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Being in an exam room and your mind


I sat in the silent room observing the paper that sat in front of me. I
have never been this nervous, something so small had that big of an
impact on my life. Everything that I have done lead me to this moment.
As I was decoding the answers, the whole room around me went blank.
All I could see was my future flash through my mind. The Chemistry
paper that laid in front of me had my full focus. While scanning through
the paper my eyes glanced on a question I had been dreading,
photosynthesis. While I was trying to search for the answer, I was
distracted with the sound of people tapping their pen on the table. The
clock ticked rhythmically, slowly chipping away at my sanity. I sat
anxiously trying to find the answer for the question. Sadly, nothing
came up.
I was breathing uneasily, my heart was pounding rapidly, my palms
were sweating. I had never seen a question like that. Did I not study it?!
Did my teacher not give it to me?! I was furious, my blood was boiling
in anger as my face turned tomato red. I stomped my feet as I stood up
yelling and screaming “What is this!”. I lifted the paper ripping it in half
and rushing my way out of the door.
I snapped out; thoughts were darting around in my head. I had been
daydreaming and wasted time from my exam. I took a deep breath and
calmed down my thoughts. Seamlessly, I went back to solving the
question, my mind was thinking at its full capacity when randomly I
remember the answer. I wrote it as fast as I can trying to make up for
the time that I wasted trying to solve this question. My mind was
calculating and my hand was energetically writing as I went my way
completing the test. The exam finishes and I come out happy and
relaxed that I completed this immense task.

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