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"11:59 PM": A Qualitative Study about the Cramming Behaviors of Grade 11

STEM students in Our Lady of Fatima University

Matt Enzo Baquing 1,2,3, Cyril Espiloy1,2,3, John Luis Fampo1,2,3, Ralph Labrador1,2,3, Stephen
Andrew Lim1,2,3, John Mart Madjos1,2,3, Conrado Marcelo III1,2,3, Neil Arenz Obsioma1,2,3, Khurt
Ruszhell Torres1,2,3, Mrs. Joyce Ann Lopez-Burre, LPT1,2,3,4

Senior High School
Basic Education Department
Our Lady of Fatima University

Research Adviser

May 2023
“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...


First and foremost, praise and gratitude are due to the Almighty, the highest power
of God, for his direction and blessings during the study process. This document would not exist
without His favor. On the other hand, the participation and assistance of numerous additional
people might make the research's findings a reality. Therefore, we extend our sincere gratitude and
unwavering appreciation to the following people who, in one way or another, helped make this
study possible. The researchers are incredibly grateful to their family for their help, kindness,
prayers, and compassion. Their family has always been tremendously supportive and encouraging,
and their presence has helped the researchers finish their research paper.

The researchers would like to thank their respondents for trusting and allowing them to
conduct an interview in order for them to gather information. This research could not have been
accomplished without their presence and willingness.

To the panelist of this study, Mrs. Joyce Ann Lopez-Burre, LPT, for his comments, support
and words of encouragement for this research paper.

To the school libraries of Valenzuela City, especially the Learning Resource Center
Department of the Our Lady of Fatima and Valenzuela City Academic Center for Excellence –
ValACE for giving the researchers the perfect place to analyze their study and for providing them
a stable internet connection.

To their members, Matt Enzo Baquing, Cyril Espiloy, Ralph Labrador, Stephen Andrew
Lim, John Mart Madjos, Conrado Marcelo III, Neil Arenz Obsioma, Khurt Ruszhell Torres, and to
their classmates and friends, they would like to express their appreciation for the help and support
that they had given to their group.

Finally, the researchers express their sincere gratitude to their instructor, Ms. Joyce Ann
Lopez-Burre, LPT, who made this research possible and who was generous with her time and
knowledge throughout the process. Without her support, counsel, direction, insightful remarks,
helpful recommendations, and provisions that greatly aided her in the completion and execution of
this study, this research would not have been successful and would not have been possible. She
also provided her with love, care, and shelter while conducting this research. She contributed her
knowledge and assisted with the data analysis. Finally, by providing unending assistance to
complete this manuscript.


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

Certificate of Originality

The researchers hereby declare that this research is their work and that, to the best of their
knowledge and belief. It contains no material previously published or written by another person
nor material to which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree
or diploma of any university or any other educational institution of higher learning, except where
due acknowledgment is made in the text.

The researchers also state that the intellectual content of this research is a product of their
work, except to the extent that they may have received assistance from others on the research’s
conception or in style, presentation, and linguistic expression is acknowledged.

Mrs. Shiela S. Nape

Principal Investigator


Matt Enzo Baquing

Cyril Espiloy

Ralph Labrador

Stephen Andrew Lim

John Mart Madjos

Conrado Marcelo III

Neil Arenz Obsioma

Khurt Ruszhell Torres

Mrs. Joyce Ann Lopez-Burre, LPT

Research Adviser

Date: May 2021


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...


This research entitled, “"11:59 PM": A Qualitative Study about the Cramming Behaviours
of Grade 11 STEM students in Our Lady of Fatima University” has been prepared by the Group 4
of STEM 11-Y1-13 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for their Practical Research subject.
It has been examined and it is now recommended for an oral examination.

This certifies that Group 4 of STEM 11-Y1-13 is ready for the Oral Examination.

Mrs. Joyce Ann Lopez-Burre, LPT

Research Adviser


This is to certify that the research entitled, “"11:59 PM": A Qualitative Study about the
Cramming Behaviours of Grade 11 STEM students in Our Lady of Fatima University” that has
been prepared by the Group 4 of STEM 11-Y1-13, is recommended for Oral Examination.

Mrs. Shiela S. Nape


Ms. Merpy Alfafara

Head of Science Department



“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...


This research aims to study, analyze and understand the lived experiences of Grade 11
STEM students of Our Lady of Fatima University when it comes to their cramming behaviors.
Cramming is a phenomenon in which individuals attempt to learn large amounts of information in
a short amount of time, often in preparation for an exam or other academic task. While it may seem
like an effective way to study, research has shown that cramming can actually be detrimental to
long term learning and retention. Cramming can lead to surface level learning and a lack of deep
understanding of the material, as well as increased stress and anxiety. Additionally, cramming can
result in a lack of sleep, which can further impair cognitive function and memory consolidation. In
order to promote effective learning and retention, it is recommended that individuals engage in
distributed practice, or spacing out their studying over a longer period of time. The respondents of
this study have been screened out using a screening tool that allowed the researchers to identify if
they are qualified or not. The researchers interviewed ten (10) students from different sections of
Grade 11 STEM using an Interview Guide Questions. This allows them to analyze different
responses or answers when it comes to the topic of “cramming”. Also, the researchers want to know
what are the causes or factors of the said behavior by interviewing them one by one. This study
found out that cramming can be positive and negative with the students, depending on what their
experience and how they handle certain situations. To give it a conclusion, this research discovered
the lived experiences of students and how cramming can have its advantages and disadvantages.

Keywords: Cramming Behavior, Academic Performance, Household Chores, Lazy, Time,

Priorities, Effects, Helpful, Unhelpful


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

Table of Contents


Certificate of Originality………………………………………………………………………...II



1.0 Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………..1

1.1 Statement of the Problem …………………………………………………………......2

1.2 Significance of the study….………………………………………………………...2-3

1.3 Scope and Delimitations………………………………………………………………3

2.0 Review of Related Literature………………………………………………………………3-8

2.1 Foreign Study……………………………………………………………………….3-5

2.2 Local Study…………………………………………………………………………5-7

2.3 Theoretical Framework……………………………………………………………...7-8

2.4 Definitions of Terms…………………………………………………………………..8

3.0 Methodology……………………………………………………………………………….8-14

3.1 Research Design……………………………………………………………………….9

3.2 Research Locale……………………………………………………………………….9

3.3 Research Sampling Technique…………………………………………………….9-10

3.4 Research Instrument……………………………………………………………...10-11

3.5 Research Ethics………………………………………………………………………12

3.6 Data Collection…………………………………………………………………...12-13

3.7 Data Analysis………………………………………………………………………...13

3.8 Thematic Map………………………………………………………………………..14

4.0 Results…………………………………………………………………………………….15-24


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

4.1 Lived Experiences………………………………………………………………..15-17

4.1.1 Helpful…………………………………………………………………15-16 Faster Accomplishment……………………………………..15-16 Effective Learning……………………………………………...16

4.1.2 Unhelpful………………………………………………………………17-18 Rushing…………………………………………………………17 Overwhelming Activities…………………………………...17-18

4.2 Frequency………………………………………………………………………...18-20

4.2.1 Academics……………………………………………………………..18-20

4.2.2 Household Chores……………………………………………………..19-20

4.3 Causes of Cramming ……………………………………………………………………..20-22

4.3.1 Laziness………………………………………………………………….…………20

4.3.2 Priorities……………………………………………………………………………21

4.3.3 Time span………………………………………………………………………21-22

4.4 Effects of Cramming……………………………………………………………………...22-24

4.4.1 Positive…………………………………………………………………………22-23

4.4.2 Chill Mode………………………………………………………….....22-23

4.4.2 Negative……………………………………...…………………………………23-24 Substandard Output………………………………………………….23-24

5.0 Discussion………………………………………………………………………………...24-26

5.1 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………..24-26

6.0 Recommendations……………………………………………………………………...……26


Appendix A – Informed Consent………………………………………………………...27


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

Appendix B – Screening Tool……………………………………………………………28

Appendix C – Interview Guide Questionnaire……………………………………….29-30

Appendix D – List of Respondents…………………………………………………...31-59


Curriculum Vitae…………………………………………………………………………….63-79



“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

1.0. Introduction

According to Eryilmaz (2017), cramming is very common in students especially with the
current situation wherein education system has been fuelled up by different learning modalities.
Cramming is something a student can undergo when trying to accomplish all the work stockpiled
within a time limit. Some of its cases, students have a variety of reasons to put off studying. These
may be work, sleep, friends, and such. Students are running out of time to do tasks as they believe
that time is moving slow. In this study, the researchers are aiming to know what’s behind the
cramming behaviours of Grade 11 STEM students in Our Lady of Fatima University. The
researchers will explore the different reasons why students experience cramming.

In line with the statements above, the primary focus or topic of this investigation will be
"cramming". This study will examine if cramming has an influence to the academic performance
of Grade 11 STEM students in Our Lady of Fatima University. It will deliberate how a student
deals with his/her cramming behaviour. Gooley (2016) stated that “Many students cram for exams
and trade sleep for other activities”. This claim supports the idea that students in Grade 11 don't get
adequate sleep time due of cramming. The researchers will interview Our Lady of Fatima
University Grade 11 STEM students about their personal cramming experiences.

The researchers came up with this study for us to know and analyze the cramming
behaviours of Grade 11 STEM students in Our Lady of Fatima University and how they cope up
with it. This study aims to identify students with cramming behaviours, analyze and understand
why students cram what are their lived experiences when it comes to cramming. This paper aims
to provide the broader sense regarding to the life and experiences of a student on how they utilize
a gadget. The researchers also want to identify whether if some students prefer cramming rather
than studying earlier or not.

In this study, the researchers will conduct an investigation through survey and interview
regarding the students’ cramming behaviour–its factors, its short and long term effects, and how
they deal with it. It will be done with the help of ten (10) respondents who will give their personal
and lived experiences about their cramming behaviour. The researchers learn more about the
particular case and study as the study offers them fresh data and insights, which can allow them to
instruct students and provide them with clear information. The study will be held at Our Lady of
Fatima University, Valenzuela Campus.


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

1.1. Statement of the Problem

This research study entitled “"11:59 PM" A Qualitative Study about the Cramming
Behaviours of Grade 11 STEM students in Our Lady of Fatima University” is designed to
analyze and understand the cramming behaviours of the Grade 11 STEM students in Our Lady
of Fatima University.
This study aims to answer the following questions:
1. What are the activities that the students cram?
2. How often does the students cram?
3. What are the primary factors or causes of cramming among students? And;
4. What are the positive and negative approaches of cramming to the students?
1.2. Significance of the Study
Given that cramming might play a significant part in the students’ academic
performance and sleep schedule, the results of this study will have a significance or benefit
to the following:

Students – The study will enlighten them about the negative and positive
approaches of their cramming behaviour. This paper will also serve as a guidance for them
to understand the different factors of their cramming behaviour so that they can explore on
how to prevent the said practice.
Parents – This study will provide awareness as they learn that the cramming
behaviour of their children might have an effect to their academic performance. This way,
they can help their children to discipline themselves to avoid cramming when it comes to
their school activities.
Teachers – This study will also provide awareness to the teachers that the
cramming behaviour of a student a significance or negative effects when it comes to their
academic performance.
Researchers- This will serve as a tool to direct and navigate them as they uncover
credible, reliable, and essential elements that are known as important material for deeper
learning on the topic. The researchers will undoubtedly require this study as their main
source of enlightenment for their upcoming studies.
Future Researchers- The study will also aid the researchers in identifying important
aspects of the educational process that many other researchers were unable to investigate.
With that being said, the future researchers can use this study as they unfold another


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

discovery. As a result, a new knowledge about the cramming behaviours of a student may
be developed.
1.3. Scope and Delimitations

The scope of the study focuses on the lived experiences of the Grade 11 STEM
students when it comes to their cramming behaviours. This paper aims to provide the
broader sense regarding to the life and experiences of a students who frequently cram their
school activities. This study has a couple of weaknesses that is needed to consider when
conducting this research. One of the problems of this study is that the information the
researchers can get is limited on Grade 11 students. The researchers chose the “cramming”
topic because they thought that many students may have this kind of behaviour. It is not
possible for the researchers to cover every aspect of the topic.

2.0. Review of Related Literature

The related literatures, both foreign and local, and studies are presented in this chapter
following a thorough and in-depth search by the researchers. The theoretical framework for the
study that has to be done will also be presented in this chapter.

2.1. Foreign Literatures

2.1.1. Cramming: Why it’s ineffective & Should be Avoided

According to Eryilmaz (2011), Most college students find it challenging

to resist the urge to cram. That appears natural, and some people would even
consider it necessary. Due to crammed class schedules, it can be challenging to
find enough time to thoroughly prepare for each exam individually. As a result,
many students are on the side of caution and condense weeks or months' worth of
material into a few late-night cramming sessions. Have you ever had trouble
remembering information you studied for the previous night? This happens as a
result of the continual stress that has been put on the brain. In a way, cramming for
examinations has a bigger danger of backfiring and maybe lowering students’ test
scores than if they had planned more beneficial study times ahead of the exam day.

Most cramming students experience cramming everytime they are

assigned with their works. According to Eryilmaz (2011) in today’s world students
resisting cramming can be hard for them. The students is always having the desire
to cram their works. This can be connected to why the students find it hard to


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

overcome the cramming behavior. With the student’s study and school schedule
they find it hard to review for their exam because of the limited time the students
have to accomplish the reviewing they need. Therefore, the students reserve to
compact all the things they need to accomplish in one night or one session. Having
a hard time to recall the things you needed for your exams is due to the stress that
the brain is receiving from casually having to cram. Based on the literature
cramming have a high chance of backfiring on the students and their ability to
remember the things they reviewed for the exam and can be the reason of having
low scores for the upcoming exams. This can be avoided if they planned out a
much more efficient way to study ahead of the time.

2.1.2. Sleep Restriction Impairs Vocabulary Learning when Adolescents Cram for
Exams: The Need for Sleep Study

According to Huang, Deshpande, Yeo, Lo, Chee, & Gooley (2016), when
learning occurs at regular intervals or right after sleep, the ability to recall
information is enhanced. Nonetheless, a lot of students skip sleep in favor of
studying for tests. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of study
spacing and sleep duration on teenage vocabulary learning. Students who had
insufficient sleep were more prone to forget material covered in brief periods of
time, whereas students who had spaced learning were well protected against the
effects of sleep limitation on recall ability. These results in teenagers show how
important it is to combine strong study habits with good sleep habits in order to
optimize learning outcomes.

Based on the literature, the capabilities of a student to remember certain

things when about to or right after sleeping is increased. Most students that have
an upcoming exam trade their sleep to study for the exam. Basically, it explains
that the students that have a lot of sleep can be more efficient and can recall
reviewers easily. The student’s effectiveness in studying is amplified, when having
that many hours of sleep before an exam. This literature can be the reason why the
students experience cramming with their works. Getting low grades, because of
the inefficient way of studying, and not having enough hours of sleep can be the
result of constantly having to reserve with cramming works.


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

2.1.3. Procrastination Attitude of the Senior High School Students in Modular

Distance Learning Modality

Tiboron, Decano, and Buladaco (2021) stated that the unhealthy habit of
procrastinating should be stopped. Everyone engages in this harmful behavior,
which is widespread. This unreasonable delay contributes to higher stress level,
frustration, and anxiety levels as well as decreased creativity and productivity in

Students were cramming, and it is anticipated that those who

procrastinated will suffer the consequences. In particular, this study anticipates that
typical face-to-face instruction in the classroom will not always be the case once
the school opens.

Even when they are aware that delaying something will have many
negative effects, people nonetheless tend to do so. Everyone develops a habit of
this negative behavior. People have a habit of cramming as a result of neglecting
urgent tasks; which is caused by procrastination. Such unreasonable behavior can
have a huge impact on a person's life. Having this kind of habit can cause serious
mental health issues. stress, anxiety, or even worse, depression are related to

The researchers are aware of the habits that are cause by cramming
behaviour in this generation. Mostly, this happens because of the delaying of
activities, which is also caused by procrastination. This literature is also connected
to the researcher’s study because it tackles the different reasons why
procrastination and cramming are examples of negative kinds of behaviour. The
literature also stated that cramming and procrastination might lead to serious
mental illnesses such as stress, anxiety or depression.

2.2. Local Literatures

2.2.1. Common Roots of Cramming Dilemma among Teenagers

According to Trabuco (2017) Cramming is defined as a "quick period of

study in order to learn a lot of information quickly for a test, exam, etc." or a "last-
minute study especially for an examination." In addition, cramming is a study
technique that we are all familiar with and that has actually been proven to benefit


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

students. It is obvious that, compared to earlier times when technologies were still
in the early stages of development, modern technology is easier to acquire and
understand. But the irony is that as technology advances, students' willingness to
complete assignments and other schoolwork decreases. What's even more
concerning is that once the deadline and submission date finally approach, students
must deal with the stress of the cramming dilemma.

The researchers understand that they must know and familiarize

themselves with the definition of cramming to determine the behaviours of the
students that relates to the study. It will help the researchers further evaluate and
understand or analyze the data that the researchers will receive while conducting
the study. This literature also stated the irony of cramming as the modern
technology continues to advance. This statement specifies that students tend to
cram their school works even though technology is accessible at most times.

2.2.2. Effects of Procrastination or Cramming on the Senior High School Students

of STI College of Santa Rosa

Revilla (n.d.) stated that in our daily tasks, there are several things and
outcomes that frequently need tiny or even significant amounts of effort. Not just
for adults who took on family obligations, but also for young people like students.
Students frequently exhibit an incredible struggle toward self-regulatory failure
despite having a lot of work and activities to complete. This struggle is not always
fully understood. When there is a plenty of schoolwork and tasks to complete,
students frequently don't understand why they always come up and put their hands
down. Some would claim that it is simply their typical negative response to the
many tasks they have to complete. This is known to be inefficient at the beginning
and cramming in any manner possible, then they would race to complete their task
at the very last minute, like "beating the red light."

The researchers understood that in this given statement, certain things and
processes occur in our daily activities and many people would say that this is
students’ typical negative reaction to the many tasks they need to complete. This
is known to be inefficient at the beginning and cramming in any way possible, then
the students would race to complete their task at the last minute. This literature


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

connects with the researchers’ study especially because of the emphasis of the
factors that forces the students to cram their school works.

2.3. Theoretical Framework

Nowadays, Students frequently cram, especially in the current situation of

blended learning. At Our Lady of Fatima University, researchers are particularly interested
in this type of conduct among grade 11 students. This study will examine the practice of
cramming to see why it is so common among students in today's generation.

2.3.1. Cognitive Load Theory

According to Barany (2019), but developing new routines and methods

can help you beat cramming. First, some background information: The Cognitive
Load Theory offers a useful foundation for comprehending how to break the
negative habit of cramming. The cognitive psychologist John Sewell initially
proposed the Cognitive Load Theory, which outlines the capabilities and
constraints of our memory system when confronted with challenging issues and
challenging tasks. Working memory is used to process new information first. To
store new knowledge and retrieve old information from our long-term storage,
working memory acts like a train station where information is moved in and out.
You must actively digest the knowledge if you want to retain it in your long-term
memory. Working memory can only store three to five significant pieces of
information at a time. There is a lack of space because of the influx of fresh input,
thus something has to be removed to make room. Because of this, multitasking
interferes with your ability to retain and process information. Our system lags,
stops, or gets stuck when the amount of information is greater than the working
memory can hold. No fresh data can be retained or recalled.

Based on what the paragraphs the researchers have collected, it states that
a human memory has capabilities and limitations when the occurrence of complex
tasks are presented. Like in computers, the random access memory holds data for
a short period of time. It also states in this theory that in order to store information
for long period of time, it must be actively processed in working memory.
Although working memory can hold different information, it is limited for only 3-
5 meaningful pieces of information. In addition, when our working memory
reaches its capacity, the processing capability of human slows down and tends to


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

stop or lost. To put it briefly, the cognitive load hypothesis contends that in order
to maximize learning, instructional approaches should avoid overloading students’
working memory, which has a limited capacity.

Furthermore, we can inject knowledge in our brain by chunking them

together and have it categorized. By this method, it will help us organize our work
by putting each of them in their own place or categories. Chunking might motivate
Grade 11 students by helping them classify their works or projects into parts and
have them accomplish it one by one. This method might be effective for Grade 11
students that is suffering from cramming behaviours. It might help them deal with
the cramming and eventually get rid of this behavior and have a much more
productive way of accomplishing works.

2.4. Definition of Terms

For the purpose of clarification, the researchers have defined some of the key
words used in this study. All of the definitions of the following terms are from Cambridge

The following terms are:

Behaviour – the way that someone behaves

Consolidate – to become, or cause something to become, stronger, and more certain

Cramming – to do many things at a short period of time; to try to learn something very
quickly before an exam

Depression – a mental illness in which a person is very unhappy and anxious (worried and
nervous) for long periods and cannot have a normal life during these periods

Procrastination – the act of delaying something that must be done, often because it is
unpleasant or boring

Stress – great worry caused by a difficult situation, or something that causes this condition

3.0. Methodology

The procedures and methods that the researchers would employ to carry out the study are
indicated in this chapter. It will also discuss how researchers will gather the data and information


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

needed for the entire investigation. This chapter addresses the following topics: research design,
research locale, research sampling, research instrument, and research ethics.

3.1. Research Design

Bhandari (2023) stated that Qualitative Research focuses on gathering and

evaluating non-numerical data, such as text, video, or audio. This research approach helps
us to comprehend ideas, opinions, and experiences. It can be utilized to uncover intricate
details about a situation or to generate new study concepts. Qualitative research is
frequently utilized humanities and social sciences, in fields like anthropology, sociology,
education, the health sciences, history, and such.

Under qualitative research, the phenomenological approach is a type of qualitative

study that places an emphasis on the lived and experiential components of a given
construct, or how the phenomenon is felt at the time it occurs as opposed to what is thought
about it or the meaning that is later assigned to it according to Nelson (2011). The
researchers will utilize this type of approach because phenomenology includes greater
understanding on how people will react or feel about a certain topic to unfold a new
discovery or theory.

3.2. Research Locale

The researchers and the respondents involved in this study were both Grade 11
STEM students from Our Lady of Fatima University, Valenzuela Campus. This campus is
a national educational institution specializing in the fields of allied health, science, and
technology with over 45,000 students in total. It is situated at 120 MacArthur Highway,
Brgy. Marulas, Valenzuela City. This campus has a friendly and educational environment,
making it the perfect place for the researchers to conduct their study.

3.3. Research Sampling Technique

The researchers have decided to interview ten (10) respondents for a proper survey
and interview. This study will utilize Purposive Sampling, which is under the Non-
probability Sampling. According to Statistics Canada (2021), Non-probability Sampling is
a technique of selecting units from a population using a subjective non-random method.
The researchers also have decided to use this kind of sampling since Non-probability
Sampling is simple, quick, easy and inexpensive method of collecting data because it does
not require a full survey frame. Alchemer (2021) stated that purposive sampling is also


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

known as judgmental, selective, or subjective sampling, is a form of non-probability

sampling in which researchers rely on their own judgment when choosing members of the
population to participate in their surveys.

3.4. Research Instruments

In this chapter, the researchers will show the different instruments that will be used
in this study. Research instruments are the medium that are going to help the researchers
to conduct the study. With research instruments, the researchers will know if an individual
is suited for the criteria and good enough to be interviewed.

3.4.1. Interview Questionnaire

The researchers have to reach the quota of ten (10) qualified respondents
before conducting the study. After the researchers successfully acquire ten (10)
respondents, they all will answer an interview questionnaire that the researchers
have prepared. This instrument will be the bridge for the researchers to enable them
to gather reliable data and information. The interview questionnaire consists of ten
(10) to twelve (12) open-ended questions which are not answerable by yes or no.
This will allow the respondents to express their thoughts, input their experiences,
and further explain their answers as they respond to the questionnaire.

3.4.4. Inform Consent

The purpose of the informed consent is to notify the respondent about the
subject matter of the interview. The respondents will take time to read it and reflect
on its contents, and if they decide not to participate, the researchers will respect
their decision. The researchers will give the respondents a printed informed
consent before the interview to make sure they have their permission. The
respondents who agreed with the consent will be chosen to participate in the study
and will move on to the interview proper by answering the interview questionnaire
which is also provided by the researchers.

3.4.3. Screening Tool

According to Waldron (n.d.), Screening tools are intended to detect the

possible existence of a certain issue. As a result, they are frequently employed as
an initial stage in assessment to determine whether further, more thorough
assessment is required. In this study, the researchers will use the “Cramming


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

Screening Tool” that is made from University of Arkansas. It is composed of five

(5) questions which are answerable by checks (/). If the respondents got a score of
three (3) to five (5), it means that they actually have the cramming behavior and
are qualified to proceed to the interview proper. Any respondents or candidate who
got the scores of two (2), one (1), and zero (0) will be rejected or disqualified as a

3.4.4. Audio Recorder

Tanner (2013) defined voice recorder as a device that transforms audio,

including voice and other noises, into a digital file that may be transferred between
electronic devices, played back on a computer, tablet, or smartphone, and stored
similarly to other digital files. Using this tool, the researchers can record what the
respondents are saying using a cell phone, a recorder, or anything else that can
record sound waves when conducting interviews. This instrument will provide
assist to the researchers as they jot down the respondents’ answers.

3.4.5. Online Platform

For this study, the researchers will use Google Forms, a survey
administration software created by Google. Google Forms will be utilized by the
researchers to collect data from the respondents. Through this instrument,
researchers can confirm that a specific respondent is qualified for the interview.
The researchers’ Google Form consists of ten (10) to twelve (12) questions that
will be answered by the respondents. The respondents who will get a score of eight
(8) and above will move on to the final interview. The researchers believe that
interviewing appropriate respondents is sufficient for the data collection.

3.4.6. Pen and Paper

Pen and paper are low-cost ad the most typical survey tools. These are
interviewing instruments that the researchers will use to gather and record the
information supplied by the respondents. Handwritten notes, as opposed to notes
typed on a device, help researchers remember the information at hand. When
computer systems are down, pen and paper are still usable; this backup technology
is frequently utilized. The researchers will be able to recollect the ideas they have
chosen as being important enough to record.


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

3.5. Research Ethics

Researchers must preserve the privacy of the subject’s data in exchange for the
information they seek. It is very important that the researchers must obtain the respondents
permission before putting their responses on the research paper. As stated the Data Privacy
Act of 2012, a law that seeks to protect all forms of information, be it private, personal, or
sensitive. It is meant to cover both natural and juridical persons involved in the processing
of personal information. The researchers must also be aware that certain respondents may
have sensitive information they do not wish to share with others. The respondents can still
maintain their privacy but it is optional, they can either include or omit their names when
responding to the researcher’s inquiry. To avoid plagiarism, the researchers always cite the
source of the study to give credit to the people whose words or ideas they are using to
prevent the spread of false information. As of the researchers’ behaviour, the researchers
conduct their study using an organized and effective process. The researchers are able to
gather relevant data and employ the appropriate data analysis techniques.

3.6. Data Collection

According to Joshi (2022), the process of gathering, measuring, and evaluating

data from diverse sources in order to draw conclusions is known as data collection. Data
can be gathered from a variety of sources, including social media monitoring, online
surveys, feedback, and such. The researchers have decided to start the study by getting
some participants from Grade 11 STEM students in Our Lady of Fatima University to
answer our screening tool through Google Forms. The screening tool will determine if a
candidate is considered qualified for the interview proper. After the researchers acquire ten
(10) qualified respondents, they will be given a printed consent or waiver for them to reflect
on its contents. Informing the respondent about the topic of the interview is the goal of the
informed consent. The respondents will have some time to read it and consider its contents,
and the researchers will respect their choice if they are interested to participate or not. Next,
the interview proper, which will be done by the answering of the prepared interview
questions by the researchers. The questions are only ten (10) to (12) and are not answerable
by yes or no. This will help the research to have an accurate and precise conclusion because
of the screening tools the researchers will use. After answering the interview questionnaire,
the data that is gathered from the interview will be compiled together then the researchers
will analyze and study and have a final conclusion about the data collected. It will start by
asking them about their lived experiences about cramming, followed by the factors of it,


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

followed by the effects of it to the students' academic performance, and so on. The
interview is aiming to collect reliable data about the lived experiences of the Grade 11
STEM students in Our Lady of Fatima University.

3.7 Data Analysis

The procedure of thematic analysis will be used to look over the acquired data.
Thematic analysis is a qualitative research technique that aids researchers who have also
been able to analyze the data they have acquired for their study on a particular topic by
analyzing, explaining, and presenting what is found within the obtained data. Moreover,
Galanis (2018) stated that thematic analysis is utilized to analyze transcript results from
focus groups and interviews as well as less often seen insights. Thematic analysis's goal is
to provide a comprehensive and organized record of the coding and trends that come from
interviews and observations. It entails finding themes in participant transcript details,
following up to prove, support, and strengthen these themes, and repeating the process.

The acquired data, which were then abstracted to develop a broad theme, were
compared with comparable national and international studies by the researchers. The
impressions, opinions, and, most importantly, the insights of the respondents served as the
basis for this investigation. This type of analysis will serve as the study's framework so that
the researchers can assess and analyze the information gained from the interview
respondents. When attempting to comprehend feelings, thoughts, or actions present in a
data collection, as in a qualitative study, thematic analysis is a suitable way of analysis.
With the adaptability of thematic analysis, the researchers will make an analyzation and
identification of common or frequent patterns in their study using this method.


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

Thematic Map

“11:59 PM”: A Qualitative Study about the Cramming Behaviours of Grade 11

STEM students in Our Lady of Fatima University

Lived Frequency Causes of Effects

Experiences Cramming

Helpful Academics Laziness Positive

Chill Mode
Household Chores Priorities


Time span

Research Title Pressure

Rushed Output

Problem Themes/Topic


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

4.0. Results

This chapter discusses the presentation and analysis of the data the researchers have
gathered and collected that is based on the interview that has been implemented. The answers of
the respondents were carefully analyzed in order to describe, explore, and categorize the collected
data based on their common grounds and similarities through the process of constructing an
individual and semi-structured type of questionnaire together with the inform consent informing
the respondents about the topic of the research study as well as its purpose, also to assure the
confidentiality of their identities and the information that they are going to share. The researchers
used Thematic analysis to identify the main themes that summarized all the views topic.

4.1. Lived Experiences

4.1.1 Helpful

As stated by Kornell (2009), the major benefit of cramming everything

into the present circumstance is that between the period of study and the time of
the test there is limited opportunity for forgetting test. As a result, cramming could
improve students' test results and grades by memories that are fleeting rather than
the kind of long-lasting memories that are the ideal educational objective. In this
study, the researchers found out that some students consider cramming as a helpful
behavior when it comes to their academics. Faster Accomplishment

According to Llian (2018), when we cram, we force our brain to

take in information on a surface level rather than internalizing and
absorbing it thoroughly. Although cramming has been shown to be
successful for some students, cramming is a last-minute study method that
students have relied on for decades.

When the researchers asked the respondents what the advantages

or disadvantages of cramming, the respondents said, “…as far as I can see,
I can do my activities better when the deadline is near because I am a
person who will work harder when the deadline is near” – Respondent 1,
“If you ask me, cramming helps me since my brain works faster when I'm
in a rush. I'm able to think faster when I cram, and it helps me finish tasks
sooner.” – Respondent 2, “…it helps me do my schoolwork fast and I will


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

have free time to play online games” – Respondent 4, “The first advantage
is that you can finish your work immediately in one go. Second, you can
also study quickly on the topics that you cover during cramming.” –
Respondent 7, “…it helps because that makes the action faster.” –
Respondent 8, “The advantage of cramming is that I can boost myself and
get used to what I’m doing.” – Respondent 9.

With the gathered information, the researchers found out that

cramming helped some students to accomplish their output faster. They’ve
stated that they usually cram their activities when the deadline is near and
it can actually help them accomplish their outputs even faster. Effective Learning

Ye and Yee (2018) stated that students learn how to generate the
highest results with the least amount of preparation time. Cramming
increases productivity by reducing priorities and learning techniques for
working more quickly. Additionally, cramming doesn’t always have bad
effects. Some people may find it extremely difficult to balance a
demanding workload with academic performance and avoid putting in
long study sessions each week.

When the researchers asked the respondents what the advantages

or disadvantages of cramming, the respondents said, “Somehow, I can say
that it helps because when the deadline is near, I am working hard and I
am able to do the activities that I should be doing. I think it helps me as a
student; it’s more effective for me when the deadline is near.” –
Respondent 1, “Cramming can also help because I can see the
improvements in my scores, for example, before the exam, one day before
the exam, I cram and I can master the theories and formulas better, then
the topics I understand them better so I can answer properly.” –
Respondent 6.

With the gathered information, the researchers found out that

some students consider cramming as an effective way of learning. The
respondents have stated that cramming actually helps them by a variety of


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

4.1.2. Unhelpful

According to Arhelo (2022), Cramming makes you more stressed, disrupts

your sleep pattern, and makes it difficult for you to recall anything for the test you
were trying to cram for. Students may experience unnecessary tension and anxiety
as a result of cramming topics they should have studied for a longer period of time. Rushing

Mendez (2022) stated that rushing also has the negative effect of
making your work appear hurried and sloppy. If your work appeared
hastily put together, even if you didn't make any faults, it would be less
effective. This makes it more difficult for your teacher to respect your
assignments and could result in a worse grade.

When the researchers asked the respondents what the advantages

or disadvantages of cramming, the respondents said, “Cramming helps me
since my brain works faster when I'm in a rush. I'm able to think faster
when I cram, and it helps me finish tasks sooner.” – Respondent 2, “You
will be in a hurry with your work, especially for the exam, you really need
to study everything from the start, so cramming is a bit confusing.” –
Respondent 6,

With the gathered information, the researchers found out that the
respondents experience rushing with their academic activities. Thus, it
may lead to some negative approach or effect to the student. Overwhelming Activities

According to Zucker (2019), The cognitive effects of feeling

constantly overwhelmed can include mental slowness, forgetfulness,
confusion, trouble focusing or thinking clearly, as well as a racing mind or
a reduced capacity for problem-solving. Cognitive fatigue can occur when
we have too many demands placed on our brain over a prolonged length
of time, making us more susceptible to distractions and our thinking less
quick. Any one of these impacts by themselves may reduce our
productivity and increase our sense of overload.


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

When the researchers asked the respondents what are the positive
and negative approaches of cramming, the respondents said, “I am late
doing activities that are given online because, when they are given online
like quizzes” – Respondent 3, “I’m starting to do my school work like
quizzes and assignments if the day was deadline day” – Respondent 5, “I
often cram the quizzes because they are not too heavy like other tasks” –
Respondent 8, “I cram in the activities because the different teachers give
different subjects one after the other such as activities and quizzes and it
cause me to disconcerted.” – Respondent 9.

With the gathered information, the researchers found out that the
respondents experienced cramming when it comes to their quizzes.
They’ve stated that they usually cram quizzes because of its time-span,
deadline, difficulty, and worth.

4.2. Frequency

4.2.1. Academics

According to Wai (2023), Although some may view cramming as a way

to pick up shallow, transient knowledge, it actually teaches students how to
prioritize information under pressure, manage their time effectively, and recognize
crucial concepts. These skills are all beneficial outside of the classroom. Even if
the short-term retention of the information they crammed is low, the skills and
attributes they learned can help them lead successful and satisfying lives.

When the researchers asked the respondents how often they are cramming
when it comes to their academic activities, the respondents said, “My most
frequent activities are those related to math because I’m weak in math” –
Respondent 1, “Most of the activities that I often cram are essays since I don’t like
writing essays.” – Respondent 2, “I often cram if my pending work is research
related because it puts me to too much pressure.” – Respondent 4, “I often cram in
precal, proba, and biology because these are the most difficult subjects in STEM.”
– Respondent 6, “It’s math related activities or subjects like precalculus, GenChem
and statistics” – Respondent 7, “I often cram the quizzes because they are not too
heavy like other tasks” – Respondent 8, “One example of the activity that I often


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

cram was a math performance task because it is challenging to do, and it involves
high grades” – Respondent 10.

With the gathered information, the researchers found out that the
respondents often experience cramming when it comes to their academic activities.

4.2.2. Household Chores

According to Beeton (2017), Household chores refers to the administration

of responsibilities and tasks necessary for maintaining a home, including cleaning,
cooking, home maintenance, shopping, and bill payment. The household members
or other people engaged for these chores may carry out these duties. In this study,
the researchers want to explore if the respondents also apply their cramming
behavior in their household chores or not.

When the researchers asked the respondents if their cramming behavior

only applies on their academic activities or also in their household chores, the
respondents said, “…Also in housework, because often when I am ordered to wash
the dishes, I say, “Later; it can be tomorrow.” – Respondent 1, “…my cramming
behavior applies not only to academics but also to housework since there is a lot
of work to do when I get home” – Respondent 2, “I also cram when it comes to my
household chores because it is easier than my academic tasks.” – Respondent 3,
“But sometimes, I cram my household chores because I prioritize my “me” time
before I do my tasks.” – Respondent 4, “…also in household chores. Just like what
I experienced, I have pending household chores while cramming my school
works.” – Respondent 5, “but I also cram with my household chores because I am
much lazier if it is household chores rather than my school related works.” –
Respondent 6, “I also cram my household chores, for example my mother ordered
me to sweep the floor, in my head she’s in her office she’s not going to know if I
did her order right away or not” – Respondent 7. “Maybe in housework too. Like,
example, the parents will order me to do something, I will say “just wait”. I often
do that just to skip my household chores” – Respondent 8, “I prioritize playing
mobile games more than washing dishes and cleaning the house.” – Respondent 9,
“I definitely cram even in household chores like even when I saw it messy, I will
just snob it and wait till it gets messier before I clean it and still prioritize to rest
than to do my schoolworks and my household chores.” – Respondent 10.


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

With the gathered information, the researchers found out that the
respondents experienced cramming not only on their academic activities but also
in their household chores. The respondents often cram their household chores
because of their laziness, play time, and other priorities.

4.3. Causes of Cramming

4.3.1. Laziness

Ramos (2019) stated that laziness is also termed as indolence or sloth and
is defined as the failure to do what you are supposed to do, despite having the
ability to do it. Laziness is a vice that slowly creeps in and begins to hold you
captive. It interrupts your life and prevents you from getting to where you are
supposed to be. At first you feel as though you are having a deserved rest, then
gradually you start tolerating and entertaining laziness, finally it fully sets in and
becomes a part of who you are.

When the researchers asked the respondents what are their reasons on why
they cram their academic activities and household chores, the respondents said,
"When I am ordered, I always say, “Just wait”, because there are times that I am
too lazy to do that thing." – Respondent 1, “I like cramming, which is often do by
other students, and because I also like to play online games, which I prioritize more
than my schoolwork” – Respondent 2, “Sometimes I chill too much, and
sometimes I also stockpile it for when I do it, I do it all at the same time” –
Respondent 3, "I always prioritize playing games because I'm lazy." – Respondent
5, “I experience cramming because every time there is an activity or topic, I just
ignore it or study next time or before the exam.” – Respondent 6, "Of course I cram
because of my laziness. If I know the due date and the task is easy, I will do it the
next day." – Respondent 7, "Because right now, I said I was a bit lazy at first. So,
I need to cram just to finish and turn in my pending works." – Respondent 8, "I
often cram because my schoolwork got stockpiled, and I'm starting to be lazy." –
Respondent 10.

With the gathered information, the researchers found out that some of the
students usually cram when it comes to their academic activities mainly because
of their laziness. The respondents have stated that their laziness affects their time
for academic activities.


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

4.3.2. Priorities

According to Broer, Houten, Kuijik, and Huppes (2022), from not setting
good boundaries to making poor decisions about prioritizing your life, even other
obligations such as work or stress can upset the balance between life and study. In
this study, the researchers want to explore the obligations of the respondents that
keep them from doing their academic activities.

When the researchers asked what are the reasons why they are cramming
when it comes to their academic activities, the respondents said, “…because as the
eldest, I do a lot at home, such as laundry, cooking, and washing the dishes. and
then at the same time I was also looking after the store” – Respondent 1, “I cram
because I do a lot, not just in my games but also in my household chores, especially
since I am often alone and there are also many activities” – Respondent 2, “You
also don't know how to handle your time as a grade 11 student because you have
responsibilities in school and at home at the same time.” – Respondent 4, “I
experienced cramming because I take care of my priorities first” – Respondent 7.

With the gathered information, the researchers found out that one of the
reasons of the cramming behaviors of the students is their other priorities. The
respondents tend to do the activities or tasks they think is more important.

4.3.3. Time span

According to Fulgencio, Ademasis et al., (2020) time management is

needed to avoid cramming school activities. Students studied that time
management can help accomplish tasks and activities. Having a proper time
management can aid you to finish all the tasks you need to do, especially activities
with a short time span.

When the researchers asked what are the reasons why they are cramming
when it comes to their academic activities, the respondents said, “I'll do it
tomorrow; the deadline is still tomorrow," so I didn't give it the attention it
deserved. The one that was closer to the deadline than the one with a long deadline
was what I gave priority to.” – Respondent 1, “There are some activities that a
teacher just gave, and then there are new activities that overlap, so I need to cram
because the deadlines are also the same.” – Respondent 2.


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

With the gathered information, the researchers found out that the
respondents decide when to do their tasks based on the given deadline. The
students tend to do activities with closer deadlines or due dates.

4.4. Effects of Cramming

4.4.1. Positive

According to Garg (2022), many students consider cramming to be a

crucial component of exam preparation, often staying up all night to study.
Multiple-choice tests are particularly suitable for this approach, as identifying the
question can make it easier to eliminate wrong answer options. In fact, over a third
of students resort to cramming the night before an exam. Chill Mode

According to Bickerdike (2016), A last-minute “cramming” time

management study strategy was associated with increased use of online
social networks. Learning strategies differed between undergraduate-and
graduate-entrants, with the latter less likely to adopt a surface approach
and more likely adopt a ‘study monitoring approach. Year score
percentage was positively correlated with the effort
management/organized studying learning style. Poorer academic
performance was associated with a poor time management approach to
studying (cramming) and increased use of the ‘surface learning strategy.

When the researchers asked the respondents what are the positive
approach of cramming, the respondents said. “I can say that I am a frequent
crammer, like almost every time since I prioritize my gaming time and my
chores at home compared to studying, but if I’m going to cram, I tend to
finish my work in quite considerable time, because I can finish my works
faster when I’m in pressure.” – Respondent 2, “I’m cramming often,
because sometimes my mindset is “I don’t want to be stressed” so while
chilling, as the day passes by, I’m already starting to get pressured and
cram.” – Respondent 4, “It is not necessary to do but I always choose to
chill, and I also don't want to think about my school work. I always
prioritize playing games because I'm lazy.” – Respondent 5.


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

With the gathered information, the researchers found out that the
respondents maximize their chill time by not accomplishing their tasks
earlier. They have stated that they prefer resting more than doing their
academic activities or chores.

4.4.2. Negative

According to Ralph Heibutzki (2019), cramming have negative effects.

Cramming can cause emotional, mental, and physical problems that make it harder
for the body to adapt to its surroundings. Once the brain becomes used to the
protracted sleep deprivation, students who embrace cramming to get through final
exam week struggle to perform consistently. Substandard Output

According to Drs. Garg (2012), students that exchange their time

to rest will suffer in school by having a poor performance and can lower
the quality of their work. Poor quality of works is one of the disadvantages
of cramming. It will result in low scores then, low grades. This could
happen if you frequently cram your work and don't get enough time to

When the researchers asked the respondents what are the negative
approaches of cramming when it comes to their academic activities, the
respondents said, "I can say that cramming is not helpful because it is not
of good quality and the work will be missed on due dates." – Respondent
7, "Then the disadvantage is that the result of the activities done is that
there is good quality and there is poor quality." – Respondent 7, "The
disadvantage of cramming was the quality of my work was low"-
Respondent 10, "…the disadvantage of cramming is that I have so little
time that I don't often improve what I'm doing, resulting in
underperformance already." – Respondent 6

With the gathered information, the researchers found out that

cramming affects the students’ final output negatively. Cramming messes
with their ability to produce an output with an outstanding quality. The
respondents also find cramming as unhelpful way of learning.


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about... Pressure

According to Arhelo (2022), cramming has always been a

common practice among students, particularly before exams. Some
students cram because they lack confidence in their knowledge and
abilities, others cram out of a fear of failure, some cram out of a lack of
time management skills, and yet others cram out of a desire to be under
deadline pressure.

When the researchers asked the respondents what are the negative
approaches of cramming when it comes to their academic activities, the
respondents said, “You will be in a hurry with your work, especially for
the exam, you really need to study everything from the start, so cramming
is a bit confusing, when you cram, you will get used to working under
pressure and you can use that in your future” – Respondent 6.

With the gathered information, the researchers found out that the
cramming behaviors of students put them to a lot of pressure. Therefore,
they were not able to focus at their activities in full potential.

5.0. Discussions

5.1. Conclusion

This research is focusing on the cramming behaviors of the grade 11 STEM student
of Our Lady of Fatima University. The first statement of the problem of this study is about
the lived experiences of the students when it comes to cramming. Based on the data that
the researchers gathered, the grade 11 STEM students had some good and bad experience
with their cramming habits. Some of the respondents said that the cramming behavior is
actually helping them with their academic performance and giving them a chance to relax
and have some rest time. Others stated that cramming is not helping them. The cramming
behaviors they have is unhelpful to them, it is making them overwhelmed with all the
activities and works they need to accomplish. The students are also being rushed by their
cramming behavior, that is the effect of having a lot to do with a short period of time.

The second statement of the problem is about how often the grade 11 STEM
student cram. The data we gathered from the grade 11 STEM students is basically they are
frequently cramming and they cannot stop this cramming behavior. The researchers


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

concluded that our respondents are frequent crammers. Also based on the data the
researchers analyzed the grade 11 STEM students often cram the activities that are related
to math and research. Respondents also mentioned that they are cramming the quizzes on
these said subjects. This study gathered the data that is saying the respondents are also
cramming with their household chores. The said chores can add up into the stockpiled
academic works already.

For the third statement of the problem, it is the primary factors or causes of
cramming among grade 11 STEM students. According to our data that we collected from
our respondents, the researchers found out that the primary factors of cramming among
students are the laziness that they are feeling from their academic works. The respondents
often feel this feeling of laziness when the due date is in short notice or the activities they
need to accomplish have a long time span to turn in. Priorities are also a factor why the
students are experiencing cramming. Based on the data the researchers analyzed the
respondents often prioritize their obligations in life rather than their academic activities.

Lastly, the fourth statement of the problem is the positive and negative approaches
of cramming to the grade 11 STEM students of Our Lady of Fatima University. The
researchers gathered some data from the respondents and it says that one of the positive
effects of cramming for them is, they are able to have more relaxation time and chill time
in order to unwind from a cramming session. The negative effects of cramming that the
researchers collected is the respondents often feel pressured by the amount of work they
needed to accomplish in a short notice. Also, the respondents are submitting works with
substandard quality. This will affect their academic grades and they know it is getting out
of hand and should be avoided. It is also mentioned that cramming can lessen your sleep
hours and can affect your academic performance that can result in low grades.

To conclude this study on the cramming behaviors of the grade 11 STEM students of Our
Lady of Fatima University, cramming will cause the students negative effects that will
affect their health, life and academic performance. Giving yourself more time to have fun
and rest is the positive side of cramming, by cramming or not giving attention with the
activities you have will enable you to do the things that are more important to you.
Cramming activities also can give your brain a lot to think about and cause it to stress and
make you feel pressured. The researchers concluded that the reason why students cram are
laziness, their priorities and the activity time span. Laziness causes the grade 11 STEM
students to cram their works, moreover cramming is caused by having a lot of priorities


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

they need to give their attention to. In conclusion of this research cramming can help with
the learning of the students. Cramming can be also unhelpful in their academic works,
because it rushes them and having a lot of activities can overwhelming with the grade 11
STEM students.

6.0. Recommendations

To promote effective learning and retention, it is important to adopt sustainable study

habits that promote deep understanding of the material. Cramming, or trying to learn a large amount
of information in a short period of time, can lead to superficial learning and poor long-term
retention. Instead, effective study habits include starting early, breaking the material down into
smaller chunks, practicing regularly, using active learning strategies, and testing oneself. Starting
early allows one to have enough time to study the material thoroughly, and breaking the material
down into smaller chunks helps to prevent feeling overwhelmed. Practicing regularly and using
active learning strategies such as taking notes, summarizing key points, and asking questions can
help to consolidate the material and improve retention. Practice testing is also a highly effective
way of improving retention and identifying areas where one needs to focus more attention. By
adopting these study habits, one can improve their learning outcomes and achieve better results in
the long term.


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...



Informed Consent
Good day!
The Senior High School STEM 11-Y1-13 students from Our Lady of Fatima University
will be conducting research entitled: “"11:59 PM": A Qualitative Study about the Cramming
Behaviours of Grade 11 STEM students in Our Lady of Fatima University” which aims to
explore the lived experiences of the Grade 11 STEM students with cramming behaviour. The said
research is one of the requirements for the second semester in Practical Research 1.
This research will require a short period of your time (10-30 minutes). During the capped
duration, you will be interviewed about your lived experiences as a student who experienced
cramming in terms of academic performance and household chores, your responses must be in full
honesty. Your responses will be documented through a voice/video recorder with your permission
to serve as the researcher’s key data as well as a form of evidence, in case it is needed. To assure
you, the interview will be conducted via Google Meet and there will be no risks in participating in
this study.
The anticipated benefits of this research are for the populace to be aware and have
knowledge about the cramming behaviours of a Grade 11 STEM student. Furthermore, all the
information that will be gathered from you will contribute much to the body of knowledge. One of
the main goals of this study is to enlighten all the concerned people who have experienced the same
situation as you. Through your narration, it may lead to understanding of their circumstances and
application of some mechanisms.
Generally, it is up to you if you want to give your insights on whatever may be asked of
you. Rest assured that the researchers will provide confidentiality to the gathered data and
anonymity to your profile in case you request for it. Also, the right to refuse or withdraw from the
research without penalty or reason is guaranteed. After transcribing, interpreting and analyzing all
the data, in case you ask to verify the accuracy of your statements, the researcher will show you the
results. Only the researchers have access to it, however, the data may be seen by the review
committee and may be published in journal and elsewhere without disclosing your identity. The
researchers are humbly hoping for your beneficial response to this matter. If you have some queries
regarding this research, feel free to contact us at: or

___________________________________ ________________________________
Signature over printed name Date
Mrs. Joyce Ann Lopez-Burre, LPT Ralph V. Labrador .
Research Adviser Research Group Representative


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...


“11:59 PM”: A Qualitative Study about the Cramming Behaviours of Grade 11 STEM students in
Our Lady of Fatima University
“Cramming Screening Tool”
Validation: University of Arkansas
Name: ____________________________________ Age: _____________________________
Section: ____________________ Gender: _________________________
Directions: Kindly check the items that apply to you.

Yes No

1. Do you always panic when having a critical study session?

2. When having a study session do you think of planning the

things you need to study?

3. As a student, do you think about when to study for your


4. Do you always study in a quiet, comfortable place to

concentrate while studying?

5. As a student, do you know how you will study?


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

“11:59 PM”: A Qualitative Study about the Cramming Behaviours of Grade 11 STEM students in
Our Lady of Fatima University
Interview Guide Questions:
1. As a Grade 11 STEM student, what is the main reason why you have to cram when it comes to
your school activities? (Bilang isang estudyante ng Grade 11 STEM, ano ang pangunahing dahilan
kung bakit kailangan mong mag-cram pagdating sa iyong mga gawain sa paaralan?)
2. Why do you cram when it comes to your school activities? Please explain briefly. (Bakit ka
nagcacram pagdating sa iyong mga gawain sa paaralan? Ipaliwanag.)
3. As a Grade 11 STEM student, how frequently do you cram when it comes to your school
activities? (Bilang isang estudyante ng Grade 11 STEM student, gaano ka kadalas mag-cram
pagdating sa iyong mga gawain sa paaralan?)
4. As a Grade 11 STEM student, why do you need to cram your school activities? Kindly elaborate
your answer. (Bilang isang estudyante ng Grade 11 STEM, bakit kailangang mong i-cram ang
iyong mga gawaing pampaaralan.)
5. As a Grade 11 STEM student who is experiencing cramming, what type of activities do you
often cram? (Bilang isang Grade 11 STEM student na nakakaranas ng cramming, anong uri ng
aktibidad ang madalas mong i-cram?)
6. Why do you frequently have to cram when it comes to your school activities? (Bakit madalas
kang mag-cram pagdating sa iyong mga gawain sa paaralan?)


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

7. Do you agree that your reasons are valid for your cramming behaviour? Kindly elaborate your
answer. (Sumasang-ayon ka ba na ang iyong mga dahilan ay wasto para sa iyong cramming
behavior? Paki-elaborate ang iyong sagot.)
8. Can you please tell us the different reasons why you have to cram your school activities so often?
(Maaari mo bang sabihin sa amin ang iba’t ibang mga kadahilanan kung bakit kailangan mong i-
cram ang iyong mga aktibidad sa paaralan nang madalas?)
9. From your experiences, can you please tell us the positive or negative effects of cramming?
(Mula sa iyong mga karanasan, maaari mo bang sabihin sa amin ang mga positibo o negatibong
epekto ng cramming?)
10. As a Grade 11 student, what are your realizations when it comes to your cramming? Does
cramming actually help you or not? Please elaborate your answer. (Bilang isang Grade 11 student,
ano ang iyong mga napagtanto pagdating sa iyong cramming? Nakakatulong ba sa iyo ang
cramming o hindi? Paki-elaborate ang iyong sagot.)


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

List of Respondents
Respondent #1
1. As a Grade 11 STEM First of all, the house chores,
student, what are the because as the eldest, I do a lot
reasons of your at home, such as laundry,
cramming when it cooking, and washing the dishes.
comes to your academic and then at the same time I was
activities? also looking after the store, and
maybe that was my behavior
(Bilang isang sometimes, also I’m lazy when it
estudyante ng Grade 11 comes to doing activities so I
STEM, anu-ano ang cram.
mga dahilan kung bakit
ka nagka-cram
pagdating sa iyong mga
2. Why are you Based on what I can observe
experiencing cramming with my behavior, I can be lazy
with your academic sometimes and say things like,
activities? Elaborate "Okay, tomorrow, I'll do it
your answer briefly. tomorrow; the deadline is still
tomorrow”, so I didn't give it the
(Bakit ka nakararanas attention it needed. Then, the
ng cramming pagdating activity that was closer to the
sa iyong mga gawaing deadline is what I gave priority
pampaaralan? to, rather than the one that has a
Ipaliwanag.) longer due date.
3. As a Grade 11 STEM Very often, because I'm very
student, how frequently busy because when I’m
you are cramming in studying, I would look after the
your school activities? store while taking online classes
at the same time and then I’m
(Bilang isang the one that my parents would
estudyante ng Grade 11 rely with this obligation because
STEM student, gaano I’m the oldest.
ka kadalas mag-cram
sa iyong mga gawaing
4. As a student that deals I think that's why I cram
with school activities, frequently, because sometimes
do you frequently have it's draining when you're doing
to cram? too much, sometimes you’ll just
think "I’ll do that later, I need to
(Bilang isang mag- rest”
aaral na gumagawa ng
mga aktibidad sa
paaralan, bakit
kailangan mong mag-
cram nang madalas?)
5. As a Grade 11 STEM My most frequent crammed
student that is activities are those related to
experiencing math because I'm not good at


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

cramming, what are the math, and the difficult activities

activities do you often that takes a long time to
cram? Why these accomplish, because that's what
activities? Kindly I do when doing my activities. I
specify and elaborate. prioritize the easier ones.

(Bilang isang Grade 11

STEM student na
nakakaranas ng
cramming, ano ang
mga aktibidad na
madalas mong i-cram?
Bakit ang mga
aktibidad na ito?
Tukuyin at i-elaborate.)
6. As a student that has Yeah. I also cram with
the cramming behavior housework, because usually
with schoolwork, does when I am ordered to wash the
your cramming dishes, I’ll say, “wait, I’m gonna
behaviour only apply in do that later” then I forgot about
academics or also in it and the next morning it is still
your household chores? there. Moreover when I am
Please give at least one asked to do something, I always
situation. say, “Just wait”, because there
are times that I’m too lazy to do
(Bilang isang mag- something or anything.
aaral na may cramming
behaviour sa mga
gawaing pampaaralan,
ang iyong cramming
behaviour ba ay
nakalapat lamang sa
iyong akademiks o pati
sa mga gawaing
bahay? Mangyari
lamang na magbigay ng
di bababa sa
7. Having a lot of work Yes, because everyone has the
and activities usually right to rest, so I think I need to
results into cramming, take a break occasionally, and
as a student, do you sometimes I have to do
think your reasons are or prioritize the things that are
valid when it comes to important to me.
your cramming
behaviour? Why or why

(Ang pagkakaroon ng
maraming trabaho at
aktibidad ay
nagreresulta sa
cramming, bilang isang
estudyante, sa iyong
palagay, katanggap-


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

tanggap ba ang mga

dahilan mo kung bakit
ka nagka-cram?)
8. Can you please state the As I said before, the housework
different reasons why and because we have a store in
you have to cram your our house I’m obligated to take
academic activities so care or watch over it, even if I
often? have a class at home or while
doing school works, so it’s tiring
(Maaari mo bang for me, and then the other one is
sabihin ang iba't ibang the “manana habit” in which I’d
dahilan kung bakit say “Just wait, I can do that” I
kailangan mon i-cram also would like to add that when
nang madalas ang I know the activity is easy, I
iyong mga gawaing won’t prioritize it; I’ll say “oh
pang-akademiko?) it’s not that hard, I’m just gonna
focus on the hard things first”.

9. From your experiences, The advantage of cramming is

can you please tell us that, as far as I can see, I can do
the advantages and my activities better when the
disadvantages of deadline is near because I am a
cramming? person who will work harder
when the deadline is near. Then
(Mula sa iyong mga the disadvantage of cramming is
karanasan, maaari mo that sometimes, when the
bang sabihin ang deadline is near, I’m pressured
advantage at because I might not be able to
disadvantage ng pass it on time. “Why didn't I do
cramming?) it earlier?”

10. As a Grade 11 student, Somehow, I can say that it helps

what are your because when the deadline is
realizations and near, I am working hard and I
learnings when it comes am able to do the activities that I
to your cramming? should be doing. I think it helps
Does cramming me as a student; it’s more
actually help you or effective for me when the
not? Please elaborate deadline is near. Besides, my
your answer. brain and body are working hard
because I can hear my brain
(Bilang isang mag- shouting, “the deadline is near,
aaral sa Baitang 11, the deadline is near”, so I’m
ano ang iyong mga forced to work fast, and at the
napagtanto at same time, it has a bad effect
natutunan pagdating sa because you cram so much that
iyong cramming? you don’t know what you’re
Nakakatulong ba sa iyo doing, so the activity you
ang cramming o hindi? produced has a low quality, and
Paki-elaborate ang your activity looks rushed. So I
iyong sagot.) think to myself, I want to change
that behavior because it is not
good as a student; you don’t give
your best when you cram.


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

Respondent #2
1. As a Grade 11 STEM One of the reason why I usually
student, what are the cram is I like cramming, because
reasons of your other students also cram their
cramming when it work, and I also like to play
comes to your academic online games, which I prioritize
activities? more than my schoolwork.

(Bilang isang
estudyante ng Grade 11
STEM, anu-ano ang
mga dahilan kung bakit
ka nagka-cram
pagdating sa iyong mga
2. Why are you Like I said before, I cram
experiencing cramming because I do a lot, not just in my
with your academic games but also in my household
activities? Elaborate chores, especially since I am
your answer briefly. usually alone and there are also
many activities, so I tend to cram
(Bakit ka nakararanas day by day, but I cram for
ng cramming pagdating almost a week before I do the
sa iyong mga gawaing stockpiled activities.
3. As a Grade 11 STEM I can say that I’am a frequent
student, how frequently crammer, like almost every time
you are cramming in since I prioritize my gaming
your school activities? time and my chores at home
compared to studying, but if I'm
(Bilang isang going to cram, I tend to finish
estudyante ng Grade 11 my work in quite considerable
STEM student, gaano time, because I can finish my
ka kadalas mag-cram works faster when I’m in
sa iyong mga gawaing pressure.
4. As a student that deals I also need to cram because there
with school activities, are some activities that a teacher
do you frequently have just gave, and then there are new
to cram? activities that it overlaped, so I
need to cram because the due
(Bilang isang mag- dates are at a same time span.
aaral na gumagawa ng
mga aktibidad sa
paaralan, bakit
kailangan mong mag-
cram nang madalas?)
5. sAs a Grade 11 STEM Most of the activities that I often
student that is cram are essays since I don't like
experiencing writing essays. I don't like
cramming, what are the literature and other stuff like


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

activities do you often that, so I don't do them unless it's

cram? Why these last minute.
activities? Kindly
specify and elaborate.

(Bilang isang Grade 11

STEM student na
nakakaranas ng
cramming, ano ang
mga aktibidad na
madalas mong i-cram?
Bakit ang mga
aktibidad na ito?
Tukuyin at i-elaborate.)
6. As a student that has I can definitely say that my
the cramming behavior cramming behavior applies not
with schoolwork, does only to academics but also to
your cramming household chores since there is a
behaviour only apply in lot of work to do when I get
academics or also in home, which is like around 10
your household chores? p.m. There is a lot of work at
Please give at least one home, and in academics there is
situation. also a lot to do. Sometimes I do
cram this academic activities
(Bilang isang mag- because I prefer to rest or play
aaral na may cramming games.
behaviour sa mga
gawaing pampaaralan,
ang iyong cramming
behaviour ba ay
nakalapat lamang sa
iyong akademiks o pati
sa mga gawaing
bahay? Mangyari
lamang na magbigay ng
di bababa sa
7. Having a lot of work As a student who always cram, I
and activities usually think that even though I always
results into cramming, cram, my reason is not
as a student, do you acceptable because I cram
think your reasons are because of games. Other than
valid when it comes to that reason, I think it's valid
your cramming since there is a lot of work and
behaviour? Why or why I'm the only one at home, so
not? sometimes my reason for
(Ang pagkakaroon ng cramming is also acceptable.
maraming trabaho at
aktibidad ay
nagreresulta sa
cramming, bilang isang
estudyante, sa iyong
palagay, katanggap-
tanggap ba ang mga


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

dahilan mo kung bakit

ka nagka-cram?)
8. Can you please state the First are the games, like I said
different reasons why before since I need to be online
you have to cram your every day. Second, there is
academic activities so plenty of work, so I must cram
often? because of that. Third are other
responsibilities aside from
(Maaari mo bang academics and household
sabihin ang iba't ibang chores.
dahilan kung bakit
kailangan mon i-cram
nang madalas ang
iyong mga gawaing
9. From your experiences, So in terms of advantages uhm,
can you please tell us the advantages are that I can
the advantages and enjoy myself more and I have
disadvantages of more time for myself now, the
cramming? disadvantage is that, it doesn't
have a huge effect on my
(Mula sa iyong mga working schedule. So the
karanasan, maaari mo disadvantage of cramming is that
bang sabihin ang I have so little time that I don't
advantage at often put my effort on what I'm
disadvantage ng doing, resulting in
cramming?) underperformance already.
10. As a Grade 11 student, If you ask me, cramming helps
what are your me since my brain works faster
realizations and when I'm in a rush. I'm able to
learnings when it comes think faster when I cram, and it
to your cramming? helps me finish tasks sooner.
Does cramming What I learned from cramming
actually help you or is that your brain will not always
not? Please elaborate work as it normally should.
your answer.

(Bilang isang mag-

aaral sa Baitang 11,
ano ang iyong mga
napagtanto at
natutunan pagdating sa
iyong cramming?
Nakakatulong ba sa iyo
ang cramming o hindi?
Paki-elaborate ang
iyong sagot.)

Respondent #3
1. As a Grade 11 STEM Sometimes I chill too much, and
student, what are the sometimes I also stockpile it for
reasons of your when I do it, I do it all at the
cramming when it same time. And sometimes I
comes to your academic prioritize things that are more
activities? important.


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

(Bilang isang
estudyante ng Grade 11
STEM, anu-ano ang
mga dahilan kung bakit
ka nagka-cram
pagdating sa iyong mga
2. Why are you I want to do it at the same time,
experiencing cramming that’s why I cram. I’m
with your academic stockpiling my activities I don't
activities? Elaborate do it ahead of time, and I
your answer briefly. prioritize playing more than
schoolwork, so I get piled up
(Bakit ka nakararanas with my schoolwork and that’s
ng cramming pagdating the reason why I do cram.
sa iyong mga gawaing
3. As a Grade 11 STEM Uhm, often, because I rarely
student, how frequently check canvas. Because of that,
you are cramming in sometimes I forget that I have
your school activities? some tasks to do. And I also
cram in case there is a lot to do
(Bilang isang that day, for example there is a
estudyante ng Grade 11 quiz or exam the next day I need
STEM student, gaano to review last minute.
ka kadalas mag-cram
sa iyong mga gawaing
4. As a student that deals If you don't do it on time, you're
with school activities, works are going to get really
do you frequently have crammed. uhm, when you didn't
to cram? make the due deadline, because
you were having too much time
(Bilang isang mag- to chill like having no time for
aaral na gumagawa ng academics, and I’m also often
mga aktibidad sa filled with school works and I do
paaralan, bakit that when it’s really too much
kailangan mong mag- and that’s why I do cram
cram nang madalas?)
5. As a Grade 11 STEM I am late doing my activities that
student that is are given online because, when
experiencing they are given online, it is 1
cramming, what are the week before it is needed to
activities do you often handover. So, I'm saving it, and
cram? Why these then I'll make it when the
activities? Kindly deadline near.
specify and elaborate.

(Bilang isang Grade 11

STEM student na
nakakaranas ng
cramming, ano ang
mga aktibidad na


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

madalas mong i-cram?

Bakit ang mga
aktibidad na ito?
Tukuyin at i-elaborate.)
6. As a student that has I also cram a lot, but it's not
the cramming behavior good because I only cram in
with school work, does academics because I'm fine at
your cramming home. And sometimes I also
behaviour only apply in have a lot of things at home that
academics or also in I have to do and sometimes I
your household chores? wait for the work to get more
Please give at least one before I clean and do my
situation. household chores and that’s the
reason why I cram.
(Bilang isang mag-
aaral na may cramming
behaviour sa mga
gawaing pampaaralan,
ang iyong cramming
behaviour ba ay
nakalapat lamang sa
iyong akademiks o pati
sa mga gawaing
bahay? Mangyari
lamang na magbigay ng
di bababa sa
7. Having a lot of work Yes, if you are doing priorities,
and activities usually it is valid for me to cram when
results into cramming, the things that are being done are
as a student, do you your priorities. And usually, I
think your reasons are also have things to prioritize and
valid when it comes to I need to do them more than
your cramming schoolwork.
behaviour? Why or why
(Ang pagkakaroon ng
maraming trabaho at
aktibidad ay
nagreresulta sa
cramming, bilang isang
estudyante, sa iyong
palagay, katanggap-
tanggap ba ang mga
dahilan mo kung bakit
ka nagka-cram?)
8. Can you please state the because I was at church and had
different reasons why a family outing, and sometimes I
you have to cram your get home late when I go out, so I
academic activities so do it late in the evening, and I
often? will do it all at the same time
and that is cramming.
(Maaari mo bang
sabihin ang iba't ibang
dahilan kung bakit


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

kailangan mon i-cram

nang madalas ang
iyong mga gawaing
9. From your experiences, The advantage seems to be that
can you please tell us at first you will be chill; you
the advantages and have priorities to do first before
disadvantages of you do what you have to do in
cramming? academics, but the disadvantage
is that you will cram and then
(Mula sa iyong mga chase after it, and then what if
karanasan, maaari mo you are not okay with the
bang sabihin ang assignment or the deadline is
advantage at that you are not available? That's
disadvantage ng the disadvantage that should
cramming?) have been done before or even in
your free time so that you don't
10. As a Grade 11 student, No, it's not okay for me. Because
what are your there are times when I don't do
realizations and it, it gets missed because I forget
learnings when it comes about the deadline. I can't do it
to your cramming? anymore, and it's gone from my
Does cramming mind. While I was saving, the
actually help you or other deadline was already
not? Please elaborate approaching. It is not okay for
your answer. me.

(Bilang isang mag-

aaral sa Baitang 11,
ano ang iyong mga
napagtanto at
natutunan pagdating sa
iyong cramming?
Nakakatulong ba sa iyo
ang cramming o hindi?
Paki-elaborate ang
iyong sagot.)

Respondent #4
1. As a Grade 11 STEM You don't know what to
student, what are the prioritize and to do. You also
reasons of your don't know how to handle your
cramming when it time as a grade 11 student
comes to your academic because you have
activities? responsibilities in school and at
home at the same time.
(Bilang isang
estudyante ng Grade 11
STEM, anu-ano ang
mga dahilan kung bakit
ka nagka-cram
pagdating sa iyong mga


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

2. Why are you Because sometimes I'm chilling

experiencing cramming too much and my mind says that
with your academic “I'll finish my school work
activities? Elaborate tomorrow" until my school work
your answer briefly. gets stock piled.

(Bakit ka nakararanas
ng cramming pagdating
sa iyong mga gawaing
3. As a Grade 11 STEM I’m cramming often, because
student, how frequently sometimes my mindset is “I
you are cramming in don’t want to be stressed” so
your school activities? while chilling, as the day passes
by, I’m already starting to get
(Bilang isang pressured and cram.
estudyante ng Grade 11
STEM student, gaano
ka kadalas mag-cram
sa iyong mga gawaing
4. As a student that deals I don't have any good reason to
with school activities, cram but I already used to do it
do you frequently have in my schoolwork and I do cram
to cram? when there is really a lot or the
tasks have accumulated
(Bilang isang mag-
aaral na gumagawa ng
mga aktibidad sa
paaralan, bakit
kailangan mong mag-
cram nang madalas?)
5. As a Grade 11 STEM I often cram if my pending work
student that is is research related. And I also
experiencing cram in my other schoolwork
cramming, what are the like my performance task in oral
activities do you often communication or lecture in
cram? Why these general biology
activities? Kindly I do it in the last minute.
specify and elaborate.

(Bilang isang Grade 11

STEM student na
nakakaranas ng
cramming, ano ang
mga aktibidad na
madalas mong i-cram?
Bakit ang mga
aktibidad na ito?
Tukuyin at i-elaborate.)
6. As a student that has Yes, I'm always prioritizing
the cramming behavior doing my household chores
with school work, does rather than doing my school
your cramming work because it is my way to be
behaviour only apply in


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

academics or also in more focused on doing my

your household chores? homework.
Please give at least one

(Bilang isang mag-

aaral na may cramming
behaviour sa mga
gawaing pampaaralan,
ang iyong cramming
behaviour ba ay
nakalapat lamang sa
iyong akademiks o pati
sa mga gawaing
bahay? Mangyari
lamang na magbigay ng
di bababa sa
7. Having a lot of work No, because I'm always
and activities usually prioritizing the things that will
results into cramming, not help me that's why I cram.
as a student, do you My reason for my cramming
think your reasons are behavior is not valid.
valid when it comes to
your cramming
behaviour? Why or why
(Ang pagkakaroon ng
maraming trabaho at
aktibidad ay
nagreresulta sa
cramming, bilang isang
estudyante, sa iyong
palagay, katanggap-
tanggap ba ang mga
dahilan mo kung bakit
ka nagka-cram?)
8. Can you please state the I'm starting to do my schoolwork
different reasons why but when I get tired, my mind
you have to cram your says that "I will continue
academic activities so finishing this later" until my
often? school work gets stockpiled.

(Maaari mo bang
sabihin ang iba't ibang
dahilan kung bakit
kailangan mon i-cram
nang madalas ang
iyong mga gawaing
9. From your experiences, The advantages of cramming for
can you please tell us me is it helps me do my
the advantages and schoolwork fast and you will
disadvantages of have free time to play online
cramming? games while the disadvantage of


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

cramming for me is I have no

(Mula sa iyong mga clue what to do first and how can
karanasan, maaari mo I focus because I'm starting to
bang sabihin ang cram.
advantage at
disadvantage ng
10. As a Grade 11 student, Yes, it helps me manage my
what are your time and I realized that I need to
realizations and prioritize the important things
learnings when it comes and I can also already focus on
to your cramming? my school works.
Does cramming
actually help you or
not? Please elaborate
your answer.

(Bilang isang mag-

aaral sa Baitang 11,
ano ang iyong mga
napagtanto at
natutunan pagdating sa
iyong cramming?
Nakakatulong ba sa iyo
ang cramming o hindi?
Paki-elaborate ang
iyong sagot.)

Respondent #5
1. As a Grade 11 STEM The main reason for my
student, what are the cramming is I always choose to
reasons of your chill and to play online games. I
cramming when it procrastinate because of my play
comes to your academic time so I cram my assignments
activities? more often

(Bilang isang
estudyante ng Grade 11
STEM, anu-ano ang
mga dahilan kung bakit
ka nagka-cram
pagdating sa iyong mga
2. Why are you I don't want to be stressed
experiencing cramming because it is stressful when you
with your academic always think about it. I always
activities? Elaborate stockpile my activities before I
your answer briefly. do it all at the same time.

(Bakit ka nakararanas
ng cramming pagdating
sa iyong mga gawaing


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

3. As a Grade 11 STEM Every time I have an activity

student, how frequently that I don't like I’m not doing it,
you are cramming in but if I like the activity, I always
your school activities? finish it on time. But sometimes
when I’m loaded in task, I need
(Bilang isang to cram it.
estudyante ng Grade 11
STEM student, gaano
ka kadalas mag-cram
sa iyong mga gawaing
4. As a student that deals It is not necessary to do but I
with school activities, always choose to chill, and I also
do you frequently have don't want to think about my
to cram? school work. I always prioritize
playing games because I'm lazy.
(Bilang isang mag-
aaral na gumagawa ng
mga aktibidad sa
paaralan, bakit
kailangan mong mag-
cram nang madalas?)
5. As a Grade 11 STEM I'm starting to do my school
student that is work like quizzes and
experiencing assignments if it is due at the
cramming, what are the same day. Then the activity that
activities do you often I also cram is my major subjects,
cram? Why these I cram it when there is a lot to
activities? Kindly do.
specify and elaborate.

(Bilang isang Grade 11

STEM student na
nakakaranas ng
cramming, ano ang
mga aktibidad na
madalas mong i-cram?
Bakit ang mga
aktibidad na ito?
Tukuyin at i-elaborate.)
6. As a student that has It is stressful because they give
the cramming behavior too much school works. And In
with school work, does household chores I will do it
your cramming when there’s a lot to do and
behaviour only apply in when it’s loaded and that’s how
academics or also in I cram.
your household chores?
Please give at least one

(Bilang isang mag-

aaral na may cramming
behaviour sa mga
gawaing pampaaralan,
ang iyong cramming
behaviour ba ay


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

nakalapat lamang sa
iyong akademiks o pati
sa mga gawaing
bahay? Mangyari
lamang na magbigay ng
di bababa sa
7. Having a lot of work My reason for my cramming
and activities usually behavior was not good for me
results into cramming, because I think it is selfish
as a student, do you because I always choose to
think your reasons are prioritize myself over finishing
valid when it comes to my work.
your cramming
behaviour? Why or why
(Ang pagkakaroon ng
maraming trabaho at
aktibidad ay
nagreresulta sa
cramming, bilang isang
estudyante, sa iyong
palagay, katanggap-
tanggap ba ang mga
dahilan mo kung bakit
ka nagka-cram?)
8. Can you please state the I prioritize my household chores
different reasons why like cooking and buying at the
you have to cram your market rather than doing my
academic activities so school work.

(Maaari mo bang
sabihin ang iba't ibang
dahilan kung bakit
kailangan mon i-cram
nang madalas ang
iyong mga gawaing
9. From your experiences, The advantages of cramming for
can you please tell us me were 1st, I'm not stressed.
the advantages and 2nd, I can do everything I want
disadvantages of while having no stress. The
cramming? disadvantage of this is that if the
deadline is coming, I'm doing
(Mula sa iyong mga my work fast and sometimes I'm
karanasan, maaari mo doing it wrong because I'm
bang sabihin ang already cramming.
advantage at
disadvantage ng
10. As a Grade 11 student, Cramming helps me by learning
what are your new things and if I want that
realizations and thing, I can finish it because of
learnings when it comes cramming.


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

to your cramming?
Does cramming
actually help you or
not? Please elaborate
your answer.

(Bilang isang mag-

aaral sa Baitang 11,
ano ang iyong mga
napagtanto at
natutunan pagdating sa
iyong cramming?
Nakakatulong ba sa iyo
ang cramming o hindi?
Paki-elaborate ang
iyong sagot.)

Respondent #6
1. As a Grade 11 STEM First of all, I cram because
student, what are the sometimes there's a topic that I
reasons of your don't understand and sometimes
cramming when it I'm late because there's a lot to
comes to your academic learn when it comes to being a
activities? STEM student.

(Bilang isang
estudyante ng Grade 11
STEM, anu-ano ang
mga dahilan kung bakit
ka nagka-cram
pagdating sa iyong mga
2. Why are you I experience cramming because
experiencing cramming every time there is an activity or
with your academic topic, I’m just ignoring it and
activities? Elaborate I’m gonna study a night before
your answer briefly. the exam.

(Bakit ka nakararanas
ng cramming pagdating
sa iyong mga gawaing
3. As a Grade 11 STEM I often cram before exam.
student, how frequently Cramming helps me to
you are cramming in remember different topics and
your school activities? information for a short period of
(Bilang isang
estudyante ng Grade 11
STEM student, gaano
ka kadalas mag-cram
sa iyong mga gawaing


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

4. As a student that deals Yes. To understand and do

with school activities, properly the activities that need
do you frequently have to be passed. It also helps me to
to cram? do my priorities first.

(Bilang isang mag-

aaral na gumagawa ng
mga aktibidad sa
paaralan, bakit
kailangan mong mag-
cram nang madalas?)
5. As a Grade 11 STEM I often cram precal, probability,
student that is and biology because these are
experiencing the most difficult subjects in
cramming, what are the STEM. And the reason why I
activities do you often cram it because when there’s a
cram? Why these quiz in these subject I review it
activities? Kindly in the middle of the night or in
specify and elaborate. the last minute.

(Bilang isang Grade 11

STEM student na
nakakaranas ng
cramming, ano ang
mga aktibidad na
madalas mong i-cram?
Bakit ang mga
aktibidad na ito?
Tukuyin at i-elaborate.)
6. As a student that has Maybe academically based
the cramming behavior because that's all I cram. I’m not
with school work, does cramming in household chores
your cramming because when I come home my
behaviour only apply in mother already clean the house.
academics or also in
your household chores?
Please give at least one

(Bilang isang mag-

aaral na may cramming
behaviour sa mga
gawaing pampaaralan,
ang iyong cramming
behaviour ba ay
nakalapat lamang sa
iyong akademiks o pati
sa mga gawaing
bahay? Mangyari
lamang na magbigay ng
di bababa sa
7. Having a lot of work No, because the reason why I
and activities usually cram is I'm too lazy to do my
results into cramming, work so I'll do it tomorrow or
as a student, do you the next day. And that is


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

think your reasons are unacceptable to me, so I’m

valid when it comes to practicing to not cram so I can’t
your cramming get used to it.
behaviour? Why or why
(Ang pagkakaroon ng
maraming trabaho at
aktibidad ay
nagreresulta sa
cramming, bilang isang
estudyante, sa iyong
palagay, katanggap-
tanggap ba ang mga
dahilan mo kung bakit
ka nagka-cram?)
8. Can you please state the Because I'm a little weak in
different reasons why academic subjects especially
you have to cram your when it comes to proba, precal
academic activities so and biology, it's hard to
often? memorize the formulas and the
theories contained in it.
(Maaari mo bang
sabihin ang iba't ibang
dahilan kung bakit
kailangan mon i-cram
nang madalas ang
iyong mga gawaing
9. From your experiences, You will be in a hurry with your
can you please tell us work, especially for the exam,
the advantages and you really need to study
disadvantages of everything from the start, so
cramming? cramming is a bit confusing,
then the advantages are that
(Mula sa iyong mga when you cram, you will get
karanasan, maaari mo used to work under pressure and
bang sabihin ang you can use that in your future.
advantage at
disadvantage ng
10. As a Grade 11 student, Cramming can also help because
what are your I can see the improvements in
realizations and my scores, for example, before
learnings when it comes the exam, one day before the
to your cramming? exam, I cram and I can master
Does cramming the theories and formulas better,
actually help you or then the topics I understand them
not? Please elaborate better so I can answer properly.
your answer.

(Bilang isang mag-

aaral sa Baitang 11,
ano ang iyong mga
napagtanto at
natutunan pagdating sa


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

iyong cramming?
Nakakatulong ba sa iyo
ang cramming o hindi?
Paki-elaborate ang
iyong sagot.)

Respondent #7
1. As a Grade 11 STEM First of all, of course I cram
student, what are the because of my laziness. If I
reasons of your know the due date and the task is
cramming when it easy, I will do it the next day.
comes to your academic

(Bilang isang
estudyante ng Grade 11
STEM, anu-ano ang
mga dahilan kung bakit
ka nagka-cram
pagdating sa iyong mga
2. Why are you I experienced cramming because
experiencing cramming I take care of my priorities first
with your academic and also, I'm forgetting the given
activities? Elaborate tasks to me that why my works
your answer briefly. get stockpiled.

(Bakit ka nakararanas
ng cramming pagdating
sa iyong mga gawaing
3. As a Grade 11 STEM It depends on the activities that
student, how frequently my teacher gave to us, just like
you are cramming in my answer with question
your school activities? number 2

(Bilang isang
estudyante ng Grade 11
STEM student, gaano
ka kadalas mag-cram
sa iyong mga gawaing
4. As a student that deals I cram my activities to take care
with school activities, of my own needs, for example
do you frequently have playing games while having an
to cram? activity that I know I will not be
able to finish on time, it's either I
(Bilang isang mag- don't understand the given
aaral na gumagawa ng activity or for me it's too easy to
mga aktibidad sa accomplish so I'll do it the next
paaralan, bakit day.
kailangan mong mag-
cram nang madalas?)


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

5. As a Grade 11 STEM It's math related activities or

student that is subjects like precalculus,
experiencing genchem and statistics,
cramming, what are the sometimes it's easy sometimes
activities do you often it's hard. It also depends on the
cram? Why these time if we're going to do it right
activities? Kindly now or not.
specify and elaborate.

(Bilang isang Grade 11

STEM student na
nakakaranas ng
cramming, ano ang
mga aktibidad na
madalas mong i-cram?
Bakit ang mga
aktibidad na ito?
Tukuyin at i-elaborate.)
6. As a student that has Like with my academic
the cramming behavior activities, I also cram my
with school work, does household chores, for example
your cramming my mother ordered me to sweep
behaviour only apply in the floor, in my head she's in her
academics or also in office she's not going to know if
your household chores? I did her order right away or not
Please give at least one and eventually, I noticed that I
situation. need to cram it before my
mother goes home
(Bilang isang mag-
aaral na may cramming
behaviour sa mga
gawaing pampaaralan,
ang iyong cramming
behaviour ba ay
nakalapat lamang sa
iyong akademiks o pati
sa mga gawaing
bahay? Mangyari
lamang na magbigay ng
di bababa sa
7. Having a lot of work For me it depends, usually
and activities usually there's activities that I need to
results into cramming, accomplish as early as possible,
as a student, do you then the other activities will be
think your reasons are given to us so we'll be forced to
valid when it comes to prioritize the hard ones first
your cramming
behaviour? Why or why
(Ang pagkakaroon ng
maraming trabaho at
aktibidad ay
nagreresulta sa
cramming, bilang isang


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

estudyante, sa iyong
palagay, katanggap-
tanggap ba ang mga
dahilan mo kung bakit
ka nagka-cram?)
8. Can you please state the Sometimes I over grind a game
different reasons why and then I'll notice that I don't
you have to cram your have much time to turn in my
academic activities so works, and I prioritize other
often? things that are not important.

(Maaari mo bang
sabihin ang iba't ibang
dahilan kung bakit
kailangan moi-cram
nang madalas ang
iyong mga gawaing
9. From your experiences, The first advantage is that you
can you please tell us can finish your work
the advantages and immediately in one go. Second,
disadvantages of you can also study quickly on
cramming? the topics that you cover during
cramming. Then the
(Mula sa iyong mga disadvantage is that the result of
karanasan, maaari mo the activities done is that there is
bang sabihin ang good quality and there is poor
advantage at quality.
disadvantage ng
10. As a Grade 11 student, Sometimes it helps, sometimes it
what are your doesn't. Either way, you will
realizations and finish your work on time or not
learnings when it comes on time, so I can say that
to your cramming? cramming is not helpful because
Does cramming my works are not in good quality
actually help you or and the work will be missed on
not? Please elaborate due dates.
your answer.

(Bilang isang mag-

aaral sa Baitang 11,
ano ang iyong mga
napagtanto at
natutunan pagdating sa
iyong cramming?
Nakakatulong ba sa iyo
ang cramming o hindi?
Paki-elaborate ang
iyong sagot.)

Respondent #8
1. As a Grade 11 STEM I cram because I’m thinking
student, what are the about the time, my teachers give
reasons of your it a long due date, of course I


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

cramming when it won't do it right away but if the

comes to your academic deadline is within the day, I will
activities? do it right away.

(Bilang isang
estudyante ng Grade 11
STEM, anu-ano ang
mga dahilan kung bakit
ka nagka-cram
pagdating sa iyong mga
2. Why are you I'm thinking about the time
experiencing cramming within interval at that time, I'm
with your academic doing something else like more
activities? Elaborate on the cellphone or I'll do the
your answer briefly. previous activities first, the
activities that have a deadline
(Bakit ka nakararanas ahead of other activities.
ng cramming pagdating
sa iyong mga gawaing
3. As a Grade 11 STEM Uh, it depends on how much the
student, how frequently teacher gives. Of course, if it is
you are cramming in before the exam, they will give
your school activities? you activities, like, super many.
That happens all the time I cram
(Bilang isang because I can't do what they give
estudyante ng Grade 11 that many activities before the
STEM student, gaano exam.
ka kadalas mag-cram
sa iyong mga gawaing
4. As a student that deals Uhm, I have to cram often
with school activities, because I have other priorities,
do you frequently have I’m just not just answering the
to cram? activities and their requirements,
that's all.
(Bilang isang mag-
aaral na gumagawa ng
mga aktibidad sa
paaralan, bakit
kailangan mong mag-
cram nang madalas?)
5. As a Grade 11 STEM Maybe the quizzes but the PTs
student that is are not that much because they
experiencing are given higher. I often cram
cramming, what are the the quizzes because they are not
activities do you often too heavy like other tasks.
cram? Why these
activities? Kindly
specify and elaborate.

(Bilang isang Grade 11

STEM student na


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

nakakaranas ng
cramming, ano ang
mga aktibidad na
madalas mong i-cram?
Bakit ang mga
aktibidad na ito?
Tukuyin at i-elaborate.)
6. As a student that has Maybe in housework too. Like,
the cramming behavior for example, the parents will
with school work, does order, “do something” and then
your cramming you say "just wait" so that's
behaviour only apply in often.
academics or also in
your household chores?
Please give at least one

(Bilang isang mag-

aaral na may cramming
behaviour sa mga
gawaing pampaaralan,
ang iyong cramming
behaviour ba ay
nakalapat lamang sa
iyong akademiks o pati
sa mga gawaing
bahay? Mangyari
lamang na magbigay ng
di bababa sa
7. Having a lot of work Hmm, no, personally based on
and activities usually what I've noticed, it's not
results into cramming, acceptable because I should
as a student, do you prioritize the activities in school
think your reasons are because that's what they give to
valid when it comes to me.
your cramming
behaviour? Why or why
(Ang pagkakaroon ng
maraming trabaho at
aktibidad ay
nagreresulta sa
cramming, bilang isang
estudyante, sa iyong
palagay, katanggap-
tanggap ba ang mga
dahilan mo kung bakit
ka nagka-cram?)
8. Can you please state the Because right now, I said I was a
different reasons why bit lazy at first. So, cramming is
you have to cram your needed to meet the deadline.
academic activities so


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

(Maaari mo bang
sabihin ang iba't ibang
dahilan kung bakit
kailangan mon i-cram
nang madalas ang
iyong mga gawaing
9. From your experiences, Advantage? maybe you are fast,
can you please tell us there is a situation that pushes
the advantages and you to do something, that is. A
disadvantages of disadvantage, maybe you can get
cramming? used to it

(Mula sa iyong mga

karanasan, maaari mo
bang sabihin ang
advantage at
disadvantage ng
10. As a Grade 11 student, Uh, 50/50. It helps because I can
what are your do something within a time limit
realizations and faster. Maybe not within the
learnings when it comes time because I cram it, so it
to your cramming? helps because that makes the
Does cramming action faster. it doesn't help
actually help you or because, uh, we should be
not? Please elaborate punctual, be productive.
your answer.

(Bilang isang mag-

aaral sa Baitang 11,
ano ang iyong mga
napagtanto at
natutunan pagdating sa
iyong cramming?
Nakakatulong ba sa iyo
ang cramming o hindi?
Paki-elaborate ang
iyong sagot.)

Respondent #9
1. As a Grade 11 STEM One of the reasons why my
student, what are the activities got crammed is
reasons of your because of the assignments
cramming when it given by different teachers one
comes to your academic after another, and I also have
activities? responsibility for home chores.

(Bilang isang
estudyante ng Grade 11
STEM, anu-ano ang
mga dahilan kung bakit
ka nagka-cram
pagdating sa iyong mga


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

2. Why are you I experience cramming because I
experiencing cramming put my priorities first and I
with your academic forget the tasks, so I get
activities? Elaborate crammed.
your answer briefly.

(Bakit ka nakararanas
ng cramming pagdating
sa iyong mga gawaing
3. As a Grade 11 STEM Sometimes, I lose my motivation
student, how frequently and there are times when I have
you are cramming in problems and I lose the will to
your school activities? do the activities, so I am
overwhelmed by the activities
(Bilang isang and in the end, I cram and try to
estudyante ng Grade 11 accomplish my activities last
STEM student, gaano minute.
ka kadalas mag-cram
sa iyong mga gawaing
4. As a student that deals I cram in the activities because
with school activities, the different teachers give
do you frequently have different subjects one after the
to cram? other such as activities and
(Bilang isang mag-
aaral na gumagawa ng
mga aktibidad sa
paaralan, bakit
kailangan mong mag-
cram nang madalas?)
5. As a Grade 11 STEM The activities that I often
student that is struggle with and ended up
experiencing cramming are individual projects
cramming, what are the or individual activities because
activities do you often it's more difficult to do them
cram? Why these alone and I'm not good at them.
activities? Kindly
specify and elaborate.

(Bilang isang Grade 11

STEM student na
nakakaranas ng
cramming, ano ang
mga aktibidad na
madalas mong i-cram?
Bakit ang mga
aktibidad na ito?
Tukuyin at i-elaborate.)
6. As a student that has Sometimes, for example, in
the cramming behavior housework. I prioritize playing
with school work, does mobile games more than


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

your cramming washing dishes and cleaning the

behaviour only apply in house. Just like studying, I also
academics or also in prioritize playing basketball over
your household chores? doing the activities that the
Please give at least one teacher asks me to do.

(Bilang isang mag-

aaral na may cramming
behaviour sa mga
gawaing pampaaralan,
ang iyong cramming
behaviour ba ay
nakalapat lamang sa
iyong akademiks o pati
sa mga gawaing
bahay? Mangyari
lamang na magbigay ng
di bababa sa
7. Having a lot of work Sometimes, what I do is more
and activities usually important than the activities, so
results into cramming, when the deadline comes, I
as a student, do you cram.
think your reasons are
valid when it comes to
your cramming
behaviour? Why or why
(Ang pagkakaroon ng
maraming trabaho at
aktibidad ay
nagreresulta sa
cramming, bilang isang
estudyante, sa iyong
palagay, katanggap-
tanggap ba ang mga
dahilan mo kung bakit
ka nagka-cram?)
8. Can you please state the So, when I'm cram, I prefer to
different reasons why chill or just play outside
you have to cram your because, in my mind, it's easy.
academic activities so And sometimes I prioritize other
often? things than my schoolwork.

(Maaari mo bang
sabihin ang iba't ibang
dahilan kung bakit
kailangan mon i-cram
nang madalas ang
iyong mga gawaing
9. From your experiences, The advantage of cramming is
can you please tell us that I can boost myself and get
the advantages and used to what I’m doing, and the


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

disadvantages of disadvantage is that I stay awake

cramming? more and I don’t think about
(Mula sa iyong mga
karanasan, maaari mo
bang sabihin ang
advantage at
disadvantage ng
10. As a Grade 11 student, No, because sometimes when
what are your I'm cramming, it will last until
realizations and it's early in the morning and I
learnings when it comes have school the next day, so I
to your cramming? neglect myself and I'm sleep
Does cramming deprived when I go to school, so
actually help you or sometimes I just sleep in class
not? Please elaborate instead of listening to the
your answer. teacher.

(Bilang isang mag-

aaral sa Baitang 11,
ano ang iyong mga
napagtanto at
natutunan pagdating sa
iyong cramming?
Nakakatulong ba sa iyo
ang cramming o hindi?
Paki-elaborate ang
iyong sagot.)

Respondent #10
1. As a Grade 11 STEM I often cram because my
student, what are the schoolwork got stockpiled and
reasons of your I'm starting to be lazy.
cramming when it
comes to your academic

(Bilang isang
estudyante ng Grade 11
STEM, anu-ano ang
mga dahilan kung bakit
ka nagka-cram
pagdating sa iyong mga
2. Why are you The often reason for my
experiencing cramming cramming behavior is playing
with your academic online games like mobile
activities? Elaborate legends, league of legends and
your answer briefly. other games or other things
caught my attention.
(Bakit ka nakararanas
ng cramming pagdating
sa iyong mga gawaing


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

3. As a Grade 11 STEM I cram most of my activities that
student, how frequently were given, and I'll start to do it
you are cramming in on the last possible day it can,
your school activities? but sometimes I cram late in the
evening when there’s a lot to do.
(Bilang isang
estudyante ng Grade 11
STEM student, gaano
ka kadalas mag-cram
sa iyong mga gawaing
4. As a student that deals I always want to rest long and I
with school activities, will set aside my schoolwork for
do you frequently have a while, and I also do other
to cram? things before I do my school
(Bilang isang mag-
aaral na gumagawa ng
mga aktibidad sa
paaralan, bakit
kailangan mong mag-
cram nang madalas?)
5. As a Grade 11 STEM One example of the activity that
student that is I often cram was a performance
experiencing task because it is challenging to
cramming, what are the do, and it involves high grades.
activities do you often
cram? Why these
activities? Kindly
specify and elaborate.

(Bilang isang Grade 11

STEM student na
nakakaranas ng
cramming, ano ang
mga aktibidad na
madalas mong i-cram?
Bakit ang mga
aktibidad na ito?
Tukuyin at i-elaborate.)
6. As a student that has I definitely cram even in
the cramming behavior household chores like even when
with school work, does I saw it messy, I will just snob it.
your cramming And I will only do it when there
behaviour only apply in is a lot to do or when I really
academics or also in need to clean it.
your household chores?
Please give at least one

(Bilang isang mag-

aaral na may cramming
behaviour sa mga
gawaing pampaaralan,


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

ang iyong cramming

behaviour ba ay
nakalapat lamang sa
iyong akademiks o pati
sa mga gawaing
bahay? Mangyari
lamang na magbigay ng
di bababa sa
7. Having a lot of work Cramming is not valid for me
and activities usually because my main reason for that
results into cramming, is I’m just putting my
as a student, do you schoolwork away and I’m also
think your reasons are lazy.
valid when it comes to
your cramming
behaviour? Why or why
(Ang pagkakaroon ng
maraming trabaho at
aktibidad ay
nagreresulta sa
cramming, bilang isang
estudyante, sa iyong
palagay, katanggap-
tanggap ba ang mga
dahilan mo kung bakit
ka nagka-cram?)
8. Can you please state the One example of that is I get
different reasons why easily distracted and I often do
you have to cram your not go back to what I need to
academic activities so finish. And there’s a lot of thing
often? that can get my attention easily.

(Maaari mo bang
sabihin ang iba't ibang
dahilan kung bakit
kailangan moi-cram
nang madalas ang
iyong mga gawaing
9. From your experiences, The disadvantage of cramming
can you please tell us was the quality of my work was
the advantages and low while the advantage of it
disadvantages of was, I had a lot of time to rest.

(Mula sa iyong mga

karanasan, maaari mo
bang sabihin ang
advantage at
disadvantage ng
10. As a Grade 11 student, I realized that cramming doesn't
what are your really help us because I usually


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

realizations and need to finish it on time and

learnings when it comes because of cramming, the quality
to your cramming? of my work isn't that good.
Does cramming
actually help you or
not? Please elaborate
your answer.

(Bilang isang mag-

aaral sa Baitang 11,
ano ang iyong mga
napagtanto at
natutunan pagdating sa
iyong cramming?
Nakakatulong ba sa iyo
ang cramming o hindi?
Paki-elaborate ang
iyong sagot.)

Theme 1
Lived Experiences

Theme 2

Frequency of Cramming

Theme 3

Causes of Cramming

Theme 4

Effects of Cramming


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...


Amanda, & Jemimah. (2019). Why do students cram when it comes to exams? Organizing

Alzate, M. M. B., & Dela Cruz, A. A. (2022). Challenging prospective elementary teachers to
mitigate academic procrastination. Journal of Positive School Psychology.

Arhelo, D. (2022). Cramming doesn’t work. LinkedIn.
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Aschaffenburg, K., Bourdieu, P., Bray, M., Et al. (2011, March 8). Does cram schooling matter?
who goes to cram schools? evidence from Taiwan. International Journal of Educational

Bhandari, P. (2023, January 30). What is qualitative research?: Methods & exaples. Scribbr.

Bickerdike, A., & O’Deasmhunaigh, C., Et al. (2016). Learning strategies, study habits and
social networking activity of undergraduate medical students. International journal of
medical education.

Briones, V. A. C., & Valdez, M. A. A. (2019). Impact of Poor Time Management in the
Academic Performance. Bestlink College of the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary

Broer, M., & Kuijk, S., Et al. (2022, October 14). Study techniques: How cramming can help and
hurt your academic health. Studocu Blog.

Eryilmaz, S. (2011), Cramming: Why It’s Ineffective & Should Be Avoided. Stanford University.

Garg, V. (2022). Advantages and disadvantage of cramming for examination. Imphal Times.


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Huang, S., Deshpande, A., Chee, M., Et al. (2016). Sleep restriction impairs vocabulary learning
when adolescents cram for exams: The need for sleep study. OUP Academic.

Jayavelu, M. (2020). Why do students cram? The Mercury.

Kuan, P.-Y. (2011). Effects of cram schooling on mathematics performance: Evidence

McIntyre, S. (2016). Exploring cramming: Student behaviors, beliefs, and learning retention in
the principles of marketing course. Journal of Marketing Education.

McIntyre, S. H., & Munson, M. J. (2008). exploring cramming. Research Gate.

Patriarca, J. (2018). Laziness as a factor that affect the ACA. Scribbd.
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Ramos, N. M. C. (2018). The effect of being laziness in Academic Performance. Studocu.

Reich, J., & Hein, S., Et al. (2013). Associations between household responsibilities and
academic competencies in the context of education accessibility in Zambia. Learning and
individual differences.

Seo, E. H. (2010). Cramming, active procrastination, and academic achievement. Latest TOC

Tiboron, G. M. B., & Decano, R. S. (2021). Procrastination attitude of the senior high school
students in Modular Distance Learning Modality. Research and Scientific Innovation
Society (RSIS International).

Trabuco, T. M. (2017). A Research Paper on Common Roots of Cramming Dilemma Among


Wei, A., & Nguyen, L. (2023). Should students cram? The Argo.


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

Ye, O., & Ye, S. (2018). Cramming for tests is, unfortunately, effective.
Cramming for tests is, unfortunately, effective – Saratoga Falcon.


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Matt Enzo M. Baquing

Sexuality: Male

Address: #47 Justicia St., Arty Subdivision, Karuhatan,

Valenzuela City

Contact No.: 09638923402

Email Address:

LRN: 13682210123

Student Number: 01220001862


Personal Information

Date of Birth: August 20, 2006

Place of Birth: Manila City

Region: National Capital Region

Religion: Roman Catholic

Language (Mother Tongue): Tagalog

Nationality: Filipino

Skills and Talents: None


Educational Background


Name of Primary School: Caruhatan West Elementary School

Place of School (Full Address): 16 Gen. Luna, Maynila, Kalakhang Maynila

Academic Year: 2012-2018


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

Awards and Achievements: None


Name of Primary School: Caruhatan National High School

Place of School (Full Address): 16 Gen. Luna, Maynila, Kalakhang Maynila

Academic Year: 2018-2022

Awards and Achievements: None


Academic Strand: STEM

Grade and Section: 11 - 13

Name of University: Our Lady of Fatima

Place of University: 120 MacArthur Highway Valenzuela City, 1440 Metro Manila

Academic Year: 2022-2024

Awards and Achievements: None

“Old ways, won’t open new doors.”


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

Name: Cyril D. Espiloy

Sexuality: Male

Address: 64C Salazar Drive, Magsalin Cmpd., Balong Bato,

Quezon City

Contact No.: 09951649614

Email Address:

LRN: 136517120001

Student Number: 0122003712


Personal Information

Date of Birth: October 31, 2006

Place of Birth: MCU Hospital, Caloocan city

Region: National Capital Region

Religion: Roman Catholic

Language (Mother Tongue): Tagalog

Nationality: Filipino

Skills and Talents: None


Educational Background


Name of Primary School: Balong Bato elementary school

Place of School (Full Address): 21 Salazar Drive, Balong bato, Quezon City

Academic Year: 2011-2018

Awards and Achievements: None


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...


Name of Primary School: Tandang Sora Integrated School

Place of School (Full Address): 7th Avenue, East Grace Park

Academic Year: 2018-2022

Awards and Achievements: None


Academic Strand: STEM
Grade and Section: 11 - 13
Name of University: Our Lady of Fatima
Place of University: 120 MacArthur Highway Valenzuela City, 1440 Metro Manila
Academic Year: 2022-2024
Awards and Achievements: None

“Don't depend too much on anyone in this world

because even your own shadow leaves you when
you're in darkness.”


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

Name: Ralph V. Labrador

Sexuality: Male

Address: #3726 Bezotte St., Karuhatan, Valenzuela City

Contact No.: 09683104518

Email Address:

LRN: 136806130009

Student Number: 01220001953


Personal Information

Date of Birth: October 14, 2005

Place of Birth: Polo, Valenzuela City

Region: National Capital Region

Religion: Roman Catholic

Language (Mother Tongue): Tagalog

Nationality: Filipino

Skills and Talents: Arts, Singing, Dancing, Programming


Educational Background


Name of Primary School: Pasolo Elementary School

Place of School (Full Address): Pasolo Road, Valenzuela City

Academic Year: 2011-2018

Awards and Achievements:

- Top 1 (Grade 1)


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

- Top 8 (Grade 2 – Grade 5)

- Top 4 (Grade 6)


Name of Primary School: Valenzuela City School of Mathematics and Science

Place of School (Full Address): A. Pablo St. Malinta, Valenzuela City

Academic Year: 2018-2022

Awards and Achievements:

- With Honors (Grade 7 – Grade 10)

- Ranked as Pathfinder (Senior Scout)


Academic Strand: STEM

Grade and Section: 11 - 13

Name of University: Our Lady of Fatima

Place of University: 120 MacArthur Highway Valenzuela City, 1440 Metro Manila

Academic Year: 2022-2024

Awards and Achievements: None

“The louder and more intense the music, the more

it distracts me from the constant maelstrom of
thoughts in my brain.”


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

Name: Stephen Andrew A. Lim

Sexuality: Male

Address: 1200 Morong St. Brgy Malinta Valenzuela City

Contact No.: 09994894827

Email Address:

LRN: 136794110072

Student Number: 1220001205


Personal Information

Date of Birth: July 31, 2005

Place of Birth: Manila City

Region: National Capital Region

Religion: Roman Catholic

Language (Mother Tongue): Tagalog

Nationality: Filipino

Skills and Talents: Dancing


Educational Background


Name of Primary School: Dalandanan Elementary School

Place of School (Full Address): 124 S. Bernardo, Valenzuela City

Academic Year: 2011-2018

Awards and Achievements:

- Boy Scout of the Year (2017-2018)


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

- Top 2 in Rubiks Competition


Name of Primary School: Malinta National Highschool

Place of School (Full Address): A. Pablo St, Valenzuela, 1400 Metro Manila

Academic Year: 2018-2022

Awards and Achievements:

- Top 9 in Math Quiz Bee

- Top 5 Grade 7

- Service Excellence Award

- 1st place Sci-Mazing Race Competition

- 1st to 4th Quarter Academic Achiever in English 8

- Top 3 in MAPEH 8

- Top 1 in AP 8

- Ranked up into Pathfinder Rank in Boy Scout

- Top 3 Grade 8

- With High Honors Grade 9

- Top 1 Grade 9

- With Honors Grade 10


Academic Strand: STEM

Grade and Section: 11 - 13

Name of University: Our Lady of Fatima University


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

Place of University: 120 MacArthur Highway Valenzuela City, 1440 Metro Manila

Academic Year: 2022-2024

Awards and Achievements:

- With Honors 1st Sem

“Everything happens for a reason.”


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

Name: John Mart P. Madjos

Sexuality: Male

Address: 4287 G. Diam St., Gen T. De Leon, Valenzuela City

Contact No.: 09517767441


LRN: 136814110511

Student Number: 01220001933


Personal Information

Date of birth: October 5, 2006

Place Of Birth: Valenzuela City

Region: National Capital Region (NCR)

Religion: None

Language: Tagalog

Nationality: Filipino

Skills and Talent: Taekwondo, Wushu, Online games, Guitar, Electric Guitar, Drums


Educational Background


Name of Primary school: Gen T. Deleon Elementary School

Place Of school: 4014 Gen T. Deleon, Valenzuela City

Academic Year: 2010-2017

Award and Achievements

- Best In Science (Grade 1 SSC)


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

- Best In Mathematics (Grade 1 SSC)

- Top 13 (95% average)


Name Of Primary School: Gen T. Deleon National High School

Address: 2067 Gen. T. de Leon, Valenzuela, Metro Manila

Academic year: 2018-2021

Awards And Achievement

- Grade 7 (Top 7)

- Grade 8 (Top 4)


Academic Strand: STEM

Grade And Section: 11-13

Name Of University: Our Lady of Fatima

Place Of University: 120 MacArthur Highway, Valenzuela City, 1140 Metro Manila

Academic Year: 2022-2024

“No choice is still a choice.”


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

Name: Conrado T. Marcelo III

Sexuality: Male

Address: #3 Granada St. Bilog, Balangkas, Valenzuela City

Contact No.: 09682874945

Email Address:

LRN: 418565150041

Student Number: 01220018717


Personal Information

Date of Birth: 09-29-2005

Place of Birth: MCU Caloocan

Region: National Capital Region

Religion: Roman Catholic

Language (Mother Tongue): Tagalog

Nationality: Filipino

Skills and Talents: Playing basketball and guitar


Educational Background


Name of Primary School: Holy Trinity School

Place of School (Full Address): #86 Kings Village, Wawang Pulo, Valenzuela City

Academic Year: 2012-2018

Awards and Achievements:

With Honors


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...


Name of Primary School: Polo National High School

Place of School (Full Address): PVES compound Palasan Valenzuela City

Academic Year: 2018-2022

Awards and Achievements: With Honors


Academic Strand: STEM

Grade and Section: 11 - 13

Name of University: Our Lady of Fatima

Place of University: 120 MacArthur Highway Valenzuela City, 1440 Metro Manila

Academic Year: 2022-2024

Awards and Achievements: With Honors

“If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up.”


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

Name: Neil Arenz S. Obsioma

Sexuality: Male

Address: 16 Lansones St., Bilog, Balangkas, Valenzuela City

Contact no.: 09666144170

Email Address:

LRN: 407907160008

Student number: 01220005257


Personal Information

Date of Birth: December 9, 2005

Place of Birth: Caloocan City

Region: National Capital Region (NCR)

Religion: Christian/Baptist

Language: Tagalog

Nationality: Filipino

Skill and talents: Playing Basketball and Guitar


Educational Background


Name of Primarily school: Blessed Hope Christian Academy

Place of school (Full Address): Avocado St, Balangkas Valenzuela City

Academic Year: 2011-2017

Awards and Achievements: With honor batch 2016-2017


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...


Name of Primarily School: Polo National High School

Place of School (Full Address): 1444 Marcelo H. Del Pilar St, Poblacion Polo, Valenzuela city

Academic Year: 2018-2022

Awards and Achievements: With Honors (Batch 2022)


Academic Strand: STEM

Grade and Section: 11-13

Name of University: Our Lady of Fatima

Place of University: 120 McArthur Highway Valenzuela City, 1440 Metro Manila

Academic Year: 2022-2024

Awards and Achievements: None

“Tomorrow is another day for opportunity.”


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

Name: Khurt Ruszhell A Torres

Sexuality: Male

Address: 731 Porciuncula St, Coloong 1, Valenzuela City

Contact No: 09336610200

Email address:

LRN: 136807110254

Student Number: 01220001352


Personal Information

Date of birth: January 5, 2006

Place of birth: Sampaloc, Manila

Region: National Capital Region (NCR)

Religion: Born Again

Language: Tagalog

Nationality: Filipino

Skills and talents: None


Educational Background


Name of primary school: Polo National High school

Place of school address: 1444 Marcelo H. Del Pilar St, Poblacion Polo, Valenzuela, Metro

Academic year: 2012-2018


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...


Name of Primary school: Maysan National High School

Place of school address: Maysan Rd, Valenzuela, Metro Manila

Academic year: 2018-2022

Awards and Achievements:

- Top 5 (Grade 4)


Academic strand: STEM

Grade and Section:11-13

Name of University: Our Lady of Fatima

Place of University: 120 MacArthur Highway, Valenzuela, 1140 Metro Manila

Academic Year: 2022-2024

“Let go of who you think you’re supposed to be

and embrace who you are.”


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...


Respondent 1

Respondent 2


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

Respondent 3

Respondent 4


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

Respondent 5

Respondent 6


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

Respondent 7

Respondent 8


“11:59 PM”: A Phenomenological Study about...

Respondent 9

Respondent 10


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