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What's New in Version 5.1

1 General
1.1 System Requirements
– ProVI 5.1 is available for AutoCAD 2007-2009 (32-bit), 2010-2012 (32-bit and 64-
bit) and 2013 (32-bit and 64-bit).
– The operating systems Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP (32-bit and
64-bit) are supported.
– Either Access (mdb files) or SQL Server can be used as database engine. How-
ever on 64-bit systems a precondition for Access databases is that MS-Office has
not been installed in a 32-bit version, because the required database drivers can-
not be installed in this case. Thus the following cases can be distinguished:
Windows 32-bit: Access or SQL Server
Windows 64-bit, Office 64-bit or no Office: Access or SQL Server
Windows 64-bit, Office 32-bit: SQL Server

1.2 Project Management

– The plan frame file used by some interface programs (DBGISOUT, VERMESN) is
now part of the project database and stored in folder "Basic data".
– For numerous file types additional metadata can be specified in the properties
dialog. They describe information concerning coordinate systems and technical
meanings for the OKSTRA interface. Changing the metadata does not cause an
update of dependent files. Metadata are automatically generated by interface
programs and coordinate transformations.
– The function "Synchronize directory" now offers the checkbox "Hide calculated
files" in property page "Changed Files". Furthermore the column "Changed by" is
– When updating dependent files, by default calculated files will no longer be of-
fered for recalculation if they are dependent from an invalid file.

1.3 Handling of Invalid Files

– A new setting in the options dialog gives control over the program's behavior
when accessing invalid files. The following three options are available: "Allowed",
"Confirmation required" and "Prohibited".

– "Allowed ": Invalid files can be used and edited without any restriction. Marking a
file as invalid has no further effect in this case. (previous behavior)
– "Confirmation required ": A warning message appears if an invalid file is to be
used and the user can decide if he wants to proceed. (default setting)
– "Prohibited ": An error message appears if an invalid file is to be used and the
current function is cancelled. To use or edit the file its status must be set manually
to valid first.
– This option can be set in the user-specific as well as in the project-specific op-

1.4 Survey Module

– The survey module is based on CAPLAN version 3.3. For new features in
CAPLAN please refer to file "" in sub-directory "Caplan" of the instal-
lation directory of ProVI.
1.5 Excel Macro
– A new version (2.1) of the macro for importing output files (exc files) into Excel is
available in sub-directory "Addins" of the ProVI directory.
For installation please refer to the file Readme.txt.
– Only some cosmetic changes have been made.

1.6 Others
– An elevation criterion (minimum and maximum difference from vertical alignment)
is now available for point filters. If the alignment number is not specified, the cur-
rent vertical alignment is used if the current program can provide it (e.g. compul-
sory point calculation ZWANGSB and track displacement calculation GLVBER).
– The plotstyle names used for layers created by ProVI can be influenced by the
user via configuration file provilay.cfg.
– In some dialogs (e.g. "Edit Switch List" or "Select Secondary Station Files") multi-
ple selection is now done with check boxes and a context menu.
2 Cross Section Editor
2.1 Standard Profiles
– The cross section editor provides several ways to save and load standard pro-
files. Saving is only possible if a directory for configuration files has been speci-
fied in the options dialog of ProVI.
– The functions "Save standard profile" and "Load standard profile" are available in
the context menus of the strip list and the course range list. On saving the rele-
vant station has to be entered at which the standard profile shall be derived.
– For a standard profile defining a complete route (strips, courses, CS-objects, con-
structions, including rules) the alignment strip (id 0) must be selected. On loading
optionally an automatic subgrade calculation (railway design) or an automatic
crossfall calculation (road design) can be performed. Furthermore alignment
numbers and extensions for required files (e.g. horizontal and vertical alignments)
must be entered.

– Standard ground transitions can be saved and loaded via the border strips.
– For track strips (ballast, slab track, tramway) standard types can be saved, too.
When creating a new track strip the type and optionally a standard ground transi-
tion can be chosen.
– The course composition can be saved and loaded for course ranges of type lane,
sidewalk, cycling track and tramway.
2.2 Others
– So far slope roundings have been calculated differently for road design (with pro-
jected tangent lengths) and railway design (with actual tangent lengths). The cal-
culation method can now be set in the program and the calculation with projected
lengths is the default setting in both cases.
– On ditch calculation a vertical alignment (if specified) now has priority over the
elevation difference to soil subgrade defined in the corresponding track strip. If
that value is not reached a warning results in the check function.
– Some new functions can be used for defining rules: square root, square, sine and
– The context menu of the course range list now contains the function "Transfer
data" to copy all data lists from one course range to another.
– The report function now provides information concerning rail and sleeper types of
track strips (if option "Include width, crossfall and slope lists" is set).
– During the animation position or position and elevation of a strip can be fixed.
– The backrest width of DIN-kerbs has been corrected from 0.1m to 0.15m.
– An empty block for labeling purposes has been added to the block library.
– The blocks for steel masts (railway design) have been corrected.
3 Junctions
3.1 KNOEDIT – Junction Editor
Edge bodies
– In 3D mode the last row of the ridge dialog provides functions for creating and
editing of edge routes, which are stored inside of the junction file.
– While creating an edge route the strip sequence (including the values at the con-
nection points) can be determined from the corresponding routes of the major and
minor road (function "Connect automatically").
– To edit an edge route the cross section editor is called by the junction editor.
– An edge route can also be saved explicitly in a separate route file.

Crossfall calculation
– The crossfall dialog of ridges with level calculation "from turn into side" or "from
turn off side" contains the new function "Set crossfalls automatically" which re-
moves elevation gaps at the ridge ends and interpolates the crossfall values in
– The row "Crossfall list" in the ridges dialog now contains a button to switch on and
off the automatic crossfall calculation. The crossfall values are then recalculated
whenever a change is done to the ridge. If the user changes the crossfall list
manually, the automatic calculation is deactivated.
– The construction of the edge rounding " Circular arc with widening curve: Line -
Arc" is no longer bound to a splitter. Alternatively the position can be specified via
the distances from two strip points. Thus this junction element can now be com-
bined with the element " Splitter (Side: Parallel to edge rounding) ". A "straight"
edge rounding can be approached through setting the radii to very small values.
– Junction files can now be read even if a strip referenced in the junction has been
deleted in the corresponding route. In this case the reference is set to the align-
ment strip (id 0) of the route.
– The corresponding routes are now drawn only in the area of the junction. Fur-
thermore gaps resulting from the junction are considered, too.
– A maximum value for the polyline interval used for the representation of routes
(especially for roundabouts) can now be specified directly in the options. Thus it is
no longer necessary to change to the cross section editor for editing this value.
– The route strips are now connected through vertical lines in the 3D view to give a
better 3D impression when using the orbit function.
– Key points can now also be selected by picking the corresponding text.

3.2 KNOZEI – Draw Junction

– New program for drawing the complete junction including all edge routes.
– The module TRAZEI (draw route) is used to draw the edge routes. The dialog
mask of TRAZEI is either displayed only once (option "Draw all equally") or for
each route separately (option "Draw individually").
– In the preceding dialog it can be set for each strip type whether it shall be consid-
ered in the drawing process or not.
4 Sight Distances and Obstructed Vision
4.1 SIWEIT – Calculate Sight Distances
– The user interface has been redesigned and extended.
– The sight distances are calculated more accurate (adaptive reduction of testing
interval). The recommended value for the testing interval is 5m.
– The relevant speed can either be taken from the alignment or defined by a fixed
– The maximum distance from eye point can now be set.
– The calculation of areas of obstructed vision according to German guideline H
ViSt 2008 has been implemented. Critical areas of obstructed vision and hidden
starts of curves are detected and documented. The results are stored in the sight
distances file (one file for each direction).

4.2 HPZEI – Draw Grading Plan

– Obstructed vision band according to German guideline H ViSt 2008.
5 New Modules
5.1 SIFELD – Draw Sight Fields
– New program for drawing sight fields which have to be kept free from sight obsta-
– Road design: Determine sight fields for crossings and T-intersections according to
German guideline RASt 06.

– Railway design: Determine sight fields for level crossings according to German
guideline 815.0031.
5.2 KONVL – Convert Layers
– The already existing program for the conversion of ProVI layers has been re-
placed by a general program for layer conversions.
– The module is based on a conversion table which can be edited in a text editor or
during the program execution.
– For variable parameters (e.g. alignment number or extension) the wildcards "*"
and "?" are available.
– Optionally the parameters can be transferred to the new layer names.
– Besides the new layer names the conversion table can also contain the layer
properties (color, linetype and linewidth).
6 New Features
6.1 AEDIT – Alignment Editor
– The function "Fitting" offers new possibilities to control the calculation. The dialog
"Alignment elements" can be called directly from the fitting dialog and for fixed el-
ements it is possible to fix radius or position. In the first case a curve fitting is
done with the radius specified for the element. In the second case radius and po-
sition of the element will not be changed.
– If coupling and buffer elements exist, they will be converted to fixed elements only
if the user confirms this explicitly. In the fitting process they are ignored and recal-
culated afterwards (without considering the measuring points). This can be used
to remove kinks from the alignment.
– Furthermore the limiting radius for using a straight line can be set in the dialog
and the calculated radii can be rounded automatically.

6.2 DATEDIT – Edit Alignment Related Files

Subsoil file
– The subsoil profile can be scanned from a longitudinal profile in the drawing. The
corresponding function can be found in the context menu of the subsoil profile list.
Station file
– The restriction of the block attributes to 20 characters has been removed.
– Wildcards for station (<PVI_S>), elevation (<PVI_H>) and text (<PVI_T>) can be
used in the block attributes.
– When adding a station range the interval can now be entered separately for each
element type (straight line, curve, spiral).
Range file
– The context menu now offers the function "Excel output".
– Via context menu function "Import csv-file" range data can be imported from an
Excel sheet.
– The context menu function "Copy row" allows the creation of a new station range
based on an already existing one.

6.3 BIEGE – Rail Division Editor

– The function "Transfer joints" now works even if the joints do not correspond in
straight lines.
– Calculation of a gauge tie bar or sleeper division is now supported. A basic dis-
tance has to be specified either for the inner rail, the track alignment or the outer
rail. The result will be displayed in the drawing or in an output file.

6.4 KLEINP – Calculate Minor Alignment Points

– The speed was added to The Excel output.
6.5 ZWANGSB – Calculate Compulsory Points
– Calculation in rotated system and clearance check are now available also for
VERM.ESN output format.
– Distances calculated in the rotated coordinate system are marked with "*" in the
drawing (adjustable via configuration file for labeling).
– The Excel output now contains also point codes.

6.6 GLVBER – Calculate Track Displacement

– The points to be used can be restricted through a filter file.

6.7 ACHSZEI – Draw Alignment

– The tool for moving label positions can now be applied to different files without
changing the alignment number manually. This is done automatically when an ob-
ject is selected that belongs to another file.
– Spirals of type Vienna curve are now labeled with WBA and WBE.
– In railway design non-separated reverse curves can now be marked with an addi-
tional text taken from the configuration file for labeling.

6.8 TSZEI – Draw Gradient Indicators

– Analogue to ACHSZEI ("Draw alignment") the alignment number can now contain
the wildcard "?" for drawing several vertical alignments through one execution of
the program. Only those alignments are considered that have a vertical alignment
with the specified extension.
– The tool for moving label positions can now be applied to different files without
changing alignment number and extension manually. This is done automatically
when an object is selected that belongs to another file.

6.9 GVMPLAN – Draw Track Demarcation

– The labeling of symbols with distance and elevation difference can optionally be
done using the rotated coordinate system (considering cant).
– Distances calculated in the rotated coordinate system are marked with "*" in the
drawing (adjustable via configuration file for labeling).

6.10 GLVZEI – Draw Track Displacement

– Analogue to ACHSZEI ("Draw alignment") the alignment number can now contain
the wildcard "?" for drawing data of several alignments through one execution of
the program. Only those alignments are considered that have a track displace-
ment file with the specified extension.
– Optionally only the displacement of position can be displayed.
6.11 TRAZEI – Draw Route
– For slope hatching the distance between the hatch lines can optionally be deter-
mined from the length of the lines.
– The platform edge elevation can be labeled.
– Crossfall labels at first and final station are now optional.

6.12 WHPLAN – Draw Switch Grading Plan

– An output file can be created containing the calculated values between switch
begin and last continuous sleeper.
– The default colors have been changed: left track (or continuous track): green,
right track: blue, connecting track (or branch track): red.

6.13 GEDIT – Gradient Editor

– The labeling of compulsory points can be influenced in the options (e.g. vertical).
– The compulsory points dialog now contains a context menu function for setting
the elevation of the vertical alignment (or TOR-elevation in railway design).
– The elevation difference for function "Lift" can be specified through picking.

6.14 GPROJ – Gradient Projection

– A point of vertical intersection is automatically added at the first and final station
(if specified).
– Considering compulsory points is now optional.

6.15 HPZEI – Draw Grading Plan

– The decimal places for stations and values of the sight distances band can now
be set separately.
– Station labels at the perpendicular lines can optionally be drawn complete with
kilometer value.

6.16 QPZEI – Draw Cross Sections

– The insertion points of CS-objects are considered now when determining the ba-
sis elevation automatically.

6.17 KANEDIT – Drainage Editor

– Input and labeling of manhole diameters is now be done in mm (also in drawing
– The ground model (if specified) is used for checking the minimum and maximum
vertical cover if no route project is specified in the drainage file.

6.18 KANZEI – Draw Drainage Data into Site Plan

– The station can be added to the manhole label.
– The tool for moving label positions can now be applied to different files without
changing alignment number and section number manually. This is done automati-
cally when an object is selected that belongs to another file.
6.19 GEVZEI – Draw Land Acquisition Plan
– When using the standard acquisition types a code (taken from the configuration
file for labeling) for the acquisition purpose has been added to the layer names.

6.20 GEVAUS – Generate Land Acquisition Register

– For RE output the local subdistrict is optionally displayed for each parcel.


– Import: Name, technical meaning and status are now saved in the imported files
– Export: Name, technical meaning and status are now taken directly from the files
to be exported.

6.22 DBGISIN – DB-GIS Import

– A point file with all points contained in the exchange file can be created. It can be
specified when re-exporting the data in DBGISOUT, so that unchanged points
keep their point numbers.
– The coordinate systems for position and elevation are saved in the created files
now. They are checked when the data is re-exported later.

6.23 DBGISOUT – DB-GIS Export

– Only one plan frame file has to be specified for all lines.
– A point file generated from a previous import can be specified. Unchanged points
will then keep their point numbers. Furthermore already existing point numbers
will not be used.
– Cant points can optionally share their point numbers with the corresponding
alignment points.

6.24 PLANRAND – Draw Plan Margin

– Different fold styles can be chosen.
– There are two new functions in the context menu of the attribute table: "Add all
missing attributes" and " Delete all rows with empty attribute value".
– Attributes contained in the table without having a value are drawn with existing
but empty text attribute. In contrast attributes that are not part of the table are
drawn with their default values.
– An annotation scale can be assigned to the created layout viewports.

6.25 MULTIPLAN – Create Plangroup

– The program can now also be used to create several track demarcation plans
– A plan frame file can be generated.
6.26 TRANSF – Coordinate Transformation
– Coordinate transformations defined in Map 3D or Civil 3D can be applied.
– For GNTRANS transformations the GK strip code and an approximate elevation
can be entered.

6.27 FUELLEN – Surface Filling, Hatching

– For slope hatching the distance between the hatch lines can also be specified
through picking of two points.
– An arrow is displayed to indicate the direction to the next slope hatching section.

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