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Reaction Paper

Title: Rice Prices Surge to P56 per kilo

Author: Ramon Efren Lazaro, Romina Cabrera

“If rice prices right now are reaching P56 (per kilo) that’s not right, we will import if needed.
This is what we do to stabilize (prices),” Estoperez said in Filipino.
“Someone is saying there is stockpiling of palay and rice that will be our focus. Even if the NFA
has lost is regulatory function, we will ask the inspectorate and Enforcement office to grant
visiting powers to see if someone really in manipulating or hoarding (prices),” Estoperez said in
an interview
“It’s ruining the price structures. They’re selling in low quantities and raising prices. People are
panic buying” he added.
“If it’s less than 81 days with the private sector, there will be trouble and our national inventory
will be lacking. That’s what we need to address” he added.
As a member of the family in my opinion, the price of rice is too expensive. It’s difficult for us to
face this kind of situation because not all of us can afford the goods. There are many people
who are unemployed while others are just making enough with their wages to pay their bills. So
it’s better for the government to pay attention to the goods, but their prices will not drop
immediately, so let’s trust the process maybe next year the goods price will go down.

As a Student For me, the price of rice is too much because not everyone has enough money to
buy it. Like my family, my father is a driver and my mother is a vendor. The money they earn on
a daily basis is still not enough because we rent a house and pay the bills. It hurts even more for
people who can’t really afford to buy

As a citizen, this kind of increase in rice is difficult for us because the money we earn every day
is not that much, and of course rice is not the only thing you buy; there are electricity bills and
other expenses, so we hope to focus the government's attention on this kind of problem in our
country and also pay attention to the people who can't afford to buy rice, and we want it to
solve this problem that is being faced now.

As a Christian At present, the price of rice continues to rise in our country. This is one of the
problems facing Filipinos because others do not have enough money to buy it. This is one of the
needs of Filipinos. We need to think about how to solve the problem. Let’s not waste it. Every
grain is important, so let’s not waste it.


Rice- swamp grass which is widely cultivated as a source of food, especially in Asia.

Price- the amount of money expected, required, or given in payment for something.

Selling- give or hand over (something) in exchange for money

Gulfo Arnella Mae C. BEED 1A Hermes Argante

Student Instructor

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