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Al Haouz Earthquake: Death Toll Climbs to 2946, with 5674 Injured

Aid continues to flow into the affected regions as rescue operations are now focused on
reaching remote areas.

Rabat - As rescue operations unfold, the death toll from the Al Haouz earthquake
continues to rise.

As of Wednesday evening, the death toll reached 2,946, while the number of injured
climbed to 5,674

In a statement, the Interior Ministry said that the number of deaths reached 1,684 in the
Al Haouz region and 980 in the Taroudant region. No new deaths were recorded in the
remaining provinces and regions struck by the deadly earthquake.

Aid continues to flow into the affected regions as rescue operations are now focused
on reaching remote areas.

Reports indicate that authorities were able to unblock several roads, allowing for aid to
reach villages that had been cut off since the onset earthquake Friday night.

Since the start of rescue operations, a number of public and private institutions have
donated to rescue efforts.

Volunteers and numerous rescue teams from Morocco’s partner nations such as Spain,
Qatar, and the United Kingdom have united their efforts to offer humanitarian
assistance to the families affected by the earthquake.

Additionally, the aftermath of the earthquake witnessed an outpouring of support and

solidarity from people all over Morocco.

Heartwarming and impressive videos capture various charitable initiatives, as tons of

humanitarian aid is being delivered to the families most severely affected by the
earthquake, including those residing in remote and difficult-to-reach areas.
Timeline: The Deadly September 8 Earthquake in Morocco

The official death toll currently stands at 2,012, with 2,059 suffering from injuries.

It all started a bit later than 11 p.m. on Friday night. The hit was lighter in the far south
and far North and some cities but was too strong in some other regions such as El
Haouz and Taroudant -- where casualties have been mounting.

Provinces and prefectures that suffered the most human damage include Al Haouz,
Taroudant, Chichaoua, and Ouarzazate. Marrakech, Casablanca, Youssoufia, and
Tinghir also recorded deaths and material damages.

September 8: Nightmare Friday

A little later than 11 p.m., many Moroccans took to social networks to ask whether
others also felt a tremor, with many confirming having witnessed the situation.

People in Marrakech, Casablanca, Rabat, Kenitra, and Fez said they felt the quake.

Many inhabitants of the aforementioned regions also left their houses as a precaution in
the case of any aftershocks or further damages.

Many who only felt a small quake assumed that that was the end and that there would
be no further damage.

What unfolded after was a magnitude beyond what many expected.

Videos and pictures of desperate people started circulating online, with many calling on
Moroccan authorities to intervene with the necessary measures.

Some of the videos showed buildings collapsing on people in the blink of an eye
following the earthquake, which was later announced to be nearly 7 in magnitude on the
Richter Scale.
Friday to Saturday night
Friday night to Saturday morning felt like an endless nightmare due to the heartbreaking
moments millions of people went through during the earthquake.

Some videos showed thousands of people taking refuge in the open air, with some
opting for it for fear of potential new shocks while others were forced to do so as their
homes were ravaged by the tremors.

Many also shared their plights on social media, calling for authorities to intervene
quickly and criticizing the lack of medical assistance -- including ambulances.

It was then that those who only felt light tremors understood the true scale of the

A little bit later than 2 a.m., people explored the shocking outcomes of the earthquake,
with the Ministry of Interior releasing preliminary data.

The preliminary data put the number of deaths at 296 people and 153 injuries -- a
number that sparked sympathy and worry from across the country.

The number was later updated at 7 a.m., when the official number of deaths mounted to
632 while injuries reached 329.

Blood donation centers, particularly in Marrakech, launched an urgent appeal -- calling

for assistance and help from blood donors to help people in need.

At this point, the data showed that the Al Haouz province was the most affected area,
followed by Taroudant, Chichaoua, and Ouarzazate.

This is because houses in these specific areas are mostly made of clay and rocks,
without proper concrete reinforcements.

This ignited more concerns and frustration from within the country and beyond, with
solidarity and sympathy messages pouring in from across the world.

Videos and pictures also showed many people offering assistance, with many helping
civil protection and rescue teams help and identify potential victims beneath the rubble.
Royal intervention
In the morning of Saturday, Morocco’s Royal Armed Forces received urgent
instructions from King Mohammed VI, calling for the mobilization of significant
human and logistical resources to assist the affected communities.

The deployment included air and land assets and rescue teams, in addition to a medical-
surgical field hospital.

Many world leaders also expressed condolences and sympathies with the earthquake
victims, including Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro
Sanchez, and US President Joe Biden.

The leaders of Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Qatar also showed solidarity and stressed
their commitment to offering necessary aid.

Saturday afternoon also marked a working session dedicated to the latest developments,
including the measures deployed to tackle the crisis.

King Mohammed VI chaired the working session, which marked the presence of many
high-level officials and ministers briefing the monarch on the ongoing measures.

During the session, King Moammed VI declared three days of mourning as well as
other instructions, which included the creation of a special bank account by the Treasury
and Bank Al-Maghrib to receive contributions from citizens as well as private and
public institutions who wished to help.

The King also called for encouraging economic operators for a quick resumption of
activities in the areas concerned as well as ensuring the full mobilization of the
Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity, with all its components, to support citizens in
the affected areas.

The measures also seek to create reserves and stocks of basic necessities including
medicines, tents, beds, and food across the affected regions.

King Mohammed VI also instructed the Minister of Endowments and Islamic Affairs to
perform the Absent Prayer (Salat Al Ghaib) in all mosques throughout Morocco, for the
repose of the victims' souls.
The Death Toll Continues To Jump

Saturday also marked a continuous increase in the official death toll, which increased to
1,305 at 7 p.m.

The number of injured victims also mounted to 1,832, including 1,220 in critical

The Ministry of Interior updated the number around 10 p.m., announcing that the death
toll jumped to 2,012, while 2,059 were injured. The injured victims include 1,404
people in critical condition. That number continues to stand as the official reported

Witnesses in Marrakech announced that a 4.5 magnitude earthquake was felt in the city
and in nearby areas on Sunday morning.

This comes amid continued distress as people continue to mourn the deaths of

Videos and pictures of people sharing their grief and talking about the number of people
they lost during the earthquake have also continued to spread on social media.

Both the US and UK embassies in Rabat joined Morocco in mourning, lowering their
flags to half-mast as a symbol of respect.

Today marked the Absent Prayer (Salat Al Ghaib) in all mosques throughout the
country, for the repose of the victims' souls at the afternoon prayer (dhuhr).

The Ministry of Interior updated the death toll on Sunday afternoon, announcing that
the number of deaths reached 2,122, while the number of injured rose to 2,421.

The region of Al Haouz continued to top the list of the areas that recorded the most
deaths at the point with 1,351 having lost their lives due to the earthquake.
As the death toll continues to rise, efforts and mobilization have been deployed to
continue helping rescue people either those who are still beneath the rubble or those
who were left homeless.

On Sunday, Morocco’s Ministry of Education also announced the suspension of classes

in all communities and roundabouts most affected by the disaster.

The same day also marked the release of information from the Bank of the bank account
Morocco launched to tackle the earthquake and collect donations to help people in need.

Sunday also marked the arrival of rescue teams from many countries like Qatar, the UK,
and Spain, who have all offered in addition to several other countries to assist Morocco
in managing the earthquake crisis.

The few days following the earthquake were also marked by a pouring of solidarity
from many organizations, including the European Union heads of state and government,
which sent a letter to King Mohammed VI to express condolences and sympathy with
the victims and all Moroccans.

Five former US ambassadors shared a similar letter, emphasizing their support for

September 11 started in Morocco with a series of official government meetings,
including one chaired by Head of Government Aziz Akhannouch.

During the meeting, a government committee discussed a plan to reconstruct

demolished homes in line with royal instructions.

The day also marked the set up of a temporary medical facility in the Al Haouz region,
which marked the majority of deaths during the earthquake.

Throughout the day, the number of deaths rose to reach 2,497 in the morning, while the
people who were injured reached 2,476.

In the evening of the same day, the death toll jumped to 2,681, and injuries to 2,501.
A few hours later the death toll climbed to 2,862 at 7 p.m.

On the same day, UNICEF shared an alarming number, estimating the number of
children who were affected by the earthquake at 100,000.

Rescue operations entered their fourth day with renewed and energized solidarity from
all Moroccans as well as world support.

The afternoon marked the rise of the death toll to 2,901, while the injured victims
reached over 5,500 people.

A major update recorded on the day of Tuesday is the visit of King Mohammed VI to
Marrakech to assess all measures implemented so far as part of nationwide efforts to
tackle the repercussions of the earthquake.

The King also visited the Mohammed VI University Hospital in Marrakech to see
victims of the recent devastating Al Haouz earthquake and to assess relief efforts.

He visited the hospital’s intensive care unit as well as the unit dedicated to caring for the
earthquake victims. He also donated his blood for the benefit of the injured.
Who is Rosa Peral

The Netflix series “The Burning Body” is inspired by a real life story. This is the
City Police crime that took place in 2017 when a man was found burned in the
Foix reservoir, in Barcelona, and those responsible turned out to be other officers:
Rosa Peral and Albert López.

Rosa and Albert, lovers and also guard agents, were accused of killing Pedro Rodríguez
in the early hours of May 1, 2017, brought to trial in February 2020 and sentenced at the
end of March of the same year.

The person in charge of playing Rosa Peral is Úrsula Corberó, remembered for bringing
Tokyo to life in the series “La casa de papel”. But What is known about the
perpetrator of the Urban Police crime?

Rosa Peral, 42, worked as a waitress in a nightclub before joining the police and,
according to Metropoli, her former colleagues indicated that, “men fell surrendered at
his feet” and that many only came to the venue to see her because “she was very pretty
and danced very well.”

Forensics described her as a selfish person, with little tolerance for frustration,
emotional toughness and little empathy.. Furthermore, they stressed that he was
incapable of maintaining a serious and stable relationship.

Rosa Peral had a relationship with Pedro Rodriguez, the victim, and with Albert López,
the other murderer, at the same time, which triggered the crime. But that was not the
first time that the agent cheated on a couple. When she was 23 years old she cheated on
Rubén, a police officer whom she married and ended up having two daughters, with
Óscar, a police sub-inspector.

In addition, Peral was the victim of revenge porn. Everything indicated that Óscar
spread Rosa’s intimate images. When the case came to court, the prosecution
requested a sentence of two to three years in prison, but they found no evidence against
him, so the sub-inspector was acquitted.


In March 2020, Rosa Peral was sentenced to 25 years in prison for the murder of
Pedro Rodriguez and his lover received a sentence of 20 years. Although at the time,
both blamed each other, the jury found them both guilty

Due to her misconduct, the former Urban Police officer has been changed prisons up to
five times. According to the aforementioned media, Rosa has become close friends with
Ángela Dobrowolski, Mainat’s ex-wife accused of trying to murder him.

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