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Keyy To Success – An I I T Alumnus Est.

16. Show that the points A(7, 10) B(–2, 5) and C(3, –4) are the
CLASSWORK – 1 vertices of an isosceles right- angled triangle.

1. Find the distance between the points (2, –3) and (–6, 3) 17. Show that the points A(1, 1), B(–1, –1) and C (  3, 3)
are the vertices of an equilateral triangle each of whose
2. Using the distance formula, prove that the points A(–2, 3),
B(1, 2) and C(7, 0) are collinear. sides is 2 2 units.

3. Prove that the points (0, 5), (–2, –2), (5, 0) and (7, 7) are 18. Show that the points A(2, –2), B(8, 4), C(5, 7) and D(–1, 1)
the vertices of a rhombus. are the angular points of a rectangle.

4. Find the area of the triangle whose vertices are A(4, 4), 19. Show that A(3, 2), B(0, 5), C(–3, 2) and D(0, –1) are the
B(3, –16) and C(3, –2). vertices of a square..

5. Find the coordinates of the point which divides the line 20. Show that A(1, –2), B(3, 6), C(5, 10) and D(3, 2) are the
segment joining the points A(5, –2) and B(9, 6) in the ratio vertices of a parallelogram.
3 : 1.
21. Show that the points A(2, –1), B(3, 4), C(–2, 3) and
6. Find the coordinates of the midpoint of the line segment D(–3, –2) are the vertices of a rhombus.
joining the points A(–2, –5) and B(3, –1)
22. If the points A(–2, –1), B(1, 0), C(x, 3) and D(1, y) are the
7. In what ratio is the line joining A(a – 1, 1) and B(5, 7) vertices of a parallelogram, find the values of x and y.
divided by the line x + y = 4?
23. Find the area of ABC whose vertices are A(–3, –5), B(5, 2)
ANSWERS TO CLASSWORK – 1 and C(–9, –3).

1. 10 units 4. 7 sq. units. 5. (8, 4) 24. Show that the points A(–5, 1), B(5, 5) and C(10, 7) are
1  collinear.
6.  2 ,  3 7. 1 : 2
 
25. Find the value of k for which the points A(–2, 3), B(1, 2)
and C(k, 0) are collinear.
26. Find the area of the quadrilateral whose vertices are
8. Find the distance between the points
A(–4, 5), B(0, 7), C(5, –5) and D(–4, –2)
(i) A(2, –3) and B(–6, 3)
(ii) C(–1, –1) and D(8, 11)
27. Find the area of ABC, the midpoints of whose sides AB,
(iii) P(–8, –3) and Q(–2, –5)
BC and CA are D(3, –1), E(5, 3) and F(1, –3) respectively.
(iv) R(a + b, a – b) and S(a – b, a + b)
28. Find the coordinates of the point which divides the join of
9. Find the distance of the point P(6, –6) from the origin.
A(–5, 11) and B(4, –7) in the ratio 2 : 7
10. If a point P(x, y) is equidistant from the points A(6, –1) and
29. Find the ratio in which x-axis cuts the join of the points
B(2, 3), find the relation between x and y.
A(4, 5) and B(–10, –2). Also, find the point of intersection.
11. Find the point on the x-axis which is equidistant from the
30. In what ratio is the line segment joining the points A(–4, 2)
point A(7, 6) and B(–3, 4).
and B(8, 3) divided by the y-axis? Also find the point of
12. Find the distance between the points A(x1 , y1 ) and
B(x2 , y 2 ) , when (i) AB is parallel to the x-axis (ii) AB is ANSWERS TO HOMEWORK – 1
parallel to the y-axis.
8. (i) 10 units (ii) 15 units (iii) 2 10 units
13. A is a point on the x-axis with abscissa – 8 and B is a point
on the y-axis with the ordinate 15. Find the distance AB. (iv) (2 2b) units 9. 6 2 units 10. x – y – 3
11. P(3, 0) 12. (i) | x2  x1 | ii. | y 2  y1 |
14. Find a point on the y-axis which is equidistant from
A(–4, 3) and B(5., 2). 13. 17 units 14. P(0, –2) 22. x = 4, y = 2
23. 29 sq. units 25. k = 7 26. 60.5 sq. units
15. Using the distance formula, show that the points A(3, –2), 27. 8 sq. units 28. P(–3, 7) 29. (5 : 2), P(–6, 0)
B(5, 2) and C(8, 8) are collinear.
 7
30. (1 : 2), P  0,  .
 3

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Keyy To Success – An I I T Alumnus Est. 997-111-6074
48. If the angle between two lines is and the slope of one of
31. Find the slope of a line whose inclination is 1
(i) 45° (ii) 60° the lines is , find the slope of the other line.
(iii) 150° 2

32. What is the inclination of a line whose slope is ANSWERS TO CLASSWORK – 2

(i) zero? (ii) positive? (iii) negative? (iv) not defined? 1
31. (i) 1 (ii) 3 (iii)
33. Find the slope of the line passing through the points
(i) (−2, 3) and (8, −5) 32. (i) θ = 0° (ii) θ is acute.
(ii) (4, −3) and (6, −3) (iii) θ is obtuse. (iv) θ = 90°
(iii) (3, −1) and (3, 2)
33. (i) (ii) 0
34. If the slope of the line passing through the points (2, 5) and 5
(x, 3) is 2, find the value of x.
(iii) , which is not defined.
35. Find the value of x so that the inclination of the line joining 3
the points (x, −3) and (2, 5) is 135°. 34. 1 35. 10 36. 135° 39. 4

36. Find the angle between the x-axis and the line joining the 1
42. 1 46. 45° 48. 3 or
points (3, −1) and (4, −2). 3
37. Show that the line joining the points(2, −3) and (−5, 1) is
parallel to the line joining the points(7, −1) and (0, 3).
49. Find the slope of a line whose inclination is
38. Show that the line joining the points (2, −5) and (−2, 5) is (i) 30° (ii) 120° (iii) 135° (iv) 90°
perpendicular to the line joining the points (6, 3) and
(1, 1). 50. Find the inclination of a line whose slope is
39. If the line through the points (−2, 6) and (4, 8) is (i) 3 (ii) (iii) 1 (iv) –1
perpendicular to the line through the points (8, 12) and (x,
24), find the value of x. (v)  3

40. Without using Pythagoras’s theorem show that the points 51. Find the slop of a line which passes through the points
(4, 4), (3, 5) and (−1, −1) are the vertices of a right-angled (i) (0, 0) and (4, –2) (ii) (0, –3) and (2, 1)
triangle. (iii) (2, 5) and (–4, –4) (iv) (–2, 3) and (4, –6)

41. Using slopes, show that the points (5, 1), (1, −1) and (11, 52. If the slope of the line joining the points A(x, 2) and
4) are collinear. 5
B(6, –8) is , find the value of x.
42. Find the value of x for which the points (x, −1), (2, 1) and
(4, 5) are collinear. 53. Show that the line through the points (5, 6) and (2, 3) is
parallel to the line through the points (9, –2) and (6, –5).
43. If the points (h, 0), (a, b) and (0, k) lie on a line, show that
a b 54. Find the value of x so that the line through (3, x) and (2, 7)
  1. is parallel to the line through (–1, 4) and (0, 6).
h k

44. Using slopes, show that the vertices (−2, −1), (4, 0), 55. Show that the line through the points (–2, 6) and (4, 8) is
(3, 3) and (−3, 2) are the vertices of a parallelogram. perpendicular to the line through the points (3, –3) and
(5, –9).
45. A(−4, 2), B(2, 6), C(8, 5) and D(9, −7) are the vertices of a
quadrilateral ABCD. If P, Q, R, S are the midpoints of AB, 56. If A(2, –5), B(–2, 5), C(x, 3) and D(1, 1) be four points such
BC, CD and DA respectively, using slopes, show that PQRS that AB and CD are perpendicular to each other, find the
is a parallelogram. value of x.

1 57. Without using Pythagoras’s theorem, show that the points

46. Find the angle between the lines whose slopes are and A(1, 2), B(4, 5) and C(6, 3) are the vertices of a right angled
2 triangle.
58. Using slopes, show that the points A(6, –1), B(5, 0) and
47. If A(−2, 1), B (2 3) and C(−2, −4) be the vertices of a C(2, 3) are collinear.
ABC, show that tan B =
3 59. Using slopes, find the value of x for which the points
A(5, 1), B(1, –1) and C(x, 4) are collinear.

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60. Using slopes, show that the points A(–4, –1), B(–2, –4), 49. (i) (ii)  3 (iii) –1
C(4, 0) and D(2, 3) taken in order, are the vertices of a
(iv) not defined
50. (i) 60 (ii) 30 (iii) 45 (iv) 135
61. Using slopes, prove that this points A(–2, –1), B(1, 0), (v) 120
C(4, 3) and D(1, 2) are the vertices of a parallelogram.
1 3 3
51. (i)  (ii) 2 (iii) (iv) 
62. If the three points A(h, k), B (x1 , y1 ) and C (x2 , y 2 ) lie on 2 2 2
52. x = –2 54. x = 9 56. x = 6 59. x = 11
a line then show that (h  x1 )(y 2  y 1 )  (k  y1 )(x2  x)
66.  3 67. 30 68. 20
63. If the points A(a, 0), B(0, b) and P(x, y) are collinear, using 7 7 4
72. (i) (ii) (5, 8) 73. (i) (ii)
x y 3 8 3
slopes, prove that   1 .
a b
64. A line passes through the points A(4, –6) and B(–2, –5).
Show that the line AB makes an obtuse angle with the x- 74. Write down the equation of (i) x –axis (ii) y –axis
75. Write down the equation of a line parallel to the x-axis.
65. The vertices of a quadrilateral are A(–4, 2), B(2, 6), C(8, 5) (i) at a distance of 5 units above the x-axis
and D(9, –7). Using slopes, show that the midpoints of the (ii) at a distance of 4 units below the x-axis.
sides of the quad. ABCD form a parallelogram.
76. Write down the equation of a line parallel to the y-axis.
66. Find the slopes of the line which makes an angle of 30° (i) at a distance of 7 units on left-hand side of the y-axis
with the positive direction of the y-axis, measured (ii) at a distance of 3 units on right-hand side of the y-axis
77. Find the equations of the lines parallel to the axes and
67. Find the angle between the lines whose slopes are 3 and passing through the point (–3, 5)
. 78. Find the values of k for which the line
(k  3) x  (k2  4)y  (k  1)(k  6)  0
68. Find the angle between the lines whose slopes are (i) is parallel to the x-axis
(2  3) and (2  3) . (ii) is parallel to the y-axis
(iii) passes through the origin
69. If A(1, 2), B (–3, 2) and C(3, –2) be the vertices of a ABC,
79. Find the equation of a line which is equidistant from the
show that
lines x = − 3 and x = 5.
(i) tan A = 2 (ii) tan B =
3 80. Find the equation of a line passing through the point (4, 3)
4 and having slope 2.
(iii) tan C =
81. Find the equation of a line which makes an angle of 135°
70. If  is the angle between the lines joining the points A(0, 0) with the x-axis and passes through the point (3, 5).
and B(2, 3) and the points C(2, –2) and D(3, 5), show that
11 82. Find the equation of a line passing through the point
tan   . (3, −4) and parallel to the x-axis.
83. Find the equation of a line passing through the points
71. If  is the angle between the diagonals of a parallelogram (−1, 1) and (2, −4).
ABCD whose vertices are A(0, 2), B(2, –1), C(4, 0) and
D(2, 3). Show that tan  = 2. 84. Show that the three points (3, 0), (–2, –2) and (8, 2) are
collinear. Also, find the equation of the straight line on
72. Show that the points A(0, 6) B(2, 1) and C(7, 3) are three which these points lie.
corners of a square ABCD. Find (i) the slope of the diagonal
BD and (ii) the coordinates of the fourth vertex D. 85. Show that the points (a, 0), (0, b) and (3a, –2b) are
collinear. Also find the equation of the line containing
73. A(1, 1), B(7, 3) and C(3, 6) are the vertices of a ABC. If D is them.
the mid point of BC and AL  BC, find the slopes of (i) AD
and (ii) AL. 86. Find the equations of the sides of a triangle whose vertices
are A(–1, 8), B(4, –2) and C(–5, –3).
87. Find the equations of the medians of a ABC whose
vertices are A(2, 5), B(–4, 9) and C(–2, –1).

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Keyy To Success – An I I T Alumnus Est. 997-111-6074
88. Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of the line (iii) which makes an angle of with the positive
joining the points A(2, 3) and B(6, –5). direction of the x-axis and passes through the point
(0, 2)
89. If A(2, 1), B(–2, 3) and C(4, 5) are the vertices of a ABC
then find the equation 99. Find the equation of line whose inclination with the axis is
(i) the median through C (ii) the altitude through B 30 and which passes through the point (0, 2).
(iii) the right bisector of side BC.
100. Find the equation of a line whose inclination with the x-
90. Find the equation of the bisector of A of ABC, whose axis is 150 and which passes through the point (3, –5).
vertices are A(–2, 4), B(5, 5) and C(4, –2).
101. Find the equation of a line passing through the origin and
making an angle of 120 with the positive direction of the
74. (i) y = 0 (ii) x = 0
75. (i) y = 5 (ii) y = –4 102. Find the equation of a line which cuts off intercept 5 on the
76. (i) x = –7 (ii) x = 3 x-axis and makes an angle 60 with the positive direction
77. y = 5 and x = –3 the x-axis.
78. (i) k = ±2 (ii) k = 3
103. Find the equation of the line passing through the point
(iii) k = 1 or k = 6 P(4, –5) and parallel to the line joining points A(3, 7) and
79. M(1, 0) 80. 2x – y – 5 = 0 81. x + y – 8 = 0 B(–2, 4).
82. y+4=0 83. 5x + 3y + 2 = 0
104. Find the equation of the line passing through the point
84. 2x – 5y – 6 = 0 85. bx + ay – ab = 0
P(–3, 5) and perpendicular to the line passing through the
86. 2x + y – 6 = 0, x – 9y – 22 = 0, 11x – 4y + 43 = 0 points A(2, 5) and B(–3, 6).
87. x – 5y + 23 = 0, 7x + 4y – 8 = 0, 8x – y + 15 = 0
88. x – 2y – 6 = 0 105. Find the slope and the equation of the line passing through
the points:
89. (i) 3x – 4y + 8 = 0 (ii) x + 2y – 4 = 0 (i) (3, –2) and (–5, –7) (ii) (–1, 1) and (2, –4)
(iii) 3x + y – 7 = 0 (iii) (5, 3) and (–5, –3) (iv) (a, b) and (–a, b)
90. x + 3y – 10 = 0
106. Find the angle which the line joining the points (1, 3)
HOMEWORK – 3 and ( 2, 6) makes with the x-axis.

91. Find the equation of a line parallel to the x-axis at a

107. Prove that the points A(1, 4) and B(3, –2) and C(4, –5) are
distance of
collinear. Also find the equation of the line on which these
(i) 4 units above it (ii) 5 units below it
points lie.
92. Find the equation of a line parallel to the y-axis at a
distance of 108. If A(0, 0) and B(2, 4) and C(6, 4) are the vertices of a ABC,
find the equations of its sides.
(i) 6 units to its right (ii) 3 units to its left.
109. If A(–1, 6), B(–3, –9) and C(5, –8) are the vertices of a
93. Find the equation of a line parallel to the x-axis and having
intercept –3 on the y-axis. ABC, find the equations of its medians.

94. Find the equation of a horizontal line passing through the 110. Find the equations of the perpendicular bisector of the line
point (4, –2) segment whose end points are A(10, 4) and B(–4, 9).

95. Find the equation of a vertical line passing through the 111. Find the equations of the altitude of a ABC, whose
point (–5, 6). vertices are A(2, –2), B(1, 1) and C(–1, 0).

96. Find the equation of a line which is equidistance from the 112. If A(4, 3), B(0, 0) and C(2, 3) are the vertices of a ABC,
lines x = –2 and x = 6. find the equation of the bisector of A.

97. Find the equation of a line which is equidistance from the 113. The midpoints of the sides BC, CA and AB of a ABC are
lines y = 8 and y = –2. D(2, 1), E(–5, 7) and F(–5, –5) respectively. Find the
equations of the sides of ABC.
98. Find the equation of a line
(i) whose slope is 4 and which passes through the point 114. If A(1, 4), B(2, –3) and C(–1, –2) are the vertices of a ABC,
(5, –7). find the equation of
(ii) whose slope is –3 and which passes through the point (i) the median through A
(–2, 3) (ii) the altitude through A
(iii) the perpendicular bisector of BC.

Prepared By: Praful Agarwaal (B. Tech I I T - Roorkee) Page 4

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ANSWERS TO HOMEWORK – 3 122. Show that lines 27x – 18y + 25 = 0 and 2x + 3y + 7 = 0 are
perpendicular to each other.
91. (i) y – 4 = 0 (ii) y + 5 = 0
92. (i) x – 6 = 0 (ii) x + 3 = 0 123. Find the angle made by the line x  3y  6  0 with the
93. y+3=0 94. y + 2 = 0 95. x + 5 = 0 positive direction of the x-axis.
96. x=2 97. y = 3 124. Find the angle made by the line
98. (i) 4x – y – 27 = 0 (ii) 3x + y + 3 = 0 x cos 30 + y sin 30 + sin 120 = 0 with the positive
(iii) 3x  y  2  0 direction of the x-axis.

99. x  3y  5 3  0 125. Find the angle between the lines 3x  y  1 and

100. x  3 y  ( 3  5 3)  0 101. 3x  y  0 x 3y  1 .

102. 3x  y 5 3  0 103. 3x – 5y – 37 = 0
126. Show that the lines a1 x  b1 y  c1  0 and
104. 5x – y + 20 = 0
a2 x  b2y  c2  0 , where b1 , b2  0 are (i) parallel, if
5 5
105. (i) , 5x – 8y – 31 = 0 (ii) , 5x + 3y + 2 = 0 a1 a
8 3  2 (ii) perpendicular if a1a2  b1b2  0 .
b1 b2
(ii) , 3x – 5y = 0 (iv) 0, y = b
127. Find the equation of the line passing through the point
106. 60 107. 3x + y – 7 = 0 (2, –5) and parallel to the line 2x – 3y = 7.
108. y = 4, 2x – 3y = 0, 2x – y = 0
109. 29x + 4y + 5 = 0, 8x – 5y – 21 = 0, 13x + 14y + 47 = 0 128. Find the equation of the line passing through the point
(–2, –4) and perpendicular to the line 3x – y + 5 = 0
110. 28x – 10y – 19 = 0
111. 2x + y – 2 = 0, 3x – 2y – 1 = 0, x – 3y + 1 = 0 129. Find the equation of the line whose y-intercept is –3 and
112. x – 3y + 5 = 0 which is perpendicular to the line 3x – 2y + 5 = 0.
113. x – 2 = 0, 6x – 7y + 79 = 0, 6x + 7y + 65 = 0
130. Find the equation of the line perpendicular to the line x –
114. (i) 13x – y – 9 = 0 (ii) 3x – y + 1 = 0
7x + 5 = 0 and having x-intercept 3.
(iii) 3x – y – 4 = 0
131. Find the equations of the lines through the point (3, 2),
which makes an angle of 45 with the line x – 2y = 3.
115. Find the equation of a line whose slope is and y
2 115. 2x – 4y – 5 = 0 116. x  3y  3 3  0
intercept equal to . 117. 3x  y  4  0 118. x – 3y – 5 = 0
119. 2x + y + 6 = 0
116. Find the equation of a line which intersects the y-axis at a
distance of 3 units above the origin and makes an angle of 5
120. Slope = –2 and y-intercept =
30 with the positive direction of the x-axis. 3

117. Find the equation of a line which cuts off an intercept of 4 123. 150 124. 120
units on negative direction of the y-axis and makes an 125. 30 and 150 127. 2x – 3y – 19 = 0
angle of 120 with the positive direction of the x-axis. 128. x + 3y + 14 = 0 129. 2x + 3y + 9 = 0
130. 7x + y – 21 = 0
118. Find the equation of a line for which tan   and x- 131. 3x – y – 7 = 0, x + 3y – 9 = 0
intercept equal to 5 units.
119. Find the equation of a line which cuts the x-axis at a
132. Find the equation of the line whose
distance of 3 units to the left of the origin and has a slope
(i) slope = 3 and y-intercept = 5
of –2.
(ii) slope = –1 and y – intercept = 4
120. Reduce the equation 6x + 3y – 5 = 0 to the slope-intercept 2
(iii) slope =  and y – intercept = –3
form and find its slope and y-intercept. 5

121. Prove that the lines x + 2y – 9 = 0 and 2x + 4y + 5 = 0 are 133. Find the equation of the line which makes an angle of 30
parallel. with the positive direction of the x-axis and cuts off an

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intercept of 4 units with the negative direction of the y- CLASSWORK – 5
147. Find the equation of the line which makes intercepts 2 and
5 –3 on the x-axis and the y-axis respectively.
134. Find the equation of the line whose inclination is and
which makes an intercept of 6 units on the negative 148. Find the equation of the line which passes through the
direction of the y-axis. point (3, 4) and the sum of whose intercepts on the axes is
135. Find the equation of the line cutting off an intercept –2
from the y-axis and equally inclined to the axes. 149. Find the equations of the lines which cut off intercepts on
the axes whose sum and product are 1 and – 6
136. Find the equation of the bisectors of the angles between respectively.
the coordinate axes.
150. If M(a, b) is the midpoint of a line segment intercepted
137. Find the equation of the line through the point (–1, 5) and between the axes show that the equation of the line is
making an intercept of –2 on the y-axis. x y
 2
a b
138. Find the equation of the line which is parallel to the line
2x – 3y = 8 and whose y-intercept is 5 units. 151. Find the equation of the line which passes through the
point (–3, 7) and makes intercepts on the axes, equal in
139. Find the equation of the line passing through the point magnitude but opposite in sign.
(0, 3) and perpendicular to the line x – 2y + 5 = 0
152. Find the intercepts cut off by the line 2x – y + 16 = 0 on the
140. Find the equation of the line passing through the point coordinate axes.
(2, 3) and perpendicular to the line 4x + 3y = 10.
153. Find the equation of the line so that the line segment
141. Find the equation of the line passing through the point intercepted between the axes is bisected at the point (2, 3)
(2, 4) and perpendicular to the x-axis.
154. Find the equation of the line so that the line segment
142. Find the equation of the line that has x-intercept −3 and intercepted between the axes is divided by the point
which is perpendicular to the line 3x+ 5y = 4. P(–5, 4) in the ratio 1 : 2.

143. Find the equation of the line which is perpendicular to the 155. Find the equation of a line drawn perpendicular to the line
line 3x + 2y = 8 and passes through the midpoint of the x y
line joining the points (6, 4) and (4, −2).   1 through the point, where it meets the y-axis.
4 6
144. Find the equation of the line whose y-intercept is −3 and
which is perpendicular to the line joining the points 156. Find the equation of the line passing through the point of
(−2, 3) and(4, −5). intersection of the lines 4x + 7y – 3 = 0 and 2x – 3y + 1 = 0,
which has equal intercepts on the axes.
145. Find the equation of the line passing through (−3, 5) and
perpendicular to the line through the points (2, 5) and 157. Find the area of the triangle, formed by the coordinate axes
(−3, 6). and the line ax + by = 2ab.
146. A line perpendicular to the line segment joining the points
(1, 0) and (2, 3) divides it in the ratio 1 : 2. Find the 158. The area of the triangle formed by the coordinate axes and
equation of the line. a line is 6 square units and the length of its hypotenuse is 5
units. Find the equation of the line.
132. (i) 3x – y + 5 = 0 (ii) x + y – 4 = 0
147. 3x – 2y – 6 = 0
(iii) 2x + 5y + 15 = 0
148. 4x + 3y – 24 = 0 or x + y – 7 = 0
133. x  3y  4 3  0 134. x  3y  6 3  0 149. 2x – 3y – 6 = 0 or 3x – 2y + 6 = 0
135. x – y – 2 = 0 or x + y + 2 = 0 136. x – y = 0 or x + y = 0 151. x – y + 10 = 0
137. 7x + y + 2 = 0 138. 2x – 3y + 15 = 0 152. x-intercept = –6, and the y-intercept = 16
139 2x + y – 3 = 0 140. 3x – 4y + 6 = 0 153. 3x + 2y – 12 = 0 154. 8x – 5y + 60 = 0
141. x = 2 142. 5x – 3y + 15 = 0 155. 2x – 3y + 18 = 0 156. 13x + 13y – 6 = 0
157. 2ab sq. units
143. 2x – 3y – 7 = 0 144. 3x – 4y – 12 = 0
158. 3x + 4y – 12 = 0 or 4x + 3y – 12 = 0
145. 5x – y + 20 = 0 146. 3x + 9y – 13 = 0

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Keyy To Success – An I I T Alumnus Est. 997-111-6074
HOMEWORK – 5 positive direction of the x-axis and the perpendicular is
159. Find the equation of the line which cuts off intercepts –3
and 5 on the x-axis and y-axis respectively. 172. Find the equation of a line whose perpendicular distance
from the origin is 2 units and the angle between the
160. Find the equation of the line which cuts off intercepts 4 perpendicular segment and the positive direction of the x-
and –6, on the x-axis and y-axis respectively. axis is 240.

161. Find the equation of the line that cuts off equal intercepts ANSWERS TO CLASSWORK – 6
on the coordinate axes and passes through the point (4, 7).

162. Find the equation of the line which passes through the 169. 3 x  y  10  0
point (3, –5) and cuts off intercepts on the axes which are 170. ( 3  1)x  ( 3  1)y  6 2  0
equal in magnitude but opposite in sign.
171. x – y + 4 = 0
163. Find the equation of the line passing through the point
172. x  3y  4  0
(2, 2) and cutting off intercepts on the axes, whose sum is
164. Find the equation of the line which passes through the
point (22, –6) and whose intercept on the x-axis exceeds 173. Find the equation of the line for which
the intercept on the y-axis is 5. (i) p = 3 and  = 45 (ii) p = 5 and  = 135
(ii) p = 8 and  = 150 (iv) p = 3 and  = 225
165. Find the equation of the line whose portion intercepted (v) p = 2 and  = 300 (vi) p = 4 and  = 180
between the axes is bisected at the point (3, –2)
174. The length of the perpendicular segment from the origin to
166. Find the equation of the line whose portion intercepted a line is 2 units and the inclination of this perpendicular is
between the coordinate axes is divided at the point (5, 6) 1
in the ratio 3 : 1.  such that sin   and  is the acute. Find the equation
167. A straight line passes through the point (–5, 2) and the of the line.
portion of the line intercepted between the axes is divided
at this point in the ratio 2 : 3. Find the equation of the line. 175. Find the equation of the line which is at a distance of 3
units from the origin such that tan   , where  is the
x y 12
168. If the straight line   1 passes through the points acute angle which is perpendicular makes with the positive
a b
direction of the x-axis.
(8, –9) and (12, –15), find the values of a and b.

159. 5x – 3y + 15 = 0 160. 3x – 2y – 12 = 0 173. (i) x  y  3 2  0 (ii) x y5 2  0

161. x + y – 11 = 0 162. x – y – 8 = 0 (iii) 3x  y  16  0 (iv) x y3 2 0

163. x + 2y – 6 = 0 or 2x + y – 6 = 0 (v) x  3 y  4  0 (vi) x + 4 = 0

164. 6x + 11y – 66 = 0 or x + 2y – 10 = 0 174. 2 2 x  y  6  0 175. 12x + 5y – 39 = 0
165. 2x – 3y – 12 = 0 166. 2x + 5y – 40 = 0
167. 3x – 5y + 25 = 0 168. a = 2, b = 3 CLASSWORK – 7

176. Reduce the equation 3x  y  2  0 to

(i) slope–intercept form and find the slope and y-intercept.
169. Find the equation of a line whose perpendicular distance (ii) intercepts form and find the intercepts on the axes.
from the origin is 5 units and the angle between the
positive direction of the x-axis and the perpendicular is 177. Reduce the equation 3x − 2y + 4 = 0 to intercepts form and
30. find the length of the segment intercepted between the
170. Find the equation of the line whose perpendicular distance
from the origin is 3 units and the angle between the 178. Reduce the equation 3x  y  2  0 to the normal form
positive direction of x-axis and the perpendicular is 15. x cos   y sin   p , and hence find the values of  and
171. Find the equation of a line whose perpendicular distance
from the origin is 8 units and the angle between the

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179. Reduce the equation x  3y  5  0 to the normal form 2 5 2 5
181. y  x  , m  and c 
x cos   y sin   p , and hence find the values of  and 3 3 3 3
5 5
182. y  x  5, m  and c  5
180. Reduce the equation y + 4 = 0 to the normal form 7 7
x cos   y sin   p , and hence find the values of  and 183. y = 0 . x – 5, m = 0 and c = –5
p. x y
184.   1, 5 units
4 3
185.   1, 13 units
12 5
176. (i) slope =  3 and y-intercept = –2 186. (i) 150° (ii) 135° (iii) 60°
2 187. x cos 45° + y sin 45° = 1;  = 45°, p = 1
(ii) x-intercept = and y-intercept = –2
3 188. x cos 60° + y sin 60° = 2;  = 60°, p = 2
2 189. (i) x cos 45° + y sin 45° = 2
177. 13 units 178.  = 210°, p = 1
3 (ii) x cos 225° + y sin 225° = 1
5 (iii) x cos 180° + y sin 180° = 5
179.  = 240°, p = 180.  = 270°, p = 4 3
2 (iv) x cos 90° + y sin 90° =
(v) x cos  + y sin  = p, where cos  = ,
181. Reduce the equation 2x − 3y − 5 = 0 to slope–intercept 3 9
form, and find from it the slope and y-intercept. sin  = and p =
5 5
182. Reduce the equation 5x + 7y – 35 = 0 to slope–intercept
form, and hence find the slope and the y-intercept of the
line. CLASSWORK – 8

183. Reduce the equation y + 5 = 0 to slope–intercept form, and 190. Find the distance of the point (4, 1) from the line
hence find the slope and the y-intercept of the line. 3x − 4y + 12 = 0.

184. Reduce the equation 3x − 4y + 12 = 0 to intercepts form. 191. Find the distance of the point (−1, 1) from the line
Hence, find the length of the portion of the line intercepted 12(x + 6) = 5(y − 2).
between the axes.
192. Find the length of perpendicular from the point (a, b) to
185. Reduce the equation 5x − 12y = 60 to intercepts form. x y
the line   1.
Hence, find the length of the portion of the line intercepted a b
between the axes.
193. Find the length of perpendicular from the origin to the line
186. Find the inclination of the line: 4x + 3y − 2 = 0.
(i) x  3y  6  0
(ii) 3x  3y  8  0 194. If p is the length of perpendicular from the origin to the
line whose intercepts on the axes are a and b then show
(iii) 3x  y  4  0 1 1 1
that   .
2 2
p a b2
187. Reduce the equation x  y  2  0 to the normal form
x cos   y sin   p , and hence find the values of  and 195. Find the perpendicular distance of the line joining the
p. points A(cosθ, sinθ) and B(cosϕ, sinϕ) from the origin.

188. Reduce the equation x  3y  4  0 to the normal 196. If p1 and p2 are the lengths of perpendiculars from the
form x cos   y sin   p , and hence find the values of origin to the line x secθ + y cosecθ = a and
 and p. xcosθ − ysinθ = acos 2θ respectively then prove that
4p12  p22  a2 .
189. Reduce each of the following equations to normal form:
(i) x + y – 2 = 0
197. What are the points on the y-axis whose perpendicular
(ii) x  y  2  0 x y
(iii) x + 5 = 0 distance from the line   1 is 3 units?
3 4
(iv) 2y – 3 = 0
(v) 4x + 3y – 9 = 0 198. Find the distance between the parallel lines
15x + 8y − 34 = 0 and 15x + 8y + 31 = 0.

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199. Find the distance between the lines 3x − 4y + 9 = 0 and 213. What are the points on the x-axis whose perpendicular
6x − 8y − 17 = 0. x y
distance from the line   1 is 4 units?
3 4
200. Prove that the line 5x − 2y − 1 = 0 is mid-parallel to the
lines 5x − 2y − 9 = 0 and 5x − 2y + 7 = 0. 214. Find all the points on the line x + y = 4 that lie at a unit
distance from the line 4x + 3y = 10.
201. Find the equation of the line midway between the parallel
lines 9x + 6y − 7 = 0 and 3x + 2y + 6 = 0. 215. A vertex of a square is at the origin and its one side lies
along the line 3x − 4y − 10 = 0. Find the area of the square.
202. Find the coordinates of a point on the line x + y + 3 = 0,
whose distance from the line x + 2y + 2 = 0 is 5 . 216. Find the distance between the parallel lines 4x − 3y + 5 = 0
and 4x − 3y + 7 = 0.
217. Find the distance between the parallel lines
190. 4 units 191. 5 units 8x + 15y − 36 = 0 and 8x + 15y + 32 = 0.
| ab| 2
192. units 193. unit
5 218. Find the distance between the parallel lines y = mx + c and
a  b2
y = mx + d.
  
195. cos   197. (0, 1) and (0, −9)
 2  219. Find the distance between the parallel lines p(x + y) + q = 0
and p(x + y) − r = 0.
65 7
198. units 199. units
17 2 220. Prove that the line 12x − 5y − 3 = 0 is mid-parallel to the
201. 18x + 12y + 11 = 0 202. A(−9, 6) and B(1, −4) lines 12x − 5y + 7 = 0 and 12x − 5y − 13 = 0.

HOMEWORK – 8 221. The perpendicular distance of a line from the origin is

5 units and its slope is −1. Find the equation of the line.
203. Find the distance of the point (3, −5) from the line
3x − 4y = 27. ANSWERS TO HOMEWORK – 8

204. Find the distance of the point (−2, 3) from the line 2
12x = 5y + 13. 203. unit 204. 4 units
205. Find the distance of the point (−4, 3) from the line 13
205. units 206. 1 unit
4(x + 5) = 3(y − 6). 5
206. Find the distance of the point (2, 3) from the line y = 4. 207. units
207. Find the distance of the point (4, 2) from the line joining
208. (i) 2 units (ii) units
the points (4, 1) and (2, 3). 5
(iii) 4 units
208. Find the length of perpendicular from the origin to each of 7
210. k = 2 or k = –18 212. units , 7 sq. units
the following lines: 5
(i) 7x + 24y = 50 (ii) 4x + 3y = 9 (iii) x = 4 213. (8, 0) and (−2, 0) 214. (3, 1) and (−7, 11)
209. Prove that the product of the lengths of perpendiculars 215. 4 sq units 216. units
2 2
drawn from the points A ( a  b , 0) and |d  c|
x y 217. 4 units 218.
B (  a2  b2 , 0) to the line cos   sin   1 , is b2 . 1  m2
a b
|q  r|
210. Find the values of k for which the length of perpendicular 2p
from the point (4, 1) on the line 3x − 4y + k = 0 is 2 units. 221. x  y  5 2  0 or x  y  5 2  0
211. Show that the length of perpendicular from the point (7, 0)
to the line 5x + 12y − 9 = 0 is double the length of
perpendicular to it from the point (2, 1). CLASSWORK – 9

212. The points A(2, 3), B(4, − 1) and C(−1, 2)are the vertices of 222. Find the point of intersection of the lines 5x + 7y = 3 and
∆ABC. Find the length of perpendicular from C on AB and 2x − 3y = 7.
hence find the area of ∆ABC.
223. Find the equation of the line parallel to the y-axis and
drawn through the point of intersection of the lines
x − 7y + 15 = 0 and 2x + y = 0.

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224. Find the equation of the line passing through the 239. Find the equation of the perpendicular drawn from the
intersection of the lines x + 2y + 3 = 0 and 3x + 4y + 7 = 0, origin to the line 4x − 3y + 5 = 0. Also, find the coordinates
and parallel to the line y − x = 8. of the foot of the perpendicular.

225. Find the value of k for which the lines 3x + y = 2, 240. Find the equation of the perpendicular drawn from the
kx + 2y = 3 and 2x − y = 3 may intersect at a point. point P(−2, 3) to the line x − 4y + 7 = 0. Also, find the
coordinates of the foot of the perpendicular.
226. Show that the lines x − y = 6, 4x − 3y = 20 and
6x + 5y + 8 = 0 are concurrent. Also find their point of 241. Find the equations of the medians of a triangle whose sides
intersection. are given by the equations 3x + 2y + 6 = 0, 2x − 5y + 4 = 0
and x − 3y – 6 = 0.
227. If the three lines y  m1 x  c1 , y  m2 x  c2 and
y  m3 x  c3 are concurrent then show that
m1 (c2  c3 )  m2 (c3  c1 )  m3 (c1  c2 )  0 231. (−1, 3) 233. (5, 5)

228. Find the area of the triangle formed by the lines y − x = 0, 6 7

x + y = 0 and x − c = 0.
234. k = −2 235. 5 , 5
 

229. Find the area of the triangle formed by the lines 236. 12 sq units 237. 1 sq unit
y  m1 x  c1 , y  m2 x  c2 and x = 0.
 4 3
238. 4 sq units 239. 3x  4y  0,   , 
230. Find the image of the point P(3, 8) with respect to the line  5 5
x + 3y = 7, assuming the given line to be a plane mirror.  27 23 
240. 4x  y  5  0,  , 

222. P(2, −1) 223. x + 1 = 0. 241. 41x − 112y – 70 = 0, 16x − 59y – 120 = 0 and
25x − 53y + 50 = 0
224. x – y = 0 225. 5
226. P(2, −4) 228. c2 sq units
242. If the origin be shifted to the point (2, −3) by a translation
2 of coordinate axes, find the new coordinates of the point
1 (c  c2 )
229. . 1 230. Q(−1, −4) (4, 7).
2 | m1  m2 |
243. If the origin is shifted to the point (2, 3), the coordinates of
HOMEWORK – 9 a point become (5, −4).Find the original coordinates, when
the axes are parallel.
231. Find the points of intersection of the lines 4x + 3y = 5 and
x = 2y − 7. 244. At what point the origin be shifted, if the coordinates of a
point (4, 5) become (3, 7)?
232. Show that the lines x + 7y = 23 and 5x + 2y = 16 intersect
at the point (2, 3). 245. If the origin be shifted to the point (3, −1), find the new
equation of the line 2x − 3y + 5 = 0.
233. Show that the lines 3x − 4y + 5 = 0, 7x − 8y + 5 = 0 and
4x + 5y = 45 are concurrent. Also find their point of 246. Find the point to which the origin be shifted after a
intersection. translation, so that the equation
x2  y 2  4x  8y  3  0 will have no first degree
234. Find the value of k so that the lines 3x − y – 2 = 0,
5x + ky – 3 = 0 and 2x + y – 3 = 0 are concurrent.
235. Find the image of the point P(1, 2) in the line x − 3y + 4 = 0.
242. (2, 10) 243. (7, –1)
236. Find the area of the triangle formed by the lines x + y = 6,
244. O'(1, −2) 245. 2x − 3y + 14 = 0
x − 3y = 2 and 5x − 3y + 2 = 0.
246. O'(2, 4)
237. Find the area of the triangle formed by the lines x = 0, y = 1
and 2x + y = 2.
247. If the origin is shifted to the point (1, 2) by a translation of
238. Find the area of the triangle, the equations of whose sides
the axes, find the new coordinates of the point (3, –4).
are y = x, y = 2x and y − 3x = 4.

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248. If the origin is shifted to the point (–3, –2) by a translation 257. 8x + 3y + 17 = 0 258. 35x − 7y + 18 = 0
of the axes, find the new coordinates of the point (3, –5).
259. 15x + 12y − 7 = 0 260. 4x + 5y − 1 = 0
249. If the origin is shifted to the point (0, –2) by a translation
of the axes, the coordinates of a point become (3, 2). Find 261. x − 2 = 0 262. 6x − 17y + 24 = 0
the original coordinates of the point.
250. If the origin is shifted to the point (2, –1) by a translation
of the axes, the coordinates of a point become (–3, 5). Find 263. Find the equation of the line drawn through the point of
the original coordinates of the point. intersection of the lines x − 2y + 3 = 0 and 2x − 3y + 4 = 0
and passing through the point (4, –5).
251. At what point must the origin be shifted, if the coordinates
of a point (–4, 2) become (3, –2)? 264. Find the equation of the line drawn through the point of
intersection of the lines x − y = 7 and 2x + y = 2 and passing
Find what the given equation becomes when the origin through the origin.
is shifted to the point (1, 1).
265. Find the equation of the line drawn through the point of
252. x2  xy  3x  y  2  0 intersection of the lines x + y = 9 and 2x − 3y + 7 = 0 and
253. xy  y 2  x  y  0 whose slope is .
254. x2  y 2  2x  2y  0
255. xy − x − y + 1 = 0 266. Find the equation of the line drawn through the point of
2 2 intersection of the lines x − y = 1 and 2x − 3y + 1 = 0and
256. Transform the equation 2x  y  4x  4y  0 to which is parallel to the line 3x + 4y = 12.
parallel axes when the origin is shifted to the point (1, –2).
267. Find the equation of the line through the intersection of
ANSWERS TO HOMEWORK – 10 the lines 5x − 3y = 1 and 2x + 3y = 23 and which is
perpendicular to the line 5x − 3y = 1.
247. (2, −6) 248. (6, −3)
268. Find the equation of the line through the intersection of
249. (3, 0) 250. (−1, 4) the lines 2x − 3y = 0 and 4x − 5y = 2 and which is
251. (−7, 4) 252. x2  xy  0 perpendicular to the line x + 2y + 1 = 0.

253. y2  xy  0 254. x2  y 2  0 269. Find the equation of the line through the intersection of
255. xy = 0 256. 2x2  y 2  6  0 the lines x − 7y + 5 = 0 and 3x + y − 7 = 0 and which is
parallel to x-axis.

270. Find the equation of the line through the intersection of

the lines 2x − 3y + 1 = 0 and x + y − 2 = 0 and drawn
parallel to y-axis.
257. Find the equation of the line drawn through the point of
intersection of the lines 4x − 3y + 7 = 0 and 2x + 3y + 5 = 0
271. Find the equation of the line through the intersection of
and passing through the point (−4, 5).
the lines 2x + 3y – 2 = 0 and x − 2y + 1 = 0 and having
x-intercept equal to 3.
258. Find the equation of the line through the intersection of
lines 3x + 4y = 7 and x − y + 2 = 0 and whose slope is 5.
272. Find the equation of the line passing through the
intersection of the lines 3x − 4y + 1 = 0 and 5x + y – 1 = 0
259. Find the equation of the line through the intersection of
and which cuts off equal intercepts from the axes.
lines x + 2y − 3 = 0 and 4x − y + 7 = 0 and which is parallel
to the line 5x + 4y − 20 = 0.
260. Find the equation of the line through the intersection of
263. 7x + 3y – 13 = 0 264. 4x + 3y = 0
the lines 3x + y − 9 = 0 and 4x + 3y − 7 = 0 and which is
perpendicular to the line 5x − 4y + 1 = 0.
265. 2x + 3y – 23 = 0 266. 3x − 4y + 24 = 0
261. Find the equation of the x line parallel to the y-axis and
267. 63x + 105y – 781 = 0 268. 2x – y – 4 = 0
drawn through the point of intersection of the lines
x − 7y + 5 = 0 and 3x + y − 7 = 0.
269. y = 1 270. x = 1
262. Find the equation of the line through the intersection of
271. x + 5y − 3 = 0 272. 23x + 23y = 11
the lines 2x + 3y = 4 and x − 5y + 7 = 0 that has its
x-intercept equal to −4.


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