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The ASL Limited- Apostrophe is committed to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for its workers,
customers and the company at large. It endeavors to produce its products in a condition that is acceptable and
recognized in all aspects of its operations to contribute towards improving the occupational Health and Safety of
workers with an objective of reducing the losses caused by consequences of occupational diseases, accidents and
improving the general environment.

Our policy endeavors to comply with the prevailing Occupational Safety and Health Act, 2007 (OSHA) and all other
related legal requirements in our industry (ies)

We endeavor to produce goods and services that are environmentally sustainable in all aspects of our operations
with an objective of improving the occupational Health and Safety of workers by reducing the losses caused by
consequences of occupational diseases, accidents and improving the general environment.

ASL Limited-Apostrophe is further committed to:

 Complying with all relevant statutory requirements and quality standards.
 Ensuring each employee is given information, instruction and training necessary for safe performance of work.
 Protecting Health and Safety of all it employees
 Adequately enable its employees raise issues of the Health and Safety through Health and Safety committees.
 Ensuring assessment of risks on Health and Safety at workplace and taking necessary action.
 Provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to employees and ensuring properly used.

To achieve this policy ASL Limited-Apostrophe will:
 Provide suitable working tools and protective equipment
 Liaise and adhere to relevant government and regulatory authorities to ensure compliance to Health
and Safety standards
 Sensitize staff through continuous training
 Updating all policies and procedures on safety, health and environment practices.
 Provide and maintain plant systems and procedures of work that are safe and without risks to health.

a) Managing Director
 He/she or his/her representative shall be responsible for the company’s Health and Safety function.
 He/she will ensure that all legislative requirements are fulfilled and implemented.
 He/she or his/her representative shall chair all such safety committees.
 He/she or his/her representative shall evaluate the performance of this committee.
 He/she or his/her representative shall disseminate Health and Safety policy and any other relevant
information that relates to the safety of the Company.

b) Production Manager
 He/she is the technical expert of the company as far as machine maintenance is concerned to ensure
that they only operate when in good condition to ensure the safety of workers.
 Ensure as far as reasonably practicable, that all buildings, plant, equipment and systems are installed
and maintained safely and without risk to the health of the employees and degradation of the
 He/she or his/her representative shall be a member of the Health and Safety committee.
 He/she or his/her representative along with the Human Resource Manager, the Departmental
Managers/Supervisors concerned shall compose the inspection and investigation team whenever an
injury occurs and sign the accident report, and where necessary, rectify the problem.
 Keep copies of accident reports that have occurred in the Company/premises
 He/she or his/her representative will ensure the statutory examinations of all the pressure plants,
boilers and lifting equipment are carried out comprehensively ,timely while implementing the
recommendations on the reports
 Ensure any procurement of a machine, plant parts, substances etc., is purchased should be
satisfied/confirmed that they meet the environment, Health and Safety guidelines.
 Ensure the suppliers or manufactures provide technical information (manuals) of materials detailing
dangers of operational restrictions, safety precautions etc. and pass and train the same to the
managers and operators.
 Take reasonable care of the environment, Health and Safety of himself and other persons who may
be affected by his acts or omissions at work.

c) Human Resource Manager

 Will be the Chairperson to the Company’s environment and safety committee.

 He/she will maintain statutory registers, reports, records and ensure that the extracts of the act
 Investigate and report all serious accidents and environmental incidents to the Ministry of Labor
using the prescribed format ( Appendix )
 Will ensure that all employees understand the procedures they must follow to safeguard the
environment, Health and Safety during their working activities.
 Will ensure all new employees receive appropriate instructions and training (induction) and those on
transfer to new jobs. He will also organize general or special Health and Safety. training for existing
employees at all levels e.g. first aid training for first aid team and fire training and implements
procedures correctly and ensures they are properly supervised.
 Ensure the suitability of each employee for the job which he/she is employed will include his health
condition, training, discipline.
 Advice on disciplinary action to be taken against Health and Safety offenders
 Will nominate a qualified person to assist him/her in the investigation of accidents and compile the
necessary reports in conjunction with departmental heads and other Health and Safety committee
rules and regulations.

d) Heads Of Department

 All HODs/Supervisors of the Company will be responsible for all the environment, Health and Safety
matters affecting their departments.
 Keep up to date information and records on environment, Health and Safety performances and
advice the MD or his/her representative on Health and Safety matters.
 Each will be responsible for environment, Health and Safety standards maintained including good
housekeeping, the use storage, handling and disposal of materials.
 Inspect and evaluate health and safety hazards in their sections, initiate and ensure action is taken by
the appropriate person responsible e.g. The Human Resource Manager, Production Manager
 Ensure that within the sections all practical steps are taken to prevent recurrence of any accident.
 Submit quarterly reports related to environment, Health and Safety to the Health and Safety
 Will ensure that all the employees in their respective sections are adequately trained and are aware
of their duties and responsibilities in all environmental Health and Safety matters.
 When an accident occurs they will immediately inform the head of Human Resources and complete
an accident report form and forward it as soon as reasonably practicable but by the end of the shift..
 Ensure that their staff know the location of the first aid kit and the name of the first aider nearest to
 Ensure that they check the hazard after it has been repaired/remedied to ensure right
conditions/practices have been restored before further operation. Liaise with Human Resource
Manager as far as action to be taken on undisciplined employees who do not observe the Company
policy on Health and Safety.
 Ensure that all employees are appropriate Protective Personal Equipment.

f) Employees

 They must have an understanding of their obligations under OSHA 2007, any other relevant
legislative requirements, and the company’s in-house rules which will be formulated from time to
 Take reasonable care of the environment, Health and Safety of themselves and other persons who
may be affected by this acts or omissions at work.
 Co-operate as far as necessary as per the requirements of his /her job, so as to minimize injuries.
 Ensure that their representative will take every reasonable step necessary to assist the management
in promoting HEALTH AND SAFETY standards.
g) Health and Safety Committees
i) Aim
The Company has established a Health and Safety committee whose aim is to direct and
manage the occupational Health and Safety functions.

ii) Objective
To define, plan, implement, and review the occupational Health and Safety program of the
Company with a view of minimizing lost man-hours, production down time, damage to
properties and financial overheads due to ill health and/or accidents.

iii) Membership
The Health and Safety committee should be chaired by the HR Manager who shall be
responsible for co-coordinating Health and Safety matters and should comprise
departmental heads/section heads or their representatives, opinion leaders (e.g. union
officials) and other selected employees or managers of functions with actionable
responsibility for Health and Safety issues. Such a committee will constitute not less than 15
members who will operate as per the HEALTH AND SAFETY guidelines, the policy and the
organization structure.

iv) Meetings
The HEALTH AND SAFETY committee will meet on monthly basis. The committee must work
to define Health and Safety agenda and report through formal and actionable minutes with
appropriate follow-up responsibilities.

v) Functions of Health and Safety Committee

 To define Company’s Health and Safety policy, organizational structure, objectives,

procedure and controls.
 Review and assess the effectiveness of the Company’s Health and Safety
management program.
 Ensure implementation of actions necessary to comply with local legislation and/or
company policy objectives.
 Maintain and promote Health and Safety program.

vi) Review Process

The progress on E.H.S issues will be reviewed on monthly basis when the
committee meets and reports forwarded to the Human Resource Department.

On annual basis, a report will be prepared to the Managing Director accounting the hours
lost due to accidents, costs, incurred and remedial action taken to avoid recurrence
The company policy will be examined and reviewed from time to time with the changing legislative requirements
and also based on our past


The management will ensure that all levels of employee representatives are involved and participate in the
formulation, implementation and review on HEALTH AND SAFETY issues of the Company.


ASL Limited-Apostrophe will apply the best practices in all HEALTH AND SAFETY activities that will be issued from
time to time
The legislative requirements on HEALTH AND SAFETY issues will guide our operation in the production of our

Measures will be taken whenever possible to correct any faults as soon as it is reported so as to enhance the safety
of our staff and promote a better working and friendly environment.


i) Policy
Travel Shoppe will train its entire staff on first appointment on subjects pertaining to Health and Safety and ensure
they understand the operations of the Company, their tasks and to enhance a better working environment for all.

ii) Health And Safety Training Program

All newly recruited employees must undergo HEALTH AND SAFETY induction training as laid down in the training
program before posting and thereafter required to submit reports to the Human Resource Manager for record

iii) Specific Safety Rules

a) First Aid
 In the event of every accident/injury or illness whether serious or not, report to your immediate
supervisor or first aider nearest to your department/section for medical attention
 Don’t misuse or contaminate first aid equipment
 All injuries should be attended to immediately
 All serious injuries will be referred to our designated hospitals

b) Machinery
 Do not operate any machine or equipment unless properly authorized to do so
 Check each line and all relevant details to be sure all is clear before starting any machine.
 Keep your body off moving machinery and equipment
 Stop the machine before making any repairs or adjustments. Ensure that the machine has come to a
halt before starting any repairs
 Keep safety guards and guard rails in place.

c) Electrical Equipment

Electricity is essential in the running of our Company. However, it can be very dangerous if exposed. Please
note the following rules carefully:-
i) Keep your body off motors, conduits, switches, wires, junction boxes,
ii.) Technicians repairing electrical or electrically controlled lines should tag switches on lines
they are working only.
iii) Do not touch ON and OFF switches unless authorized to do so.
iv) Do not tamper with power point
v) Report immediately any defective electrical equipment or electrical lines to your HOD or to
the maintenance section/Production Manager
vi) Never use defective electrical chord.
vii) All electrical equipment should be properly earthed.
viii) Use approved power plug.
ix) Before working on an electrical installation, ensure that the main power point is isolated.
x) Never run or leave electrical cables across passageways.
xi) Never stand on a damp or a wet surface when wiring electrical equipment.
xii) Always switch off the supply after using electrical equipment machine.

d) Welding

i. Before welding, check regulators, nozzles and hoses for damage.

ii. Don’t look for gas leaks with a match or a naked flame. Use soapy water
iii. Don’t lift or carry cylinders by their valves or fitting
iv. Gas cylinders should be handled with care.

e) Chemicals

i. Regard all chemicals as dangerous unless you know what they are not dangerous
ii. Use proper Personal Protective Equipment in handling chemicals e.g. tongs, spatulas, gloves, etc
iii. Read labels on chemical containers and observe precautions appearing on them.

f) Housekeeping

i. Keep your workplace clean and tidy

ii. Cover all floor openings and pits into which persons may fall.
iii. Don’t let the job get on top of you, stack safely
iv. Keep floors dry and clean off oils, grease and other slipping and tripping hazards.
v. Keep water hoses properly coiled and in proper places when not in use.
vi. Collect or report any broken glasses, wood etc. and throw in the dustbin or garbage site which has
been designated for this purpose. Do not deposit rubbish anywhere, anyhow.
vii. Observe all smoking signs. A designated place for smoking has been designated.
viii. Keep washing rooms and toilets tidy.
ix. Keep away bottles, nails, pieces of wood, glasses, papers, from the Company floor.
x. Avoid fire! Smoke in designated places only. Keep inflammable materials like oily rags in covered
metal containers and dispose them off when their work is done.
xi. Report health hazards and concerns to your immediate supervisor.

g) Material Handling

i. Avoid lifting objects which may be too heavy for you. Get help to carry such heavy or awkward load.
ii. Lift correctly.
iii. When lifting an object stand firmly on both feet and grip with both hands.
iv. Do not ride on a pallet truck.

h) Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment

i. Wear clean and proper protective clothing (uniforms) and wear appropriate protective equipment at
all times.
ii. Wear ear plugs or muffs when working in or around high noise level areas.
iv. Wear safety shoes or gumboots where they are provided. Sandals or open shoes are not allowed
unless with authority from a medical practitioner.
v. Use dust masks when working in dusty or gaseous environment (failure to use such masks where
they are provided may lead to an occupational health problem) and disciplinary action will be taken
against the employees

i) Hand tools
i. Select the right tools
ii. Make sure it is in good working condition
iii. Do not use worn or damaged tools
iv. After use ensure its safe keeping
v. Don’t leave tools lying around. Use proper tool boxes and when going home, leave in the store or
any other designated places.
vi. Do not carry sharp open tools in your pockets.
vii. Ensure the soundness and the security of ladders.
viii. Use secure hook ups in lifting with chain blocks, pulleys
ix. Use brush when cleaning equipment not fingers.

j) Fire Action
 Any person discovering fire:-
i) Should sound the alarm to be installed
ii) Report to your supervisor immediately who will then call the fire brigade
iii) Fire fight if possible using the appliances provided (in fact you learn how to use fire
 On hearing the fire alarm

i) Leave building by the fire exit routes provided

ii) Close all doors behind you
iii) Do not take risks by returning to the building for any reason until authorized to do so
iv) Keep all flammable liquids in approved store
v) Remove all obstructions away from fire equipment or exit doors.

k) Motor vehicle and bikes drivers

 know the traffic act

 all the above in (i)
 avoid excessive speed
 have clear visibility and note all obstacles such as dust, mist, corners, distance between yourself and the
next vehicle (overtaking) etc
 do not drink alcohol if you know that you are going to drive (this is a very serious offense which only lead
to summary dismissal)
 Do not drive if you are very tired.
 All vehicles must be in good mechanical state of repair. This implies specifically:
1. Regular checking of all vehicles
2. Maintenance schedules (as described in the log book, register etc.)
3. Daily checks:- to ensure the car is clean and loose cargo is carried in the boot
- Checks tires are in good state, lights especially indicator lights are working normally etc
- check that you have a spare wheel, a jack, a wheel spanner, a fire extinguisher and a well-stocked
first aid box
- check the level of engine oil
- Check the liquid reservoirs i.e. coolant etc
- Check to make sure wipers and screen wash are working.
- As soon as you start driving, check the brakes.

a) In case of a motor vehicle/bike accident

 Report immediately to your Supervisor/Reporting Manager for instruction
 Take the injured people (if any) to the nearest hospital for examination
 If it is a very serious accident where you suspect internal injury or fracture of the
skull or spine, it may be preferable to leave the person as he/she is and seek medical
aid or inform the police
 Insurance – do not admit liability. Note the time of the accident, date, place and
circumstances of the accident. You may note the registration of the other vehicles,
the insurance, the names of the driver involved etc. Give the contacts of the
insurance person to be informed to your Reporting Manager.

b) Reporting

 In all cases of bodily injury, report to the police immediately

 Your immediate supervisor should be informed as soon as possible of the accident
 The supervisor should fill the accident report immediately and the driver concerned
and informs the relevant department to report to the insurance.
 All accidents must be formally reported by filling the appropriate forms. If you fail to
do so, you may be disciplined.

c) Essential documents
Each vehicle must always contain:-
 A safety manual (the section affecting the drivers/vehicles will be extracted
separately to compose its manual in a small booklet)
 A road license
 Insurance certificate
 Movement sheet/work ticket
 Spare wheel, a jack, a wheel spanner, a fire extinguisher, a stocked first aid box
 Accident triangles

d) Use of Company Vehicles

 Vehicles are made available to some employees for company operations and not for
private purposes except if permitted by the MD
 Only company employees and also the designated drivers are allowed to drive
company vehicles. No company vehicle may be entrusted to a non-employee.
 An employee without a valid driving license in his possession at the time may not
drive a company vehicle.
 You must not, for any reason carry in the Company vehicle, excessive weight, a
number of persons exceeding that authorized by the log book, or people who are not
authorized employees, customers or suppliers of the company. A breach of this rule
may lead to disciplinary action.

e) Parking

 Parking in unauthorized areas is strictly prohibited

 Ensure the vehicle is parked in secure, guarded premises
 Third party vehicles are not permitted for parking in the night unless they have been
authorized to do so by the management and have been issued with a written
document. The company is not however liable in the event of vandalism, theft, fire
etc. Such parties should ensure their vehicles are adequately insured against such

f) Warning /Caution

Violations of any of the above safety rules will lead to a severe disciplinary action,
including termination of your services – being taken against the offender
 If any of the rules is not clear, consult the immediate supervisor
 Our objectives is to work in an atmosphere that is conducive and friendly to avoid
situation which may lead to individual pain, misery, occupational health problems
and absenteeism from duty on account of working in unsafe environment
 Let us try to take safety as a priority and jointly we shall succeed.

1. When an employee has been injured the first step is to administer first aid which
should only be done by a trained first aider or otherwise. The said first aider must be
in a possession of Certificate to confirm his training.(The accident must be reported to the
insurance however minor it is by HR Office.)
2. The First aider liaises with the Supervisor of the injured person/HOD on how to rush
the person to the designated hospital for further medical attention. Before taking the injured
person to the hospital, an authority sheet must be obtained from the HR/Supervisor Office
where possible.
3. The supervisor/person who was present at scene when the accident occurred will fill
in the accident report form which can be obtained from HR Office and later forwarded to the
same office.
After the person resumes work, the ASL Limited-Apostrophe form is filled and sent with him to the
hospital where he was attended for assessment and subsequent awarding of degree of the injury.
The said form should be filled in triplicates by the HR Office.
4. The above form is taken to the Directorate of Safety and Health in the Ministry of
Labor for assessment and awarding of the compensation.
5. Thereafter, the copies are returned to the company (HR Office) in triplicate and
distributed accordingly: person injured (if they request), Insurance Company and the
6. If there are no complications with the Insurance, the claim should be settled within thirty (30) days
from the date when the same was launched. However thecompany will pay the cheque to the employee and claim
for reimbursement from the insurance. Note, the cheque to the employee must be paid from the Ministry
Labor, Directorate of Safety and Health Service, Commercial Street, Industrial
Area. Thereafter a discharge Voucher from the ministry will be issued which will be sent to
the Insurance for reimbursement.
Sometimes the injury may be insignificant that no degree would be awarded by the medical facility
(0%) that was attending to the person in question but he was given a sick off. In such cases, the
human resource department is supposed to forward the payment sheet fully signed by the person
to the Ministry of Labor in the said Directorate that was paid during his sick-off. This will be
considered as the due compensation.
7. The medical bills/invoices from the medical facility where the person in question
will be treated from should also be forwarded to the Insurance for
8. Note that all compensation payments should be made at the Ministry of Labor
Offices, Directorate of Safety Health, Commercial street Industrial Area.
9. In cases where employees are sent to the designated hospital, the medical bills
should be made and the original receipt sent to the insurance for
reimbursement. Note that follow-ups of the said reimbursement is necessary.


 Pay attention to your job, and obey/observe all safety rules/regulations and instructions given to you
 Observe all warning notices
 Don’t guess. If you are in doubt ask your supervisor
 Keep yourself clean and healthy.
 Wash your uniforms regularly
 Make sure your work place is clean and safe on daily/regular basis, by disposal of wastes at the
designated places. It is a combined responsibility to all of us and not necessarily the duty of cleaners and
 Look forward where you are heading to. Walk. Do not run.
 Do not unnecessarily divert the attention of machine operations, or bring about practical jokes to distract
others while working.
 Use of intoxicants on the job is strictly prohibited. No drunkard employee or any drug takers will be
allowed to work under those conditions as such substances may act as a catalyst for sleep
 Polythene covers could be used when washing or cleaning near electrical equipment.
 Oil, petrol, and gas should be stored in secure places if any in the Company premises.
 No rubbish and waste materials should be burned in the Company
 Extinguish matches and cigarette ends before placing them in ash trays/ash bins. Never throw them on
the floor or in wastebaskets

ASL Limited-Apostrophe is committed to leading the industry in minimizing the impact of its activities on the
environment. ASL Limited-Apostrophe shall conduct its business in a manner that is compatible with the balanced
environmental and economic need of the environment it operates in. We will engage in continuous efforts to
improve the environment.
The key points of our strategy to achieve this are:
i. Minimize waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are efficient as possible
ii. Minimize toxic emissions through the selection and use of source of power equipment
iii. Actively promote recycling both internally and amongst our customers and suppliers
iv. Source and promote a product range to minimize the environmental impact of both production and
v. Meet or exceed all the environmental legislation that relates to the company
vi. Implement a training program me for our staff to raise awareness of environmental issues and enlist their
support in improving the company’s performance.

For ASL Limited-Apostrophe

Rajinder Singh Jandu

Managing Director

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