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Give Me Five!

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1 Listen and circle. TG3_U4_A10

1 She’d like mushrooms / chillies on her pizza.

2 He doesn’t want sweetcorn / olives in his salad.

3 She’d like some / a lot of cheese.

4 He’d like some / a lot of onions.

5 She likes savoury / sweet food.

6 He likes spicy / plain food.

Score: /5

2 Listen to two friends, Eva and Rob, talking about their free time TG3_U6_A18
activities. Choose the best answer, A, B or C.

1 On Saturday Rob is going to .

A play tennis B go kayaking C go mountain biking

2 He needs to go kayaking.

A a helmet and paddle B flippers and gloves C a mask and snorkel

3 He is going to go kayaking with his .

A sister B brother C cousin

4 Rob plays football .

A badly B well C quickly

5 Eva can ride a horse .

A well B badly C slowly

6 Eva and her sister aren’t going to on Sunday.

A play quietly B play loudly C play games

Score: /5

2 Listen to two friends, Eva and Rob, talking about their free time TG3_U6_A18
activities. Choose the best answer, A, B or C.

1 On Saturday Rob is going to .

A play tennis B go kayaking C go mountain biking

2 He needs to go kayaking.

A a helmet and paddle B flippers and gloves C a mask and snorkel

3 He is going to go kayaking with his .

A sister B brother C cousin

4 Rob plays football .

A badly B well C quickly

5 Eva can ride a horse .

A well B badly C slowly

6 Eva and her sister aren’t going to on Sunday.

A play quietly B play loudly C play games

Score: /5

3 Listen and circle. TG3_U8_A22

1 She likes watching music / sports programmes.

2 He likes / doesn’t like watching the news.

3 She likes watching quiz shows / cartoons.

4 He prefers watching comedy programmes / documentaries.

5 Last night she watched a talk / game show on TV.

6 He didn’t like the adverts / the film.

Score: /5


4 Match the activity to the place.

1 I play the drums here. a bike stand

2 I hang my coat here. b playground

3 I have my lunch here. c music room

4 We play football here. d corridor

5 We grow potatoes and carrots here. e canteen

6 I leave my bike here. f gym

7 We do PE lessons here. g vegetable garden

8 I play with my friends here at break time. h football pitch

Score: /7
5 Read and complete.

temperature broken earache stomach headache throat

1 My head hurts. I’ve got a hea da che .

2 I can’t walk. I’ve got a leg.

3 My head feels very hot. I’ve got a .

4 I can’t talk very well. I’ve got a sore .

5 After three ice creams and four burgers he’s got ache.

6 Her ear hurts. She’s got .

Score: /5

6 Read and tick (✔) what Anna likes or cross (✘) what she doesn’t like.

Hi, my name’s Anna. I love food! I don’t like plain food like rice, but I
love spicy food. Curry is my favourite! I eat pizza sometimes. I love
pizza with lots of cheese. I add crunchy onions or some sweetcorn as
toppings, but I don’t like spinach. I like fish but I don’t like prawns – I
prefer tuna. And of course I like some unhealthy things, too – I love
crunchy popcorn!

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

Score: /7
7 Read these animal facts and choose T (true) or F (false).

1 A fish is bigger than a whale. T / F

2 A giraffe is taller than an elephant. T / F

3 A lion is faster than a tiger. T / F

4 A whale is heavier than a hippo. T / F

5 A mouse is more intelligent than a dolphin. T / F

6 A crab is more dangerous than a jellyfish. T / F

Score: /5


8 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

Last night I wa s a t home . (✔)

Yesterday I . (✘)

After school he . (✔)

Last night he . (✘)


Yesterday afternoon they . (✔)

On Saturday they . (✘)

Score: /5

9 Write the correct word.

1 2 3

I always m a k e I often I my pet

my bed. the car. every day.

4 5 6

I the I often I the dog

house once a week. up after dinner. every day.

Score: /5
10 Order and write. Answer.

1 going / to / Is / kayaking / he / ? / go (✔)

Is he going to go ka ya king?
Yes, he is.

2 surfing / he / Is / going / go / ? / to (✘)

3 going / go / ? / Are / to / you / cycling (✔)

4 to / swimming / ? / Are / go / you / going (✘)

5 going / snorkelling / go / ? / Are / they / to (✔)

6 play / going / ? / Are / football / to / they (✘)

Score: /5


11 Ask questions What sea animals are there? How are they different?

Answer the questions The … is bigger/smaller/more dangerous/more intelligent than …

1 2
3 4

Score: /4

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