools. -- -8-JIu-.59
5-2. - Engineer power tools. - . 1May 59
5-352* ' MOS technical training of motor and generator repairman, MOS 352.1. 3 Jun 59
5-356*-. .. - MOS technical-ta'mini of special electriial-deic6erepairman. 9Jiiun 59
5-517 .- r .; '.MOS technical training: of'soils analyst; MOS;517.1,' soils analyst and 15 Apr '59
· . ' .: * -;r .senlor;soils analyst. ' . '.-
5-521.1 MOS technical training of sheet metal worker; MOS 521.1, sheet metal 13 Mar 59
worker and senior sheet metal worker.' ' :
5-524* MOS technical training of utilities foreman, MOS 524.6. 29 Jun 59
5.622 MOS technical' training of Engineer ecquipmehnt relpairman, MOS 4 Feb 59:
,i' .:- ..: '622.1, Engineer equipment,repairman.
5-772 - Engineer parts spiecialist. . 8 May 59'
6.-3. .' ,; : !. :Cannoneer and rocketeer instruction . . :
.. 16 Mar 59
6-4* Combat intelligence. 1 Jun 59
6-8. '.
' :'i - Counterbattery operations. : ' ; . - - . 14 Apr- 597
6-9 - -Countermortar operations: '- . . - ' ,: -, 14 Apr. 59;
6-11 Defense of Artillery position areas. i - 1I May 59
'6-12 . Field exercises. ',- _ 25 May 59'
6-14 -- Fire support coordination: -' - 25 Mar 59.
6-16 · - Field Artillery instruments and duties of instrument operations. . . 24 Feb 59
6;17 Liaison. - -' , . - 16 Mar 59
.6-21 : Operation of meteorologicalsection. - .. ' 16 Mar 59.
6;22 . Conduct of observed fires. ' ' ' ' 10 Apr' 59
6-29 Artillery survey. . : 20 Mar 59.
6-30 - Umpiring:and.Aggressor forces. 14 Apr 59:
7-2 Rifle squad tactical training. - 20 Mar 59
7-10* Browning automatic rifle, caliber .30, M1918A2: 1 Juis 59,
7-11, Advanced rifle marksmanship. . . 20 Mar 59.
7-20 : - Rifle squad tactical exercises. 16 Mar 59
7-40* . Rifle company tactical exercises. 29 Jun 59
7-52* Ileavy:drop techniques. . . - Jun. 59.
7,113* M OS technical training of infantry operations and intelligence specialist: 8 Jun- 59.
MOS 113.1, counterfire specialist. -
8-108 - :, - ,,Training of Army medical service:noncommissioned officers. 11 May 59
10-461* - MOS technical training of textilerepairman:. MOS' 461.1 textile repair- 26 May 59
man, clothing repairman and tailor. -
10-760 -. . . MOS technical training of supply clerk, MOS 760.0- . - 2 Apr, 59-
10-764 - MOS technical training of Quartermaster supply specialist MOS 764.1, 30 Apr 58
senior Quartermaster supply specialist, senior:sales cashier and stock
- ..controlspecialist. : . - -
Changes 1*
10-774 - MOS technical training of Quartermaster specialist, MOS 774.1. 13 Apr; 59
11-16 -- Signal equipment repair. , . . ,-: t - 31 Mar 5il
11-17 Signal supply. - . 10 Feb 59
11-18 - Radioteletype communications. 11 Feb 59
11-273 MOS technical training of fixed station facilities controller, MOS 273.1. 31 Mar 59
11-340 MOS technical training of teletypewriterrepairhelper, MOS 340.0. - 26 Feb 59


11-724 MOS technical training of MOS 724 switchboard operator. 11 Feb 59
17-1 Marches and assembly areas. 23 Mar 59
17-5* Route and assembly area reconnaissance. 25 Jun 59
17-10 Radio nets. 7 Apr 59
17-11 Operation and user maintenance of radio and interphone. 6 Apr 59
17-13 Tank gunnery, material. 4 Feb 59
17-41 Army maintenance system and maintenance field problems. 6 Apr 59
17-49 Tactical exercises, Armor battalion task force. 26 Mar 59
17-54* Armored Infantry battalion tactical exercises. 9 Jun 59
21-9* Maps, compass, aerial photograph reading, and elementary sketching. 12 Jun 59
21-30 3.5-inch rocket launcher, M20A1 and M20AiB1. 13 Mar 59
21-34* Submachinegun caliber .45, M3 and M3AL. 9 Jun 59
21-35* Browning machinegun caliber .30, M1919A6. 9 Jun 59
44-1 Army air defense information service. 6 Apr 59
44-3* Organization and employment of Air Defense Artillery. 25 May 59
44-5 Reconnaissance, selection, and occupation of position. 13 Mar 59
44-6* Air defense artillery gunnery and fire control. 1 Jun 59
44-9 Cover and movement. 6 Apr 59
44-22 Use of compass, binoculars, and stereoscope. 8 Apr 59
44-24 Plotting equipment. 6 Apr 59
44-30 Air defense artillery (ADA) ammunition. 11 May 59
44-171 MOS technical training of U.S. Army air defense missile crewman 26 Mar
(NIKE-AJAX), MOS 171.0, launcher helper, light-truck driver, and
power generator operator, MOS 171.1, assembly crewman, firing panel
operator, heavy-truck driver, launcher crewman, senior launcher
crewman, senior light-truck driver, and wrecker operator. 59
44-173 MOS technical training of air defense missile fire control crewman 5 May59
(NIKE-AJAX): MOS 173.0, Fire controlhelper, switchboard operator,
and heavy truck driver; MOS 173.1, fire control operator and senior
fire control operator.
44-181.1 MOS technical training of defense acquisition radar crewman, MOS 16 Mar 59
181.1-radar oDerator and senior radar operator.
44-192 Air defense artillery automatic weapons crewman. 8 May 59
55-640 MOS technical training of light and heavy vehicle drivers, MOS 10 Feb 59
640.0, light vehicle driver; MOS 642.1, heavy vehicle driver.

6. Army Training Tests (ATT)



1-25 Sky Cavalry squadron, U.S. Army missile command (medium). I May 59
1-27* Sky Cavalry troop, Sky Cavalry squadron, U.S. Army missile 8 Jun 59
command (medium).
1-107 Army aviation company, tactical transport, fixed wing (light). 10 Feb 59
3-7-1 Chemical company, combat support (TOE 3-7D). 8 May 59
3-32 Headquarters and headquarters detachment, Chemical group, field 1 May 59
army or communications zone (TOE 3-32D).
3-67 Chemical company (depot) TOE 3-67D Chemical company (depot) 2 Apr 59
(COMZ) TOE 3-117D.
5-15-1* Engineer battalion, Infantry division. 29 Jun 59
5-138 (5-78)* Army training test for Engineer company float bridge. 3 Jun 59
5-215 (5-5)* Engineer battalion, Armored division. 29 Jun 59
5-464 The Engineer company (REDSTONE) Army. 21 May59
6-10* Field Artillery missile battalion, CORPORAL. 9 Jun 59
(C) 6-10A* Field Artillery missile battalion, CORPORAL (U). 9 Jun 59
(C) 6-585* Field Artillery missile battalion, LACROSS (U). 30 Apr 59
7-11 Airborne division battle group (TOE 7-31T). 26 Mar 59
7-25-1 Armored Infantry battalion. 17 Apr 59
7-168 Pathfinder team (TOE 7-168T). 10 Apr 59
9-12 Headquarters and headquarters detachment, Ordnance maintenance 8 Apr 59
and supply group.
WD, DA Posters 6



9-17-1 Ordnance ammunition company (TOE 9-17). 2 Apr 59
,9-227 Ordnance guided missile, general support company (TOE 9-227). 11 May 59
.10-61 Quartermaster supply and service company, service and supply 13 Mar 59
group, U.S. Army missile command (medium) (TOE 10-61).
10-67 Quartermaster service company (TOE 10-67). 13 Mar 59
:10-187* Quartermaster salvage company. 25 May 59
10-367 Quartermaster supply dep6t company (TOE 10-367). 14 May 59
11-15 . Signal battalion (Corps),.Signal battalion (Airborne Corps) (TOE 2 Apr 59
11-22* Headquarters and headquarters detachment, Signal group: Head- 13 May 59
quarters and headquarters detachment, combat area Signal group,
Army (TOE 11-22 and 11-32).
11-85 Combat area Signal battalion (Army) (TOE 11-85). 2 Apr 59
.11-137 Signal (communication center operation) company (TOE 11-137). 2 Apr 59
11-155 Signal battalion (supply.maintenance) (Army) (TOE 11-155). 2 Apr 59
11-238 Signal company, U.S.:Army missile command (medium) (TOE 20 Mar 59
.* ~ 11-238).
11-587* . Headquarters and headquarters company,. Signal base depot: Signal 10 Apr 59
company (base depot): and Signal company (base maintenance)
(TOE 11-587, 11-592, 11-597).
17-25 Armored division armor battalion, 90-mm. 14 May 59
17-25-1* Armored Infantry battalion and Armor battalion, 90-mm, Armored 8 Jun 59
division (opposing forces).
17-65 Infantry division armor.battalion, 90-mm./ 8 May 59
29-65 Airborne division maintenance battalion (TOE 29-55). 11 Dec 58
Changes 1
44-35 Air defense artillery gun battalion, Skysweeper (TOE 44-35, 44-36, 24 Apr 59
57-1 Air movement. 23 Mar 59

7. War Department and Department of the Army Posters (WD, DA


5-36* Stop fires-save lives. Jul 59
355-2 That this nation shall not perish . . . NIKE HERCULES. Feb 59
355-3 NIKE-HERCULES: that this nation shall not perish . . . Peace May 59
is our profession . . -. United States Army.
355-101 * Armed Forces insignia. Mar 59
355-102* Armed Forces decorations and awards. Mar 59

8. Firing Tables (FT) and Trajectory Charts (TjC)


R 762-E-1 Firing tables for launcher, rocket: 762-mm truck mounted, M386 14 May 59
firing rocket, 762-mm; M31 mods with AK-M57 and AK-XM57EI.
R 762-F-1 - Launcher, rocket; 762-mm truck mounted, M386 firing rocket, 14 May59
762-mm; M31 .MODS with.warhead HE 762-mm rocket, M6
warhead, 762-mm rocket, flash smoke, XM4E MODS WAR-
HEAD, HE, 762-mm rocket, T2021 warhead, fragmentation,
T39E3 warhead, 762-mm rocket, practice, T2037.

11. Rescissions
Publications rescinded since 6 March 1959.
a. Field Manuals.
Date Rescinded by j No. Date Rescinded by
18 Oct 55 Cir 310-75 100-31 12 May 55 Cir 310-71
28-105* 5 Jan 44 Cir 310-75

* * * * *
* *

c. Training Circulars.
Date Rescinded by No. Date Rescinded by
1952 1953
27 May 52 Cir 310-73 2 15 Jan 53 Cir 310-73
* * * * *
* *

e. Army Subject Schedules.

No. Date Rescinded by
44- 25* 9 Mar 56 Cir 310-75

* * * *
* *, *

f. Army Training Tests.

Date Rescinded by No. Date Rescinded by
Cir 310-71 9-36 8 Nov 56 Cir 310-71
9-22 7 Jul 55
Cir 310-71 11-4 26 Feb 51 Cir 310-71
9-31 28 Feb 56
9-35 27 Jun 56 Cir 310-71

* * * *
* * *

12. Superseded Publications

Publications superseded since 6 March 1959.
a. Field Manuals.
Superseded by No. Date Superseded by
No. Date
FM 5-20 6-30A 23 Oct 56 FM 6-30
5-20A 9 Feb 44
FM 5-20 9-5* 10 Jan 55 FM 9-1
5-20B 2 Apr 44
FM 5-20 20-100 25 Feb 52 FM 1-100
5-20C 1 May 44
FM 5-20 30-104* 19 Feb 53 FM 30-101
5-20D 9 Feb 44
FM 5-20 31-73 30 Sept 57 FM 31-70
5-20E 1 June 44
FM 5-20 55-35* 7 Apr 52 FM 55-32
5-20F 1 May44

* * * *
* * *

c. Training Circulars.
Superseded by No. Date Superseded by
No.' Date
5-4 8 Nov 57 FM 5-25
1951 FM 20-32
30 Aug 51 FM 10-40 5-6 3 Apr 58
26* FM 7-10
7-2 14 Jan 57
1955-59 FM 44-1
29 Aug 58 FM 1-100 44-2 7 Sep 56

d. Army Training Programs and Mobilization Training Programs.

No. Date Superseded by No. Date : Supersededby
3-301* 6Apr 54 ATP 3-266 11-302 27 Aug 54 ATP 11-25
3-309* 2 Apr 54 ATP 3-32 14-200 29 Nov 55 ' ATP 14-500
6-303* 17Jul 53 ATP 6-545 17-221 20 Feb 57 ATP 7-27
10-213 ' 4 Jan 54 ATP 10-187 55-203 ' 9 Mar 54 ATP 55-126
10-214 '4 Jan 54 ATP 10-297 55-307 22 Mar 54 ATP 55-126
10-220 4 Feb 54 ATP 10-167 55-308 . 24 Mar 54 ATP 55-126
10-222 3 Feb 54 ATP 10-67 55-309 22 Mar 54 ATP 55-126
10-236* 29Jan 54 ATP 10-367

e. Army Subject Schedules.

No. Date Superseded by No. Date Superseded by
10-100 24 Jul 57 ASubjSed 10-760 17-17 16 Nov 55 ASubjScd 17-13
17-9 0 22 Aug 55 ASubjScd 17-11 17-18' 29 Aug 55 ASubjScd 17-13
17-12 6,Jan 56 ASubjScd 17-13 17-26 26 Oct 55 ASubjScd 17-13
17-14 3 Aug 55 ASubjSed 17-13 55-2 .29 Aug 55 ASubjScd 55-640
17-15 3 Aug 55 ASubjScd 17-13 55-3 3 June 55 ASubjScd 55-40
17-16 10 Aug 55 ASubjScd 17-13

I. Army Training Tests.

No. .Date Superseded by No. Date. Superseded by
3-2 28 Feb 51 ATT 3-67 11-11 26 Feb 51 ATT 11-15
5-13* 29 Oct 53 ATT 5-15-1 11-12 i 15 May 53 ATT 11-587
5-14 2 Oct 53 ATT 5-215 (5-5) 11-13 18 May 53 ATT 11-587
7-4 13 Jun 56 ATT 7-25-1 11-14 20 May 53 ATT 11-587
7-34 19 Aug 57 ATT 7-11 11-18 17 Sep 52 ATT 11-2
10-3 23 Apr 56 ATT 10-67 17-7 27 Jun 56 ATT 17-65
10-5*, 24 Apr 56 ATT 10-187 i7-i9 15 Feb 54 ATT 17-25
10-29 8 Oct 53 ATT 10-367 44-8 9 Dec' 55 ATT 44-35
* * * * * * *

A Airfields
Site selection . : FM 1-100
Abbreviations FM 21-30 Ammunition
Accounts offices, Army regional Air defense artillery -
" ASubjScd 44-30
Training program ATP 14-501 Armor battalion task-force
Aerial navigation ASubjScd 1-1 Tactical exercises ' ASubjScd 17-49
Aerial photographs . Army-Navy equipment
Reading and elementary sketch- Designations FM 21-30
ing Artillery, Air defense
Technical training ASubjScd 21-9 Ammunition ASubjScd 44-30
Aggressor Forces Automatic weapons crewman
The maneuver enemy FM 30-101 Technical training ASubjScd 44-192
Uniforms and insignia FM 30-101 Employment FM 44-1
Aggressor, The maneuver enemy . · FM 44-1A
Organization, equipment, and Gunnery and fire control - ASubjScd44-6
training FM 30-101 Organization and employment ASubjScd 44-3
Air defense artillery (See Artillery, Organization; special operations FM 44-1
Air defense) ' Assembly area reconnaissance ASubjScd 17-5
Air defense information service, Aviation, Army ''
'Aimy- - ASubScd 44-1 Objectives FM 1-100
Air defense missile fire control crew- ' Organizations and employment FM 1-5
Technical training ASubjScd 44-173 B
Air movement Basic combat training
Training test ATT 57-1 Male military personnel. ATP 21-114
Aircraft identification Basic training
Name; type; model designation , FM 1-100 Female military personnel ATP 21-121
Battalions, Air defense artillery gun Companies, Car
Skysweeper Transportation FM 55-32
Training test ATT 44-35 Companies, Chemical (combat support)
Battalions, Armor (90-mm) Training test ATT 3-7-1
Armored division Companies, Depot
Training test ATT 17-25 Chemical
ATT 17-25-1 Training test ATT 3-67
Infantry division Companies, Engineer
Training test ATT 17-65 Float bridge
Battalions, Armored Infantry Training test ATT 5-138(5-78)
Tactical exercises ASubjScd 17-54 (REDSTONE) Army
Training test ATT 7-25-1 Training test ATT 5-464
Battalions, Engineer Companies, General support
Airborne division Ordnance guided missile
Organization and mission FM 5-136 Training test ATT 9-227
Armored division Companies, Laundry
Training test ATT 5-215 (5-5) Quartermaster
Infantry division Training program ATP 10-167
Training test ATT 5-15-1 Companies, Ordnance ammunition
Battalions, Field Artillery missile Training test ATT 9-17-1
CORPORAL Companies, Quartermaster
Training test ATT 6-10 Aerial supply FM 10-40
ATT 6-10A Airborne division
Training program ATP 6-545 Parachute supply and main-
LACROSSE tenance FM 10-33
Training program ATP 6-585 Recovery and disposition
Training test ATT 6-585 Training program ATP 10-297
Battalions, Missile (CORPORAL) Supply and service
Field Artillery Training program ATP 10-61
Training program ATP 6-545 Training test ATT 10-61
Battalions, Signal Supply depot
Combat area Training test ATT 10-367
Training test ATT 11-85 Companies, Rifle
Construction Airborne division battle group FM 7-10
Training program ATP 11-25 Infantry battalion, armored
Supply and maintenance Training program ATP 7-27
Training test ATT 11-155 Infantry division battle group FM 7-10
Training test ATT 11-15 Tactical exercises ASubJScd 7-40
Battalions, Transportation Companies, Salvage
Truck FM 55-32 Quartermaster
Branches of the Army Training program ATP 10-187
List; functions Training test ATT 10-187
Development of military Companies, Service
specialization; our Army Quartermaster
in nuclear age; lines of Training program ATP 10-67
military organization and Training test ATT 10-67
purpose of studying ROTCM 145-70 Companies, Signal
Air photo reproduction and de-
C livery ATP 11-54
Cadre training Communication center operation
Training program ATP 21-160 Training test ATT 11-137
Camouflage Construction, separate
Basic principles FM 5-20 Training program ATP 11-25
Field camouflage FM 5-20 U.S. Army missile command
Clerk, Supply (MOS 760.0) (medium)
Technical training ASubjScd 10-760 Training test ATT 11-238
Commands, Combat Companies, Truck
Armored division Transportation FM 55-32
Staff officers guide FM 17-100 Compasses
Communications Uses
Air-to-air FM 1-100 Technical training ASub]Scd 21-9
Communications, Radioteletype ASubjScd 11-18 CORPORAL systems ATT 6-10
Companies, Aerial supply Crash rescue and fire fighting FM 1-100
Quartermaster FM 10-40
Companies, Aviation D
Tactical transport, fixed wing Demolition
(light) Equipment; technique FM 5-25
Training test ATT 1-107 Land mines; aerial bombs; shells FM 5-25
Department of the Army H
Organization FM 101-10, Part I
Divisions, Airborne Headquarters and headquarters
Organization chart FM 101-10, Part I companies
DIivisions, Armored Infantry division battle group
Organization chart FM 101-10, Part I Training program ATP 7-12
Staff officers guide; tactical Signal base depot
employment FM 17-100 Training test ' ATT 11-587
Divisions, Infantry Signal company (base depot)
. Organization chart FM 101-10, Part I Training test ATT 11-587
Signal company (base mainte-
E nance)
Training test ATT 11-587
Engineer hand tools Headquarters and headquarters
Use, care, and maintenance ASubjScd 5-1 detachments
Engineer intelligence FM 5-30 Airborne division support group
Engineer parts specialist · ASubjScd 5-772 Training program .. ATP 29-52
Equipment Chemical battalion (smoke
Movement by air FM 1-100 generator)
Equipment, Infrared Training program ATP 3-266
Application . ' TC 5-9 Chemical group, field army or
Equipment repair communications zones
Signal ASubjScd 11-16 Training test ATT 3-32
Equipment repairman, Engineer Chemical group (COMZ)
(MOS 622.1) Training program ATP 3-32
Technical training ASubjScd 5-622 Combat area Signal group, Army
Estimating guide Training test ATT 11-22
Highway capability FM 55-54 Infantry division trains and
Evacuations band
Combat zone casualty FM 1-100 Training programs ATP 7-62
Explosives Ordnance maintenance and sup:
Handling, storage, transportation FM 5-25 ply group
Types; uses; characteristics FM 5-25 Training test ATT 9-12
Replacement battalion
-F - Training program . . ATP 20-52
Replacement company
Fire control Training program . ATP 20-52
Air defense artillery ASubjScd 44-6 Replacement group
Fixed station facilities controller Training program ATP 20-52
(MOS 273.1) Transportation transport air-
Technical training ASubjScd 11-273 craft battalion
Training program ATP 55-56
G Signal group, Army
Groups Training test ATT 11-22
Quartermaster Helicopter operations .
Service and supply ATP 10-61 External load FM 1-100
ATT 10-61 Helicopters
Groups, Missile (REDSTONE) Transition training
Field Artillery H-19 T 1-13
Training program ATP 6-630 H-21 TC 1-11
Guerilla warfare H-34 TO 1-12
Operations FM 31-21A H-37 TC 1-14'
Guided missile systems HU-1 TC -1-10
General support company Highways
Training test ' ATT 9-227 Capability estimating guide FM 55-54
'Air Defense artillery ASubjScd 44-6
Guns, Machine (cal. .30)
Browning Intelligence
M1919A6 ASubjScd 21-35 - Engineer FM 5-30
Guns, Submachine (cal. .45) Interphone
M3 ASubjScd 21-34 Operation and user mainte-
M3A1 ASubjScd 21-34 nance ASubjScd 17-11
L Pilot training
-19 mines TC 1-13
Doctrine; techniques; control FM20-32 H-21 TC 1-11
Types; terminology FM 20-32 H-34 TC 1-12
Logistics RU-1 TC 1-10
Supply management FM 38-1 Pipeline units, Engineer
Responsibilities FM 5-190
M Platoons, Firing
CORPORAL missile FM 6-31
Maintenance units. (See Units, Posters
Maintenance.) Armed Forces decorations and
Management, Supply awards DA Poster 355-102
Cataloging; controls; procure- Armed forces insignia DA Poster 355-101
ment FM 38-1 NIKE-HERCULES: that this
Maps nation shall not perish...
Use and elementary sketching Peace is our profession . . .
Technical training ASubjScd 21-9 United States Army DA Poster'355-3
Marches Stop fires; save lives DA Poster 5-36
Marches and assembly areas ASubjScd 17-1 That this nation shall not
Medical service perish . . . NIKE HER-
Training of noncommissioned ASubjScd CULES DA Poster 355-2
officers 8-108 Propaganda
Units and teams Execution techniques FM 1-100
Training program ATP 8-200
Military personnel (female) Q
Basic training program ATP 21-121
Military personnel (male) Quartermaster Corps
Basic combat training program ATP 21-114 Military science ROTCM 145-10-1
Military science Quartermaster parts specialist
Mission; principles; operation ROTCM (MOS 774.1)
145-10-1 Technical training ASubjScd 10-774
Minefields Quartermaster personnel
Employment; installation FM 20-32 Individual training, Advanced ATP 10-110
Design, planning, and training FM 20-32 Quartermaster supply specialist
Mine warfare (MOS 764.1)
Doctrine; techniques FM 20-32 Technical training ASubjSecd 10-764
Operation; classification FM 20-32
Training FM 20-32 R
N Radar operator and senior radar
operator (MOS 181.1)
Navigation Technical training ASubjScd 44-181.1
Aerial ASubjScd 1-1 Radiological monitoring ASubjScd 3-18
Night vision, Infrared Radiological surveys ASubjScd 3-18
Application TC 5-9 Reserve Officers Training Corps
NIKE-HERCULES systems Text books
Procedures and drills ; FM 44-82 Army branches ROTCM 145-70
(See also Branches of the
0 Army)
Observer training Rifle marksmanship, Advanced ASubjScd 7-11
Aerial observer FM 1-100 Rocket launcher (762-mm)
Operations M386, truck mounted FTR 702-E-1
Airmobile TC 20-1 FTR 762-F-I
Search and rescue FM 1-100 Rockets (762-mm)
Order of battle intelligence FM 30-19 M31 Mods FTR 762-E
Ordnance service FTR 762-F-1
Field FM 9-1 Route reconnaissance ASubjScd 17-5
P Sanitation
Small unit living FM 31-70
Parachutes Service organizations
Heavy-drop techniques ASubjScd 7-52 Finance
Photography, Aerial FM 1-100 Training program ATP-14-500
Sheet metal worker and senior sheet ,, Training, Basic combat.
metal worker-(MOS 521.1) . Male personnel without prior
Technical training ASubjScd 5-521.1 service ATP 21-114
Signal supply ASubjScd 11-17 Training kit
Signs and symbols Chemical agent detection. . TC 3-5
Aggressor Forces FM 30-101 Training, MOS technical
Signs, Conventional FM 21-30 Air defense artillery automatic
Skiing and showshoeing weapons crewman . ASubjScd 44-192
Techniques FM 31-70 Air defense missile fire control
Soils analyst and senior soils analyst crewman (NIKE-AJAX) ASubjScd 44-173
(MOS 517.1) - Clerk, Supply (760.0) ASubjScd 10-760
Technical training ASubjScd 5-517 Clothing repairman and tailor
Special forces (461.1) ASubjScd 10-461
Operations FM 31-21A Counterfire specialist (356.1) ASubjScd 7-113
Specialist, Engineer parts ASubjScd 5-772 Engineer parts specialist (772.1
Squadrons, Sky Cavalry and 772.6) ASubjScd 5-772
U.S. Army missile command Equipmentrepairman, Engineer
(medium) (622.1) - -ASubjScd 5-622
Training test ATT 1-25 Fixed station facilities controller
Staff Officers' field manual (273.1) ASubjScd 11-273
Organization, technical, and Infantry operations and intelli-
logistical data FM 101-10, Part I gence specialist (356.1) ASubjScd 7-113
FM 101-10, Part III Motor and generator repairman
Stocks ASubjScd 5-352
Storage; distribution; control FM 38-1 Quartermaster parts specialist
Storage (774.1) ASubjScd 10-774
Expldsives FM 5-25 Quartermaster supply specialist
Supply management (764.1) ASubjScd 10-764
Functions; principles; require- FM 38-1 Radar operator and senior radar
ments. operator (181.1) ASubjScd 44-181.1
Supply, Quartermaster Sheet metal worker and senior
Principles; systems ROTCM 145-10-1 sheet metal worker (521.1) ASubjScd 5-521.1
Surveys, Artillery ASubjScd 6-29 Soils analyst and senior soils
Switchboard operator (MOS 724) analyst (517.1) ASubjScd 5-517
Technical training ASubjScd 11-724 Special electrical device repair-
Symbols, Military man ASubjScd 5-356
Descriptions: abbreviations FM 21-30 Switchboard operator (724) ASubjScd 11-724
Teletypewriter repair helper
(340.0) ASubjSced 11-340
T Textile repairman (461.1) ASubjScd 10-461
Tank gunnery U.S. Army air defense mnissile
Material ASubjScd 17-13 crewman (NIKE-AJAX) ASubjSed 44-171
Target intelligence - Utilities foreman (524.6) ASubjScd 5-524
Air defense artillery FM 44-1 Vehicle driver, Heavy (642.1)
Teams, Medical service ASubjScd 55-640
Training program ATP 8-200 Vehicle driver, Light (640.0)
-Teams, Pathfinder ASubjScd 55-640
Training test' ATT 7-168 X-ray specialist (935.1: 935.2)
Teletypewriter repair helper (MOS Training, Transition8-935
13ncln40.0)n Helicopters
Technical training - ASubjScd 11-340 I -19 TC 1-13
Tools, Engineer H-21 TC 1-11
Hand 1-34 . TC 1-12
Use, care, and maintenance H-37 -TC 1-14
ASubjScd 5-1
- HU-1 TC 1-10
Training:.-- Transportation
Aggressor, the maneuver enemy FM 30-101 Explosives FM 5-25
Cadre Water transport and mainte-
Training program A.TP 21-160 nance units
Cannoneer and rocketeer ASubjScd 6-3 Training program ATP 55-126
Medical service noncommis- Troop movement
sioned officers ASubjScd 8-108 Movement by air . FM 1-100
Training, Basic Troops, Sky Cavalry
Female personnel without prior Sky Cavalry squadron
service ATP 21-121 Training test - ATT 1-27
U Units, Ordnance
Maintenance, guided missile
U.S. Army air defense missile crew- Training program ATP 9-217
Technical training ASubjScd 44-171
U.S. Army missile command V
Training program ATP 10-61 Vehicle driver, Heavy (MOS 642.1)
Training test ATT 10f61 Technical training ASubjScd 55-640
Uniforms and insignia Vehicle driver, Light (MOS 640.0)
Aggressor Forces FM 30-101 Technical training ASubjScd 5566-640
Units, Airborne division battle Vessels. Naval
group Types; abbreviations FM 21-30
Training test ATT 7-11
Units, Maintenance
Transportation water transport W
Training program ATP 55-126 Weather
Units, Medical service Basic cold weather manual FM 31-70
Training program ATP 8-200

By Order of Wilber M. Brucker, Secretary of the Army:

General, United States Army,
Official: Chief of Staff.
R. V. LEE,
Major General, United States Army,
The Adjutant General.

In accordance with DA Form 12 Requirements.


*Pam 310-3
No. 310-3 WASHINGTON 25, D. C., 16 March 1959



(Field Manuals, Reserve Officers' Training Corps Manuals, Training Circulars,
Army Training Programs and Mobilization Training Programs, Army Subject
Schedules, Army Training Tests, War Department and Department of the Army
Posters, and Firing Tables and Trajectory Charts.)
Current as of 6 March 1959


CHANGES Paragraph Page
Field Manuals (FM) --------------------------- 1 2
Reserve Officers' Training Corps Manuals (ROTCM)_ 2 10
Training Circulars (TC) ----------------------- - 3 11
Army Training Programs (ATP) and Mobilization
Training Programs (MTP) ------------------ __ 4 12
Army Subject Schedules (ASubjScd) ---------- 5 17
Army Training Tests (ATT) _ ____
.-------------- 6 27
War Department and Department of the Army
Posters (WD, DA Posters) ___. _ - .... . ...- 7 ....
Firing Tables (FT) and Trajectory Charts (TjC) --- 8 36
Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Publications (JANAP)_ 9 41
Allied Communications Publications (ACP) ------ 10 41
Rescissions -------- _------------------_ 11 41
Superseded Publications ----------------- 12 42
III. ALPHABETICAL INDEX -- ___-------- -_____--------- 43



Publications classified CONFIDENTIAL or SECRET are identified

by the symbols (C) or (S), respectively, preceding the number. The
title of such a publication, if UNCLASSIFIED, is followed by (U).
Publications with classified titles are not indexed in section III. The
symbol (CM) denotes a publication classified CONFIDENTIAL-
The symbol (O) denotes a publication which is FOR OFFICIAL USE

29 January 1959.
*This pamphlet supers'des Pam 310-3, 16 September 1958, including C 4,

FM 2

ONLY and must be protected in accordance with AR 345-15. When

the classification of changes differs from that of basic publication, t1e
appropriate symbol immediately follows the changes number.
CONFIDENTIAL and SECRET publications are distributed only
on a need-to-know basis. These publications must be safeguarded in
accordance with AR 380-5.
The star (*) indicates material not previously listed.

1. Field anuals (FM)

/N8'@H. EM C -' - TITLE' .- - DATE

3-5 Tactics and techniques of chemical, biological and radiological 5 Nov 58
.- (CBR) warfare. i
3-8 Chemical Corps reference handbook. 14 Feb 55
Changes I through , .
3-9 · Staff Chemical Officer. 1 Apr 55
3-25 Chemical laboratory. 2 Mar 54
-Changes 1, 2
3-30 _ Chemical 'processing company. .. ' 29 Apr 54
Changes 1 - .
3-50* Chemical smoke generator.battalion and Chemical smoke generator 7 Jan 59
_- - .companiy.
3-60 - C-hemical maintenance company. - 7 Sep 51
. _ . _Changes
.... 1
3-65 Chemical depot company. - 28 Dee 51
Changes I
3-70 Chemical decontamination company. 25 Jun 54
Changes 1
3-80 Chemical group (field army or communications zone) and chenilcal 28 Jul 54
(C) 3-130 U. S. Army chemical, biological and radiological (CBR) intelligence 21 Jul 58
4-126 Service of the piece; 90-mm antiaircraft gun on MiAi mount. 25 Oct '43
Changes 1, 2, 3, 4
5-5 Engineer troop units. 13 May'54
5-6 Operations of Engineer troop units. 25 Aug 54
5-15 Field fortifications. 17 Aug 49
5-20_ - Camouflage, basic principles. -t // 1 4
Camduflage of individuals and infantry weapons. 9 Feb 44
-5=20B- Camouflage of vehicles. 2 Apr 44
6-5 1 of bivouacs, command posts, supply points, and 1 May44
medical installations.
-0--20D) Camouflage of field artillery. 9 Feb 44
Changes 1
-520E- Camouflage of aircraft on the ground and ahrdromes. - 1 Jun 44
-6=20FW- Camouflage of antiaircraft artillery. 1 May'44
Changes .1
5-21* i --- .- Camouflage of fixed installations. 23 Dec 58
5-22 Camouflage materials. 19 Jan 56
5-23 Field decoy installations. - . 3 Oct 56
.15-25 Explosives and demolitions. .1 ,/ y, " ei
5-31 Use and installation of boobytraps. / / 31 Jan 56
,.- 3 Changes 1
5-34 Engineer field data. 27 Sun 56
- Changes 1 -
5-35 Engineers' referenbe and logistical data. 4 Sep 52
3 FM


5-36 Route reconnaissance and classification. 26 Apr 55
Changes 1
5-132 Infantry division, Engineer battalion. 23 Aug 57
5-134 . Armored division engineer battalion. 5 May 58
5-162 Engineer construction battalion and group. 3 Sep 54
5-188 Engineer topographic units; 12 Apr 55
ARTILLERY , '2,7 e
6-18 Mortar battery, Infantry division, battle group. 21 May 57
6-20* Field Artillery tactics Vnd techniques. 10 Dec 58
6-21 . Division artillery, Infantry division. 13 Aug 57
(S) 6-25 Field Artillery missile group (heavy) (U). X 27 Feb 58
(C) 6-30 Field Artillery missile battalion, CORPORAL (U).
Changes 1 (U)
(S) 6-30A Field Artillery missile battalion, CORPORAL (U). 23 Oct 56
Changes 1
6-31 Field Artillery missile, CORPORAL. 31 Dec 56
6-32 Guidance system, Field Artillery missile (CORPORAL). 'M~,9e-' W
Changes 1
6-35 Field. Artillery missile, Redstone. 20 Jan 58
6-40 Field Artillery gunnery. 16 Apr 57
(CM) 6-41 *. [Classified] 5 Nov 56
(C) 6-45* Field Artillery missile battalion, LACROSSE (U). 5 Dec 85
6-50 4.2-inch mortar M30. 16 Jan 56
6-55 4.5-inch multiple rocket launcher M21, towed. 16 Dec 53
6-60 The Field Artillery rocket 762-mm. 27 Jan 56
(S) 6-0A The Field Artillery rocket, 762-mm (atomic) (U). 27 Jan 56
Changes 1
6-61 Field Artillery battalion; 762-mm rocket. 13 Jul 56
(S) 6-61A Field Artillery battalion, 762-mm rocket (U). 5 Sep 56
6-74 105-mm howitzer M2AI on motor carriage M7B1 and M7B2. 12 Mar 54
Changes 1
6-75 105-mm howitzer, M2 series towed. 7 Aug 52
Changes 1
6-76 105-mm howitzer M4 on motor carriage M37. 6 Oct 52
Changes 1
6-77 105-mm howitzer M52, self-propelled. 11 Dec 56
6-81 155-mm howitzer Ml towed. 18 Feb 53
Changes 1
6-82 155-mm howitzer Ml on motor carriage M41. 14 Oct 53
Changes 1
6-87 155-mm gun N2 on motor carriage M40 and 8-inch howitzer M2 on 30 Jun 53
motor carriage M43.
Changes 1
6-90 155-mm gun M2, 8-inch howitzer M2 towed. 28 Apr 63
Changes 1
6-92 155-mm howitzer M44, self-propelled. 19 Dee 55
6-93 155-mm gun M53, self-propelled and 8-inch howitzer M55, self- 3 Jul 57
6-95 8-inch gun Ml and 240-mm howitzer Ml towed. 15 Mar 54
Changes 1
6-96 280-gun T131 on carriage T72. 9 Jul 54
6-101 The Field Artillery battalion. 29 Jan 52
Changes 1
6-115 The Field Artillery searchlight battery. 2 Aug 56
6-120 The Field Artillery observation battalion and batteries. 5 Jul 51
Changes 1
6-122 Artillery sound ranging and flash ranging. 12 Jun 57
Changes 1
6-125 Qualification tests for specialists, Field Artillery. - 10 Aug 50
Changes 1
6-135 Adjustment of Artillry fire by the combat soldier. 5 Jul 57
6-140 The Field Artillery battery. 30 Sep 58
6-160 Radar set AN/MPQ-10. 3 Jan 66
FM 4

"' NO. :' TITLE .:.,DATE

Changes 1, 2, 3, 4
'Rifie company, Infanitry.regiment.
7-15 ' t Heavy weapons company, In'fantry regiment. i 10 Adg '49

---7 :20 Infantry battalion. ,; - -.-.

-'~ awi/ r ~-~ Changes 1, 2, 3, 4 ' .i. - .. · -·, ..
7-21 Headquarters and headquarters company, Infadti'f division battle 8 Aufg 57
,r i-i
., group.,l- .,
7-24 *· Communication in Infantry and:Airborne'diiglbsion. / 12 Oet -50
7'--25,- :-'Headquarters company, Infantry regfient. r '-- ' 21 Aug-50
~-i ' .' Chabiges1;2,3,4.-:' -; . . '" .-
-- ~ -
7-30 .Serviee ahd'inedidal:dempanies; ' Infantry regliment:i . 21-Apr 54
7-35 Tank company, Infantry regimfi't.' 20 Jun 49
'.: -. ~.i:'Y . ! C.hahges I, 2, 3' '' '. -!
7-37 - Heavy mortar company, Infantry regiment. 20 Jul 49
Change.1;2 r
-:;: !.. .;

'7:40 -='.* : .. :'. :Infantry-regiinent. : 11 Jan *50 .

Changes 1,2, 331 . . J
7:100, I Infantry division. ; :' '3 Oct' 58
8-5W;: '- Medical Department units of a theater of operations. 31 May 45
8:o10 * > 'Medical se'rvice.'theater of operations.: 22 Mar 51
Changes 1, 2, 3 -,'i.
,, .: -
:-35 ' ' Transportation of the sick'and wvounded ' 19 Dec 55
f ' ":' . Changes 1-' '
8-50" 7 ''-; ' Banidaging and splinting. 6Jun 57
8-55 Reference data. ' :' 5 Mar 41

9_-'aq; 2.Ordnafice seivice in the field. ...
9 0-6""-Ordnance ammunition servic minthe field. 25 May51
r -.10 Ordnance maintenance and general supply in the field. 15 Aug 51
9-40t Explosive ordnance ieconnaisanee and disposal.' 26 Mar 53
!!, QUARTERMASTER - . I... .. i
10-2 -_ Headquarters and headquarters company,;:Quartermastdr group. -- Sep--?
, 10-6 ~ . Quartermaster.ser,vice company . . - . - 6 Jan---56
10-7., -, Quartermaster organization and operations in divisions. 12 Nov 58
0-10 - . Quartermaster service in theater of operations. 10 Nov 47
Changes 1. .
iO-12 Quartermaster parts company. 28 Nov 51
10-13 , -. . ..Quartermaster reference data . 24 Sep .57
Changes 1
10-14 Quartermaster bakery company, mobile..b 11 Oct 50
Changes3 , -.. - . ,
10-15 Quartermaster sales company, mobile. 18 Jul -50
10-16. , Quartermaster laundry company. . 22 Aug 56
10-17 - . . Quartermaster
Q organization and service in army and corps. 14 Feb 52
10-18 Quartermaster salvage company. 24 May 51
10-19 . Quartermaster subsistence supply company.. 9 Apr 51
wt , Changes 1*
10-22 . Quartermaster clothing and general supplies depot company. 12 Jul 50
10-23 - , Quartermaster reclamation and maintenance company, semimobile. 12 Feb 51
Changes 1
10-24 . Quartermaster refrigeration company, mobile. · 13 Mar 52
:· .* -Changes 1.
10-25 Quartermaster bath company, semimobile. · ' 2 Nov 51
10-29 Quartermaster graves registration company. 28 May 52
10-30 Quartermaster subsistence depot company., 10 Oct 51
10-33 .O,#^ A ,C -- Airborne Quartermaster, parachute supply and maintenance com- i - &6eb.-.
10-37 - Quartermaster petroleum depot company. · t 19 Sep 57
10-52 lieadquarters and headquarters company, Quastermarter depot. 26 Feb 54
10-53 Headquarters and headquarters.detachment, Quartermaster bat- 22 Jun 50
16-Yo zD<-fas97<7 4:7
'5 FM


10-60 Supply of subsistence in a theater of operations. 29 Jan 58
10-63 Handling of deceased personnel in theaters of operations. 14 OCt 52 . S"
10-64 Quartermaster class II and- IV supply in theaters of operations. 30 Dec 57
10-77 Quartermaster petroleum supply company, mobile. -22JeT-- F '-' ..
11-8 Field radio relay techniques. 22 Aug 57
11-10 The Signal battalion, Infantry division. 24 Jul 57
11-11 / - / The Signal battalion, Armored division. 24 Apr 58
11-16 Signal orders, records, and reports. 25 Aug 58
11-17 Tactical communications center operation. 10 Dec 56
11-20 Organizations and operations in the corps, army, theater ofopera- 11 Nov 40
tions, and GHQ.
Changes 1
11-22 Signal operations in the corps and army. 15 Jan 45
11-30 Signal Corps technical intelligence. 13 Aug 56
11-40 Signal photography. 27 Apr 54
-Changes 1
11-51 i Signal air photo reproduction and delivery company (TOE 5 Sep 57
11-54 ( )).
11-83 Signal base depot company (TOE 11-597( )). 26 Jul 56
11-85 Signal base maintenance company (TOE 11-587 ( )). 14 Dec 56
11-86*---- Combat area Signal battalion, army. 30 Dec 58
11-95 Signal operation battalion (TOE 11-95R, -96R, -97R, -98R, and 1 Mar 56
11-151 Defense against electronic jamming. 27 Jun 55
12-50 The marching band. 11 Jan 57
16-5 The Chaplain. 15 Apr 58
17-1 Armor operations: small units. 23 Aug 57
17-12 Tank gunnery. 21 May 57
17-20 Armored Infantry units; platoon, company, and battalion: 26 Aug 57
17-33 Tank units, platoon, company and battalion. 23 Aug 57
17-34 Amphibious tank and tractor battalions. 1 Jun 50
Changes 1, 2, 3
17-35 Armored cavalry units; Armored and Infantry divisions. 26 Dec 57
17--50 Armor logistics. 16 May 58
17-70 Signal communication in the Armored division. 23 Sep 57
17-77 Crew drill, Armored Infantry vehicle, full-track M75. 16 Iec 53
17-78 Tank, 90-mm gun, M47. 15 Apr 55
Changes 1
17-79 Tank, 90-mm gun, M48i 13 Oct 55
Changes , 2* "-
17-80 Tanks, 76-mm gun, M41 and M41A1. 30 Jan 56
Changes I )
17-95 The Armored Cavalry regiment and the Armored Cavalry recon- 7 Sep 51
naissance battalion.
Changes 1, 2
17-100 The Armored division and combat command. C / 12 May 58
19-5 Military police. 14 Sep 50
ohangesi, -
\, 19-10 Military police operations. 24 Jan 55
19-15 Civil disturbances and disasters. -- 8 Sep 58
19-20 Criminal investigation. 17 Jul 51
Changes 1
19-25* Military police traffic control. . 12 Dec 58
19-30 Physical security of military and industrial installations. TS-re'5]2 I1
19-40 Handling prisoners of war. 3 Nov 52
19-90 The Provost Marshal. 14 Aug 53


GENERAL . . . .
20-15 * Tents and tent'pitching. ' ' 9 Jan 56
Chadnges I -. .. *D
20-32 , -1 - .'' fl ies.a J
-20-60 -- Battlefield illumination. 15 Jan 58
.~2010-1O0 .Z Armyaviation. / -/A -,-- ,Cr
3 Pmb Sg
· :'.i ;~-hanges-- .-
21-5 Military training. ' -
·21-f6' *' 'Techniques
of military instruction. ' 19 May54
21-10 Military sanitation. -- 6 May 57
21-11 ' 'First aid for soldiers: ' ,' ,.;.-a - a

21-13 The soldier's guide ' ' - 24 Jun 52

Changes 1, 2,3 '
21-15: , Care and use of individuai clothing and equipment. 23 May.56
Changes 1I? Z
21-18 Foot marches. - 21 Jul 58
21-20 - 'Physical
' training.- 8 Oct 57
21-26 Map reading. 28 Mar 56
* Changes 1
21-30 * Military symbols: 28 Jun 51
Changes':. -
21-31 - - Topographic symbols. 4 Jan 52
21-40 Siall unit procedures in atomic, biological; and chemical warfare. 5 Nov 58
'21-4i* Soldier's handbook for nuclear, biological and chemical warfare. 19 Dec 58
21-485 CBR training exercises. : -- 15 Nov 54
Changes 2 -:
'21-50 - Ranger training. T' 20 Aug 57
21-60 Visual signals. 15 Apr 53
.21-75 (- Changes 1, 2 ,3
Combat training of the individual soldier and Jatrolling. 14 Jun 57
'21-76 Survival. - 25 Oct 57
21-77*. Evasion and escape. '- .... . . 19 Dec 58
_(C).21-77A* Evasion mnd'escape (U). _ - . 5 Jan 59
21--150 - Hand-to-hand combat. -' - . 14 Jun 54
Changes 1 '
22-5 - Drill and ceremonies. - - 29 A:ug-58
22-5A Drill and ceremonies (Cadet:drill). --
. : - 4 Jun .58
22-100 -Military leadership. - : 2 Dec. 58
'- .
-BASIC WEAPONS -- '-' -- .
23-5 - IU.S. rifle, caliber .30, Ml. =- 2aetl--
,23-7 Carbine caliber .30 M1, MI-A1, M2, and M3. 9 Jan 52 -
Changes 1, 2 . .-
23-15 Browning automatic rifle'caliber .30 M1918A2. 9 Jul 51
- - - -..."-Changes 2,-3 ; - --
23-25 Bayonet. . : 22 Jun 53'
Changes I
23-30 Hand and rifle grenades. - 14 Apr 49
Changes 4, 5
-23-32 -.-- 3.5-inch rocket launcher. - -16 Apr 58
23-35 Pistols and revolvers. . -- 26 Feb 53
a 3 rs,*~ Changes 1- - -.
23-41 Submachine guns, caliber .45, M3 and M3A1. 8 Jul 57:-
23-55 Browning machine guns,. caliber .30, M1917AI, M1919A4, 10 Oct 55
M1919A4E1, M1919A6, and M37..
-23-65 , Browning machine gun caliber .50 HB, M2? "-. - 5-Dec 55
Changes 1 - -- . - -
23-71 Rifle marksmanship course; trainfire I. 5 Sep 57
23-72 - Carbine marksmanship courses, Trainfire I. 12 Jun 58
23-80 57-mm rifle M18A1. 17 Oct 52
Changes 1
7 FM


23-82 106-mm rifle M40A1. 24 Jun 58
23-85 60O-imm'lortar M19. 29 Nov 50
Changes 1, 2, 3
23-90* 81-mm mortar, M29. 29 Dec 58
23-92 4,2-inch mortar M2. 3 Apr 51
9< *23-95~ #Changes 2, 3, 4
g~C ~23-95 hA, . 76-mm gun, M48 V -tk t18 Oct 55
24-i8 Field radio techniques. 1 Jul 58
24-20 " Field-wire techniques. 17 May 56
25-6 Dog transportation. 19 Aug 44
25-10* Motor transportation, operations. 8 Jan 59
26-5 Interior guard., 21 Aug 56
27-10 - The law of land warfare. 18 Jul 56
.`S28-105-osA The Special Service company., Jan 44
30-5 Combat intelligence. 31 Dec 56
30-7 ? Combat intelligence battle group, combat command. and smaller 23 Sep 58
30-9 Battalion, field army. 19 Aug 58
(S) 30-9A Battalion, field army (U). 19 Aug 58
Changes 1 (U)
30-15 Examination of personnel and documents. 27 Sep 51
Changes 2
(C) 30-16 Technical Intelligence (U). 26 Aug 55
30-19 Order of battle intelligence.
30-28' Armed Forces censorship (Army). 8 Apr 55
30-30 Aircraft recognition manual. May 49
Supplements 1,2,3,4,5,6
30-101 The maneuver enemy. @ O

(CM) 30-102 Handbook on Aggressor military forces (U). 2aep-65

Changes 1 / p-I
Note. FM 30-102 is downgraded to UNCLASSIFIED when
action required by Changes 1 has been completed.
30-103 Aggressor order of battle. 23 Jun 45
30-104 -, Aggressor representation. J _,
tFeb 53
Changes 1
(C) 31-,5 Landing operations on hostile shores (U). 13 Nov 44
·31-8 Medical service in joint oversea operations. 9 Jan 56
31-10 Barriers and denial operations. 30 Apr 56
Changes 1
31-15 Operations against airborne attack, guerilla action and infiltration. 7 Jan 53
Changes 1
31-21 Guerilla warfare and special forces operations. 8 May 58
31-25 Desert operations. Oct 55
(C) 31-40 Tactical cover and deception (U). 16 Dec 58
31-50 - Combat in fortified areas and towns. 24 Jul 52
Changes 1, 2
31-60 River-crossing operations. 12 Nov 58
.r31- 0 Basic Arctic manual. a ZC9 3)
- hanges-l-
31-71* Northern operations. 6 Jan 59
:C' NO! .1; ITITLE '- DATE

SPECIAL OPERATIONBS-T.ontinueds- ;Jn 'F; :,i:',, t

31-72*. :%. Mountain operations. 9 Jan :59
.5i_31•7-,-, _ t Skiing and snowshoeing. - -a-ep-, G---
J(CM.)!32,5* Communications security (U). . !. '': ::'!
-y:'.i -. 12 Dec '58
33-5 - Psychological waorfare operatibn§.' "' 14 Mar 55
7; *-zt'4jE - r .t'Changesl-I-'5
w ' ,7;"t: -- I( , '
'35-20'l. Physical Training; Women's-Army Cofps :.: r' - 25 Jan '56
38-1 Logis-ticsd-pTpl;anagmei
i -3i tii. Aug
MILITARY GOVERNMENT l . ......-..... -
41-5 Joint manual of Civil Affairs/Military Government. 17 Nov 58
; ' f "
41-10 - Civil Affairs/Military GovdiiFiintf6pbeAtioiis.)- < 16 Apr 57
41-165. ''' Civil Affairs/Military Government units! -"''' :-' 26 Mar'54


Antiaircraft artillery employm'ent.*: : -'/; 46
- -gfgtr
- 4 } tf ./- ng;',J.-
44-2, ,- Light antiaircraft artillery (automatic weapons).- 12 Jul 56 .-
44-3 Light antiaircraft artillery (Skysweeper). ' -. 23'Apr-56 -
Changes 1' , . 16-May58 -
'4l_.4..:.'- . =t Medium and heavy antiaircraft'artillery. i t '-' 23 Dec 54
gR , .:~' ?-.?,Lto j_,; i';' ;'. · Changesl'i -'lig ·- S - l
44-7 Electronic search central AN/GSS-1 and radar-set'.AN/TPS-lD. 2 Aug 56
44-81r , O Army air defense command postdifd'Arimy air defenfse information 3 Dec 54
--:,;t ,.~ - service. . . : --
-* Changes .
44-91- : Service of the operafionhscent'eir'AN/MT.Q-:l,': i; 24 Aui- 56
44-19 Qualification program, air defense' artillery weapons system. 19 Apr 56 -
:·. ';.~h' Changes 1,2* .": . !i S.-- i' -
"44-20:C :-" Mounted formations and inspeetidons. - ' - ' :- ': 1 Ma, 5i
44-21. - ' Antiaircraft artilleryservice practice.:1 il -' : '' ' -- - 22 Maj 56
44-27". 'Service of the piece; 90-mm'AA.gun, M2 seriesf; ,-'- 25 Jan '51
*- *.~-,
-Changesl ' i' - .,I,
44-28- i Service of the piece; 120-mm A-A gun,.'' i" - ::'- 25 Ja'nh5i
-: -Changes 1
:i=3:A5-'~ XAntiaircraft fire-conitrol system M33. - ' ' ' 30 Sep' 54
Changes 1 I * . *-
44-36 ,' t, . , S,
Service of antiaircraft directors, M4 and M' - 16 Oct 44
44-38 Service.of the M9 and'M10 type antiaircraft directers.-' 14 Aug 52
44-44 ,,-. Service of radio set SCR-584. .17 Oct- 49
44-45 - Service of-radio set SCR-784. , , , 12 Oct_45
Changes 1, 2
44-57 Service of the piece; multiple caliber .50 machine-gun motor carriage 7 Sep 5i
Mi6 and multiple caliber .50 ';nachine-giun raie iierit M55.
I '- .1- Changes 1, 2' ' - ,. , - i 1
44-59 ' Service of the piece;inultiple gun motor 'atfiiages:M1i5 and M15A1. 16 Sep 44 -
;- .:: Changesl,2 . - ' '- , .:_.-; :' --
44-60 Service of the piece; 40-mm fire unit:' - !- 5 Feb 45
. ' '~ ': :.'"Changes
*' 1, 2 '
44-61 Self-propelled twin 40-mm gun M4i2 - - " 6 Apr 53
- ';- " ' Changesl . ' "' - '
44-62: Service of the piece; twin 40-mm gun motor cairiiage M19. 5 Sep 47
44-69 :' Service of the 75-mm AA gun Skysweepei. . 5' Jan 6 -
' '' - Changes 1'' - '
4-~ff '
-. -
Procedures and drills for the Nike I system.:
Procedures .
J /

-(CM)'44-80A .N 'NIK-E; Ajkbattery control area etquipment checks and adjust- 24 Jul 57 - -
ments (). -
Changes 1
9 FM


(CM) 44-85 Antiaircraft Artillery missile battalion, NIKE I (U). 31 Aug 56
(S) 44-90 Employment of Antiaircraft Artillery proximity fuzes (U). 11 Jan 56
(C) 44-95 Air defense artillery missile battalion, NIKE-HERCULES (U). 13 Oct 58
(S) 44-95A Air defense artillery missile battalion, NIKE-HERCULES (U). 24 Sep 58
44-120 Procedure and drill: radio controlled airplane targets. 24 Jul 57
0 <P6(,Field
9Q press censorship. 13 Aug 54
55-6 Transportation services in theaters of operation. 2 Nov 55
55-8 Transportation intelligence. 12 Oct 56
55-10 Movement control in theaters of operation. 18 Sep 51
55-21 Rail transportation higher units. 9 Nov 55
55-22 Transportation railway operating battalion. 25 May 55
55-23 Transportation railway shop battalion. 24 May 55
55-26 Transportation inland waterways service. 31 Mar 53
55-31 Highway transportation service in theaters of operations. 7 May 56
55-35 ,t Transportation truck and car companies. '/ M ' 7 Apr 52
55-37 Transportation battalion, Infantry division. 3 Jul 57
55-51 Transportation terminal commands theater of operations. 3 Jul 57
55-52 Transportation terminal battalion and terminal service company. 30 Jul 57
55-53 Ta.-9//.,%,DTransportation
amphibious truck company. 1 Aug 56
55-110 - Transportation port companies military stevedoring. 5 Nov 52
55-130 The harbor craft company. 8 Mar 51
* .~7B t?" '~ AIRBORNE
g 57-20 r- (, > -tAirborne techniques for divisional units. 7 2'
- --
57-30 Airborne operations.
57-35 Army transport aviation, combat operations. 10 Jun 58
60-5 Amphibious operations battalion in assault landings. 21 Feb 51
(C) 60-10 Amphibious operations; regiment in assault landings (U). 18 Jan 52
60-30 Amphibious operations; embarkation and ship loading (unit loading 6 Sep 52
72-20 Jungle operations. 12 Jul 54
(S) 100-1 Field service regulations; doctrinal guidance (U). 22 Mar 56
Changes 1 (C), 2 (S), 3 (C), 4 (C), 5 (U), 6 (S), 7 (U), 8 (U),
9 (U), 10 (C), 11 (S), 12 (U), 13 (C), 14 (U)*
100-5 - Field service regulations; operations. 27 Sep 54
Changes 1, 2, 3
100-10 Field service regulations; administration. 21 Oct 54
Changes 1, 2, 3
100-11 Signal communications doctrine. 22 Jul 48
100-15 Larger units. 28 Jun 50
Changes 1
(C) 100-31 Tactical use of atomic weapons (U). 12 May 55
101-1 The Gl manual. 19 Jul 55
101-5 Staff officers' field manual; staff organization and procedure. 18 Nov 54
Changes 1, 2, 3, 4
101-10 Staff office ' field mapeal: Organization, technical, and logistical -. &Bepz"
data. /--,4 -rm's..,

(S) 101-31 Staff officers' field manual: Atomic weapons employment (U). 16 Aug 56
Changes 1, 2
(S) 101-31A Staff officers' field manual; Atomic weapons employment (U). 16 Aug 56
Changes 1, 2
101-51 Department of the Army planning and programming manual. 1 Oct 57
500060°--59 2
FM 10


105-5 Maneuver control. - 4 Feb 58
110'5 Joint action; Armed Forces; - - 19 Sep 51
-Changs 4, 5 d, 6,7 8 9
(C) 110-10 Joint logiLtics policy and guidance manual (U)'- - 29 Jun 55
-- Changes 1,23 v
110l101 - Intelligence: Joint landAng force manual.: 4 Jan 55
Changes 1
110-115. Amphibious reconnaissance. ... 5 Jan 55

2. Reserve Officers' Training Corps Manuals (ROTCM)

NO. .* - TITLE:- ' DATE

145-1-1 Civil Air regulations, Parts-l, 3, 20; 43, 60-and 62, Civil Aeronautics 18 Jul 58
145-1-2 - Personal aircraft inspection manual. 9 Jun 58
145-1-3 Pilots' radio handbook. '- .. -- : 9Jun 58
145-1-4 Pilot's'weather handbook. - '; · · - 9Juii58
145-1-5 ' Path of flight. - : 9 Jusn- 58
145-1-6 -- -Facts of flight. * . Q Jun 58
-145-1-7 - Realmnof flight. *
- _ 9Sun. 58
--145-1-8 - . Flight Information Manual, Volume II. - ----- * 9 Jun 58
145-1-9 Private pilot examination guide.. . 9 Jun 58
145-1-10 Vol. 12, No. 26, Airman's guide. -9 Jun 58
145-4-1 The Junior ROTC Manual, Volume I. - 5 Aug 55
Changes 1
.145-4-2 The Junior ROTC Manual, Volume II 3 Oct 58
145-4-3 The Junlor'ROTC Manual, Volume III. 18 Oct 55
Errata sheet
145-5-1 Vol. I Construction materials and Engineer computations and layout. 6 Jul 56
145-5-2 Military structures, military explosives, and field fertiflcations. 19 Jul 57
145-5-3 Engineer military science-isAslc construction principles. 2 May 58
145-5-4 Engineer operations and logistics. - 15 Aug 58
145-9-1 Ordnance: Military science II. : 8'Apr 55
145-9-2 Ordnance: Military science III 6 Apr- 55
145-10 Organization of the Army and ROTC. - 22 Jul- 57
Changes 1-
-145-11-1 . Military science III; Signal Corps. I Aug 58
145-11-2 Military science IV; Signal Corps. 1 Aug 58
145-20 American military history 1607-1NB . /9[5*- -" - : l 5
145-30 Individual weapons and marksmanship. - 11 Jul 58
145-41 Crew-served weapons and gunnery. 4 Apr 58
145-45 United States Army and national security: 30 Jun 58
145-50 Map and aerial photograph reading. 19 May 54
Changes 1
145-55-1 Transportation Corps: Military science III 18 Jul 57
145-55-2 Transportation Corps: Military science IV. 10 Jul 57
145--60 Small unit tactics including communications. -9 Jul 58'
14570 - - Branches of the Army. .- 22 Jul 54
145-80 Logistics. 19 Jun 58
145-85 . Military law and boards of officers. . - . : 25 Jul 58
145-90 Operations. 30 Jun. 58
-145 95. -: Army administration... . - -17 Jul .58
145-100 Service orientation. 5 Aug 58
11 TC
3. Training Circulars (TC)


26 Quartermaster aerial supply company. 30 Aug 51
22 Ground assistance to helicopter operations (for commanders of small 27 May 52
31 Recoilless rifle platoon. 4 Sep 52
2 Command responsibilities-The individual soldier's load. 15 Jan 53
19 Qualification courses for the 105-mm recoilless rifle, M27. 17 Sep 53
22 The portable flame thrower (principles of employment and tactical use). 19 Oct 53
25 Safety precautions for guided missile and heavy rocket training. 10 Nov 53
1 Rescission [of Training Circulars]. 20 Jan 54
17 Transportation heavy boat company. 30 Jun 54
24 Transportation terminal battalion (TO E 55-116A). 3Dec 54
26 [Sec. I, Change in method of publishing Training Circulars; sec. II, 31 Dec 54
1-4 Transition training in U-1 aircraft. 27 Jun 57
1-5 Army multiengine aircraft qualification. UOe.
(C) 1-6 Recognition and identification of Army aircraft in the combat zone (U). 2 Oct 56
1-7 Employment of Army transport aviation. 26 Jan 56
1-8 / The Army aviation operating detachme; .5 $ > 12Oct
1-9 Helicopter external load operations./.f'6// ('/ . 29 Aug 58
3-4 Ground flame field expedients. 17 May 56
Changes 1
3-4 Chemical company, combat support. 5 Aug 58
3-5* Training kit for chemical agent detection. 23 Jan 59
5-1 Mine, antitank, nonmetallic, M19 (T18E4) w/fuze, mine, nonmetallic, 17 May 56
M606 (T120E2).
Changes 1
5-2 Employment of mobile assault bridging. 19 Nov 56
5-4 Demolition orders. 8 Nov 57
5-5 Engineer troop construction support for the Air Force. 13 Nov 57
5-6 Emplacement by'hand of the M6A2 and M15 antitank mines. 3 Apr 58
5-7 Mechanical mine planting equipment (Dan Patch). 5 Aug 58
(S) 5-8 Atomic demolition munitions (U). 3 Nov 58
6-5 Organization and employment of the field artillery battalion, 4.2-inch 7 Dec 55
6-6 Use of shell, high explosive, spotting (HES), 8-inch, T347, in conjune- 31 May 56
tion with the delivery of shell, atomic explosives (AE), 8-inch, T317.
Changes 2, 3
6-7 - Gunnery techniques and procedures used in delivery of shell, atomic 3 Dec 56
explosive, 280-mm T315.
(S) 6-8 Atomic ammunition for Field Artillery gun and howitzer units (U). 28 Apr 58
7-1 Employment of scout dogs. 21 Nov 55
7-2, Combat formations and battle drill. 14 Jan 57
8-1 Training in emergency medical care. 1 Jun 55
Changes 1
8-2 Medical laboratory (TOE 8-650D). 26 Aug 57
9-2 The Ordnance class V support system. 21 Jul 58
10-1 Field expedients and vehicles for outloading heavy-drop equipment. 12 Aug 55
17-2 Employment of the 18-inch, tank-mounted searchlight in battlefield 14 May58
-7- EB illumination.
17-3 The 4.2 inch mortar section and platoon equipped with the mortar 11 Jul 58
L -; / carrier, M84.
23-1 Technique of rifle fire at night without artificial illumination. 24 Feb 55
30-1 Intelligence officer responsibilities in the field of weather. 27 Aug 57
(CM) 44-2 Organization and tactical principles for the employment of antiaircraft 7 Sep 56
artillery guided missiles (NIKE I) in the theater of operations (U).
54-1 Logistical commands. 12 Aug 57
Changes 1
sTC i.2



55-1 .- .-
- '..--Semitrailer
.' relaymethods-for highway'transpertline-lhaul-operations. -'-29-Apr 55
55-4 Transportation aerial tramway company (TOE 55-87). 31 May,55
--. . Motorized sled trains (Arctic and-subarcticoperation)., 11 Jul 55
55-6 Transportation cargo carrier company (tracked). 25 Jul- 57
556-77:r Dr.,. iu ,Transportation BAR,C operationand maintenance team:.:. 8 Dec 58
101-1* , Prediction of fallout and adiological monitoring and-survey;. 9 Dec 58
:I-, - ,-F; } !*. ;- -' :

4. .Army Training,: Programs ,,(ATP) ;;*and? Mobilization Training

' Pragrams TP)'
* Traininigipro~grtamisda 'tefdbaiefo
r 1J ry 1;99 are designat.e
' Mobilization Training Programs (MTP); those dated there-
after, Army.Tjrainin P'rograms
g ( 'TP)

1-7, . Aviation company TOE 1i7, 1-17, and 1-57. , '' 29 Jul I58
1-107. . j .: , .....
Army, ,!traiining..,program for. ,aviation: fixea
' d wing. light transport 20 pct,58
-:, ;- tl.,':, : company.
-1-207 . . Army training program for Army, aviation operating.detachment, TOE 26 Sep ,58
1-2071. ' - ;
3,17 j;,,'sSArmy training program for Chemical companyy,(combat support). 3 A3 r 58
-47*' Chemical company (maintenance) ... 28 Jan 59
3-202: : Army training programfor Chemical depot company. - 9 Apr 54
- Changes I .,r; -i -' . .-! f - 1'
3-204- 'r q, ,,m.Army,.training program for, Chemical decontamination company. 26 Mar 54
3-205 Army training program for Chemical processing company. 8 Apr 54
3-206 Army training program for Chemical service.organization. 6 Apr 54
-3-207 I . Army training progra-i.,for.Chemical laboratory., ,.. ,,- 31 Mar:54
3-267 , Army training program for Chemical company (smoke generator). 10 Jul 568
3-301 f -:, Armyztraining program -for headquarters and headquarters detachment, 6 Apr,54
,,,:f. - .,GChemical smoke generator battalion. .,.,,i, ,
3-308: Army training prgram for,headquarters and headquarters detachment, 8 Apr' 5
Chemical battalion, army or communications zone..,,.
3-309-, :,. .;, . . ,Army training program for headquarters and headquarters detachment, 2 Apr -54
Chemical group, field army or communications zone. ,
5-200 r , .::'.;. Army training program for-Engineer dump, truck company, 14 Apr 54-
5-201 - , ; Army training program for Engineer light equipment company. 1 Apr 54
5-202 Army training program for Engineeripanel bridge company; Engineer 13 Apr 54
.. ,,-,
: ., .; . float bridge company; Engineer ponton -
6-205 Army training program for Engineerfheavy.eqluipment company. 12 Apr 54.
5-210 / . -.,Army training.program for-Engineer pipeline company.. - 8 Apr 54
5-211 - . Army training program for Engineer port construction company. . 10 May 54
5-220 ; Army training program forEngineer field maintenance company. - 4 May.54
5-221 Army training program for. Engineer depot maintenanc e company. 4 Mays54
5-224 -Army training program for Engineer supply poin t company. 7 May 54
5-225* - Army training program for Engineer.water supply company. 6 Apr- 54
5-227: , Army training program forEngineer parts depot company. · 7 May 54
,5-229. . -Army training program for Engineer forestry company. . 15 Apr 54
6-232- ,- . - ,,, Army, training program fporheadquarters and headquarters company, 14 May54
Engineer brigade.. - --
6-233: :. . , Army training program for headquarters and headquarters company, 19 Apr 54
Engineer aviation group. . -
5-234- -, Army training program, foi. headquarters and headquarters company, 9 Apr 54
Engineer combat group..; - '
5-235 ,, Army training progam for headquarters and headquarters company, .28 Apr 54
. Engineer construction group. ·
5-236 : Army training program for.headquarters and headquarters company, 14 Jun'54
.Engineer maintenance and supply group. -
13 ATP and MTP


5-237 Army training program for headquarters and headquarters detachment, 18 May 54
Engineer base topographic battalion.
5-238 Army training program for headquarters and headquarters detachment, 13 May 54
Engineer depot battalion and Engineer depot company.
5-240 Army training program for Engineer topographic company, cores. 30 Apr 54
5-241 Army training program for Engineer base reproduction company. 17 May54
5-242 Army training program for Engineer base photomapping company. 14 May 54
5-243 Army training program for Engineer base survey company. 14 )un 54
5-244 Army training program for Engineer base map depot company. 18 May 54
5-250 Army training program for Engineer service organization. 14 May 54
5-300 Engineer combat battalions. 30 Jan 57
5-312 Army training program for Engineer construction battalion. 9 Apr 54
5-323 Army training program for headquarters and headquarters detachment, 14 May 54
Engineer camouflage battalion and Engineer camouflage company.
5-340 Army training program for Engineer topographic battalion, army. 9 Apr 54
5-383 Army training program for Engineer aviation battalion. 12 May 54
6-100 Army training program for Field Artillery unit. 5 Sep 58
6-301 Army training program for Field Artillery observation battalion. 14 Apr 54
Changes 1
6-302 Army training program for Field Artillery missile units, 762-mm rocket. 17 Oct 57
(C) 6-303 Field Artillery guided missile battalion (CORPORAL) (U). 17 Jul 53
Changes 1
6-304 Army training program for Field Artillery searchlight battery. 16 Jul 53
Changes 1
7-1 Infantry and Airborne division battle groups and Infantry and Airborne 19 Aug 58
7-2 Headquarters and headquarters company and Administration company 19 Aug 58
Infantry division.
7-17 Army training program for rifle company, Infantry and Airborne divi- 11 Aug 58
sion battle groups, light weapons infantryman, heavy weapons in
7-25 Army training program for Armored Infantry Battalion. 28 Apr 58
7-200 Army training program for Infantry rifle company and airborne Infan- 21 Apr 54
try rifle company.
7-201 Army training program for Infantry heavy weapons company, airborne 7 May 54
Infantry heavy weapons company.
7-202 Army training program for heavy mortar company, Infantry regiment. 7 Jun 54
7-203 Army training'program for tank company (90-mm gun), Infantry regi- 16 Jun 54
7-204 Support company, Infantry regiment, airborne. 1 Dee 55
7-205 Army training program for service company, Infantry regiment; service 11 Jun 54
company, Infantry regiment, airborne.
7-206 Army training program for headquarters and headquarters company, 19 Jul 54
Infantry regiment and headquarters and headquarters company, In-
fantry regiment, airborne.
7-300 Army training program for Infantry and airborne Infantry regimental 3 Aug 54
combat teams and Infantry and Airborne divisions.
7-301 Army training program for headquarters and headquarters company, 7 Jun 54
Infantry battalion; headquarters and headquarters company, airborne
Infantry battalion; headquarters and headquarters company, Infan-
try battalion (separate).
7-303 Headquarters and headquarters company, Infantry division and air- I Dec 55
¢ borne Infantry division.
8-200 Medical service units and teams. 1 Feb 57
9-25. Army training program for Ordnance units to Armored and Infantry 7 Nov 58
9-47* Ordnance nuclear weapons support units. 21 Jan 59
9-201 Army training program for Ordnance of the field army. 9 Dec 53
Changes 1, 2
9-302 Army training program for Ordnance service type units. 3 Dec 53
Changes 1
10-17 Army training program for Infantry division Quartermaster company, 16 Jun 58
TOE 10-17 (ROCID).
ATP and MTP i4

. NO.
[ ' .;: TITLE ('DATE

10-22 Headquarters and} headquarters detachment Quartermaster battalion 28 May 58

(TOE 10-536); headquarters and- headquarters detachment Quarter-
: mastergroup (TOE 10-22).^ -'
10-45 Army training program for Quartermaster battalion, Armored division 24 Apr 58
TOE 10-45. ; . . ' . -
10-77 "'Armytraining program for Quartermaster company (petroleum supply) 16 Jun 58
TOE10-77. -: . i:
-10-110' Army training program for- individual :training in Quartermaster 20 Feb 58
-units. - . .-
10-147 Quartermaster company' (bakery), TOE 10-147. -. - . 13 Jun .58
10-197: Quartermaster company (Subsistence supply).(TOE 10-197.) 24 Jun 58
10-200 program for Quartermaster company,Airborne or Infan- 10 Mar 54
' -try division. -- -- . . * .
10-210 Army training prograin for Qairtermaster bath company,semimobile. 26 Jan 54
10-211' Army training program for Quartermaster reclamation and maintenance 12 Jan-- 54
company (semimobilo).
10-213 - Army training program for Qfuartermaster salvage company. 4 Jan 1 54
10-214 - 'Arniy tiiining program for Quartermaster graves registration company. 4 Jan 54
10-216 Army training program for Quartermaster company, amphibious sup- 14 Jan. 54-
port brigade: -: ' . .
Changes 1 . ; - -
10-220 Army training program for Quartermastef laundry company. - 4 Feb 54
10-221 ; Army ;training program for haddquarters and headquarters company, 14 Jan 54
Quartermaster depot. .
10-222 · Army training program'for Quartermaster service company. 3 Feb 54
10-224 Army training program for Quartermaster sales company. 19 Jan 54
10-227* Quartermaster equipment depot company (TOE 10-227): - 29 Jan. 59
10-231 Army training program for Quartermaster 'refrigeration? company, 16 Feb 54
mobile. - - -
10-236 Army training program for Quartermaster supply depot company. 29 Jan 54
10-239 Army training program for Quartermaster parts company. - 11 Feb 54
- Changes !1
10-241 Army training program for Quartermaster mechanical and metal repair 26 Feb- 54
Changes 1 i' .. -.. - l
10-242 Army training program-for Quartermaster clothing and textile repair 24 Feb 54
-company. -
iChanges 1 . - .
10-250 Army training program for Quartermaster petroleum.products labora- 23 Feb 54
tory detachment. .: *-
- ' Changes l - - - .
10-251 Army training program for Quartermaster special forces parachute rig- 2 Feb 54
.- - ging detachment. --
10-301 .Army training program for labor supervision organization. 29 Jan 54
10-337 Airborne division Quartermaster parachute supply company (TOE 16 Jun' 58
-·- - - 10-337). -
10-357 Quartermaster company (subsistence depot) TOE 10-357. 20 Jun 58
10-377* Quartermaster petroleum depot company (TOE 10-377). . 19 Jan: 59
10-407 Quartermaster aerial supply company, TOE 10-407. 12 Jun 58
10-417 , Quartermaster company (air equipment repair and depot) TOE 10-417. 12 Jun 58
11-5 Signal battalion, Infantry division (ROCID). - - 13 Aug 58
Signal battalion, Armored division (ROCAD).
Signal battalion, Airborne division (ROTAD).
11-15 -. Army training-program for Signal battalion, corps. : -. ' - 20 Oct 58
11-22 Headquarters and headquarters detachment, Signal 'group and 3 Nov 58
headquarters and headquarters detachment, combat area Signal
group, Army. - -
11-45* Signal battalion (cable construction)., . '. '. 23 Dec 58
11-85 Army training program for combat area Signal battalion (Army). 17 Oct 58
-11-137* Army training program for- Signal company :(communication center 28 Jan 59
operation). . :
11-155' -Army training, program -for Signal battalion -(supply and mainte- 20 Oct 58
nance) (Army);. headquarters and headquarters: company, Signal
- base depot; Signal company (base depot); and Signal company
(base mnaintenance)j
15 ATP and MTP


11-200 Army training program for Signal company, Infantry division. 10 Aug 54
11-201 Army training program for Armored Signal company. 26 Jul 54
11-202 Army training program for Airborne Signal company. 12 Aug 54
11-204 Army training program for Signal support company. 16 Jul 54
11-212 Army training program for Signal repair company. 7 Jun 54
11-219 Army training program for headquarters and headquarters detachment, 21 Jun 54
Signal group; headquarters and headquarters detachment, Signal
support battalion; headquarters, Signal battalion (Svc) (Team AD);
headquarters, Signal group (Svc) (Team AE); and headquarters,
Signal group (EW) (Team AE).
11-238 Army training program for Signal company, US Army misfile com- 17 Oct 58
mand (medium).
11-300 Army training program for Signal battalion, corps or airborne corps. 18 Aug 54
11-301 Army training program for Signal battalion (operation). 30 Sep 54
11-302 Army training program for Signal construction battalion and Signal 27 Aug 54
construction company (separate).
11-500* Signal service units. 23 Dec 58
12-17 Army training program for special service company TOE 12-17. 16 Jul 58
12-47* Army postal units, base post offices, postal regulating detachments, and 21 Jan 59
other postal activities.
12-201 Army training program for Adjutant General machine records units. 19 Apr 54
12-203 Army training program for organization or separate bands. 5 Apr 54
14-200 Finance service organization. 29 Nov 55
17-1 Army training program for Armored division, combat command and 16 Apr 58
Armor group.
17-2 Army training program for headquarters and headquarters com- 24 Nov 58
panies, troops, and detachments of Armor units, Armored and
Infantry divisions, and Armored division administration companies.
17-25 Army training program for Armored division Armor battalion, 90-mm 18 Apr 58
gun and nondivisional Armor battalion, 90-mm gun.
17-45 Army training program for Armored Cavalry squadron, Cavalry squad- 21 Apr 58
ron, and reconnaissance battalion.
17-65 Army training program for Infantry division Armor battalion, 90-mm. 28 Apr 58
17-201 Army training program for tank companies (except tank companies 15 Feb 57
organic to Infantry regiments).
17-211 Army training program for reconnaissance company. 27 Feb 57
17-221 Army training program for rifle company, armored Infantry battalion. 20 Feb 57
17-251 Army training program for headquarters and headquarters company, 24 Sep 54
Armored Cavalry regiment.
17-252 Army training program for service company Armored Cavalry regiment. 6 Oct 54
17-261 Army training program for headquarters and headquarters company, 5 Sep 54
Armor group.
17-305 Army training program for Armored Cavalry regiment. 30 Aug 54
18-2 1 Tank destroyer mobilization training program fortank destroyerreplace- 11 Jul 45
ments at enlisted replacement training centers.
19-1 Military police TOE units. 17 Oct 58
20-5 Army training program for field exercises and maneuvers. 3 Dec 54
20-303 Army training program for headquarters and headquarters company, 4 Jan 55
army; headquarters and headquarters company, corps; headquarters,
special troops, army.
21-114 Basic combat training program for male military personnel without 14 Nov 58
prior service.
21-119 Pre-basic training program (8 weeks) for Puerto Rican male military 29 Nov 57
personnel without prior service.
21-130 Training program for officers newly assigned to units. 5 May 49
29-53 Airborne division, supply and transport company (TOE 29-53). 23 Jun 58
(CM) 30-200 Army training program for unit training of Counter Intelligence Corps 15 Jan 51
detachments (U).
I No stocks-do not requisition.
ATP and MTP. f6


30-201 '*Arayi-trainignprdgraimforrmilitary intelligeiineeheidquartersandadmin- 23 Fb:-54

istrativd teamrns, interrogator teamis;translator tearis and document
- * teams, interpreter teams, order of battle''teamns' adrial'lphoto Inter-
1 .h,
.1~ a pretation temins,' tehnicsl 'intelligenie coordinator teamis, editorial -
teams, documents processing'tenams'guard;teiams;imiicropilhone and re- ':i'' -
' :' ' ' '
-: coiding teamsa ifd above specialists pers6iinel organib todivision and I . -1
':" highdrheadqiartes. ' ' : :'. .: ' -'A
30-202 t t ''- Aimy traini'g progiafffor military-censorship tearns: .- : 26 Feb 54
30-203 '-'!kAriy Itfailing pidgriamfor' Strategic Iitelligence research'and analysis 25 Feb 54
units,teamsFA,FB, and FC.. :' ' : *-..
- :-'. .
(C) 33-0 "' ' ;Army trai6isg progrima for spectal foices'units' (U). '; ' 3 May54i
33-301 Army training program for psychological warfare'units. ; -_ 21 Oct- 54
41-200; ·' Ariijtrainifng prdgram fdr{Mlitary' Gdvernment service organizations 25 Feb;:54'
.' '' .. consistlng of: Milltary dovernment groups Military G''overnment
:: - ' "-.
' 'i. c'o'ptaniis'
o- . and' Mlitari0 Gove-n'metht'platoonsi.' ' : ;
Changes1 ..
44-200' Army training program for radio controlled airplane target detachment. 4 Oct 54'
r' I 'Changess1L - .-- :
44-300 * · A"Armjytraining pfbgram for antialrcraft bAttalioins:
' :; ', 24 Ja'i': 57'
Changes I
44-301' ': Airmytiraining pogrriinfdrheadquartersiandheadqu'artersbattery, Anti- 3 N6o 54t
'""*' aircraft Artillery'bfrigadesd h'eadquarters:and' headquarters battery, .
-' '- Antiaircraft Artillery groups; and Antialrcraft Artillery operations
!'' ' 'K'delthnfiuents '.- -.- '--.' . r; ,:; : : 1'."'':' -r
45-201 '- :' ' Aimitriiningprbgrahifoffield press'ceinsorshipdetachments. 6 Jul 154.
55-11 '''Transpoirtatibnmii6tdotransport
-: units. ;': : .q 30 Jun 58
55-57* ": Tan'hidrtattli
hitghlt-heliopter oompany':TOE65-557 Transportation 31 Dec 58
;- i' " ' iediumfhelicopter'comlpany TOE 55-58. :i: . :, '
55-75 Army training programi for Infafitry'd lviori:Transportation battalion. 16 Apr 58
:L. ,':· ' .,-'Chahges.I- 2*';
- : ! , '-
.':;.-: .',2'- i

55-111 Army training program for Transportation terminal'units. 17 Oct 58

55-201 .'- : 'Army training pirograin for'Traisportation railway uilts. 29 Ocf5ss'
55-203' : '" -Army training progra'm'irf'Transportation heavy boat'company. 9 Ma':5 4 r
Changesl . -. - r: . .'j . :
55-205 ' Army training program' for-Transportatlonibasb depot coinpany and 17 Nov-53E
Tfanisportation base'depot c6mpany:(type'B)':nd Supply. teams BB
': ' - andBD, LCLfreight;BEiandRBF,warehouse , ' :': ;
Changes -.
z i. r -i,.
55-206 ' .- .'. i'" Aimy'training programifor Transportation movement control teams LA 16 M'ai54'
..tliroughLF. ;- . ' :-' . ' ", .;;.' ' . - ; L
65-207 Army training program for Transportation intelligence ,tems HA and 16 Mar 54

55-307 ' Armjtrhinng program forTransportatibd harbor craft'compdny, Trans- 22 Mar 54'
portation supply team BA,'Transportation floating equipment crews
.'7 FA through FM, Transportation marine maintenarice' teams IB -
through-ID.; ' ' ' 3 : .- -
: : 'Changesl':.":': ' : :. ', . , * ':
55-308 i Ariny training program for Transpdrtation.boat battalion; headquarters 24-Mar 54
and headquarters company, Transportation: boat. battalion; and
- - ':! . Transportation bdat company. ' : ; , - ::
Changes 1
65-309 Army training piogrdm for Transportation boat maintenance battalion; 22 Mai.s54.
headquarters, headquarters and service company, Transportation
boat maintenance battalion; Transportation boat maintenance com-
'pany:. 'i.
Changes I
110-300 Army training program for headquarters. nd headquarters company, 10 May 54
logistical command, types A, B, and C.
145-1 Program of instruction for branch material units, Reserve O'flicers' 2 Jun 57
Training Corps.
Changes 1, 2, 3*
145-1-1 ' Curriculum branch tactics and techniques, Air Defense Artillery. 3 Apr 58
17 ATP and MTP


145-1-2 Curriculum branch tactics and techniques, Armor. 16 Jan 58

145-1-3 Curriculum branch tactics and techniques, Army Medical Service. 15 Apr 58
145-1-4 Curriculum branch tactics and techniques, Chemical Corps. 29 Dec 55
145-1-5 Curriculum branch tactics and techniques, Corps of Engineers. 30 Dec 55
145-1-6 Curriculum branch tactics and techniques, Field Artillery. 20 Mar 58
145-1-7 Curriculum branch tactics and techniques, Infantry. 3 Apr 58
145-1-8 Curriculum branch tactics and techniques, Military Police Corps. 30 Dec 55
145-1-9 Curriculum branch tactics and techniques, Ordnance Corps. 4 Jan 56
145-1-10 Curriculum branch tactics and techniques, Quartermaster Corps. 19 Jan 56
145-1-11 Curriculum branch tactics and techniques, Signal Corps. 16 Oct 58
145-1-12 Curriculum branch tactics and techniques, Transportation Corps. 23 Jun 58
145-2 Program of instruction for military schools (classes MI and MJC), Re- 18 Jul 57
serve Officers' Training Corps.
Changes 1*
145-3 Program of instruction for branch material summer training camps, 6 Mar 58
Changes 1
145-4 Program of instruction for junior division Reserve Officers' Training 19 Jun 57
Changes 1*
145-6 Program of instruction for general military science summer training 6 Mar 58
camps, ROTC.
Changes 1
145-55 Program of instruction for National Defense Cadet Corps. 3 Sep 57
Changes 1*
145-60 General military science curriculum for civilian and military colleges. 18 Jun 57
Changes 1, 2*

5. Army Subject Schedules (ASubjScd)


3-1 Organization, mission, functions, and employment of Chemical Corps 21 Feb 56

3-2 Chemical, biological, and radiological protection, and decontamination. 25 May 56
3-3 Employment of smoke. 30 Mar 56
3-4 Chemical supply. 2 Aug 56
3-5 Chemical services. 31 May 56
3-6 Chemical laboratory operations. 24 Aug 56
3-7 Chemical maintenance. 25 May 56
3-8 Chemical processing. 29 May 56
3-9 Flame thrower and fire bomb fuels. 28 Dec 55
3-10 Preparation and laying of Chemical land mines. 3 Feb 56
3-11 Chemical munitions and chemical agents. 16 Mar 56
3-12 Operations, chemical battalion and Chemical group (Field and 23 Apr 56
3-13 Administrative and overhead'personnel. 29 Jun 56
3-14 Chemical, biological,and radiological unit decontamination and protec- 28 May 56
tive shelters.
3-530 MOS technical training of Chemical Warfare helper MOS 530, Chemical 30 Jun 58
Changes 1
3-531 MOS technical training of decontamination specialist, MOB 531; decon- 5 Nov 57
tamination specialists.
3-532 MOS technical training of smoke generator specialists. 14 May 58
3-533 MOB technical training of Chemical equipment repairman, MOS 533. 22 Apr 58
3-534 MOS technical training of Chemical staff specialist, MOS 534. 30 Jun 58
3-761 MOS technical training of Chemical supply specialists, MOB 761. 22 Apr 58
3-771 MOB technical training of MOS 771, chemical parts specialist. 1 Nov 57
5-1 Engineer hand tools. 28 Jun 55
ASubjScd 18


5-2 Engineer ' ' ' 20 Jul '55

5-3 . Engineer heavy equipment. , - ' 28 Jun '55
54 . Engineer reconnaissance. - 2 Aug '55
5-5 Rigging. - i -24 Jun -55
5-6 - Explosives and demolitions (demolition of equipment and supplies). 30 Jun 55
5-7 - Fixed bridges. ' ' ' - .' - ' 25 Aug '55
5-8 Floatingbridges :15 . . Aug 55
5-9 Military construction (theater of operations construetion).i , 30 Jun. 55
5'10 ; -Military road and- airfield construction. . 29 Jun '55
5-12 Security of installations and work parties. ' ' 12'Aug 55
5-13 ' 'Fire fighting. ' 28'Jun 55
5-14 ' .' ' 'Organization, mission, functions, and capabilities of Engineer TOE units. 29 Jun '55
5-15 Assault river crossing. . .. - ,' . 28 Oct 55
5-114 MOS technical training of fire fighter. 11 Jun 56
5-350' :- 'MOS technical training of electrician helper and electrician training; 24 Oct 57
MOS 350.0, electrician's helper and MOS 355.1, electrician.
5-511 MOS technical training of carpenter, MOS 511.1; carpenter (heavy con- 28 Oct 57
' ;struction carpenter). ' -- .. .
5-512 - MOS technical training of rigger and structures specialist personnel; 4 Nov 57
MOS 512.1; rigger and senior rigger and MOS 512.2; structures spe-
.... e l:calist and senior structures specialist. -
5-513 MOS technical training of mason, MOS 513.1. : 24 Oct 58
5-514.1* MOS technical training of camouflage specialist;-MOS 514.1, camouflage 19 Dec 58
-. - ;- specialist. . ' - -
5-515 MOS technical training of pipeline specialist; MOS 515.1, pipeline,29.Sep 58
;: -;specialist. !- ' -- .L, l- ,-
5-516 MOS technical training of quarry machine operatorQMOS 516.1, quarry 3 Oct 58
machine operator and senior quarry machine operator ..
5-521.2 MOS technical training of heating and ventilating specialist; MOS 24 Oct 58
521.2, heating and ventilating specialist and senior heating and ven-
tilating specialist. -, . - -
5-522 _ MOS technical training of plumber. . 2 Oct 57
5-526 LL MOS technical training of water supply specialist. 25 Sep 58
5-610 ' MOS technical trainingof construction machine helper and construction 6 Nov 57
machine operator training,-MOS 610.0; construction'machine helper, -
~ : . MOS 612.1; air compressor operator, auger operator, power roller oper-
ator, tractor operator, grader operator, and motorized scraper operator.
6-611 -. ; - MOS technical training of crane shovel operator, MOS 611.1; crane 27 Sep 67
operator, hoist operator,.and piledriver operator, MOS -611.2; crane .
shovel operator. - : , :, -
5-613 MOS technical training of surfacing machine operator. 24 Oct 58
Changes 1
5-620* - MOS technical training of Engineer equipment maintenance helper; 19 Jan 59
MOS 620.0.
5-621* - MOS technical training of Engineer equipment mechanic; MOS 621.1. 19 Dec 58
5-623* - MOS technical training of diesel repairman; MOS 623.1, diesel repair- 19 Jan 59·
- man and senior diesel repairman.
5-810. .MOS technical training of general draftsman: MOS 810.0, general drafts- 29 Sep 68
5-811 . Army subject schedule for MOS of construction- 10 Nov 58
-. draftsman. : : v ;
5-813 MOS technical training of cartographic draftsman; MOS-813.1, Carto- 30 Sep 58
*..,:- . graphic draftsman and senior cartographic draftsman.-
5-820 MOS technical training of rodman and tapeman, MOS 820.0, rodman 25 Sep 58
and tapeman.
5-821* . - MOS technical- training of construction surveyor; MOS 821.1, con- 19 Dec 58
struction surveyor. - ., -
5-833- - MOS technical training of process photographer; MOSB 833.1 process 3 Apr 58
·. : c,: ;1.photographer,-MOS 833.2 senior process photographer.
5-834 - MOBOS,;technical training' of platemaker; .MOS 834.1 'platemaker, 12 Feb -58
-.. MOS 834.2 senibr platemakers--
19 ASubjScd


6-1 Care and handling of ammunition. 8 Aug 55

6-2 Air observer training. 14 Jul 55
6-3 Cannoneers' or rocketeers' instruction. 27 May 55
6-4 Combat intelligence. 24 Jun 55
6-5 Communication training for sections and platoons. 31 May 55
6-6* Communication exercises for Artillery units. 18 Feb 59
6-7 Duties of the battery recorder and computer. 23 Jun 55
6-8 Counterbattery operations. 14 Jun 55
6-9 Countermortar operations. 27 Jun 55
6-10 Countermortar and counterbattery radar. 16 Aug 55
6-11 Defense of Artillery position areas. 24 Jun 55
6-12 Field exercises. 7 Nov 55
6-13 Operation of fire direction center. 19 Aug 55
6-14 Fire support coordination. 27 May 55
6-15 Pack transportation. 15 Jul 55
6-16 Field Artillery instruments and duties of instrument operators. 28 Jun 55
6-17 Liaison. 20 Jul 56
6-19 Operation of unit airfield. 13 Jul 55
6-21 Operation of meteorological sections. 18 Aug 55
6-22 Conduct of observed fires. 24 Jun 55
6-23 Operation, adjustments, and maintenance of sound ranging Set GR-8. 29 Jun 55
6-24 Organization and duties of operations section, Field Artillery observa- 23 Jun 55
tion battalion.
6-25 Construction of sound ranging plotting charts. 2 Jun 55
6-27 Aircraft security and camouflage. . 14 Jul 55
6-29 Survey. 13 Jun 55
Changes 1
6-30 Umpiring and Aggressor forces. 31 May 55
6-31 Visibility charts. 26 May 55
6-32 Command post exercises. 26 Aug 55
6-33 Tactical employment of aircraft. 15 Aug 55
6-36 Care and use of wind measuring set AN/MMQ-1. 23 Jun 55
6-39 Organization, equipment, and employment of heavy rocket battery. 3 Aug 55
6-41. Organization, mission, and employment of Armored and Infantry units. 30 Jun 55
7-1 Organization, mission, and employment of regiment. 26 May 55
7-2 Rifle squad tactical training. 22 Aug 55
7-3 Weapons squad tactical training. 25 Aug 55
7-4 60-mm mortar squad tactical training. 17 Aug 55
7-5 57-mm recoilless rifle squad tactical training. 3 Aug 55
7-6 Machine gun squad tactical training. 16 Aug 55
7-7 81-mm mortar squad tactical training. .ZAaas 55
7-8 106-mm recoilless rifle squad tactical training. 15 Arug 55
7-9 Patrolling. 20 Jul 55
7-10 Browning automatic rifle caliber .30, M1918A2. 15 Jun 55
7-11 Advanced rifle and sniper training. 26 May 55
7-13 Machine gun caliber .50, HB, M2. 16 Aug 55
7-141 57-mm rifle M18. 2 Jun 55
7-15 105-mm rifle, M18 and M106-mm rifle, M40. 12 Aug 55
7-16 Mortar, 60-mm, M19. 9 Aug 55
7-17 Mortar, 81-mm, M1 and M29. 6 Oct 55
7-18 Portable flame thrower, M2A1. 17 Aug 55
7-19 Sniperscope and other infrared equipment. 7 Sep 55
7-20 Rifle squad tactical exercises. 28 Jun 55
7-21 Weapons squad tactical exercises. 29 Jun 55
7-22 57-mm recoilless rifle section tactical exercises. 29 Jun 55
7-23 60-mm mortar section tactical exercises. 22 Jun 55
7-24 Machine gun section tactical exercises. 12 Aug 55
7-25 81-mm mortar section tactical exercises. 29 Jun 55
7-26 106-mm recoilless rifle section tactical exercises. 29 Aug 55
7-27 Heavy mortar squad tactical exercises. 23 Jun 55
7-28 Company fire control sets. 29 Jun 55
7-29 Machine guns M1917A1 and M1919A6, combined training. 8 Sep 55
7-30 Rifle platoon tactical exercises. 15 Jul 55
1 No stocks-do not requisition.
ASubjScd 20



7-31 Machine gun platoon tactical exercises. ' 28 Jun -55

7-32 81-mm mortar platoon tactical exercises. 3 Aug- 55
7-33 106-mm recoilless rifle platoon tactical exercises ' : 12 Jul 55
7-34; Heavy mortar platoon tactical exercises: ' - 17 Aug 55
7-356 Construction and maintenance of tough bridges and road blocks; 29 Nov-55
7-36 Observation posts and fire control, heavy weapons company. 25 Aug 55
7-37 Heavy weapons company, unit organization and emnployment. 24 Jun 55
7-38 Heavy weapons company tactical movements. ' ' 18 Aug 55
7-39 Heavy weapons company; reconnaissance, selection,'and occupation of 29 Jun 55
- positions. ·
7-40 - Rifle company tactical exercises. 16 Aug 55
7-41 Heavy weapons company tactical exercises. ' . · -20 Jul 55
7-42 Heavy mortar company tactical exercises. ' ' 12 Jul -55
7-43. Signal communications, heavy weapons company. ' ' 4 Jan 56
7-44 : Observer training: Heavy mortar company. ' 28Oct- 55
7-45 - Survey training, heavy mortar company. ' ' 26 Jan '56
7-46 . Fire direction center training: Heavy mortar company. 7 Nov 55
7-48 Intelligence squad exercises. - 17 Nov 55
7-49 Pioneer and ammunition platoon;exercises. 27 Sep- -55
7-51 Airborne proficiency. 25 Nov'55
7-52 - Heavy-dr6p techniques. ' i- - · ' ' 21 Mar'56
7-53- · Drop zone assembly, day. ' ' ' ' .; ' ' 12 Aug 55
7-54 Drop zone assembly, night. ' ' 15 Nov 55
8-1 · Organization and functions of Medical Service-unfts. : ' 22 Nov 55
8-2 . Unit organization, mission, and functions-(the' Army'-Medical Service). 25 Nov 55
8-3 . Nomenclature, care, and maintenance of equipment. 24 Feb 56
8-4 Procurement and issue of supplies. 18 Jan 56
8-5 Section reports and records. -' · 12 Mar 56
8- - Functional packing, loading, and unloading of section eqhipment. 4 Jan 56
8-7 . Heavy tent pitching. ' 13 Jan '56
8-8 . Area Sanitation. 8 Mar 56
8-9 ' Selection anld ccupatlon of unit site. ' '' '' 7 Mar 56
8-10 2Displacement by echelon. 9 Mar 56
8-11 ; Convoy organization and controi. i ' . 2 Feb 56
8-12 * Medical units technical and'administrative training.. ;' '- - 20 Mar 56
8-13 - Medical units tactical exercises. -' ' 8 Mar'5$
8-084 MOS technical training of veterinary specialist MOS 084.1: 3 Jul '58
8-o106 MOS training of MOS codes 715.10 and 715.20'(Medical records clerk). 1 Jul "57-
8;113 · MOS technical training of MOS 913.10 and 913.20 operating room specialist. 22 Aug 57
8-115 MOS technical training Of MOS 915.10 and 915.20 clinical psychology 21 Jun 57
A~--2 ~ specialist. '
8-123-, MOS technical training ofoccupatibnal therapy specialist (MOS 923.1 2 Jul 57
and 923.2). -
8-452 MOS technical training of dental laboratory specialist (MOS 452.1 and 18 Apr 58
-a 452;2).
8-767 MOS technical training of medical sufipply specialist '(MOS 767.10). 7 Apr 58
8-910 MOS technical training of Medical corpsman, MOS 910. '' . 3 Apr 58
8-911: MOS technical trainingof MOS 91i1 0 and 911'20 medical' specialist. 21 Apr 58
8-914. MOS technical training of neuropsychiatric" specialist: MOS 914.10 30 Jun 58
neuropsychiatric specialist; MOS 914.20 neuropsychiatric specialist;
~- '" MOS 914-30 electroencephalographic specialist:
8-916' MOS technical training of social work specialist,' MOS 916.10andl916.20. 21 Apr 58
8-917 MOS technical training of dental specialist, MOS 917.1 and 917.2. 16 Apr 58
8-921u:i MOS technical training of physical therapy specialist (MOS code 921.1); 16 Apr 58:
8-922k MOS technical training- of physical reconditioning '"speeialist MOS 24 Jun 58
L ', '- 922.1. *
8:933 . MOS technical training of preventive niedicine specialist MOS 933.1; 19 Jun 58
.: medicine specialist- . .... -
8:934 MOS technical training of food' inspection specialist; MOS 934.1 and 17 Apr 58
q. . 934.2. ; -' .
8-935 MOS technical training of X-ray specialist MOS 935.1 and -935.2. 1 Apr 58
9:1 Practical application, conimand and olerations personnel. 30 Nov 55
9-2 : Practical application, administrative and overhead personnel. 25 Nov 55
9-3 Practical application, unit motor maintenance personnel. . - 19,Jan- 56
21 ASubjScd


9-4 Practical application, Ordnance general supply personnel. 16 Dec 55

9-5 Practical application Ordnance maintenancepersonnel. 6 Jan 56
9-6 Practical application, ammunition personnel. 4 Jun 56
9-7 Preventive maintenance. 23 Nov 55
9 8 Technical assistance service. 25 Nov 55
9-9 Small unit defense. 14 Nov 55
9-10 Ordnance supply. 30 Sep 55
9-11 Shop operations. 7 Nov 55
9-12 Ammunition. 6 Oct 55
9-13 Preparation for field operations. 22 Nov 5H
9-14 Basic combat training. 23 Nov 55
9-15 Vehicle operation and familiarization. 16 Dec 55
9-16 Practical application, Ordnance units (advanced unit training). 23 Mar 56
9-17 Unit operations. 8 Nov 55
9-18 Unit displacement, Ordnance units of the field Army. 8 Nov 55
9-19 Unit displacement; Ordnance service type units. 15 Nov 55
9-102 MOS technical training in basic Ordnance maintenance. 24 Sep 54
9-115 MOS technical training in technical automotive training. 18 Oct 54
9-158 MO S technical training of recovery specialist; MOS 633.1 recovery spe- 4 Oct 56
10-1 Army supply system. 2 Jun 55
10-2 Organization, mission, and functions of Quartermaster Corps; organiza- 31 May 55
tion and mission of Quartermaster unit and unit organizational equip-
10-3 Quartermaster supply and service in theater of operations. 16 Nov 55
10-4 Organization and mission of Quartermaster nondivisional units. 31 May 55
10-5 Subsistence supply. 9 Nov 55
10-6 Bakery operations. 18 Nov 55
10-7 Clothing, equipment, and general supplies. 25 Jan 56
10-8 Petroleum supply. 15 Aug 55
10-9 Field maintenance. 17 Jan 56
10-10 Depot maintenance. 6 Jan 56
10-11 Bathing and clothing exchange operations. 6 Sep 55
10-12 Laundry operations. 25 Jan 56
10-13 Quartermaster mobile refrigeration. 17 Feb 56
10-14 Parts supply. 16 Nov 55
10-15 Salvage operations. 9 Nov 55
10-16 Graves registration. 4 Nov 55
10-17 Labor supervision. 18 Aug 55
10-19 Depot operations. 16 Jan 56
10-21 Quartermaster sales company operations. 25 Nov 55
10-100 MOS technical training of supply clerk MOO 760.0; supply clerk. 24 Jul 57
10-102 MOS technical training of cook; first cook MOS 941.10. 26 Jun 57
10-105 MOS technical training of supply handler: MOS 550.0; supply handler 1 Aug 57
and packer and crater.
10-111 MOS technical training of general supply specialist MOS 768.10: 12 Aug 57
senior supply clerk: MOS 768.20: armorer.
10-462.1 MOS technical training of canvas and leather repairman. 28 Jul 58
10-462.2 MOS technical training of shoe repairman, MOS 460.0 shoe repair 11 Jul 58
helper, MOS 462.2 shoe repairman and senior shoe repairman.
10-463 MOS technical training of Quartermaster equipment repairman. 28 Jul 58
10-546 MOS technical training of laundry and impregnation specialist. 16 Jul 58
10-547 MOS technical training of graves registration specialist. 2 Jul 58
10-551 MOS technical training of general warehouseman (MOS 551-10, ware- 30 Jun 58
house specialist).
10-552 MOS technical training of petroleum storage specialist. 21 Apr 58
10-553 MOS technical training of subsistence storage specialist and subsistence 5 May 58
supply specialist, MOS 553.10.
Changes 1
10-942 MOS technical training of MOS 942.10 meat cutter, MOB 942.2 senior 10 Jul 58
meat cutter.
10-943 MOS technical training of bread baker, MOS 943.10. 21 Apr 58
11-3 Division photographic section. 22 Mar 56
11-4 Message centers and message center operations. 15 Oct 56
ASubjScd 22


11-7 Construction platoons. - 29 Jun 56

11-9-. ' Power-sections. -2 Jul 56
11-10 Photographic sections and tearms. 11 Oct 56
11-11 Teletype operations platoons. : 29 Jun 56
11-12 Telephone operations platoons. - '.. ' 29 Jun 56
11-15 Light aviation sections and teams. I 28 Jun 56
11-28 : Field exercises. . - 28 Feb 56
11-29 Command post exercises. 7 16 Dec 55
11-050, .: MOS technical training of MOS 050 low speed radio operator and MOS 6 Aug 58
-~ ' ' 051 intermediate speed radio operator. C
11-106 -MOB technical training of MOS 293; radio relay and carrier operator. 21 Mar 57
11-107; ' MOS technical training of MOS'310; field communication .crewman. 25 Mat 57
(CM).11-108 'L MOS technical training of -MOBS 203; VT fuse' countermeasure 18 Feb 57
operator (U).
11-320 Wireman and lineman;-MOS 320 wiremian, MOS 321 lineman. 7 Aug 58
11-323 - MOS technical training of telephone installer repairman; MOS 323. 2 Apr 58
11-720* - MOS technical training of MOS 720,.comimunications clerk and MOS 30 Dec '58
'~ 721, conmunications center specialist.
11-723*; ': ' MOS 723, teletypewriter operator. -' i. 30 Dec '58
12-1 The military band. . ' 25 Jun 56
12-2 . Army-Air Force postal service, organization and'functions. 28 Sep' 56
12-3 . :-!. Machine records unit operations. .; . - 9 Oct. 56
12-4 . · Special services'company., - - 25 Sep 56
12-100 MOS technical training of administrative personnel MOS 710; clerk. 29 Mar 57
12-101 ' MOS,.teehnical training of administrative personnel MOS 711; clerk 27 Mar 57
typist. : . ' , :
12-103 ' Mos technical training of administrative personnel-MOS 716; per- 21 Jun, 57
'-. . isonnel specialist. .
12-104" MOS technical training of administrative personnel MOS 717; admin- 21 Jun' 57
istrative specialist. -
12-106 ' MOS technical training of machine accounting personnel, MOS 750; 25 Sep 57
machine accounting clerk. . ''
12-107 - MOS technical training of key punch operator MOS 751. 21 Jun 57
12-108 "- MOS technical training of personnel accounting specialist MOS 752. 9 Aug 57
12-109 . MOS technical training of inachine accounting specialist -MOS 753. 30 Aug 57
12-112 ' MOS technical training of recruiting specialist MOB 075; recruiting 23 Aug 57
specialist. -
12-114 - MOS technical training of administration'personnel, MOS 712; stenog- 21 Jun 67
-- " ' * rapher.
12-714* MOS technical training of postal personnel MOS 714.1, postal clerk, 27 Jan 59
MOS 714.2, principal'postal clerk. - - -
16-718. -: tMOS technical training of chaplain's assistant MOSB 718.1. 3 Apr 58
17-1 ' ' Marches and'bivouacs. ' ' - -Jan 56
17-2 · Recognition of enemy armor. . - 11 Aug -55
17-3 Scouting and patrolling. - i 2 Feb 56
17-4 ' Vehicles,'driving and maintenance, tank. ' ' 22 Aug 55
17-5 Route and assembly area reconnaissance. ' - 2- ' 5
17-6' Organization and mess sanitation in the field. 7 Oct 55
17-7 Tactlcal training of the counterfire squad. - -18 Aug 55
17-8 Command and command'maintenance inspections. 12 Aug 55
17-9' . Interphone, tank. \ - 22 Aug 55
17-10 :Radio nets. ; : ; ''' 12 Aug 55
17-11: ' Radio operation and maintenance.- 16 Nov 55
17-12 Turret familiarizatibn.. 6 Jan. 56
17-13 Mechanical training tank gun. 13-Aug 55
17-14 - Maintenance of fighting compartment. 3 Aug 55
.17-15 Power traverse and elevation. 3 Aug 55
17-16 Tank gun ammunition. ' 10 Aug 55
17-17 Direct fire sights. 16 Nov 55
17-18 7Aunxiliary fire'control equipment. 29 Aug 55
17-19 Range finder M12 or T46E1. 18 Aug 55
17-20 -- Binoculars'and milofrmula. - 27 Jinm -55
17-21 - Range determination. 18 Aug-55
17-22-'.' Crew drill. - 18 Aug 55
17-23 Conduct of fire. 19 Aug 55
23 ASubjScd


17-24 4.2 inch mortar qualification. 16 Aug 55

17-25 Aiming circle. 30 Jun 55
17-26 76-mm gun familiarization. 26 Oct 55
17-27 Single tank in defilade. 28 Jun 55
17-28 Combat in cities. 29 Sep 55
17-29 Scout training. 27 Jun 55
17-34 Tank platoon tactical training. 10 Aug 55
17-35 Tank company tactical exercises. 29 Sep 55
17 36 Reconnaissance platoon and company tactical exercises. 17 Nov 55
17-37 Rifle squad, reconnaissance platoon, reconnaissance company (basic 3 Oct '55
unit training).
17-38 Support squad, reconnaissance platoon, reconnaissance company (basic 18 Aug 55
unit training).
17-39 Scout section, reconnaissance platoon, reconnaissance company (basic 30 Nov 55
unit training).
17-40 Tank section, reconnaissance platoon, reconnaissance company (basic 7 Oct 55
unit training).
17-41 Army maintenance systems and field maintenance programs. 8 Aug 55
17-42 Army supply systems and field supply problems. 31 May 55
17-43 Organization, functions and location of administrative center. 16 Nov 55
17-44 Reconnaissance, selection, and organization of unit airfield. 7 Sep 55
17-45 Rifle platoon, Armored Infantry battalion, firing and tactics. 27 Oct 55
17-46 Armored Infantry rifle company tactics. 16 Aug 55
17-47 Command post security. 16 Aug 55
17-49 Tactical exercises, reinforced tank battalion. 6 Oct 55
17-50 Reconnaissance battalion tactical exercises advanced unit training phase. 9 Nov 55
17-54 Armored Infantry battalion tactical exercises. 15 Aug 55
17-55 4.2 inch mortar platoon tactical training. 3 Oct 55
17-56 Tactical exercises for 81-mm mortar platoon. 21 Nov 55
17-57 Pioneering, demolitions, and explosives. 8 Mar 56
19-1 Organization, function, and mission of the Military Police Corps. 6 Jan 56
19-2 Honor guards. 17 Jan 56
19-3 Traffic control. 29 Jun 56
19-4 Prisoner of war operations. 26 Jun 56
19-5 Operation of confinement facilities. 9 Jan 56
19-6 Riot control. 28 Dec 55
19-7 Straggler control. 5 Jan 56
19-8 Refugee control. 17 Jan 56
19-9 Town patrol. 17 Jan 56
19-10 Raids. 13 Jan 56
19-11 Military police emergency operations. 16 Jan 56
19-12 Shotgun, riot type. 13 Jan 56
19-13 Security of military installations. 18 Jan 56
19-14 Security of vital installations. 13 Jan 56
19-15 Train and station patrol. 18 Jan 56
19-16 Escort and security of VIP's. 16 Jan 56
19-17 Operation of division dismount point. 2 Feb 56
19-18 Operational training military police detachment (CI). 10 May 56
19-19 Leadership and discipline. 18 Jan 56
19-20 Formal guard mount. 16 Jan 56
19-21 Military Police communications. 16 Mar 56
19-22 Platoon tests and company problem, Military Police company. 2 Feb 56
19-23 Operational training, Military Police escort guard company and 8 Mar 56
Military Police guard company.
19-24 Operational training, Military Police company, post, camp, or 12 Mar 56
19-25 Operational training, Military Police prisoner of war processing 8 May56
19-26 Squad and platoon operational training, and platoon and company 18 Jan 56
tactics, Military Police Security company.
19-27 Operational training, Military Police battalions. 11 Apr 56
19-100 MOS technical training of military policemen, MOS 1677-military 12 Mar 54
police supervisor, MOS 4677-military policemen (for use in connec-
tion with MOS training for all components of the Army and to support
Army training programs).
ASubjScd 24


19-102 MOS technical training of security guard MOS 950. ' 14 Mar 57
19-952 MOS technical training for the confinement specialist, MOS 952. 27 Jun 58
21-1 Concealment and camouflage. '30 Jun 55
21-2 Drills and ceremonies. *. - -' 8 Sep -55
21-3 Field sanitation. ' ' 1Dec- 55
21-4- First aid. - 14 Jan' 57
21-5 Guard duty. '. * 21 Nov 55
21-6 Individual protective measures against-atomic, chemical, biological -7 Oct 57
and radiological attacks.
21-7 Intelligence training. - - 23Jan 56
Changes 1
21-8 Maintenance, supply, economy, and-cost-censciousness 7 Sep 55
21-9 Maps, compass, and aerial photograph reading: elementary sketching. 17 Nov 55
21-10 - Military:justice. ' ' 27 Nov 56
21-11 Personal hygiene. 17 Nov 55
21-131 Signal communications, elementary. ' 6 Dec--55
21-14 Military courtesy and customs. - 29 Aug 55
21-15: The law. of land warfare; Geneva Conventions of 1949 relative to treat- 16 Jan 57
- ment of prisoners of war; code of conduct. '
21-16 . .Anti-infiltration anid antiguerrilla warfare training. - 29 Sep 55
21-17 Inspections. . '' '' 29 Aug 55
21-18 Defense against aircraft and armor. - '. ' r= 18 Aug 55
21-19 Field fortifications. ' ' -- 'i ; - ; ' 20 Jul 55
21-20' Individual day and night training.- '- 30 Juni 55
21-22 Marches and bivouacs. .- - 5 Jul:- 55
21-23 -.Land mine-warfare (mines and booby traps). - . '- 18 Aug 55
21-24 Night firing and night vision.. i 6 Jul -55
21-25 Rifle squad tactical training.- ' . . .: 28 Jun 55
21-26 · Squad patrolling. * : - - Jul -55
21-28 Bayonet. - ' 29Aug 55
21-29' Hand and-rifle grenades; '.. -. . . ' 131 May 55
Changes 1
21-30 3.5 rocket launcher M20AI and M20A1BI. -- 3 Oct -55
21-31 U. S. rifle, caliber .30, M1.' - - - 28 Sep1 55
21-32 Carbine caliber .30, Ml; MIAI, M2, and M3. ' ' 14 Jun 55
21-33 Pistol, automatic, caliber .45, M1911 and M1911A. .F 20 Jul- 55
21-34 Submachine gun caliber .45 M3 and M3A.: ' - - - 7 Nov-55
21-35 Browning machine gun, caliber .30 M1919A4 and 'M1919A6. 29 Aug 55
30-1- . Organization, mission, function, and capabilities of Counterintelligence 25 Jan 56
Corps detachments with tactical organizations.
30-2-'' Peculiarities of eastern warfare. -' 18 Jani 56
30-3 Organization, mission, and function of military intelligence units. 6 Oct 55
30-4 ' Organization, mission, and capabilities of military intelligence specialist 30 Sep' 55
teams. ' ; ,. - . - i
30-5 Military censorship teams. P 5 Jan' 56
30-6 Sources of information available to strategic' intelligence research 23 Feb 56
and analysis units. 'I
30-7 Message center and coimmunications security: '- ' 11 May 56
30-9 - Combat intelligence;' - - '' 13 Mar 56
30-10 Counterintelligence. - ' ' - 9 Feb 56
30-11 ' Tactical terrain studies. ' : 16 Janz 56
30-14 . -Military intelligence specialists. - - 23 Feb 56
30-15 -Advanced map-and photograph reading. ' 1 Dec 55
30-16 Command post exercise. .v 30 Nov 55
30-17 Strategicrintelligence research and analysis;.'. - : *' 21 Feb- 56
30-19 Document examination (unit training). 15 Mar 56
30-20 ' Intelligence analysis. ; ' 2,' Jab 56
30-21 Investigative photography. ' -i- 8 May56
30-22 Confidential funds. '. ' i ;, ·- 17 Nov 55
30-23 Informants. - - - 23 Jan 56
30-24:' Practical application and legal aspects of lieidetector (polygraph) and 19 Jan"' 56
soundhfecorder utilization. '
-30-25 ! Report writing ( 15 Mar 56
30-26 ' Arctic warfaie. -- ' 16 Dec 55
25 ASubjScd


30-28 Counter Intelligence Corps with division in attack and defense. 17 Feb 56
30-29 Counter Intelligence Corps field equipment. 17 Nov 55
30-31 Domestic disturbances. 16 Jan 56
30-32 Fingerprinting. 13 Mar 56
34-33 Identification of eastern forces (unit training). 15 Mar 56
30-34 Intelligence agencies of eastern forces. 12 Mar 56
30-36 Operation of general and special staffs. 2 Dec 55
30-37 Organization of the Army. 23 Nov 55
30-38 Population control. 16 Jan 56
30-52 Security of military personnel. 29 May 56
30-53 CIC in maneuvers. 1 Jun 56
30-54 Port counterintelligence operations. 1 Jun 56
30-55 Intelligence agencies of the United States. 29 May 56
30-56 Travel security. 1 Jun 56
30-57 Investigative law. 29 May 56
30-58 General investigations. 1 Jun 56
30-60 Counterespionage. 31 May 56
30-62 Surveillance. 29 May 56
30-63 Observation and description. 29 May 56
30-64 Defense against methods of entry. 27 Jun 56
30-65 Collection and preservation of evidence. 31 May 56
30-66 Liaison procedures. 1 Jun 56
33-1 Introduction to psychological warfare. 28 Nov 58
33-2 Propaganda. 11 May55
33-3 Staff organization for psychological warfare. 16 Dec 55
33-4 Organization, mission, functions and capabilities of psychological war- 17 Nov 55
fare units.
33-5 Principles of intelligence for psychological warfare. 14 May 56
33-6 Use of radio in psychological warfare. 17 Jan 56
33-7 Use of leaflets in psychological warfare. 19 Jan 56
33-8 Use of loudspeakers in psychological warfare. 17 Nov 55
33-9 Consolidation operations. 6 Jan 56
33-11 Anti-infiltration and antiguerilla training. 22 Jun 56
33-12 Use and training of indigenous personnel. 5 Jan 56
33-13 Radio broadcasting and communications operations. 23 Jul 56
33-14 Reproduction operations. 11 May 56
33-15 Loudspeaker and motion picture operations. 29 Jun 56
33-16 Press, newspaper, publication and distribution operations. 29 Jun 56
33-17 Printed media and display operations. 30 Oct 58
33-18 Psychological warfare units; field exercises. 29 Jun 56
(C) 33-20 Air and amphibious operations (U). 27 Jul 56
33-21 Airborne training and operations. 23 May 56
(C) 33-22 Clandestine and intelligence operations (U). 27 Jul 56
(C) 33-23 Communications (U). 27 Jul 56
33-24 Fielderaft and survival. 24 May 56
(C) 33-25 Guerrilla tactics (U). 27Jul 56
(C) 33-26 Methods of instructing indigenous personnel (U). 27 Jul 56
(C) 33-27 Organization and development of guerrilla forces (U). 27 Jul 56
(C) 33-28 Sabotage (U). 27 Jul 56
33-29 Weapons (including foreign weapons). 28 May 56
33-31 Operations techniques of other arms. 22 Jun 56
(C) 33-33 Special forces operations exercises (U). 27 Jul 56
(C) 33-34 Joint exercise (U). 27 Jul 56
33-35 Small boat training. 28 Jun 56
41-1 History of Civil Affairs/Military Government. 1Jun 56
41-2 Rules of land warfare and CAMG courts. 29 May 56
41-3 U. S. policies concerning CAMG. 15 Aug 56
g/41-4 Reorganization and functions of the Army. 20 Aug 56
41-5 Organization and functioning of civil affairs and military govern- 29 Jun 56
ment units.
41-6 Principles of government. 16 Aug 56
41-7 CAMG functional operations. 23 Aug 56
41-8 Office organization and administrative planning. 15 Aug 56
41-9 Operations in the wake-of-combat. 31 May 56
500060°-59 4
ASubjScd 26
MINO. ",. -TITLE . j.:DATE

41-10. - Command post exercises '. - 1 MayS7

41-11 Leadership. : 21 Aug 56
44-1 Antiaircraft artillery information service. 17 Nov 55
44-2 .. Recognition of aircraft and armor. 9 Nov 55
44-3. Organization and employment ofAntiaircraft artillery.- 3 Oct 55
44-4 - Command post exercises. - . : -. . 16 Dec 55
44-5 - Reconnaissance, selection, and occupation of position: 3 Aug 55
44-6 - Antiaircraft artillery gunnery control. . 10 Nqv 55
44-7.. Decontamination and destruction. . 17 Feb 56
44-9 - Cover and movement. "- , · 17 Jan' 56
44-12 Target practice procedures (basic unit training phase).: ' 18 Aug 55
44-13 I AAA in a Field Artillery role. :. . 11 May56
44-14. , 40-mm gun squad training (basic unit training phase). 18 Aug 55
44-15 75-mm gun section basic unit training phase. 29 Feb 56
44-16 ,*- 90-mm and 120-mm gun section training. . 27 Mar 56
44-17 - Machine gun section and squad. . ; - 18 Nov 55
44-19 . Fire control platoon equipped with antiaircraftfire control system M33 10 Aug 55
, -~
-. unit training phase).
44-21-- Operation and intelligence section training (basic unit training phase). 19 Jan 56
44-22 Use of compass, binoculars, and stereoscope. - ., 9 Feb 56
44-24 - Plotting equipment. - ' 23 Jun 55
44-26 Ground aircraft observers (basic unit training phase). -. , 9 Mar 56
44-26 ' Radar section training for:units equipped with AN/TPS-1D. 2 Mar 56
44-30 ,, AAA ammunition. . - I , 10 May56
44-31 - - Safety (fire control-platoon; gun platoon; section, and squad) (advanced 23 Jun 55
:unit training phase).
44-100 MOS technical training of AAA gun crewman (MOS 162.1). 27 Sep 56
655-1 Subject schedule for organization, mission, functions, and capabilities of 1 Apr 55
. Transportation Corps TOE units. - - '
55-2 The military driver and the motor pool. ., ' ' .. ' ' 29 Aug 55
55-3 . - Loads and loading military vehicles. -. 3 Jun' 55
55-4.. . Organization, mission, and functions of Transportation offices in theater 28 Jun 55
of operations. ' - .
56-5. - - Organization, capabilities, and limitationsof transport services. 28 Jun 55
55-6 ;-, Movement control in theater of operations. 21 Nov 55
55-7 Transportation service. - 26 May 55
55-8 . Marine maintenance: . 12 Jan' 56
655-9 ,, Fundamentals of movement control-in'theaters of operation. 29 Aug 55
55-10. . Collection of Transportation intelligence. . 17 Jan' 56
655-11 - - Orientation of vessel personnel., - - , 24 Jun 55
55-12 Ship's nomenclature and vessel types. - : 28 Jun 55
55-13, Marlinspike seamanship. , . .. :. .. 29 Aug 55
55-14 . Transportation intelligence. - , , - 6 Oct 55
55-15 - Shipboard emergency drills. .- -:; 29 Sep 55
55-16, Piloting and navigation. 25 Nov 55
55-17, .,. Vessel operations-deck department. i : 14 Nov 55
55-20 Vessel tows and towing. - - . 14 Nov 55
55-21 Landing craft operations. . - 7 Oct 55
55-22 - Marine communications. . 18 Nov '55
55-23 - - Staging areas. - , - , 29 Sep. 55
55-25 , Water terminal operations. :. - 4 Oct 55
'655-26 . Cargo documentation. i: 23 Nov 55
55-27 Freight (cargo) handling. 11 Jan 56
55-28 - Highway transport operations. ' 21 Nov 55
55-29 ·Beach operations. , . 30 Sep;. 55
55-30 ,. * Organization and operation ofTransportation and unit typemotor pools. 7 Sep 55
55-31. · Amphibious truck control and operation. - 17 Jul 56
55-32 .. Highway regulationI and traffic control. 22 Nov 55
55-33 . .· Organization of theaters of operations. 12 A'ug 55
55-34 Movement by rail. 7 Sep 55
55-35, * Motor marches and convoys. ; ,. 21 Nov 55
27 ATT
6. Army Training Tests (ATT)



1-7 Division aviation company. 10 Nov 58
1-207 Army aviation operating detachment (TOE 1-207). 20 May 58
3-1 Chemical company, decontamination (TOE 3-217). 16 Dec 55
3-2 Chemical depot company (T/O&E 3-67). 28 Feb 51
3-6 Headquarters and headquarters detachment, Chemical battalion 14 Jul 65
(TOE 3-36R).
3-7 Chemical maintenance company (T/OE 3-47A or T/OE 3-47B). 22 Nov 54
3-8 Chemical company (processing) (TOE 3-77). 10 Jan 56
3-9 Headquarters and headquarters detachment, Chemical battalion 7 Jul 55
(smoke generator) (TOE 3-226R).
3-10 Chemical company (smoke generator) (TOE 3-267C). 8 Dec 55
3-97 Chemical laboratory (TOE 3-97). 22 Jul 58
3-500 Chemical service organization (TOE 3-500D). 17 Nov 58
5-1 Instructions for the conduct of Army training tests for Corps of 22 Oct 58
Engineers TOE units.
Changes 1*
5-2 Engineer ponton bridge company (T/O&E 5-139). 21 Jul 53
5-3 Engineer topographic battalion (army) (T/O&E 5-55). 8 Oct 53
5-4 Engineer camouflage company (T/O&E 5-97). 9 May 51
5-5 Engineer field maintenance company (T/O&E 5-157). 2 Oct 53
5-6 Engineer topographic company (corps) (T/O&E 5-167). 10 Aug 53
5-7 Engineer construction battalion (T/O&E 5-315A). 2 Oct 53
5-8 Engineer dump truck company (T/O&E 5-324). 10 Aug 53
5-9 Engineer base map depot company (T/O&E 5-344). 2 Oct 53
5-10 Engineer base reproduction company (T/O&E 5-347-A). 10 Aug 53
5-11 Engineer base survey company (T/O&E 5-348). 10 Aug 53
5-12 Engineer aviation battalion (T/O&E 5-415A). 16 Nov 53
5-13 Engineer combat battalion (divisional) (T/O&E 5-15). 29 Oct 53
5-14 Armored Engineer battalion (T/O&E 5-215). 2 Oct 53
5-15 Engineer combat battalion (army) (T/O&E 5-35). 10 Aug 53
5-16 Airborne Engineer battalion (T/O&E 5-255A). 15 Feb 54
5-17 Airborne Engineer company (TOE 5-227). 16 Dec 55
5-19 Engineer parts depot company (TOE 5-279). 23 Jan 56
5-20 Engineer water supply company (T/O&E 5-67A). 11 Aug 53
5-21 Engineer supply point company (T/O&E 5-48). 2 Oct 53
5-22 Engineer depot company (T/O&E 5-267A). 2 Oct 53
5-23 Engineer base photomapping company (T/O&E 5-349). 10 Aug 53
5-24 Engineer port construction company (T/O&E 5-329). 16 Nov 53
5-25 Engineer pipeline company (T/O&E 5-237A). 8 Oct 53
5-26 Engineer light equipment company (T/O&E 5-367). 8 Oct 53
5-28 Engineer heavy equipment company (T/O&E 5-328). 13 Aug 53
5-29 Headquarters and headquarters company, Engineer construction 13 Aug 53
group (T/O&E 5-312).
5-30 Headquarters and headquarters company, Engineer combat group 14 Aug 53
(T/O&E 5-192A).
5-31 Headquarters and headquarters company, Engineer aviation group 10 Aug 53
(T/O&E 5-412A).
5-33 Headquarters and headquarters detachment, Engineer depot 1 Sep 53
battalion (T/O&E 5-266).
5-35 Headquarters and headquarters company, Engineer base topo- 1 Sep 53
graphic battalion (T/O&E 5-346).
5-35-1 The Engineer combat battalion, Army. 22 Oct 58
5-36 Headquarters and headquarters company, Engineer brigade (T/ 4 Aug 53
O&E 5-301A).
5-37 Engineer float bridge company (T/O&E 5-138). 5 Aug 53
5-39 Engineer panel bridge company (T/O&E 5-137). 13 Aug 53
5-40 Engineer forestry company (T/O&E 5-387A). 13 Aug 53
5-41 Engineer depot maintenance company (T/O&E 5-278A). 8 Oct 53
5-42 Headquarters and headquarters company, Engineer maintenance 8 Oct 53
and supply group (T/O&E 5-262).
5-95 Engineer camouflage battalion (army) (T/O&E 5-95). 8 Oct 53
ATT 28



6-1 Field Artillery howitzer or gun battery. - 17 Jun 53
Changes 1 (U), 2 (S).
6-2 Field Artillery battalion firing. 28 Feb 51
Changes 1
6-4 Field Artillery observation battalion. - 11 Jun. 54
6-5 Light and medium Field Artillery battalions. 27 Mar 56
6-6 Field Artillery searchlight battery. 31 Dec 52
(CM) 6-8 Field Artillery battalion, 280-mm gun (U)
Changes 1 (CM), 2 (8) . 29 Nov 54
6-9 Airborne light field artillery batteries. - 17 Feb 56
(C) 6-10 Field Artillery missile battalion CORPORAL (U). 13 Dec 56
Changes 2 (S)
6-11 Field Artillery-battalion, 762-mm rocket. 7 Dec 56
Changes 1 (S) ..
6-12 . Field Artillery battalions, 156-mm gun. - 29Jul 57
6-13 Field Artillery battery, 105-mm howitzer.(ROCID). 13 Sep 57
6-14 Mortar battery, battle group, Infantry and Airborne battle group, 13 Sep 57
Infantry. -,
6-15 Field Artillery battalions, ROCID. 13 Sep 57
6-16 Field Artillery battalions, 8-inch howitzer. 13 Sep 57
Changes 1.(S) -
6630 Field artillery missile group, Redstone. 28 Oct 58
7-1 81-mm mortar platoon armored Infantry battalion (T/O&E 7-26). 28 Feb: 51
7-4 * Armored Infantry Battalion (TOE 7-25). 13 Jun '56
7-5 Counterfire platoon, headquarters company, Infantry regiment 23 May51
(T/O&E 7-12N).
Changes 1-
7-6 Support company, airborne Infantry regiment (T/O&E 7-34). 17 May 51
Changes 1
7-7 , Intelligence and reconnaissance platoon, headquarters company, 17 May51
Infantry regiment (T/O&E 7-12N).
- Changes 1 -
7-8 * * Antitank mine platoon, headquarters, headquarters company, In- 17 May51
fantryregiment . -
Changes 1---. : . -. . -
7-9 Security platoon,- headquarters- company, Infantry -regiment 6 Jul: 54
(T/O&E-7-12). .. .
7-10 : 60-mm mortar section, rifle.ccmpany (T/O&E 7-17N). 17 May 51
Changes 1
7-11- . Heavy mortar platoon; heavy mortar company (T/O&E 7-14N). 17 May 51
- Changes 1
,7-12 Antitank platoon, support company.(T/O&E 7-34). 17 May 51
- Changes 1
7-12-1 Assault gun platoon (ROCID and ROTAD battle group) (TOE 4 Apr 58
,- .7-12T;, 7-37T).
7-12-2 Supply and maintenance platoon, Infantry division, battle group 10 Apr 58
(TOE 7-12T).
7-12-3 Reconnaissance platoon, Infantry division battle group (TOE 2 Jul 58
. - .~ ~7-12T). -.
7-12-4 Counterfire squad Infantry division: battle group (TOE 7-12T 25 Jun 58
7-12-6* Communic:tion platoon, Infantry division battle group (TOE 7-12 11 Aug 58
ROCID) and Airborne division battle group (TOE 7-32 ROTAD).
7-14. . Pioneer and ammunition platoon, headquarters company, Infantry 17 May 51
battalion (T/O&E 7-161N).
;-Changes 1 - - -
7-15 Heavy mortar company (T/O&E 7-14N). - .29 May 51
- -'. Changes 1
7-16 81-mm.mortar platoon, heavy weapons company (T/O&E 7-18N). 29 May 51
Changes 1
7-17 Machine gun platoon, heavy weapons company (T/O&E 7-18N). 29 May 51
Changes 1
29 ATT



7-17-1 Rifle squad, rifle company (TOE 7-17) and rifle squad, airborne rifle 11 Apr 58
company (TOE 7-37).
7-17-2 81mm mortar squad (S) weapons platoon Infantry rifle company 30 Apr 58
and Airborne Infantry rifle company (TOE 7-17 and 7-37).
7-17-3 Antitank section weapons platoon Infantry rifle company and Air- 30 Apr 58
borne Infantry rifle company.
7-17-5 Rifle platoon, rifle company. 22 Apr 58
7-17-6 Rifle company Infantry division battle group and Airborne division 22 Aug 58
battle group (TOE 7-17, 7-37).
7-18 75-mm rifle platoon, heavy weapons company (T/O&E 7-18N). 2 Jun 51
Changes 1
7-22 Communication platoon, headquarters company, Infantry battalion 19 Jun 51
(T/O&E 7-16N).
Changes 1
7-24 Rifle company (T/O&E 7-17N). 18 Dee 51
Changes 1
7-25 Rifle platoon, rifle company (T/O&E 7-17). 12 Jun 54
7-26 Infantry battalion, Infantry regiment (TOE 7-15N). 18 Jun 62
Changes 1
7-27 Intelligence section, Infantry division (T/O&E 7-1). 25 Jan 54
7-27-1 81-mm mortar platoon rifle company Armored Infantry battalion 16 Jul 58
(TOE 7-27).
7-27-2 Rifle platoon, Armored rifle company Armored Infantry battalion, 28 Apr 58
and reconnaissance troop Armored Cavalry squadron.
7-27-3 Rifle company, Armored Infantry battalion. 24 Jul 58
7-28 Intelligence section, Infantry regiment (T/O&E 7-12). 25 Jan 54
7-29 Intelligence section, Airborne regiment (T/O&E 7-32A). 25 Jan 54
7-30 Light weapons infantrymen. 30 Jun 55
7-31 Infantry battle group (TOE'7-11). 24 Apr 57
Changes 1
7-32 02 section, Infantry division (TOE 7-2T ROCID). 26 Aug 57
7-32-2 Supply and Transportation platoon, Airborne division battle group 18 Aug 58
(TOE 7-32 ROTAD).
7-32-3 Reconnaissance platoon, Airborne division battle group (TOE 7-32). 29 Apr 58
7-33 S2 section, battle group (TOE 7-12T ROCID). 12 Aug 57
7-34 S2 Section, Airborne combat group '(TOE 7-32T ROTAD). 19 Aug 57
8-1 Medical service units and teams. 4 Oct 57
Changes 1
9-1 Ordnance direct support company. 5 Mar 56
Changes 1
9-2 Headquarters and headquarters detachment, Ordnance battalion 7 Feb 56
(TOE 9-76).
Changes 1
9-3 Ordnance heavy automotive maintenance company (TOE 9-197). 29 Feb 56
Changes 1
9-5 Ordnance heavy maintenance company (TOE 9-9R). 15 Jul 55
Changes 1
9-6 Ordnance direct automotive support company (TOE 9-127). 7 Feb 56
Changes 1
9-7 Headquarters and headquarters company, Ordnance group main- 15Jul 55
tenance and supply, ammunition (TOE 9-12R).
Changes 1
9-8 Ordnance field supply company (TOE 9-57). 7 Feb 56
Changes 1
9-9 Ordnance supply depot company (TOE 9-367). 1 Mar 56
Changes 1
9-11 Ordnance recovery and classification company (TOE 9-167). 2 Feb 56
Changes 1
9-17 Ordnance field maintenance company (TOE 9-357). 5 Mar 56
Changes 1
9-18 Ordnance collecting point company (TOE 9-358). 29 Feb 56
Changes 1
ATT 30



9-20 - Ordnance- motor vehicle assembly company (communications 1 Mar 56
zone) (TOE 9-348).
.Changes . .
9-21 . Ordnance tire rebuild company (TOE 9-347). 1 Mar 56
Changes 1
9-22 Airborne Ordnance battalion (TOE 9-35R). 7 Jul 55
Changes 1
9-23 Ordnance maintenance company, amphibious support brigade 8 Feb 56
(TOE 9-97).
.i Changes 1
9-25-1 Ordnance battalion, Infantry division (TOE 9-25). -11 Aug 58
9-27 Ordnance service organization (TOE 9-600) detachments CA, CC, 15 Apr655
CD, DA, DB, and DC; Ordnance specialized service detach-
ments (TOE 9-510) BA, BB, BC, CA, CC, CD, and CF.
Changes 1. 2'
9-29 Ammunition renovation detachment (TOE 9-510). 18 Apr 55
Changes 1
(C) 9-31 Ordnance special weapons support battalion, (TOE 9-45); Ordnance 28 Feb '56
special weapons depot battalion'(TOE 9-375).
Changes 1 (U).
9-32 .. Ordnance
O stock control.detachment "EA",; Ordnance' stock con- 14 Mar 56
trol detachment "EB" (TOE 9-510).- .,.
- : ::·. .--, Changesl :
9-33 Ordnance service organization (TOE 9-500) detachment BE. - 20 Apr 56
· } O Changes
l 1 -
9-34 Ordnance service organization (TOE 9-500) detachments BA, BB, 20 Apr 56
BC,-and BD.
::: Changes 1
9-35 Ordnance guided .missile direct support company (CORPORAL) 27 Jun 56
(TOE 9-228).
Changes -
9-36 O·rdnance special weapons; ammunition company. 8 Nov 56
Changes 1
9-65 :: Armored:Ordnance battalion (TOE 9-65). '' 15 Jul- 58
9-137* ·. Ordnance park company (TOE 9-137): ',. 4 Feb 59
9-510 FA. Ordnance guided missile direct support detachment (NIKE) (TOE 15 Jul :.58
9-510R, C/2 DET FA);
9-510-2 ' Ordnance specialized service detachments (TOE 9-510) AA (ex- 2 Oct 58
plosive disposal) AB, (explosive disposal augmnentation) and AC,
(explosive disposal control).
10-3, - Quartermaster service company'(TOE 10-67). . 23 Apr:56
10-4 - Quartermaster parts company (T/O&E 10-127). 23 Feb 51
10-5 Quartermaster salvage company (TOE,10-187). 24 Apr. 56
10-8 .' -' Quartermaster sales company (mobile).(T/O&E 10-157). 23 Feb;:51
10-11 Quartermaster bath company, semimobile'(T/O&E 10-257). 23 Feb 51
10-12 Quartermaster reclamation and maintenance company (semimobile) 23 Feb 51
(T/O&E 10-237).
10-17. " Quartermaster refrigeration company'(TOE 10-247). 23 Dec 55
10-17-1 Infantry division Quartermaster company.(TOE 10-17 ROCID). 23 Jul 58
Changesl .
10-22-1 Headquarters and headquarters detachment, Quartermaster bat- 5 Nov 58
talion (TOE 10-536) headquarters and headquarters detachment,
Quartermaster group (TOE 10-22).' - '
10-25 Headquarters and headquarters xcompany, Quartermaster base 23 Feb 51
-; depot (T/O&E 10-520-1). , ' - ' -
10-26 Quartermaster company, amphibious support brigade (TOE 10-277). 27 Dec 55
10-28' - Quartermaster special forces parachute rigging detachment (T/O&E 8 Octi -53
10-29 Quartermaster supply depot company (T/O&E 10-367A).
Q: 8 Oct-53
10-34 Quartermaster petroleum products laboratory detachment (base) 27 Dec 55
: - (TOE 10-500, team KB). petroleum products laboratory detach-
ment (mobile) (TOE 10-500, team KC). '
10-45 Armored division Quartermaster battalion (TOE 10-45). 23 Jul 58
31 ATT



10-77 Quartermaster company (petroleum supply) (TOE 10-77). 16 Jun 58
10-147 Quartermaster company (bakery) (TOE 10-147). 25 Jun 58
10-167 Quartermaster laundry company (TOE 10-167). 4 Nov 58
10-197 Quartermaster subsistence supply company (TOE 10-197). 16 Jul 58
10-227* Quartermaster clothing and general supplies depot company. 15 Jan 59
10-297 Quartermaster recovery and disposition company (TOE 10-297). 10 Nov 58
10-337 Airborne division Quartermaster parachute supply and mainte- 10 Jul 58
nance company (TOE 10-337).
10-357 Quartermaster subsistence depot company (TOE 10-357). 10 Jul 58
10-377 Quartermaster petroleum depot company (TOE 10-377). 20 Oct 58
10-407* Quartermaster aerial supply company (TOE 10-407). 24 Dec 58
10-417 Quartermaster air equipment repair and depot company (TOE 17 Dec 58
11-1 Airborne Signal company (T/O&E 11-557R). 9 Feb 51
Changes 1
11-3 Signal company, Infantry division (T/O&E 11-7R). 26 Feb 51
Changes 1
11-4 Signal company, Amphibious support brigade (T/O&E 11-537R). 26 Feb 51
Changes 1
11-6 Signal construction company (T/O&E 11-27R). 26 Feb 51
Changes 1
11-7 Signal repair company (TOE il-127R). 21 May 53
Changes 1
11-8 Signal depot company (T/O&E 11-128). 4 Mar 53
Changes 1
11-9 Signal operation battalion (T/O&E 11-95). 26 Feb 51
Changes 1
11-10 Signal construction battalion (T/O&E 11-25). 26 Feb 51
Changes 1
11-11 Signal battalion, Corps (TOE 11-15R). 26 Feb 51
Changes 1
11-12 Headquarters and headquarters company, Signal base depot (TOE 15 May 53
Changes 1
11-13 Signal base depot company (TOE 11-597R). 18 May 53
Changes 1
11-14 Signal base maintenance company (TOE 11-587R). 20 May 53
Changes 1
11-17 Signal support company (TOE 11-117R). 28 Mar 55
Changes 1
11-18 Headquarters and headquarters detachment, Signal group (TOE 17 Sep 52
Changes 1
11-24 Signal service units (TOE'S 11-500 and 29-500). 28 Oct 57
11-25 Signal battalion, Infantry division TOE 11-5T (ROCID). 31 Oct 57
11-45* Signal battalion (cable construction) (TOE 11-45). 26 Jan 59
11-55 Signal battalion, Armored division TOE 11-55 (ROCAD). 10 Apr 58
11-555 Signal battalion, Airborne division TOE 11-555 (ROTAD). 8 Apr 58
12-1 Special Services company (TOE 12-17). 6 May 57
12-47 Army postal unit, postal regulating detachment, and base post office 12 Feb 58
(TOE 12-47, TOE 12-520, TOE 12-605).
12-107* Army band (TOE 12-107, TOE 7-62, TOE 17-62, TOE 57-6). 22 Dec 58
12-510 Machine records unit (TOE 12-510). 21 May 58
Changes 1
17-6 Reconnaissance battalion, Armored Cavalry regiment (L) (T/O&E 28 Feb 51
17-7 Tank battalion, 90-mm gun, Infantry and Airborne divisions 27 Jun 56
(TOE 17-35).
17-8 Tank platoon combat firing (TOE 17-37N). 17 May 51
Changes 1
17-9 Tank company, Infantry regiment (T/O&E 17-37N). 17 May 51
Changes 1
17-10 Amphibious tank battalion (T/O&E 17-115). 1 Aug 51
17-11 Amphibious tank company (T/O&E 17-117). 1 Aug 51
ATT 32



17-12 Amphibious tank platoon (T/O&E 17-117). . 1 Aug 51
17-13 Amphibious tractor company (T/O&E 17-127). 1 Aug 51
17-14 Amphibious tractor platoon (T/O&E 17-127). 1 Aug 51
17-15' Amphibious tractor battalion (T/O&E 17-125); 1 Aug 51
17-19 Tank battalioh, 90-mm gun (T/O&E 17-25), and tank battalion, 15 Feb 54
120-mm gun (T/O&E 17-35).
17-20 ' 02 section, Armored division (TOE 17-2T ROCAD). 20 Aug 57
17-21 S2 Section, combat command, Armored- division (TOE 17-22T 19 Aug 57
17-22 S2 Section, Armored Cavalry regiment (TOE 17-52R).' 19 Aug 57
17-27 -Medium tank platoon and company, Armored division Armor bat- 21 Apr 58
talion, 90-mm. ' '
17-45 Armored Cavalry squadron (Armored division) and Infantry divi- 21 May58
sion Cavalry squadron'.
Changes 1
17-57-1 4.2 inch mortar platoon, Armored division Armoi and Armored 23 Jul 58
Infantry battalions, and 4.2 inch mortar section, reconnaissance -
trobp; Armored Cavalry squadron.
17-67 Medium tank platoon and company;Infantry division Armor bat- 29 Apr 58
tallon, 90mm.
17-87 Reconnaissance troop, Infantry division Cavalry squadron. 26 May 58
17-87-1- Reconnaissance platoon, Infantry division Cavalry squadron. 29 Apr 58
19-3 Military Policeescort guard company (mobile) and (fixed) (T/O&E's 26 Feb 51
19-47 and 19-247).
19-4 Military Police company (prisoner of war processing) (TOE 7 Jul 55
19-5 - Military Police company, Armored division and Infantry division 29 Aug 55
(TOE 19-27R).
19-6 Military Police Company Corps, Airborne Corps, or Army (TOE 27 Jun 57
19-35* Military police battalion, Army (TOE 19-35). 23 Dec 58
19-47 Military police escort guard company (TOE 19-47). 18 Dec 58
19-55 Military police battalion (TOE 19-55). 28 Oct 58
19-57*' Military police company (TOE 19-57). 23 Dec 58
19-217* Military police comnpaty; post camp, or station (TOE 19-217). 28 Jan 59
21-2 Individual proficiency in basic militarjysubjects (ATP 21-114). 7 May 57
29-53' Supply and transport company, Airborne division (TOE 29-53). 28 Apr 58
29-65 Airborne maintenance battalion (TOE 29-65D ROTAD). 11 Dec 58
(C)30-2 Corps Counterintelligence Corps detachment (T/O&E 39-500) (U). 9 Oct -52
(C) 30-3 Field Army Counterintelligence C6rps detachment (T/O&E 30-500) 9 Oct 52
(U). - -
30-4 Military intelligence organization (TOE 30-600). ' 10 Jun 55-
33-1 Headquarters and headquarters company, radio broadcasting and 23 Dec 55
leaflet battalion (TOE 33-56).
:Changes 1 -
33-2 Reprodduction company; radio broadcasting and leaflet battalion 19 Dec 65
(TOE 33-57).
- 4 Changes 1
33-3 Radio broadcasting coiipany, radio broadcasting and leaflet bat- 19 Dec 55-
talion (TOE 33-58). *
Changes 1
33_a-:4'_ ';Coni'solidation organization, radio broadcasting'and leaflet bat- 23 Dec 55
talion (TOE 33-67).'
33-5 - Loudspeaker and leaflet company (TOE 33-77). 19 Dec 55
'" ' Changesl ' '
(C) 33-6 Special forces organization, special forces group, airborne (TOE 22 Dec 55
:-- 33-510) (U).
41-1 Military government service organization (TOE 41-500R). 9 Jun 55
44-1' Antiaircraft Artillery gun battalion (90-mm) (TOE 44-15R, 44- 9Jun 55
44-2 Antiaircraft Artillery automatic weaponis battalion (mobile) and 7 Nov 55
(semimobile) (TOE 44-25R, 44-125R).
4-3 Antiaircraft Artillery automatic weapons battalion (self-propelled) 7 Nov 55
(TOE 44-75R). -
33 ATT



44-4 Antiaircraft artillery gun battalion (120-mm) (TOE 44-115R, 44- 8 Aug 55
44-5 Antiaircraft artillery brigade (group) (TOE 44-201R, 44-12R, 44- 9 Aug 55
101R, 44-112R).
44-6 Airborne antiaircraft artillery battalion (automatic weapons). 11 Jan 56
44-7 Antiaircraft artillery operations detachment (TOE 44-7R, 44-70R). 21 Oct 55
44-8 Antiaircraft artillery battalion (light (75-mm) mobile) (TOE 44-35, 9 Dec 55
44-36, 44-37)
Changes 1
44-9 Antiaircraft artillery electronic warfare battery (TOE 44-90R). 9 Aug 55
(0) 44-10 Antiaircraft artillery missile battalion (NIKE) (continental). 4 Jun 57
44-12* U. S. Army air defense brigade (group) (TOE 44-12C, 44-112C, 29 Jan 50
44-101C, 44-201C).
55-1 Transportation light truck company (TOE 55-17) (current suffix). 12Jun 57
55-4 Transportation amphibious truck company (TOE 55-137) (current 8 Aug 57
65-6 Transportation railway units. 28 Nov 55
Changes 1
65-? The headquarters, headquarters and service company, Transpor- 12 Aug 57
tation Army aircraft depot support battalion; Transportation
Army aircraft depot repair company; Transportation Army
aircraft component depot repair company: and the Transpor-
tation depot company (TOE 55-446, 55-447, 55-448, and 55-260
(current suffix)), respectively.
65-11 Headquarters and headquarters company, Transportation highway 21 Jul 58
transport command (TOE 55-11 (current suffix)), headquarters
and headquarters detachment, Transportation truck group (TOE
55-12 (current suffix)) and headquarters and headquarters detach-
ment, Transportation truck battalion (TOE 55-16 (current suffix)).
55-15 Headquarters and headquarters company, Transportation terminal 3 Jun 65
commands, A, B, and C (TOE's 55-111R, 55-121R, 55-131R).
Changes 1
55-18 Transportation staging area company (TOE 55-147R). 26 Jul 5566
Changes 1
55-18-1 Transportation medium truck company TOE 55-18 (current suffix) 28 Jul 58
and Transportation heavy truck company TOE 55-28 (current
55-19 Transportation car company (TOE-55-19 (current suffix)). 4 Aug 58
55-20 Transportation depot company (TOE 55-260R). 29 Nov 55
Changes 1
55-22 Transportation helicopter company (tentative T/O&E 55-57A). 8 Apr 54
65-24 Transportation boat battalion (TOE 55-515R). 13 May 55
Changes i
55-25 Headquarters, headquarters and service company, Transportation 16 May 55
boat maintenance battalion (TOE 55-556R).
Changes 1
55-26 Transportation boat maintenance company (TOE 55-557R). 1 Jul 55
Changes 1
55-27 Transportation boat company (TOE 55-517R). 6 Jul 55
Changes 1
55-28 Transportation heavy boat company (TOE 55-68R). 6 Jul 55
Changes 1
55-29 Transportation harbor craft company (TOE 55-9R). 30 Aug 55
Changes I
55-75 Infantry division Transportation battalion, TOE 55-75, TOE 55-76, 10 Apr 58
TOE 55-77, TOE 55-78 (current suffix).
65-116 Headquarters and headquarters detachment, Transportation termi- 28 Apr 58
nal battalion (TOE 55-116D) and Transportation terminal serv-
ice company (TOE 55-117R).
Changes 1

500060°-59 5
WD, DA Posters 34


TRAINING TEST FOR-Continued . . . -

57-1 Air movement. - . - 18 May53
57-2 Intelligence section, Airborne division (T/O&E 57-1A). 25 Jan 54
57-3 - G2 section, Airborne division (TOE 57-6T ROTAD). 26 Aug 57

7. War Department and Department of the Army Posters (WD,

DA Posters)

1-2 Lookl : Jul 57
5-1 Operator's preventive maintenance chart-coal fired ranges firing
5-2 Carbon tetrachloride hand fire extinguisher. 1 gallon type.
5-3 Carbon tetrachloride hand fire extinguisher.
5-4 Carbon dioxide hand fire extinguisher.
5-5 Foam hand fire extinguisher. . - 46
5-6 Soda-acid hand fire extinguisher.
5-7 Water pump tank hand fire extinguisher. 46
5-9 Fireman's performance chart, hand-fired warm air furnaces; bitu- 58
minous coal.
1-10 Fireman's performance chart, hand-fired warm air furnaces; anthra- 58
cite buckwheat.
5-11 Fireman's performance chart, steam-heating boilers, bituminous 58
5-12 ' Fireman's performance chart, steam-heating boiler; anthracite buck- 58
5-13 Fireman's performance chart; hot-water heating boiler; bituminous
coal. .. - -55
5-14 Fireman's performance chart; hot-water heating boilers; anthracite
buckwheat. - .. -58
5-15 Fireman's performance chart; No. 1 and No. 4 army space heating.
5-16 Fireman's performance chart; domestic water heaters. 58
5-17. - ,Fire alarm in case of fire.
5-18 Dangerl Grind out every buttl. : 6
5-25 Fire prevention
5-27 Water waste means water shortage. -
5-28 If not needed--'off please.
5-28A If not needed, off please. (Tag) - Nov 56
5-29 · Close doors-protect food and save refrigeration-don't slam. -. 52

5-33 Stop fires-save lives. - 56

5-34 Stop fires-save lives. 57
5-35 Stop fires-saves lives. - .58
5-38 For best refrigeration. Mar 56
5-81 Motors, first echelon preventive maintenance. -
10-13 There's no guess work here, Watson. 47
10-14 Let's talk turkey!
10-15 For good coffee, keep your equipment clean. 47
10-16 There's no trick in making good coffeel . 47
10-17 The basic seven .
10-18 Ride the gravy train to success; -
10-19' Start the day right. 48
10-20 - Don't sell seasoning short.
10-22 Keep your men cool with cold suppers. 48
10-23 Maintaining good cafeteria style messes can be a big job 47
14-1 Remember. Be safe. Be accurate. - Dec 56
14-2 You can't take it with you. -- Dec 56
35 WD, DA Posters


16-38 Love thy neighbor. 62
16-39 Thrift. 62
16-40 Trust. 53
16-41 Fair play. 53
16-42 Worth fighting for. 53
16-43 Leaders set examples. 54
16-44 General Order issued by General George Washington in New York, 54
July 1776.
16-45 Service to the Nation demands personal integrity. 55
16-46 To serve, honestly and faithfully.
16-47 Duty is for all.
16-48 Earned prestige. 55
16-49 For honorable service. 55
16-50 Serving the nation. 566
16-51 The complete soldier. 566
16-52 Think cleanl Live cleanl 56
16-53 One nation founded under God. 56
16-54 Worship in life. 57
16-55 Sense of responsibility. 57
16-56 Keep them proud of you. 57
16-57 Teamwork demands authority. 57
16-60-1 I am an American fighting man... 58
16-60-2 I will never surrender of my own free will... 58
16-60-3 I will make every effort to escape... 58
16-60-4 I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. .. 68
16-60-5 Only name, rank, serial number and date of birth... 58
16-60-6 I will trust in my God and the United States of Anperiea... 58

2018 your rmy skllas

use ac vilian,itps off.
21-1 Code of conduct. P i & // Feb 56
21-15 Our bill of rights: Freedof press i everybody's business. 50
21-16 Our bill of rights: Freedom of worship is everybody's business.
21-17 Our bill of rights: Freedom of speech is everybody's business.
21-18 Our bill of rights: Trial by jury is everybody's business. 47
21-21 Essentials of national security: III. Health. 48
21-32 Remagen bridgehead; the U. S. Army in action. (Pride of servil. 1 Apr 54
No. 1).
21-35 That's the one for me; how about you? 50
21-37 Merry Christmas, 1776. (History of the U. S. Army, No. 1) 52
21-38 The road to Fallen Timbers. (History of the U. S. Army, No. 2) 52
21-39 "Those are regulars, by God!" (History of the U. 8. Army, No. 3) 52
21-40 "Remember your regiment." (History of the U.S. Army, No. 4) 52
21-41 First at Vicksburg. 15 Jun 55
21-42 The rock of the Marne. (History of the U. S. Army, No. 6) 52
21-43 "Follow me." (History of the U. S. Army, No. 7) 1 Apr 54
21-45 Good marksmanship and gutsl (History of the U. S. Army) 53
21-46 Gatlings to the assault, U. S. Army in action. (History of the U. S. 53
21-47 Breakthrough at Chipyong-ni. (History of the U. S. Army, No. 11) 53
21-48 Knocking out the Mores. (History of the U. S. Army, No. 12) 53
21-49 Learn while you serve. 53
21-50 1958 voting information for the Armed Forces. 58
Changes 1
21-58 Danger; high tension wires. 1 Apr 56
21-59 Misuse of fire arms. 1 May 56
21-60 Clear before reloading. 1 Jun 56
21-61 Why take a chance-death can wait. 1 Jul 56
21-73 "I'll try, sirl" (History of the U. 8. Army, No. 13) 53
21-75 See your voting officer. Dec 55
21-76 Vote: get this card from your voting officer. [Post card application Feb 58
for absentee ballot.]
21-80 Dependents medical care. 57
FT and TjC 36


·21-81 Survivor's benefits. 57
21-82 Retirement benefits. 657
21-84 A good soldier dresses right (Winter uniform): Jan 58
21-100 ' Code of conduct for members of the Armed Forces of the United 57
21-100-1 - [Code of conduct] I. 57
21-100-2 - [Code of conduct] II. . 57
21-100-3 fi [Code of conduct] III. 57
21-100-4 - [Code of conduct] IV. 57
21-100-5 .- [Code of conduct] V. 57
21-100-6 _ [Code of conduct] VI. . 57
355-1 STRAC: skilled, tough, ready around the clock;' U. S. Strategic 1 Jul 58
Army Corps, the immediate answer to limited war.
380-1 "Protecting classified information is your baby". Nov 57
380-2 Safeguarding classified information protects you and yours. Feb 58
380-3 Secret: Little pieces tell the whole story. Mar 58
380-4 Classified information, made in USA------- keep it here. Apr 58
380-5 Security's biggest gap can be closed by you. ~ May 58
380-6 Security starts here ., . . ends here Jun 58
380-7 Now-more than ever. .Jul 58
380-8 Security means this . . . not this .... Aug 58
380-9 Security is every soldier's job. . Sep 58
380-10 Security, your target for today and every day. Oct 58
380-11 Security. is in your hands. Nov 58
380-12 Don't make our country the target, protect defense information. Dec 58
o_. , ClytCLIAN PERSONNEL -- .
690-Z 1 i , A 6;tme
3j~p nt of the Amy oversea employment. 57

8. Firing Tables (FT) and Trajectory Charts (TjC)



(C) Firing tables, guided missile, artillery M2 (XM2E1) (CORPO- 22 Apr 57
CORPORAL RAL type II) used with radar set, AN/MPQ-25, radio set
B-2 AN/MRQ-7 computer group, guided missile, trailer mounted,
AN/MSA-6. (U)
Changes 1
0. 30-A-4 Firing tables for gun, machine, cal. ..30, Browning, M1917 and 27 Oct 43
M1917A1; gun, machine, cal. .30, Browning, M1919A4 and M2
(heavy barrel); firing cartridge, ball, cal. 30, M1906 and cartridge,
ball, cal. .30, M2.
0. 30-J-1 .Firing tables for gun, machine, cal. 0:30,' Browning, M1917AI; gun, 1 Jan- 44
machine. cal. 0.30, Browning, M1919A5, M1919A5, and M1919A6. -
0. 50-H-1 .. . Firing tables for gun, machine, cal. 0.50 Browning M2 watercooled, 19 Nov 42
.heavy barrel and aircraft; firing cartridge, armor piercing, cal. 0.50,
M2, and cartridge, ball, cal. 0.50, M2.
0. 50AA-T-1 Firing tables; gun, machine, cal. 0.50, Browning, M2; firing car- 1 Feb 46
tridge, armor-piercing-incendiary, cal. 0.50, M8.
Changes 1, 2
R2.36-B1 (abr) Firing tables; rocket, smoke, WP, 2.36-inch, M10;fired from launcher, 23 Mar 45
rocket, 2.36-inch, M9AI1.
4.2-B-1 Firing tables; mortar, chemical, 4.2-inch,.M2;.firing shell, 4.2-inch, 31 Oct 45
.chemical mortar M2 (FS, WP, L, CNS, CO, H, and CNB); shell
4.2-inch, chemical mortar (HE), M3 (TNT); with charge, propel-
ling, 4.2-inch, chemical mortar M6.
Changes 1
37 FT and TjC


4.2-B-1 (abr) Firing tablesf or mortar, 4.2-inch, M2 and M30; firing shell, chemical, 20 Sep 44
M2 w/fuzes: PD, M8 and M2; shell, HE, M3 w/fuzes; PD, M9
and M3; TSQ, M5; shell, HE, M3A1 (E68R2) w/fuzes: PD,
M5lA5; MTSQ, M500; VT, T226; with charge, propelling, M6.
Changes 1
4.2-F-1 Mortar, 4.2-inch, M30; firing shell, HE, M329 and M329B1; shell, 23 Dec 54
HE, M3A1; shell, HE, M3 and M3 alternate; shell, chemical,
M2A1 (WP, FS, HI)); shell, chemical, M2 and M2 alternate,
(WP, FS, FM, H, HT, HD, CG); charge, propelling, M36; charge,
propelling, M6.
Changes 1
4.2-F-1 (abr) Firing tables for mortar, 4.2-inch, M30, with mount M24A1, mount 29 Oct 54
M24, firing shell, HE, M329 and M329BI; shell, HE, M3Al; shell,
HE, M3 and M3 alternate; shell, chemical M2AI (WP, FS, HD);
shell, chemical, M2 and M2 alternate (WP, FS, FM, H, HT, HD,
CG); charge, propelling, M36; charge, propelling, M6.
4. 5-A-1 Firing tables for gun, 4.5-inch, M1; firing shell, HE, M65, with fuze, 7 Apr 43
PD, M51, and fuze, time, mechanical, M67.
Changes 5
R4. 5-D-3 Firing tables for launcher, 4.5-inch, T106E1 (modified) firing rocket, 21 May 51
4.5-inch, M16A1 and M16A2, with fuze, PD, M81; fuse, VT, M402.
Changes 1
R4.5-0-1 Firing tables for launcher, 4.5", M21 (T123); firing rocket, 4.5", HE, 14 Apr 53
T160E5 with fuze, PD, M81A1, fuze, VT, M402A1.
4.7AA-C-1 Firing tables; gun, 4.7-inch, AA, M1, firing shell, HE, M73. (For 20 Jan 44
use with M10 director.)
Changes 3
7.62-A-1 Gun machine, 7.62-mm, M60 on mount, machine gun, 7.62-mm, M91. 26 Feb 58
8-J-2 Cannon, 8-inch howitzer, M2, M2A1, and M47, fiing'shell, HE, 21 Feb 58
Changes 1 -

8-L-2 Firing tables for gun, 8-lnchM1; fifing shell, HE, M103; wvith fuze, 25 Apr 44
PD, M51A1- mod.3and M51A2-mod.3; fuze, time, mech., M67 and
Changes 2
(0) 8-0-2 Firing tables for howitzer, 8-inch M2, M2A1, and M47, firing shell, 18 Dee 56
HES, T347, shell, T317E1.
Changes 2
37-BA-2 (abr) Firing tables for gun, 37-mm, M1916 on subcaliber mounts; gun; sub- 4 May 44
caliber 37-mm, M12, M13, T34 and T36; shell, fixed, practice, M63-
mod.1 (1.58-lb.); fuze, base, practice, M58; muzzle velocity, 1100 f/s.
37-BJ-2 (abr) Firing tables; gun, 37-mm, M-1916 on subcaliber mounts; gun, sub- 7 Jul 45
caliber, 37-mm, M12, M13, M14, M15 and M16; firing shell, fixed,
practice, M92 (1.21-lb.); fuze, PD, M74; MV-1276 f/s.
37AA-N-2 I Firing tables; gun, automatic, 37-mm, M1A2; firing shell, fixed, 16 Jan 41
HE-T, M54; shell, fixed, TP-T, M55A1; shot, fixed, APC-T,
Changes 2
40AA-A-3 Firing tables; gun, automatic, 40-mm, Ml, and gun, dual, automatic, 29 Jan 46
40-mm, M2; firing cartridge, HE-T, SD, Mk. 2; with fuzes, PD,
Mk.27, M64A1, M71, or No. 251 Mk. 1; and cartridge, AP-T, M81
and M81A1.
57-E-3 (abr) Firing tables for rifle, 57-mm, MiS, M18A1, and T15E16; firing car- 2 Jun 53
tridge, HE, M306AI, cartridge TP, M306A1.
57-F-2 (abr) Firing tables for rifle, 57-mm, M18, M18AI, and T15E16, firing car- 2 Jun 52
tridge, HE, AT, M307A1, muzzle velocity, 1200 F/S.
57-G-1 (abr) Firing tables for rifle, 57-mm, M18, M18A1, and T15E16; firing car- 2 Jun 53
tridge, WP, M308A1.
60-A-5 (abr) Firing tables for mortar. 60-mm, M19 and M2; firing shell, HE; 8 Mar 51
M49A2; shell, TP, M50A2; with fuze, PD, M52A1; fuze, PD;
60-C-3 (abr) Firing tables for mortar, 60-mm, M19 and M2; projectile, training, 10 Apr 51
M69; muzzle velocity, 152.5 f/s.
I No stocks-do not requisition.
FT and TjC 38


60-F-4 Firing tables for mortar, 60-mm, M19 and M2; firing shell, smoke, 8 Mar 51
WP, M302; with fuze, PD, M82.
60-G-2 (abr) * Firing tables for mortar, 60-mm, M19 and M2; firing shell, illuminat- 5 Apr 51
ing, M83A1; with fuze, time (fixed) M65A1; cartridge, ignition,
60-L-1 Firing tables; mortar, 60-mm, M19 and M2; firing shell, HE, M49A2; 8 Mar 51
shell, practice, M50A2; shell, smoke, WP, M302, shell, illuminating
M83AI; projectile, training, M69.
75-AY-1 Firing tables; gun, 75-mm, M3 and,M6 (tank);firing projectile, fixed, 26 Jun 45
APC-T, M61 and M1A61; shell, fixed, HE, M48; shell, smoke,
HC, BI, M89; shell, fixed, smoke, WP, M64.-
Changes 3
75-AY-1 (abr) Firing tables; gun, 75-mm, M3, M6, and M17; firing projectile; 29 Dec 48
APC-T, M61 and M61AI; shell, HE, M48; shell, smoke, WP, M64.
75-BB-3 (abr) Firing tables for rifle, 75-mm, M20 (T25); firing cartridge, HE, M309 20 Apr 51
and M309A1; cartridge, TP, M309 and M309A1; cartridge, smoke,
WP, M311 and M311A1.
75-BE-1 (abr) Firing tables for rifle, 75-mm, M20 (T25); firing cartridge, HE, AT, 16 Jul 51
M310 and M310A1.
75-BF-1 Firing tables; gun, subcaliber, 75-mm, M25, which is subcaliber to 17 Oct 51
gun, 155-mm, M2; firing shell fixed, TP, M48; shell, fixed; HE, M48.
75-BH-2 (abr) Firing tables for gun, 75 mm, M6 and M17; firing shot, AP-T, M338 12 May 53
shell, HEP, T165Ell.
75-BJ-2 (abr) Firing tables for rifle, 75 mm, M20 firing shell, HEP, M349 8 Dec 54
75-BK-1 Gun, 75 mm, AA, M35 (T83E7) and T83E6 firing shell, HE, M334 8 Nov 54
Changes 1
75-1-4 . Firing tables: howitzer, 75 mm, MiAI and M3, -firing shell, HE, 15 Jul 44
M48 shell, HEAT-T, M66 shell, smoke, WP,- M64 shell, smoke,
FS, M64. .
Changes 7, 8 .
75-I-4 (abr) Firing tables; howitzer, 75 mm, MIAl, and M3; firing shell, HE, 30 Sep 48
M48; shell, HE, AT-T, M66; shell, smoke, WP, M64; shell,
smoke, FS, M64.
75AA-BC-1 Firing tables for gun, 75 mm, antiaircraft, M35 (T83E7) and T83E6, 28 Oct 54
firing shell, HE, M334 (T50E2) with fire control system, M38
(T38) on mount, AA, 75 mm, M84 (T69).
Changes 1
76-C-1 Firingtables; gun, 76 mm, MlAl, MlAlC and MIA2; firing projec- 1 Jun 45
tile, fixed, APC-T, M62 and M62A1; projectile, fixed, illum., MK.
24 mod. 1, projectile, fixed, illum., M. 25 mod. 1; shell, fixed, smoke,
WP, T13E2; shell, fixed, HE, M42A1; shot, fixed, HVAP-T, M93
(T4E20) and T4E17; shot, fixed, HVTP-T, T24E1.
76-C-1 (abr) Firing tables for gun, 76 mm, MIAlC and M1A2; firing projectile, 6 Sep 51
fixed, APC-T, M62 and M62A1; fixed, HE, M42A1; shell, fixed,
smoke, WP, M312; shot, fixed, HVAP-T, M93; shot, fixed,
HVTP-T, M315 and AM315A1.
76-I-1 Firing tables for gun, 76 mm, M32 on tanks, 75 mm gun, M41 and ·29 Apr 55
M41A1 and gun, 76 mm, M48 (T124E2) on carriage, 76 mm, M29
(T66) firing shot, AP-T, M339, shot, TP-T, M340, -shot,
HVAPDS-T, M331A1 and M331A2, shot, HVAP, T66E4, shell,
HE, M352, shell, WP, M361 (T140E2).
76-I-1 (abr) Firing tables for gun, 76 mm, M32 on tanks; 76 mm gun, M41 and 29 Apr 55
M41A1 and gun, 76 mm, M48 (T124E2) on carriage, 76 mm; M29
(T66) firing shot, AP-T; M339 shot, TP-T, M340 shot,
HVAPDS-T, M331A1 and M331A2 shot, HVAP, T66E4 shell,
HE, M352 shell, WP, M361 (T140E2).
81-AB-1 Firing tables for mortar, 81-mm, M29 and Mi. 16 Oct 57
81-AD-1 (abr) Firing tables for mortar, 81 mm, M29 and M1 on mounts, mortar, 16 Oct 53
81 mm, M23A2, M23A1, M23, M4 and M1; firing shell, WP,
M57A1 and M57AlB1; with fuze, PD, M52A2; fin, M4A1; car-
tridge, ignition, M6; primer, percussion, M34; increment, propel-
lent, M2A1.
39 FT and TjC


81-AE-1 (abr) Firing tables for mortar, 81 mm, M29 and Mi on mounts, mortar, 16 Oct 53
81 mm, M23A2, M23A1, M23, M4 and Ml; firing shell, FS, M57AI
and M57AIB1 with fuze, TSQ, M77; fin, M4A1; cartridge, ignition,
M6; primer, percussion, M34; increment, propellent, M2A1.
81-AF-1 (abr) Firing tables for mortar, 81 mm, M29 and Ml on mounts, mortar, 16 Oct 53
81 mm, M23A2, M23A1, M23, M4 and M1; firing shell, FS, M57Ai
and M57AB1; with fuze, PD, M52A2; fin, M4Al; cartridge, igni-
tion, M6; primer, percussion, M34; increment, propellent, M2A1.
81-AG-1 (abr) Firing tables for mortar, 81 mm, M29 and Ml on mounts, mortar, 23 Apr 54
81 mm, M23A2, M23A1, M23, M4 and Ml; firing shell, HE,
M43A1 and M43A1B; shell, TP, M34A1 and M43A1BI; with
fuze, PD, M52A2BI; fin, M3; cartridge, ignition, M8; primer,
percussion, M34; increment, propellant, MIAL.
81-AH-1 (abr) Firing tables for mortar, 81 mm, M29 and Ml on mounts, mortar, 23 Apr 54
81 mm, M23A2, M23A1, M23, M4 and Ml; firing shell, HE,
M43A1 and M43AiB1; shell, TP, M43A1 and M43AlB1; with
fuze, PD, M52B10; fin, M3; cartridge, ignition, M8; primer, per
cussion, M34; increment, propellant, MIA1.
81-B-3 1 Firing tables for mortar, 81 mm, M1, and mortar, trench, 3 in., Mark 10 Sep 42
IA2; firing shell, HE, M43 and M45; shell, practice, M43; with
fuze, PD, M52 and M53.
81-B-5 (abr) Firing tables for mortar, 81 mm, M29 and Ml on mounts, mortar, 23 Apr 54
81 mm, M23A2, M23A1, M23, M4 and Ml; firing shell, HE,
M43A1, and M43AiB1; shell, TP, M43A1 and M43AiB1; with
fuze, PD, M52A2; fin, M3; cartridge, ignition, M8; primer, per-
cussion, M34; increment, propellant, MiA1.
81-0-4 (abr) Firing tables for mortar, 81-mm, M29 and Ml on mounts, mortar, 16 Oct 53
81-mm, M23A2, M23A1, M23, M4 and Ml; firing shell, HE,
M56AI, M56AiB1, M56AIB2 and M56AIB3; with fuze, PD,
M52A2; fuze, PD, M52A2BI; fin, M4A1; cartridge, ignition, M6;
primer, percussion, M34; increment, propellant, M2A1.
81-F-2 (abr) Firing tables for mortar, 81-mm, M1, and mortar, trench, 3-inch, Mk 10 Jan 44
IA2; projectile, training, M68; muzzle velocity 172.8 f/s.
81-N-1 (abr) Firing tables for mortar, 81-mm, M29 and M1 on mounts, mortar, 16 Oct 53
81-mm, M23A2, M23A1, M23, M4 and M1; firing shell, WP,
M57A1 and M57AiBI; with fuze, TSQ, M77; fin, M4Al; cartridge,
ignition, M6; primer, percussion, M34; increment, propellant,
81-S-2 (abr) Firing tables for mortar, 81-mm, M29 and Ml on mounts, mortar, 16 Oct 53
81-mm, M23A2, M23AI, M23, M4 and MI; firing shell, HF,
M56A1, M56AIB1, M56A1B2, and M56A1B3; with fuze, TSQ,
M77; fin, M4AI; cartridge, ignition, M6; primer, percussion, M34;
increment, propellant, M2AI.
81-T-2 (abr) Firing tables for mortar, 81-mm, M29 and MI on mounts, mortar, 16 Oct 53
81-mm, M23A2, M23A1, M23, M4 and Mi; firing shell, HE,
M56A1, M56A1B, M56A1B2 and M56A1B3; with fuze, PD,
M53AI; fin, M4A1; cartridge, ignition, M6; primer, percussion,
M34; increment, propellant, M2A1.
81-V-2 (abr) Firing table, mortar, 81-mm, M29 and mortar, 81-mm, Ml; firing 10 Jul 53
shell, illuminating, M301A1, w/fuze, time M84.
81-Z-2 (abr) Firing tables for mortar, 81-mm, M29 and Ml on mounts, mortar, 24 Oct 55
81-mm, M23A3. M23A1, M23, M4 and M1, firing shell, HE, M362
(T28E6) with fuze, PD M519 (T319) and fuze, VT, M517
(T178E3) fin, M141 (T12) cartridge, ignition, M66 (T77E1) primer,
percussion, M71 (T68E1) increment, propellant, M5 (T7).
90-0-3 Firing tables for gun, 90-mm, AA, M1; firing shell, HE, M71; with 10 Apr 44
fuze, PD, M48 and mods.; fuze, time, mechanical, M43 and mods.;
and projectile, APC, M82; shot, AP. M77.
Changes 5
90-L-1 (abr) Firing tables for gun, 90-mm, M3, M3AI, and T8; firing shot, 27 Mar 51
HVAP-T, M332 (T67E7) and M332B1 (T67E6); shot, HVTP-T,
M333 (T83); shell, HEP, T142E2.
No stocks-do not requisition.
FT and TjC 40



90-N-1 - Cannon, 90-mm gun, M36 on tank, 90-mm gun, M47; cannon, 90-rm 28 Jun 57
gun, M41 on tank, 90-inm gufi, M48 series; cannon, 90-mm gun,
M54 (T125) on gun, self-propelled fulltracked, 90-mm, M56 (T101).
90OAA-B-3 Firing tables; gun; 90-mm, AA; Ml, MIAI, and M2; firing shell, 14 Feb 44
HE, M71;.projectile, APC-T, M82, shell, HVAP-T, M304; shell
smoke, WP, M313.
Changes 4, 5,7
90AA-B-5 Gun, 90-mm, Mi series on mount, AA, 90-mm gun, MIA2 and gun, 30 Apr 54
90-mm, M2 series on mount,-AA, 90-mm gun, M2Ai; firing shell,
- -
HE, M71; with fire control system, AA, M33C.
Changes 1
105-AH-3 (abr) Firing tables for rifle. 105-mm, M27AI; firing shell, HE, M323; shell, 7 Dec 54
smoke, WP, M325
105-AI-2 (abr) · Firing tables: rifle, 105-mm, M27; firing shell REP, M326. ' 30 Apr 51
105-AK-1 (abr) - Firing tables for rifle, 105-mm, M27; firing shell, HE, A r, M324. 30 Apr 51
105-AL-1 (abr) · Firing tables for howitzer,,105-mm, T96; firing shell, HE, Mi; shell, 31 Jul 51
chem, M60; shell, smoke,BE, M84; shell, smoke, colored, BE,
M84; shell, HE, AT-T, M67; shell, HE, AT, M67.
105-AM-1 (abr) ' Firing tables for howitzer, 105-mm, M2A1 and M4; firing shell, HE, 16 Apr 52
Mi; shell, chem, M60; shell, smoke, BE, M84; shell, HE, AT-T,
M67; shell, HE, AT, M67; shell, REP, T81E17.
105-AO-2 (abr) Rifle, recoilless, 105-mm, M27A1, firing, shell; HEAT, M341 1 Aug 55
105-AP-2 (abr) Rifle, recoilless, M27A ,.firing cartridge, HEP-T, M345. 31 Oct 55
105-H-4. Firing tables; howitzer, 105-mm, M2AI and M4; firing shell, HE, M1; 12 Jul 51
shell, chemical, M60; shell, smoke, BE, M84; shell, smoke, colored,
BE, M84; shell, illuminating, M314; shell, HE, AT-T, M67; shell,
HE, AT, M67.-
.. Changes 3 -
105-H-4 (abr) Firing tables for howitzer, 105-mm, M2A1 and M4; firing shell, HE, 6 Jul 51
Mi; shell, chemical, M60; shell, smoke, BE, M84; shell, smoke,
colored, BE, M84; shell, illuminating; M314; shell, HE, AT-T,
M67; shell, HE, AT, M67. - -
106-A-1 (abr) Rifle, recoilless, 106-mm, M40, firing; shell, HEAT, M344. 1 Aug 55
106-B-2- (abr) .-- Rifle, 106-mm, M40 firing-cartridge,.HEP-T, M346. 31 Oct- 55
120AA-A-1 ' un, 120-mm antiaircraft,.MI series firing shell, HE, M73 with fire 26 Mar 54
. control system, M33D on mount, AA, 120-mm, M1A2 (for use with
M33 fire control system).
Changes 1
120-C-1 Gun, 120-mm, M58 (T123El) on tank; 120-mm gun, M103 (T43E1). 14 Mar 57
155-Q-2 Firing tables; howitzer, 155-mm, Ml; firing shell, HE, M107; shell, 8 Apr 44
smbke, Ml10; shell, gas, persistent, H, Ml10; shell, smoke, colored.
BE, Mi16; shell, illuminating,.M118BI.-'
Changes 5, 6, 9, 10'
155-9-2 Firing tables for gun, 155-mm, M2, M2Al.and M46; firing shell, 3 Mar 44
HE, M101; shell, HE, M107; shell, smoke, WP, M110; shell, smoke,
WP, M104; shell, smoke, BE; Ml16 (HC and 3 colors); shell, gas,
M104; shell, gas, GB, non-persistent, M122; shell, illuminating.
M118 Mods.. .
*' " Changes 10, 11, 12
240-0-1 Firing tables for howitzer, 240-mm, Mi; firing shell, HE, M114; with 4 Jun 43
fuze, PD; M51AI; fuze, time, mechanical, M67.
Changes 2, 6, 7
(C) 280-A-1 Firing tables for gun, 280rmm, T131; firing shell, AE, 280-mm, M354 2 Oct 52
and shell,'HES, 280-mm, T123 (U).
Changes 2
280-B1. - Gun, 280-mm,.T131; firing shell, HE, T122. .. 1 Apr 53
Changes 1:(O), 2
R 762-A-2 Launcher, rocket; 762-mm. truck mounted, M289 firing rocket, 30 Sep 58
762-mm, M31AI and' M31AIC with warhead HE, 762-mm rocket,
M6 warhead, 762-mm rocket, flash smoke, XM4EI.
R 762-B-2 Firing tables for launcher, rocket: 762-mm truck-mounted, M289; 30 Sep 58
firing rocket, 762-mm: M31Al'and M31AIC with AK-N57 and
AK-XM57EI warhead, 762-mm rocket, flash-smoke, XM4E1.


762-A-2WC* Wind card, launcher, 762-mm, truck mounted, M289 firing rocket, 13 Jan 69
762-mm M31A1 and M31A1C with warhead, HE, 762-mm rocket,
M6 and warhead, 762-mm rocket, flash-smoke, XM4E1.
762-B-2WC* Wind card, launcher, 762-mm, truck mounted, M289; firing rocket, 13 Jan 59
762-mm M31A1 and M31A1C with AK-M57 and AK-XM57E1.
8-J-1 (A to 0) Trajectory chart for howitzer, 8-inch, MI. I Oct 45
8-L-2 (A to C) Trajectory chart for gun, 8-inch, MI. 13 Sep 45
75-BB-1 Trajectory chart for rifle, 75-mm, T21. 7 Aug 45
75-BK-1 Trajectory chart for gun, 75-mm, AA, T83E6 and T83E7 (M35) fir- 8 Dec 54
ing shell, HE, T50E2.
75-I-4 (A to D) Trajectory chart for howitzer, 75-mm, Ml, MIA1, M2, and M3. 17 Oct 45
105-H-4 (A to G) Trajectory chart for howitzer, 105-mm, M2A1, and M4, firing shell, 25 Apr 51
HE, M1.
155-Q-2 (A to G) Trajectory chart for howitzer, 155-mm, Ml. 2 Oct 45
155-S-2 (A and B) Trajectory chart for gun, 155-mm, M1 and MIA1. 18 Oct 45
(C) 280-A-1 (A &B) Trajectory charts for gun, 280-mm, T131; firing shell, AE, 280-mm, 1 Jul 52
M354 and shell, HES, 280-mm, T123 (U).
240-C-1 (A to D) Trajectory chart for howitzer, 240-mm, M1. 11 Sep 45
280-B-1 (A to D) Trajectory charts for gun, 280-mm, T131; firing shell, high explo- 15 Dec 52
sive, T122; with fuze, point detonating, M51A5, charge 1.

9. Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Publications (JANAP)

For information on Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Publications
(JANAP), see JANAP 201(C), 29 June 1954 [Classified CONFI-
10. Allied Communications Publications (ACP)
For information on Allied Communications Publications (ACP),
see JANAP 201(C), 29 June 1954 [Classified CONFIDENTIAL].

11. Rescissions.
Publications rescinded since 18 March 1958.
a. Field Manuals.
No. Date Rescinded by No. Date Rescinded by
5-10 18 Aug 48 Cir 310-55 23-81* 6 Nov 52 Cir 310-66
23-10* 30 Sep 43 Cir 310-66 24-5 29 Aug 50 Cir 310-51

b. ROTC Manuals. None

c. Training Circulars.
No. Date Rescinded by No. Date Rescinded by
1952 1953
4 14 Jan 52 Cir 310-55 6 14 Apr 53 Cir 310-47
19 1 May 52 Cir 310-58 1954
28 25 Jul 52 Cir 310-51 10 13 Apr 54 Cir 310-47
33 5 Nov 52 Cir 310-47 14 16 Jun 54 Cir 310-47
25 17 Dec 54 Cir 310-47
500060 °-59 6

d; Army Training Programs:and Mobilization Training Programs.

No. - Date Rescinded-by No. -Date - Rescinded by
5-313 10 Jun 54 Cir 310-51 10-203 . 9.Feb 54 Cir 310-51
10-201 4 Jan 54 Cir 310-51 . 11-203 5,0ct 54 Cir 310-51
10-202 13 Jan 54 Cir 310-51 .11-206* 18 Aug 54 Cir 310-66
11-303 11 Oct 54 Cir 310-51

e. Army Subject Schedules.

No. Date Rescinded by
44-20 6 Feb 56 Cir 310-51

f. Army Training Tests.

No. Date Rescinded by No. Date ' Rsscinded by
3-11* - 28 Feb 51 Cir 310-61 9-15 29 Feb 56 Cir 310-51
6-3 28 Feb 51 Cir 310-51 9-25 2 Feb 56 Cir 310-51
6-7 16 Jul 54 Cir 310-51 9-28 - 20 Apr 55 Cir 310-51
9-10 16 Dec 55 Cir 310- 51 17-16 . 25 Jan 54 Cir 310-51
9-13 8 Feb 56 Cir 310-51

g. Posters.'
No. Date Rescinded by No. ' Date Rescinded by
5-9 No date Cir 310-58 5-13 No date Cir 310-58,
5-10 No date Cir 310-58 5-14 1947 Cir 310-58
5-12 . 1947 Cir 310-58 5-16- - - 1947- Cir 310-58
21-58* 1 Apr 56 Cir 31061

h. Firing Tables. None.

12. Superseded Publications'
Publications superseded since 5 September 1958.
a. Field Manuals.
Ao. - Date Superseded by No.. Date Superseded by
5-20G* Dec 44 FM 5-21 27-5 14 Oct 47 FM 41-5
22-10 6 Mar 51 FM 22-100 31-72* 26 Oct 51 FM 31-71
23-91* 29 Aug 44 FM 23-90 70-10* 16 Sep 47 FM 31-72
24-16 17 Jan 50 FM 11-16

b. ROTC Manuals.
No. Date - Superseded by No. Date Superseded by
145-11-2 4 Nov 55 ROTCM 145-11-1 145-42 18 Jun 54 ROTCM 145-41
145-11-3 1 Nov 55 ROTCM 145-11-2

c. Training Circulars;-:
No. Date Superseded by No. Date Superseded by
1953 1955-1958
8 22 May53 FM 31-40 3-2* - 25 Apr 57 T 101f-1
1954 . . 3-3 21 Oct 57 TM 3-200
16 22Jun .54 FM 21-40
21* 25 Aug 54 FM 23-90

d. Army Training Programs and Mobili'zation Training Programs.

No. Date Superseded by No. Date Superseded by
3-203* 31 Mar 54 ATP 3-47 11-211* 29 Jun 54 ATP 11-500
10-229* 28 Jan 54 ATP 10-227 ' 11-213* 7 Jul 54 ATP 11-500
10-237* 3 Feb 54 ATP 10-110 11-214* 13 Jul 54 ATP 11-500
ATP 10-377 - 11-215* 2 Jul 54 ATP 11-500
11-205 17 Aug 54 ATP 11-155 :11-216* 9 Jun 54 - ATP 11-500
- 11-207 26 May 54 ATP 11-155 11-217* 26 May 54 ATP 11-500
11-208* 11 Jun -54 ATP 11-500 11-218* 22 Jun 54 ATP 11-500
11-209* 8 Jun 54 ATP 11-500 11-220* 8 Oct 54 .ATP 11-500
11-210 " 18 Aug 54 ATP 11-155 11-221* 30 Jun 54 ATP 11-500

d. Army Training Programs and Mobilization Training Programs-

No. Date Superseded by No Date Superseded by
12-200* 2 Mar 54 ATP 12-47 19-202 28 Jan 54 ATP 19-1
17-202 13 Aug 54 ATP 17-2 19-203 10 Feb 54 ATP 19-1
17-212 13 Aug 54 ATP 17-2 19-204 23 Apr 54 ATP 19-1
17-222 13 Aug 54 ATP 17-2 19-205 8 Mar 54 ATP 19-1
17-231 13 Aug 54 ATP 17-2 19-300 17 Dec 53. ATP 19-1
17-301 13 Aug 54 ATP 17-45 55-200* 30 Jul 56 ATP 55-57
17-306 30 Aug 54 ATP 17-1 55-204 9 Mar 54 ATP 55-111
19-200 24 Jan 57 ATP 19-1 55-302 8 Mar 54 ATP 55-111
19-201 10 Feb 54 ATP 19-1 55-303 27 Dec 54 ATP 55-111

e. Army Subject Schedules.

No. Date Superseded by
12-113* 21 Jun 57 ASubjScd 12-714

f. Army Training Tests.

No. Date Superseded by No. Date Superseded by
9-30 2 May 55 ATT 9-510-2 10-27* 23 Dec 55 ATT 10-407
10-10 23 Feb 51 ATT 10-167 10-30 10 Dec 53 ATT 10-417
10-13* 23 Feb 51 ATT 10-227 19-1* 26 Feb 51 ATT 19-57
10-15 23 Jul 57 ATT 10-377 19-2* 26 Feb 51 ATT 19-217
10-18 23 Feb 51 ATT 10-297 19-7 26 Feb 51 ATT 19-55
10-19 23 Feb 51 ATT 10-22-1 19-8* 26 Feb 51 ATT 19-35
10-20 23 Dee 55 ATT 10-22-1

g. Posters. None.
h. Firing Tables and Trajectory Charts.
No. Date Superseded by No. Date Superseded by
R762-A-1 26 Feb 54 FTR 762-A-2 762-A-1 1 Dec 53 FTR 762-A-2
R762-B-1 12 Aug 54 FTR 762-B-2 762-B-1 12 Aug 54 FTR 762-A-2


A Administrative personnel
Administrative specialist
AAAIS. (See Antiaircraft Artillery (MOS 717) ASubjScd 12-104
Information Service.) Personnel specialist (MOS 716)
AAOC. (See Antiaircraft Opera- ASubJScd 12-103
tions Center.) Administrative planning
Abbreviations FM 21-30 Office organization ASubJScd 41-8
Topographic FM 21-31 Administrative services
Absence without leave Dept of the Army
Forfeiture of pay and allowances Mission; functions ROTCM 145-70
ROTCM 145-95 Aerial delivery
Absences authorized Heavy drop equipment, rigged
Types of leave ROTCM 145-95 Outloading and transporta-
Accounting specialist, Personnel tion TO 10-1
(MOS 752) Aerial photographs. (See Photo-
Technical training ASubjScd 12-108 graphs, Aerial.)
Administration Aerial tramways
Military FM 100-10 M2 ROTCM 145-5-2
Agencies, Intelligence
145-95 Eastern forces ASubiScd 30-34
Administrative Center Agents
Armored division Chemical; biological; radiological
Organization; functions; loea- Classification, identification;
tion ASubjScd 17-43 detection ASubjScd 3-11
Aggressor forces ' -ASubjScd 6-30 Ammunition
Order'of battle FM 30-103 Antiaircraft Artillery ASubjScd 44-30
Organization FM 30-101 Care and handling ASubjScd 6-1
Representation -FM 30-104 Guns, tank ASubjScd 17-16
Tactics; techniques FM 30-102 Rocket launchers
-Uniforms; insignia FM 30-101 3.5-inch FM 23-32
Aiming circle ASubjScd 17-25 Types · FM 17-12
M27 TC 17-3 - Ammunition, Atomic
Air Force Field Artillery gun; howitzer
Engineer troop .construction units TC 6-8
support TC 5-5 Ammunition materiel
Air movement Manufacture; testing; identi-
Training test ATT 57-1 fication code ROTCM 145-9-2
Air Observer training ASubjScd 6-2 Types; descriptions ROTCM 145-9-1
Air power Ammunition service
: Command; employment FM 100-20 Theater of operations
Air power, Tactical Logistics FM 9-6
Operations techniques ASubjScd 33-31 Operating procedures .FM 9-6
Airborne combat group Ammunition supply
S2 section ATT 7-34 Distribution; storage;-de.-
Airborne operations ASubjScd 33-21 struction ROTCM i45-9-2
Joirt.cmployment FM 57-30 Amphibious operations
Preparation; execution FM 57-20 Assault landings FM 60-5
Tactics; techniques FM 57-30 FM 60-10
Airborne proficiency ASubjSdd 7-51 Embarkation; ship loading FM'60-30
Airborne training ASubjScd 33-21 Landing forces
Airborne units
A Intelligence procedures FM 110-101
Divisional units :' Amphibious patrols
Tactics, techniques FM 57-20 Communication equipment;
Aircraft landing point, approach; beach
Camouflage ASubjScd 6-27 operations . FM 110-115
FM 5-20E Amphibious reconnaissance
Defense ASubjScd 21-18 'Joint landing forces mnanual;
Security ASubjScd 6-27 operational employment; plan-
Tactical employment ASubjScd 6-33 ning FM 110-115
Aircraft, Army - Anatomy, Human. (See Human
Combat zone body: Anatomy and physiology.)
Recognition and identifica- - Antennas
tion TC 1-6 Types FM 24-18
Employment FM 20--100 Antiaircraft Artillery. (See Artillery,
Loading; transporting FM 20-100 AA.)
Aircraft, Army multiengine Antiaircraft Artillery ammunition
Qualification TC 1-5 ASubjScd 44-30
Aircraft, Foreign Antiaircraft Artillery Information
Recognition manual FM 30-30 Service
Aircraft, Personal - Operations center FM 44-8
- Inspection manual ROT.CM 145-1-2 Tactical employment :ASubjScd 44-1
Aircraft, U-1 - Antiaircraft Artillery units .. .
Transition training TC 1-4 Formations; inspections
Aircraft, U. S. Preparation; execution . - FM 44-20
Recognition manual FM 30-30 Antiaircraft fire -control materiel,
Aircraft and armor Development ROTCM 145-9-2
Recognition ASubjScd 44-2 Antiaircraft Operations Center FM 44-8
Airdromes. (See Airfields.) Antiaircraft weapons system
Airfield construction ASubjScd 5-10 Qualification program FM 44-19
Airfields Anti-guerilla warfare -
Camouflage .FM 5-20E Training - ASubjScd 21-16
.Reconnaissance, selection and Anti-infiltration - - -
organization. ASubjScd 17-44 Training ASubjScd 21-16
Airfields, Unit Antijamming. (See Jamming (radio
Operation ASubjScd 6-19 communications).)
ASubScd 9-12 Antijamming instructions FM 11-8
Antijamming operations FM 11-151
countries . LArctic Operations
Military.police operations r - FM 19-10 Basic manual FM 31-70
Allotments - Camoufiage - - FM 5-20
Classification ROTCM 145-95 Area censors
American military history. (See
Duties and responsibilities - FM 30-28
Armed Forces
Military history: U. S.) Joint actions FM 110-5
Armed Forces, Joint Artillery position areas
Armorctivities FM 1Defense ASubjScd 6-11
Defense ASubjScd 21-18 Artillery weapons
Armor, Enemy
Enemy Aubjcd2Classification FM 6-20
Recognition ASubjScd 17-2 Artillerymen
Armored division
Armored division Examinations FM 44-19
Logistics FM 17-50 Assault boats and rafts
Tactical employment FM 17-100 Use and operation ASubjScd 5-8
Armored Infantry.
Armored Infantry. (Sec
(See Infantry,
Infantry, Assembly area reconnaissance ASubjScd 17-5
Armored Units Physical training program FM 21-10
Organization mission, and em- Atomic explosions
ployment ASubjScd 6-41 Effects FM 5-15
Armorer (MOS 768.20) Atomic warfare
Training test ASubjScd 10-111 Defense against attack FM 21-40
Army-Air Force postal service Atomic weapons
Organization and functions ASubjScd 12-2 Characterstics FM 9-40
Army band Disposal FM 9-40
Training test ATT 12-107 Tactical use FM 100-31
Army-Navy equipment Atomic weapons employment
Designations FM 21-30 Staff officers' field manual FM 101-31
Army organization ASubjScd 30-37 FM 101-31A
ASubjScd 41-4 Atropine
FM 21-13 Self-injection FM 21-48
Army Quartermaster Attacks
Duties; responsibilities FM 10-17 Fortified areas FM 31-50
Army supply system. (See Supply Towns FM 31-50
system, Army.) Automotive materiel, Ordnance
Artificial respiration FM 21-11 ROTCM 145-9-1
Artillery ROTCM 145-9-2
Camouflage FM 5-20D Automotive training, Technical
General characteristics FM 6-20 MOS technical training ASubjScd 9-115
Organization; responsibilities FM 620 Aviation
Artillery, AA Airman's guide ROTCM 145-1-10
Camouflage FM 5-20F Flight information manual ROTCM 145-1-8
Employment FM 44-1 Aviation, Army
Field Artillery role ASubjScd 44-13 Tactics; techniques FM 20-100
Information service FM 44-8 Aviation, Army transport
Organization and employment ASubjScd 44-3 Combat operations FM 5735
Service practice FM 44-21 Employment TC 1-7
Use of Field Artillery missions FM 6-40 Aviation program, Army
Artillery, AA (light) History ROTC
Automatic weapons FM 44-2 145-55-1
Organization and, tactics; gun. Aviation section
nery and fire control FM 443 Inspection, Command
Artillery, AA (heavy) Checklist FM 20-100
Organization and tactics; gun- Aviators, Army
nery and fire control FM 44-4 Training FM 20-100
Artillery, AA (medium) B
Organization and tactics; gun-
nery and fire control FM 44-4 Ballistics. (See also Gunnery.)
Artillery, Field Field Artillery gunnery FM 6-40
Gunnery FM 6-40 Ballot, Absentee
Instruments Application DA Poster 21-76
Operator's duties ASubjScd 6-16 Band instruments
Missile group (heavy) FM 6-25 Care; repair FM 12-50
Missile group, Redstone ATT 6-630 Bandages
Survey courses ASubjScd 6-29 Types; uses FM 8-50
Tactics; techniques FM 6-20 Bands, Marching
Artillery fire Manual: baton and instrument;
Adjustment by combat soldier FM 6-135 ceremonies, formations, etc. FM 12-50
Planning; tactical use FM 6-18 Bands, Military ASubjScd 12-1
Technique of employment FM 6-18 Bands, Organizational
Artillery materiel, Ordnance Training program ATP 12-203
Employment; inspection; stor- Bands, Separate
age and shipment ROTCM 145-9-2 Training program ATP 12-203
Terminology; classification BARC
ROTCM 145-9-1 Mission TC 55-7
Barges, Spud type .... .Battalions, Combat-Continued
Characteristics; installation FM 55-52 Engineers (divisional)
Barrier operations . .. FM 31-10 ..... Mission; organization;
Basic combat training . operations; equipment . FM 5-132
Male military personnel . ATP 21-114 Training program ATP- 5-300
"The Basic Seven" DA Poster 10-17 Training test ATT 5-31
Bath units . . Engineers (infantry division)
Bathing and clothing exchange Communications FM 7-24
operations - ASubjScd 10-11 Battalions, Construction
Battalions. (See also Units.) Engineers
Battalions, Air defense artillery mis-. Capabilities ROTCM 145-5-4
sile - F Organization; employment FM 5-162
NIKIE-HERCULES - FM44-95 Trainoingprogram . ATP 5-312
FM 44-95A Training test . : ATT 5-7
Battalions, Airborne - .. Signal
Ordnance Training program - ATP 11-302
Training test . ATT 9-22 Training test ATT-11-10
Battalions, Airborne Maintenance :Battalions, Engineer
Training test ATT 29-65 Airborne division
Battalions, Antiaircraft · Communications FM 7-24
Training program . ATP 44-300 Armored division
Airborne Communications FM 17-70
Training test ATT 44-6 Functions; operation FM 5-134
Battalions, AAA Missile (NIKE) . Organization, functions FM 5-5
Training test ATT 44-10 Battalions, Engineer (airborne).
Battalions, Armor (90-mm gun) Training program ATP 5-300
Armored division ATP 17-25 Training test. . ATT 5-16
Medium tank platoon and - Battalions, Engineer (armored)
company ATT 17-27 Tactics; techniques FM 17-45
Battalions, Armored Infantry Training program ATP 5-300
Characteristics; employment; Training test ATT 5-14
organization . FM 17-20 Battalioris, Field Artillery
Infantry division . ATP 17-65 4.2-inch mortar
Medium tank platoon and -- - Organization and employ-
company ATT 17-67 ment' TC 6-5
Training program ATP 7-25 8-inch howitzer
Battalions, Armored Ordnance Training test - ATT 6-16
Training test ATT 9-65 155-mm gun ATT 6-12
: Battalions, Automatic weapons 280-mm gun
*Antiaircraft artillery Training test ATT 6-8
Training test ATT 44-2 762-mm rocket . ATT 6-11
ATT 44-3 FM 6-61
Antiaircraft Artillery, abn FM 6-61A
Training test ATT 44-6 Classification; tactics;
Battalions, Aviation -. techniques FM 6-101
Engineers Organization; functions FM 6-101
Training program ATP 5-383 Light and medium
Training test ATT 5-12 Training test ATT 6-5
Engineers, with Air. Force FM 5-166' Battalions, Field Artillery (ROCID)
Battalions, Boat 105 mm howitzer
Transportation Training test - ATT 6-15
Training program ATP 55-308 Battalions, Field Artillery missile
Training test ATT 55-24 CORPORAL ATT 6-10
Battalions, Boat maintenance Lacrosse FM 6-45
Transportation Battalions, Fire support
Training program ATP 55-309 Field artillery
Battalions, Camouflage Training test ATT 65-
Engineers Battalions, Firing
Training test * ATT 5-95 Field Artillery
Battalions, Chemical Training test ATT 6-2
Operation ASubjScd 3-12 Battalions, Gun . .
Organization; mission; functions FM 3-80 Antiaircraft artillery (nondivi-
Battalions, Combat sional)
Engineers (army) Training program ATP 44-310
Training program ATP 5-300 Battalions, Gun (90-mm)
Trainingtest ATT 5-15 . Antiaircraft artillery .
ATT 5-35-1 Training test . -. : ATT 44-1
Battalions, Gun (120-mm) Battalions. Railway shop
Antiaircraft artillery Transportation Corps FM 55-23
Training test ATT 44-4 Battalions, Reconnaissance
Battalions, Infantry Armored Cavalry regiment FM 17-95
Amphibious operations Training test ATT 17-6
Training FM 60-5 Armored division
Armored division Communication FM 17-70
Communications FM 17-70 Tactical exercises
Mission, composition, Advanced unit training
employment FM 7-20 phase ASubjScd 17-50
Training test ATT 7-26 Training program ATP 17-45
Battalions, Infantry (armored) Battalions, Signal
Rifle platoon Armored division
Firing and tactics ASubjScd 17-45 Training FM 11-11
Tactical exercises ASubJScd 17-54 Cable construction
Training test ATT 7-4 Training program ATP 11-45
Battalions, Medical Training test ATT 11-45
Communications FM 7-24 Combat area FM 11-86
Battalions, -Military intelligence Training program ATP 11-85
Field army FM 30-9 Corps or airborne corps
FM 30-9A Training program ATP 11-15
Battalions, Military Police ATP 11-300
Army Infantry division
Training test ATT 19-35 Training FM 11-10
Operational training ASubjScd 19-27 Operation FM 11-95
Training test ATT 19-55 Supply and maintenance
Battalions, Missile (CORPORAL) Training program ATP 11-155
Field Artillery FM 6-30 Training test ATT 11-11
FM 6-30A Battalions, Signal (ROCAD)
Training program ATP 6-303 Armored division
Battalions, Mortar Training program ATP 11-5
Chemical Training test ATT 11-55
Tactics; technique FM 3-20 Battalions, Signal (ROCID)
Battalions, Observation Infantry division
Field Artillery Training program ATP 11-5
Operations section: organi- Training test ATT 11-25
zation and duties ASubjScd 6-24 Battalions, Signal (ROTAD)
Organization; duties of per- Airborne division
sonnel; training; tactical Training program ATP 11-5
employment FM 6-120 Training test ATT 11-555
Training program ATP 6-301 Battalions, Smoke generator
Training test ATT 6-4 Chemical FM 3-50
Survey courses ASubjScd 6-29 Battalions, Tank
Battalions, Operation Communications FM 7-24
Signal Reinforced
Training program ATP 11-301 Tactical exercises ASubJScd 17-49
Training test ATT 11-9 Battalions, Tank (90-mm gun)
Battalions, Ordnance Armored
Infantry division Training test ATT 17-19
Training test ATT 9-25-1 Infantry and Airborne divisions
Special weapons depot Training test ATT 17-7
Training test ATT 9-31 Battalions, Tank (120-mm gun)
Special weapons support Armored
Training test ATT 9-31 Training test ATT 17-19
Battalions, Quartermaster Armored, Infantry division
Armored division Training test ATT 17-7
Training program ATP 10-45 Battalions, Tank (amphibious)
Training test ATT 1047-10
Battalions, Radio broadcasting and Trining test ATT 17-10
leaflet Vehicle characteristics FM 17-34
Consolidation organization Battalions, Tank (heavy)
Training test ATT 33-4 Armored division
Psychological warfare opera- Communications FM 17-70
tions FM 33-5
Training test ATT 33-4 Battalions, Tank (medium)
Battalions, Railway operating Armored division
Transportation Corps FM 55-22 Communications FM 17-70
Battalions, Topographic Battery commander
Engineers ATT 5-3 Duties FM 6-18
Engineers (army) - - FM 6-140
Operations FM 5-188 Battery computer
Training program ATP 5-340 Duties ASubjScd 6-7
Engineers, Base Battery recorder
Operations; capabilities FM 5-188 Duties ASubjScd 6-7
Battalions, Tractor (amphibious) Battle groups
Vehicle characteristics FM 17-34 S2 Section ATT 7-33
Training test - ATT 17-15 Battle indoctrination - FM 21-75
Battalions, Transportation Battle pictures
Infantry division ATP 55-75 Breakthrough at Chipyong-Ni
ATT 55-75 Chipyong-Ni, Korea, 1951
Battalions, Transportation terminal DA Poster 21-47
Operation FM 55-52 Gatlings to the assault
ROTCM 145-55-1 Santiago de Cuba, 1898 DA Poster 21-46
Training objectives TC 24-1954 "First at Vicksburg"
Batteries Vicksburg, Miss, 1863 DA Poster 21-41
Antiaircraft Artillery "Follow me!"
Electronic warfare ATT-44-9 Leyte, Philippine Islands,
Guns, 8-in 1944 DA Poster 21-43
M1 FM 6-95 Good marksmanship and guts
Guns, 155-mm Fort Phil Kearney,' Wyo-
M2 FM 6-87 ming, 1867 DA Poster 21-45
FM 6-91 "I'll try, sirl"
Guns, 280-mm Peking, China, 1900 DA Poster 21-73
T-131 FM 6-96 Knocking out the Moros
Howitzers, 8-in Jolo Island, Philippines,
M2 - FM 6-87 1913 DA Poster 21-48
FM 6-90 Merry Christmas, 1776
Howitzers, 105-mm Trenton, N. J., 1776 DA Poster 21-37
M2 series FM 6-75 Remagen bridgehead
M2A1 : FM 6-74 Remagen, Germany, 1945
M4 FM 6-76 DA Poster 21-32
Howitzers, 155-mm "Remember your regiment"
Mi - FM 6-81 Resaca de la Palma, Texas,
FM 6-82 1846 DA Poster 21-40
Howitzers, 240-mm - The road to Fallen Timbers
Ml FM 6-96 Maumee, Ohio, 1794 DA Poster 21-38
Batteries,.Field Artillery "The rock of the Marne"
Organization; supply; ' ' Mezy, France, 1918 DA Poster 21-42
maintenance; employment FM 6-140 "Thoseare regulars, by Godl"
Types FM 6-140 Chippewa, Canada 1814 DA Poster 21-39
Batteries, Field Artillery (RO CID) Battlefield illumination
Howitzer, 105-mm Direct and indirect FM 6-115
Training test ATT 6-13 TC 17-2
Batteries, Headquarters. -(See - Purpose and principles 'FM 20-60
Headquarters and headquarters . Bayonets ASubjScd 21-28
batteries.) Use
Batteries, Mortar - Tactics; techniques -FM 23-25
Battle group, Infantry and Air- Beach operations - ASubjScd 55-29
borne battle group, Infantry . ATT 6-14 Beach reconnaissance and organi-
Organization; command; control FM 6-18 zation - FM 55-52
Batteries, Observation A Binoculars
Field Artillery Use and care ASubjScd 17-20
Organization; duties of per- ASubjScd 44-22
sonnel; -training; tactical Biological agents
employment FM 6-120 Classification FM 21-40
Batteries, Rocket (762-mm) FM 6-21 Employment; characteristics; - I
Batteries, Rocket (heavy) types FM 3-5
Organization, equipment, em- Biological warfare
ployment ASubjScd 6-39 Defense against attack FM 21-40
Batteries, Searchlight
....- · -- -~FM21-41
First-aid; self-aid
Field Artillery FM 6-115 Trainingexercises
Training exercises - FM 21-48
-FM 21-48
Training program ATP 6-304 Responsibilities of organization .
Training test ATT 6-6 and personnel - FM 3-5
Biological warfare-Continued Camouflage ASubjScd 21-1
Tactics; technique FM 3-5 Aircraft ASubJScd 6-27
Training exercises FM 21-48 Aircraft, on the ground FM 5-20E
Biological warfare items Airfields FM 5-20E
Disposal FM 9-40 Artillery, AA FM 5-20F
Bivouac and assembly areas FM 55-37 Artillery, field FM 5-20D
Bivouacs ASubjScd 21-22 Basic principles FM 5-20
Camouflage FM 5-20C Bivouacs FM 5-20C
Characteristics FM 17-33 Command posts FM 5-20C
Marches and bivouacs ASubjScd 17-1 Infantry weapons FM 5-20A
Boards of officers Medical installations FM 5-20C
Textbook for ROTC ROTCM 145-85 Methods and construction FM 5-21
Boats, Assault Operations FM 5-21
M2 ROTCM 145-5-2 Personnel FM 5-20A
Bomb reconnaissance Supply points FM 5-20C
Bombs Vehicles FM 5-20B
Disposal FM 9-40 Camouflage materials
Unexploded Natural; artificial; expedient FM 5-22
Disposal FM 9-40 Camouflage specialist (MOS 514.1)
Booby traps Technical training ASubjScd 5-514.1
Construction FM 5-31 Campaigns
Detection FM 5-31 Planning FM 100-15
Disposal FM 5-31 Cannoneers
Removal FM 5-31 Training instruction ASubjScd 6-3
Use; installation FM 5-31 Cannons
Branches of the Army 8-inch howitzer
Classification FM 100-5 M2 FT 8-J-2
List; definition ROTCM 145-70 M2A1 FT 8-.T-2
Bread baker (MOS 943.10) M47 FT 8-J-2
Technical training ASubjScd 10-943 90-mm gun
Bridges M36 FT 90-N-1
Classification ROTCM 145-5-2 M41 FT 90-N-1
Reconnaissance classification; M54 (T125) FT 90-N-1
marking FM 5-36 Canvas and leather repairman
Bridges, Fixed ASubjScd 5-7 Technical training ASubjScd 10-462.1
Bridges, Floating Carbine marksmanship courses
Anchorage ROTCM 145-5-2 Trainfire I FM 23-72
Assembly ASubjScd 5-8 Carbines (cal. .30)
M4 ROTCM 145-5-2 M1 FM 23-7
M4T6 ROTCM 145-5-2 ROTCM 145-30
Bridges, Panel Marksmanship ASubJScd 21-32
Aluminum, T6 ROTCM 145-5-2 MIA1 FM 23-7
Bailey, M2 ROTCM 145-5-2 ROTCM 145-30
Bridges, Rough Marksmanship ASubjScd 21-32
Construction; maintenance ASubjScd 7-35 M2 FM 23-7
Bridging, Mobile assault ROTCM 145-30
Employment TC 5-2 Marksmanship ASubjScd 21-32
Brigades M3 FM 23-7
Antiaircraft Artillery ROTCM 145-30
Training test ATT 44-5 Marksmanship ASubjScd 21-32
Engineer aviation, with Air Carbon dioxide
Force FM 5-166 Hand fire extinguishers WD Poster 5-4
U.S. Army air defense Carbon tetrachloride
Training test ATT 44-12 Hand fire extinguishers WD Poster 5-3
Brigades, Amphibious support 1 gallon type WD Poster 5-2
Organization charts FM 101-10 Cargo documentations ASubJScd 55-26
Bugle calls FM 12-50 Carpenter (heavy construction)
Burial at sea FM 10-63 (MOS 511.1)
Burial services Technical training ASubjScd 5-511
Procedures FM 10-63 Carriages (gun, 76-mm)
C M29 (T66) FT 76-I-1
FT 76-I-1 (abr)
CA/MG. (See Civil affairs/Mill- Carriages (gun, 280-mm) FM 6-96
tary government.) T-72
Cablegrams Carriages, Motor (gun, 40-mm)
Censorship FM 30-28 M19 FM 44-62
Cableways Carriages, Motor (gun, 155-mm)
Operation ROTCM 145-5-2 M40 FM 6-87
500060--59 7
Carriages, Motor (gun, machine) - CBR warfare. (See Chemical war-
M16 FM 44-57 fare;-Biological warfare; Radiolog- ·
Carriages, Motor (gun, multiple) ical warfare.) -
M15 - FM 44-59 Censors, Field press
M15A1 FM 44-59 Duties and responsibilities - FM 45-25
Carriages, Motor (howitzer, 8-inch) Violations FM 45-25
M43 FM 6-87 Censorship
Carriages, Motor (howitzer, 105-mm) Training FM 30-28
M7B1 FM 6-74 Censorship, Area
M7B2 FM 6-74 Types; procedures FM 30-28
M37 FM 6-76 Censorship, Armed Forces
Carriages, Motor (howitzer, 155-mm) Objectives; definitions; scope FM 30-28
M41 FM 6-82 Censorship, Field press
Cartridges, AP (cal. .30) Mission; responsibilities; func-
M2 FT 0.30-J-1 tions FM 45-25
Cartridges, AP (cal. .50) Records and reports FM 45-25
M2 - FT 0.50-H-1 Censorship, Unit
Cartridges, AP, NATO (7.62 mm) Responsibilities; precedures FM 30-28
M61 FT 7.62-A-1 Censorship stamps FM 30-28
Cartridges, AP-T Ceremonies
M81 FT40AA-A-3 Antiaircraft Artillery
M81A1 FT40AA-A-3 -- Types FM 44-20
Cartridges, API (cal. .50) Techniques FM 22-5
M8 . FT 0.50AA-T-1 Chain of command
Cartridges, Ball (cal. .30) Army ROTCM 145-10
M2 FT 0.30-A-4 Chaplains -
M1906 - FT 0.30-A-4 Mission; functions. FM 16-5
Cartridges, Ball (cal. .50) Chaplain's assistant (MOS 718.1)
- FT -50-H-I-1 Technical training ASubjScd 16-718
Cartridges, Ball, NATO (7.62 mm) Charges; Chemical mortars (4.2-
M59. FT 7.62-A-1 inch)
Cartridges, HE M6 - F.T 4.2-B-1
M306A1 FT 57-E-3(abr) - FT 4.2-B-l(abr)
M309 FT 75-BB-3(abr) Charges, Propelling
M309AI - FT 75-BB-3(abr) M6 FT 4.2-F-1
Cartridges, HE, AT - - FT 4.2-F-l(abr)
M307A1 FT 57-F-2(abr) M36 FT 4.2-F-1
M310 FT 75-BE-i(abr) : FT 4.2-F-l(abr)
M310A1 FT 75-BE-l(abr) Charts, Plotting (sound ranging)
Cartridges, HE-T Construction ASubJScd 6-25
SD, Mk. 2 FT 40AA-A-3 Charts, Visibility 'ASublScd 6-31
M345 FT 105-AP-2(abr) Chemical agents
M346 FT 106-B-2(abr) Detection and identification by
Cartridges, Ignition color reactions FM 21-48
M3 FT 81-B-5(abr) -Detection and identification by
M5A1 - FT 60-G-2(abr) sensory reactions - FM 21-48
M6 FT 81-A-D-l(abr) Use; behavior . FM 21-40
FT 81-AE-l(abr) Chemical Corps
FT 81-C-4(abr) Reference handbook . FM 3-8
M6 FT 81-N-l(abr) Supply and field service
FT 81-S-2(abr)
- Organization; responsibill-
- FT 81-T-2(abr) ties FM 3-15
MS8 FT 81-AO-i(abr) Chemical Corps Units -
Organizations; mission; fune-
FT 81-AH-2(fbr) tions &employment . ASubJScd 3-1
M66(T77E1) FT 81-Z-2(abr) Chemical depot [etc] companies.
Cartridges, Smoke, WP - (See under Companies.)
M308A1 FT- 57-G-1(abr) Chemical equipment repairman
MS11- - FT 75-BB-3(abr) (MOS 533)
M311Al FT 75-BB-3(abr) - Technical training ASubjScd 3-533
Cartridges, TP Chemical mortars. (See Mortars,
M306A1 FT 57-E-3(abr) Chemical.)
Chemical munitions. (See Muni-
M309 FT 75-BB-3(abr) tons,
tions, Chemcal.)
M309Al FT 75-BB-3(abr) Chemical Officer, Chief. (See Chief -
Cartridges, Tracer, NATO (7.62 mm) - Chemical Officer.)
M62 - FT 7.62-A-1 Chemical operations
Cataloging, Supply FM 38-1 Statistical information; data -FM 3-8
Chemical parts specialist (MOS 771) Clerk-typist (MOS 711)
Technical training ASubjScd 3-771 Technical training ASubjScd 12-101
Chemical processing ASubjScd 3-8 Climate. (See Weather.)
Chemical service organization ATT 3-500 Clinical psychology specialist (MOS
Chemical services ASubjScd 3-5 915.10; 915.20)
Chemical staff specialist (MOS 534) Technical training ASubjScd 8-115
Technical training ASubjScd 3-534 Clothing, equipment and general
Chemical supply specialist (MOS supplies ASubjScd 10-7
761) Coal firing instructions
Technical training ASubjScd 3-761 Operator's preventive mainte-
Chemical warfare nance WD Poster 5-1
Defense against attack FM 21-40 Code of conduct ASubjScd 21-15
FM 21-41 DA Poster 21-1
First aid; self-aid DA Poster 21-100
Training exercises FM 21-48 DA Poster 21-100-1
Responsibilities of organizations DA Poster 21-100-2
and personnel FM 3-5 DA Poster 21-100-3
Tactics; technique FM 3-5 DA Poster 21-100-4
Training exercises FM 21-48 DA Poster 21-100-5
Chemical warfare helper (MOS 530) DA Poster 21-100-6
Technical training ASubjScd 3-530 Meaning FM 21-77
Chemical Warfare Service. (See Cold climate operations. (See Arc-
Chemical Corps.) tic operations.)
Chief Chemical Officer Combat
Duties and responsibilities FM 3-9 Cities ASubjScd 17-28
Chief Chemical Officer, Office Hand-to-hand FM 21-150
Organization and functions FM 3-9 Towns and fortified areas FM 31-50
Chief of Ordnance, Office Organiza- Combat command
tion and functions ROTCM 145-9-2 Armored division
Civil Affairs/Military Government FM 41-15 S2 section ATT 17-21
FM 100-10 Training program ATP 17-1
Command post exercises ASubjScd 41-10 Combat formations
Court Rules ASubjScd 41-2 Platoons: Types TC 7-2
Functional operations ASubjScd 41-7 Squad: Types TC 7-2
FM 41-5 Combat formations and signals ROTCM 145-60
History ASubjScd 41-1 Combat intelligence ASubjScd 6-4
Operations FM 41-10 FM 30-5
Preparation of SOP's ASubjScd 41-8 FM 30-7
U. S. Policies ASubjScd 41-3 Combat orders
Civil Affairs/Military Government Preparation FM 101-5
Units Combat techniques
Organization, employment, ca- Arctic operations FM 31-70
pabilities, administration, Combat training
training FM 41-15 Basic ASubjScd 9-14
Organization and function ASubjScd 41-5 Day; night ASubjScd 21-20
-Civil Air regulations Rifle companies, Infantry
Parts 1, 3, 20, 43, 60, 62 ROTCM 145-1-1 Defensive; offensive FM 7-10
Civil disturbances Combat zone
Characteristics FM 19-15 Medical service FM 8-10
Use of Federal troops FM 19-15 Comcenters. (See Communications
Classification centers.)
Routes of communication: roads; Command, Channels of
bridges, vehicles FM 5-36 Joint actions FM 110-5
Classified information Command and staff
Transmission; storage; destruc- Relationship; operations ROTCM 145-90
tion ROTCM 145-95 Command inspections ASubjScd 17-8
Clerk, administrative (MOS 710) Command Post Exercises (CPX's)
Technical training ASubjScd 12-100 ASubjScd 6-32
Clerk, Machine accounting (MOS ASubjScd 11-25
750) ASubjScd30-16
Technical training ASubjScd 12-106 ASubjScd 41-10
Clerk, Medical records (MOS ASbjScd 44-4
715.10; 715.20)
Technical training ASubjScd 8-106 Definition; purpose
Clerk, Senior supply (MOS 768.10) Umpire guide FM 105-5
Training test ASubjScd 10-111 Command post security ASubjScd 17-47
Clerk, Supply (MOS 760.0) Command posts
Technical training ASubjScd 10-100 Camouflage FM 5-20C
Command responsibilities Companies, Administrative
Individual soldier's load - Infantry division
Control TC 2-1953 'Training program ATP 7-2
Commanders, Battalion . . ompanies, Aerial supply
Duties;- responsibilities . .FM 6-101 Quartermaster .TC 26-1951
FM 7-20 Training program ATP 10-407
Commanders, Company Training test ATT 10-407
Duties; responsibilities Companies, Aerial tramway
Heavy weapons company FM 7-15 Transportation TC 55-4
Rifle company FM 7-10 Companies, Airborne
Commanders, Regimental Engineers
Duties; responsibilities FM 7-40 Training test ATT 5-17
Commands Quartermaster
Organization . FM 100-15 Parachute supplyand main-
ROTCM 145-10 tenance FM- 30-33
Commands, Combat Signal
Armored division - Training test ATT 11-1
Staff officers guide FM 17-100 Companies, Ammunition
Communications FM 17-70 Ordnance special weapons -- ATT 9-36
Commands, Logistical * Companies, Armored carrier
Organization; mission; func- Mission;.organization FM 55-37
tions TC 54-1 Companies, Armored division ad-
Commands, Reserve ministration
Communications' FM 17-70 Training program ATP 17-2
Commands, Transportation ter- Companies, Armored Infantry
minal- Characteristics; employment;
Theater of operations FM 55-51 organization FM 17-20
Commands, Unified . - Companies, Artillery
Definition; establishment FM 110-5 - Odnance
Commodityclassification system FM 38-1 Training test- . - ATT 9-13
Communications centers - - Companies, Automotive mainte-
Operations FM 11-17 nance
. ROTCM 145-11-1 Ordnance -
Communication security FM 32-5 Training test . . ·-- ATT 9-3
Communications - ASubjScd 33-23 ATT 9-6
Censorship - FM 30-28 Companies, Aviation
Marine ASubjScd 55-22 Engineers, with Air Force FM 5-166
:Military police ASubjScd 19-21 Training program ATP 1-7
Mortar battery Training test - . ATT 1-7
Wire; radio FM 6-18 Companies, Bakery (mobile)
Security measures ASubjScd 30-7 Quartermaster . FM 10-14
Communications, Artillery - Companies, Bath -- . .
Principles FM.6-20 Quartermaster
Communications, Privileged Training test - ATT 10-11
Red Cross personnel; technical Companies, Bath (semimobile)
observers . FM 30-28 Quartermaster - FM'10-25
Communications, Signal - Training program ATP 10-210
Armored division Companies, Boat
Operations; maintenance FM 17-70 Transportation
Doctrine * FM 100-11 Training program ATP 55-308
Field Artillery observation bat- Training test .ATT 55-27
- talion FM 6-120 Companies, Boat (heavy)·
Heavy weapons company ASubjScd 7-43 - Transportation
Higher echelon ROTCM 145-11-2 Organization; operation TC.17-1954
Small units ROTCI 145-60 Training-program . ATP 55-203
Techniques ROTCM 145-11-1 Training test ATT 55-28'
Communications center specialist Companies, Boat maintenance
(MOS 721) Transportation
Technical training ASubjScd 11-720 Training program ATP 55-309
Communications clerk (MOS 720) Training test ATT 55-26
Technical training ASubjScd 11-720 Companies, Bridge
Community controls Organization and functions . FM 5-134
Organization; searches: police Companies, Bridge (float)
-checks; pass systems; sur- Engineers'
veillance aids ASubJScd 30-38 Training program ATP 5-202
Companies. (See also Units.) . Training test i . ATT 5-37
Companies, Bridge (panel) Companies, Depot (clothing and
Engineers general supplies)
Training program ATP 5-202 Quartermaster FM 10-22
Training test ATT 5-39 Training test ATT 10-227
Companies, Bridge (ponton) Companies, Depot (petroleum)
Engineers Quartermaster FM 10-37
Training program ATP 5-202 Training program ATP 10-237
Training test ATT 5-2 Companies, Depot (subsistence)
Companies, Camouflage Quartermaster FM 10-30
Engineer Companies, Depot (supply)
Training test ATT 5-4 Ordnance
Companies, Car Training test ATT 9-9
Transportation FM 55-35 Quartermaster
Training test ATT 55-19 Training program ATP 10-236
Companies, Chemical Training test ATT 10-29
Combat support TC 3-4 Companies, Direct support
Companies, Chemical (combat support) Ordnance
Training program ATP 3-7 Training test ATT 9-1
Companies, Chemical (smoke gene- Companies, Engineer
rator) Employment and operation FM 5-134
Training program ATP 3-267 Organization; functions FM 5-5
Training test ATT 3-10 Companies, Engineer (airborne)
Companies, Clothing and textile Training test ATT 5-17
repair Companies, Forestry
Quartermaster Engineers
Training program ATP 10-242 Training program ATP 5-229
Companies, Collecting point Training test ATT 5-40
Ordnance Companies, Graves registration
Training test ATT 9-18 Quartermaster FM 10-29
Companies, Combat Training program ATP 10-214
Engineers Companies, Guard
Organization; functions FM 5-132 Military police
Companies, Construction Training test ATT 190-47
Engineers Companies, Harbor craft
Mission; organization FM 5-162 Transportation
Signal Mission; organization FM 55-130
Training test ATT 11-6 Training program ATP 55-307
Signal, separate Training test ATT 55-29
Training program ATP 11-302 Companies, Headquarters. (See also
Companies, Decontamination Headquarters and headquarters
Chemical FM 3-70 companies.)
Training program ATP 3-204 Infantry battalion
Training test ATT 3-1 Organization; procedures FM 7-20
Companies, Depot Infantry regiment FM 7-25
Chemical FM 3-65 Radio broadcasting and leaflet
Training program ATP 3-202 bn
Training test ATT 3-2 Training test ATT 33-1
Engineer Companies, Headquarters and serv-
Training test ATT 5-22 Ice. (See Headquarters and head-
Medical quarters and service companies.)
Combat zone FM 8-5 Companies, Heavy equipment
Ordnance Engineers
Training test ATT 9-8 Training program ATP 5-205
Signal Training test ATT 5-28
Training test ATT 11-8 Companies, Heavy mortar
Transportation ATT 55-20 Fire direction center training ASubjScd 7-46
Companies, Depot (animal) Survey training ASubjScd 7-45
Signal Tactical exercises ASubjScd 7-42
Training program ATP 11-220 Companies, Heavy weapons
Companies, Depot (base) Fire control ASubjSed 7-36
Signal Infantry
Training program ATP 7-201
Training progrAtestT 1 -13 Infantry, airborne
ATT 11-1 test Training program ATP 7-201
ATT 11-14 Observation posts ASubjSoed 7-36
Transportation Position reconnaissance, selec-
Training program ATP 55-205 tion, and occupation ASubjScd 7-39
Companies, Heavy weapons-Con. - Companies, Military police-Con.
Signal communications ASubjScd 7-43 Army
Tactical exercises ASubjScd 7-41 Training test ATT 19-6
Tactical movements ASubjScd 7-38 Corps
Unit organization and employ- Training test ATT i9r6
ment ASubjScd 7-37 Infantry division
Companies, Helicopter Training test ATT 19-5
Transportation Post, camp, station
Training test ATT 55-22 Training test ATT 19-217
Companies, Helicopter (light) Tests and problems ASubjScd 19-22
Transportation Training test ATT 19-57
Training program ATP 55-57 Companies, Military' Police escort
Companies, Helicopter (medium) - guard ASubjScd 19-23
Transportation 'Companies,Military Police guard ASubjScd 19-23
Training program ' ATP.55-57 Training test ATT 19-3
Companies, Laundry: - Companies, Military Police prisoner
Quartermaster FM 10-16 of war processing
Training program ATP 10-220 ' Operational training ASubjScd 19-25
Training test ATT 10-167 Training test ATT 19-4
Companies, Light equipment - Companies, Military Police security
Ehgineers Platoon operational training ASubjScd 19-26
Training program ATP 5-201 Platoon tactics ASubjScd 19-26
Training test ATT 5-26 Squad operational training ASubjScd 19-26
Companies, Loudspeaker and leaflet Squad tactics ASubjSed 19-26
Psychological warfare - Companies, Mortar (heavy)
Training program ATP 33-301 .-Infantry
Training test ATT 33-5 Training test - ATT 7-15-
Psychological warfare operations FM 33-5 Infantry regiment FM 7-15 .
Companies, Maintenance - Mission; capabilities FM 7-37
Chemical FM 3-60 Training program AT? 7-202
Training program ATP 3-47 Companies, Motor vehicle assembly
Training test ATT 3-7 - Ordnance
Ordnance, Engineer special bri- Training test ATT 9-20
gade . Companies, Ordnance
Training test ATT 9-23 Park .
Companies, Maintenance (base) Training test ATT 9-137
Signal FM 11-85 Recovery and classification
Training program ATP 11-155 Training test -ATT 0-11
Training test ATT 11-14 Companies, Parachute supply
Companies, Maintenance (depot) Quartermaster, Airborne divi-
Engineers sion
Training program ATP-5-221 Training program . ATP 10-337
Training test ATT 5-41 Companies, Parachute supply and
-Companies, Maintenance (field) , . maintenance
Engineers Quartermaster, Airborne
Training program ATP 5-220 Training program ATP 10-337
Training test ATT 5-5 Companies, Parts
Ordnance , Quartermaster FM 10-12
Training test -ATT 9-17 ·Training program ATP 10-239
Companies, Maintenance (heavy) Training test - .-ATT 10-4
Ordnance, army Companies, Parts depot
Training test ATT 9-5 Engineers
Companies, Map depot (base) Training program ATP 5-227
Engineers Training test *ATT 5-19
Training program ATP 5-244 Companies, Petroleum depot
Training test ATT 5-9 Quartermaster
-Companies, Mechanical and metal Training program . ATP 10-377
Training test ATT 10-377
Training program ' TP-10-241 Companies, Petroleum supply -
Companies, Medical (mobile)
Infantry regiment . - FM 7-10 Quartermaster ' - FM- 10-77
- Companies, Military police - Companies, Photomapping (base)
Airborne corps gineers -
Training test ATT 19-6 Engineers
Armi'ored division Training program ATP 5-242
Training test ATT 19-5 Training test -. ..-
-:. ATT 5-23
Companies, Pipeline Companies, Reproduction
Engineers Psychological warfare
Training program ATP 5-210 Training program ATP 33-301
Training test ATT 5-25 Radio broadcasting and leaflet
Companies, Port bn ATT 33-2
Transportation FM 55-110 Companies, Reproduction (base)
Companies, Port construction Engineers
Engineers Training program ATP-6-241
Training program ATP 5-211 Training test ATT 5-10
Training test ATT 5-24 Companies, Rifle
Companies, Processing Airborne division battle group
Chemical Training test ATT 7-17-6
Training program ATP 3-205 Infantry
Training test ATT 3-8 Antitank section, weapons
Companies, Quartermaster platoon ATT 7-17-3
Air equipment repair and depot Heavy weapons infantryman ATP 7-17
Training program ATP 10-417 Light weapons infantryman ATP 7-17
Training test ATT 10-417 Tactics ROTCM
Recovery and disposition 145-60
Training test ATT 10-297 Training program ATP 7-200
Airborne division Training test ATT 7-24
Training program ATP 10-200 Mortar (60-mm) section ATT 7-10
Amphibious support brigade 81-mm mortar squad weap-
Training program ATP 10-216 ons platoon ATT 7-17-2
Training test ATT 10-26 Infantry, Airborne
Bakery Antitank section, weapons
Training program ATP 10-147 platoon ATT 7-17-3
Training test ATT 10-147 Heavy weapons infantryman ATP 7-17
Equipment depot Light weapons infantryman ATP 7-17
Training program ATP 10-227 Training program ATP 7-200
Infantry division 81-mm mortar squad, weap-
Training program ATP 10-17 ons platoon ATT 7-17-2
Training test ATT 10-17-1 Infantry, armored
Petroleum supply Tactics ASubJScd 17-46
Training program ATP 10-77 Tactical exercises ASubjScd 7-40
Training test ATT 10-77 Infantry battalion, armored
Subsistence depot Training program ATP 17-221
Training program ATP 10-357 Training test ATT 7-27-3
Subsistence supply Infantry division battle group
Training program ATP 10-197 Training test ATT 7-17-6
Companies, Quartermaster (depot) Infantry regiment FM 7-10
Training test ATT 10-417 Rifle platoon
Companies, Quartermaster sales Training test ATT 7-17-5
Operations ASubiScd 102-1 Companies, Sales (mobile)
Companies, Radio broadcasting Quartermaster FM 10-15
Psychological warfare operations FM-33-5 Training program ATP 10-224
Training test ATT 33-3 Training test ATT 10-8
Companies, Reclamation and classi- Companies, Salvage
fication Quartermaster FM 10-18
Ordnance Training program ATP 10-213
Training test ATT 9-11 Training test ATT 10-5
Companies, Reclamation and main- Companies, Service. (See also
tenance (semi-mobile) Headquarters and headquarters
Quartermaster FM 10-23 and service companies.)
Training program ATP 10-211 Armored Cavalry regiment
Training test ATT 10-12 Training program ATP 17-252
Companies, Reconnaissance Infantry regiment FM 7-30
Communications FM 7-24 Training program ATP 7-205
Training program ATP 17-211 Infantry regiment, airborne
Companies, Refrigeration (mobile) Training program ATP 7-205
Quartermaster FM 10-24 Quartermaster
Training program ATP 10-231 Duties of personnel; training FM 10-6
Training test ATT 10-17 Organization; equipment FM 10-6
Companies, Repair Preparation for operations;
Signal operations of the company FM 10-6
Training program ATP 11-212 Training program ATP 10-222
Training test ATT 11-7 Training test ATT 10-3
Companies, Signal Companies, Tank-Continued
Airborne division Infantry regiment(Reserve)
Communications FM 7-24 Tactical exercises ASubjScd 17-35
Training program ATP 11-202 Training program ATP 17-201
Armored division FM 17-70 Companies, Tank (90-mm gun)
Training program ATP 11-201 Infantry regiment
Chemical FM 3-50 Training program ATP 7-203
Communication center operation Companies, Terminal service
Training program ATP 11-137 Transportation
Engineer special brigade Operation FM 55-52
Training test - ATT 11-4 Companies, Tire repair
Infantry division Ordnance
Communications FM 7-24 - Training test ATT 9-21
Training program ATP 11-200 Companies, Topographic
Training test ATT 11-3 Engineers, Corps
US Army missile command Tactical and technical
(medium) ATP 11-238 operations - FM 5-188
Companies, Signal air photo repro- Training program ATP 5-240.
duction and delivery Training test ATT 5-6
Mission; organization; operation FM 11-51 Companies, Tractor
Companies, Signal base depot Amphibious ·
Operations FM 11-83 Training test ATT 17-13
Companies, Smoke generator Companies, Transport (light)
Chemical FM 3-50 Aviation fixed wing
Companies, Special services Training program ATP 1-107
Adjutant General FM 28-105 Companies, Transportation cargo
Training program ATP 12-17 - carrier (tracked)
Operations ASubjScd 12-4 Operation TC 55-6
Training test ATT 12-1 - Companies, Transportation ter-
Companies, Staging area minal service
Transportation- . Operation ROTCM 145-55-1
Training test ATT 55-18 - Companies, Truck
Companies, Subsistence depot - Transportation . FM 55-35
Quartermaster . Companies, Truck (amnphibious)
Training test ATT 10-357 Transportation
Companies, Subsistence supply' Mission; organization; op-
Quartermaster FM 10-19 eration FM 55-53
Training test ATT 10-197 Training test ATT 55-4
Companies, Supply and transport Companies, Truck (dump)
Airborne division Engineers
Training program ATP 29-53 Training program ATP 5-200
Training test ATT 29-53 Training test - ATT 5-8
Companies, Supply point Companies, Truck (heavy)
Engineers - Transportation
Training program ATP 5-224 Training test ATT 55-18-1
Training test ATT 5-21 Companies, Truck (light)
Companies, Support Transportation
Infantry regiment. airborne Training test ATT 55-1
Training program, ATP. 7-204 Companies, Truck (medium)
Training test -ATT 7-6 Transportation
Signal Training test AT'T 55-18-1
Training program ATP 11-204 Companies, Truck transport
Training test . ATT 11-17 Mission; organization - FM 55-37
Companies, Support (direct) - Companies, Water supply
Ordnance Engineers
Training test ATT 9-1 Training program ATP 5-225
Ordnance guided missile Training test - ATT 5-20
Training test ATT 9-35 Compasses
Companies, Survey (base) Use; day and night ASubJScd 44-22
Engineers Uses FM 21-26
Training program ATP 5-243 "The Complete Soldier" DA Poster 16-51
Training test ATT 5-11 Concealment ASubjScd 21-1
Companies, Tank. onduct of fire

Training test ATT 17-11

Infantry regiment
Mission: capabilities FM 7-35 , Confidential funds
Training test ATT 17-9 Authorized uses ASubjScd 30-22
Confinement facilities Counterintelligence-Continued
Operation ASubJScd 19-5 Responsibility for security
Confinement specialist (MOS 952) measures ASubjScd 30-10
Technical training ASubjScd 19-952 Safeguarding military infor-
Conservation mation ASubjScd 30-10
Electricity DA Poster 5-28 Countermortar operations ASubjScd 6-9
Food and refrigeration DA Poster 5-29 Countersigns
Water DA Poster 5-27 Use in guard duty FM 26-5
Consolidation organization Courses, Qualifications
Psychological warfare Carbines
Training program ATP 33-301 Ml FM 23-7
Construction MIAI FM 23-7
Airfields ASubjScd 5-10 M2 FM 23-7
Basic construction principles M3 FM 23-7
ROTCM 145-5-3 Firing scores FM 23-7
Roads, military ASubjScd 5-10 Guns (76-mm)
Construction, Military ASubjScd 5-9 M48 FM 23-95
Construction draftsman Rifle (105-mm, recoilless)
Technical training ASubjScd 5-811 M27 TC 19-1953
Construction machine helper (MOS Courtesies
610) Individuals FM 21-13
Technical training ASubjScd 5-610 Courtesy
Construction machine operator Military FM 21-13
(MOS 612.1) Courts martial procedure ROTCM 145-85
Technical training ASubjScd 5-610 Cover and deception, Tactical FM 31-40-
Construction operations CPX. (See Command Post Ex-
Engineers FM 5-162 ercises.)
Construction platoons ASubjScd 11-7 Crane-shovel operator (MOS 611.2)
Construction surveyor (MOS 821.1) Technical training ASubjScd 5-611
Technical training ASubjScd 5-821 Crew drills
Contaminated areas Conduct of fire; practice firing FM 23-95
Marking FM 3-5 Guns (76-mm)
Contaminants M48 FM 23-95
Use FM 31-10 Procedures FM 17-77
Conventional signs. (See Signs, Training FM 17-77
Conventional.) Crime prevention programs FM 19-20
Convoys ASnubjScd 55-35 Curriculum, ROTC
Operation ROTCM 145-55-1 Army Medical Service ATP 145-1-3
Organization; control ASubjScd 8-11 Branch tactics and techniques
Convoys, Motor Antiaircraft Artillery ATP 145-1-1
Organization FM 25-10 Armor ATP 145-1-2
Cook, First (MOS 941.10) Chemical Corps ATP 145-1-4
Technical training ASubjScd 10-102 Corps of Engineers ATP 145-1-5
CORPORAL systems ATP 6-303 Field Artillery ATP 145-1-6
ATT 6-10 Infantry ATP 145-1-7
ATT 9-35 Military Police Corps ATP 145-1-8
FM 6-30 Ordnance Corps ATP 145-1-9
FM 6-30A Quartermnaster Corps ATP 145-1-10
ROTCM 145-41 Signal Corps ATP 145-1-11
CORPORAL II systems FM 6-31 Transportation Corps ATP 145-1-12
FM 6-32 General military science
M2 (XM2E1) FT CORPORAL B-2 Civilian and military
Corps of Engineers schools ATP 145-60
TOE units Customs
Training tests instructions ATT 5-1 Military service ROTCM 145-55-2
Troops: organization of units; FM 5-5
etc. D
Military ROTCM 145-95 Dan Patch. (See Mine planting
Counter Intelligence Corps equipment, Mechanical.)
Attack and defense ASubjScd 30-28 Data. (See Field data; Reference
Field equipment ASubjScd 30-29 data; etc.)
Maneuvers ASubjScd 30-53 Deceased personnel
Counterbattery operations ASubjScd 6-8 Handling in theaters of opera-
Counterespionage ASubjScd 30-60 tions FM 10-63
Counterintelligence Decontamination
Methods used in combat ASubjScd 30-10 CBR (chemical, biological, ra-
Port operations ASubjScd 30-54 diological) ASubjScd 3-2
Decontamination-Continued - Destruction
Clothing FM-10-16 Buildings, installations; equip-
Decontamination and destruc- ment; supplies -ROTCM 145-5-2
tion ASubjScd 44-7 'Decontamination and destruc-
Techniques FM 3-70 tion ASubjScd 44-7
Decontamination companies. (See :· Detachments. (See also Units.)
Companies, Decontamination.) Detachments, Ammunition renova-
Decontamination specialists (MOS tion
531) Detachments, Army aviation op-
Technical training ASubjScd 3-531 erating TC 1-8
Decoration and Awards FM 22-5 Training program ATP 1-207
Defense, Rear area Training test ATT 9-29
Training; preparation FM 31-15 Detachments, Counter Intelligence
Defense, Small unit ASubjScd 9-9 Corps
Defense against enemy attack Corps.
Airborne troops FM 31-15 Training test ATT 30-2
Chemical; radiological; biological FM 21-40 Field Army
FM 21-41 Training test ATT 30-3
Cover and movement ASubjScd 44-9 Organization; mission; function;
Guerrilla forces FM 31-15 capabilities ASubjScd 30-1
Nuclear warfare FM 21-41 Unit training program ATP 30-200
Demolition orders TC 5-4 Detachments, Direct support -
Demolitions Ordnance guided missile (NIKE).
Equipment and supplies ASubjScd 5-6 ATT 9-510 FA
Technique; uses FM 5-25 Detachments, Engineer
FM 31-10 . Organization; functions FM 5-5
Denial operations FM 31-10 Detachments, Field press censorship
Dental laboratory specialist (MOS- Training program ATP 45-201
452.1; 452.2) Detachments, Headquarters. (See
Technical training ASubjScd 8-452 Headquarters and headquarters
Dental service detachments.)
Theater of operations FM 8-10 Detachments, Military Police
Dental specialist (MOS 917.1 and Criminal investigators
917.2) - Operational training ASubjScd 19-18
Technical training ASubjScd 8-917 Detachments, Operating
Department of the Army Army aviation ATT 1-207
Organization FM 101-10 Detachments, Operations
Organization; mission;. responsi- Antiaircraft Artillery
bilities ROTCM 145-10 Training program ATP 44-301
Planning and programing Training test . ATT 44-7
manual FM 101-51 Detachments, Ordnance (BA)
Signal communications * FM 100-11 Service organization
Department of Defense . Training test ATT 9-34
Organization ROTCM 145-10 Detachments, Ordnance (BB)
Dependents' medical care DA Poster 21-80 Service organization
Depot companies. (See Companies, Training test ATT 9-34
Depot.) Detachments, Ordnance (BC)
Depot maintenance Service organization
-Mission; organization; capabili - Training test ATT 9-34
ties - ASubjScd 10-10 Detachments, Ordnance (BD)
Depots Service organization
Maintenance responsibilities - FM 9-10 . Training test ATT 9-34
Supply management FM 38-1 Detachments, Ordnance (BE) .
Descriptions Service organization.
Persons; objects; places; Training test ATT 9-33
events ASubjScd30-63 Detachments, Ordnance (EA)
Desert operations . Stock control
Engineer field units FM 5-6 Training test ATT:9-32
Desert warfare - Detachments, Ordnance (EB)
Characteristic effects Stock control
Troops; equipment; opera- . Training test ATT 9-32
tions FM 31-25 Detachments, Ordnance specialized
Troop training .FM 31-25 services
Desertion Explosive disposal (AA) ATT 9-510-2
Definition ROTCM 145-95 Explosive disposal augmentation
Deserts .* .: (AB) ATT 9-510-2
-Characteristics - FM 31-25 Explosive disposal control (AC)- ATT 9-510-2
Detachments, Parachute rigging Divisions, Infantry (airborne)
Quartermaster special forces Training program ATP 7-300
Training program ATP 10-251 Documentations, Cargo ASubjScd 55-26
Training test ATT 10-28 Documents (captured)
Detachments, Petroleum products Handling; examination ASubjScd 30-19
laboratory Dogs
Quartermaster Feeding; care FM 25-6
Training program ATP 10-250 Domestic disturbances ASubjScd 30-31
Training test ATT 10-34 Draftsman, Cartographic (MOS
Detachments, Postal regulating 813.1)
Training program ATP 12-47 Technical training ASubjSed 5-813
Training test ATT 12-47 Draftsman, General (MOS 810.0)
Detachments, Radio controlled air- Technical training ASubjScd 5-810
plane target Drills
Training program ATP 44-200 . Blattle TC 7-2
Diesel repairman (MOS 623.1) Regulations FM 22-5
Technical training ASubjScd 6-623 Shipboard emergency ASubjScd 55-15
Direct fire sights ASubjScd 17-17 Drills and ceremonies ASubjScd 21-2
Directories, Telephone FM 22-5
Sample FM 24-20 Cadet drill FM 22-5A
Directors, AA Driver training ROTCM 145-55-1
M4; M7 Drum majors
Servicing FM 44-36 Manual of the baton, marching
M9; M10 band FM 12-50
Servicing FM 44-38 "Duty is for all" DA Poster 16-47
Disaster relief Duty roster (DA Form 6)
Operations FM 19-15 Preparation; maintenance ROTCM 145-95
That's the one for me; how E
about you? DA Poster 21-35 "Earned prestige" DA Poster 16-48
Discipline Eastern forces
Leadership and discipline ASubjScd 19-19 Identification ASubjSed 30-33
Diseases, Communicable Eastern warfare
Control FM 21-10 Peculiarities ASubjScd 30-2
Dispensaries Echelon, Displacement ASubjScd 8-10
Types; functions FM 8-6 Edible plants
Disturbances, Civil FM 19-15 Jungle FM 72-20
Division artillery Education and training
Airborne division Go up the career ladder DA Poster 21-70
Communications FM 7-24 Learn while you serve DA Poster 21-49
Armored division Use your army skill as a civilian,
Communications FM 17-70 it pays off DA Poster 20-18
Infantry division Electrician (MOS 355.1)
Communications FM 6-21 Technical training ASubjScd 5-350
Division engineer Electrician's helper (MOS 350.0)
Duties; responsibilities FM 17-45 Technical training ASubjScd 5-350
Medical service FM 8-10 Electroencephalographic specialist
Organization charts FM 101-10 (MOS 914.30)
Divisions, Airborne Technical training ASubjScd 8-914
G2 section Electronic search central
Combat readiness ATT 57-3 AN/GSS-i
Training program ATP 7-1 Operation FM 44-7
Divisions, Armored Embarkation
02 section ATT 17-20 Planning; execution FM 60-30
Medical service FM 8-10 Emergencies
Organization charts FM 101-10 Civil disturbances FM 19-15
Staff officers guide FM 17-100 Emplacements
Training program ATP 17-1 Construction FM 5-15
ATP 17-2 Enemy attack. (SeeDefenseagainst
Divisions, Infantry enemy attack.)
Administration FM 7-100 Engineer computations and layout
G2 section ATT 7-32 ROCTM 145-5-1, Vol. I
Organization FM 7-100 Engineer equipment maintenance
Organization charts FM 101-10 helper (MOS 620.0)
Signal battalion FM 1.-10 Technical training ASubjScd 5-620
Training program ATP 7-1 Engineer hand tools ASubjScd 5-1
Transportation battalion ATT 55-75 Engineer intelligence ROTCM 14-55-4
Engineer reconnaissance ASubjScd 5-4 Exercises, Field . ASubjScd 6-12
Engineer topographic units ASubiScd 11-28
· Mission; training; employment: Psychological warfare units ASubjScd 33-18
'organization FM 5-188 Sample FM 21-5
Engineer troop units Training program ATP 20-5
Construction support for the Air Exercises, Joint ASubJScd 33-34
Force TO 5-5 Explosions
Operations FM 5-6 Hazardous effect FM 9-40
Engineer troops. (See Troops: Explosive ordnance
Engineer.) Terminology FM 9-40
Organization; functions; assign- Reconnaissance FM 9-40
ment Disposal FM 9-40
With Air Force FM 5-166 Explosive ordnance disposal office -
Engineer units (TOE) Organization; administration . FM 9-40
Organization; mission; fune- Explosives . .
tions; and capabilities ASubjScd 5-14 Demolition of equipment; sup-
Engineers, Corps oi. (See Corps plies ASubJScd 5-6
of Engineers.) Foreign types: characteristics .FM 5-25
Enlisted personnel Handling, storage, transporta-
Pay and allowances ROTCM -145-95 tion FM 5-25
Promotions ROTCM 145-95 Transportation. ROCTM 145-55r2
Reductions ROTCM 145-95 Types; uses FM 5-25
Transfers - ROTCM 145-95 ROTCM 145-5-2
Entry, Defense against methods of Extension course program
ASubJScd 30-64 Transportation school courses
Equipment ROTCM 145-55-2
Destruction and decontamina-
tion FM 6-115
Equipment, Armored Facilities
Fighting compartment Security - FM 19-30
Maintenance ASubJScd 17-14 Field Artillery. (See Artillery, -
Equipment, Heavy Field.)
Engineers ASubjScd 5-3 Field communication crewman (MOS 310)
Equipment, Individual Technical training ASubjScd 11-107
Use and care: bivouac, pack, - Field data
miscellaneous FM 21-15 Engineer FM 5-34
Equipment, Mechanical mine plant- Field exercises. (See Exercises,
: ing Field.)
Operation TC 5-7 Field expedients
Equipment, Section Ground flame
Functional packing; loading: Technique or employment TC 3-1
unloading . ASubjScd 8-6 Field fortifications. (See Fortifi-
Escort and security guards cations, Field.)
MOS technical training ASubjScd 19-102 Field maintenance ASubjScd 10-9
Escorts Field press censorship. (See Cen-.
Antiaircraft Artillery FM 44-20 sorship, Field press.)
Escort and security of VIP's ASubjScd 19-16 Field Service regulations
Military police Administration FM 100-10
Training test ATT 19-3 Doctrinal guidance FM 100-i
ATT 19-47 Larger units FM 100-15
Estimate of situation FM 10i-5 Operations FM 100-5
Artillery FM 6-20 Fielderaft ASubjScd 33-24
Definition and use FM 17-1 Fighting compartment
Field Artillery battalion FM 6-101 Maintenance ASubjScd 17-14
Tank battalion FM 17-33 Filing system, Military
Evacuation Correspondence and publica-
Basic considerations FM 8-10 tions ROTCM 145-95
' Logistic responsibilities . ROTCM 145-80 Fin
Evasion and escape - FM 21-77 MS FT 81-AG-l(abr)
FM 21-77A FT 81-AH-l(abr)
Techniques FM 21-75 FT 81-B-5(abr)
Evidences M4AI FT 81-AD-l(abr)
Collection ASnubjScd 30-65 FT 81-AE-l(abr)
Preservation ASubjScd 30-65 FT 81-AF-l(abr)
Examinations FT 81-C-4(abr)
Artillery men FM 44-19 FT 81-N-Il(abr)
Document ASubjScd 30-19 FT 81-S-2(abr)
Exercise of command * FM 100-5 FT 81-T-2(abr)
Fingerprinting ASubjScd 30-32 Food service
"Fire alarm in case of fire" WD Poster 5-17 Don't sell seasoning short DA Poster 10-20
Fire control For good coffee, keep your
Antiaircraft artillery FM 44-2 equipment clean DA Poster 10-15
Conduct of fire ASubjScd 17-23 Keep your men cool with cold
Conduct of observed fires ASubjScd 6-22 suppers DA Poster 10-22
Fire control equipment Let's talk turkey! DA Poster 10-14
Auxiliary ASubjScd 17-18 Maintaining good cafeteria style
Fire control instruments messes can be a big job DA Poster 10-23
Classification; use ROTCM 145-9-1 Ride the gravy train to success
Fire control sets (company) ASubjScd 7-28 DA Poster 10-18
Fire control systems Start the day right DA Poster 10-19
T38 FT 75AA-BC-1 The basic seven DA Poster 10-17
Fire control systems, AA There's no guess work here,
M33 ASubjScd 44-19 Watson DA Poster 10-13
Characteristics of equipment FM 44-33A There's no trick in making good
Operation procedures FM 44-33A coffeel DA Poster 10-16
M33C FT 90AA-B-5 Food service program
M33D FT 120AA-A-1 Purpose; responsibilities ROTOM 145-95
Fire direction Foot marches
Field Artillery gunnery FM 6-40 Methods; techniques FM 21-18
Fire direction centers "For Honorable Service" DA Poster 16-49
Operation ASubjScd 6-13 Formations, Mounted
Fire extinguishers Antiaircraft Artillery FM 44-20
Carbon dioxide WD Poster 5-4 Fortifications, Field
Carbon tetrachloride WD Poster 5-2 ASubjScd 21-19
WD Poster 5-3 ROTCM 145-5-2
Foam WD Poster 5-5 Construction; types ROTCM 145-60
Soda-acid WD Poster 5-6 Planning; construction FM 5-15
Water pump tank WD Poster 5-7 Fortifications, Fixed
Fire fighting Characteristics FM 31-50
Equipment and methods ASubjScd 5-13 France
MOS technical training ASubjScd 5-114 Aircraft recognition FM 30-30
Fire planning FM 6-18 Explosives: characteristics FM 5-25
FM 6-21 Freight handling
Fire prevention WD Poster 5-18 Cargo ASubjScd 55-27
WD Poster 5-25 Freight shipments
Fire support coordination ASubjScd 6-14 Movement control FM 55-10
FM 6-18 Fuze setters
FM 6-20 M19 FM 44-28
Fire units Fuzes, BP (base practice)
40-mm FM 44-60 M58 FT 37-BA-2(abr)
Firearms Fuzes, MT (mechanical time)
Misuse DA Poster 21-59 M67 FT 240-C-1
First aid ASubjScd 21-4 Fuzes, MTSQ (mechanical time
Basic fundamentals FM 21-11 super quick)
CBR casualties FM 21-40 M500 FT 4.2-B-1 (abr)
Flag (U. S.) Fuzes, PD (point detonator)
Raising; lowering M2 FT 4.2-B-1 (abr)
Procedures FM 26-5 M3 FT 4.2-B-1 (abr)
Flag signals FM 21-60 M8 FT 4.2-B-1 (abr)
Flame fougasse TC 3-1 M9 FT 4.2-B-1 (abr)
Flame illuminators TC 3-1 M48 FT 90-C-3
Flame land mines TC 3-1 MS1 FT 4.5-A-1
Flame throwers FT 240-C-1
M2A1 M51Al FT 8-L-2
Fire bomb fuels ASubjScd 3-9 M51A2 FT 8-L-2
Use; characteristics FM 3-5 TJC 280-B-1 (A to D)
Flame throwers, Portable M51A4 FT 8-J-2
Characteristics TC 22-1953 MS1A5 FT 8-J-2
M2A1 ASubjicd 7-18 M52 FM 23-90
Tactical employment TC 22-1953 FT 81-B-3
Flash ranging, Artillery FM 6-122 FT 81-I-1 (abr)
Food inspection specialist (MOS M52A1 FT 60-A-5 (abr)
934.1 and 934.2) M52AIBI FT 60-A-5 (abr)
Technical training ASubjScd 8-934 M52A2 FT 81-AD-1 (abr)
Fuzes, PD (paint detonator)-Con. Grenades, Hand GTA 9-46
FT 81-AF-1 (abr) ROTCM 145-30
FT 81-B-5 (abr) Types, characteristics; capabili-
-M52A2 FT 81-C-4 (abr) ties; use ASubjScd 21-29
M52A2B1i FT 81-AG-1 (abr) - Types; uses
FT 81-C-4 (ahr) Throwing techniques. FM 23-30
M52B1 OGrenades, Rifle ROTCM 145-30
FT 81-I-1 (abr) - Types; characteristics
M52B2 FT 81-I-1 (abr) Marksmanship FM 23-30
M52B10O FT 81-AH-1 (abr) Types, characteristics; capabili-
-M53 FT 81-B-3 ties; use . ASubjScd 21-29
M53A1 FT 81-T-2 (abr) Grids
M64A1 FT 40AA-A-3 Uses . FM 21-26
M71 FT 40AA-A-3 Ground flame field expedients TC 3-1
M74 FT 37-BJ-2 (abr) Groups-
M81 . FTR 4.5-D-3 Armor . -
-M81A1 FTR 4.5-0-1 Training program ATP 17-1
M82 FT 60-F-4 (abr) Chemical .
M519 (T319) FT 81-Z-2 (abr) Operation ASubjScd 3-12
Mk. 27 FT 40AA-A-3 Organization; functions FM 3-80
Fuzes, Proximity Engineer
-M517 FM 23-90 Organization; functions FM 5-5
Fuzes, Time . Engineer aviation, with Air
M65AI (fixed) FT 60-0-2 (abr) Force FM 5-166
M84 FT 81-V-2 (abr) Infantry, battle ATT 7-31
Fuzes, TM (time, mechanical) Groups, Battle
M43 FT 90-C-3 Infantry division
M67 FT 4.5-A-1 Mortar battery FM 6-18
FT 8-L-2 Groups, Construction
Fuzes, TSQ (time, super quick) Engineers -
Ms . FT 4.2-B-1 (abr) Organization; mission FM 5-162
M77 FT 81-AE-1 (abr) Guard commandants. (See Gen-
FT 81YN-1 (abr) - eral Orders, Guard.)-
-, FT 81-S-2 (abr) Guard duty ASubjScd 21-5
Fuzes, VT (variable time) Performance FM 26-5
M402 FTR 4.5-D-3 Guard-formations . FM 26-5
M402A1 -FTR 4.5-0-1 Guard mounts, Formal ASubjScd 19-20
M517 (T178E3) FT 81-Z-2 (abr) Guards, Honor ASubjScd 19-2
T226 FT 4.2-B-1 (abr) Guards, Interior
Fuzes, VT (Fini) Duties FM 26-5
M141 (T12) . FT 81-Z-2 (abr) Guards, Security (MOS 950)
-- Technical training ASubjScd 19-102
G-- Guerrilla Forces
Defense against attack FM 31-15
G01Manual FM 101-1 Organization and development
Gases, War .- ASubjScd 33-27
Employment; characteristics; - ' Guerrilla tactics _. ASubjScd 33-25
types _ FM 3-5 Guerrilla warfare.
General Orders Operations FM 31-21
Gen. Washington's order con- Strategy; operations; history ROTCM 145-60
demning profanity Poster 16-44 Guided missile. (See Guided missile
General Orders, Guard FM 26-5 *systems)
Geneva Conventions, 1949 -Guided missile systems. (See also -
Handling POW's FM 19-40 CORPORAL systems; COR-
Treatment of POW's - - ASubjScd 21-15 P6RAL II systems; NIKIE-
- FM.30-15 AJAX systems)
Germany Safety precautions - TC 25-1953
- Explosives: characteristics FM 5-25 . Guided missiles, Field artillery
Government: Principles ASubjScd 41-6 Redstone -- FM 6-35
Graves registration ASubjScd 10-16 Gunnery
Activities ..AAntiaircraft Artillery ASubjSced 44-6
* Theaters of operations FM 10-63 - Crew-served weapons ROTCM 145-41
Graves registration specialist (MOS ' .-Field Artillery - . .FM 6-40
547.10)~ ;-Fire Control : ASubjScd 44-6
Technical training ASubjScd 10-547ame thrower
Operator's qualifications TC 22-1953
Grenades, Energa Guns (4.5-inch)
Characteristics; functions FM 23-30 M1 FT 4.5-A-1
Guns (4.7-inch, AA) Guns (90-mm, AA)
M1 FT 4.7AA-C-1 M FM 4-126
Guns (8-inch) FT 90-C-3
M1 FM 6-95 FT 90AA-B-3
FT 8-L-2 MIA1 FT 90AA-B-3
TiC 8-L-2 (A to C) M2 FM 44-27
Mk VI FT 90AA-B-3
Guns (37-mm) M2A1 FM 44-27
M1916 FT 37-BA-2 (abr) Guns (120-mm)
FT 37-BJ-2 (abr) M68 (T123EI) FT 120-C-1
Guns (37-mm, automatic) Section training ASubjScd 44-16
M1A2 FT 37AA-N-2 Guns (120-mm, AA)
Guns (37-mm, subcaliber) Ml-series FT 120AA-A-1
M12 FT 37-BJ-2 (abr) MlAl FM 44-28
M13is FT 37-BJ-2 (abr) Guns (155-mm)
M14 FT 37-BJ-2 (abr) M1 TiC 165-S-2(A and B)
M15 FT 37-BJ-2 (abr) MiA1 TiC 155-S-2(A and B)
M16 FT 37-BJ-2 (abr) M2 FM 6-87
Guns (40-mm) FM 6-90
M42 FM 44-61 FT 75-BF-1
Guns (40-mm, automatic) FT 155-S-2
M1 FT 40AA-A-3 M53 FM 6-93
Guns (40-mm, dual automatic) M1917AI ASubjScd 7-29
M2 FT 40AA-A-3 Mi919A6 ASubjScd 7-29
Guns (75-mm) Guns (280-mm)
M3 FT 75-AY-1 T131 FM 6-96
FT 75-AY-1 (abr) FT 280-A-I
M6 FT 75-AY-1 FT 280-B-1
FT 75-AY-1 (abr) TJC 280-A-1
FT 75-BH-2 (abr) T]C 280-B-1 (A to D)
FM 17-12 Guns, Machine
M17 FT 75-AY-1 (abr) Gunnery ROTCM 145-41
FT 75-BH-2 (abr) Guns, Machine (7.62 mm)
Guns (75-mm, AA) MGO60 FT 7.62-A-1
Skysweeper Guns, Machine (cal ..30)
Organization; gunnery and FM 44-3 Browning
fire control FM 44-69 M2 FT 0.30-A-4
T83E6 (M35) FT 75-BK-1 M37 FM 23-55
FT 75AA-BC-1 M1917 FT 0.30-A-4
TjC 75-BK-1 M1917A1 FM 23-55
T83E7 (M35) FT 75-BK-1 FT 0.30-A-4
FT 75AA-BC-1 FT 0.30-J-1
TjC 75-BK-1 M1919lOA4 ASubjScd 21-35
Guns (75-mm, subcaliber) FM 23-55
M25 FT 75-BF-1 FT 0.30-A-4
Guns (76-mm) FT 0.30-J-1
Familiarizatlon ASubjScd 17-26 ROTOM 145-41
M48 FM 23-95 M1919A6 FT 0.30-J-1
MlA1 FT 76-C-1 M1919A6 ASubJScd 21-35
M1A1C FT 76-C-1 FM 23-55
FT 76-C-1 (abr) FT 0.30-J-1
M1A2 FT 76-C-1 ROTCM 145-41
FT 76-C-1 (abr) Guns, Machine (cal..60)
FT 76-G-1 (abr) Browning
FM 17-12 M2 FM 23-65
M32 FT 76-I-1 FT 0.50-H-1
FT 76-I-1 (abr) FT 0.50AA-T-1
Guns (90-mm) ROTCM 145-41
Ml-series FT 9OAA-B-5 HB, M2 ASubjScd 7-13
M2-series FT 90AA-B-5 Guns, Submachine (cal..45)
M3 FM 17-12 M3 ASubiScd 21-34
FT 90-L-1 (abr) Firing techniques FM23-41
M3A1 FT 90-L-1 (abr) M3A1 ASubJScd 21-34
Section training ASubjScd 44-16 ROTCM 145-30
FT 90-L-1 (abr) Firing techniques FM 23-41
Guns, Tank Headquarters and headquarters
Ammunition ASubJScd 17-16 :companies-Continued
H Corps
Handbook H- Training program ATP 20-303
Aggressor military forces FM 30-102 Engineer aviation group
Harbor craft Training program ATP 65-233
Types; characteristics FM 56-120 Training test ATT 5-31
Headquarters - Engineer base topographic bat-
Army, Special troops talion- -
Training program ATP 20-303 Training test ATT 5-35
Aviation Engineer force, with - Engineer battalion
Air Force FM 5-166 Armored division FM 5-134
- Corps Engineer brigade
Signal section FM 11-22 .- -. Training-program -ATP 5-232 '
Engineer combat battalion, dlvi- · Training test ATT 5-36
sional - Engineer combat group
Organization; functions- FM 5-132 Training program ATP 5-234
Engineer construction battalion Training test ATT 5-30
Organization FM 6-162 Engineer construction group
Infantry battalion - Training program ATP 6-235
Organization; procedures FM 7-20 Training test ATT 5-29
Military Intelligence Engineer maintenance and sup-
Training programs ATP 30-201 ply group
Radio broadcasting and leaflet bn ·Training program ATP 5-236
Training test ATT 33-1 Training test ATT 5-42
Headquarters and headquarters and Infantry
service companies
- Basic unit training ATP 7-300
Engineer aviation battalion, Infantry battalion
with Air Force FM 5-166 Training program ATP 7-301
Engineer combat battalion, divi- Infantry battalion, airborne
sional - Training program ATP 7-301
Organization; functions FM 5-132 Infantry-battalion, separate
Engineer construction battalion Training program ATP 7-301
Mission; organization FM 5-162 Infantry division
Transportation Army aircraft Training program ATP 7-2
component depot repair corm- -Infantry division, airborne
pany Training test . ATT 55-7 Training program ATP 7-303
Transportation Army aircraft Infantry division Battle group - FM 7-21
- depot repair company Infantry regiment
Training test ATT 55-7 Training program ATP 7-206
Transportation Army aircraft . - Infantry regiment, airborne
depot support battalion Training program - ATP 7-206
Training test ATT 55-7 Logistical command (Types A,
Transportation boat mainte- B, and C)
nance battalion Training program ATP 110-300
Training program ATP 55-309 Ordnance group
Training test ATT 55-25 Maintenance and supply,
Transportation depot company ammunition ATT 9-7
Training test ATT 65-7 Training test ATT 9-7
Headquarters and headquarters Quartermaster base depot
batteries Training test ATT 10-25
Antiaircraft Artillery brigade - Quartermaster depot FM 10-52
Training program ATP 44-301 Training program ATP 10-221
Antiaircraft Artillery group Quartermaster group FM 10-2
Training program ATP 44-301 Radio broadcasting and leaflet
Headquarters and headquarters group, Psychological warfare
companies - Training program ATP 33-301
Amphibious support brigade Signal base depot
Training program ATP 5-231 Training program ATP 11-155
Armor group Training test ATT 11-12
Training program ATP 17-261 Transportation boat battalion
Armored Cavalry regiment Training program ATP 55-308
Training program ATP 17-251 Transportation highway trans-
Armored division p·ort command
Communications. FM 17-70 Training test ATT 55-11
Training program ATP 17-2 Transportation terminal com-
Army mands, A, B, and C
Training program ATP 20-303 Training test ATT 55-15
Headquarters and headquarters de- Heating systems
tachments Hot water boilers
Armored units Fireman's performance chart
Training program ATP 17-2 WD Poster 5-13
Chemical battalion WD Poster 5-14
Training test ATT 3-6 Steam boilers
Chemical battalion, army Fireman's performance chart
Training program ATP 3-308 WD Poster 5-11
Chemical battalion, army or WD Poster 5-12
communications zone FM 3-80 Warm air furnace
Chemical battalion, communi- Fireman's performance chart
cations zone WD Poster 5-9
Training program ATP 3-308 WD Poster 5-10
Chemical group Heavy drop equipment
Training program ATP 3-309 Transportation and outloading
Chemical group, field army or Field expedients; vehicles TC 10-1
communications zone FM 3-80 Helicopter operations
Chemical smoke generator bat- External load TO 1-9
talion Ground assistance TC 22-1952
Training program ATP 3-301 Highway traffic planning ROTCM 145-55-2
Training test ATT 3-9 Highway transportation service
Combat area Signal group, Theaters of operations FM 55-31
Army History, Military. (See Military
Training program ATP 11-22 history.)
Engineer base topographic bat- Hospitalization
talion Theater of operations FM 8-10
Training program ATP 5-237 Hospitals
Engineer camouflage battalion Types; organization FM 8-10
Training program ATP 5-323 Hospitals, Veterinary convalescent FM 8-5
Engineer camouflage company Hospitals, Veterinary evacuation FM 8-5
Training program ATP 5-323 Hospitals, Veterinary general FM 8-6
Engineer depot battalion Hospitals, Veterinary station FM 8-5
Training program ATP 5-238 Household goods
Training test ATT 5-33 Movement ROTCM 145-55-2
Engineer depot company Howitzers (8-inch)
Training program ATP 5-238 M1 FM 6-87
Ordnance battalion TiC 8-J-1 (A to G)
Training test ATT 9-2 M2 FM 6-87
Quartermaster battalion FM 10-53 FM 6-90
Training program ATP 10-22 FT 8-0-2
Training test ATT 10-22-1 M2A1 FT 8-0-2
Quartermaster group M47 FT 8-0-2
Training program ATP 10-22 M55 FM 6-93
Training test ATT 10-22-1 Howitzers (75-mm)
Signal battalion, support M1 TJC 75-I-4 (A to D)
Training program ATP 11-219 M1Al FT 75-1-4
Signal group FT 75-I-4 (abr)
Training program ATP 11-22 TJC 75-I-4 (A to D)
Training test ATT 11-18 M2 TJC 75-I-4 (A to D)
Transportation terminal M3 FT 75-I-4
battalion FT 75-I-4 (abr)
Training test ATT 55-116 TJC 75-I-4 (A to D)
Transportation terminal service Howitzers (105-mm)
company M2-series FM 6-75
Training test ATT 55-116 M2A1 FM 6-74
Transportation truck battalion FT 105-AM-1 (abr)
Training test . ATT 55-11 FT 105--4
Transportation truck group TJC 105-H-4 (A to G)
Training test ATT 55-11 M4 FM 6-76
Heaters, Water FT 105-AM-1 (abr)
Domestic FT 105-H-4
Fireman's performance FT 105-H-4 (abr)
FT105-H-4 (abr)
TiC 105-H-4 (A to G)
chart WD Poster 5-16 FM 17-12
Heating and ventilating specialist M52
(MOS 521.2) Self-propelled FM 6-77
Technical training ASubjScd 5-521.2 T-96 FT 105-AL-1 (abr)
Howitzers (155-imm) Infantrymen, Light weapons
M · FM 6-81 Training test ATT 7-30
FM 6-82 Infiltration (enemy forces)
FT 155-Q-2 Defense against attack FM 31-15
TJC 155-Q-2 (A to G) Informants
M44 Types; motives ASubJSed 30-23
Self-propelled FM 6-92 Insect control - FM 21-10
Howitzers (240-mm) Insignia
M1l FT 240-C-1 Aggressor forces FM 30-101
TiC 240-C-1 (A to D) Inspections
M1 towed FM 6-95 Command and command main- -
Human body tenance ASubJScd 17-8
Anatomy and physiology FM 21-20 Equipment ASubJSed 21-17
Security ASubjScd 5-12
I Installations, Class I and II
Illumination Supply management FM 3S-1
Improvised means FM 20-60 Installations, Field decoy
Incendiaries Principles of visual deception FM 5-23
Use: characteristics FM 3-5 Installations, Field press censorship
Increment, Propellant Layout and operation FM 45-25
MIAI FT 81-AG-1 (abr) Installations, Industrial
FT 81-AH-1 (abr) Physical security FM 19-30
FT 81- B-5 (abr) Installations, Military
M2A1 FT 81-AD-1 (abr). Physical security FM 19-30
FT 81-AE-1 (abr) Security ASubJSed 19-13
FT 81-AF-I (abr) Security of vital installations
FT 81-C-4 (abr) ASubJScd 19-14
FT 81-N-1 (abr) Installations, Rear areas
FT -81-S-2 (abr) Camouflaging FM 5-21
FT 81-T-2 (abr) Instruments, Field Artillery
M5 (T7) FT.81-Z-2 (abr) Duties of operators ASubJScd-6-16
Indigenous personnel. (See Person- Integrity
nel, Indigenous.) Service to the nation demands
Individual sick slip ROTOM 145-95 personal Integrity DA Poster 16-45
Individual soldier Intelligence. (See also Combat in-
Camouflage FM 5-20A telligence, Order of battle intelli-
Combat training FM 21-75 gence, Target intelligence, Tech-
Day and night ASubjSed 21-20 nical intelligence, Transportation
Defense against biological attack FM 21-40 intelligence.)
FM 21-41 Chemical, biological and radio-
FM 21-45 logical (CBR) FM 3-130
Defense against chemical attack FM 21-40 Intelligence analysis ASubJScd 30-20
FM 21-41 Joint landing force manual .FM 110-101
Defense against nuclear attack FM 21-41 Intelligence agencies
Defense against radiological Eastern forces ASubjScd 30-34
attack FM 21-40 United States ASubJSed 30-55
FM 21-41 Intelligence officers. (See Officers,
Guide FM 21-13 Intelligence.!
Load control Intelligence Organizations
Command responsibility TC 2-1953 Landing forces
Military training FM 21-5 Planning; procedures FM 110-101
Patrolling FM 21-75 Intelligence sections'
Individual soldier (combat) Infantry division
Adjustment of artillery fire FM 6-135 .Training test ATT 7-27
Individual soldier, ROTC Infantry regiment
Combat training ROTCM 145-60 Training test ATT 7-28
Weapons and marksmanship ATT 7-29
ROTCM 145-30 Interrogations, Enemy
Indoctrination, Enemy Communist methods FM 21-77
Techniques FM 21-77 Interviews and interrogations
Infantry, Armored Techniques FM 19-20
81-mm mortar squad FM 17-77 Investigations, Criminal
Light machine-gun squad FM 17-77 Information sources FM 19-20
Rifle squad FM 17-77 Investigations, Criminal
Infantry units Operational training ASubjScd 19-18
Organization, mission, and em- Techniques; procedures FM 19-20
ployment ASubJScd 6-41 Investigations, General ASubjScd 30-58
Investigative law ASubjScd 30-57 Landing Force Intelligence Organi.
Investigative photography ASubJScd 30-21 zation
Italy Mission; planning FM 110-101
Explosives: characteristics FM 5-25 Landing operations
Amphibious FM 60-5
Hostile shores FM 31-5
Jamming (radar) Assault FM 60-5
Counter measures FM 11-151 Larger units
Jamming (radio communications) Organizations FM 100-15
Characteristics FM 11-8 Launchers, Rocket. (See Rocket
Counter measures FM 11-151 launchers.)
Japan Laundry and impregnation special-
Explosives: characteristics FM 5-25 ist
Jiu jitsu Technical training ASubjScd 10-546
Techniques FM 21-150 Laundry operations ASubjScd 10-12
Joint actions Law, Military
Armed Forces FM 110-5 Textbook for ROTC ROTCM 145-85
Joint landing forces Law, Investigative ASubjScd 30-57
Intelligence procedures FM 110-101 Law and Order
Joint landing forces manual Establishment; maintenance . FM 19-90
Amphibious reconnaissance FM 110-115 Leadership
Joint Task Forces Fundamentals; techniques ASubjScd 41-11
Definition; establishment FM 110-5 Leader set examples DA Poster 16-43
Journals, Infantry Leadership and discipline ASubjScd 19-19
Maintenance FM 7-40 Principles; techniques FM 22-100
Journals, Staff ROTCM 145-100
Preparation FM 101-5 Soldier's guide FM 21-13
Jungle operations Leaflets
Camouflage FM 5-20 Psychological warfare operations FM 33-5
Tactics; techniques FM 72-20 Lesson plans
Preparation FM 21-6
K "Let's talk turkeyl" DA Poster 10-14
Liaison ASubjScd 6-17
Key punch operator (MOS 751) Liaison procedures ASubjScd 30-66
Technical training ASubjScd 12-107 Lie detectors (Polygraph)
The Key West Agreement Practical application; legal as-
Functions of the Armed Forces pects ASubjScd 30-24
and The Joint Chiefs of Staff Lineman (MOS 321)
ROTCM 145-45 Technical training ASubjScd 11-320
Kits, Training. (See Training kits.) Logistic support
Infantry regiment FM 7-30
L Logistical commands
Organization; mission; functions TC 54-1
Labor supervision ASubjScd 10-17 Logistical data
Labor supervision organizations Engineers FM 5-35
Training program ATP 10-301 Field Artillery battalion FM 6-101
Laboratories, Chemical FM 3-25 Logistics
Training program ATP 3-207 Armor FM 17-50
Training test ATT 3-97 Engineer ROTCM 145-5-4
Laboratories, Medical Field service operations FM 100-10
Organization and operation TC 8-2 Infantry division
Land mine warfare ASubjScd 21-23 Battle group FM 6-18
Land mines Joint policy and guidance FM 110-10
Doctrine; techniques FM 20-32 Mission ROTCM 145-80
Korean Army Signal Corps ROTCM 145-11-2
Principles; types; terminol- Supply management FM 38-1
ogy FM 20-32 Logs, Field press censors'
Unexploded Preparation FM 45-25
Disposal FM 9-40 Loudspeakers
Land mines, Chemical Psychological warfare operations FM 33-5
Preparation; laying ASubjScd 3-10
Land warfare
Basic rules and principles FM 27-10 M
ASubjScd 4i-2
Law ASubjScd 21-15 Machine accountingspecialist (MOS
Landing craft 753)
Operations ASubjScd 55-21 Technical training ASubjScd 12-109
Machine records units Medical care, Emergency
Operations ASubjScd 12-3 Training · - - - TC 8-1
Mail service - Medical corpsman (MOS 910)
Censorship FM 30-28 Technical training ASubjScd 8-910
Maintenance Medical installations
Chemical ASubjScd 3-7 Camouflage FM -5-200
Marine ASubjScd 55-8 Medical Service
Supply economy;: cost Battle group surgeon
consciousness ASubjScd 21-8 Duties FM 7-17
Maintenance, Field - Joint oversea operations- FM 31-8
Problems ASubjScd 17-41 Theater of operations FM 8-10
Maintenance companies. (See Unit organization; mission;
Companies,_ Maintenance.) - functions ASubjScd 8-2
Maintenance systems, Army ASubjScd 17-41 Medical Service training camps.
Malaria control ' -FM 8-5 (See Training camps, Medical
Manual of arms FM 22-5 Service. (ROTC).)
Manuever control : Medical specialist (MOS 911.10;
Umpire manual FM 105-5 911.20)
Maneuver enemy. (See Aggressor - Technical training * ASubjScd 8-911
forces.) Medical supply specialist (MOS
Maneuvers 767.10)
Counterintelligence ASubjScd 30-53 Technical training ASubjScd 8-767
Training program - . ATP 20-5 Medical units
Maneuvers; Strategic Tactical exercises - ASubjScd38-13
Offensive; defensive; reserve FM 100-15 Technical and administrative
Manpowertraining guides (Reserve) , -training ASubjScd8-12
ATP 135-series Theater of Operations FM 8-5
Manual of the pistol -FM 23-35 Mess sanitation, Field
Manual of the revolver FM 23-35 Organization ASubjScd 17-6
Map measurements Message centers
Compass and its use . FM 21-26 Functions FM 11-17
Direction Organization and operation ASubjScd 11-4
Distance - FM 21-26 Procedures ASubjScd 30-7
Map reading Meteorological sections
Advanced ASubjScd 30-15 Operations ASubjScd 6-21
Basic FM 21-26 Milformula . · ASubjScd 17-20
Direction finding - FM 21-26 Military censorship teams ASubjScd 30-5
Location by intersection and FM 21-26 Military courtesy ASubjScd 21-14
resection - Soldier's guide . FM 21-13
Maps Military discipline FM 21-12
Data; corrections; grid systems FM 6-40 Military drivers. (See Operators,
Marches- ASubjScd 21-22 Motor vehicle.),
Marches and bivouacs ASubjScd 17-1 Military Government, Civil Affairs.
FM 6-101 (See Civil Affairs/Military Gov-
FM 6-140 ernment.)
Types FM 55-37 Military government service
Marches, Motor ASubjScd 55-35 organization
FM 6-140 Training test ATT 41-1
FM 25-10 Military history
*·F -
- ROTCM 145-55-1 U.S. , ROTCM 145-20
Marching band. (See Bands; Military Intelligence
Marching.) Operations ROTCM 145-90
Marching techniques FM 21-18 Scope FM 30-9
Marksmanship Military Intelligence Organization
History; training ROTCM 145-30 Army organization ASubjScd 30-37
Pistols; revolvers - FM 23-35 Structure - FM 30-9
Marlinspike seamanship ASubjScd 55-13 Training test ATT 30-4
Mason (MOS 513.1) - Military Intelligence Specialists ASubjScd 30-14
Technical training ASubjScd 5-513 Military justice ASubjScd 21-10
Materials, Camouflage. (See Cam- - Military occupational specialties.
oufiage materials.) , (See Training, MOO technical.)
Materials, Construction Military organization
ROCTM 145-5-1, Vol. I Principles ROTOM 145-10
Meat cutter (MOO 942) Military personnel. (See also In-
Technical training ASubjScd 10-942 dividual soldiers.) -.
-Mechanic, Engineer- equipment Orientation of vessel person-
(MOS 621.1) - nel ASubjScd 55-11
Technical training -ASubjScd 5-621 Security ASubjScd 30-52
Military personnel (male) MIO. (See Military Intelligence
Basic combat training program ATP 21-114 Organization.)
Puerto Ricans without prior Misfires, Explosives
service Handling FM 5-25
Preo-basic training program ATP 21-119 Missiles, Guided. (See Guided mis-
Military Police sile systems.)
Emergency operations ASubjScd 19-11 Morale services
Operations FM 19-10 Responsibilities FM 100-10
Stations: Location; organiza Morning reports
tion; personnel procedures; Preparation; disposition; use ROTCM 145-95
etc. FM 19-10 Mortar carrier
Military Police battalions M84 TO 17-3
Operational training ASubjScd 19-27 Mortars FM 30-1
MilitaryPolicecommunications ASubjScd 19-21 Gunnery ROTCM 145-49
Military Police Corps Mortars (4.2-inch)
Organization; function; mission M2 FM 23-92
ASubjScd 19-1 FT 4.2-B-1 (abr)
Military Police operations M30 FM 23-92
Town patrol ASubjScd 19-9 FM 6-50
Military Police Regulations FM 19-90 FT 4.2-B-1 (abr)
Military Police supervisor (MOS FT 4.2-F-1
1677) FT 4.2-F-1 (abr)
Technical training ASubjScd 19-100 ROTCM 145-41
Military Police TOE units Organization and employment TC 6-5
Training program ATP 19-1 Mortars (4.5-inch)
Military policemen (MOS 4677) Qualification ASubjScd 17-24
Technical training ASubjScd 19-100 -Mortars (60-mm)
Military science M2 FT 60-A-5 (abr)
Basic construction principles FT 60-C-3 (abr)
ROTCM 145-5-3 FT 60-F-4 (abr)
Soldier's guide FM 21-13 FT 60-G-2 (abr)
Summer training camps, ROTC FT 60-L-1
Program of instruction ATP 145-6 M19 ASubjScd 7-16
Military Sea Transportation Service FM 23-85
Relationship with terminal FT 60-A-5 (abr)
command FM 55-21 FT 60-C-3 (abr)
Military subjects FT 60-F-4 (abr)
Basic FT 60-G-2 (abr)
Training test ATT 21-2 FT 60-L-1
Military supplies Mortars (81-mm)
Principal items M1 ASubjScd 7-17
Requirements planning FM 38-1 FT 81-AB-1
Military symbols. (See Symbols, FT 81-AD-1 (abr)
Military.) FT 81-AE-1 (abr)
Military training FT 81-AF-1 (abr)
Management ROTCM 145-90 FT 81-AG-1 (abr)
Mine fields FT 81-B-3 (abr)
Breaching and clearance FM 20-32 FT 81-C-4 (abr)
Installations FM 20-32 FT 81-F-2 (abr)
Locating; laying; marking FM 5-15 FT 81-I-1 (abr)
Planning and siting FM 20-32 FT 81-N-1 (abr)
Mine planting equipment, Mech- FT 81-S-2 (abr)
anical FT 81-V-2 (abr)
Operation TC 5-7 FT 81-Z-2 (abr)
Mine warfare M21 FT 81-AH-1 (abr)
Doctrine; staff, functioning; M29 ASubjScd 7-17
classification FM 20-32 FM 23-90
Joint operations FM 20-32 FT 81-AB-1
Principles of operation FM 20-32 FT 81-AD-1 (abr)
Training (individual and unit) FM 20-32 FT 81-AE-1 (abr)
Mines, Antitank FT 81-AF-1 (abr)
M6A2 FT 81-Z-2 (abr)
Emplacement by hand TC 5-6 FT 81-AG-1 (abr)
M15 ' 1 FT 81-AH-1 (abr)
Emplacement by hand FT 81-C-4 (abr)
M19 - FT 81-N-1 (abr)
Nonmetallic TC 5-1 FT 81-S-2 (abr)
Mortars (81-mm)-Continued Mounts, Mortar (81-mm)-Con.
M29 FT 81-T-2.(abr) M23 ' FT 81-AD-1 (abr)
FT 81-V-2 (abr) FT 81-AE-1 (abr)'
ROTCM 145-41 FT 81-AF-1 (abr)
Mortars, Chemical (4.2-inch) . FT 81-AG-I (abr)
M2 ' FT 4.2-B-1 FT 81-AH-1 (abr)
Mortars, Trench (3-inch) FT 81-B-5 (abr)
Mk 1A2 FT 81-B-3 FT 81-C-4 (abr)
FT 81-F-2 (abr) FT 81-N-1 (abr)
MOS technical training. (See Train- FT 81-S-2 (abr)
ing, MOS technical.) FT 81-T-2 (abr)
Motor FT 81-Z-2 (abr)
TranspIort FM 25-10 M23A1 FT 81-AD-i (abr)
Motor maintenance personnel FT 81-AE-1 (abr)
Practical application ASubjScd 9-3 FT 81 AF-1 (abr)
Operation ROTCM 145-55-1 FT 8f-AG-1 (abr)
Organization; layout; required FT 81-AH-1 (abr)
facilities ASubjScd 55-2 FT 81-B-5 (abr)
Transportation and unit type FT 81-N-1 (abr)
Organization and opera-' FT 81-T.2 (abr)
tion ASubJScd 55-30 FT 81-Z-2 (abr)
Motor vehicles - M23A2 FT 81-AD-1 (abr)
Inspection; maintenance FM 10-53 FT 81-AE-1 (abr)
Requirements;,classification FT 81-AF-I (abr)
ROTCM 145-9-1 FT 81-AG-1 (abr)
*- Types; maintenance ROTCM 145-5-2 FT 81-AH-1 (abr)
Types; uses 'ROTCM 145-55-1 FT 81-B-5 (abr)
Motors, Electric . FT 81-C74 (abr)
Preventive maintenance WD Poster 5-81 FT 81-N-1 (abr)
Mountain operations FM 31-72 FT 81-S-2 (abr)
Mounts, Gun (37-mm subcaliber) FT 81-T-2 (abr)
M12; M13; T34; T36 FT 37-BA-2 (abr) M23A3 FT 81-Z-2 (abr)
Mounts, Gun (75-mm AA) Mounts, Trailer (guns, machine)
T69 FT 75AA-BC-1 M55 FM 44-57
T69 (Skysweeper) FM 44-69 Movement control
Mounts, Gun (90-mm AA) Theater of operations FM 55-10
M1A1 FM 4-126 Munitions, Atomic demolition TC 5-8
M1A2 FT 90AA-B-5 Munitions, Chemical
M2AI FT 90AA-B- . CBR warfare
Mounts, Gun (120-mm AA) Training exercises FM 21-48
M1A2, FT 120AA-A-1 Recognition and identification ASubjScd 3-11
Mounts, Machine gun (7.62 mm) Requirement tables FM 3-5.
'M91 ' ' ' FT 7.62-A-1 Musical instruments
Motints, Mortar (4.2-in) Manual: marching band ' FM 12-50
M24 . FT 4.2-F-1 (abr)
:M242A1 .- FT 4.2-F-i (abr) -- . -- N
Mounts, Mortar (81-mm) National Anthem
M1 FT 81-AD-1 (abr) -Honors and salutes ·· FM 21-13
FT 81-AE-1 (abr) National Defense Cadet Corps
FT 81-AF-1 (abr) . Program of instruction. ATP 145-55
FT 81-AG-1 (abr) ' National-security .
FT 81-AH-1 (abr) Health . DA Poster 21-21
FT 81-B-5 (abr) U. S. Army role ROTCM 145-45
FT 81-C-4 (abr) Navigation ASubjScd 55-16
FT 81-N-1 (abr) Nerve gas (GB). (See GB nerve
FT 81-S-2 (abr) gas.)
FT 81-Z-2 (abr) Neuropsychiatric service
FT 81-T-2 (abr) Theater of operations FM 8-10
M4. FT 81-AD-1 (abr) Neurosychiatric specialist (MOS
FT 81-AE-1 (abr) 914.10; 914.20) : :
FT 81-AF-1 (abr) Technical training ASubjScd 8-914
FT 81-AG-1 (abr) News
FT 81-AH-1 (abr) I Field press censorship . FM 45-25
FT 81-B-5 (abr) Newspapers
FT 81-N-1 (abr) Publication and distribution ASubjScd 33-16
FT 81-S-2 (abr) Night firing techniques
FT 81-T-2 (abr) . Rifles ASubjScd 21-24
FT 81-Z-2 (abr) TC 23-1
Night vision training ASubjScd 21-24 Operations-Continued
NIKE system ROTCM 145-41 Arctic
NIKE-AJAX systems FM 44-80 Sleds, vehicles TO 55-5
FM 44-85 Armor
Battery control area equipment Small units FM 17-1
Checks and adjustments _ FM 44-80A Army Medical Service
Employment in theater of opera- Theater of war FM 8-10
tions TC 44-2 Bakery ASubjScd 10-6
NIKE-HERCULES system FM 44-95 Barriers FM 31-10
FM 44-95A Chemical battalion ASubjScd 3-12
NIKE I systems. (See NIKE- Chemical group ASubjScd 3-12
AJAX systems. Chemical laboratory ASubjScd 3-6
Northern operations FM 31-71 Civil Affairs/Military Govern-
Nuclear warfare ment ASubjScd 41-7
Defense against attack FM 21-41 FM 41-10
Clandestine ASubjScd 33-22
0 Communications ASubjScd 33-13
Communications center FM 11-17
Observation posts Consolidation ASubjScd 33-9
Air; ground FM 6-18 Convoy ROTCM 145-55-1
Selection; operation Denial FM 31-10
Exercises ASubjScd 17-39 Depot ASubjScd 10-19
Observations Desert FM 31-25
Persons; objects; places; events Display ASubjScd 33-17
ASubjScd 30-63 Engineer ROTCM 145-5-4
Observer training Engineer troop units FM 5-6
Heavy mortar company ASubjScd 7-44 Field preparations ·ASubjScd 9-13
Observers Field service FM 100-5
Ground aircraft Highway transport ASubjScd 9-13
Training phase ASubjScd 44-25 Line haul, semitrailer relay
Observers, Army aviation methods TC 55-1
Training FM 20-100 Intelligence ASubJScd 33-22
Obstacles Loudspeaker ASubjScd 33-15
Construction FM 5-15 Machine records unit ASubjScd 12-3
Types; use FM 31-10 Message center ASubjScd 11-4
Occupational therapy specialist Motion picture ASubjScd 33-15
(MOS 923.1; 923.2) Port counterintelligence ASubjScd 30-5 4
Technical training ASubjScd 8-123 Printed media ASubjScd 33-17
Occupied areas Prisoner of war ASubjScd 19-4
Military police operations FM 19-10 Psychological warfare FM 33-5
Officer indoctrination ROTCM 145-100 Quartermaster
Officers Airborne division FM 10-7
Demotions ROTCM 145-95 Armored division FM 10-7
Newly assigned Infantry division FM 10-7
Training program ATP 21-130 Quartermaster sales ASubjScd 10-21
Pay and allowances ROTCM 145-95 Radio broadcasting ASubjScd 33-13
Promotions ROTCM 145-95 Radiological center TC 101-1
Standards expected ROTCM 145-55-2 Rail FM 55-22
Officers, Intelligence Reproduction ASubjScd 33-14
Functions FM 30-7 River crossing FM 31-60
Responsibilities in the field of Salvage ASubjScd 10-15
weather TC 30-1 Shop ASubjScd 9-11
Operating room specialist (MOS Subarctic
913.10; 913.20) Sleds, vehicles TO 55-5
Technical training ASubjScd 8-113 Terminal
Operation orders Units employed FM 55-52
Field Artillery battalion FM 6-101 Wake-of-combat ASubjScd 41-9
Issuance FM 100-5 Water terminals ASubjScd 55-25
Operational training Operations centers, AA FM 44-8
Military police company; post; Operations centers, service
camp; station ASubjScd 19-24 AN/MTQ-1 FM 44-9
Operations ROTCM 145-90 Operators, Motor vehicle
Air ASubjScd 33-20 Training ASubjScd 55-2
Air movement ROTCM 145-55-1 Order of battle
Airborne ASubjScd 33-21 Aggressor forces FM 30-103
Amphibious ASubjScd 33-20 Order of battle intelligence FM 30-19
FM 55-51 Ordnance ammunition service
Amphibious truck ASubjScd 55-31 Special weapons TC 9-2
Ordnance Corps ' '.': Pay records
Mission ROTCM 145-9-1 Maintenance; custody ROTCM'145-95
Organization and history ' ROTCM 145-9-2 PearlHarbor attack
Ordnance general supply personnel - Lesson learned . FM 100-5
Practical application ASubjScd 9-4 Perishable foods
Ordnance maintenance ' Storage FM 10-24
Organization; management; FM 21-10
operations FM 9-10 Personal affairs
Ordnance maintenance, Personnel · Management ROTCM 145-100
Practical application . ASubjSed 9-5 Personal hygiene ASubjScd 21-11
Ordnance maintenance, Basic · FM 21-10
MOS technical training ASubjScd 9-102 Personnel, Administrative
Ordnance materiel Orientation ASubjScd 3-13
'Classification: use ROTCM 145-9-1 Practical application ASubjScd 9-2
Ordnance service Personnel, Ammunition -
Field FM 9-5 Practical application ASubjScd 9-6
Theater of operations FM 9-5 Personnel, Command and opera-
Ordnance specialized service tions
Detachments BA, BB, BC, CA, ' Practical application ASubjScd 9-1
CC, CD Personnel, Indigenous
Training test ATT 9-27 - Methods of instructing ASubjScd 33-26
Ordnance service organizations Use; training ASubjScd 33-12
Detachment (BA) Personnel (enemy)
- Training Test ATT 9-34 Handling; examination - FM 30-15
Detachment (BB) Personnel management
Training Test " ATT 9-34 Administrative procedures ROTCM 145-95
Detachment (BC) Personnel specialist (MOS 716)
Training test ATT 9-34 . Technical training ASubjScd 12-103
Detachment (BD) Petroleum storage specialist (MOS
Training test ATT 9-34 552.1)
Detachment (BE) Technical training ASubjScd-10-552
: Training test ATT 9-33 Petroleum supply ASubjSed 10-8
Ordnance supply ASubjSed 9-10 Photograph reading
Ordnance units Advanced .ASubjScd 30-15
- Practical application ' ASubjScd 9-16 Photographer, Process (MOS 833.1,
Organization and functions of the ' 833.2)
'Army ASubjSed 41-4 Technical training ASubjScd 5-833
Organizations, Radio broadcasting Photographic laboratories
Psychological warfare Operations FM 11-40
Training program ATP 33-301 Photographic sections and teams ASubjSed 11-10
Organizations, Special Forces Photographic units
Special Forces group, Airborne Organization FM 11-40
Training test ATT 33-6 Photographs
Orientation ' - Censorship FM 30-28
Use of compass, watch stars ROTCM 145-50 ' FM 45-25
Vessel personnel . 'ASubjScd 55-il Elementary reading; sketching
Outlines, Lesson FM 21-6 . ASubjScd 21-9
p Types and use; reading ROTCM 145-50
Photographs, Aerial * FM 21-26

Packaging and crating Photography

Methods FM 10-13 Division photographic section ASubjScd 11-3
Parachutes Investigative ASubjScd 30-21
Heavy-drop techniques ASubjScd 7-52 Still and motion picture FM 11-40
Parachutists Photography, Signal
Drop zone assembly (day) ASubjSed 7-53 Tactical employment FM 11-40
Drop zone assembly (night) ASubjScd 7-54 Types FM 11-40
Passenger travel Photomaps
Movement control FM 55-10 Reading ROTCM 145-50
Passes Physical fitness
Types . ROTCM 145-95 Concept; evaluation FM 21-10
Patrolling ' ASubjScd 7-9 Physical reconditioning specialist
Scouting and patrolling ASubjScd 17-3 (MOS 922.1)
Patrolling, Squad · Technical training . ASubjScd 8-922
Dismounted ASubjScd 21-26 Physical security
Technique · ROTCM 145-60 Installations; facilities; supplies . FM 19-30
Patrols Physical security guide FM 19-30
Train and station ASubjScd 19-15 Physical security plan
Types; mission ROTCM 145-60 Principles FM 19-30
Physical therapy specialist (MOS Platoons, Mortar (4.2-inch)
921.1) Armored division
Technical training ASubjScd 8-921 Armor and Armored Infan-
Physical training try battalions ATT 17-57-1
Program: organization and re- Equipped with the mortar car-
sponsibilities FM 21-20 rier, M84 TO 17-3
Physiological effects Platoons, Mortar (81-mm)
CBR attack FM 21-40 Infantry
Pictorial service Training test ATT 7-1
Signal Corps ROTCM 145-11-2 ATT 7-16
Pilot training Rifle company
U-1 aircraft TC 1-4 Armored Infantry battalion ATT 7-27-1
Piloting ASubjScd 55-16 Tactical exercises ASubjScd 7-32
Pilots, Private ASubJScd 17-56
Effects of atmospheric condi- Platoons, Pioneer and ammunition
tions upon flight ROTCM 145-1-7 Exercises ASubjScd 7-49
Examination guide ROTCM 145-1-9 Infantry
Safe navigation of aircraft ROTCM 145-1-5 Training test ATT 7-14
Safe operation of aircraft ROTCM 145-1-6 Platoons, Reconnaissance
Pioneering, demolitions, and explo- Airborne division battle group ATT 7-32-3
sives ASubjScd 17-57 Infantry division
Pipeline specialist (MOS 515.1) Duties FM 7-17
Technical training ASubjScd 5-515 Infantry division battle group ATT 7-12-3
Pistols (cal. .45), Automatic Infantry division Cavalry
M1911 ASubjScd 21-33 squadron ATT 17-87-1
FM 23-35 Tactical exercises ASubjScd 17-36
M1911AI ASubjScd 21-33 Platoons, Rifle
FM 23-35 Armored Infantry battalion
Platemaker (MOS 834.1; 834.2) Training test ATT 7-27-2
Technical training ASubjScd 5-834 Armored rifle company
Platoons Training test ATT 7-27-2
Communications training ASubjScd 6-5 Firing and tactics ASubjScd 17-45
Organization; operation ROTCM 145-10 Infantry
Platoons, Antitank Training test ATT 7-25
Infantry Rifle company
Training test ATT 7-12 Training test ATT 7-17-5
Platoons, Antitank Mine Tactical exercises ASubjScd 7-30
Infantry Tactics ROTCM 145-60
Training test ATT 7-8 Platoons, Rifle (75-mm)
Platoons, Assault gun Infantry
ROCID and ROTAD battle Training test ATT 7-18
group . Platoons, Rifle (105-mm)
Training test ATT 7-12-1 Tactical employment TC 31-1952
Platoons, Communication Platoons, Rifle (106-mm recoilless)
Airborne division battle group Tactical exercises ASubjScd 7-33
Training test ATT 7-12-6 Platoons, Security
Infantry Infantry
Training test ATT 7-22 Training test ATT 7-9
ATT 7-23 Platoons, Supply and maintenance
Infantry division battle group Infantry division battle group ATT 7-12-2
Training test ATT 7-12-6 Platoons, Supply and transportation
Platoons, Construction ASubjScd 11-7 Airborne division battle group ATT 7-32-2
Platoons, Counterfire Platoons, Tank
Infantry Amphibious
Training test ATT 7-5 Training test ATT 17-12
Platoons, Heavy mortar Combat firing
Infantry Training test ATT 17-8
Training test ATT 7-11 Tactical training ASubJScd 17-34
Tactical exercises ASubjScd 7-34 Platoons, Telephone operations ASubjScd 11-12
Platoons, Intelligence and reconnais- Platoons, Teletype operations ASubjScd 11-11
sance Platoons, Tractor
Infantry Amphibious
Training test ATT 7-7 Training test ATT 17-14
Platoons, Machine gun Platoons, Weapons
Infantry Tactics ROTCM 145-60
Training test ATT 7-17 Plotting boards
Tactical exercises ASubjScd 7-31 M10 FM 23-90
Tactical training ASubjScd 17-55 ROTCM 145-41
Plotting equipment . Posters-Continued
Training exercises ASubjScd 44-24 Fireman's performance chart;
Plumber (MOS 522.1) . steam-heating boiler-bitumi-
Technical training ASubjScd 5-522 nous coal WD Poster 5-11
Poisonous plants - First at Vicksburg DA Poster 21-41
Jungle FM 72-20 Foam hand fire extinguisher WD Poster 5-5
Polygraph. (See Lie detector.) . "Follow me." (History of.the
Port operations U. S. Army, No. 7) DA Poster 21-43
Procedures FM 55-110 For good coffee, keep your equip-
Ports _ ment clean DA Poster 10-15
Theater of operations . FM 55-51 For Honorable Service DA Poster 16-49
Post offices, Base Gatlings to the assault, U. S.
Training program ATP 12-47 Army in action DA Poster 21-46
Training test ATT 12-47 General Orders issued by Gen-
Postal clerk (MOS 714.1) - eral George Washington in
Technical training ASubjScd 12-714 ' New York, July 1776- : DA Poster 16-44
Postal clerk, Principal (MOS 714.2) Good marksmanship and guts
Technical training ASubjScd 12-714 , DA Poster 21-45
Postal service - If not needed-off please DA Poster 5-28
Army-Air Force DA Poster 5-28A
Organization and functions - I am an American fighting'
ASubjScd 12-2 man.. . DA Poster 16-60-1
Posters,· - I will keep faith with my fellow
The basic seven DA Poster 10-17 prisoners . . . DA Poster 16-60-4
Breakthrough at Chipyong-Ni I will make every effort to
(History of U. S. Army, No. escape. . . DA Poster 16-60-3
ii) ' DA Poster 21-47 I will never surrender of my own
Carbdn dioxide hand fire estin- , free will . . . DA Poster 16-60-2
guisher WD Poster 5-4 I will trust in my God and the ·
Carbon tetrachloride hand fire - United States of America ..
extinguisher . WD Posier 5-3 DA Poster 16-60-6
Carbon 'tetrachloride hand fire - "I'll try, sirl" DA Poster 21-73
extinguisher 1 gallon type ' WD Poster 5-2 Keep them proud of you DA Poster 16-56
Classified information, made in Keep your men cool with cold
USA -.. keep.. it here DA Poster 380-4 suppers DA Poster 10-22
- Clear before reloading DA Poster 21-60 Knocking out the Moros (His-
Close doors-protect food and tory of the U. S. Army, No.
. save refrigeration-don't slam 12) DA Poster 21-48
DA Poster 5-29 Leaders set examples DA Poster 16-43
Code of conduct for members of . Learn while you serve . DA Poster 21-49
the Armed Forces of the Let's talk turkey! DA Poster 10-14
United States DA Poster 21-100 Looki DA Poster 1-2
Code of conduct DA Pester 21-1 Maintaining good cafeteria-style
Code of conduct, I DA Poster 21-100-1 messes can be a big job DA Poster 10-23
Code of-conduct, II DA Poster 21-100-2 Merry Christmas 1776 DA Poster 21-37
Code of conduct, III DA Poster 21-100-3 - Misuse of firearms DA Poster 21-95
Code of conduct, IV DA Poster 21-100-4 Motors, first echelon preventive
Code of conduct, V DA Poster 21-100-5 maintenance WD Poster 5-81
* Code of conduct, VI DA Poster 21-100-6 * Now-more than ever DA Poster 380-7
The complete soldier DA Poster 16-51 One nation founded under God
Dangerl Grind out every buttl . DA Poster 16-53
DA Poster. 5-18. Only name, rank, serial number
- Department of the Army over- and date'of birth . ... DA Poster 16-60-5
sea employment DA Poster 690-1 Operator's preventive mainte-
Dependents' medical care DlA Poster 21-80 nance chart-coal firing in-
Don't make our country the tar- structions Poster 5-1
get, protect defense informa- Our bill of rights: Freedom of
tion ' . DAPoster 380-12 press is everybody's business
Don't sell seasoning short DA Poster 10-20 .DA Poster 21-15
Duty is for all . .DA Poster 16-47 Our bill of rights: Freedom of
Earned prestige -DA Poster 16-48 speech is everybody's business
Essentials of national security; - DA Poster 21-17
III. Health DA Poster 21-21
Fire alarm in case of fire WD Poster 5-17ur of rights: Freedom of
Fire prevention DA Pdster. 5-25 worship is everybody's bnsi-
Fireman's performance chart; . ness IDA Poster 21-16
No. 1 and No. 4 army space . Our bill of rights: Trial by jury
heating WD Poster 5-15 is everybody's business DA Poster 21-18
Posters-Continued Posters-Continued
"Protecting classified informa- Use your Army skill as a civilian,
tion is your baby" DA Poster 380-1 it pays off DA Poster 20-18
Religious and morale poster- Vote: Get this card from your
Fair play DA Poster 16-41 voting officer [Post card ap
Religious and morale poster- plication for absentee ballot]
Love thy neighbor DA Poster 16-38 DA Poster 21-76
Religious and morale poster- Water pump tank hand fire
Thrift DA Poster 16-39 extinguisher WD Poster 5-7
Religious and morale poster- Water waste means water short-
Trust DA Poster 16-40 age DA Poster 5-27
Remagen bridgehead; the U. S. Why take a chance--death can
Army in action (Pride of serv- wait DA Poster 21-61
ice, No. 1) DA Poster 21-32 Worship in life DA Poster 16-54
Remember. Be safe. Be accu- Worth fighting for DA Poster 16-42
rate. DA Poster 14-1 You can't take it with you DA Poster 14-2
"Remember your regiment" 1958 voting information for the
DA Poster 21-40 Armed Forces DA Posters 21-50
Retirement benefits DA Poster 21-82 POW. (Se Prisoners of War.)
Ride the gravy train to success Power sections ASubjScd 11-9
DA Poster 10-18 Power traverse and elevation ASubjScd 17-15
The Road to Fallen Timbers Prediction of fallout
DA Poster 21-38 Techniques TC 101-1
"The Rock of the Marne" DA Poster 21-42 Preparation for oversea movement
Safeguarding classified informa- Hq and Hq company, QM
tion protects you and yours DA Poster 380-2 depot FM 10-52
Secret: Little pieces tell the Press, Newspaper
whole story DA Poster 380-3 Operation ASubJScd 33-16
Security is every soldier's job Pressure control
DA Poster 380-9 Valve assembly FT 60-L-1
Security is in your hands DA Poster 380-11 Preventive maintenance ASubjScd 9-7
Security means this .. .not Preventive medicine specialist
this . . . DA Poster 380-8 (MOS 933.1)
Security starts here . .ends Technical training ASubjScd 8-933
here DA Poster 380-6 Pride of service (Poster series)
Security, your target for today Remagen bridgehead DA Poster 21-32
and every day DA Poster 380-10 Primers, Percussion
Security's biggest gap can be M6 FT 81-AE-1 (abr)
closed by you DA Poster 380-5 M34 FT 81-AD-1 (abr)
See your voting officer DA Poster 21-75 FT 81-AF-I (abr)
Sense of responsibility DA Poster 16-55 FT 81-AG-1 (abr)
Service to the nation demands FT 81-AH-1 (abr)
personal integrity DA Poster 16-45 FT.81-B-5 (abr)
Serving the nation DA Poster 16-50 FT 81-C-4 (abr)
Soda-acid hand fire extinguisher FT 81-N-1 (abr)
WD Poster 5-6 FT 81-S-2 (abr)
Start the day right DA Poster 10-19 FT 81-T-2 (abr)
Stop fires; save lives DA Poster 5-33 M71 (T68E1) FT 81-Z-2 (abr)
DA Poster 5-34 Prisoner of war camps
DA Poster 5-35 Organization; administration FM 21-77
STRAC: skilled, tough, ready Prisoners of war
around the clock; U. S. Stra- General protection FM 27-10
tegic Army Corps, the imme- Handling
diate answer to limited war DA Poster 355-1 Operational guide FM 19-40
Survivors' benefits DA Poster 21-81 Interrogation FM 30-15
Teamwork demands authority Profanity
DA Poster 16-67 Condemned by Gen. Washing-
That's the one for me; how about ton's general order Poster 16-44
you? DA Poster 21-35 Programs of instruction
There's no guess work here, Wat- Branch material summer train-
son DA Poster 10-13 ing camps (ROTC)
There's no trick in making good Training program ATP 145-3
coffee; DA Poster 10-16 Junior division (ROTC) ATP 145-4
Think clean! Live cleans DA Poster 16-52 ROTC (Class MI & MJC
"Those are regulars, by Godl" schools) ATP 145-2
DA Poster 21-39 Summer Training Camps
To serve, honestly and faithfully (ROTC)
DA Poster 16-46 Military science ATP 145-6
Projectiles, APO Quartermaster
M82 FT 90-C-3 Organizations
Projectiles, APC-T Army FM 10-17
M61 FT 75-AY-1 Corps FM 10-17
FT 75-AY-1 (abr) Quartermaster class II and IV
M61AI FT 75-AY-1 supply
FT 75-AY-i (abr) Theaters of operations FM 10-64
M62 FT 76-C-1 Quartermaster Corps -
FT 76-C-1 (abr) Organization, mission, and func-
M62AI FT 76-C-1 tions A.SubjScd 10-2
FT 76-C-1 (abr) Quartermaster equipment
M82 FT 90AA-B-3 Issue; consumption FM 10-13
Projectiles, Illuminating Quartermaster equipment repairman
Mk 24. FT 76-C-1 Technical training ASubjScd'10-463
Mk 25 · FT 76-C-1 Quartermaster organization
Projectiles, Training Operations in divisions FM 10-7
M68 FT 81-F-2 (abr) Quartermaster service
M69 · FT 60-C-3 (abr) Army FM 10-17
Propaganda . Corps FM 10-17
Devices and techniques ASubjScd 33-2 Quartermaster units
Types; use; distribution' FM 33-5 Organization and mission ASubjScd 10-2
Protection, CBR (chemical, bio- Quartermaster units (nondivisional)
logical, radiological) ASubjScd 3-2 Organization; mission ASubjScd 10-4
Individual protective measures
ASubjScd 21-6 R
Provost Marshal Radar
Duties FM 19-10 Antijamming measures FM 11-151
Duties; responsibilities FM 19-90 Radar section training ASubjScd 44-26
Legal jurisdictions FM 19-90 Radar sections
Responsibilities FM 19-90 Counterbattery
Psychological warfare . Operation and tactical eni-
Introduction ASubjScd 33-1 ployment ASubjScd 6-10
Leaflets, use ASubjScd 33-7 Counterniortar
Loudspeakers, usage ASubjScd 33-8 Operation and tactical em-
Military aspects . ployment ASubjScd 6-10
Operations ' FM .33-5 Radar sets
Principles of intelligence ASubjScd 33-5 AN/MPQ-10
Radio use ' ' ASubjScd 33-6 Tactical employment FM 6-160
Staff organization ASubjScd 33-3 AN/TPS-1D
Psychological warfare units Operation 'i ASubjScd 44-26
Organization; mission; fune- FM 44-7
tions; capabilities ASubjScd 33-4 Radio broadcasting
Publications, Military - Psychological warfare operations FM 33-5
Below Department of the Army Radio communications
level ROTCM 145-95 Antijamming measures FM 11-151
Categories ROTOM 145-95 Field use FM 24-18
Numbering system ROTCM 145-95 Materiel ROTCM 145-11-2
Puerto Ricans . Radio controlled airplane targets
Military personnel without prior Flight preparation and launch-.
service . lig procedures FM 44-120
Pre-basictrainingprogram ATP 21-119 Radio handbook, Pilots' ROTCM 145-1-3
Pyrotechnics Radio nets - ' ASubjScd 17-10
Descriptions; illustrations FM 21-60 Radio operator, Intermediate speed
(MOS 051)
Q Technical training ASubjScd 11-050
Radio operator, Low speed (MOS
Qualification records-enlisted per- 050)
sonnel (DA Form 20) Technical training ASubjScd 11-050
Preparation; maintenance ROTCM 145-95 Radio relay and carrier operator (293)
Qualification records-officers (DA Technical training ASubjSed 11-106
Form 66) Radio relay techniques, Field FM 11-8
Preparation; maintenance .. ROTCM 145-95 Radio sets
Qualification tests. (See Tests, Operation and maintenance ASubjScd 17-11
Qualification.) SCR-584 FM 44-44
Quarry machine operator (MOS SCR-784 FM 44-45
516.1) Radio sets, Field
Technical training ASubjScd 5-516 Operational techniques FM 24-18
Radiograms Regiments, Infantry
Censorship FM 30-28 Communications FM 7-24
Radiological agents Mission; organization; employ-
Employment; characteristics; ment FM 7-40
types FM 3-5 Organization, mission and em-
Radiological monitoring ployment ASubjScd 7-1
Methods; techniques TC 101-1 Regulations
Radiological surveys Field service FM 100-5
Methods; techniques TC 101-1 Religion and morale
Radiological warfare Fair play DA Poster 16-41
Defense against attack FM 21-40 Love thy neighbor DA Poster 16-38
First-aid; self-aid Thrift DA Poster 16-39
Training exercises FM 21-48 Trust DA Poster 16-40
Responsibilities of organization Worship in life DA Poster 16-54
and personnel FM 3-5 Remains
Tactics; technique FM 3-5 Identification procedures FM 10-63
Training exercises FM 21-48 Replacement Units (organic)
Raids Permanent party personnel
Definition; types; planning ASubjScd 19-10 Infantry, Airborne, and
Organization; conduct ASubjScd 19-10 Armored Divisions
Railway service operations, Military Training program ATP 20-207
Techniques of employment FM 55-21 Replacements, Enlisted
Railway shop battalion Tank destroyer
Organization; function FM 55-23 Training program MTP 18-2
Range determination ASubjScd 17-21 Report writing ASubjScd 30-25
Range finders Reports
M12 (T46E1) ASubjSed 17-91 Censorship FM 30-28
Ranger training. (See Training: Section ASubjScd 8-5
Ranger.) Trial by general courts martial
Rations ROTCM 145-85
Characteristics; space require- Reserve Officers' Training Corps
ments FM 10-19 Class MI & MJC schools
Rations, Field Programs of instruction ATP 145-2
Types FM 10-60 Historical background ROTCM 145-10
RCAT. (See Radio controlled air- Junior division
plane targets.) Achievements and tradi-
Reconnaissance tions of the Army;
Occupation and selectionofposi- Branches of the Army;
tion ASubjScd 44-5 Military Service, Oppor-
FM 6-18 tunities; obligations and
Records benefits, and elementary
Section ASubjScd 8-5 teaching methods
Signal orders and reports FM 11-16 ROTCM 145-4-3
Recruiting specialist (MOS 075) Programs of instruction ATP 145-i
Technical training ASubjScd 12-112 Medical Service Units
Red Cross personnel Organizations and functions
Privileged communications FM 30-28 ASubjScd 8-1
Reference data Military organization; courte-
Engineers FM 5-35 sies; customs; rules of conduct;
Medical FM 8-55 hygiene; first aid; etc.
Quartermaster FM 10-13 ROTCM 145-4-1
Reference handbook Military organization; weapons;
Chemical Corps FM 3-8 elementary communications;
Refugee control small unit tactics; principles
Combat and communication of leadership ROTCM 145-4-2
zone ASubjScd 19-8 Military science curriculum ATP 145-60
Refugee control operations Signal Corps
Operation of division dismount Communication security
point ASubjScd 19-17 ROTCM 145-11-1
Regiments, Airborne 'Wire communication ROTCM 145-11-2
Organization, mission and em- Organization; mission ROTCM 145-11-1
ployment ASubjScd 7-1 Students: admission ROTCM 145-10
Regiments, Airborne Infantry Students, Junior division ROTCM 145-10
Communications FM 7-24 Students, Senior division ROTCM 145-10
Regiments, Armored Cavalry Military science ATP 145-6
Employment FM 17-95 Summer training camps, branch
S2 section ATT 17-22 material
Training program ATP 17-305 Programs of instruction ATP 145-3
Reserve Officers' Training Rifles-Continued
Corps-Continued M27 FT 105-AI-2(abr)
Textbooks FT 105-AK-l(abr)
Army and ROTC organiza- M27AI
tions . ROTCM 145-10 Rifles (106-mm) FT 105-AH-3(abr)
Army branches ROTCM 145-70 M40- ASubjScd 7-15
Communications, small unit . M40A1 FM 23-82
*ROTCM 145-60 ROTCM 145-41
Gunnery: crew-served weap- - Rifles (cal .22)
ons ROTCM 145-41 M1l ROTCM -145-30
Logistics ROTCM 145-80 M2 ROTCM 145-30
Map and aerial photograph Browning automatic
reading ROTCM 145-50 M1918A2 ASubjScd 7-10
Marksmanship: individual- FM 23-15
weapons ROTCM 145-30 Carbines FM 23-7
Military administration ROTCM 145-95 M1 FM 23-5
Military history, U. S. ROTOM 145-20 ROTCM 145-30
Military law and boards of Rifles, Recoilless
officers ROTCM 145-85 M27A1 , FT 105-AP-2 (abr)
Operations ROTCM 145-90 Rifles, Recoilless (105-mm)
Ordnance: Military Science M27 TC 31-1952
II ROTCM 145-9-1 M27A1 FT 105-AO-2(abr)
Ordnance: Military Science M341 FT 105-AO-2(abr)
III ROTCM 145-9-2 Rifles, Recoilless (106-mm)
Service orientation ! ROTCM 145-100 M40 . FT 106-A-1 (abr)
Tactics, small unit ROTCM 145-60 FT 106-B-2 (abr)
Reserve Officers' Training Corps Tactical exercises ASubjScd 7-26
Program Rifles (U. S.) (cal .30)
Opefation and control ROTCM 145-10 M1 ASubjScd 21-31
Organization ROTCM 145-10 Rigger ahd senior rigger (MOS 512.1)
Restricted areas Technical training ASubjScd 5-512
Use FM 19-30 Rigging - ASubjScd 5-5
Retirement benefits DA Poster 21-82 Rights and privileges
Retrograde movements . . Freedom of press DA Poster 21-15
Logistical support FM 10-17 Freedom of speech DA Poster 21-17
Reviews · Freedom of worship DA Poster 21-16
Antiaircraft Artillery .FM 44-20 Trial by jury DA Poster 21-18
Revolvers (cal .45) Riot control · ASubjScd 19-6
M1917 (Colt) FM 23-35 River crossing
M1917 (Smith'and Wesson) .FM 23-35 Assault ASubjScd 5-15
Rifle marksmanship course River crossing operations
Trainfire I FM 23-71 Methods techniques FM 31-60
Rifles : Road blocks
Night firing technique.without Construction; maintenance ASubjScd 7-35
artificial illumination . TC 23-1 Road Construction
Rifles (cal .30) Military ASubjScd 5-10
Browning automatic Roads
M1918A2 ASubjScd 7-10 Reconnaissance and elassifica-
Rifles (57-mm) -. tion FM 5-36
M18 ASubjScd 7-14 Rocket launchers
FT 57-E-3(abr) Firing techniques FM 6-55
FT 57-F-2(abr) Rocket launchers (2.36-inch)
FT 57-G-l(abr) M9A1 FTR 2.36-B-1
M18AI FM 23-80 Rocket launchers (3.5-inch)
FT 57-E-3(abr) M20 FM 23-32
FT 57-F-2(abr) M20A1 ASubjScd 21-30
FT 57-G-l(abr) FM 23-32
T15E16 Ti~s~El FT ~-E-3(ahr)
FT 57-E-3(abr) M20A1B1 ASubjSed 21-30
FM 23-32
FT 57-F-2(abr) ROTCM 145-41
FT 57-G-l(obr) M20B1 FM 23-32
Rifles (75-mm) . ROTCM 145-41
M20 - FT 75-BJ-2(abr) Rocket launchers (4.5-inch)
M20 (T25) .FT 75-BB-3(abr) M21 FTR 4.5-D-3
FT· M21 (T123) FTR 4.5-0-1
FT 75-BE-l(abr) Rocket launchers (4.5-inch, mul-
T21 TjC 75-BB-I tiple)
M18 - ASubjScd 7-15 M21 towed FM 6-55
Rocket launchers (762-mm) Searchlights (18-inch)
M289, truck mounted FTR 762-A-2 Employment TC 17-2
FTR 762-B-2 Searchlights (60-inch)
FT 762-A-2WO Employment FM 6-115
FT 762-B-2WC Section equipment
Use ROTCM 145-41 Functional packing; loading;
Rocket training, Heavy unloading ASubjScd 8-6
Safety precautions TC 25-1963 Section records ASubjScd 8-5
Rocketeers Section reports ASubjScd 8-5
Training instruction ASubjScd 63- Section training
Rockets (2.36-inch, Smoke, WP) Intelligence ASubjScd 44-21
M10 FTR 2.36-B-1 Operation ASubjScd 44-21
Rockets (4.5-inch) Sections
M16A1 FTR 4.5-D-3 Communications training ASubjScd 6-5
M16A2 FTR 4.5-D-3 Division photography ASubJScd 11-3
Rockets (4.5-inch, HE) Sections, Gun (75-mm) ASubJScd 44-15
TI60E5 FTR 4.5-0-1 Sections, Intelligence
Rockets (762-mm) Transportation, Airborne divi-
Field Artillery FM 6-60 sion
Atomic FM 6-60A Training test ATT 57-2
M31A1 FT R762-A-2 Sections, Intelligence (02)
FT R762-B-2 Airborne division
FT 762-A-2WC Combat readiness ATT 57-3
FT 762-B-2WO Armored division ATT 17-20
M31A1C FT R762-A-2 Infantry division ATT 7-32
FT R762-B-2 Sections, Intelligence (82)
FT 762-A-2WO Airborne combat group ATT 7-34
FT 762-B-2WC Armored cavalry regiment ATT 17-22
Organization of position FM 6-61 Battle group ATT 7-33
Rodman and tapeman (MOS 820) Combat command
Technical training ASubjScd 5-820 Armored division ATT 17-21
Route reconnaissance ASubjScd 17-5 Sections, Light aviation ASubjScd 11-15
Rules of the road FM 19-25 Sections, Machine gun
Russia. (See U. 8S.S. R.) Squad ASubjScd 44-17
Tactical exercise ASubjScd 7-24
S Sections, Mortar (4.2-inch)
Sabotage ASubjScd 33-28 Equipped with the mortar car-
Safety rier, M84 TC 17-3
Fire control platoon Reconnaissance troop
Advanced unit training ASubjSced 44-31 Armored Cavalry squadron ATT17-57-1
Gun platoon Sections, Mortar (60-mm)
Advanced unit training ASubJScd 44-31 Tactical exercises ASubjScd 7-23
Gun section Sections, Mortar (81-mm)
Advanced unit training ASubjScd 44-31 Tactical exercises ASubjScd 7-25
Gun squad Sections, Photographic ASubjScd 11-10
Advanced unit training ASubjScd 44-31 Sections, Power ASubjScd 11-9
Safety precautions Sections, Riflde (57-mm recoilless)
Fire warning DA Poster 5-33 Tactical exercises ASubjScd 7-22
DA Poster 5-34 Security
Guided missiles TC 25-1953 Communications ASubjScd 30-7
Heavy rocket training TC 25-1953 FM 32-5
Sales articles Don't make our country the tar-
List FM 10-15 get, protect defense informa-
Salutes tion DA Poster 380-12
Personnel FM 21-13 Escort and security of VIP's ASubjScd 19-16
Salvage operations FM 10-18 Military personnel ASubjScd 30-52
Quartermaster items FM 10-10 Now-more than ever DA Poster 380-7
Sanitation "Protecting classified informa-
Area ASubjScd 8-8 tion is your baby" DA Poster 380-1
Field ASubjScd 21-3 Safeguarding classified informa-
Responsibilities FM 21-10 ~ tion protects you and yours DA Poster 380-2
Scout dogs Secret: Little pieces tell the
Administration; training; tacti- whole story DA Poster 380-3
cal employment TC 7-1 Security is every soldier's job
Use with patrol FM 21-75 DA Poster 380-9
Scout training ASubjScd 17-29 Security is in your hands DA Poster 380-11
Scouting and patrolling ASubjScd 17-3 Security means this . . . not
Exercises ASubjScd 17-39 this . .. DA Poster 380-8
Security-Continued Shells, AE (280-mm)
Security starts here . . . ends T123 FT 280-A-1
here , ' DA Posters 380-6 TiC 280-A-1
Security, your target for today T315 . TC 6-7
and every day DA Poster 380-10 Shells, Chemical
Security's biggest gap can: be r M2 FT 4.2-F-I
closed by you DA Poster 380-5 FT 4.2-F-1 (abr)
Travel ASubjScd 30-56 M2, alternate FT 4.2-F-1
Security, Physical. (See Physical . FT 4.2-F-1 (abr)
security.) M2A1 FT 4.2-F-1
Security censorship FT 4.2-F-1 (abr):
News material FM 45-25 Shells, Chemical (4.2-in.)
Security classifications ROTCM i45-95 M2 FT 4.2-B-1
Security information - FT 4.2-B-1 (abr)
Censorship FM 45-25 Shells, Chemical (105-mm)
Security measures M60 FT 105-AL-1 (abr)
Signal operation battalion . FM 1-95 FT 105-AM-1 (abr)
Separations .· . FT 105-H-4
Types; definitions ROTCM 145-95 - FT 105-H-4 (abr)
Service of the piece Shells, Chemical (155-mm)
Carriages, Motor (gun, 40-mm) . T179. FT 155-S-2
M19 FM 44-62 Shells, Gas, H
Carriages, Motor (gun, multiple) M104 FT 155-S-2
M15 FM 44-59 Shells, Gas,,persistent, H
M15SAI FM 44-59 M10 FT 155-Q-2
Carriages, Motor (machine gun) Shells, HE
M16 . FM 44-57 .M3 : FT 4.2-F-I
-Fire units (40-mm) FM 44-60. FT 4.2-F-1 (abr)
Gun, 8-inch M3, alternate FT 4.2-F-1
M1 FM 6-95 . FT 4.2-F-I (abr)
Gun (75-mm) M3AI FT 42-F-I
Skysweeper FM 44-69 FT 4.2-F-I (abr)
Gun (90-mm) - - M06 FT 8-J-2
M2 - FM 44-27 · M323 FT 105-AH-2 (abr)
Gun (90-mm, AA) M329 FT 4.2-F-1
Ml FM 4-126 FT 4.2-F-I (abr)
Gun (120-mm, AA) M329B1 FT 4.2-F-1
M1A1 FM 44-28 FT 4.2-F-i (abr)
Howitzer (105-mm) M362 (T28E6) FT 81-Z-2 (abr)
M2A1 FM 6-74 T50E2 FT 75-BK-1
M4 FM 6-76 FT 75AA-BC-1
Howitzer (155-mm) TC 75-BK-1
M1 FM 6-82 Shells, HE (4.2-in)
Howitzer (240-mm) · M3 FT 4.2-B-1
M1 FM 6-95 FT 4.2-B-1 (abr)
Mounts, Trailer (machine gun) : M3Al(E68R2) FT 4.2-B-1 (abr)
M55 .FM 44-57 Shells, HE (4.5-in)
Bervice.organizations M65 - FT 4.5-A-1
Chemical Shells, HE (8-in)
Training program ATP 3-206 M103 FT 8-I-I
Engineer FT 8-L-2
Training program ATP 5-250 Shells, HE (60-mm)
Finance M49A2 FT 60-A-5 (abr)
Training programs ATP 14-200 FT 60-L-1
Military Government Shells, HE (75-mm)
Training program ATP 41-200 M41 FT 75-1-4
Ordnance, Detachments CD,
DA, DB M48 FT 75-AY-1
Training test ATT 9-27 FT 75-AY-I (abr)
Service orientation ROTCM 145-100 FT 75-BF-I
Service record (DA Form 24A or DD FT 75-1-4
Form 230) FT 75-I-4 (abr)
Contents; entries; disposition ROTCM 145-95
"Serving the Nation" DA Poster 16-50 hells, HE (76-mm)
AE (8-In)
3Shels, - M42A1 FT 76-C-1
T317 TC 6-6 FT 76-C-1 (abr)
Shells, HE (81-mm) Shells, HES (280-mm)
M343 FT 81-B-3 T123 FT 280-A-1
M43A1 FT 81-AG-1 (abr) TjC 280-A-1
FT 81-B-5 (abr) Shells, RVAP-T
FT 81-I-1 (abr) M304 FT 90AA-B-3
M43A1B1 FT 81-AG-1 (sabr) Shells, Illuminating
FT 81-AH-I (abr) M83A1 FT 60-0-2 (abr)
FT 81-B-5 (sabr) FT 60-L-1
M45 FT 81-B-3 M118 FT 155-Q-2
M56 FT 81-S-2 (abr) FT 155-S-2
M56A1 FT 81-0-4 (abr) M301A1 FT 81-V-2 (abr)
FT 81-T-2 (abr) M314 FT 105-H-4
M56A1B1 FT 81-0-4 (sabr) FT 105-11H-4 (abr)
FT 81-S-2 (abr) Shells, Practice
FT 8-T-2 (abr) M43 FT 81-B-3
M56A1B2 FT 81-0-4 (abr) M50A2 FT 60-L-1
FT 81-S-2 (abr) M63 FT 37-BA-2 (abr)
FT 81-T-2 (abr) M92 (1.21-lb) FT 37-BJ-2 (sbr)
Mi6A1B3 FT 81-C-4 (abr) Shells, Smoke
FT 81-S-2 (sabr) M104 FT 155-S-2
FT 81-T-2 (abr) Shells, Smoke, BE
Shells, HE (90-mm) M84 FT 105-AL-1 (shr)
M71 FT 90-C-3 FT 105-AM-1 (abr)
FT O90AA-B-3 FT 105-1H-14
FT O90AA-B-5 FT 105--4 (abr)
Shells, HE (105-mm) Shells, Smoke, HO, BI
M1 FT 105-AL-I (abr) M89 FT 75-AY-1
FT 105-AM-1 (abr) M1lS FT 155-Q-2
FT 105-H-4 Shells, Smoke, FS
FT 105-H-4 (abr) M57A1 FT 81-AE-1 (abr)
TiC 105-H-4 (A to G) FT 81-AF-1 (abr)
Shells, HE (120-mm) M57A1B1 FT 81-AE-1 (abr)
M73 FT 4.7AA-C-1 FT 81-AF-1 (abr)
FT 120AA-A-1 M64 FT 75-1-4
Shells, HE (155-mm) Shells, Smoke, SP
M101 FT 155-S-2 M302 FT 60-L-1
M107 FT 155-Q-2 Shells, Smoke, WP
Shells, HE 1240-mm) M57A1 FT 81-AD-1 (abr)
M114 FT 240-C-1 FT 81-N-1 (abr)
Shells, HE (280-mm) M57AlB1 FT 81-AD-i (abr)
Tin FT 280-B-1 FT 81-N-1 (abr)
TJC 280-B-1 (A to D) M4 FT 7-AY-1
FT 75-AY-1
Shells, HE, AT A -(abr)4
FT 75:I-4
MO66 FT 75-I-4 (ab)
FT 75-I-4 (abr)
M67 FT 105-AL-1 (abr) Mio FT -Q-2
MI10 FT 155-Q-2
FT 105-AM-1 (abr) M02 FT 60--4 (ab)
M302 FT 60-F-4 (abr)
FT 105-H-4
FT 100-H M312 FT 76-C-1 (sabr)
rT 105-H-44 (abr)
FT 100-
(s) M313 FT 90AA-B-3
M324 FT 105-AK-1 (abr) M25 FT 10-A- ( )
M325 FT 105-AH-3 (abr)
Shells, HE, AT-' M361 (T140E2) FT 76-I-1
M66 FT 75-I-4 (abr) FT 76-I- (abr)
M87 FT 100-AL-i (abr) T13E2 FT 76-C-1
FT 105-AM-1 (abr) Shells, Oubcsliber
FT 105--4 1.1 lb FT 37-0-2
FT 105-H (abr) Shells, TP
Shells, E-T M43A1 FT 81-bAG-1i(abr)e
M54 FT 37AA-N-2 FT 81-AH-1 (abr)
Shells, HEP FT 81-B-5 (abr)
M326 FT 105-AI-2 (abr) M43AIB1 FT 81-AG-1 (abr)
M349 (T151E21) FT 75-BJ-2 (abr) FT 81-AH-1 (abr)
T81E17 FT 105-AM-1 (abr) FT 81-B-5 (sabr)
T142E2 FT 90-L-1 (sabr) FT 60-A-5 (abr)
T165EI1 FT 75-BH-2 (abr) M48 FT 75-BF-1
Shells, HES (8-in) Shells, TP-T
T317E1 FT 8-0-2 M551A FT 37AA-N-2
T347 FT 8-0-2 Shelters, Field
TC 6-6 Construction FM 5-15
Shelter, Protective - Signals, Distress
CBR (chemical; biological; Ground to air emergency code FM 20-100
radiological) ASubjScd 3-14 .FM 21-60
Ships Signs, Conventional FM 21-30
Nomenclature and vessel types Skiing, .
ASubjScd 55-12 Techniques . FM 31-73
Shoe repairman (MOS 462.2) Skysweeper
Technical training ASubjScd 10-462.2 Gunnery FM 44-3
Shot-guns (Riot type) . .. ASubjScd 19-12 . Operation FM 44-69
Shots, AP' Tactical employment FM 44-1
M77 - FT 90-C-3 Sled trains
Shots, AP-T Mission and functions TO 56-6
M338 FT 75-BH-2 (abr) Sled trains, Motorized
M339 FT 76-I-1 Arctic; subarctic operations TO 55-5
FT 76-1-1 (abr) Sleeping equipment
Shots, APC-T · Arctic type - FM 31-70
M59A1 - FT 37AA-N-2 .- Mountain type FM 31-70
Shots, HE . Small arms. (See Carbines; Pistols;
M352 . FT 76-I-1 ' -Revolvers; Rifles; Shotguns.)
-. FT 76-1-1 (abr) Small arms materiel
Shots, HVAP Classification ROTCM 145-9-1
T66E4 FT 761I-1 Operation; inspection; preserva-
FT 76-I-1 (abr) - tion ROTCM 145-9-2
Shots, HVAP-DS-T Smoke
M331A1 - FT 76-I-1 Employment ASubjScd 3-3
-FT 76-1-1 (abr) Smoke generator specialist (MOS
M331A2 FT. 76-I-1 532)
FT 76-I-1 (abr) Technical training ASubjScd 3-532
Shots, HVAP-T Smoke generators
M39 * FT 76-C-1 (abr) Characteristics; type FM 3-50
M93 (T4E20) FT 76-C-I Smoke screening
FT 76-C-1 (abr) Operations FM 3-50
M332 (T67E7) FT 90-L-1 (abr) . Training exercises . FM 21-48
M332BI (T67E6) FT 90-L-I (abr) Smoke screens
Shots, HVTP-T, Types FM 3-50
M315 FT 76-C-1 (abr) Use FM 3-5
M315AI -FT,76-C-1 (abr) Sniper training FM 21-75
M333 (T83). FT 90-L-1 (abr) Sniperscope equipment
T24E1 -FT 76-C-1 Training ASubjScd 7-19
Shots, TP-T Snowshoeing FM 31-73
M340 FT 76-I-1 , Techniques
FT 76-I-1 (abr) specialist (MOS 916.10
Sick and wounded and 916.20)
Transportation ' Technical training ASubScd 8-916
* Types . FM 8-35 Soldiers; Individual. (See Individ-
Sick call ROTCM 145-95 ual soldiers.)
Sight units Soldier's code FM 21-13
M34A'1 FM 23-90 Soldier's guide FM 21-13
M34A2 . FM 23-90 Sound ranging, Artillery FM 6-122
Sights -. Sound ranging sets
M4 FM 23-90 OR-8
Signal communications Operation, adjustments, and
. Elementary ASubjScd 21-13 .maintenance ASubjScd 6-23
Signal operation battalion FM 11-95 Sound recorders
Signal operations - Utilization ASubjScd 30-24
Army FM 11-20 Sound, Velocity of
*. FM 11-22 Determination (in air) .-FM 6-120
Corps FM 11-20 Space heaters
FM 11-22 No. 1 and No. 4
Signal photography. (See'Photog- . Fireman's performance chart
raphy, Signal.) . * WD Poster 65-15
Signal service units. (See Units, Special forces
Signal service.) . Operations exercises ASuhjScd 33-33
Signaling - FM 31-21
Ground-air' FM 214-0 Organizations FM 100-15
Special operations Staff Chemical Officers
Chemical, biological, and radio- Duties and responsibilities FM 3-9
logical warfare FM 3-5 Staff Chemical Sections
Communications FM 7-24 Organization and functions FM 3-9
Field Artillery FM 6-101 Staff development
Medical service FM 8-10 .History ROTCM 145-90
Use of Artillery FM 6-20 Staff Journals. (See Journals, Staff.)
Special Services -- Staff officers' field manual j
Recreation responsibilities FM 28-105 Atomic weapons employment FM 101-31
Specialists, Military Intelligence ASubJScd 30-14 FM 101-31A
Squadrons, Armored Cavalry O/rganization; technical and
Training program ATP 17-45 logistical data FM 101-10
Training test ATT 17-45 Personnel FM 101-1
Squadrons, Cavalry Staff organization; procedures FM 101-5
Infantry division Staff studies
Training test ATT 17-45 Sample copy FM 101-5
Training program ATP 17-45 Staffs, General and special
Squads, Countcrfire Operations ASubjSed 30-36
Infantry division battle group ATT 7-12-4 Staging areas
Squads Functions FM 55-6
Organization; operation ROTCM 145-10 Training ASubjScd 55-23
Squads, Counterfire Statistics
Tactical training ASubjScd 17-7 Military Police FM 19-90
Squads, Gun (40-mm) Stenographer (MOS 712)
Training ASubJScd 44-14 Technical training ASubjScd 12-114
Squads, Heavy mortar Stereoscope
Tactical exercises ASubJScd 7-27 Practical uses ASubJScd 44-22
Squads, Intelligence Stevedoring
Exercises ASubjScd 7-48 Port operations FM 55-110
Squads, Light machine-gun Winch operations ROTCM 145-55-1
Armored Infantry FM 17-77 Stock control activities
Squads, Machine gun Management FM 38-1
Tactical training ASubjScd 7-6 Stock control points
Squads, Mortar (60-mm) Code; categories; services; loca-
Tactical training ASubJScd 7-4 tion FM 38-1
Squads, Mortar (81-mm) Functions F M38-1
Armored Infantry FM 17-77 Stocks
Tactical training ASubjScd 7-7 Storage; distribution; control FM 38-1
Squads, Rifle Storage
Ahborne rifle company ATT 7-17-1 Computing space requirements FM 10-13
Armored Infantry FM 17-77 Military explosives FM 5-25
Fire technique ROTCM 145-60 Straggler control ASubJSed 19-7
Reconnaissance platoon training Strategic Intelligence Research and
ASubJScd 17-37 Analysis ASubjScd 30-17
Rifle company ATT 7-17-1 Strategic Intelligence Research and
Tactical exercises ASubJScd 7-20 Analysis Units
Tactical training ASubJScd 7-2 Sources of information ASubjScd 30-6
ASubjScd 21-25 Structures specialist and senior
Tactics ROTCM 145-60 structures specialist (MOS 512.2)
Tank gunnery (76-mm) Technical training ASubjSod 5-512
Familiarization ASubjScd 17-26 Subsistence storage specialist; sub-
Squads, Rifle, Recoilless (16-mm) sistence supply specialist (MOS
Tactical training ASubjScd 7-8 553.10)
Squads, Rifle, Recoilless (57-mm) Technical training ASubjScd 10-553
Tactical training ASubjSed 7-5 Subsistence supply ASubjSed 10-5
Squads, Support Theater of operations FM 10-60
Reconnaissance company
Basic unit training ASubjScd 17-38 Supplies
Reconnaissanee platoon
platoon Procurement; issue ASubjScd 8-4
and delaying
defense Quartermaster class II and IV
action situations ASubjSed 17-38 Theaters of operations FM 10-64
Selection and occupation of Supplies, Chemical ASubjScd 3-4
firing positions ASubJScd 17-38 Supplies and equipment
Tank gunnery (76-mm) Classifications FM 7-30
Familiarization ASubjScd 17-26 Movement by rail ASubjScd 55-34
Squads, Weapons Supply
Tactical exercises ASubjScd 7-21 Logistic responsibilities ROTCM 145-80
Tactical training ASubjScd 7-3 Parts ASubjScd 10-14
Supply, Engineer - Tanks-Continued
Channels ROTCM 145-5-4 .90-mm gun
Supply distribution M47 FM 17-78
Management; operation FM 38-4 M48 FM 17-79
Supply handler (MOS 550.0) .120-mm gun
Technical training ASubjScd 10-105 .M103 (T43E1) FT 120-C-1
Supply management Interphone ASubjScd 17-9
Principles; policies. FM 38-1 Firing from defilade ASubJScd 17-27
Supply management and records . Target intelligence-
Maintenance ROTCM 145-95 Artillery echelons . FM 6-20
Supply manager Target practice procedures ASubjScdA4-12
Principles FM 38-1 Targets, Airplane
Supply points Radio.controlled
Camouflage - FM 5-20C Procedure and drill FM 44-120
Supply problems, Field ASubjScd 17-42 Task Forces
Supply system Fire planning - FM 6-21
Customers - FM 38-1 Teams, Censorship
Levels. Types FM 30-28
Management FM 38-1 Teams, Highway transport:
Supply system, Army ASubjScd 10-1 GD
ASubJScd 17-42 Training test .ATT 55-1
Surfacing machine operator Teams, Infantry and airborne
Technical training ASubjScd 5-613 infantry
Surveillance Training program ATP 7-300
Techniques and problems ASubjScd 30-62 Teams, Light aviation ASubjScd 11-15
Surveillance (criminal investigations) Teams, Maintenance
Objectives FM 19-20 Transportation TC 55-7
Surveying Teams, Medical service
Field Artillery gunnery FM 6-40 Training program ATP 8-200
Surveys . . Training test ATT 8-1
Field Artillery; observation Teams, Military
battalions ASubjScd 6-29 Operations ROTCM 145-90
Traffic FM 19-25 Teams, Military censorship . ASubjScd 30-5
Survival FM 21-76 Training program ATP 30-202
Arctic regions FM 31-70 Teams, Military Intelligence
Atomic battlefield FM 21-75 Training programs ATP 30-201
Extreme climatic conditions ASubjScd 33-24 Teams, Military Intelligence special-
Jungle FM 72-20 1st
Survivors' benefits DA Poster 21-8 Organization; mission; capabil-
Sweden 'ities ASubjScd 30-4
Aircraft recognition FM 30-30 Teams, Strategic Intelligence re-
Symbols, Bridge ROTCM 145-55-2 . search and analysis (FA, FB,
Symbols, Military ROTCM 145-50 FC)
Descriptions; abbreviations FM 21-30 Training program ATP 30-203
Symbols, Topographical ROTCM 145-50 Teams, Topographic
Descriptions; abbreviations FM 21- 31 Engineer
Mission; employment FM 5-188
T Teams, Transportation floating
equipment (FA through FM)
Table of maximum punishments Training program , : ATP 55-307
Extracts ROTCM 145-85 Teams, Transportation intelligence
Tank gun .(HA through HB)
Mechanical training ASubjScd 17-13 Training programs. . ATP 55-207
Tank gunnery Teams, Transportation marine
Types; characteristics FM 17-12 maintenance (IB through ID)
Training program ATP 55-307
(76-mm) 172 Teams, Transportation movement
Familiarization ASubJScd 17-26 control (LA through LF) .
Tank section . . Training program ATP.55-206
Reconnaissance platoon Teams, Transportation supply (BA)
Reconnaissance company ASubjScd 17-40 Training program . . ATP 55-307
Tanks (vehicles) Teams, Transportation supply
76-mmn gun (BA through BF)
M41 . FM 17-80 Training program ATP 55-205
M41A1 FM 17-80 Technical assistance service . .ASubjScd 9-8
M48 (T124E2) FT 76-I-1 Technical intelligence FM 30-16
FT 76-1-1 (abr) Signal Corps . FM 11-30
Technical observers Theater of operations-Continued
Privileged communications FM 30-28 Quartermaster class II and IV
Technical services supply FM 10-64
Department of the Army Quartermaster service FM 10-10
Mission; functions ROTCM 145-70 Quartermaster supply and service
Supply management FM 38-1 ASubjScd 10-3
Technical training, MOS. (See Signal operations FM 11-20
Training, MOS technical.) Subsistence supply FM 10-60
Telephone directories. (See Diree- Transportation service FM 55-6
tories, Telephone.) Theater of war
Telephone installer-repairman Definition FM 100-10
(MOS 323) "There's no guess work here,
Technical training ASubjScd 11-323 Watson" DA Poster 10-13
Telephone service Time zones and time conversion
Censorship FM 30-28 tables, World FM 11-17
Teletypewriter operator (MOS 723) Titles of address
Technical training ASubjScd 11-723 Military and naval personnel FM 21-13
Tents "To serve, honestly and faithfully"
Pitching: principles FM 20-15 DA Poster 16-46
Types; characteristics FM 20-15 "To the Color"
Tents (Heavy) Honors and salutes FM 21-13
Pitching ASubjScd 8-7 Tools, Hand
Terminal commands Engineer ASubjScd 5-1
Employment and organization FM 55-51 Tools, Power
Planning and operation FM 55-51 Engineer ASubjScd 5-2
Terminals Topographic operations
Inland waterway systems FM 55-26 Map production FM 5-188
Terrain studies, Tactical Topographical symbols. (See Sym-
Importance; uses; steps involved bols, Topographical.)
ASubjScd.30-11 Towing operations
Tests, Qualification Vessel tows and towing ASubJScd 55-20
Gunners Traffic control
Guns, 8-inch FM 6-95 Checklist FM 19-90
Guns, 155-mm FM 6-87 Highway FM 25-10
FM 6-90 ROTCM 145-55-2
Guns, 280-mm FM 6-96 Highway regulation ASubjScd 55-32
Howitzers, 8-inch FM 6-87 Operations ASubjScd 19-3
FM 6-90 Principles; techniques FM 19-25
Howitzers, 105-mm FM 6-74 Provost Marshal responsibility FM 19-90
FM 6-75 Traffic control devices FM 19-25
FM 6-76 Traffic management, Military ROTCM 145-55-2
Howitzer, 155-mm FM 6-82 TRAINFIRE I
Howitzers, 240-mm FM 6-95 Carbine marksmanship courses FM 23-72
Rocket launchers, 4.5-inch, Rifle marksmanship courses FM 23-71
M21 FM 6-55 Training
Revolvers FM 23-35 Airborne ASubjScd 33-21
Specialists, Field Artillery FM 5-125 Antiguerrilla ASubjScd 33-11
Test construction FM 21-6 Anti-infiltration ASubjScd 33-11
Test results Cannoneers' or rocketeers' ASubjScd 6-3
Interpretation FM 21-6 Defense against attack
Testimony (court) Chemical; biological; radiologi-
Preparation FM 19-20 ca FM 2140
"That's the one for me; how about FM 21-40
you?" DA Poster 21-35 General supply personnel FM 9-10
Theater of operations Jungle service FM 72-20
Construction ASubjScd 5-9 Maintenance personnel FM 0-10
Definition FM 100-10 Medical care, Emergency TC 8-1
Medical service FM 8-10
Medical units FM 8-5 Medical units
Military police operations FM 19-10 Technical and administra-
Movement control ASubjScd 55-6 tive ASubjScd 8-12
FM 55-10 Radar section ASubjScd 44-26
Movement control; fundamen- Ranger FM 21-501
tals ASubjScd 55-9 Rifle, advanced ASubjScd 7-11
Organization ASubjScd 55-33
Transportation offices Small boat ASubjScd 33-35
Organization, mission, and Sniper, advanced ASubjScd 7-11
functions ASubjScd 55-4 Unarmed defense FM 21-150
Training, Basic combat Training, MOS technical-Con. ·
Male personnel without prior Dental specialist (917.1 and
service ATP 21-114 917.2) ASubjScd 8-917
Trlnlng, Intelligence ASubjScd 21-7 Diesel repairman (623.1) ASubjScd 5-623
Electrician (355.1) ASubiScd 5-350
,Tfaining, Military
Principles; objectives
Training, MOS technical
FM 21-5 Electrician's helper (350.0)
ASubSced 5-350
AAA gun crewman (162.1) ASubjScd 44-100 Electroencephalographic spe-
Accounting specialist, Personnel cialist (914.30) ASubjScd 8-914
(752) ASubjScd 12-108 Engineer equipment mainte-
Administrative specialist (717); nance helper (620.0) ASubjScd 5-620
ASubiScd 12-104 Field communication crewman (310)
Armorer (768.20) ASubjScd 10-111 - - ASubJScd 11-107
Automotive training, technical . Fire fighter ASubjScd 5-114
ASubjScd 9-115 Food inspection specialist (934.1
Bread baker (943.10) ASubjScd 10-943 and 934.2) ASubjScd 8-934
Camouflage specialist (514.1) . General draftsman (810.0) ASubjScd 5-810
- ASubjScd 5-514.1 Graves registration specialist
Canvas and leather repairman - (547.10) ASubjScd-10-547
ASubjSod 10-462.1 Heating and ventilating special-
Carpenter (heavy construction) .. ist (521.2) ASubjScd 5-521.2
(511.1) ASubJScd S-511 Bey punch operator (MOS
Cartographic draftsman (813.1) 751) ASubjScd 12-107
ASubjScd.5-813 Laundry and impregnation spe-
Chaplain's assistant (718.1) ASubjScd 16-718 cialist ASubjScd 10-546
Chemical equipment repair-. Lineman (321) ASubJScd 11-320
man (533) ASubjScd 3-533 Machine accounting specialist
Chemical parts specialist (771) - (753) ASubjScd 12-109
ASubjScd 3-771 Mason (513.1) , ASubSecd 5-513
Chemical staff specialist (534) Meat cutter (942) ASubjScd 10-942
ASubjScd 3-534 Mechanic, Engineer equipment
Chemical supply specialist (621.1) ASubJScd 5-621
(761) ASubjScd 3-761 Medical corpsman (910) - ASubjScd 8-910
-Chemical warfare helper (530) . Medical specialist (911.10; 911.20)
ASubjScd 3-530 ASubjScd 8-911
Clerk, administrative (MOS Medical supply specialist
710)' ASubjScd 12-100 (767.10) ASubjScd 8-767
Clerk, Machine accounting (750) .Military policeman (4677) ASubjScd 19-100
ASubjScd 12-106 Neuropsychiatric specialist ASubjScd 8-914
Clerk, Medical records (715.10; Occupational therapy specialist
715.20) ASubjScd 8-106 (923.1; 923.2) ASubiScd 8-123
Clerk, Senior supply (768.10) . Operatingroomspeeiallst (913.10;
ASubiScd 10-111 913.20) ASubjScd 8-113
Clerk, Supply (760.0) ASubjScd 10-100 Ordnance maintenance, basic ASubJScd 9-102
Clerk-typist (711) ASubiScd 12-101 Personnel specialist (716) ASubjScd 12-103
Clinical psychology specialist Petroleum storage specialist
(915.10; 915.20) ASubjScd 8-115 (552.1) - . ASubjScd 10-552
Communications center special- Physical reconditioning special-
ist (721) ASubjScd 11-720 ist (922.1) ASubjScd 8-922
Communications clerk (720) Physical therapy specialist.
ASubjScd 11-720 (921.1) ASubjSed 8-921
Confinement specialist (952) Pipeline specialist (515.1) ASubjScd 5-515
ASubjScd 19-952 Platemaker (834.1; 834.2) ASubjScd 5-834
Construction draftsman ASubjScd 5-811 Plumber (522.1) ASubjSed 5-522
Construction machine helper Postal clerk (714.1) ASubjScd 12-714
(610) ASubjScd 5-610 * Postal clerk, Principal (714.2)
Construction machine operator . ASubjScd 12-714
(612.1) . ASubjScd 5-610 Preventive medicine specialist
Construction surveyor (821.1) (933.1) ASubjScd 8-933
ASubjScd 5-821 Process photographer (833.1,
Cook, First (941.10) ASubjScd 10-102 833.2) ASubjScd-5-833
Crane-shovel operator (611.2) Quarry machine operator (516.1)
ASubjScd 5-611 ASubjScd 5-516
Decontamination specialists - Quartermaster equipment re-
(531) ASubJScd 3-531 pairman ASubjScd 10-463
Dental laboratory specialist Radio operator, Intermediate
(452.1 and 452.2) ASubjScd 8-452 speed (051) ASubjScd 11-050
Training, MOS technical-Con. Transportation, Highway line hauls
Radio operator, low speed (050) Relay methods, operation TC 55-1
ASubjScd 11-050 Transportation, Pack
Radio relay and carrier operator Care and training of animals ASubJScd 6-15
(293) ASubjScd 11-106 Hitches and slings ASubjScd 6-15
Recovery specialist (633.1) ASubjScd 9-158 Operation over difficult
Recruiting specialist (075) ASubjScd 12-112 terrain ASubjScd 6-15
Rigger and senior rigger (512.1) Packing of howitzers ASubjScd 6-15
ASubjScd 6-512 Preparation of cargo ASubjScd 6-15
Rodman and tapeman (820) ASubjScd 5-820 Transportation, Rail
Security guard ASubjScd 19-102 Higher units FM 55-21
Security guard supervisor (1677) Port area FM 55-51
ASubjScd 19-100 Transportation Corps
Shoe repairman (462.2) _ ASubjScd 10-462.2 Activities FM 55-6
Smoke generator specialist (532) Transportation Corps. (TOE
ASubjSed 3-532 units)
Social work specialist (916.10 Organization; mission; functions;
and 916.20) ASubjScd 8-916 capabilities ASubjScd 55-1
Stenographer (MOS 712) ASubjScd 12-114 Transportation intelligence ASubjScd 55-14
Structures specialist and senior Detailed information, collec-
structures specialist (512.2) tion ASubjScd 55-10
ASubjSed 5-512 Responsibilities; organization;
Supply handler (550.0) ASubjScd 10-105 operations FM 55-8
Subsistence storage specialist; Use ROTCM 145-55-2
subsistence supply specialist Transportation offices
(553.10) i ASubjScd 10-553 Organization, mission, and func-
Surfacing machine operator ASubjScd 5-613 tions ASubjScd 55-4
Telephone installer-repairman Transportation Railway Service
(323) ASubjSed 11-323 Organization; mission; fune-
Teletypewriter operator (723) tion ROTCM 145-55-1
ASubjScd 11-723 Transportation service ASubjScd 55-7
Use in instruction FM 21-6 Highway
Veterinary specialist (084.1) Theaters of operations FM 55-31
ASubjScd 8-084 Inland waterways FM 55-26
Warehouse specialist (551.10) Theater of operations FM 55-6
ASubjScd 16-551 Travelers, Communications carried
Water supply specialist ASubjScd 5-526 by
Wireman (320) ASubjScd 11-320 Censorship FM 30-28
Training, Operational Trenches
Military police company; post; Construction FM 5-15
camp; station ASubjScd 19-24 Troop movements
Training, Physical. (See Physical Logistic responsibilities ROTCM 145-80
training.) Mortar battery
Training camps, Medical Service Administrative; tactical FM 6-18
(ROTC) Air movement FM 7-40
Programs of instruction ATP 145-8 Movement by rail ASubjScd 55-34
Training camps, Summer (ROTC) Troop organization FM 100-5
Programs of instruction ATP 145-3 Troops
Training Circulars Armored units
Change in method of publishing; Training program ATP 17-2
numbering; distribution TC 26-I-54 Engineer
Training courses Classification; organization
Photography FM 11-40 of units; equipment FM 5-5
Training kits Mission; assignment; em-
Chemical agent detection TC 3-5 ployment FM 5-6
Transport services Reconnaissance
Organization, capabilities, and Armored Cavalry squadron ATT 7-27-2
limitations ASubjScd 55-5 Infantry division cavalry
Transportation squadron ATT 17-57
Brief history ROTCM 145-55-1 Trucks, Amphibian
Dogs FM 25-6 Control and operation ASubjScd 55-31
Heavy drop equipment, rigged TO 10-1 Trucks, Forklift
Military explosives FM 5-25 Blocking and bracing for rail
Logistic responsibilities - ROTCM 145-80 movement FM 10-12
Motor FM 25-10 Tubes, Subcaliber
Sick and wounded 1 lb FT 37-C-2
Methods; means FM 8-35 Turret familiarization ASubjScd 17-12
U Units, Chemical Corps
Umpire manuals Organization; mission; function
Use in tactical exercises FM 105-5 and employment ASubjScd 3-1
Umpiring ASubjScd 6-30 Units, Civil Affairs/Military Gov- -
Uniform Code of Military Justice ernment
Excerpts ROTCM 145-85 Organization and function ASubjScd 41-5
Uniforms - Units, Construction
Aggressor forces FM 30-101 Engineers
Uniforms, Individual Mission; assignment FM 5-162
Care and use FM 21-15 Units, Decontamination
U. S. S-.R. -CBR (chemical; biological;-
Aircraft recognition FM 30-30 radiological) ASubjScd 3-14
Explosives: characteristics FM 5-25 Units, Engineer combat
Unit censors Operations techniques ASubjScd 33-31
Duties and responsibilities FM 30-28 Units, Field. (See also types of field
Unit displacement units, e. g., Engineer Field units.)
Ordnance service type ASubjScd 9-19 Units, Field artillery
Ordnance units Training program ATP 6-100
Field Army - ASubJSed 9-18 Units, Field Artillery missile
Unit engineers 762-mm rocket
Duties; responsibilities FM 5-5 Training program ATP 6-302
Unit loading officers Units, Infantry
Duties; responsibilities FM 60-30 Battle group, training profi-
FM 30-28 ciency ATT 7-31
Unit sites - Operations techniques ASubjScd 33-31
Occupation ASubjScd 8-9 Units, Larger. (See Larger units.)
Selection ASubjScd 8-9 Units, Machine records
United Kingdom S Adjutant General
Aircraft recognition FM 30-30 Training program ATP 12-201
Explosives: characteristics FM 5-25 Training test ATT 12-510
U. S. Army, History (Poster series) Units, Medical'.
Breakthrough at Chipyong-Ni Technical and administrative
DA Poster 21-47 training ASubjScd'8-12
"First at Vicksburg" DA Poster 21-41 Units, Medical service
"Follow me" DA Poster 21-43 Training program ATP 8-200
Gatlings to the assault DA Poster 21-46 Training test ATT 8-1
Good marksmanship and gutsl Units, Military intelligence
DA Poster 21-45 Organization, mission and
"I'll try, sir" DA Poster 21-73 function ASubjScd 30-3
Knocking out the Moros DA Poster 21-48 Units, Military police TOE
Merry Christmas 1776 DA Poster 21-37 Training program ATP 19-1
"Remember your regiment" DA poster 21-40 Units, Motor transport
The road to Fallen Timbers DA Poster 21-38 Transportation
,"The rock of the Marne" DA Poster 21-42 Training program' - ATP 55-11
"Those are regulars, by God" Units, Ordnance
DA Poster 21-39 Field Army
U.S. Army air defense brigade Training programs ATP 9-201
Training test ATT 44-12 Nuclear weapons support
Units. (See also kinds of units, e. g., Training program ATP 9-47
Engineer units.) Organic to Armored and Infan-
Operations ASubjScd 9-17 try divisions
Units, Amphibious reconnaissance Training programs ATP 9-25
Equipment FM 110-115 Units, Psychological warfare
Organization FM 110-115 Field exercises ASubjScd 33-18
Units. Armored Training program ATP 33-301
Operations techniques ASubjScd 33-31 Units, Quartermaster
Units, Armored cavalry Individual training
Armored and Infantry divisions Training program ATP 10-110
Organization; tactics; Units, Service type
techniques FM 17-35 Ordnance
Units, Army postal, general assign- Training program ATP 9-302
ment Units, Signal service
Training program ATP 12-47 - Training program ATP 11-500
Training test ATT 12-47 Training test ATT 11-24
Units, Artillery Units, Small
Communication exercises ASubjScd 6-6 Armor operations FM 17-1
Operations techniques ASubjScd 33-31 Tactics; communications ROTCM 145-60
Units, Special forces Wannigans (sled)
Training program ATP 33-300 Types; use; equipment- TC 55-5
Units, Strategic intelligence research War gases. (See Gases, War.)
and analysis War trophies
Source of information ASubJScd 30-6 Retention FM 30-15
Units, Tank Warehouse specialist (MOS 551.10)
Platoon through battalion FM 17-33 Technical specialist ASubjScd 10-551
Units, TOE (Transportation Corps) Warfare, arctic ASubjScd 30-26
Organization, mission, functions Washington, George
and capabilities ASubjScd 55-1 General order condemning pro-
Units, Topographic fanity Poster 16-44
Engineers Water supply specialist
Mission; training; employ Technical training ASubjScd 5-526
ment; organization FM 5-188 Waterways, Inland
Units Transportation railway Transportation service FM 55-26
Training program ATP 55-201 Weapons ASubjScd 33-29
Training test ATT 55-6 Automatic Antiaircraft Artil-
Units, Transportation terminal lery FM 44-2
Training program ATP 55-111 Foreign ASubjScd 33-29
V Weapons, Crew-served ROTCM 145-41
Weapons, Individual ROTCM 145-30
Vehicles. (See also Motor vehicles.) Weapons, Infantry
Arctic; subarctic operations TC 55-5 Camouflage FM 5-20A
Armored Infantry Weapons emplacements
M75 FM 17-77 Types FM 7-15'
Camouflage FM 5-20B Weather
Classification system FM 5-36 Effects on tactical Army opera- TC 30-1
Driving and maintenance ASubjScd 17-4 tions
Operation; familiarization ASubjScd 9-15 Elements; forecasts TC 30-1
Vehicles. Armored Pilots' weather handbook ROTCM 145-1-4
Characteristics FM 17-45 Weddings, Military ROTCM 145-55-2
Vehicles. Military Weights and measures
Loads; loading ASubjScd 55-3 Tables FM 10-13
Vessel operations Wind corrector
Deck department ASubjScd 55-17 M1 FM 6-122
Vessels, Army Wind measurement equipment
Types; classes; nomenclature AN/MMQ-1
ASubjScd 55-12 Care and use ASubjScd 6-36
ROTCM 145-55-1 Wire circuits, Field
Vessels, Naval Installation; operation; mainte-
Types; abbreviations FM 21-30 nance FM 24-20
Veterinary service Wireman (MOS 320)
Theater of operations FM 8-10 Technical training ASubjScd 11-320
Veterinary specialist (MOS 084.1) Women's Army Corps
Technical training ASubjScd 8-084 Mission; functions ROTCM 145-70
Visibility charts. (See Charts, Vis- Physical training FM 35-20
ibility.) Work parties
Voting information DA Poster 21-50 Security ASubjScd 5-12
See your voting officer DA Poster 21-75 "Worth fighting for." DA Poster 16-142
Vote: Get this card from your
voting officer DA Poster 21-76
WAC. (See Women's Army Corps.)
Wake-of-combat Zone of interior
Operations ASubjScd 41-9 Definition FM 100-10

By Order of Wilber M. Brucker, Secretary of the Army:

General, United States Army,
Official: Chief of Staff.
R. V.' LEE,
Major General, United States Amy,
The Adjutant General.
Active Army, NG, and USAR: A.
To be distributed as needed to all units and headquarters down to and
including companies and batteries and to units and headquarters of com-
parable size.


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