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Momentum equation – Impact of fluid jets on Stationary and Moving vanes

A jet emerging from a nozzle possesses some kinetic energy due to its velocity. Placing a
solid body as an obstruction to the flow/ jet would result in a dynamic force being
impressed on the solid body. This hydrodynamic force is evaluated using the impulse
momentum equation.

Six cases of plate/vane configuration will be discussed

(i) Stationary flat plate

(ii) Stationery inclined plate
(iii) Stationary curved plate
(iv) Moving flat plate
(v) Moving inclined plate
(vi) Moving curved plate

Case I: Jet impinging on stationary flat plate


nozzle jet

Momentum changes only in x-direction

Recall: Momentum = Velocity * mass (but velocity has both magnitude and direction)
Hence momentum changes if either direction or magnitude of its velocity changes

Note: Fy = 0 since no force component acts on the plate in direction of the plate/along
plate surface.

Fx = Thrust exerted on the plate

Fx = .Q. Vx1  Vx 2  , Vx 2  0, f i n a l v e l o c i t y

Fy = .Q.Vy1  Vy 2  ,

Assuming zero friction between the plate surface and fluid jet (i.e. Fy = 0), then;

Fx   . Q. Vx1  0    AV (V )   AV 2 , Vx2 = 0 (stationary plate), Vx1 = Vjet = V

MPE 331: Fluid Mechanics II 2020/21 Prof. Eng. A. B. Makokha

Case: II: Jet impinging on a stationary inclined plate

Since friction between plate surface and fluid jet is zero, then

Q1 = Q2 + Q3 and V1 = V2 = V3 = V

Applying momentum equation perpendicular to the plate yields the resultant force;

F   . Q. V s i n   0    AV 2 s i n 

Resolving the force F into x and y components

Fx = F Sin Ө = AV 2 Sin2 Ө

Fy = F cos Ө = AV2 SinӨ. Cos Ө (but 2Sin .Cos = Sin2)

= ½ AV2 Sin 2 Ө

Since the plate is fixed, work done = zero

To find Q1 and Q3, we apply momentum equation in the plate direction.

Fx' = 0 (fixed plate) = ∑Mout - ∑Min = 0

= [Q2V + (-Q3V)] - Q1 V.CosӨ = 0

Q2 - Q3 - Q1Cos Ө = 0 …… ……………….(i)

From continuity: Q2 + Q3 = Q1, ……..(ii)

Therefore: Q2 = Q1 - Q3 Q1 - (Q2 - Q1Cos Ө)

MPE 331: Fluid Mechanics II 2020/21 Prof. Eng. A. B. Makokha

Q1 Q1
Q2 = 1  C o s   , Similarly Q3 = 1  C o s  
2 2

Case III: Jet impinging on stationery curved plate


V1 y

nozzle Fx
y' '
x Fy F

Fx = .Q. V1x  V2 x    AV1 V1  V2C o s   (But V1V2 = V (plate is stationary & frictionless)

hence, Fx =  AV  V  V C o s     AV 2 1  C o s  
Fy = .Q.V1y  V2 y   .Q  0 V S i n      AV S i n

Case IV: Jet impinging on flat plate moving in the direction of the Jet

(V - U)

Consider a case where the plate moves in the direction of the jet at velocity = U. The jet
strikes the plate with an effective velocity of (V-U). The mass of the fluid striking the
plate = A (V – U). The force will then be, F = A (V – U)2.

Case V: Jet striking on a moving curved plate

MPE 331: Fluid Mechanics II 2020/21 Prof. Eng. A. B. Makokha


(V 1-U) V2

V U (V1-U)

Nozzle F
Vr = V1 – U, which acts backwards relative to initial jet, but since the plate moves
forward at U, the actual velocity = V2

  Q V  U 1  C o s      A V U  1  C o s  
Fx =

Fy =  Q V  U  S i n    A V U  S i n 

Example: Pelton wheel

Nozzle v

Power output = Fx . U

Fx =  AV V U 1  C o s   (Assumption: all the mass of fluid strikes the vane/plate).

Power is maximum at  = 1800 i.e. Cos  = -1.

Power = Fx . U =  AV V U 1  C o s   .U

Input energy per sec = Kinetic energy of the wheel = ½ MV2 = ½ AV(V)2

o / p  A V (V  U ) (1  C o s )U 2U (V  U ) (1  C o s )
Efficiency   
i/ p 1/ 2  A V (V ) 2 V2

At maximum efficiency  =0

MPE 331: Fluid Mechanics II 2020/21 Prof. Eng. A. B. Makokha

d [2U (V  U ) (1  C o s ) ]
:. dU V2
=0 2V – 4U = 0

U=½V (i.e. the peripheral speed of the wheel is half the jet speed).

2(V / 2) (V  V / 2)
For a Pelton wheel with vanes curved at 900, max = = 0.5

Case VI: Jet impinging on moving inclined flat plate

(V - U)

Mass of fluid striking the plate per second =  A V U 

Component of effective velocity perpendicular to the plate before impact Vr = (V-U) sin
 and after impact, Vr = 0

Thrust F =  A V  U (V  U ) S i n   0   A(V  U ) 2 S i n  (perpendicular to the plate).

The component of F in jet direction, Fx = F. Sin  =  A(V  U )2 S i n 2 

Work done per second , W = Fx . U = (  A(V  U )2 S i n 2  )U

For a series of plates fitted to the wheel, effective mass becomes =  AV

Hence, F =  A V (V  U )S i n 2  , W= (  A V (V  U )S i n 2  ) .U

Q1: A Jet of water with velocity of 20m/s and diameter of 75mm acts on a single moving
vane, the water sliding unto the vane tangentially and being turned through an angle of
1650. The velocity of the water leaving the vane is 90% of the original relative velocity of
the jet. If the velocity of the vane is 9.5m/s, calculate the magnitude and direction of the
resultant force. [Fx = 911N, Fy = 113N, Fresultant = 918N,  = 7.1O]

MPE 331: Fluid Mechanics II 2020/21 Prof. Eng. A. B. Makokha

Q2: A free water Jet is deflected 1800 in a horizontal plane by a moving vane. The Jet has
a diameter of 6cm and velocity of 500cm/s to the right. If the vane has a velocity of
120cm/s to the right, determine the force the jet exerts on the vane. [Fx = 81.6N, Fy = 0]

Q3: A nozzle with an exit diameter of 20mm is attached to the end of a 100mm diameter
horizontal pipe, as shown in the fig below. Water flows through the pipe and a nozzle at
flow rate of 200l/min. If the nozzle jet exits into the atmosphere, find the force exerted on
the nozzle due to the water on the inside and the atmospheric air on the outside.
[Fx =398.8N)

Q4. A fixed curved vane deflects a 75mm diameter uniform jet through an angle of 450. If
the jet velocity is 40m/s to the right, compute the components of the force developed
against the curved vane. (Assume no friction).

Q5. Oil having specific gravity (sg = 0.8) flows at a rate of 0.05m3/s through a 10cm-
diameter horizontal 900 elbow connected in a pipeline. If the pressure at section 1 is
200kPa (gauge), find the resultant fluid force acting on the elbow.

MPE 331: Fluid Mechanics II 2020/21 Prof. Eng. A. B. Makokha

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