Drug AB

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AUGUST, 2023
In every language, the word drug means any substances or chemical prescribe for medical
reasons. However, it is one of the substances which alter the way the body functions. Many who
condemn young people for using the illegal drug like heroin, cocaine, smoke and drink heavily
themselves, ignoring the facts that these are the most abuse drugs of addiction.
Ekiti State, nestled in the southwestern region of Nigeria, is known for its rich cultural heritage
and vibrant communities. However, beneath the surface of its natural beauty and cultural richness, there
exists a pressing concern that affects its most valuable asset—its youth. The topic of "The Effect of Drug
Abuse on Ekiti Youth" is one of profound importance and relevance, as it speaks to the well-being,
future, and socio-economic fabric of this unique community.
Understanding the dynamics of drug abuse among Ekiti's youth is crucial, not only for policymakers and
stakeholders but for every member of the community. This assignment delves into this pressing issue,
aiming to shed light on the causes, consequences, and potential solutions that can help protect and
empower the young generation of Ekiti.
As we embark on this exploration, we will uncover the prevalence of drug abuse within Ekiti's youth
population, dissect the root causes, examine the health and social consequences, and explore the measures
being taken within the community to address this challenge. By comprehensively studying this issue, we
hope to foster a deeper understanding and inspire collective action to ensure a brighter and healthier
future for Ekiti's youth and the broader community they are an integral part of.
Drug abuse among youth is a complex and pervasive issue with profound social, health, and economic
consequences. It refers to the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances, including both legal
(e.g., alcohol and prescription medications) and illegal drugs (e.g., cannabis, cocaine, opioids, and
stimulants), by individuals who are in their adolescent or young adult years. Understanding the factors
contributing to drug abuse among youth and its consequences is essential for prevention and intervention
The causes of drug abuse among Ekiti youth are multifaceted and influenced by a combination of
individual, societal, and environmental factors. Understanding these causes is essential for developing
effective prevention and intervention strategies. Here are some key factors contributing to drug abuse
among Ekiti youth:
 Peer Pressure: Young people often succumb to peer pressure from friends or acquaintances who
encourage or introduce them to drug use. The desire to fit in or be part of a social group can lead
to experimentation with drugs.
 Lack of Education and Awareness: Limited knowledge about the risks and consequences of drug
abuse can make youth more vulnerable. Insufficient education and awareness programs on the
dangers of drug abuse may contribute to its prevalence.
 Family Environment: Dysfunctional family dynamics, such as parental substance abuse, neglect,
or lack of supervision, can create an environment where youth are more likely to engage in drug
abuse as a coping mechanism or as a form of rebellion.
 Mental Health Issues: Undiagnosed or untreated mental health disorders, such as depression,
anxiety, or trauma, can drive some youth to self-medicate with drugs as a way to alleviate
emotional pain or distress.
 Accessibility: The availability and ease of access to drugs within communities can play a
significant role. Ekiti's geographic location and proximity to drug trafficking routes may
contribute to the availability of illicit substances.
 Economic Factors: Socioeconomic disparities and poverty can lead some youth to drug abuse as a
means of escaping harsh living conditions or seeking financial gain through drug-related
 Cultural Influences: Cultural practices, rituals, or traditions may involve the use of certain
substances, making it more socially acceptable or even expected among youth in specific
 Unemployment: High rates of youth unemployment can lead to frustration and idleness, making
drug use more appealing as a form of escape or entertainment.
 Media and Pop Culture: The portrayal of drug use in media, music, and popular culture can
influence youth perception and normalize substance abuse.
 Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences: Youth who have experienced trauma or adverse
childhood experiences may turn to drugs as a way to cope with their emotional pain.
 Lack of Positive Activities: A dearth of recreational activities and positive outlets for youth can
leave them with limited options for constructive engagement, making them more susceptible to
drug abuse.
 Misinformation: Youth may be exposed to misinformation about drugs, believing them to be less
harmful or more beneficial than they actually are.
It's important to note that these factors are interconnected and can vary among individuals. Effective
prevention and intervention strategies should address these underlying causes comprehensively,
considering the specific context of Ekiti State and its youth population.

Patterns of Drug Abuse in Ekiti:

 Experimentation: Many youth start with experimentation, driven by curiosity or peer influence.
They may try different substances to see how they make them feel.
 Regular Use: Experimentation can escalate to regular use, where individuals consume drugs on a
more consistent basis. This stage often involves the development of tolerance, requiring larger
amounts to achieve the desired effect.
 Dependency and Addiction: Continued drug use can lead to dependency, characterized by a
physical and psychological need for the substance. Addiction can result in harmful consequences,
including health problems, legal issues, and strained relationships.


When a person uses drugs, a chemical reaction takes place within the brain. Depending on the drug, a
user may experience a surge of dopamine (the “happy” hormone), which causes an intense wave of
euphoria. Or, the drugs imitate the brain’s natural neurotransmitters and change the way a user’s body
processes information. This can lead to an array of different effects, like powerful sensory experiences,
feelings of relaxation, hallucinations, and changes in perception or sense of time. It can also trigger
negative reactions, like panic and paranoia, increased body temperature, heart palpitations, breathing
problems, and incoordination. These short-term effects of drug use will vary, depending on the type of
drug used. However, drugs of abuse have something in common: they can pose the risk for long-term
effects on a person’s physical and mental health. This is particularly true for youth, who are at a critical
stage of brain development.

Right now, you may be curious to learn about the long-term effects of drug abuse, and whether it is really
posing a risk to your (or your loved one’s) health. You may be a parent of a teenager or young adult and
concerned that their “recreational” drug use may lead to more serious consequences. No matter your
situation, it is important to understand the effects of drug abuse on youth, and how that can impact one’s
long-term health and well-being. This guide will break it all down for you.

The Effects of Drug Abuse on Youth

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), substance abuse can affect the brain
development and growth of youth. It can also lead to risky behaviors, like driving under the influence,
and contribute to a series of serious health problems, both mental and physical. Drug abuse in
adolescence can also heighten one’s risk for overdose, or lead to long-term problems with drug use. Of
course, different drugs will have different effects on users. Some drugs, for example, are opioids, which
pose risk for respiratory depression. Meanwhile, stimulant drugs like cocaine can cause heart attacks and
strokes. Marijuana, on the other hand, poses risk for learning and memory deficits. These are just some
examples of the risks and longer-term effects of drugs, generally.Below are examples of the common
effects of drug abuse on young people.

Physical Effects of Drug Use on Youth

Again, the physical effects of drugs vary depending on the substance used. SAMHSA, the Substance
Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, cites the following, common health consequences of

 Physical Effects of Stimulants:

 Paranoia
 Dangerously high body temperatures
 Irregular heartbeat/heart palpitations
 Heart attack or failure
 Stroke
 Seizures
 Sleep disorders
 Physical Effects of Opioids:
 Drowsiness
 Nausea
 Slowed breathing
 Respiratory depression
 Hypoxia
 Physical Effects of Depressants:
 Slurred speech
 Shallow breathing
 Fatigue
 Disorientation
 Lack of coordination
 Seizures upon withdrawal
 Physical Effects of Marijuana Use:
 Impairment in memory, learning, concentration, and problem-solving
 Hallucinations
 Paranoia
 Psychosis later in life (associated with early use)

Mental Effects of Drug Use on Youth

 Poor Judgment:

A short-term effect of drug use, teens under the influence will display poor judgment. This is due to the
effects that drugs have in the brain. Poor judgement may carry through to personal choices and social
 Declines in Academic Performance:

Substance use in youth often leads to poor academic performance. Those who use drugs often skip
school, struggle with concentration, or are not able to retain information as quickly or easily.
Additionally, studies show that teens who use drugs experience reduced motivation, which can play a role
in their overall performance a school.

 Dependence on Drugs:

Research shows that youth who use drugs at an early age – specifically before their brains are developed
– will develop an increased risk for substance dependency. This is because adolescents’ and young
adults’ brains are not fully developed. When drugs are introduced at an early age, they interfere with the
brain’s progress. They change the chemical makeup, and commonly will create a sense of dependency on
drugs to function or feel good. Teens who use drugs regularly are likely to develop a substance addiction
later in life.

 Mental Health Disorders:

Similarly, when drugs interfere with the brain’s development at a young age, there becomes an increased
risk for mental health disorders. The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that “mental health problems
such as depression, developmental lags, apathy, withdrawal, and other psychosocial dysfunctions
frequently are linked to substance abuse among adolescents.” Additionally, youth who use drugs are at
greater risk of developing conduct problems, violent behaviors, suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, and
self-harm behaviors.

Other Long-Term Risks of Drug Use for Youth

In addition to the physical and mental effects of teen drug use, there are many negative consequences that
drugs can bring to a young person’s life. When drugs are used, it changes the way the brain thinks,
rationalizes, controls impulses, and makes decisions. It interferes with a person’s ability to make good
choices. Therefore, teens become more likely to make rash decisions, without thinking about the long-
term costs. Teens who use drugs are more likely to experience the following negative effects.

 Legal Effects of Drugs:

 Criminal records that cannot be expunged
 Car accidents due to impaired driving
 DUI charges
 Assault charges

 Social Effects of Drugs:

 Damaged relationships with friends and family due to drug and alcohol use
 Withdrawal from family, friends, and once-loved activities
 Sexually transmitted diseases, due to unprotected sex
 Unplanned pregnancies, also due to unprotected sex
 Increased risk of violent behaviors and fights

 Effects of Drugs on Professional Life:

 Negative attitude towards work, school, or other obligations
 Wasted academic opportunities
 Delayed or deferred career opportunities
 Skipping out on work and school obligations
 Dropping out of school and other discipline problems
 Financial loss and distress, for those who become addicted to drugs

The effects of drugs listed in this blog are by no means exhaustive, but this guide is designed to show you
just some of the many negative effects that drugs can have on adolescents and young adults.

Most significantly, substance use – particularly at a young age – can lead to fatal consequences. As
reported by the Office of Justice Programs, “Disproportionate numbers of youth involved with alcohol
and other drugs face an increased risk of death through suicide, homicide, accident, and illness.”

If you or your loved one is using drugs or considering using drugs, know that the effects can be serious
and critical. It is up to you to educate yourself, seek help, and make a difference. If you are concerned
about your loved one’s drug use, and specifically its development into a mental health or addictive
disorder, please do not hesitate to seek help. Early intervention can be vital to your loved one’s health and
well-being. It is never too early to seek treatment, but it can be too late.

Parents can play a critical role in helping their children onto a healthier path. If you are a parent, the best
way to help your teen in this moment is to create an open dialogue at home. Talk to your teen about the
dangers of drug use and the risks of drugs on their health. Ask your teen questions, such as have they ever
tried drugs, or do their friends use drugs? These open, honest, and non-judgmental questions can establish
a sense of trust between parents and their children. This, in turn, can help you become a greater support,
alliance, and advocate for your child when they need you most.
 Health Effects: Drug abuse can have severe health consequences, including addiction, overdose,
mental health disorders, and physical ailments. Long-term drug use can damage vital organs and
impair cognitive functions.
 Academic and Career Impact: Youth who abuse drugs often experience declining academic
performance and may struggle to complete their education. This can limit their future career
 Legal Consequences: Many drugs are illegal, and drug-related activities can result in legal
consequences, including arrests and criminal records.
 Social and Family Issues: Drug abuse can strain relationships with family and friends, leading to
isolation and social withdrawal. It can also contribute to family dysfunction and conflict.
 Economic Burden: The societal costs of youth drug abuse are significant, encompassing
healthcare expenses, law enforcement efforts, and lost productivity.
 Education: Raising awareness about the risks of drug abuse through school programs and
community initiatives can help inform young people about the dangers of substance use.
 Mental Health Support: Early identification and treatment of mental health issues can reduce the
likelihood of self-medication through drugs.
 Parental Involvement: Supportive and involved parents can play a crucial role in preventing
drug abuse among their children.
 Treatment and Rehabilitation: For those already struggling with drug abuse, effective treatment
and rehabilitation programs, including counseling, detoxification, and support groups, are vital for
Addressing drug abuse among youth requires a multifaceted approach that combines prevention, early
intervention, and support for those in need. It's essential to recognize that drug abuse is a complex issue
with no one-size-fits-all solution, and a combination of strategies is often necessary to combat this
problem effectively.

Youth drug abuse is a multifaceted societal challenge with widespread implications. This
comprehensive exploration has illuminated its intricate nature, encompassing the contributing factors,
patterns of usage, repercussions, and strategies for prevention and intervention.
Youth drug abuse stems from a complex interplay of influences, including peer pressure, family
dynamics, mental health issues, socioeconomic disparities, and drug accessibility. Often commencing
with experimentation, it can escalate into regular use, leading to dependency or addiction. The
consequences of such abuse are far-reaching, affecting physical and mental health, academic and career
prospects, legal status, and interpersonal relationships. To effectively combat this issue, a multifaceted
approach is imperative. Prevention initiatives, early intervention in mental health concerns, active
parental involvement, and community-based programs are pivotal. Simultaneously, accessible and
effective treatment and rehabilitation options are crucial for those already grappling with drug abuse. It is
essential to acknowledge that youth drug abuse is not uniform; its dynamics vary across regions and
demographics. Moreover, as new substances and trends continually emerge, ongoing research and
adaptable strategies are vital to stay ahead of evolving challenges. Ultimately, the collective aim is to
safeguard the well-being of our youth and provide them with the resources and guidance to make
informed and healthy choices, fostering a brighter future for the next generation.

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