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INIT | Diversity in the Living World Key Notes and Formulae The Living World Living organism Bach living organism has certain distinetive fun - tions and features that separate it from non-living things, such as. Growth , Reproduction, Metabolic functions, Definite cellullar organisation, Ability ‘of movement and Locomotion etc. ‘Taxonomy ‘Taxonomy is defined as the science dealing with identification, nomenclature and classification of organisms. It is the study of rules, principles and practices of classification, identification and no- menelature of organisms. Fundamental components of taxonomy + Classification + Identification « Nomenclature Nomenclature Binomial nomenclature is a system of classifiction introduced by Carolus Linnaeus. ‘The first is the genetic name, written with a capital letcer, which designates the genus to which the species belong and the second is the specific name or specific epi- thet, indicating the species and then the name of the discoverer in full or in abbreviation. ‘Taxonomic keys Artificial analytic device having a list of statements which are used for identifying organisms. Botanical gardens and Museum Botanical gardens are the collections of living plants maintained for reference. Museums are the place used for storing, presevation and exhibition of objects of natural history, art and objects of nat- ural antiquities. Herbarium A collection of plants that usually have been dried, pressed and preserved on sheets. Zoological park ‘The places where wild animals are kept in protected. environment under human care. Biological Classification Kingdoms of Classification Carolus Linnaeus introduced ‘To kingdom clas- sification (Plantae and Animalia). Five kingdom classification (Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia) was proposed by W. H. Whittaker based on cell structure, thallus organization, mode of nu- trition, reproduction, phylogenetic relationship. Six kingdom classification was proposed by Carl ‘Woese. He suggested a separate kingdom for Ar- chaebacteria. Viruses Non cellular organisms. Outside the living cells they are inert but when they enter into a living cell, they shows the features of life, Virus consists of a nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) covered by protein sheath called capsid. Lichens Symbiotic association of fungi and algae. The al- gal component is called phycobiont and the fungal components called mycobiont. NEET Entrance Winner Plant Kingdom Algae “The algae include unicellular, colonial, flamencous or large and multicellular organisms, Vascular tis- sue is absent. They reproduce vegetatively, asexu- ally and sexually. Bryophytes They are known as the amphibians in the plane kingdom. The main plane body is a diploid game- tophyte. It reproduces vegetatively through frag- mentation. Bryophytes are called amphibians in the plant kingdom. Pteridophytes ‘They include horsetails and ferns. ‘They are the frst terrestrial plants which posses vascular tissues xy- lem and phloem. Animal Animal classification Ie is mainly based on arrangement of cell, symme- try, nature of coelom, patterns of digestive, circu- latory, respiratory systems. Levels of organisation Cellular level, tissue level, organ level. Symmetry Arrangement of parts on the opposite sides of the body to give definite form and shape to animal. ‘Asymmetry means animal body cannot divide into ‘wo halves by any line. eg., sponges. Bilateral sym- metry means animal body can be divided into two identical left and right halves by single line. Coelom “The body cavity which is lined by mesoderm, The- ee types of coelom are acoelomate condition, pseu docoelomate, eucoelom. ‘Metamerism. In some animals the body is formed off simil Gymnosperms “They are usually trces, A few are shrubs and climb- cers. Flowers are absent. The dominat plant body is sporophyte. Angiosperms “They are flowering plants. The sced is covered by fruit wall. The plant body is a sporophyte ani consists of root stem and leaves. The angiosperms are classified into monocoryledons and dicoryle- dons. Double fertilization Pollen tube enters into che embryosac and one male gamete fuses with egg and diploid zygote is formed. It is called syngamy. ‘The other male gam- ete fuses with diploid secondary nucleus and a trip- loid primary endosperm nucleus (PEN) is formed. The two fusions are called double fertilization. Kingdom parts or segments, Each segment is called meta- ‘mere and segmentation is called metamerism. Notochord. Iisa stiffand exible supporting rod like structure formed on the dorsal side during embryonic devel- ‘opment in some animals. Animals with notochord are called chordates and those animals which do not form this structure are called non-chordates. Classification of Animals Animals are divided into different phyla viz. Por- ifera, Coelenterata, Ctenophora, Platyhelminthes, Aschelminthes, Annelida Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata, Hemichordata and Chordata. Vertebrata Possess notochord during embryonic stage, later replaced by vertebral column besides this, cham- bered ventral muscular heart, paired appendages, kidney for excretion. NEET Entrance Winner - Previous Years' Questions ~ The Living World The label of a herbarium sheet does not carry information on [July 2016] (a) Date of collection (b) Name of collector (2) Local names (d) Height of the plane Nomenclature is governed by certain uni sal rules. Which one of the following is con- trary to the rules of nomenclature ? [May 2016] (a) Biological names can be written in any language (b) ‘The first word in a biological name rep- resents the genus name, and the second is a species epithet (© The names are written in Latin and are italicised, (4) When written by hand, the names are to be underlined Which one of the following is not a correct st- atement? [2013] {@) A museum has collection of photographs of plants and animals (b) Key is a taxonomic aid for identification of specimen. (©) Herbarium houses dried, pressed and pre- served plane specimens. (4) Botanical gardens have collection of living plants for reference. Which one of the following animals is cor- rectly with it's particular taxonomic category? [011] (a) Tiger - tigris, species (b)_ Cuttlefish - mollusca, class (0) Humans - primata, family (d) Housefly - Musca, order. Phylogenetic system of classification is based on [2009] (a) Morphological features (b) Chemical constituents (0) Floral characters (d)_ Evolutionary relationships Which one of the following scientist's name is correctly marched with the theory put forth by him? (2008) (a) Weismann -Theory of continuity of germ- plasm (b) Pasteur - Inheritance of acquired charac- ters (©) Devries - Natural selection (d) Mendel - Theory of pangenesis + Note: No Questions were aked from this chapter for AIPMT 2015, 2014, or 2013 NEET Entrance Winner 7 11. 12, 13. Biological Classification Which one of the following is wrong for fungi? (July 2016) (a) “They are eukaryotic (b) All fungi possess a purely cellulosic cell wall (©) They are heverotrophic (@) “They are both unicellular and multcell- ular Methanogens belong to (July 2016] (a) Eubacteria (b) Archaebacteria (6) Dinofiagellates Sclect wrong statement. (2015) (a) ‘The vitoids were discovered by D] lvanow- ski. (b) WM Stanley showed that viruses could be crystallized. (©) The term ‘contagium vivum Aluidum’ was coined by MW Beijerinek. (A) Mosaicdisease in tobaccoand AIDS in hu- man being are caused viruses. Cell wall is absent in [2015] (a) Aspergillus (b) Funaria (©) Mycoplasma (&) Nostoc Read the following five starements (A to E) and select the option with all correct stare- [2015] (A) Mosses and Lichens are the first organi- isms to colonise a bare rock. ments: 10. 14, 15. (d) Slime moulds Which of the following statements is wrong for viroids ? [May 2016] (a) They lack a protein coat (b) ‘They are smaller than viruses (0) They cause (d) Their RNA is of high molecular weight Which of the following are likely to be present [2013] (a) Blue - green algae (b) Saprophytic fungi (©) Archaebacteria(d) Eubacteria el s5 (B) Selaginelieis a homosporous pteridophy te. (© Coralloid roots in cycas have VAM. (D) Main planebody in bryophytesis gameto- phytic, whereas in pteridophytes itis spo- in sea water? rophytic, (E) In gymnosperms, male and female gam- etophytes are present within sporangia located on sporophyte. (a) (B), (C) and (D) (b) (A), (D) and (B) (© @), (© and ©) (@) (A), © and (D) Viruses have [2014] (a) DNA enclosed in a protein coat (b) Prokaryotic nucleus (6) Single chromosome (d) Both DNA and RNA How many organisms in the list given below are autotrophs? NEET Entrance Winner 16. 17. 18. 19. Lactobacillus, Nostoc, Chara, Nlirosomonas, Nitrobacter, Streptomyces, Saccharomyces, Tryp- anosomes, Porphyra, Walffia (2012) (@) Four (b) Five © Six (d) “Three Read the following five statements (A - E) and answer the question. [2012] (A) In Equiserum the female gametophyte is retained on the parent sporophyte. (B) In Ginkgo male gametophyte is not inde- pendent, (C) The sporophyte in Riccia is more devel- oped than that in polytrichum. (D) Sexual reproduction in Vilvox is isoga- (E) The spores of slime molds lack cell walls. How many of the above statements are cor rect? (a) Two (© Four (b) ‘three (2) One In the five - kingdom classification, Chla- ‘mydomonas and Chlorella have been included in [2012] (a) Protista (b) Algae (© Plantae (d) Monera Which one of the following is incorrectly ma- tched ? [2011] (a) Root pressure - guttation (b) Puceinia - smut (0 Root- exarch protoxylem (@) Cassia - imbricate aestivation The pathogen Microsporum responsible for ringworm disease in humans belongs to the same kingdom of organisms as that of (2011) (a) Tenia, a tapeworm 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. (b) Wiechereria, a filarial worm (©) Rhizopus, a mould (d) Ascaris, a round worm TO Diener (a) Free infectious DNA (b) Infection protein liscovered a [2009] (0) Bacteriophage (d) Free infectious RNA [2009] Osygenic photosynthesis occurs in (a) Ovcillatoria (b) Rhodosporillum (©) Chlorobinm () Chromatinum Which of the following is a symbiotic nitro- gen fixer? {2009} (a) Azotobacter (b) Frankia (©) Azolla (a) Glomus ‘Thermococeus, Methanococcus and Methanoba - cterium exemplify [2008] (a) archaebacteria that contain protein ho- mologous to eukaryotic core histones. (b) archaebacteria that lack any histones re- sembling those found in eukaryotes) whose DNA is negatively supercoiled. (©) bacteriawhose DNA isrelaxed or positively supercoiled but which havea cytoskeleton as well as mitochondria (4) Bacteria that contain a cytoskeleton and ribosomes. Bacterial leaf blight of rice is caused by a spe- cies of [2008] (a) Xanthomonas (b) Pieudomonas () Alternaria (d) Erwinia NEET Entrance Winr 25. 29. Plant Kingdom Select the wrong statement. [July 2016] (a) The walls of diatoms are easily destru- ctible (b). 'Diatomaceousearth’ isformed by thecell walls of diacoms (2) Diatoms are chief producers in the oceans @ Disesess see maicressspiewsind! Bowe pis sively in water Conifers are adapted to tolerate extreme environmental conditions because of [July 2016] (@)_ Broad hardy leaves (b). Superficial stomata (0. Thick cuticle (A) Presence of vessels Which one of the following starements is ‘wrong? (July 2016] (a) Algae increase the level of dissolved oxy- gen in che immediate environment (b) Alginisobtained from redalgae, and carra- geenan from brown algae (©) Agar-agar is obtained from Gelidiuym and Gracilaria (d) Laminaria and Sargassum are used as food Which one of the following statements is wrong? [May 2016] (a) Cyanobacteria are also called blue - green algee. (b) Golden algae are also called desmid. (©) Eubacteria are also called false bacteria. (d)_ Phycomycetes are also called algal fungi [May 2016] (a) Gymnosperms are both homosporous and heterosporous. (b) Salvinia, Ginkgo and pinusall are gymno- Select the correct statement: sperms. (©) Sequoia is one of the tallest wees. (@) The leaves of gymnosperms are not well adapted to extremes of climate. 30. In bryophyte and preridophyte, transport of male gametes requires [May 2016] (@) Wind (b) Insects (©) Birds (d) Warer 31. Pigment - containing membranous extensions in some cyanobacteria are: [2013] (a) Basal bodies (b) Pneumatophores (€) Chromatophores (d) Heterocysts 32. Monoecious plant of chara shows occurrence of [2013] (a) Stamen and carpel of the same plant (b) Upper atheridium and lower oogonium on the same plant (© Upper oogonium and lower antheridi- tum on the same plant (a) Antheridiophore and archegoniophore on the plant 33. Isogamous condition with non - flagel lated ga metes is found in (2013) (@) Volvox (b) Fuscus (0 Chlamydomonas (d) Spirogyra 34, Sclect the wrong statement. [2013] (a) In Oomycetes, female gamete is smaller and motile, while male gamete is larger a nd non-motile, (b) Chlamydomonas exibibits both isogamy and anisogamy and Fucus shows oogamy. (6) Isogametes are similar in structure, fune- tion and behaviour. (d) Anisogametes differ either in structure, function o behaviour 35. Read the following statements (A - E) and an- NEET Entrance Winner 36. 37. swer the question which follows them. (A) In liverworts, mosses, and ferns gameto- phytes are free - living. Symnosperms and some fernsare hetero- spous. (B) (©) Sexual reproduction in Fucus, Voloax and Albugo is oogamous. ae TT (D) The sporophyte in liverworts is more claborate than that in mosses. (E) Both, Pinus and Merchantia are dioecious. How many of the above statements are cor- Which of the following is responsible for peat formation? [2014] (@) Marachantia (b) Riccia (0 Funaria (@) Sphagnum Archegoniphore is present in [2011] (@) Marachansia — (b) Chara (2 Adiantum (d) Funaria Male and female gametophytes are independ- ent and fiee living in 2010] (a) Mustard (b) Castor (© Pinus (d) Sphagnum Examine the figures A, B, C and D. In which one of the four options all the items A, B, C and D are correct? {2010} o 41. rect? (2013) (@) Three (b) Four (One (d) Two A B (a) Chara Marchantia (b) Equisetum Ginkgo (©) Selanginella ——Equisetum (d) Funaria Adiantum c D Selanginella Pinus Eguizetum Lycopodium Salvinia Ginkgo Ginkgo Riccia ‘Which one of the following is a vascular eryp- to gram? [2009] (@) Ginkgo (b) Marachantia (0 Cedrus (d) Bquiserum, ‘Which one of the following has haplontic life cycle? [2009] (a) Polytrichum (b) Ustilago (© Wheat (d) Funeria Replum is present in the ovary of fower of (2008) (a) Lemon (b) Mustard (© Sunflower (d) Pea NEET Entrance Winr Animal Kingdom NEET 43. Match Column-I with Column-II for housefly classification and select the correct option using the codes given below: [July 2016] Column-1 Column-Il 1, Family @ Diptera 2. Order i) Arthropoda 3. Class (ii) Muscidae 4, Phylum (iv) Insecta Codes: 1 2 3 4 @ wi) @ i Gi ® @ @ WwW @ oO # wd w @ © ® @W @ wi 44. Choose the correct statement. [July 2016] (2) All mammals are viviparous (b) All eyclostomes do not possess jaws and paired fins (0) Allreptiles have a three-chambered heart (d) All pisces have gills covered by an oper- culum. 45. Study the four statements (A-D) given below and select the two correct ones out of them: A. Definition of biological species was given by Ernst Mayr. B. Photoperiod does not affect reproduction in plants. C. Binomial nomenclature system was given by RH. Whittaker. D. In unicellular organisms, reproduction is synonymous with growth. ‘The two correct statements growth [July 2016] (@) Band C (© CandD (b) Aand D (@) AandB 46. Which of the following characteristic features always holds true for the corresponding group ‘of animals ? [May 2016] (@) | Cartilaginous " Anvey Endoskeleton (©) | Viviparous ‘Mammalia (© | Possessa mouth withan| upper and a lower jaw Chordata (@) | 3-chambered heart with fone incompletely divid- | Reptilia ed ventricle 47. Which of the following feature is not present in the phylum - Arthropoda? [May 2016] (a) Chitinous exoskelecon (b) Metameric segmentation (0) Parapodia (d) Jointed appendages 48, Which one of the following characteristics is not shared by birds and mammals ? [May 2016] {@) Ossified endoskelevon (b) Breathing using lungs (© Vivipacity (d) Warm blooded nature 49. Chrysophytes, Euglenoids, Dinoflagellates and slime moulds are included in the king- dom [May 2016] (a) Monera (b) Protista (© Fungi (d) Animalia 50. Which group of animals belong to the same phylum? [2013] (@) Prawn , Scorpion, Locusta (b) Sponge, Sea anemone, Starfish (©) Malarial parasive, Amoeba, Mosquito (d) Earthworm, Pinworm, Tapeworm NEET Entrance Winner SL. 53. 55. Match the name of the animal (column 1), with one characteristic (column II), and the phylum/ class (column III) to which its be- longs: [2013] ‘Column I Column Tl Column III (a) Ichthyophis terrestrial Reptilia (b) Limulus body Pisces covered by chitinous 52. exoskeleton (© Adamsia —_Radially Porifera symmetrical (d) Petromyzon Ectoparasite — Cyclosto- mara One of the representatives of phylum. ar- thropoda is [2013] (a) Silverfish (b) Pufferfish (0) Flyingfish (@) Cutdefish Which one of the following living organisms completely lacks a cell wall? 2014] (a) Cyanobacteria (b) Sea - fan (Gorgonia) (©) Saccharomyces (d) Blue - green algae One very special features in the earthworm Pheretima is that [2011] (a)_ Fertilization of eggs occurs inside the body (b) “The typhlosole greatly increases the effec- tiveabsorptionareaof the digested foodin the intestine. (©) The S - shaped setae embedded in the integument are the defensive weapon used against the enemies (d) Tehasa long dorsal tubular heart. In which one of the following organisms its [2010] (@) Humans - Kidneys, sebaccous glands and tear glands Earthworm - Pharngeal, inflamatory and septal nephridia (©) Cockroach - Malpighian tubules and en- eric cacca excretory organs are correctly stated? (b) (@ Frog - Kidneys, Skin and Buccal epithe- lium 56. 57. 58. 59. Which one of the following kinds of animals are triploblastic? [2010] (@) Flaoworm (© Crenophores (b) Sponges (d) Corals ‘Which one of the following statements about all the four the spongilla, leech, dolphin, pen- guin is correct? (2010) (a) Penguin is homoiothermic while there maining three are poikilothermic (b)_ Leech isa fresh water form while all others, (2) Spongilla has special collared cells called choanocytes, nor found in the remaining three (d) All the bilaterally symmetrical One example of animals having. single open- ing to the outside that serves both as mouth as well as anus is [2010] (a) Octopus (b) Asterias (0) Ascidia (d) Fasciola Trichoderma harzianum has proved a useful microorganism for [2008] (a) Bioremediation of contaminated soils (b) Reclamation of wastelands (©) Gene transfer in higher plants (€) Biological control of soil - borne plant pathogens NEET Entrance Winner Answer key 1. @) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (d) 6. (a) 7. &) 8. (b) 9. (d) 10. () 11. (a) 12. (c) 13. (b) 14. (a) 15. () 16. (a) 17. (a) 18. (b) 19. (c) 20. (d) 21. (a) 22. (b) 23. (a) 24. (a) 25. (a) 26. (c) 27. (b) 28. (c) 29. (c) 30. (d) 31. © 32. (0) 33. (c) 34. (a) 35. (a) 36. (d) 37. @) 38. (d) 39. (c) 40. (d) Al. (d) 42. (b) 43. (a) 44. (b) 45. (b) 46. (a) 47. (o) 48, (c) 49. (b) 50. (a) 51. (d) 52. (a) 53. (b) 54. (b) 55. (b) 56. a) 57.(0) 58. (d) 59. (d) herbarium sheets carries a a label pr- oviding information about date and place of collection, english local and botanical names. family, collectors name. (2): Biological names are generally in Latin (a): Museums have collections of preserved plants and animals specimens for study and reference. Plane and animal specimens may also be preserved as dry specimens. Inse cts are preserved in insect boxes after collect- ing, killing and pinning. Larger animals like birds and mammals are usually stuffed and preserved. Museum often have collection of skeletons of animals too. 4. (a): Binomial nomenclature system of naming, or ganismsusingatwo-part Latinized (or scie~ ntific) name that was devised by the Swedish Linnaeus (Carl Linne); it is also known as the Linnacan system. The first partis genericname, the second is the specific name. Zoological name of tiger is Panthera Tigris. So, Tigris is speciesname of Tiger. 5. (d):Phylogenetic system or cladistic is based oncvolutionary sequence as well asthe genetic relationship among the living beings. Engler and Prat!’ system of classification was joinely - Detailed Solutions 10. proposed in Die Naturlichen Pflanzen Familien in 1892, It is the first phylogenetic system of classification which includes al che plants from algaeto angiospermarranged inan evolutionary sequence from simplicity to complexity. (a): Scientist Theory Weismann - “Theory of continuity of germ plasm Pasteur = Germ theory of disease Charles Darwin - Theory of natural selec- Lamarck ~ Inheritance of acquired characters Hugo de Vries. - Matation theory Mendel z Darwin . Laws of inheritance “Theory of pangenesis (b): Cell wall of fungi is made up of chitin and polysaccharides. (b): Methanogens, halophiles and thermoaci - dophiles are archae bacteria (4): Viroids have low molecular weight RNA. (©: Archaebacteria belongs to a group of prokaryotic organisms called monera. These include the methanogens, which produce NEET Entrance Winner uu. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. methane: the Thermoacidophilicbacteria, wh- ich live in extremely hor and the halophil bacteria, which can only function at high salt concentrations and are abundant in the worlds oceans. (a): All searements are correct excepr the state ment (A) (©): Trueor rigid cell wall is absentin myco pla sm, but theircytoplasm is surrounded bya wil aminar (triple layered), highly elastic cell mem brane of about 10 nm thickness, (b): Selaginella is a heterosporous.pretido- phyte containing micro & mega spores. In ‘eas corolloid root has Cyanobacteria - Ana- baena. (@): Viruses are nucleoprotein entities which are able to utilize synthetic machinery of a li ing cell ofthe host orgaism forits multiplicati- on which does not involve growth and divis- ion. They have either RNA or DNA as genetic ‘material and a protein coat. (©):Aucotrophs are those oganisms thatareable to make energy containing organic molecules from inorganic molecules from inorganic raw- ‘material by using basic sunlight. Nastoc, Cha- ra, Porphyra and Wolffia are photoautotrophs while Nitrosomons and Nitrobacterarechemoa- utothrophs. (a): Statement (A) and (B) are correct Rieck is liverwort in which simplest a porophyte consist of capsule only while polytrichum is moss in which sporophyte consist of foot seca & capsule. Volvox is.a fresh water green colonial algae. Reproduction is both sexual and asexual, Sexual reproduction is ooga- mous. Slime molds are consumer decomposer protists. They possess characters of plants (cel- lulosic celhwall), animals (phagotrophic nutri- tion) and fungi (Spores). {@): In order to develop phylogenetic classifi- cation, RH Whittaker (1969), an American taxonomist, divided all che organisms into 18. 19. 20. five kingdoms. Whittaker has used five crite- ria for delimiting the different kingdoms. (i) ‘Complexity of cell structure, prokaryotic and eukaryotic (ii) Complexity of body structure ‘or structural organisation, unicellular and multicellular. (ii) Mode of nutrition which is divergent in multicellular kingdoms. (iv) Eco- logical life style like producers (plantae), de- ‘composers (fungi) and consumers (animalia), (0) Phylogenetic relationship. ‘When such characteristics were considered, the fungi were placed in separate kingdom ~ Kingdom Fungi. All prokaryotic organ- isms were grouped together under Kingdom ‘Moneta and the unicellular eukaryotic or- ganisms were placed in Kingdom Protista. Kingdom Protista has brought together Chlamydomonas, Chlorella (cartier placed in Algae within Plants and both having cell walls) with Paramoecium and Amoeba (which were earlier place in the animal king- dom which lack cell wall). It has put together ‘organisms which, in earlier classifications were placed in different kingdoms. This happened because the criteria for clasification changed. (b): Puccinia is commonly called rust fungis. ‘Smut is Ustilago. Both rust and smut belong to the class- Basidiomycetes. (OsThe pathogen Microsporum is genus of kingdom fungi that causes diseases of skin and hair in humans and animal like dog, cat, monkey. Ringworm iscaused by the dermatophyte fungi ~ species of Microsporum, Trichophyton and Epidermophyton, Rhizopus, a black bread mo uld belongs to group Zygomycetes of king- dom fungi. (d): T.O. Diener (1971) discovered viroids which are infectious agents. They consist of very low molecular weight RNA with out any protein coat. These are smaller chan viruses that cause potato spindle tuber disease Chry- santhemum stunt ete NEET Entrance Winner 21. (a):OccillatoriaisafilamentousGram-negative cyano bacteria which perform oxygenic phot synthesis because of the presence of chloro phyll -a like eukaryotic algae and higher pla- nts, 22. (b): Frankia, is a nitzogen fixing symbiotic ba creria. It induces root nodules just like Rhizobium. Weis associate symbiotically with the root nodules of several non -legume planes like Casuarina, Alnus, Rubus etc. Ie cannotfix nitrogen in free state 23. (a):Inspection of domain Archaea shows that ‘wo subdivisions exist, he Euryarchacota and the crenarchaeota. The Archaea are chemo trophic although Halobacterium can use light to make ATP. Many others are chemolithotrophs with h- ydrogen gas being a widely used energy source. ‘The Euryarchaeota includes Methano bacte- rium, Methanococcus, Thermococcus. The differential features among bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya are: Prokaryotic Yes. Yes. = No cell Gireular Yes Yes No DNA Histone No Yes Yes protein Membrane No No Yes Bound nucleus Ribosome 70S 70S 80Sand 70s 24. (a): Disease Causing organism Leaf blight of rice - Xanthomonasoryzae Red strip of sugar - Preudomonas cane rubrilneans Fire blight of apple - Erwinia amyloona Early blight of porato - Alternaria solani 25. (a):The cell walls of diatoms are embedded 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34 35. 36. with silica and thus the wallsare indestructible. (©: In conifers, the needle like leaves, thick cuticle and sunken stomata help to reduce water loss, (b): Algin is obtained from brown algae, and carrageenin from red algae. (©): Eubacteria are true bacteria (0: Sequoia is tallest tree which is a gymno- sperm. It can be 130 - 140 meters tal. (d)s In Bryophytes and pteridophytes the male gametes are motile and it requires water for fertilization. (0: In some photo autotrophic bacteria bac- teriochlorophyll and bacteriophacophytin or bacte rioviridin pigments containing mem- branous are present. These are sites of bacterial photosynthesis. (0: Male sex organ is called antheridium or globule while female sex ogan is called oogo- rium, The develop on the same branchlet in the same plant in chara. (d): Chlamydomonas has Alagellared gameces which are similar or dissimilar in size. In Vol- vox and fucus, non- motile female gametes and motile male gametes are produced (oogamy). Spirogyra has gametes that are similar in size (Gsogamous) and are non lagellated. (a): In oomycetes, like other oogamous organ- isms female gamete is large and non - motile, while male gamete is small and motile (a: (d): Among the bryophyte Sphagnum accounts by far the most important place economical- ly. Itispopularlycalledbogmossorpeatmoss.It is perennial and its growth continues year after year. Older portions undeR go death bur donot decompose due to secretion of acid that acco- unts for the antibacterial and antifungal actions. The increasing mass of dead remains accumulate year after year and form a compact NEET Entrance Winner 37. al. dark coloured mass rich in carbon which is called peat. Peat is used space asfuels.Paraffin, acetic acid, peat tar and ammonia are formed as by products of peat obrained for industrial (@):Marchantiais a diocious plant. Male plants bearatheridiophoresand female plants bear ar- chegoniophores. Antheridiophores consists of a disk like portion called receptacle. Older an theridia are at the centre and younger develop ing antheridia are found at the margins. Archegoniophore like Antheridiophore is also modified vegetativebranch. Archegoniophoreis composed of a stalk and dise like receptacle at its distal end, (€): Sphagnum isa bryophyte in which domin- antphase or plantbody sindependencand free living gamerophyte. Thesporophyteis parasi cover gamerophyte. In pinus (a gymnosperm), mustard and castor (angiosperms), the main plantbodyissporophyte. Gametophyteishigh- ly reduced andiscompletely dependent onspo- rophyte (:A - Selaginella B- Equisctum C- Salavinia D-Ginkgo (d): Preridophytes are known as vascular cryp tograms (GK fryptos= hidden + gamos = wed- ded). ‘They reproduce by spores rather than seeds. They are the first vascular land plant. The preridophyte Eguisetum belong to the class spenophyta. All vegetative parts of its posses vascular tissues (i.e. hadrome equiva- lene to xylem & leptome equivalent to phlo- em) organised in definite groups of steles. (@): Funaria exhibits gametophytic (n) as well as sporophytic (2n) generation in its life cycle. The gametophytic generation is represented by a short lived protonema which produces spermatozoid in antherid- ium of male shoot and egg in archegonium offemale shoot. Eggandspermatozoidare sed 42. 43. 45. 47. 49. 50. toformzygote. Fromzygotediploidsporophyte is produced. ‘The capsule of sporophyre is pro duced from the haploid spores. Then the haploid zygote is the only diploid stage in the life cycle. So the life cycle represents haplontic life cycle. (b): ‘The gynoccium in family Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) is bicarpelary, syncarpous, ovary, superior, unilocular with parietal placentation. ‘Ac maturity ovary becomes bilocular due to the formation of false septum (replum), c.g. Mustard. (a): Housefly belongs to (Phylum - Archropoda (i) (iii) (iv) (b): Cyclostomes belong to the division agnatha. They are jawless vertebrates without paired fins. Class - Insecta Order - Diptera Family - Muscidae (b): Photoperiod affect reproduction in plants. Bionomial nomenclature system was given by Carolus Linnaeus. (a): Chondrichehyes show cartilaginous en- doskeleton (OsArthropods have chitinous exoskeleton, show metameric segmentation and jointed appendages Parapodia is a characteristics of annelida helping them in location, (c:Ossified endoskeleton, Breathing using lungs and Warm blooded nature are charac- teristic of both birds and mammals except Viviparity, as birds are Oviparous. (b):Protistaisa group created by Haeckel which includes all Eukaryotic unicellular organisa- tions. (a):Prawn, Scorpion and Locusta belong to the phylum Arthropoda. All other animals catego ries are given below: Sponge > Porifera Seaanemone -—> Coelenterata NEET Entrance Winner 51. 52. 3, Starfish > Echinodemata Malaria parasive | Protozoa Amoeba, > Protozoa Mosquito > Arthropoda Earthworm > Annelida Pinworm > Aschelminthes “Tapeworm > Platyhelminthes (@): Ichthyophis - Amphibian Limulus = Arthropoda Adamsia. ~~ Cnidaria Petramyzon - _ Jawless vertebrate & ectoparesite, eyclostomace (a): Representive of phylum Arthropoda is silverfish, Arthropoda is the largest phylum of animalia, which covers ewo-thirds of all named species. (b):Gorgonia seafan)isananimalbelongingto phylum Coelenterata, All animals lack cell wall (b): In Pheretima, next to stomach is the intest ine. It is a long, wide and thin walled cube extending from 15th segment t0 the last. Second or middle part of the intestine lies be- tween 27 th segment upto 23 - 25 segments in- front of anus This is characterised by the pres- ence of a highly glandular and vascular lon- gitudinal ridge,arisingasamediumin growthof the dorsal aspect of che intestinal cavity. This is called the typhlosole. The typhlosole greatly increases the effective absorption area of the digested food in the intestine, 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. (b):Nephridiaistheexcretory organoftheearth worm. Earthworm has three types of nep- hhridial seructures called as sepral, integu mentaryand pharyngeal nephridia. These three nephridial structures are present on different and pharyngeal nephridia are both enterone phric ie., Nitrogen waste products are directly dicharged outside. (a): Tiiploblastic isa condition which decribes an animal having a body composed of three em bryonic germ layers: the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm, Most multicellular animals be longing to phylum planthyhelminthes to phy Jum chorata are triploblastic. Ctenophores, sponges and corals are diploblastic. (03 Spongilla isa common, widely distributed fresh water sponge belonging to phylum por- ifera. Canal system in spongilla is essentially of thagon type with choancocytes restricted to small rounded chambers. It is not found in leech, dolphin and penguin, (d):In Fasciola (acworms) thebodyhasasingle cavity with one opening functions as both mouth for ingestion (intake of food) and anus for egestion (undigested food is passed out). It is called blind sae plan. (a): Some common fugal inhabants of soil help to combat disease caused by soil borne fungi. Trichoderma ligorum and Gliocladium fimbriatum are found in damp soils. They have an inhibitory effect on the growth of the mycelium of pythium. They serve to su- press fungi causing damping off disease of the seedings and thereby influence favourably che growth of crops.

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