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J. Phys. Chem.

1991, 95, 7973-7993 7973

Femtosecond Real-Time Probing of Reactions. 7. A Quantum and Classical

Mechanical Study of the ICN Dissociation Experiment

Gareth Roberts and Ahmed H. Zewail*

Arthur Amos Noyes Laboratory of Chemical Physics, California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, California 91125 (Received: March 21, 1991)

A comparison is presented between experiment and quantum and classical simulations of the time-dependent dynamics of
the dissociation reaction of ICN via the A continuum. To illustrate the approach, second-order perturbation theory and
a classical model (Ber. Bunsen-Ges. Phys. Chem. 1988, 92, 373) are employed to calculate the real-time behavior of dissociating
[I—CN]** species during the course of the reaction. In this way, the abilities of the two methods to describe accurately
the reaction dynamics as revealed experimentally are evaluated: it is found that both quantum dynamical and classical mechanical
treatments are capable of reproducing the essential temporal features probed by experiment and that, in this instance, classical
equations of motion offer an adequate description of the process of nuclear separation. The difference between the relevant
excited-state potential functions (over the long-range region) employed in the calculations is recovered from the simulated
data by means of an inversion procedure (J. Chem. Phys. 1989, 90, 829) that relates absorption of the probing laser pulse
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to interfragment distance along the reaction coordinate. In addition, the variation in calculated transient behavior resulting
from changes in the parameters describing the functional forms of the two potentials governing the observed reaction dynamics
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is examined in terms of their effect on characteristic reaction dissociation times, the lifetimes of transition-state configurations,
and inversion to the difference between potential energy curves. Finally, comparison is made with analogous experimental
and theoretical investigations of the fragmentation of the heavier Bi2 molecule.

I. Introduction increase in laser induced fluorescence (LIF) signal intensity to

The dissociation of cyanogen iodide was one of the first gas- some final asymptotic value attained at r =* 500 fs. From these
phase reactions to be studied1'7 in real time in the femtosecond (1) Scherer, N. F.; Knee, J. L. Smith, D. D.; Zewail, A. H. J. Phys. Chem.
regime.8'11 This reaction has received considerable attention 1985, 89, 5142.
throughout the last twenty or more years, having been the object (2) Dantus, M.; Rosker, M. J.; Zewail, A. H. J. Chem. Phys. 1987, 57,
of detailed investigation by means of a broad range of experi- 2395.
mental12'32 and theoretical33""66 techniques. It is now well estab- (3) Rosker, M. J.; Dantus, M.; Zewail, A. H. Science 1988, 241, 1200.
(4) Rosker, M. J.; Dantus, M.; Zewail, A. H. J. Chem. Phys. 1988, 89,
lished12'13·19·21"25 that following electronic excitation via the A 6113.
continuum, ICN dissociates through two exit channels, leading (5) Dantus, M.; Rosker, M. J.; Zewail, A. H. J. Chem. Phys. 1988, 59,
to ground-state and spin-orbit-excited iodine atoms respectively: 6128.
(6) Dantus, M.; Bowman, R. M.; Baskin, J. S.; Zewail, A. H. Chem. Phys.
Lett. 1989, 159, 406.
ICN + hv (210 < < 350 nm) —
[I-CN]** —
(7) Zewail, A. H. J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 2 1989, 85, 1221.
(8) Zewail, A. H. Science 1988, 242, 1645.
l(2P3/2) + CN(X2Z+) (la) (9) Zewail, A. H.; Bernstein, R. B. Chem. Eng. News 1988, 66 (Nov 7),
[I-CN]*· (10) Gruebele, M.; Zewail, A. H. Phys. Today 1990, 43 (5), 24; Ber.
l(2P1/2) + CN(X22+) (lb)
— —

Bunsen-Ges. Phys. Chem. 1990, 94, 1210.

(11) Khundkar, L. R.; Zewail, A. H. Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. 1990, 41, 15.
Time-integrated studies of the dissociation have provided many (12) Ling, J. H.; Wilson, K. R. J. Chem. Phys. 1975, 63, 101.
detailed features of the dynamics of both exit channels, (la) and (13) Baronavski, A. P.; McDonald, J. R. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1977,45, 172.
(14) Sabety-Dzvonik, M. J.; Cody, R. J. J. Chem. Phys. 1977, 66, 125.
(lb). Such an approach has involved a variety of methods, in- (15) Krieger, W.; Háger, J.; Pfab, J. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1982, 85, 69.
cluding measurements of photofragment polarization and time- (16) Baronavski, A. P. Chem. Phys. 1982, 66, 217.
of-flight distributions,12 product quantum-state-resolved distri- (17) Fisher, W. H.; Carrington, T.; Filseth, S. V.; Sadowski, C. M.; Dugan,
butions,13"20 sub-Doppler laser-induced fluorescence,21·22 absolute C. H. Chem. Phys. 1983, 82, 443.
(18) Fisher, W. H.; Eng, R.; Carrington, T.; Dugan, C. H.; Filseth, S. V.;
quantum yields of I(2Pw2) atoms,22"25·29·31 and the spatial an-
Sadowski, C. M. Chem. Phys. 1984, 89, 457.
isotropy and relative alignment of the separating photopro- (19) Marinelli, W. J.; Sivakumar, N.; Houston, P. L. J. Phys. Chem. 1984,
ducts.21,22,26"32 88, 6685.
Real-time investigations of reaction 1 have utilized the technique (20) Nadler, I.; Reisler, H.; Wittig, C. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1984, ¡03,451.
of femtosecond transition-state spectroscopy (FTS),5·8"10 by which (21) Shokoohi, F.; Hay, S.; Wittig, C. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1984, 110, 1.
(22) Nadler, I.; Mahgerefteh, D.; Reisler, H.; Wittig, C. J. Chem. Phys.
[I—CN]** transition-state configurations in the process of sepa- 1985, 82, 3885.
rating to form I(2P3/2,i/2) + € ( 2 +) products have been (23) Amimoto, S. T.; Wiesenfeld, J. R.; Young, R. H. Chem. Phys. Lett.
monitored as a function of time.1"6 The pump-laser pulse initiates 1979, 65, 402.
reaction within the long-wavelength tail of the A continuum at (24) Pitts, W. M.; Baronavski, A. P. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1980, 71, 395.
(25) Hess, W. P.; Leone, S. R. J. Chem. Phys. 1987, 86, 3773.
306 and 285 nm: most experiments have employed a (26) Hall, G. E.; Sivakumar, N.; Houston, P. L. J. Chem. Phys. 1986,84,
pump-laser wavelength of = 306 nm,1"3,5·6 however, and have 2120.
thus been directed toward probing reaction la in which only (27) Joswig, H.; O’Halloran, M. A.; Zare, R. N.; Child, M. S. Faraday
Discuss. Chem. Soc. 1986, 82, 79.
ground-state iodine atoms are energetically feasible. When the
(28) O’Halloran, . A.; Joswig, H,; Zare, R. N. J. Chem. Phys. 1987,87,
probe laser is tuned to = 388.5 nm, commensurate with the band 303.
head of the P branch of the well-known CN(B22+ ·«— 2 + (0,0)) (29) Hasselbrink, E.; Waldeck, J. R.; Zare, R. N. Chem. Phys. 1988,126,
band system,14·15·67"70 an induction period lasting about 200 fs after 191.
time zero (pump excitation) is observed2"6 followed by a monotonic (30) Black, J. F.; Waldeck, J. R,; Hasselbrink, E.; Zare, R. N. J. Chem.
Soc., Faraday Trans. 2 1990, 85, 1044.
(31) Black, J. F.; Waldeck, J. R.; Zare, R. N. J. Chem. Phys. 1990, 92,
Contribution 8409 of the Arthur Amos Noyes Laboratory of Chemical (32) Black, J. F.; Hasselbrink, E.; Waldeck, J. R.; Zare, R. N. Mol. Phys.
Physics. The investigations reported in this paper were begun while Professor 1990, 71, 1143.
R. B. Bernstein was a Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Scholar at Caltech: (33) Shapiro, M.; Levine, R. D. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1970, 5, 499; 1970, 7,
we have benefited greatly from his contribution to the initial stages of this 156.
work and from many hours of stimulating discussions. (34) Mukamel, S.; Jortner, J. J. Chem. Phys. 1974, 60, 4760.

0022-3654/91 /2095-7973S02.50/0 &copy; 1991 American Chemical Society

7974 The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 95, No. 21, 1991 Roberts and Zewail

data the time taken for the CN radical to separate from the force Theoretical studies of reaction 1 have also been numerous.33-66
field of the iodine atom (so as to be spectroscopically identifiable Many (earlier) investigations have concentrated on the calculation
in its final internal quantum-state distribution) has been measured of absorption cross sections,37,45,48,64,66 product-state branching
as T|/2 = 205 ± 30 fs for this pump wavelength.3,5 By detuning ratios,48,55 frequency-resolved absorption, fluorescence, and Raman
the probe laser to wavelengths to the red of the 2 + — 2 + spectra,36,38,45,46 and CN internal-state distribu-
band, a rise and decay in the LIF signal is monitored, from which tions33-36,38-41,45,46,48,52-56,64,65 from quantum mechanics33-51 and
it has been determined that [I—CN]4* transition states persist by means of classical4-6,52-63 and semiclassical19,64-66 procedures.
for times of the order of 20-50 fs.4,5 From data of these types, More recently, the application of ultrafast laser methods to the
various radial characteristics of the potential energy surface (PES) investigation of reaction 1 has prompted a range of calculations
controlling dissociation have been deduced.5,62,63 to be carried out that aim to predict the observed real-time be-
Experiments that involve detuning the probe laser to the blue havior from quantum42-44,51 or (semi)classical mechanics.58-63
of the = 388.5 nm line permit the formation of CN in different Most such studies in this vein have adopted a time-dependent
rotational levels to be examined, a corresponding increase in r,» approach,42-44,58-63 with a view to providing a rigorous conceptual
being monitored with increasing product rotational excitation.5,7 framework within which a quantitative understanding of the many
These results have been discussed in terms of the time development dynamical features of reaction 1 probed experimentally in the
of angular momentum during the dissociation reaction, leading time-domain may be obtained.
to an asymptotic (long-time) distribution of rotational states of Bersohn and Zewail have offered a classical description of
CN final product;7 the observed variation of n is too small to reaction 1, in which the time dependence of absorption of the
be simply explained by a decrease in the available translational probing laser pulse was related to an analytical form of a one-
energy with increasing product rotation but rather reflects the dimensional repulsive PES for dissociation.62 The results of this
degree of torque acting on bent50,56,57 ICN in the excited A state model reproduced the major features of the experimental FTS
and the angular topology (and centrifugal effects) of the disso- observations.2,3,5 This work was extended by Bernstein and Ze-
ciative PES. By advantageous use of the inherent polarization wail,63 who outlined a classical method for inverting the data
properties of the laser pulses, the time dependence of coherence obtained from FTS experiments to the difference between the
and alignment in reaction 1 have also been investigated6 and the excited-state PESs connected by the probe laser. These authors
observations related to the angular part of the excited-state PES.7 applied their procedure to reaction la, recovering an exponential
repulsive form of the parametrized potential energy curve over
which dissociation occurs when the upper PES accessed by the
probe laser is assumed to be constant over the range of inter-
(35) Morse, M. D.; Freed, K. F.; Band, Y. B. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1976,44, fragment separations involved.63 In addition, consideration was
also given to the treatment of one-dimensional PESs that were
(36) Halavee, U.; Shapiro, M. Chem. Phys. 1977, 21, 105. not purely repulsive functions of the reaction coordinate, for
(37) Beswick, J. A.; Jortner, J. Chem. Phys. 1977, 24, 1.
example when one or both of the excited-state PESs possesses a
(38) Morse, M. D.; Freed, K. F.; Band, Y. B. J. Chem. Phys. 1970, 70,
3604, 3620. long-range van der Waals minimum.
(39) Beswick, J. A.; Gelbart, W. M. J. Phys. Chem. 1980, 84, 3148.
Williams and Imre42 carried out the first time-dependent
(40) Morse, M. D.; Freed, K. F. J. Chem. Phys. 1981, 74, 4395. quantum calculation of reaction la, computing the motion of wave
(41) Heather, R. W.; Light, J. C. J. Chem. Phys. 1983, 78, 5513. packets over a repulsive PES that involved a single radial coor-
(42) Williams, S. O.; Imre, D. G. J. Phys. Chem. 1988, 92, 6636, 6648.
dinate and obtaining FTS spectra in good qualitative agreement
(43) Heather, R.; Metiu, H. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1989, 157, 505.
with those determined experimentally.2,3,5 Heather and Metiu
(44) Lee, S.-Y.; Pollard, W. T.; Mathies, R. A. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1989,
have calculated time-dependent rotational coherence effects for
160, 531. reaction la, employing a similar method by including the effect
(45) Henriksen, N. E.; Heller, E. J. J. Chem. Phys. 1989, 91, 4700. of rotational motion of the CN photoproduct,43 which was pre-
(46) Jacon, M.; Atabeek, O.; Leforestier, C. J. Chem. Phys. 1989, 91, viously treated by Zewail in terms of the time-evolution of CN
1585. rotational alignment.7 A quantum dynamical approach has
(47) ViguS, J.; Girard, B.; Gouédard, G.; Billy, N. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1989, likewise been employed by Lee et al. to calculate transient ab-
62, 1358.
sorption cross-sections for ICN dissociation from the temporal
(48) Guo, H.; Schatz, G. C. J. Chem. Phys. 1990, 92, 1634.
overlap of the two moving wave packets created by the pump- and
(49) Beswick, J. A.; Jortner, J. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1990, 168, 246.
probe-laser pulses.44 Henriksen and Heller45 and Jacon et al.46
(50) Yabushita, S.; Morokuma, K. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1990, 175, 518. have applied a quantum-mechanical wave packet treatment to
(51) Krause, J. L.; Shapiro, M.; Bersohn, R. J. Chem. Phys., submitted derive Raman emission spectra and absorption cross sections for
for publication.
dissociation of ICN.
(52) Pattengill, M. D. Chem. Phys. 1983, 78, 229.
From the time-evolution of classical trajectories over model
(53) Pattengill, M. D. Chem. Phys. 1984, 87, 419.
PESs, absorption spectra as a function of time for the dissociation
(54) Waite, B. A.; Helvajian, H.; Dunlap, B. L; Baronavski, A. P. Chem.
Phys. Lett. 1984, 111, 544. of ICN in both the gas phase and in Ar and Xe solvents have been
(55) Goldfield, E. M.; Houston, P. L.; Ezra, G. S. J. Chem. Phys. 1986, computed by Benjamin and Wilson,58 who obtained excellent
84, 3120. agreement with experimental results.2,3,5 Mukamel and co-workers
(56) Dugan, C. H.; Anthony, D. J. Phys. Chem. 1987, 91, 3929. have examined the ICN dissociation reaction, using a correlation
(57) Dugan, C. H. J. Phys. Chem. 1988, 92, 720. function description of nonlinear optical processes in molecules
(58) Benjamin, I.; Wilson, K. R. J. Chem. Phys. 1989, 90, 4176. based on a quantum phase-space representation of the density
(59) Yan, Y. J.; Fried, L. E.; Mukamel, S. J, Phys. Chem. 1989,93, 8149. matrix,59,60 further extending their approach to derive classical
(60) Mukamel, S. Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. 1990, 41, 647. formulas for transition-state absorption of the probe-laser pulse.60,61
(61) Fried, L. E.; Mukamel, S. J. Chem. Phys. 1990, 93, 3063. In this way, these authors were able to delineate in detail the
(62) Bersohn, R.; Zewail, A. H. Ber. Bunsen-Ges. Phys. Ckem. 1988, 92, various criteria necessary for successful application of classical
373. models of molecular dissociation in the time domain in terms of
(63) Bernstein, R. B.; Zewail, A. H. J. Chem. Phys. 1989, 90, 829. the different temporal regimes for nuclear separation, wave packet
(64) Holdy, K. E.; Klotz, L. C.; Wilson, K. R. J. Chem. Phys. 1970, 52, dephasing, and laser pulse length.59-61 Density matrix methods
have also been utilized by other groups of workers to compute
(65) Simons, J. P.; Tasker, P. W. Mol. Phys. 1973, 26, 1267.
femtosecond time- and frequency-resolved spectra of molecular
(66) Brown, R. C; Heller, E. J. J. Chem. Phys. 1981, 75, 186.
species in both the gaseous and solution phases.71-74 A theoretical
(67) Jevons, W. Proc. R. Soc. A (London) 1926, 112, 407.
(68) Kiess, N. H.; Broida, . P. J. Mol. Spectrosc. 1961, 7, 194.
(69) Engleman, R., Jr. J. Mol. Spectrosc. 1974, 49, 106. (71) Lin, S. H.; Fain, B. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1989, 155, 216.
(70) Jackson, W. M. J. Chem. Phys. 1974, 61, 4177. (72) Fain, B.; Lin, S. H.; Hamer, N. J. Chem. Phys. 1989, 91, 4485.
Femtosecond Real-Time Probing of Reactions The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 95, No. 21, 1991 7975

description of FTS investigations of reaction 1 in terms of CW

frequency-resolved bound-free and free-free spectra has recently
been given by Krause, Shapiro, and Bersohn using quantum-
mechanical and semiclassical techniques.51 Bes wick and Jortner
have sought to clarify the time evolution for motion of localized
wave packets prepared on a dissociative PES by absorption of an
ultrashort laser photon, pointing out that the time scales for
dephasing of the initial wave packet and for bond rupture to form
spectroscopically identifiable products differ by some two orders
of magnitude.49
In this work, experimental results2-5 are compared with quantum
and classical calculations of reaction 1. The quantum-mechanical
simulation involves computation of [I—CN]4* wave packets for
various times following laser excitation in a manner analogous
to the earlier work of Williams and Imre.42 The classical de-
scription employed here makes use of the approach developed
previously by Bersohn and Zewail.62 From the transient behavior
so derived in both sets of calculations, the inversion procedure of
Bernstein and Zewail63 is applied to deduce the functional forms
of the model potential energy curves at large interfragment sep-
arations, or more accurately, the difference between PESs con-
nected by the probe laser. In this way, the sensitivity of calculated
ground- and excited-state potential curves for ICN at energies E < 60
FTS transients as a function of the nature of the two PESs involved X 103 cm-1 above the electronic minimum of the molecular ground state
is examined by variation of the parameters appearing in the V0(r), illustrating the concept of FTS investigations. F,(r) and V2(r) are
analytical forms for the relevant potential energy functions. given by the functional form V¡(r) = F¡° exp(-a,r) + /3, with V¡° 2.061

Possible experimental ramifications of the presence of a centrifugal X 1010 cm-1, , = 5.1813 A-1, di = 26 130 cm-1, a2 = “ A-1, and ß2 -

barrier on the reaction path leading to final products are also 50760 cm-1. For presentation purposes only a single reactive potential
examined, and preliminary consideration is given to the type of V¡(r) is shown; omitted from the diagram are the several excited-state
PESs correlating with CN(X2S+) + I(2P3/2) and I(zP|/2) products at
dynamical behavior that might be observable in the time domain. infinite separation. The arrow labeled X, represents a vertical transition
Finally, the validity of the different theoretical approaches em- from the o = 0 level of the ground state at the equilibrium I—CN sepa-
ployed here is further examined by comparison of the results ration rt for a pump-laser wavelength of Xt = 306 nm, which results in
obtained for dissociation of ICN with analogous data75 for preparation on Kt(r) of a wave packet comprising a distribution of con-
fragmentation of the heavier Bi2 molecule. tinuum eigenstates determined by the spectral profile of the laser pulse.
The paper is organized as follows. In section II the theoretical (Note that at this photolysis energy, the wave packet prepared by the
framework underlying the quantum-dynamical and classical pump pulse initially samples classically forbidden regions of configuration
calculations of FTS behavior is briefly reviewed, and an outline space.) The vertical transitions to the highest lying potential V2(r) la-
is given of the main results of the potential inversion method beled X2" and X2 represent probe-laser pulses for on-resonance (final
product) and off-resonance (transition-state) detection, respectively. A
developed by Bernstein and Zewail;63 in addition, our selection Gaussian profile for the pump-laser pulse with fwhm = 118 cm-1 is
of PESs for calculations on ICN photodissociation is described.
depicted schematically on the left ordinate. D0l (= 0,) and D02 (= ß2)
The results of quantum and classical simulations of FTS spectra are dissociation limits for K,(r) and V2(r) measured from the v = 0 level
for the dissociation process (la), together with inversion of these of K0(r).
data to the reactive potential and variation of the functional form
of the PESs are presented in section III. Summarized in section ^(¡13,14,16-19 but rotationally quite hot,13-20·2128·31 and more or less
IV are experimental and theoretical results pertaining to the exclusively in the ground electronic state X'2+.13,14 (In contrast,
dissociation of Bi2, which are contrasted with those for ICN the rotational distribution of CN product formed in reaction lb
dissociation. Section V comprises a summary and conclusions is peaked at low quantum numbers.13-16'18-20,22·28·31) By use of a
and attempts to offer a broader perspective of the real-time dy- supersonic molecular beam source to achieve internal-state cooling,
namics that characterize direct dissociation over repulsive PESs.
experiments carried out by Houston and co-workers19·26 and by
II. Theoretical Methodology Nadler et a).20 have demonstrated the unimportance of initial
parent rotation as a source of the rotational excitation of CN
Figure 1 displays schematically a simple pump-probe experi- product;17'39'47·52·53·56·57 in any case, the rotational period of ICN
ment in terms of three noninteracting potential energy curves in its J = 31 quantum level, for which room-temperature popu-
(though the general designation “PES” is retained throughout), lation is maximal, is longer than the time scale for recoil of the
the simulation of which is to be carried out. Our discussion I + CN photofragments of reaction 1 to form spectroscopically
throughout this paper is confined to dissociation of a rigid qua- identifiable dissociation products.2·3,5·28·47 It has been suggest-
si-diatomic molecule involving a single translatory degree of ed,! 7-20,22,26,28,3 1,35,38,40,52-57 therefore that the v2 vibration of ICN
freedom (reaction coordinate); i.e., rovibrational excitation of the is of considerable importance as it dissociates, since a bent con-
CN photofragment is considered to be negligible in comparison
figuration of the parent molecule correlates adiabatically with
to the available translational energy for product recoil. It is rotational motion of CN at large interfragment separa-
therefore assumed that the short-time dynamics of the reacting tions.22·37·38·54·76·77
system is dominated by one-dimensional motion over a PES that Experiments that make use of the polarized nature of laser
is repulsive in nature, here labeled K,(r); for dissociation of ICN,
beams have permitted the directionality of the transition moment
this motion occurs along the I-CN stretching coordinate. involved in the initial absorption process from the ground state
Measurements of nascent product-state populations at selected to be deduced.12·22·26·28 For example, at the experimentally con-
=» 220-350 nm have
photolysis wavelengths over the range venient photolysis wavelengths X = 266 and 248 nm, measurements
indicated that the CN photofragment of reaction la (giving rise of the alignment of CN angular momentum22·26·28 indicate that
to ground-state I(2P3/2) atoms) is produced vibrationally the dominant absorption transition is predominantly parallel in

(73) Pollard, W. T.; Lee, S.-Y.; Mathies, R. A. J. Chem. Phys. 1990, 92,
4012. (76) Ashfold, . N. R.; Macpherson, . T.; Simons, J. P. Top. Curr.
(74) Lin, S. H.; Fain, B.; Yeh, C. Y. Phys. Rev. A 1990, 41, 2718. Chem. 1979, 86, 1.
(75) Bowman, R. M.; Gerdy, J. J.; Roberts, G.; Zewail, A. H. J. Phys. (77) Felps, W. S.; Rupnik, K.; McGlynn, S. P. J. Phys. Chem. 1991, 95,
Chem. 1991, 95, 4635. 639.
7976 The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol, 95, No. 21, 1991 Roberts and Zewail

character and occurs to a PES of = 0* symmetry in Hund’s were based upon the same premise, being carried out on a model
case c ( 0, ) notation (3 0+ for (A,5) coupling), together with dissociative PES with a single minimum about zero bending angle.
a smaller perpendicular contribution arising from excitation to Our (simplified) choice of PESs for the ICN system is described
a PES of 1
(3·' ,) symmetry, especially at the shorter in more detail in section II.C.
wavelength.12'22’26·28’29·31·47 The observed13*20,22'28’31 high rotational Referring to Figure 1, we note that the pump laser at wave-
excitation of CN arising from reaction la has been postulated length , (= 306 nm as depicted) excites the ground-state wa-
to result from a mechanism that involves nonadiabatic mixing vefunction from the potential V0(r) to a single repulsive excit-
between an initially populated linear ( = 0+) state connecting ed-state potential Vfr), where a superposition of continuum ei-
with spin-orbit-excited I(2Pty2) atoms at infinite separation and genstates is formed constituting a wave packet. For ICN, the
one or more bent excited-state surfaces that correlate with pump laser induces absorption via the A continuum as indicated
ground-state I(2P3/2) + CN(X2Z+) final products via the lower by (la); Vfr) may possess = 1 or 0+ t3!^ or 3 0+) symmetry
energy exit channel.19·22,24"29'31'32'35'38'47'48'55 Simultaneous optical and is populated by means of a perpendicular or parallel absorption
excitation to more than one upper state of linear or bent molecular transition, respectively, from the = 0+ (1 +) ground state as
geometries with subsequent evolution of the dissociating system noted above. The wave packet so prepared, moving under the
over essentially noninteracting PESs cannot be ruled out as a influence of the repulsive force directed along the reaction co-
possible alternative, however. ordinate r, then propagates over F,(r) to form dissociation
Of the numerous35·38"41'48'52"55,64 theoretical investigations that products, during which process it is subject to the perturbation
been carried out with the aim of accounting for the observed CN due to the probe laser at wavelength X2 delayed with respect to
rotational energy distributions arising from both reaction channels the pump-laser pulse by a time r. The probe laser excites the wave
(la) and (lb), the following studies may be highlighted. Goldfield packet on F,(r) by means of a vertical free-free transition to a
et al. have modeled the A-state dissociation by means of computing second excited-state potential F2(r), the topology of which at this
classical trajectories over model PESs, assuming initial absorption stage may be assumed to be independent of radial coordinate r
to a linear PES and taking into account the effect of nonadiabatic for the sake of simplicity (see section II.C). Those transition-state
transitions between excited-state surfaces.55 These authors find configurations [I—CN]** that allow for absorption of probe-laser
that while the results of their calculations reproduce CN rotational light define a detection “window”, or optically-coupled region,4,62,63
energy distributions, average rotational energies and branching centered about X2 and of spectral width determined by the tem-
ratios for reaction via both exit channels (la) and (lb)55 in a poral duration of the probe laser.
qualitative fashion, they are unable to describe quantitatively all The PESs Vfr) and V2(r) correlate with I(2P3/2) + CN(X22+)
aspects of the dissociation dynamics. A similar conclusion was and I(2P3/2) + CN(B22+) asymptotic product states, respectively.
reached by Guo and Schatz,48 who have performed an exact The influence of additional low-lying repulsive PESs Vfr), for
time-independent, quantum-mechanical investigation using the instance those of = 2 (3 2) and 0" (3 0-) symmetry leading to
coupled-channel model to calculate product rotational-state dis- ground-state I(2P3/2) product via reaction la, are omitted from
tributions, 1-atom branching ratios, and total absorption cross Figure 1, since possible nonadiabatic interactions involving such
sections. Satisfactory qualitative agreement with experimental surfaces and Vfr) have been considered19'22'24"29·31,32'35'38·47'55 to
results13*20'22"26'28'29'31'64 was likewise obtained by these workers, occur within the Franck-Condon region at interfragment sepa-
though it was noted48 that closer quantitative accord awaits the rations shorter than those accessible with an experimental pump
availability of accurate information concerning the detailed to- wavelength of X, = 306 nm. In this context, however, it may be
pologies of the PES(s) controlling reaction. noted that the existence of a conical intersection between the
The results of recent ab initio calculations50 of the excited-state = 0+
(3 +) and = 1 ( ,) potential curves (that correlate with
potentials of ICN suggest that all relevant excited-state PESs of I(2P1/2) and I(2P3/2) atoms at infinite separation, respectively) at
ICN involved in ultraviolet absorption via the A-band continuum an I—CN distance of r 3.32 Á has recently been predicted,50

may in fact possess nonlinear geometries in the Franck-Condon which would play an important role in governing the dissociation
region such that a bent configuration is initially adopted by the dynamics at shorter photolysis wavelengths where reaction channel
excited parent molecule, with equilibrium ICN angles between lb is accessible (see above).
40° and 60°, thereby exerting a strong torque on the recoiling The final wave packet on V2(r) can be monitored by emission
CN product. The presence of a conical intersection between of resonance fluorescence back to F^r),1*11 permitting elucidation
excited-state surfaces located well beyond the Franck-Condon of the real-time dynamics of the dissociation process by detection
region, in addition to the strongly bent geometries of the PESs of such fluorescence as a function of the pump-probe time delay
at shorter distances, has permitted Yabushita and Morokuma50 t: this is the essence of the FTS experiment. Variation of the
to reinterpret earlier experimental results12"32 in light of these probe-laser wavelength allows the time-evolution of the wave
predictions and to propose a model for photodissociation of ICN packet propagating over F,(r) to be interrogated at different spatial
that differs substantially from those previously advocat- coordinates, since in general the energy separation between Vfr)
ed.1 9,22,24-29,31,32,35,38,47,55 By analogy with their theoretical study and F2(r) will not be constant as a function of dissociation co-
of excited-state PESs for C1CN, Reisler and colleagues have ordinate r.
offered further insight into the ordering and geometries of the A. Quantum Dynamics. The quantum dynamical treatment
electronic states involved in ICN dissociation, including the employed in this paper to simulate the FTS pump-probe exper-
possibilities for avoided crossings between PESs and nonadiabatic iment is that of second-order time-dependent perturbation theory.79
transitions.78 Dugan has also presented a model calculation that This method has previously been invoked and developed by
accounts for the observed CN rotation in terms of the torque Williams and Imre,42 Metiu and co-workers,80"86 and others to
generated by a repulsive force developed between the I and CN study the behavior of gas-phase dissociation reactions in the time
photofragments acting in a bent configuration on the excited-state domain. The time-dependent approach pioneered by Heller and
potential.56·57 co-workers, using Gaussian wave packets, illuminated the analysis
The angular part of the PES is neglected in this simple
treatment, however; as pointed out by Williams and Imre,42 the of Light·, Clarendon Press: Oxford,
(79) Loudon, R. The Quantum Theory
dominant force in the Franck-Condon region is along the I—CN 1973; Chapter 11, p 279.
stretching coordinate, since both excited states K,(r) and V2(r) (80) Engel, V.; Metiu, H.; Almeida, R.; Marcus, R. A.; Zewail, A. H.
Chem. Phys. Lett. 1988, 152, 1.
display a maximum or minimum along the bending coordinate
for a linear molecular geometry. Radial and angular topologies (81) Engel, V.; Metiu, H. J. Chem. Phys. 1989, 90, 6116.
(82) Engel, V.; Metiu, H. J. Chem. Phys. 1989, 91, 1596.
of the excited-state PESs of ICN have also been discussed by (83) Engel, V.; Schinke, R.; Hennig, S.; Metiu, H. J. Chem. Phys. 1990,
Benjamin and Wilson,58 and their classical trajectory calculations 92, 1.
(84) Engel, V.; Metiu, H. J. Chem. Phys. 1990, 92, 2317.
(85) Metiu, H.; Engel, V. J. Chem. Phys. 1990, 93, 5693.
(78) Bai, Y. Y.; Segal, G. A.; Reisler, H. J. Chem. Phys. 1991, 94, 331. (86) Metiu, H.; Engel, V. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 1990, 7, 1709.
Femtosecond Real-Time Probing of Reactions The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 95, No. 21, 1991 7977

of dynamics in real time,45·66·87,88 and Kinsey and co-workers have Wave packet propagation was carried out by using the split-
elegantly applied the method to examine molecular fragmenta- operator technique developed by Feit and co-workers.91"93 Nu-
tion.89 merical calculations were carried out such that eq 2 could be
The nuclear wave function |^2(z)) created on the potential V2 implemented with pump and probe pulses overlapped in time and
by absorption of pump and probe photons is calculated from the were performed on a grid of 2048,4096, or 8192 points, depending
expression79 upon the kinetic energy of the wave packet and the distance range
involved. As noted in a previous publication,90 care was taken
\Ht)> =
H'/ )2 J' dr2 x to sample above the Nyquist limit in both momentum and co-
ordinate space so as to mitigate against aliasing and edge effects

f d/j 7'2(f-f2)í/2|(í2)7'i(í2-íi)t/]o(f|) ß (-/ „ ,)|^) (2) of the discretized wave functions. Convergence was tested for
in the usual manner by having the number of discretizations and
the time step. For a propagation period of 300-500 fs, converged
Here |^„) represents a nuclear eigenstate of the uth vibrational
wave functions were obtained for time steps At < 1/(50A£), where
of the ground electronic state with a phase factor ß (- „/,).
Wave functions are propagated by the operators , whose explicit
AE is the characteristic energy scale of the problem. In all
form is calculations, the initial wave function ß ( ,, 1)|^ ,) was taken
to be the Gaussian form of the v = 0 level of the ground electronic
7,(Z) exp(-/ZZ,z) (3) state.
B. Classical Mechanics. The classical-mechanical analysis of
with Hamiltonian operators H, given by ICN dissociation adopted in this paper employs the method
H,= \i)[K+ K,](z| (4) prescribed by Bersohn and Zewail to derive an expression for the
explicit time dependence of the probe-pulse absorption A(t) for
where K and V¡ are the kinetic and potential energy operators, classical motion of the reactive system over Vfl).62 In this
respectively. Uy(tk) represents the time-dependent perturbation treatment, the first (pump) absorption step results in localized
caused by the fcth laser pulse, which optically couples electronic excitation of ICN by means of an initial laser pulse that is a
states |i) and [/): function in time, while the finite spectral bandwidth of the
µ,/ )· * (5) “temporally short” probe-laser pulse is considered to project a
detection window (or optically coupled region) onto the potential
where µ,/r) is the transition dipole moment operator connecting for fragment separation such that maximum probe absorption
state l/) to |i). In the absence of information concerning the occurs at some configuration r* along the dissociation coordinate.
variation of µ,^( ) with coordinate r, the Condon approximation Fried and Mukamel have pointed out that spectral convolution
is assumed throughout this work; i.e., pdr) = µ /) (/|. Ek(tk) is of the absorption profile by the probe pulse is appropriate in those
the electric field vector of the radiation field due to the fcth laser instances where the pump and probe pulses are short in comparison
pulse: to the time dependence of the nuclear dynamics; temporal con-
volution is valid when the pulses are longer than the time scale
Ek0k) gk(tk)Ek° exp(iwktk) (6) for dephasing (given by the inverse line width of the overall
the temporal lineshape gk(tk) of which is taken to be Gaussian absorption).61 This dephasing has a direct influence on the co-
for both laser pulses. herence effect discussed and ruled out by experiment:5 in these
experiments, the coherence (and dephasing) time is much shorter
gk(tk) -
exp[-(Z* -

tk°)/ak2] (7) than the laser pulse widths.

For any distance r along the reactive potential Vfr), absorption
The time delay between pump- (k 1) and probe-laser (k =
of the probe laser pulse may be written62
2) pulses is defined in the usual way as the difference between
the times at which the intensities reach their maximum values: >i(r) =
Cexp!-(ln 2)[(K2(r) -

r2° r,°.
(V2(r*) -

Vfr*))]2/(Av/2)2) (8)
Equation 2 indicates that at time tx the perturbation due to the where C is an arbitrary constant (set equal to unity) and the
pump photon, lZ10(f,), promotes the ground-state eigenfunction
spectral profile of the probe laser is taken to be Gaussian with
| ?„) (- „ ,) to the electronic state |1). The wave function fwhm = Av. Equation 8 represents spectral convolution of the
|^ ( )) so created is then propagated over Vfr) by action of the probe-pulse absorption A(r). Bersohn and Zewail62 have noted
operator Tft2-t¡) for a time duration t2 r,. At time Z2, the

that Av for femtosecond laser pulses will exceed the natural line
perturbation U2i(t2) excites a transition between electronic states width of free fragments by several orders of magnitude, so that
¡1) and |2), corresponding to absorption of a probe-laser photon. an intrinsically sharp absorption would appear to be Gaussian in
The resulting wave function \ 2( ) > is subsequently propagated
by T2(t t2) until some final time t. Following our earlier cal-

Transient behavior is determined by the classical time evolution

culations of Hgl2 wave packets,90 both Fourier-transform-limited
of a particle
over the PES V¡ (r) governing dissociation, the ap-
laser pulses are arbitrarily truncated at ±2<r* so that the operators
propriate equation of motion for which is
UMk) act on the appropriate wave function over a total period
of time 4 *; the length of time over which the propagation op- (u/2)(dr/dt')2 =

Vfr) (9)
erators ,( ) are applied in eq 2 is thus reduced proportionately.
The complete promotion-propagation sequence therefore begins where £av is the kinetic energy available to separating fragments
at time t = -2a, (start of pump-laser pulse) and finishes at time of reduced mass µ in the center-of-mass frame relative to the
dissociation limit of K,(r). The distance traveled by a point mass
Z = +2 2 (end of probe-laser pulse). In what follows, we shall
be concerned with only the total emission intensity ( ; 2) from as function of time is then given by
the electronic state |2). This is proportional to the norm
(tfoiOhMO) of the final wave packet, representing the probability r, =
r0 + y

K,(r)/£av]V2 dr' (10)

of locating the system in state |2) at a time t immediately following
the action of the probe-laser pulse. Equation 10 can be integrated analytically in the case of a repulsive
potential V¡(r) given by the simple exponential form of eq 16,
yielding the expression
(87) Heller, E. J. J. Chem. Phys. 1975, 62, 1544.
(88) Heller, E. J. Acc. Chem. Res. 1981, 14, 368.
(89) Imre, D.; Kinsey, J. L.; Sinha, A.; Krenos, J. J. Phys. Chem. 1984, (91) Fleck, J. A., Jr.; Morris, J. R.; Feit, M. D. Appl. Phys. 1976,10,129.
88, 3956. (92) Feit, M. D.; Fleck, J. A., Jr.; Steiger, A. J. Comput. Phys. 1982,47,
(90) Gruebele, M.; Roberts, G.; Zewail, A. H. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. 412.
London, A 1990, 332, 223. (93) Feit, M. D.; Fleck, J. A., Jr. J. Chem. Phys. 1983, 78, 301.
7978 The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 95, No. 21, ¡991 Roberts and Zewail

r, =
r0- (l/ ,) In [sech2 (vtaj2)] (11) Theoretical expressions for A(t) applicable for arbitrary pulse
conditions have recently been derived by Fried and Mukamel.61
Here, t is the time taken by a reactive trajectory on F,(r) to reach C. Choice of PESs. In this section, we indicate the sources
the position r measured from t = 0 at the initial coordinate r0 from which the simple parametrized forms of the potential energy
determined by classical Franck-Condon absorption from the functions for the electronic states |0>, |1), and |2) were selected.
ground state; t* is therefore the time corresponding to r-r*. The The ground-state potential V0(r) is assumed to be harmonic,
terminal velocity (2£„ /µ)'/2 is the classical counterpart of
since optical excitation of the thermal population in the lowest
the asymptotic (long-time) group velocity of the quantum-dy- vibrational level only is treated in this work, as appropriate for
namical wave packet. 1 /< is the so-called length or range pa- the room-temperature experimental conditions employed.1-6 The
rameter of the exponential potential function Vfr) (see eq 16), generally accepted value of rt = 2.745 Á105 dating back to 1936106*
and represents the distance by which potential energy has de- was taken to be the equilibrium interfragment separation between
creased to 1 /e of its value at the position r0. the I atom and center of mass of CN,l06b while the value , =
A straightforward manipulation of eqs 8 and 11 leads to an 451.5 cm-1 determined spectroscopically by Penney and Suther-
analytical solution for the time dependence of absorption of the land106* was employed as the fundamental oscillation frequency
probe-laser pulse given by of the NC—I stretching vibration.
As a simple characterization of the V¡(r) and V2(r) potentials
A(t) = C expKln 2)[/( , *)/( ?/2)]2| (12) of ICN we invoke a repulsive exponential curve:
Vfj) =
Vt° exp(-a,r) + ft (16)
K2(/)[£,v/K,(/)]“*/“' sech2-/"· x -

Values of a, = 5.1813 Á-1 and K° = 2.061 X 1010 cm-1 were

ft(i*)[£av/^i(f*)]“2/a| sech2-/"· x* -

employed in this work, being the parameters obtained by Bersohn

£av(sech2 x

sech2 x*) (13) and Zewail62 from a consideration of spectroscopic investigations

of the A ·*- X band system of ICN.24·111 From an empirical point
F,(z) and K2(i) are the potential energy curves of Figure 1 ex- of view, and following these same authors,62 it is initially considered
pressed as a function of time, while x = and x* = ,/2 vt*afl that | Vfr) F,(r*)| »\V2(r) V2(r*)\ for all values of r* accessed
- -

when t = t*. If it is assumed that the high-lying potential V2(r) by tuning the probe-laser wavelength, i.e. that the shape of V2(r)
populated by the probe laser is independent of position along the is independent of reaction coordinate at distances greater than
reaction coordinate, meaning that a2 = ” Á"1 (see eq 16), then the Franck-Condon region for absorption of pump-laser light.
eq 12 reduces to the simpler form Accordingly, a value of 2 = == A-1 was employed for the majority
of the calculations reported in this work (so that V2(r) is simply
A(t) = C exp|-(ln 2)[£'av(sech2 x* -
sech2 )/( /2)]2) (14)
ft). More realistic (finite) values of a2 were also tried, however,
The distributions of both trajectory starting times and finishing as described in section III.D. ft and ft represent, of course, the
dissociation energies D0l and D02 shown in Figure 1; values of ft
(probing) times incurred by the use of laser pulses of finite tem- = 26 130 cm-1 and ft = 50 760 cm-1 were used in the present
poral duration can be accounted for by convolution of the ab-
sorption A(t) of eq 12 with the temporal lineshapes gk(tk) of the
In order to obtain the correct absolute values of X2 employed
pump and probe lasers:
in the experiments of Dantus et al.,5 it was found necessary to
include the effect of the rotational energy content of the diatomic
A(t) =

t,°) = -

t) it (15)
photoproduct. Commensurate with on-resonance (X2“) probing
at the band head of the P branch of the 2 + ·*- 2 + (0,0) band
where gl2(r) represents the cross-correlation function of pump and
probe pulses. Thus the initially imposed criterion of -function
laser pulses is removed, which provides a more valid comparison (104) Dantus, M.; Bowman, R. M.; Gruebele, M.; Zewail, A. H. J. Chem.
with experiment. A(r) is taken to represent the observed LIF Phys. 1989, 91, 7437.
signal, which we designate /( ; 2) in accordance with an earlier (105) Herzberg, G. Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure II: In-
notation.63 This temporal convolution procedure is of course frared and Raman Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules·, Van Nostrand Reinhold:
New York, 1945; Chapter 2, p 174.
important as the duration of the laser pulse widths becomes (106) (a) Penney, W. G.; Sutherland, G. B. B. M. Proc. R. Soc. London,
comparable to the time scale of the dynamics of dissociation, as A 1936,156, 339. (b) The value rt = 2.745 A has been employed by several
research groups during recent years (see, for example, refs 3, 5, 19, 26-32,
pointed out previously.4·5 Conversely, if the pulses are much
35, 38,40, and 55 among others); its current usage appears to stem from the
shorter than the time required for nuclear recoil (but longer than
early theoretical study of ICN dissociation presented by Holdy, Klotz, and
the dephasing time) then convolution becomes unimportant. Wilson in 1970.64 This value was obtained by these workers from the struc-
Examples of situations where the relevant reaction dynamics occur tural parameters for ICN listed by Herzberg in 1945,105 which were themselves
over much longer time scales than the laser pulse widths have been taken from the gas-phase spectroscopic study of Penney and Sutherland
reported in 1936.106* In order to derive force constants for the vibrational
reported for dissociation of Bi2,75 12,94-97 Nal,98-102 and Hgl2.103·104 modes of ICN, these authors employed an estimate of r^-c, « 2.12 A as the
equilibrium internuclear separation between I and C atoms, calculated by
adding the difference between the ionic radii of I and Cl to an earlier de-
(94) Bowman, R. M.; Dantus, M.; Zewail, A. H. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1990, termination of the C-Cl separation in CC14 published in 1935,107 while for
161, 297. the distance between C and N atoms, the value r^c_N) * 1.15 A was taken10**
(95) Dantus, M.; Bowman, R. M.; Zewail, A. H. Nature (London) 1990, from infrared absorption measurements on HCN, also carried out in 1935.108
343, 737. We note that somewhat more recent estimates of · - = 1.9921 ± 0.0002
(96) Gerdy, J. J.; Dantus, M.; Bowman, R. M.; Zewail, A. H. Chem. Phys. A and r^c-N) = 1.1604 ± 0.0003 A determined by microwave spectroscopy109
Lett. 1990, 171, 1. lead to the value rt = 2.616 A as the I-CN equilibrium separation. This result
(97) Bowman, R. M.; Dantus, M.; Zewail, A. H. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1990, is in agreement with the spectroscopic parameters for ICN listed in the latest
174, 546. edition of the JANAF thermochemical tables.110
(98) Rose, T. S.; Rosker, M. J.; Zewail, A. H. J. Chem. Phys. 1988, 88, (107) Sutton, L. E.; Brockway, L. O. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1935, 57, 473.
6672. (108) Bartunek, P. F.; Barker, E. F. Phys. Rev. 1935, 48, 516.
(99) Rosker, M. J.; Rose, T. S.; Zewail, A. H. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1988, (109) Cazzoli, G.; Degli Esposti, C.; Pavero, P. G. J. Mol. Struct. 1978,
146, 175. 48, 1.
(100) Rose, T. S.; Rosker, M. J.; Zewail, A. H. J. Chem. Phys. 1989, 91, (110) Chase, M. W., Jr.; Davies, C. A.; Downey, J. R., Jr.; Frurip, D. J.;
7415. McDonald, R. A.; Syverud, A. N. J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Suppl. 1985,
(101) Cong, P.; Mokhtari, A.; Zewail, A. H. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1990,172, 14, 601 (JANAF Thermochemical Tables, 3rd ed., Part 1).
109. (111) King, G. W.; Richardson, A. W. J. Mol. Spectrosc. 1966, 21, 339.
(102) Mokhtari, A.; Cong, P.; Herek, J. L.; Zewail, A. H. Nature (Lon- (112) Davis, D. D.; Okabe, H. J. Chem. Phys. 1968, 49, 5526.
don) 1990, 348, 225. (113) Huber, K. P.; Herzberg, G. Molecular Spectra and Molecular
(103) Bowman, R. M.; Dantus, M.; Zewail, A. H. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1989, Structure IV: Constants of Diatomic Molecules·, Van Nostrand Reinhold:
156, 131. New York, 1979.
Femtosecond Real-Time Probing of Reactions The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 95, No. 21, 1991 7979

system,14,15·67'70 N" = 25 is adopted as the most populated ro- citation process transfers population from the ground state to the
tational level of the CN(X22+) ground electronic state16"18 re- excited PES K, (r) over a range of times and consequently with
sulting from the torques experienced by the parent molecule on a spread of kinetic energies corresponding to different initial
dissociation. Furthermore, rotational excitation of the radical is starting coordinates on the upper-state PES.
considered to be independent of the NC-I stretching coordinate. In applying eq 17 to deduce Vft) from FTS data therefore,
(That is, the time development of angular momentum during the it is assumed that the initially created wave packet describing the
dissociation process is neglected.) separation of products is highly localized and remains so during
Figure 1 displays the minimum number of PESs required for the course of the dissociation process. That is to say, the width
description of the FTS experiment. It was pointed out in section of the wave packet Ar (= l/2[(h/Ap)2 + (2< /µ)2]1/2 for a
1 that at a pump wavelength of ! Gaussian packet, where Ap is the corresponding momentum
= 306 nm the exit channel
is effectively closed, with only a negligible fraction of reactive distribution) stays essentially constant and that the degree of
trajectories proceeding to I(2Pi/2) product,12,13·17·18·22"25,32 whereas spreading of the wave packet as a function of time dAr/dt (d2-
at the shorter wavelengths ! = 295 and 285 nm, reactions la {Ar)2/dt2 (2/µ2)[( )2 ( /·)2µ K/'fr)]1 ls) is negligible over

and 1 b leading to formation of both spin-orbit levels of atomic the time period during which the system evolves to final product
iodine are energetically feasible.62,112,113 Most calculations reported states (or alternatively, that changes in the distribution of kinetic
in this paper were carried out for a pump wavelength of = 306
energies of the initial wave packet with time are small). The width
nm, well to the low-energy side of the absorption maximum for Ar of the wave packet may or may not, however, be narrower than
the A continuum located at X = 251.3 nm,77 though a number the range of spatial coordinates on the PES viewed 1jy the
of calculated transients for reaction la were also obtained for probe-laser pulse.
higher photolysis energies using the same potential curves described Furthermore, the transition dipole moment <2|u2l(r)|l) between
above. From the laser excitation energies and dissociation limit the electronic states optically connected by the probe laser is
ß given earlier, optical excitation at X[
306, 295, and 285 nm assumed to be independent of spatial coordinate r (see section
is found to correspond to total available kinetic energies for II. A). The vertical probe transition is also presumed to conserve
fragment separation via the lower-lying exit channel (la) of £av the momentum of the separating products; i.e., that no change
= 6550, 7769, and 8958 cm"1,
compared to the spin-orbit splitting in the internal motion of the probed fragment is induced as a result
in atomic iodine of £(2P,/2) £(2P3/2) = 7603 cm'1.114 The
of the action of the probe laser pulse. A more complete description
terminal velocities for I(2P3/2) + CN(X22+) separation are thus of the asymptotic LIF intensities would take into account the effect
readily determined as v = 0.0269, 0.0293, and 0.0315 Á fs'1, of probing a (nonstatistical) rovibrational energy distribution of
respectively, for the three photolysis wavelengths. CN(X22+) product species.
D. Inversion to PES and the Classical Limit. Inversion to the Finally, it is stressed that application of eq 17 to FTS data
PES from computed FTS data was carried out following the strictly yields a difference in potential energy | 21(/)| = \V2(t)
methodology put forward by Bernstein and Zewail.63 Recovery

K,(i)| between the two electronic states connected by the probe

of the functional form of the potential energy function Vft) for laser as a function of time (or interfragment distance), rather than
the first excited state expressed as a function of time from de- the potential controlling the dissociation dynamics alone. FTS
convolved FTS transients of /(f;X2) versus t is readily affected by experiments that involve systematic variation of the pump-laser
a straightforward analysis of long-time LIF signal intensities for wavelength independently of that of the probe, thus permitting
different probe laser wavelengths X2. Detection of transient control of the excess energy above threshold for dissociation, do
[I'-CN]*4' species evolving over different regions of configuration allow separation of K,(r) and V2(r) to a certain degree of self-
space on V,(r) leads to an asymptotic fluorescence signal that is consistency,63 as has been undertaken in a previous FTS study
determined by the spectral intensity of the (blue) wing of the probe of the topologies of the low-lying excited-state PESs involved in
laser; LIF signals monitored at long delay times for different X2 the predissociation of Nal for instance.116,117 An analysis pro-
thus project into the frequency domain the effective intensity cedure for extracting the topologies of bound-state potential energy
spectrum of the probe-laser pulse.63 It may be pointed out in this curves for electronically excited I2(B3n0+u)94,95 and ICl(A3n,)118
regard that asymptotic values of <^2(i) IV^M) calculated by eq from FTS measurements has recently been adopted that makes
2 instead reflect the spectral profile of the time-dependent electric use of Fourier transformation and RKR techniques.119,120 The
field vector E2(i2) of the probe-laser pulse (see eq 6), rather than inversion procedure outlined above has also been applied to dif-
its intensity /2(f2) per se (which in any case is trivially related to ferent functional forms of both excited-state PESs Vfr) and V2(r),
^2(^2))· For both quantum and classical simulations, therefore, examples of which have been discussed in the paper of Bernstein
the temporal potential V\(t) can be related to the spectral dis- and Zewail.63
tribution of the probe laser about its nominal frequency v2 and
the detuning increment =
v2 v2 with respect to the on-res-
- III. Results and Discussion
onance probe frequency P2*. A. Quantum Calculations. Figure 2 shows snapshots of the
For a Gaussian probe-laser profile and an upper-state PES V2(r) time-dependent wave packet IV'iM) as it evolves over the PES
accessed by the probe pulse that is assumed to show no dependence Vt(r) at various times following laser excitation of ground-state
on interfragment separation r, considerations of this nature lead ICN at X, = 306 nm with a Gaussian pump pulse of fwhm = 125
to an expression for Vft) of the form fs. The potential energy functions Vfr) and V2(r) used in these
simulations are given by eq 16 with the parameters given in section
V}(t) = ± ( ?/2)|1 [C//(f;X2)]/ln 2|V2 (17) II.C. As indicated in Figure 1, and discussed previously by Fisher
where now /(t;X2) represents deconvolved FTS data points. et al.,17,18 optical excitation of ICN at X] = 306 nm is a classically
forbidden process (K,(r) -v^ 7525 cm'1 for r = rt), so that initial
Equation 11 permits Vft) to be conveniently transformed to Vfr)
and vice versa. Application of eq 17 to yield a faithful repre- motion of the wave packet along the dissociation coordinate is
sentation potential energy function governing reaction from ex- dominated by tunneling through the inner repulsive limb of the
perimental measurements necessitates that various assumptions
are made concerning the nature of the time development of the (115) Messiah, A. Quantum Mechanics; North-Holland: Amsterdam,
dissociative process. The inversion procedure outlined above 1966; Vol. I, Chapter VI, pp 216-222.
requires63 that the time evolution of the reacting system is governed (116) Zewail, A. H. J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 2, submitted for
by the laws of classical mechanics so that the photofragmentation (117) Cong, P.; Herek, J. L.; Mohktari, A.; Zewail, A. H. Unpublished
process can be viewed as the motion executed by a heavy particle results.
traversing the controlling PES. In reality, the first (pump) ex- (118) Janssen, . . M.; Bowman, R. M.; Zewail, A. H. Chem. Phys.
Lett. 1990, 172, 99.
(119) Gruebele, M.; Roberts, G.; Dantus, M.; Bowman, R. M. Chem.
(114) Moore, C. E. Atomic Energy Levels, Natl. Stand. Ref. Data Ser. Phys. Lett. 1990, 166, 459.
(U.S., Natl. Bur. Stand.) 1971, 35, 106. (120) Bernstein, R. B.; Zewail, A. H. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1990,170, 321.
7980 The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 95, No. 21, 1991 Roberts and Zewail

2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Figure 2. [I—CN] wave packets. Time evolution of the wavefunction
IV-itO) over the PES K,(r) of Figure 1 following excitation at ! 306

nm by a Gaussian-shaped pump-laser pulse of fwhm = 125 fs centerd

at ( = 0 fs. Figure 3. Time-dependent [I—CN]** population on K,(r). Plot of the
population (^iMI^fz)) on the first excited PES V¡(r) of Figure 1 as a
excited-state potential. Some 50 fs after the perturbation due to function of time following laser photolysis at , = 306 nm with a
the pump laser begins, the expectation value (r) for |^,( )) is (r) Gaussian pump pulse of fwhm = 125 fs centered at t = 0 fs.
ra« 2.9 A, where r0 is the classical turning point on Vfr) for
this excitation energy (see section II.B).
The wave function grows during the period (300 fs) over which
the first laser pulse pumps more population to the excited state,
achieving an approximately Gaussian shape at the end of this time.
It then propagates out to larger values of r as time proceeds,
retaining its shape with very little spreading for t < 300 fs, at which
time the wave packet samples regions of Vfr) corresponding to
an average separation of (r) = 10.7 A along the I—CN inter-
fragment coordinate, approximately 4 times longer than the
ground-state equilibrium distance.105,106 Noteworthy in our view
is the fact that |^,(z)> begins to sample the asymptotic region of
the PES, where Vfr) is < 50 cm"1 above the dissociation limit,
after only some 50 fs, i.e. while the pump laser is still interacting
with the system. By the time the perturbation due to the pump
laser is complete at t = 150 fs, | ,( )) is centered about an average
position (r) = 6.7 A on the reaction path and extends over a range
of radial coordinates isr 3.4 A (measured at fwhm). Up until

this time, the wave packet experiences a large variation in potential

energy over a small change in r (Vfr)/cm"1: = 13 717 at r

rt = 2.745 A; = £av » 6550 at r = r0 = 2.89 A; and « 1.73 X r/fs

10'5 at r = 6.7 A), giving rise to severe broadening of the ab-
Figure 4. Transient behavior calculated by quantum dynamics. Graphs
sorption spectrum. The greater part of the nuclear recoil process of the norm of the wavefunction |^2(f)) created on V2(r) by action of the
leading to final product states, however, occurs over the long-range probe laser, representing the total fluorescence signal, versus pump-probe
part of the potential at distances r > 6.7 A, and such motion takes time delay for a pump wavelength of , = 306 nm and various probe
a much longer time to reach completion. Beswick and Jortner wavelengths (X2, nm): (i) 388.5; (ii) 388.9; (iii) 389.8; (iv) 390.4; (v)
realized this point49 and Fried and Mukamel have shown how the 391.4. Both transform-limited laser pulses have Gaussian temporal
profiles of fwhm
= 125 fs, and values of <^2(Z)|^2(f)> are normalized with
“tail” of the wave function can be monitored at long times.59"61
As noted in section II.B and shown in Figure 2, the finite pulse respect to the long-time asymptote of the on-resonance signal (i). Par-
ametrized forms of K|(r) and V2(r) are those given in the caption to
width of the pump laser and its convolution with the early-time
Figure 1. Note the different long-time values of <^2( )| 2( )) compared
dynamics clearly play an important role in determining the initial to A(t) shown in Figure 5 (see text for discussion). This difference
form of the wave packet | |( )> on a purely repulsive potential reflects only the choice of the temporal width of E2(t2) and /2(Z2), but the
such as Vfr), and can be handled properly both theoretically and results to compare with experiments are not, of course, subject to this
experimentally as described below (see also section IV). The choice. (See Figure 6 for inversion of FTS transients to the PES.)
important point, however, is that a detection window62,63 is pro-
jected onto the reactive potential by the probe laser (in this case the FTS technique,1"11 are displayed in Figure 4 for a pump
of width = 118 cm"1 for a Gaussian pulse of fwhm = 125 fs wavelength of X[ = 306 nm and five probe wavelengths, chosen
in the time domain) that enables the evolution of the wave packet to match those employed in the previous experimental measure-
to be monitored in real time. ments reported by our group.5 The shapes of these curves have
Displayed in Figure 3 is a graph of the excited-state population been discussed in detail elsewhere;2"11·42"44,51,58"60,62,63 here we wish
< ( )| ( )) on the potential V,(r) as a function of time following to highlight only a few points.
, = 306 nm pumping. An initial rise in population is followed First, the calculated transients of Figure 4 are in general accord
by a slight decrease to some steady-state level, indicative of with both the experimental measurements of Dantus, Rosker, and
off-resonance excitation to the upper electronic state in relation Zewail2"5 and with the results of earlier quantum-dynamical42,44,51
to the absorption maximum at = 251.3 nm,77 as noted previously and classical4,5,58"63 calculations. We note that the calculated
by Williams and Imre.42 on-resonance signal, labeled (i) in Figure 4, reaches half-maximum
Plots of ( 2( )| 2( )) versus time delay r, representing the type intensity after approximately 60 fs. According to the classical
of time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectra obtained by description of section II.B, such a time represents the period
Femtosecond Real-Time Probing of Reactions The Journal of Physical Chemistry, yol. 95, No. 21, ¡991 7981

required for the dissociating system to reach that point on the lengths of X[ = 295 and 285 nm (see section II.C). At this point,
exponentially repulsive PES where K,(r) = /2 cm-1,4-62 pre- we feel able only to recall that no direct evidence supporting the
viously designated3-5·7"10 as the clocking time t1j/2· As discussed presence of one or more surface intersections at distances beyond
in section III.D, ti/2 is the dissociation time for bond rupture within the Franck-Condon region has been obtained from FTS mea-
the framework of real-time measurements; as the spectral width surements;2-5 delays in the appearance of the free CN product
of the probe-laser pulse is made increasingly narrow, the rise to of reaction lb and/or resonance-type behavior (such as has been
the asymptotic value of an on-resonance FTS measurement be- observed hitherto in the dissociation of Nal,98-102 Hgl2,103,104 and
comes consequently sharper, cumulating in an instantaneous CH3I121 for example) might be expected5 to result from reactive
step-function response in the limit that tends to zero ( -function trajectories that sample those regions of configuration space where
frequency spectrum) for probe pulses of infinite duration in the diabatic surfaces intersect en route to dissociation products. The
time domain. At a time delay of = 1/2 = 60 fs, the expectation implications of the possible location of a potential minimum along
value (r) of the wave packet | ( )) on Vfr) is (r) -
4.1 Á, the dissociation coordinate in relation to FTS measurements have
corresponding exactly with the classical value r^ = 4.1 Á given been discussed in detail elsewhere.63
by eq 11. The off-resonance fluorescence signals of Figure 4, denoted
Calculations analogous to that displayed as Figure 4, curve (i), (ii)-(v), exhibit peak intensities that shift to shorter delay times
carried out for pump wavelengths , = 295 and 285 nm, resulted with increasing probe-laser wavelength X2. Within the frame-
in on-resonance transients characterized by values of t^2 57 work of the classical model outlined in section II. B, this behavior
and 55 fs, respectively, reflecting the influence of increasing recoil has previously been interpreted2,4,5,7,11,62,63 in terms of detection
velocity for separation of products at shorter photolysis wavelengths of [I—CN]4* transition-state configurations across a range of
on the calculated dissociation time (see eq 18 below). That values coordinate positions on the reactive PES. Deconvolution of the
of t1/2 decrease only by some 5 fs when the total available kinetic combined pump- and probe-laser intensity profiles from the data
energy £av for fragment separation is increased by some 2410 cm-1 shown in Figure 4 indicates that the time taken for the [I—CN]4*
from £av » 6550 cm-1 ( , = 306 nm) to £av« 8960 cm-1 (Xj = moiety to traverse the fwhm of the off-resonance spectra is about
285 nm) is merely a reflection of the small range parameter a,-1 5-15 fs, depending upon the off-resonance probe-laser frequency.
= 0.193 Á employed to construct the model PES K,(r), which Experimentally, [I-CN]4* configurations have been reported to
results in a large PE gradient dVx{r)/dr at distances smaller than persist for approximately 20-50 fs.2,4,5 In terms of the afore-
about 3 Á (and which determines the early time dynamical be- mentioned classical description, Bersohn and Zewail62 have shown
havior of the reaction). that such “lifetimes" are related to the gradient dVx{r)/dr at the
The dissociation times reported above are much shorter than central point of probing r = r* on the dissociative PES (corre-
the values tIjZ2 = 205 ± 303-5 and 160 ± 305 fs observed exper- sponding to maximum absorption of the probe pulse), and hence
imentally at pump wavelengths , = 306 and 285 nm. This may to the velocity of fragment separation at r*. The deconvolved fit
be expected given the fact that the length parameter of our model to curve (v) of Figure 4 achieves maximum intensity at a time
V¡(r) potential is some 4 times shorter than the value a,-1 = 0.8 /* «= 35 fs, corresponding to r* = 3.58 Á, where Vft) == 185 cm-1
Á derived by Bantus et al. from their on-resonance “clocking” (= = 191 cm-1, as expected62,63); it may be noted therefore that
measurements.3-5 Indeed, when the parameters of eq 16 for K,(r) even the most off-resonant probe-laser frequency employed2-5
are changed to ax = 1.25 Á-1 and K,° = 2.4272 X 105 cm-1 (the interrogates the long-range tail of the reactive potential close to
latter chosen such that the classical turning point of the PES at the dissociation limit (Vx (r0) = £av = 6550 cm-1 for X, = 306 nm).
an energy £av above the dissociation limit for , = 306 nm ex- Figure 4 also shows a decreasing maximum signal intensity for
citation is coincident with that for V¡(r) shown in Figure 1), values the five transients as the probe-laser frequency is successively
of t1/2 == 185, 175, and 165 fs are determined for pump wave- detuned to the red of the on-resonance wavelength, in agreement
lengths , = 306, 295, and 285 nm, respectively. Taking due with the findings of other workers.2-5,42-44,51,58-61 Williams and
account of the different CN(X2S+) product rotational energy Imre42 have invoked a curve-crossing mechanism, reminiscent of
distributions at different photolysis wavelengths,13-20,26 the ex- the well-known Landau-Zener model, to explain such an obser-
perimental values of /2 reported by Bantus et al.5 at X, = 306 vation: at higher probe-laser frequencies, commensurate with
and 285 nm were found to scale with the same value of af1 = long-time detection of [I—CN]4* at larger values of the reaction
0.8 Á, indicating that fragment recoil velocity is the predominant coordinate (see Figure 1), the difference between the gradients
factor in determining r,/2 rather than the competing effect of dy{(r)/dr and dK2(r)/dr of the two PESs connected by the
increased separation between r0 and the optically coupled region probe-laser pulse is less than at small values of r, thus enhancing
provided by the probe laser when the pump energy is increased. transfer of population to the upper potential V2{r) from V¡(r) and
These data were therefore considered5 to be consistent with the giving rise to a more intense LIF signal. We find that maximum
fact that (strong) interactions between the PES of = 0+ (3 0+) LIF intensity is determined by convolution of the time-dependent
symmetry leading to I(2Pw2) atomic product and those of = reaction dynamics with the temporal widths of the pump and probe
0" (3 0-), 1 (3 ,), and 2 (3 2) symmetry giving rise to I(2P3/2) lasers: for -function pulses, the peak intensity is identical for
atoms occur at interfragment distances shorter than r0 for X[ = all transients, irrespective of probe-laser frequency, as has been
285 nm excitation (where I(2P,/2) atoms are also energetically noted elsewhere;62,63 increasing the temporal pulse widths of the
accessible), i.e. close to the Franck-Condon region. Such a two lasers up to fwhm = 125 fs both broadens and diminishes the
conclusion would be in agreement with the model potential curves maximum peak intensity of the calculated signals, the effect of
recently proposed by Black et al.31 as a result of their sub-Doppler which becomes more pronounced as the probe-laser frequency is
LIF measurements at X, = 249 nm (though no I—CN distance detuned from the long-time resonance value.2,4,5,7,11,62,63
scale is given in Figure 20 of that work31). B. Classical Simulations. Figure 5 depicts FTS spectra for
In contrast, recently reported ab initio reaction la calculated from eqs 14 and 15 for the same laser
computations50 reveal
the presence at I—CN separations r =» 3.32 A of a conical in- frequencies and pulse widths and model potential curves y¡(r)
tersection involving the PESs of = 0+ (3 +) and = 1 (* ,) and y2(r) as employed in the quantum-dynamical treatment of
the previous section. Comparison of Figures 4 and 5 reveals the
symmetry (the latter connecting with ground-state I(2P3/2) atoms),
as discussed in section II. The PES of = 0+ (3 0+) symmetry striking similarity between the quantum and classical calculations
has also been computed to possess a substantial attractive well of FTS data for reaction la. The on-resonance transient labeled
some 3630 cm-1 in depth with a minimum situated at about r = (i) in Figure 5 is characterized by a dissociation time of 1/2 =
3.22 Á.50 The region of such an intersection between surfaces 44 fs, in reasonable accord with the value obtained from the
could be traversed by [I—CN]4* wave packets prepared by quantum-dynamical calculation (see below). From eq 11 we may
pump-laser light at X, = 306, 295, and 285 nm, though on strictly
calculate that at a time t = 44 fs after impulsive bond cleavage,
energetic grounds, final I(2P|/2) + CN(X22+) products can only
be reached from v = 0 ground-state ICN by using pump wave- (121) Dantus, M.; Janssen, . . M.; Zewail, A. H. To be published.
7982 The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 95, No. 21, 1991 Roberts and Zewail

la can be treated satisfactorily by classical mechanics for the

particular choice of temporal laser intensity profiles and potential
functions Vfr) and V2(r) used here.62,63 This latter aspect is a
reflection of Ehrenfest’s theorem; for t > 50 fs the derivative
dK,(r)/dr of the potential function is negligible over the dimensions
of the wave packet |^t(z)>, implying that its time-evolution may
be adequately described by Newton’s Second Law.115 For reaction
la studied under the experimental conditions employed in the FTS
measurements,2"5 it does not appear unreasonable to conclude
therefore that the assumption of a one-to-one correspondence
between the frequency of the probe-laser light and the distance
apart of the separating photofragments represents an adequate
working approximation.
The similarity between FTS transients predicted by quantum
dynamics and classical mechanics reflects the fact that in this case
the intrinsic spreading of the wave packet |V'i(/)> created on the
reactive potential V^r) is negligible over the time scale for dis-
sociation, such that the observed FTS behavior closely mimics
the experimental response function (defined as the integral of the
r/fs pump-probe correlation function4). As noted elsewhere,4·5 the
use of laser pulses with temporal widths «= 100-150 fs prevents
Figure 5. Transient behavior calculated by classical mechanics. Graphs
an analysis of spreading of | ( )> on Vfr) in this instance; in-
of probe laser absorption A(r)/arbitrary units versus pump-probe time
delay r for a pump wavelength of ! = 306 nm and various probe vestigations of the predissociation of Nal by FTS, on the other
wavelengths X2. Times t* for input into eq 11 are calculated on the basis hand, which occurs over a longer (picosecond) time scale, permit
of the distance traveled by a classical particle of reduced mass µ on K,(r) the spreading of [Na—I]4* wave packets to be clearly re-
so as to attain maximum absorption /4„,,(<*) at the different values of solved.102·116·117 In section II.D it was pointed out that it is nec-
X2: (i) t·
= 300.0
(s ®) fs (X2 = 388.5 nm); (ii) t* = 49.5 fs (X2 = 388.9 essary to invoke both the above assumptions for successful ap-
nm); (in) t* = 40.9 fs (X2 = 398.8 nm); (iv) t* = 38.2 fs (X2 = 390.4 nm); plication of the potential inversion method developed by Bernstein
(v) t* = 35.2 fs (X2 = 391.4 nm). Both laser pulses are transform-limited and Zewail63 and utilized below for analysis of the present data.
Gaussians with fwhm = 125 fs (corresponding to spectral widths of fwhm
C. Inversion to the PES. Inversion of data of the type portrayed
= = 118
cm"1), and values of A(r) are normalized with respect to the
in Figures 4 and 5 to generate the radial potential Vfr) may be
long-time asymptote of the on-resonance signal (i). Parametrized forms
of K,(r) and K2(r) are those given in the caption to Figure 1. Note the carried out routinely using eqs 17 and 11 following deconvolution
different long-time values of A(r) compared to <^2( )| 2( )> shown in of the transform-limited pump- and probe-laser pulses. This is
Figure 4 (see text for discussion). illustrated in Figure 6a,b, which displays selected data points
(chosen to be approximately equidistant along the abscissa)
the (classical) NC—I bond distance is r, = 3.8 Á. Further on- representing the inverted potential obtained from simulated data
resonance simulations carried out at initial energies £av corre- of the type depicted in Figures 4 and 5 superimposed upon the
sponding to X, = 295 and 285 nm excitation yielded transient potential function F,(/·) from which the FTS transients themselves
were constructed, shown as a solid curve. Application of eq 17
spectra characterized by dissociation times of r1(,2 = 41 and 39
fs, respectively. to the time-resolved data calculated by quantum dynamics of
That the classically determined values of are shorter than course requires prior conversion of the frequency dependence of
those arising from the quantum-dynamical model of the preceding the electric vector E2(F2) to the spectral intensity distribution I2(y2),
subsection by some 15 fs may be considered to result from the The (expected) agreement between the inverted potential and K,(/·)
spreading of | ,( )) during its preparation on the excited-state given by eq 16 is sufficiently satisfactory in our view so as to render
curve fitting to the inverted data points unnecessary in this in-
potential; we note that for X, = 306 nm and fwhm = 125 fs as
before, (r) = 3.2 and 6.7 Á at the temporal midpoint ( = 0 fs) stance; both the quantum and classical simulations of reaction
and end (r = 150 fs) of the pump-laser pulse, respectively, whereas la yield FTS spectra from which the (same) functional form of
2.89 A marks the initial coordinate of a classical trajectory K,(r) may be readily recovered by using the method of section
at the turning point of V¡(r) following Franck-Condon (vertical) II. D.
absorption from the extended ground-state species by means of Figure 7 shows graphs of ( 2( )\ 2( ) against time delay for
a -function laser pulse. different probe spectral bandwidths at a single central
It may be noted that the asymptotic values of ( 2( )| 2(/)) wavelength X2 = 391.4 nm, and clearly illustrates the effect of
displayed in Figure 4 pertaining to off-resonance probe-laser varying the width of the optically coupled region provided by probe
frequencies (0.9349, 0.4789, 0.2111, and 0.0265 for the curves pulses of different temporal duration. In all cases, the frequency
labeled (ii)—(v), respectively) are larger than the corresponding spread of the pump laser was kept constant at 118 cm"1,

data for A{t) shown in Figure 5 (0.8741, 0.2293, 0.0445, and corresponding to a pulse width in the time domain of 125 fs fwhm.
0.0007 for the transients denoted (ii)-(v)). As pointed out in Similar calculations were carried out for these values of ? at
section II.D, this simply reflects the squared dependence of /2(i>2) probe-laser wavelengths X2 identical with those employed in section
on E^fa): the differences between the long-time signals calculated III. A for probe pulses of fwhm = 125 fs temporal duration.
by quantum dynamics and classical mechanics at a given Application of the potential inversion procedure outlined in section
probe-laser frequency are consistent with a spectral half-width II.D to data generated with different probe-laser bandwidths yields
for the electric vector E2(v2) (given by the asymptotes of results identical with that displayed in Figure 6a.
(MOWiU))) of the probe laser that is a factor of V2 higher than As a conclusion to this section, we illustrate the reconstruction
that for the corresponding frequency distribution of the probe- of the dissociative potential energy curve from presently available
pulse intensity I2(J»2) (determined by the long-time values of A(t)). experimental FTS data on ICN photodissociation.2"6 Figure 8
The different asymptotic values of the graphs of Figures 4 and displays experimental transients for reaction la obtained at five
5 naturally have an effect on the overall shapes of the calculated different probe laser wavelengths. If we assume that |F'1(/·) -

FTS transients (so that, for instance, the maxima of the off- K,(r*)| » |V2{r) V2(r*)| and employ eq 11 to convert from

resonance transients of Figure 5 peak at earlier times than the interfragment separation r to dissociation time Z, eq 8 may be
analogous data shown in Figure 4). readily rearranged to yield an expression for the temporal potential
Figures 2,4, and 5 together therefore indicate that the long-time K,(Z) in terms of the deconvolved FTS data /(Z;X2), the spectral
> 50
fs) dynamics of ICN dissociation according to reaction bandwidth of the probe laser and the value of F,(z) at t = t*. The
Femtosecond Real-Time Probing of Reactions The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 95, No. 21, 1991 7983

Figure 7. Transient behavior calculated by quantum dynamics for dif-
ferent probe-laser pulse widths. Graphs of the probability density ( 2-
( )| 2(<) > versus pump-probe time delay as a function of the temporal
duration of the probe-laser pulse. Transient (ii) displayed here is identical
with transient (v) shown in Figure 4; values of ( 2( )\ 2( ) for all curves
are normalized with respect to the maximum peak intensity of transient
(ii). Parametrized forms of F,(r) and V2(r) are those given in the caption
to Figure 1. Nominal (central) wavelengths are X, = 306 nm and X2 =
391.4 nm in all cases. Both pump- and probe-laser pulses are Gaussian
in shape; for the pump laser, the pulse width is fixed at fwhm = 125 fs
(AP = 118 cm"1). Probe pulse durations and spectral bandwidths are (i)
fwhm = 259 fs (AP =59 cm"1), (ii) fwhm = 125 fs (AP = 118 cm"1), (iii)
fwhm = 62.5 fs ( > = 236 cm"1), and (iv) fwhm = 12.5 fs (AP =1180

TABLE I: Parameters Characterizing Different Potential Functions

F„(r), Given by V,j(r) = F,,e exp(-«,jr) with j = a, b, or c,
Employed To Investigate FTS Behavior for Different Exponential
Forms of the Dissociative Potential (V¡(r) = ß2 0¡ = 24630 cm"1)

_«ii/ "1_FijVcm"1_ 2.0610 X 1010

V¡,(r) 5.1813
Klb(r) 1.2500 2.4272 X 10s
Vlc(r) 21.4767 5.6239 X 1030

Figure 6. Inversion to PES of FTS transients calculated by quantum dissociative potentials F^r) (j = a, b, c), all of the general form
dynamics and classical mechanics. Graphs of F,(r) against Í—CN sep- given by eq 16. The various parameters an and F,j° employed
aration r obtained by inversion of simulated FTS transients in the form to construct the different Vv¡(r) are listed in Table I, while Figure
of plots of (a) ( 2( \ 2( ) as a function of delay time shown in Figure
10 illustrates the resulting potential curves. Fla(r) is identical
4 and (b) A(t) as a function of delay time shown in Figure 5. The
with that employed in the calculations reported in sections III. A
points represent values of F,(r) determined by inverting FTS data at
selected values along the dissociation coordinate using eqs 14 and 15: (·, and III.B and comprises the parameters for the excited dissociative
O) X2 = 388.5 nm ( = 0 cm*1); (·, ) X2 = 388.9 nm ( = 26 cm"1); state of ICN leading to ground-state (CN(X2S+) + I(2P?/2)
( , ) X2 = 389.8 nm ( = 86 cm"1); (A, ) X2 = 390.4 nm ( = 125 photofragments selected by Bersohn and Zewail62 (see section
cm"1); ( , ) X2 = 391.4 nm ( = 191 cm"1). The solid line represents II.C). The value of alb is that derived by Dantus et al.3"5 from
the functional form F,(/·) = F,° exp(-a¡) relative to the dissociation limit investigations of the dissociation time of reaction la by FTS (see
0i, from which the transients shown in Figures 4 and 5 were calculated: section III.A), while alc was chosen to be greater than ala by a
F,° = 2.061 X 1010 cm"1; a, = 5.1813 A"1. factor identical to that by which alb is smaller than ala. Flb° and
Flc° were determined such that the classical turning points of the
result of considerations of this type carried out by Dantus et a!.5 three PESs occurred at the same I-CN separation r0 = 2.89 A
is displayed in Figure 9, in which values of V,(t) determined from for initial wave packet preparation at an energy £av above 0, (using
transient (iii) of Figure 8 are shown as data points at selected X,
= 306 nm
pump radiation). For all three potential functions
values of t, while the potential function V, (t) calculated from eqs Fjj(r) therefore, the wave packet initially created on the excit-
11 and 16 by assuming a Lorentzian distribution of probe-laser ed-state surface by the pump laser will achieve asymptotically the
frequencies5 is represented by a solid curve. same group velocity, although of course the acceleration of the
D. Sensitivity of Calculated FTS Data to the Parametrized PES. packets will differ in each case.
In this section, we consider the sensitivity of calculated FTS Figure 1 la,b shows time-dependent LIF signals calculated by
spectra, obtained from both classical mechanics and time-de- quantum dynamics and classical mechanics, respectively, for the
pendent quantum dynamics, to variation of the input values of potential energy curve designated Flb(r); transients obtained for
o¡ij, V|j°, a2k and V2k° (j
a, b, c; k = a, b) in the parametrized the potential Flc(r) are likewise displayed in Figure 12a,b.
forms for F,(r) and V2(r) given by eq 16. Analogous data for F,a(/·) have been presented previously as
1. Variation of Shape of F,(r). For a given functional form Figures 4 and 5. A number of points bear comparison with regard
of V2(r), here assumed independent of reaction coordinate (a2 = to the FTS transients presented in these diagrams. First, it may
A'1), FTS transients were computed by the quantum and be noted that the transients calculated by classical mechanics
classical procedures outlined in sections II. A and II.B for three resemble qualitatively those obtained from the full quantal
7984 The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 95, No. 21, 1991 Roberts and Zewail



Figure 8. Experimental transient behavior of ICN dissociation. Graphs
of LIF signal intensity (arbitrary units) versus pump-probe time delay
r recorded at a pump wavelength of X, = 306 nm and various probe
wavelengths (X2, nm): (i) 388.5; (ii) 388.9; (iii) 389.8; (iv) 390.4; (v)
391.4. Observed intensities are normalized with respect to the long-time
asymptote of the on-resonance transient (i). The solid line through each
set of data points represents the result of an optimized fit according to
the classical model of section II.B convolved with the Lorentzian profile
of the measured cross correlation of the pump- and probe-laser pulses
(adapted from ref 5).

Figure 10. Potential energy curves relevant to examination of the vari-

ation of FTS signal intensities with modification of the shape of Vx(r).
Figure 9. Comparison of PES with result derived from FTS experiments.
Diagrams of excited-state potential functions relative to dissociation limit
Graph of Vx(t) against classical dissociation time t obtained from ex- ß , illustrating the different Vx¡(r) employed to determine the effect of
perimental FTS data. The points represent values of K,(f) as selected variation in shape of the reactive potential on calculated FTS data (shown
values of t determined from transient (iii) of Figure 8 (X2 = 389.8 nm
in Figures 11 and 12). Potential parameters are taken from Table I.
( = 86 cm"1)) following deconvolution of the experimental response
function and assuming a Lorentzian profile for probe-pulse absorption
with fwhm * 204 cm'1. The solid line represents the potential function pulse occurs at increasingly large I—CN distances; in terms of
K|(r) = £,, sech2 (ctax/2) derived from eqs 13 and 15 with the value a, the classical mechanical description of section II.B, r* and t*
= 1.1905 A"1 obtained from the optimized fit through the observed data increase with decreasing ay for a given off-resonance probe
shown as Figure 8(iii) (adapted from ref 5). wavelength.
The dissociation time t1/2 for the on-resonance signals of Figures
treatment, with best quantitative agreement obtained for the 11 and 12 also reflect the different gradients dKy(r)/dr over those

potential function Vx¡(r) = Klb(r) that is constructed from the regions of r where Vx¡(r) changes significantly. The three on-
smallest value of «y (see below). As may be readily anticipated, resonance transients calculated by perturbation theory, denoted
it is found that as the value of ay is decreased (i.e„ as the potential (i) in Figures 4, 11a, and 12a, are characterized by values of µ
curve becomes less sharply repulsive), the maximum LIF intensity 60, 185, and 25 fs; the corresponding classical data, shown in
for a probe-laser pulse of given wavelength X2 shifts to longer delay Figures 5, lib, and 12b, give rise to dissociation times of 1/2 =
times (compare especially Figure 11 with Figures 4 and 12), 44, 181, and 11 fs. As alluded to above in general terms, it may
indicating that the region of Vx¡(r) sampled by the probe-laser be noted that the closest agreement between quantum and clas-
Femtosecond Real-Time Probing of Reactions The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 95, No. 21, 1991 7985






Figure 11. Transient behavior calculated by quantum dynamics and Figure 12. Transient behavior calculated by quantum dynamics and
classical mechanics for the set of potential functions shown in Figure 10b. classical mechanics for the set of potential functions shown in Figure 10c.
(a) Graphs of ( 2(/)| 2(0) versus pump-probe time delay for a pump (a) Graphs of ( 2( )| 2(0) versus pump-probe time delay r for a pump
wavelength of , = 306 nm and various probe wavelengths ( 2, nm): (i) wavelength of X, = 306 nm and various probe wavelengths (X2, nm): (i)
388.5; (ii) 388.9; (iii) 389.8; (iv) 390.4; (v) 391.4. (b) Graphs of 388.5; (ii) 388.9; (iii) 389.8; (iv) 390.4; (v) 391.4. (b) Graphs of probe
probe-laser absorption A(t)/arbitrary units versus pump-probe time laser absorption A(f)jarbitrary units versus pump-probe time delay r
delay for a pump wavelength of , = 306 nm and various probe for a pump wavelength of X, = 306 nm and various probe wavelengths
wavelengths 2. Times t* for input into eq 11 are (i) t* = 500.0 (= =) X2. Times t* for input into eq 11 are (i) t*
= 300.0
(= =>) fs (X2 = 388.5
fs ( 2 = 388.5 nm), (ii) /* = 205.1 fs ( 2 = 388.9 nm), (iii) t* = 169.5 nm), (ii) t* = 11.9 fs (X2 = 388.9 nm), (iii) t* = 9.9 fs (X2 = 389.8 nm),
fs (X2 = 398.8 nm), (iv) r* = 158.3 fs (X2 = 390.4 nm), and (v) t* = (iv) t* = 9.2 fs (X2 = 390.4 nm), and (v) r* = 8.5 fs (X2 = 391.4 nm).
145.6 fs (X2 = 391.4 nm). Both pump- and probe-laser pulses have Both pump- and probe-laser pulses have Gaussian temporal profiles of
Gaussian temporal profiles of fwhm = 125 fs (corresponding to spectral fwhm = 125 fs (corresponding to spectral widths of fwhm = = 118
widths of fwhm = = 118 cm'1 for transform-limited pulses), and cm"1 for transform-limited pulses), and values of (^MI^M) and A(t)
values of ( 2( )|^2(/)> and A(t) are normalized with respect to the are normalized with respect to the long-time asymptote of the on-reso-
long-time asymptote of the on-resonance signals labeled (i). nance signals labeled (i).

sically calculated values of rw2 is achieved for the dissociative probe-laser pulse where Kj(r) = /2 cm"1. (From an experi-
potential Klb(r) with the smallest value of a,j, since in this case mental point of view, t1/2 is measured as the time at which the
the (long-time) dynamics of the wave packet prepared on the on-resonance fluorescence signal attains 50% of its long-time
excited-state potential will most closely resemble the motion of
intensity.)3"5·7·8·11 From the t1/2 values reported above for transients
a classical particle. (From an alternative perspective, the distance calculated by classical mechanics, values of ay¡ = 5.14,1.25, and
traveled by a classical particle within a time period t = t1/2 is 20.57 Á'1 for j = a, b and c may be recovered, in overall agreement
significantly greater than 1 /ay¡, an assumption required for de- with the input parameters listed in Table I.
rivation of eq 18 below.) The off-resonance transients of Figure 1 la,b (labeled (ii)-(v),
This variation of ti/2 may be placed on a more quantitative basis as before), when deconvolved from the temporal response of the
by means of the classical expression combined effect of the pump- and probe-laser pulses, indicate that
(l/«,jy) In [8£8 / ] (18) [I—CN]** species persist for times of the order of 18-52 fs
measured at fwhm of the deconvolved signals; such lifetimes are
previously obtained by Rosker et al.,4 which relates the dissociation in good agreement with the experimentally derived values2·4·5 (see
(or clocking) time t1/2 to the length parameter \/aVi of the ex- section III.A). In contrast, [I—CN]** transition states propagating
ponential PES Vifr). As noted in section III.A, t1/2 represents along the potential curve Kl0(r), giving rise to the transient be-
the time taken by a classical trajectory starting from initial co- havior shown in Figure 12, are found to lead an extremely eva-
ordinate r0 on the potential energy curve Vfr) to arrive at that nescent existence, lasting for durations less than approximately
position within the detection window defined by an on-resonance 6 fs as the dissociating intermediates traverse the fwhm of the
7986 The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 95, No. 21, 1991 Roberts and Zewail

.5 _i_I_i_I_i_I_i I ' I ' I

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure 14. Potential energy curves relevant to examination of the vari-
Figure 13. Inversion to PES of FTS transients calculated by quantum ation of FTS signal intensities with modification of the shape of V2(r).
dynamics for the dissociative potentials KIb(r) and K)c(r). Graphs of
Diagrams of excited-state potential functions relative to dissociation limit
Fij(r) against I—CN separation r obtained by inversion of simulated FTS 0i, illustrating the different K^f/·) employed to determine the effect of
transients in the form of plots of <^2( ) 2(0> versus delay time r. (a)
variation in shape of the second-excited potential on calculated FTS data
F|j (r)
Klb(r); (b) Ky(r) = K,c(r). The points represent values of V¡fr)
determined by inverting the FTS data shown in Figures 11a and 12a at (shown in Figures 15 and 16). Potential parameters are taken from Table
selected values along the dissociation coordinate using eqs 14 and 15: (·)
2 = 388.5 nm ( = 0 cm'1); (·) X2 = 388.9 nm ( = 26 cm"1); ( ) X2
= 389.8 nm ( = 86 cm"1); ( ) X2 = 390.4 nm ( = 125 cm"1); ( ) procedure was also carried out for the classical results of Figures
1 lb and 12b, from which Klb(r) and Klc(r) were similarly obtained.
= 391.4 nm
( = 191 cm"1). The solid line represents the functional
form VvXr) = Ky° exp(-ay) relative to the dissociation limit 0,, from That different probe-laser frequencies span the largest range of
which the transients shown in Figures 1 la and 12a were calculated. interfragment separations and are shifted to larger r values for
the smallest value of ay (= a,b) is clearly illustrated by comparison
probe-laser frequency spectrum en route to asymptotic product of Figure 13a with Figures 13b and 6; for Klc(r) for example, it
states. Once again, the longer lifetimes enjoyed by [I—CN]** is only possible to recover the potential function over a range of
in the former case simply reflects the shallower gradient of the I—CN distances approximately some 0.5 Á wide. In all cases,
potential Klb(r) compared to Klc(r). The group velocity of the however, the probe-laser pulse samples the long-range part of the
wave packet monitored by the laser pulse (dr(i)/dt = v[l -
dissociative potential. In addition, the more widely separated
FytO/E,,,,]1/2 in the classical mechanical description, where v is deconvolved FTS data (in terms of the times at which maximum
the terminal recoil velocity) at a particular wavelength X2 is signal is achieved at different probe wavelengths) obtained for
identical in both cases, even though (r> (r*) is different, so that K,b(r) permit a more precise determination of the potential than
the evolving system samples transition-state configurations for is possible for more steeply repulsive curves for which the peak
a longer period of time at larger I—CN distances when ay is intensities of the resulting transients are bunched closely together
smallest; i.e., for a given off-resonance probe wavelength, the at short(er) times. Finally, Figures 6 and 13 clearly illustrate the
second laser pulse spans a larger optically coupled region con- point made by Bernstein and Zewail63 concerning the redundancy
necting the two surfaces Ky(r) and V2(r) for smaller values of in the deduced Ky(r) data obtained from eq 17, which relies upon
ay. the spectral width of the probe-laser pulse. For the probe fre-
Inversion of the FTS transients calculated by quantum dynamics quencies used here, broadly overlapping values of Ky(r) can be
shown in Figures 11a and 12a in a manner analogous to that determined in each case, though of course, the longest wavelength
carried out in section III.A for Kla(r) yields the results displayed X2 extends the range of Ky(r) values to shorter interfragment
in Figure 13, which shows as usual the inverted data points su- distances.
perimposed upon the potential functions V¡b(r) and Klc(r) from 2. Variation of Shape of V2(r). A study of the effects on the
which the FTS signals were originally constructed. The same calculated FTS transients obtained by varying the nature of the
Femtosecond Real-Time Probing of Reactions The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 95, No. 21, 1991 7987

TABLE II: Parameters Characterizing Different Potential Functions

Vjk(r), Given by Va(r) = Va# exp(-ear) + (0, 0,) with k = a

or b, Employed To Investigate FTS Behavior for Different

Exponential Forms of the Potential Accessed by the Probe· Laser
(V,(r) Flt(r) 2.4272 X 10*
Pulse = =
_«a/A"'_ty/cm'1 (0: -

V^r) co 24630
y2i(r) 1.2798 2.5653 X 10s 24630

uppermost PES V2(r) accessed by the probe-laser pulse has also

been carried out. Figure 14 shows the two sets of excited-state
potential energy curves V,(r) and K2k(r) (k = a, b) employed in
this aspect of our investigations; V2a(r) displayed in Figure 14a
is independent of reaction coordinate as before, while Figure 14b
illustrates an exponentially repulsive form K2b(r). Table II lists
the various parameters a2k and V2k° used to construct the two
potential functions K2k(r). Vfr) here is the same as Flb(r) of the
preceding section, the parameters for which are given in Table
The transient behavior resulting from the potential curves il-
lustrated in Figure 14b (i.e., for exponentially repulsive K2b(r))
is displayed in Figure 15a,b, which shows FTS signals calculated
by means of the quantum and classical treatments of sections II.A
and II.B, respectively. In the case where the second-excited
potential is independent of dissociation coordinate (K2a(r) = 02

0|), analogous data are displayed in Figure 11. Comparison

of either Figures 11 a and 15a or Figures 11 b and 15b reveals the
consequences of adding a repulsive term to the upper excited
potential energy curve; as K2k(r) is made increasingly repulsive
(i.e., as a2 of eq 16 is decreased from = <=° A"1
to a linear potential curve to a finite value of the order of a2b«
alb), a probe laser pulse of given off-resonance frequency samples
regions of the reactive potential Klb(r) at ever decreasing inter-
fragment separations, and hence also time delays; otherwise the
shapes of the calculated FTS transients are broadly similar in
shape for both potential energy curves K2k(r). Again, in the
language of the classical model presented in section II.B, for a
given off-resonance probe-laser wavelength, r* and t* decrease
in value as the range parameter a2k is reduced. t/fs
The dissociation times that characterize the two on-resonant Figure 15. Transient behavior calculated by quantum dynamics and
FTS spectra depicted in Figure 15a,b are 1/2 = 88 and 74 fs, classical mechanics for the set of potential functions shown in Figure 14b.
respectively, considerably smaller than the results obtained for (a) Graphs of (^2(f)|^2(f)> versus pump-probe time delay for a pump
Vtoir), where values of r, ,2 = 185 and 181 fs were obtained from wavelength of , = 306 nm and various probe wavelengths (X2, nm): (i)
the quantum and classical treatments. When a2k = a2b °°
A'1, 388.5; (ii) 388.9; (iii) 389.8; (iv) 390.4; (v) 391.4. (b) Graphs of
eq 12 does not readily lend itself to development of a classical probe-laser absorption /4(x)/arbitrary units versus pump-probe time
expression for xl/2 in the same way that eq 14 leads to eq 18 in delay x for a pump wavelength of X, = 306 nm and various probe
the limit that t -* =; nevertheless, the much smaller values of r,/2 wavelengths X2. Times t* for input into eq 11 are (i) t* = 500.0 (= ®)
fs (X2 = 388.5 nm), (ii) t* = 137.0 fs (X2 = 388.9 nm), (iii) t* = 86.6
determined in this case are consistent with a simple picture fs (X2 = 389.8 nm), (iv) t* = 65.8 fs (X2 = 390.4 nm), and (v) t* = 22.5
(namely the detection window62·63) in which the dissociative po- fs ( 2 = 391.4 nm). Both pump- and probe-laser pulses have Gaussian
tential is probed by means of a vertical transition of wavelength temporal profiles of fwhm = 125 fs (corresponding to spectral widths of
2 that connects Vfr) and V2k(r) at ever shorter interfragment fwhm = = 118 cm"1 for transform-limited pulses), and values of
distances along the reaction coordinate as K2k(r) becomes in- IlMOIlMO) and A(t) are normalized with respect to the long-time
creasingly repulsive. asymptote of the on-resonance signals labeled (i).
Deconvolution of the off-resonance transients shown in Figure
15 from the cross correlation of pump- and probe-laser pulses shown as a solid line upon which are plotted the inverted data
permits estimation of transition-state lifetimes for [I--CN]** points derived from the FTS transients themselves. In the case
measured at fwhm of approximately 50-70 fs. That these times when the second-excited potential V2(f) (= V^r)) is independent
are longer than the values between 18 and 52 fs reported above of reaction coordinate, the result of inverting to the potential
for V^r) is a manifestation of the dual effects of the larger function K)b(r) has been presented earlier as Figure 13a. Owing
optically coupled region at shorter internuclear separations gen- to the broad spectral width of the probe-laser pulse in relation
erated by the probe laser when K2b(r) is no longer independent to the maximum detuning increment =
?2“ P2 = 191 cm-1

of reaction coordinate and the smaller local group velocity of the employed in this study, each of the transients shown in Figure
accelerating wave packet (v(t) for a classical particle) interrogated 15 generates an essentially identical data set of | 21(/·)| values
at shorter average distances (r) (r* or t* corresponding to irrespective of probe-laser wavelength (we note that the maximum
maximum absorption of a probe pulse of given frequency). value of | 2 (/·)|, attained at r = l/(alb a2b) In (cc,bKlb0/

Figure 16 displays the results of carrying out inversion to the “2bF2b°) » 2.6 A, is only about 206 cm"1): for presentation
potential F|b(r) by means of the procedure outlined in section II.D purposes, we have chosen to illustrate in Figure 16 the results of
on the calculated FTS data presented in Figure 15. In contrast applying eq 17 to the calculated quantum and classical data
to previous examples of the method given earlier in this paper, obtained for X2 = 389.8 nm, corresponding to a detuning increment
application of eq 17 in this case generates a difference in potentials of = 86 cm"1 with respect to the on-resonance probe wavelength
|AF21(r)| = \Vlh{r) Klb(r)|, as pointed out in section II.D; in the X2“ = 388.5 nm. For the same reason, a broadly similar range

standard manner adopted throughout this paper, this function is of coordinate positions along Flb(r) can be interrogated for both
7988 The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 95, No. 21, 1991 Roberts and Zewail

equated with/V,i*) (and |AF21(r)| wither/*)), i.e. that/(<>**)

±( /2)[1 2]1''2 (see eq 17). Since the method
of carrying out the inversion to |AF21(r)| embodied by eq 17 is
strictly a classical procedure, it is not possible to obtain values
of 2 (/·)| from the FTS transients themselves at interfragment
distances smaller than r0 = 2.89 A, the initial coordinate (cor-
responding to t = 0) for classical absorption of pump-laser light
at Xt = 306 nm by ground-state ICN to the excited-state potential

The results of subsections III.D.l and III.D.2 show that changes

to parameters in the exponential expressions for the potentials
Vyfr) and F2k(r) can result in considerable variation in the time
dependence of calculated FTS spectra. It is clear that clocking
of a direct photodissociation reaction in FTS experiments (i.e.,
determination of t1/2 using probe-laser light that is on resonance
with a free-fragment transition) is sensitive to the shape of both
excited-state potential energy curves.
E. Centrifugal Effects on Calculated FTS Data. Inclusion of
an additional term in the dissociative PES V, (r) describing the
centrifugal barrier122 to reaction might be expected to give rise
to dynamical effects that manifest themselves in the time domain
in such a way as to be readily discernible from FTS spectra. In
order to assess the possibilities from the classical perspective of
section II.C, a preliminary analysis of the variation of probe-pulse
absorption along the reaction coordinate has been carried out for
ICN dissociation via the less energetic reaction channel la leading
to ground-state CN(X22+) + I(2P3/2) products.
To take account of the centrifugal effect in the potential function
controlling reaction, eq 16 is recast in the form122
V,'n(r) =
Vfr) + /(/ + l)h2/2ur2 (19)
where l is the quantum number corresponding to the orbital
angular momentum L of relative motion during the half-collision,
and the radial or central potential term F,(r) = F,° exp(-a,r)
+ ft, as before. Figure 17a,b display two potential energy curves
F,eff(z·) relative to the dissociation limit 0 for values of the

orbital angular momentum quantum number / = 50 and 200. In

each case F^r) =
F,(r) for / = 0 is shown for comparison, as
is the centrifugal term /(/ + \) 2/2µ/2. The parameters F,° and
a, required for calculation of Vt{r) according to eq 16 are those
employed in section II.D for F,(r) = Flb(r); i.e., F,° = Flb° =
Figure 16. Inversion to potential difference of FTS transients calculated 2.4272 X 105 cm'1 and a, = alb = 1.2500 A'1. Immediate in-
by quantum dynamics and classical mechanics, (a) Graph of |AF21(r)| spection of these two diagrams reveals how the PES is shifted to
against reaction coordinate r obtained by inversion of FTS data simulated longer distances along the radial direction with increasing cen-
by quantum dynamics, (b) Graph of | 21(/)| against classical disso-
ciation time t obtained by inversion of FTS data simulated by classical trifugal force.
mechanics. The points represent values of | 2,(/·)| and | 2 ( )| at
For the different potential energy curves depicted in Figure 17,
selected values of r and t determined by inverting the transients labeled the dependence of probe-pulse absorption A(r) on the distance
(iii) of Figure 15a,b using eqs 14 and 15: 2 = 398.8 nm ( = 86 cm'1). apart of the recoiling photofragments has been calculated using
The solid curves shown in both graphs represent the functional forms eq 8. The pump-laser wavelength is fixed at X, = 306 nm in all
| 21( )| = |/l>y*)| and |AF21(f)| = [/(r,f*)| given by eq 13, from which cases, giving rise to different initial coordinates r0 for classical
transients (iii) of Figure 15a,b were calculated. motion over each of the potential energy curves. Displayed in
Figure 18 are the resulting graphs of absorption A(r) versus
pairs of potentials Flb(r)/F2a(r) and F]b(r)/F2b(r) even though interfragment distance for the same on-resonance frequency and
the times t* and distances r* for maximum absorption of the probe four off-resonance frequencies employed throughout section III.
pulse at a given frequency are shifted to smaller values in the latter It should be pointed out that since these data are not displayed
case. (For example, for = 86 cm'1: t* = 169 fs and r* = 6.4 in the time domain, convolution of the dynamics with the finite
A when F2k(r) = F2a(r); f* = 87 fs and r* = 4.2 A when F2k(/·) temporal widths of the pump- and probe-laser pulses has not been
F2b(r).) taken into account: the graphs of Figure 18 represent “deconvolved
Figure 16a displays the result of inverting to the potential transients” of probe-laser absorption as a function of I—CN
difference |AF21(r)| from the calculated time-dependent FTS signal separation. A forthcoming publication123 will include integration
labeled (iii) in Figure 15a, where the known function | 21(/·)| of the classical equations of motion for reaction over PESs of the
is plotted against dissociation coordinate as before. The result form given by eq 19 in order to predict the expected FTS behavior
of inverting the corresponding classical data of Figure 15b is shown as a function of time and thus to offer a more valid comparison
in Figure 16b, in which by way of contrast |AF21(r)| is recast as with experiment. Nevertheless, some interesting points do emerge
a function of the time t that measures the evolution of a classical from the preliminary analysis carried out so far.
trajectory over Flb(r) to give |AF2l(f)| (see section II.B). Values When centrifugal effects are neglected, the resulting absorption
of | 21( )| and | 2,( )| obtained from FTS data displayed in A(r) as a function of radial distance r corresponds exactly to that
both Figures 16a and 16b are identical, however. We note that
the inversion procedure of Bernstein and Zewail63 requires that
(122) Levine, R. D.; Bernstein, R. B. Molecular Reaction Dynamics and
| 2,(0| be related to the observed FTS signal by an expression Chemical Reactivity, Oxford University Press: New York, 1987; Chapter 2,
of the form ( ; 2) = Cexpf- (In 2)[F2(t) F,(Z) + ]2/( >/2)2};

pp 43, 44, 58.

comparison with eq 12 indicates that |AF21(f)| may therefore be (123) Roberts, G.; Zewail, A. H. To be published.
Femtosecond Real-Time Probing of Reactions The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 95, No. 21, 1991 7989




Figure 17. Effective potential energy curves consisting of a central po-

tential and centrifugal barrier. Diagrams of the excited-state potential
function Kieff(r) (—) relative to dissociation limit showing the inclu-
sion of a centrifugal barrier term /(/ + 1) 2/2µ 2 (-·-) relative to the
radial potential K,(r) (—) for different values of the orbital angular
momentum quantum number /: (a) I = 50; (b) / = 200.

expected from the temporal absorption A(t) discussed previously

in section III.B. Figure 18a shows plots of A(r) versus reaction
coordinate for zero orbital angular momentum; when transformed
into the time domain using eq 11 and convolved with the temporal
widths of Gaussian-shaped pump- and probe-laser pulses of fwhm
= 125 fs using eq 15, these data yield FTS spectra that are
identical with those displayed in Figure 5.
Presented in Figure 18b,c are analogous graphs of probe-pulse
absorption versus interfragment separation for values of / = 50
and 200, respectively. Comparison of any two plots displayed in Figure 18. Coordinate-dependent probe-laser absorption predicted for
these figures for a given probe-laser wavelength, together with dissociation over the effective potential functions displayed in Figure 17.
the corresponding data shown in Figure 18a, reveals that as orbital Graphs of probe-laser absorption /4(r)/arbitrary units as a function of
1—CN separation r along the dissociation coordinate of the potential
angular momentum / is increased, the onset of absorption com-
mences at larger values of interfragment separation (and hence energy curves shown in Figure 17 for a pump wavelength of [ = 306
nm and various probe wavelengths ( 2, nm): (i) 388.5; (ii) 388.9; (iii)
longer delay times), as may be anticipated from the form of the 389.8; (iv) 390.4; (v) 391.4. Distances r* (A) for input into eq 8 are as
potential energy curves shown in Figure 17. At a given photolysis follows, (a) / = 0 ( ,' ) = F,(r)): (i) 15.250 (= =); (ii) 7.315; (iii)
wavelength therefore, the dissociation times t¡/2 resulting from 6.355; (iv) 6.055; (v) 5.720. (b) l = 50: (i) 40.000 (= »); (ii) 9.200; (iii)
the on-resonance curves denoted (i) in Figure 18 would accordingly 6.890; (iv) 6.445; (v) 5.990. (c) l = 200; (i) 40.000 (= «·); (ii) 34.745;
be expected to increase as the centrifugal contribution becomes (iii) 19.105; (iv) 15.845; (v) 12.820. The probe-laser pulse is Gaussian
larger. Similarly, the delay times at which the off-resonance curves of spectral width > (fwhm) = 118 cm"1 (corresponding to a temporal
labeled (ii)-(v) attain maximum intensity would also be expected profile of fwhm = 125 fs for transform-limited pulses).
to increase as orbital angular momentum is increased. Figure 18
further indicates that the peak widths of off-resonance data become of the potential energy curves displayed in Figure 17: as the
correspondingly broader as the centrifugal effect becomes in- centrifugal term of eq 19 is increased, the repulsive short-range
creasingly predominant. This too is readily explainable in terms part of the potential K,eff(/·) becomes less severe—that is to say,
7990 The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 95, No, 21, ¡991 Roberts and Zewail

the decrease in potential energy to the dissociation limit extends increase in r1/2 with rotational energy is remarkably large for a
over a larger distance as orbital angular momentum is change in orbital angular momentum quantum number from /
increased—with the result that the absorption A(r) extends over 5 to 25. It is stressed that a detailed quantitative appraisal
a larger range of coordinate positions for a probe-laser pulse of of these data, together with the elucidation of K,cff(r) and F3(r)
given spectral width . by means of 19, has yet to be carried out and awaits the completion
As a broad conclusion to the initial study of centrifugal effects of our classical calculations.123 As noted in section I, Zewail has
on the reactive potential presented via Figure 18, it may noted previously considered the variation of r1/i2 with probe-laser fre-
that FTS measurements of the real-time dynamics of dissociation quency in terms of initial bending motion of the ICN precursor
reactions afford the opportunity of elucidating the effective po- and subsequent motion of [I—CN]** intermediates over an an-
tential V{t{t(r) from measurements of the dissociation times as- gle-dependent PES, in addition to possible centrifugal effects.7
sociated with final product formation and the lifetimes of tran-
sition-state configurations, etc. Such experiments should further IV. Dissociation of Bi2: Application to a Heavy-Particle
permit the separation of the centrifugal term, thus enabling the System
form of the resultant radial potential K,(r) to be ascertained, In order to test the theoretical approaches of section II on a
provided that the orbital angular momentum associated with a system of kinematic characteristics grossly dissimilar to that of
given half-collision process can be determined. For dissociation reaction 1, both quantum dynamical and classical treatments
of ICN according to reaction 1, this can be achieved5"7 by mon- described therein have recently75 been applied to the ultraviolet
itoring production of CN radicals in specific rotational states photofragmentation of diatomic bismuth, which is also considered
(though the broad spectral bandwidth of femtosecond pulses in to proceed over PESs that are repulsive in character at distances
effect means that only a distribution of closely-spaced rotational greater than the Franck-Condon region.124 Following absorption
levels can be probed at a given frequency), which may be identified of a femtosecond laser pulse at Xt = 308 nm, the dissociation
with the orbital angular momentum of the reaction as outlined reaction results in production of ground-state Bi(4S03yi2) atoms and
below. the two spin-orbit components of the first-excited 2D°y term:
Comparison of the CN rotational-state distributions of reactions
2( ' +8) [Bi-Bi]** Bi(6p3 4S°3/2) + Bi(6p3 2D°3/2)
— -
la and lb determined by experiments carried out with a supersonic
molecular beam source,19·20,27 characterized by a rotational tem- (22a)
perature for ICN of a few kelvins, with analogous room-tem-
[Bi-Bi]** Bi(6p3 4S°3/2) + Bi(6p3 2D°5/2)
- -»

perature measurements where the parent molecule is in thermal

equilibrium,12'20·26·29·31·32 indicate that initial parent rotation is of (22b)
relatively minor importance in determining the subsequent dis- The first subpicosecond real-time investigations of reaction 22 were
sociation dynamics that lead to substantial rotational excitation carried out by Sorokin and co-workers, who recorded broadband
of the CN photoproduct of reaction la.17,39·47·52·53·56·57 Following
frequency-resolved absorption spectra in the vicinity of atomic
the line of reasoning presented by Hall et al.,26 it is assumed that resonance lines originating from the 2D°3z2 and 2D°5jz2 levels as
the initial rotational angular momentum JICN of the parent species a function of pump-probe time delay t. 124-126 The results of their
is zero before the half-collision (i.e., that ICN resides solely in
investigations led these workers124 to propose an exponential de-
its ground rotational level). Conservation of angular momentum
pendence on internuclear separation (of the form given by eq 16)
during the reactive process requires that for two noninteracting potential energy curves V\(r) and Vy(r)
Jicn = 0 = L + Jcn + Ji (20) that govern the dynamics of reactions 22a and 22b.
Application of the FTS technique to the investigation of Bi2
where L denotes the orbital angular momentum of the half-col- dissociation has resulted in the acquisition of information about
lision, JCn = N ± 1/2 is the total angular momentum of the CN the reaction dynamics over a range of internuclear coordinates
radical (excluding nuclear spin) and J! = 3/2 or 1 /2 represents on the two PESs controlling reaction via both exit channels.75 In
the total angular momentum of the I-atom fragment. For large contrast to the experimental scheme for probing the ICN disso-
values of N, the approximation JCn = N and JCn, L » J| can be ciation reaction illustrated in Figure 1, a probe-laser pulse of given
made,26 in which case eq 20 collapses to the simple equality wavelength that monitors the evolution of reaction 22 can result
L = -N (21) in the population of several closely-spaced high-lying PESs V2(r)
that correlate with high-lying electronic levels of atomic Bi. Owing
The vector describing rotational angular momentum of the CN to the coincidence of the probe-laser frequency with energy sep-
product is therefore equal in magnitude but opposite in direction arations within the electronic structure of Bi atoms and between
to that of the orbital angular momentum of relative motion during the perturbed levels of the [Bi-Bi]** moiety, it is therefore possible
the dissociation. Measurements of the CN product in different to interrogate the dynamics of reactions 22a and 22b individually
rotational quantum states thus constitute a direct handle on the at both final-product and transition-state configurations on the
orbital angular momentum of the half-collision via the equality dissociative PESs F,(r) and Vy(r) by monitoring the transient
(21) and, since /(/ + l)1/,2ft = fwb,m the impact parameter b also. behavior at different fluorescence wavelengths Xdet.75
Following ICN excitation at , = 306 nm (where only To illustrate the nature of the data75 that can be obtained from
ground-state I(2P3/2) atoms can be produced) and 285 nm (where FTS measurements in this case, just two examples of experimental
both exit channels (la) and (lb) are energetically accessible), transients that probe the dynamics of dissociating Bi2 molecules
Dantus et al.5 have determined dissociation times t,/2 for reaction over the lower-lying PES ,( ) leading to 4S°3y2 +
2D°y2 product
1 over a range of probe-laser wavelengths, corresponding to levels are displayed in Figure 19a. Further examples of FTS data
formation of CN radicals in different rotational states. Probing pertaining to this and the higher-lying exit channel (22b), together
at the P-branch band head of the (0,0) band of the CN 2 + with details of their interpretation, are given in the recent pub-
2 + transition at 2 = 388.5 nm, where CN in rotational lication of Bowman et al.75 Both transients shown in Figure 19a
quantum levels N = 25 is monitored, these workers obtained were recorded at a single probe wavelength of X2 = 298.9 nm (and
dissociation times in the ranges 1/2 = 175-205 and 145-160 fs pump-laser wavelength of X, = 308 nm): the uppermost transient
for pump wavelengths of X, = 306 and 285 nm, respectively (with
a standard error of about 30 fs associated with each measurement);
(124) Glownia, J. H.; Misewich, J. A.; Sorokin, P. P. J. Chem. Phys. 1990,
near the onset of the P-branch lines at X2 = 387.5 nm, however, 92, 3335.
commensurate with lower product rotational energies (JV < 5), (125) Misewich, J. A.; Glownia, J. H.; Walkup, R. E.; Sorokin, P. P. In
values of r,/2 that were much shorter than those for N » 25 were Ultrafast Phenomena VII-, Harris, C. B., Ippen, E. P., Mourou, G. A., Zewail,
A. H., Eds.; Springer Series in Chemical Physics; Springer Verlag: Berlin,
determined.5 Qualitatively therefore, it may be noted that the
1990; Vol. 53, pp 426-428.
variation of dissociation time with product rotational state is (126) Walkup, R. E.; Misewich, J. A.; Glownia, J. H.; Sorokin, P. P. Phys.
consistent with the discussion presented above, though the observed Rev. Lett. 1990, 65, 2366.
Femtosecond Real-Time Probing of Reactions The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 95, No. 21, 1991 7991

Figure 20. Frequency-resolved spectra of atomic Bi at different pump-
Figure 19. Experimental transients and corresponding excited-state po- probe delay times. Spectra of dispersed fluorescence intensity (arbitrary
tential energy curves appropriate to experiments that monitor the time- units) against detection wavelength Xdct arising from excitation of Bi
evolution of Bij dissociation over K,(r). (a) Graphs of LIF signal in- vapor at X, = 308 nm and X2 = 298.9 nm at two pump-probe delay times:
tensity (arbitrary units) versus pump-probe time delay r recorded at (a) < 250 fs; (b) > 1000 fs (adapted from ref 75).
pump and probe wavelengths of ! = 308 nm and X2 = 298.9 nm: the
upper transient depicts off-resonance behavior monitored at *, = 289.8
nm (6p27s JP,/2 — 6p3 2D°3/2); the lower transient shows on-resonance
behavior monitored at *, = 298.9 nm (6p27s 4P3/2 -*· 6p3 2D°3/2). (b)
Schematic diagram of excited-state potential energy curves at energies
£ < 50 X 103 cm"1 above the 4S°3/2 ground atomic level that may be
invoked to explain how both on- and off-resonance FTS data for reaction
22 can be obtained by using a single probe-laser wavelength. Potential
parameters are given in ref 75 (adapted from ref 75).

of Figure 19a, recorded at Xdet = 289.8 nm (6p27s 2P1/2 -*· 6p3

2D°3/2), exhibits off-resonance behavior characterized by a rise
and decay in the observed LIF signal; displayed in the lower
portion are typical on-resonance data monitored at Xdet = 298.9
nm (6p27s 4P3/2 -
6p3 2D°3/2).
The origin of the different time dependences of these two
transients may be explained in terms of a simple model that
involves two high-lying surfaces V2(r) of Bi2 populated by the probe
laser.75 Figure 19b represents a potential energy diagram, similar
in spirit to Figures 1,10, and 14, which may be invoked to interpret
the real-time data displayed in Figure 19a; shown are the disso-
ciative potential Vt(r) and two V2(r) curves correlating with the
6p27s 2P|/2 and 6p27s 4P3/2 + 6p3 4S°3/2 asymptotic atomic levels, Figure 21. [Bi-Bi]4* wave packets. Time-evolution of the wavefunction
respectively. As the wave packet prepared by the pump pulse |iM0> prepared on the dissociative PES V{(r) by optical excitation at
propagates over K,(r) toward 6p3 2D°3/2 + 6p3 4S°3/2 dissociation Xj = 308 nm with a Gaussian-shaped pump-laser pulse of fwhm = 100
products, the probe-laser energy may become resonant with fs centered at t = 0 fs (adapted from ref 75).
transitions to one of the two surfaces V2(r) at two distinct in-
ternuclear configurations: once in the transition-state region 6p3 4S°3/2). As shown in Figure 20b, an additional peak

corresponding to early-time detection of [Bi—Bi]4* species; and corresponding to the 6p27s 2P1/2 -*· 6p3 2D°3</2 atomic transition
also at larger separations, resulting in long-time detection of final on-resonance with the probe laser at =
= 298.9 nm becomes

Bi(2D°3/2) product. evident at later times, while the remaining atomic transitions have
Figure 20a,b illustrates the early (r < 250 fs) and long-time diminished in intensity. Thus at pump-probe delay times r <
( > 1000 fs) dynamics of reaction 22 in the spectral regime and 1000 fs, while Bi2 has not yet completely dissociated, there is no
shows a region of the ultraviolet emission spectrum from Xdct = evidence of the unperturbed Bi atom transition, but several other
280 to 329 nm recorded at two different time delays when Bi vapor emission lines arising from [Bi—Bi]4* transition-state configu-
is irradiated by pump- and probe-laser pulses at wavelengths X, rations at various stages along the reaction paths leading to final
= 308 nm and X2 = 298.9 nm.75 Both spectra exhibit mono- product states are discernible. For time delays r > 1000 fs, the
chromator-resolution-limited peaks corresponding to atomic separation between constituent atoms of the [Bi—Bi]4* moiety
fluorescence and broader maxima resulting from scattered laser is sufficiently great such that any interaction between them is
light. Figure 20a indicates that, at early times, four transitions negligible, resulting in essentially free-fragment fluorescence from
of atomic Bi can be detected at the following wavelengths Xdcl: atomic Bi.
290 nm (6p27s 2P1/2 — 6p3 2D°3/2); 294 nm (6p27s 2P3/2 — 6p3 Figure 21 is analogous to Figure 2 and shows snapshots of the
2D°5/2); 303 nm (6p27s 4P5/2
6p3 2D°5/2); 307 nm (6p27s 4P1/2 wave function |^,(<)> propagating over Vx(r) as a function of time
7992 The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 95, No. 21, 1991 Roberts and Zewail

Figure 22. Transient behavior of [Bi—Bi]** calculated by quantum dynamics. Graphs of < 2( )|^2( )> as a function of pump-probe time delay r for
a pump wavelength of X, = 308 nm and various probe wavelengths (X2, nm): (a) 298.9 (6p27s
4P3/2*- 6p3 2D°3/2); (b) 302.5 (6p27s 4P5,2
6p3 2D°5/2);
(c) 298.9 (V2(r) corresponds to the excitation energy of Bi(6pz7s 4P5/2)); (d) 298.9 (V2(r) corresponds to the excitation enegy of Bi(6p27s 2P3/2)). Both
transform-limited laser pulses have Gaussian temporal profiles of fwhm = 100 fs, and values of ( 2( |^2(/)> are normalized with respect to the long-time
asymptote of Figure 22b. Functional forms of the potentials V¡(r), Vy(r), and V2(r) are given in ref 75 (adapted from ref 75).

after optical excitation of Bi2 by a pump-laser pulse at X¡ = 308 average positions of the wave packets | ,( )> and |i/-,.(z)) on the
nm centered at t = 0. In a manner analogous to that for disso- potentials Vfr) and Vy(r) are (r) = 11.6 and 7.5 A, corresponding
ciation of ICN, the wave function initially spreads throughout closely to the classically determined values of r1090 = 11.7 A and
the duration of the laser pulse as more population is transferred r 1500 = 7.5 A obtained from eq 11 with range parameters a,"1 =
to the upper-state potential but thereafter remains highly localized, a,,"1 = 2.0 A.124
with only minimal spreading, for times as long as 2400 fs.75 At Figure 22c,d displays off-resonance transients for the two exit
this time, | ( )> samples regions of the reaction coordinate channels leading to the 2D°7 term. These data were computed
corresponding to an average Bi—Bi separation of (r) = 26.0 Á, for a probe-laser wavelength of X2 = 298.9 nm detuned by 3625
nearly 10 times longer than the equilibrium bond length of re = and 577 cm"1, respectively, from the appropriate resonance
2.66 A.113 For reaction 22a, the wave packet may be considered transitions for free atomic absorption (X2 = 269.7 (6p27s 4P5/2
to have reached the asymptotic region of the dissociative PES, *-
6p3 2D°3/2) and 293.8 nm (6p27s 2P3/2
6p3 2D°s/2)), and
where K,(r) is only some 50 cm"1 above the dissociation limit, after correspond to early-time detection of [Bi—Bi]** wave packets at
1200 fs. Similar behavior has also been calculated for the wa- transition-state regions of configuration space.75 Both transients
vefunction | ,-( )) initially prepared on the surface Vv(r) leading show a rise and decay in signal intensity as the wave packets on
to spin-orbit-excited Bi(6p3 2D°5/2) atoms, though in this case the Vfr) and Vv{r) pass through the optically coupled region defined
group velocity of the time-evolving wave packet is much smaller, by the spectrum of the probe-laser pulse, with maxima located
with expectation values of (r) = 12.9 Á after 2400 fs and about at delay times r of approximately 220 and 670 fs. At these delay
15.1 A at t = 3000 fs.75 times, the average positions sampled by |i^i(z)> and |^v(t)) are
Graphs of (^2(z)|^2(z)), representing observed LIF signals (r) 0.34 and 3.9 A along the dissociative potentials Vfr) and

calculated by the quantum-dynamical model of section II.B as Vy(r). A comparison of these results with the appropriate FTS
before, are displayed in Figure 22 for reaction according to both data and their interpretation in terms of the topological charac-
equations 22a and 22b. Pump- and probe-laser frequencies were teristics of the reactive PESs has been given previously;75 here
chosen to match those employed experimentally.75 Figure 22a,b we simply note that such data are in broad qualitative, though
depicts on-resonance behavior corresponding to detection of Bi not quantitative, agreement with experimental results. The dif-
atoms in their 6p3 2D°3/2 and 6p3 2D°5/2 spin-orbit levels at long ference between calculated transients and those recorded by FTS
times following dissociation via exit channels 22a and 22b. These experiments has been attributed75 to a lack of sophistication in
plots are characterized by dissociation times 1/2 of = 990 and the selection of model potentials K,(r) and Vy(r), which were
1480 fs, respectively, in reasonable quantitative agreement with originally chosen by Sorokin and co-workers124 to obey the simple
the corresponding experimental estimates of 1/2 = 1090 ± 50 exponential dependence on interfragment distance given by eq 16
and 1500 ± 50 fs.75 At delay times r = 1090 and 1500 fs, the such that the long-time (asymptotic) behavior predicted from
Femtosecond Real-Time Probing of Reactions The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 95, No. 21, 1991 7993

trajectory calculations was in approximate quantitative accord processes over ultrashort time scales has been tested and evaluated;
with experiment. apart from failing to account for the purely quantum effects of
The overall shapes of the on- and off-resonance transients for rephasing and spreading of the dissociating wave packet, a re-
reaction 22 obtained both experimentally and theoretically are markable degree of correspondence between quantum dynamics
qualitatively similar in form to analogous data for the dissociation and the “single-trajectory” classical model62 in describing nuclear
of ICN given in section III: this fact in itself suggests that motion over these time scales is exhibited. It should be mentioned
fragmentation of Bi2 via the two exit channels giving rise to the that the effect of wave packet spreading could be taken into
ground-state term and 2D°3z2 and 2D°5/2 products proceeds over account by carrying out a multitrajectory classical treatment with
PESs that are predominantly repulsive in character at distances a distribution of initial velocities and positions of the dissociating
beyond the Franck-Condon region. It may be noted that values system.
of the dissociation times t1/2 for reactions 22a and 22b are ap- By variation of the parameters describing the simple exponential
proximately 5-7 times longer than those computed and determined form of the dissociative potential function V, (r) invoked throughout
experimentally for ICN dissociation and that the off-resonance this study, we have further investigated the effect on the expected
transients are correspondingly broader in the former case. These FTS transients of changing the nature of the force field experi-
effects may readily be anticipated on simple kinematic and dy- enced by the initial wave packet prepared on the reactive potential.
namical grounds (assuming little internal excitation of the I and In this way, the acceleration of the wave packet as it propagates
CN products of reaction 1); the reduced mass of Bi2 is µ = 104.490 away from the Franck-Condon region of the reactive potential
a.u compared to µ = 21.591 a.u. for ICN while the translational is altered, and its effect on the bond-breaking time and lifetimes
energies available to dissociation products are £av 6550 and 1053 of transition-state configurations examined. Similarly, inclusion
cm"1 for reactions la and lb (initiated by photolysis radiation at of a repulsive component in the form of the high-lying potential
= 306 nm) and Eav = 5102 and 1083 cm'1 for reactions 22a curve V2(r) populated by the probe-laser pulse, in addition to that
and 22b (with ! = 308 nm), coupled with the assumed functional of Vfr), has made it possible to investigate how changes in the
forms of the reactive potentials in both cases.75,123 dimensions and position of the detection window projected onto
the reactive potential Vx{r) are manifested in terms of the
V. Summary and Conclusions time-resolved “snapshots” of the reaction. By fixing the probe
wavelength and changing the total energy available to dissociation
The femtosecond dynamics of systems involving repul- products, the dynamics on V¡(r) may be isolated and mapped out;63
sive,1"6,75,94,103,104 bound,94"97,118 and quasibound98"102 PESs have by keeping the available energy constant and varying the probe
now been studied in a number of specific cases. Each of these wavelength, the separation AV2¡ = |V2(r) Vfr)\ between po-

potentials give rise to dynamical effects that are characterized tential energy curves can be determined, as discussed in section
in real time by the following phenomena: localization of the initial III.D. Such an approach has been applied experimentally to isolate
wave packet on the reactive PES prepared by the pump-laser pulse; the dynamics of reaction 1 by variation of the pump-laser
subsequent spreading and decreasing amplitude of the wave packet wavelength X,,5 while the shapes of both PESs V2(r) and Vfr)
as a function of time; and, for bound and quasi-bound PESs, governing the observed dynamics of the predissociation of Nal
oscillatory motion. In the bound and quasibound systems studied have been examined in detail by independent variation of both
thus far94"102,118 the wave function is highly localized (of angstrom pump- and probe-laser energies.99,100,102 As confirmed by ex-
or subangstrom width) and spreading of the time-evolving wave periment,2'5 the results of section III.D demonstrate the sensitive
packet is quite slow; dephasing and quantum rephasing can be nature of FTS measurements to changes in the characteristics of
observed on the picosecond time scale, while the nuclear dynamics the two potentials Vfr) and V2(r).
occurs over periods of femtoseconds. The addition of a centrifugal barrier to the PES controlling
For dissociative processes that take place over purely repulsive dissociation has been briefly considered and preliminary results
PESs such as the fragmentation of ICN reported in this paper, communicated. Finally, the effect of changing the kinematics of
and also the dissociation of Bi2,75 the initial wave packet samples direct dissociation was investigated by analysis of the fragmen-
a larger region of configuration space; not because of spreading tation of the behavior Bi2 molecule. The predictive power of
effects inherent in the time-evolution of the wave function,115 but classical mechanics for both ICN and Bi2 systems is remarkable
merely because of the finite pulse width of the pump-laser pulse and consistent with quantum dynamical calculations.
and the very nature of the dissociative potential controlling re-
action. From an experimental perspective, this entails the de- Acknowledgment. We are grateful to the National Science
convolution of the temporal response function of the pump- and Foundation and Air Force Office of Scientific Research for fi-
probe-laser pulses in order to determine the time constants of the nancial support. G.R. thanks SERC for the award of a NATO
nuclear separation dynamics, as explained elsewhere4,5 Theo- Postdoctoral Fellowship, during the tenure of which this work was
retically, the preparation and probing effects of the laser pulses carried out. We also thank the referees for a thorough review
are explicitly taken into account in solving the Schrodinger of this manuscript and for useful suggestions.
equation (section II.B) or the classical equations of motion (section
II.C) for the reaction dynamics. Note Added in Proof. In addition to considering the effect of
In this article, quantum- and classical-mechanical calculations centrifugal energy in the dissociation of ICN, we have also carried
of the time-dependent dynamics of the dissociation of ICN have out an analogous investigation involving the inclusion of an at-
been presented and compared with experimental measurements tractive term to the reactive potential due to the dipole/induced
obtained by the FTS technique; a previous study75 of the atom- dipole interaction between CN and I fragments. Addition of this
ization of Bi2 has also been summarized and appropriate com- attractive term to the potential modifies eq 19 to give V,efr(r) =
parisons made. We consider that our calculated FTS transients Vfr) + [/(/ + 1)^2/2µ 2] C6/r* where C6 = Mcn2“i/(4™o)2

are in reasonable qualitative agreement with both experimental = 53 315 cm'1 Á6 (µ0 is the dipole moment of CN and «| is the
data2"5 and previous theoretical work.4,5,42,44,51,58"63 The ability polarizability of i). The results of this study will be detailed
of classical mechanics to describe the reaction dynamics of such elsewhere123 once our calculations have been completed.

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